term 1 newsletter 3/4jm · you need to sign me in at the office. i’m not allowed to come to the...

3/4JM Term 1 Newsletter Ms Murray Hi everyone at home, We have put together a ‘cheat sheet’ for you to keep somewhere safe while we get settled into our new class. Did you know we are a PEACE school? We want what you want and that is to provide a safe and supportive learning place for everyone. That’s why our teachers teach and model the behaviours we value in us. Each stage has made a list of PEACE behaviours that can help us be really successful at school. Here are some of the behaviours for our stage: Room Number 8 We are part of STAGE 2 Stage Leader Miss Wood School Learning Support Oicer Ms Strang KEY INFORMATION I stay on task even if I find it diicult I consider what other people need and how they are feeling I understand that it’s OK for others to have dierent opinions I work well in a pair or a team I always try my best at everything I do Sometimes things might not go to plan and mistakes might be made. The school has lots of strategies in place to reward us and to help us make better choices. You can read all about them by clicking this link or asking the oice to print a copy out for you. What are we learning about this term ? This term we are learning about fairytales and each Stage is trying to solve a problem. We are going to be reading, writing and talking about lots of characters and the things they did in their fairytale as we try to come up with a solution to our problem. Kindergarten and Year 1 parents will be invited to a Fairytale Ball at the end of term where we will share our learning and our artwork. The kids in Stages 2 and 3 will be planning the ball as part of their Maths learning.

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Page 1: Term 1 Newsletter 3/4JM · You need to sign me in at the office. I’m not allowed to come to the office without an adult. If I’m away I need to bring a note the next day to tell

3/4JMTerm 1

NewsletterMs MurrayHi everyone at home,

We have put together a ‘cheat sheet’ for you to keep somewhere safe while we get settled into our new class.

Did you know we are a PEACE school?

We want what you want and that is to provide a safe and supportive learning place for everyone. That’s why our teachers teach and model the behaviours we value in us. Each stage has made a list of PEACE behaviours that can help us be really successful at school.

Here are some of the behaviours for our stage:

Room Number 8

We are part of STAGE 2

Stage Leader Miss Wood

School Learning Support Officer Ms Strang


• I stay on task even if I find it difficult • I consider what other people need and how they

are feeling • I understand that it’s OK for others to have

different opinions • I work well in a pair or a team • I always try my best at everything I do

Sometimes things might not go to plan and mistakes might be made. The school has lots of strategies in place to reward us and to help us make better choices. You can read all about them by clicking this link or asking the office to print a copy out for you.

What are we learning about this term ? This term we are learning about fairytales and each Stage is trying to solve a problem. We are going to be reading, writing and talking about lots of characters and the things they did in their fairytale as we try to come up with a solution to our problem. Kindergarten and Year 1 parents will be invited to a Fairytale Ball at the end of term where we will share our learning and our artwork. The kids in Stages 2 and 3 will be planning the ball as part of their Maths learning.

Page 2: Term 1 Newsletter 3/4JM · You need to sign me in at the office. I’m not allowed to come to the office without an adult. If I’m away I need to bring a note the next day to tell

The Big Questions

When does home learning begin?

It started this week although we never get any in the first or last week of term. I get it on Monday and bring it back to school on Friday. It’s in my home learning journal, with my Reading Eggs and Mathletics log-in details. If the dog eats it, you can download another copy from the school website!


What do you do if you are worried about me?

Talk to my teacher first. If they can’t help, our stage leader Miss Wood will be able to. Throughout the year, there will be lots of opportunities for you to come into school and find out what I’ve been doing. My teacher has lots of meetings, so it’s best to make an appointment with them through the office. They have a list of times when my teacher is available.

What if I am late or away from school?

You need to sign me in at the office. I’m not allowed to come to the office without an adult. If I’m away I need to bring a note the next day to tell my teacher why. You can send a message through the SkoolBag app or call the office.

What do I need to bring to school?

I have to put my name on everything at school so I don’t lose things. To help me get settled, I really need these things pretty soon:

• A library bag• An art smock (an old t-shirt is fine)• Two boxes of tissues• An A4 book for home learning

Page 3: Term 1 Newsletter 3/4JM · You need to sign me in at the office. I’m not allowed to come to the office without an adult. If I’m away I need to bring a note the next day to tell


What am I expected to be able to do by the end of the year in literacy?

We begin each morning with a quick relaxation activity before we start learning. Our school has created a way of teaching so that each child will see the teacher for at least 20 minutes every day in a small group to help develop our reading. It is called the E4 model.

You’ll see in this table (right) what the NSW Department of Education expects me to know by the end of the year. My teacher knows me well and while this might be just right for me, for some others it might be a little too easy or a little too hard. It is just used as a guide.

We are really focusing on reading this year. You can help me here. I learn from being read to, reading with others and reading by myself. Have fun reading with me every day. Talk to me about stories, the language used and words in the story. Ask me some questions about the story such as:

“What do you think might happen next?” or

“Why do you think that?”

READING I can give examples of text evidence to support inference.

WRITING I can expand my ideas through the use of simple, compound and some complex sentences.

PUNCTUATION I can capitalise key events, geographic names and titles.

SPELLING I can recognise spelling errors in my own writing. I can write all words from the hundred high-frequency words correctly.

HANDWRITING I can write using a legible, fluent, personal handwriting style.

This is what I want my writing to look like by the end of the year:

The Princess and the Pea Re-tell (Co-Constructed by 3/4JM)

Once upon a time there was a King and Queen who had a kind and handsome son. The son was a prince. The Prince was old enough to get married, but he couldn’t find a real princess to marry. He was looking for a real Princess who wasn’t greedy or rude.

The Prince went around the whole wide world and he couldn’t find a real princess that he would like to marry. When he got home to the castle he was feeling sad, upset, lonely and tired because he hadn’t found a real princess.

One stormy night there was a strange knock at the door. The King wondered who would be knocking so late? He sent the guards to open the door. There in front of the guards stood a soaking wet girl. Her carriage had crashed and she was lost. She needed somewhere to sleep ,so she asked if she could stay for the night.

The King and Queen were excited because the girl might have been a Princess for the Prince to marry. The Queen made a test to make sure she was a real Princess.She put a green pea underneath twenty mattresses. If she was a real princess she wouldn’t be able to sleep because a real princess would be able to feel the pea as though it was a boulder under the mattress.

Page 4: Term 1 Newsletter 3/4JM · You need to sign me in at the office. I’m not allowed to come to the office without an adult. If I’m away I need to bring a note the next day to tell


What am I expected to be able to do by the end of the year in numeracy?

Our Maths learning happens straight after recess and we usually begin with a Maths challenge to memorise something. It could be Friends of 10 or our numbers to 20. We also get to see the teacher for 30 minutes during this rotation.

In the table on the right is what I am trying to learn by the end of this year.


I can read and write numbers beyond 1,000.


I can use the jump, split and compensation strategy to save problems using numbers up to five digits.


I can use multiplication and division as inverse operations.

We Can Do It

We love our ‘We Can Do It’ program and this year I will be learning:

• Gymnastics • Robotics • How to create music

Sometimes I will be in my own classroom and other times I will be with a different teacher in a different location.

Parents as Partners

I will learn much more when you are part of the school and talk about learning with me. Our teachers talk to us all the time about how the world is changing and what skills we will need to have for the future. Being independent is one of the best skills to have.

In this newsletter you will find an insert of ways to help me do this. They are tips from an expert!

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