term 2 week 8 thwednesday 14 june 2017€¦ · laws to ensure the safety of our students and school...

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Page 1: Term 2 Week 8 thWednesday 14 June 2017€¦ · laws to ensure the safety of our students and school community, especially in the Kiss and Ride Zone. Is your ... Week 9 we are holding

Term 2 Week 8 Wednesday 14th June 2017


Page 2: Term 2 Week 8 thWednesday 14 June 2017€¦ · laws to ensure the safety of our students and school community, especially in the Kiss and Ride Zone. Is your ... Week 9 we are holding

Term 2 Week 8 Wednesday 14th June 2017


DATES TO REMEMBER Fri 16 9:30am Whole School Assembly Mon 19 Environment Group garden day Lions

Club 2pm Special Stage 2 Assembly

regarding Camp Fri 23 9:30am Books in Homes Assembly Yrs 2, 3 & 4 selected students Regional Cross Country Wed 28 Red, black and yellow mufti day Jollybops Science Show NAIDOC week cupcake day Thurs 29 NAISDA Dance Workshop and

Performance, Wyong Arts Centre PSSA Basketball GALA Day Fri 30 9:30am Whole School Assembly Jump Rope for Heart LAST DAY OF TERM 2


Sat 19 Aug TEPS Annual Fair

Tues 12 Dec Year 6 Farewell at Diggers

KINDERGARTEN 2018 If you have a child or know of a child that may be starting at The Entrance Public School in 2018, could you please contact the office ASAP for enrolment and Headstart


PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Week 8 already and as always it is very busy at The Entrance Public School. Thank you to all the students for their outstanding representation at last weeks’ Reconciliation Assembly and the receiving of the message stick. Congratulations also to our Aboriginal student leaders who were outstanding representatives at this weeks’ message stick assembly at Berkley Vale Public School. It was a pleasure to hear our guest speakers talk about how passionate they are about our beautiful Central Coast and what family and kinship mean to them.

A reminder that for student safety the school gates are locked from 9:30am until 3.00pm, we welcome parental involvement in our wonderful school and visitors are reminded to sign in at the office between the times that the gates are locked. Visitors are reminded that lessons continue until 3.15pm and to be mindful not to disrupt learning for our students. Please also remember that as adults visiting the school you are expected to model appropriate behaviours in all areas of the school including the canteen, office and passage ways. Thank you for your assistance in making this great school even better.

Please also be aware that over the next few weeks the police will have a greater presence in the area especially around the school in the mornings and afternoons. I urge all motorists and pedestrians to continue to obey the road safety laws to ensure the safety of our students and school community, especially in the Kiss and Ride Zone.

Is your child making friends at school? Kids who get on at school tend to be more engaged in learning. Here are some ideas on how to help your child with social skills: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/wellbeing/development/how-friendships-boost-your-childs-learning

Mastering spelling: Are you checking your child’s weekly spelling homework? Try talking to your child about how you spell, and what you do when you don’t know how to spell a

word. Here’s some advice about how to help your child master spelling. Find out more: www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/homework-and-study/english/english-tips/getting-your-child-used-to-writing Have a great fortnight.

Mark Rudd Principal

Thank you to Lakeside Plaza and the following businesses:

Who all have donation boxes. Please drop your change in our boxes as the money will help upgrade our pre

school playground.

DEPUTY PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Week 8 is almost complete and I am hoping all our students and their families had a great long weekend.

Last week I had the opportunity to spend the day with K-6B, Mrs Best and Mrs Eastment in Newcastle at the Multi Sports Day. It was absolutely pouring with rain, which made for a very slow trip and all the activities had to be moved inside. However, we had a wonderful day! I was so proud of our K-6B students who tried their best at golf, netball and basketball. Their behaviour was beautiful and they were excellent role models to represent The Entrance Public School. A very big thank you to the amazing Mrs Best and Mrs Eastment. Their never-ending patience, love and kindness with their students is simply exemplary.

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Term 2 Week 8 Wednesday 14th June 2017



Thank you to all those students who have been sitting before the bell goes at 8:45am. As the weather is getting colder, students can stand and chat to their friends. Please no running or ball games.

The weather has become ICY cold! Please make sure you send your child with a LABELLED jacket or jumper each day. Please send me a note or email if you need assistance for a jacket or jumper for your child.

Have a great fortnight everyone. Keep warm.

Nicole Heazlewood Deputy Principal

K-6 B NEWS Last week we spent a day at a Multi-Sports Day at Newcastle University. Despite the challenge of torrential rain on the way up there, we had a fantastic time.

Our students all participated to the best of their ability in a range of sports and were a credit to TEPS with their positive behaviour and ‘can do’ attitude. Well done K6B!

COMMUNICATION Please remember if you need to tell us something important about your child for that day, the most reliable way of ensuring we get the message is to call the office. We often cannot check emails and messages during the day while we are on class, meaning that important information may be missed. If the message is not urgent, by all means email or message and we will get back to you when we have an opportunity. ASSEMBLY AWARDS Riley for great use of positional language. Cait for wonderful participation at the Athletics Carnival . HOME READING AWARDS Cait – 50 nights (Surf) Mary Best & Deb Eastment Support Class Team KINDERGARTEN NEWS

Home Reading Champions Kindergarten were very excited to begin home reading this term and I am so proud to see so many kindergarten children receiving awards at our morning assembly. Congratulations to the following

children for receiving their award for 25 nights of home reading:

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Term 2 Week 8 Wednesday 14th June 2017


KA: Chloe, Max, Hope, Parker, Savanna, Joanna, Josh, Aidan, Thomas

KD: Rosie, Declan, Ilana, Kyra, Michelle, Shakira

KQ: Samuel, Charlotte, Zardi, Ezra

KW: Lucas, Rivva, Keely, Ruby, Tayah, Ellie, Alyssa, Tegan

INDEPENDENT WRITING SAMPLES Independent writing is well and truly underway in all kindergarten classrooms. The kindergarten teachers are continually blown away by the amazing writing samples produced by our clever children. Check out the writing from these superstars!

Parker – KA

Ellie – KW Shakira - KD

Mariam – KQ

Bus Safety Talks Last week we attended a Bus Safety Talk. We learnt how to travel safely on the bus and tips for keeping ourselves safe when entering and exiting the bus. We talked about standing 2 steps away from the kerb and how to cross the road safely. The highlight for our children was getting to have a little turn sitting on the bus. Thank you Stephen – “Gumnuts” from the Red Bus Service.

Have a wonderful week!

Donna Andrews, Nicole Quye, Kurt Walker and Rebecca Prendergast STAGE 1 NEWS

We hope those Stage 1 speeches are coming along nicely. Plenty of time to practise as class speeches will take place in Weeks 8/9 or 10, with the Stage final in Week 2 of next term. We will advise the exact day and time closer to the date. If you have misplaced any notes about this, please see your child’s teacher.

A reminder that the Zoo excursion deposit of $10 needs to be paid by this Friday 16

th June to secure a seat on the bus.

If you have misplaced the original note, please see the office or your child’s teacher.

Congratulations to the following children who received a class award at our Stage 1 Assembly. Our clever home readers are included as well. 2K: Class Awards: Lilee – Fabulous independent work in Literacy groups Storm – Showing improved work habits

Value Awards: Halainah – Improved attitude and application in number work Saara – Displaying amazing resilience and perseverance 75 nights: A-Litkim and Zimaine 100 nights: Cameron & Saara 125 nights: Gabrielle 2P: Class Awards: Charlie – Taking a keen interest in reading & being a chapter book champion Mia – Trying extra hard to turn her week around and make great choices

Value Awards: Hope – Always having a ‘Red Hot’ go! Aidan – Trying his best to use hilarious character voices when reading

75 nights: Chaharna 100 nights: Gabriel

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Term 2 Week 8 Wednesday 14th June 2017


2L: Class Awards: Jade – Having an excellent attitude towards learning – especially maths! Mia – Always doing her personal best

Value Awards: Kayza – For being an ‘unstoppable’ learner Phylliss – Awesome attitude towards learning 1M: Class Award: Summer – Being a fantastic new class member Stevie-Mae – Being an amazing friend

Value awards: Katie – Creativity Jacob – Enthusiastic & entertaining class member 1K: Class Awards: Ziggie R – Always working to the best of her ability in literacy rotations Ruby – Being a persistent learner in all classroom activities

Value Awards: Sierra – Settling nicely into our classroom and TEPS! Tiayah – Welcome to 1K! 1B: Class Awards: Ashton – Demonstrating perseverance when writing Ayla – Trying hard to edit & correct her writing

Value Awards: Keiralea – For relating to her peers with kindness & care Blair – For being a kind and caring friend

Regards, Stage 1 Team STAGE 2 NEWS

Week 8 already, time fly’s when you’re having fun! Hope everyone enjoyed some inside time with your families over the wet long weekend. Whole School Assembly This Friday the 16

th of July there is a whole school

assembly in the hall, starting at 9.30am. Fortnightly Merit Awards for each class will be presented along

with a fabulous performance by 4N! All parents, caregivers and family members are invited to attend.

Mini Camp Assembly A reminder that next Monday the 19

th June, Week 9 we are

holding a special Stage 2 Assembly, after lunch at 2.00pm in the 4A & 4B classrooms (as the hall computer system is awaiting repairs). We would like to invite all parents, carers and family members of Stage 2 students to come along and share in our memorable moments. Some students will share their written recounts and we will watch a slide show presentation of all our wonderful experiences at Camp. We really hope you can make it.

Reports End of Semester 1 school reports will be distributed to all children, Monday the 26th of June, Week 10. These reports outline your child’s achievements and areas for development of Stage 2 outcomes in all Key Learning Areas. Take the time to sit down and discuss these reports with your child

and celebrate their learning achievements. Teachers have been busily assessing and writing these reports over the past week to keep you informed of your child’s ongoing progress at school. If you have any concerns or wish to discuss any part of this report, please contact the office to make a suitable time to meet with your child’s classroom teacher. Home Reading Program A reminder to all Stage 2 students to keep up the great reading each night and don’t forget to record it on your reading log, in order to receive your reading certificates. If you have misplaced your reading log, remember to get a replacement copy off your classroom teacher. We all have plenty to read after the kind donations of books from the Entrance Lions Club – so no excuses, remember the more you read the smarter you become! Stage 2 Teachers Mrs Haslam (4N), Ms Ambrose/Ms Brummel (4A), Mrs Bayfield/ Miss Cooper (4B), Mrs Canobie (3C), Mrs Kirk (3K) and Ms Wilson (3W) STAGE 3 NEWS

Hey Team, Year 6 - Save the Date The Year 6 Farewell this year will be held on Tuesday 12

th December. There will be a change in

venues this year. In recent years we have found the Shelly Beach Surf Club to be too small to accommodate the number of people at our event.

This year we have booked the function room at Diggers, The Entrance. Year 6 parents and caregivers, keep an eye out for a note coming home inviting you to be a part of the Year 6 Farewell organisation committee. Thank you in advance for your support in making this another spectacular event. Stage 3 Public Speaking Last week all Stage 3 students received a homework task, which involves them writing a speech to present to their class towards the end of the term. In Week 10 of this term, students will present their speech to their class and two nominated students from each class will proceed to the final stage of public speaking, competing against students from other classes on Stage 3. In Week 2, Term 3, s tage semi-finals will be held and a winner will be judged. Each Stage 3 class is spending some time in class outlining to students how to write an engaging speech. Tumbi Tasters- Coming Soon!!!! Notes will be sent home with information regarding the Tumbi HS Taster Program which gives Year 6 students the chance to experience subjects at High School. These taster sessions are scheduled for each week next term and students will joining with others from connected primary schools to experience high school life.

The program will commence in Week 2 of Term 3. Parents and caregivers are responsible for transporting students to and from these days.

Have a great week!

Russell Stefans Assistant Principal- Stage 3 [email protected]

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Term 2 Week 8 Wednesday 14th June 2017


The LaST News (Learning and Support Teachers) Books in Homes Book Giving Assembly Our final Book Giving Assembly will be held on Friday 23


June at 9:30 am. Thirty two students will receive books and these students will bring home an invitation prior to this date for parents and carers to attend. Our role model attending this assembly will be Claire Stuckey who is the children’s librarian at Gosford City Library.

Home Reading Well done to all our wonderful readers who are reaching their reading goals. Many students are now reaching the 100 nights of reading and are eligible for a ticket in the lucky book draw. Congratulations to Lily-Anne, Jakub, Kaiden, Aaliyah, Hannah and Gabrielle who have been the lucky recipients of some wonderful books.

Buds to Blossoms The Buds to Blossoms Program has been running this term for 10 girls in Year 6. The program aims to empower girls to be confident and deals with issues such as self-esteem, troubles with friends and understanding your emotions. The girls are enjoying their sessions with local Life Coaches Carol and Julie from Conscious Evolution Coaching Services and Mrs Harris. If your child completed Buds to Blossoms last term, keep an eye out for a note in their bag as we are asking parents to provide some information on how your daughter is going after being involved in the 8 weekly sessions.

Mindfulness Mindfulness has been running on Tuesdays at lunch for some students in Stage 2. During these sessions students learn to become aware of the space around them and learn how to not become overwhelmed or overly reactive. Research shows that Mindfulness can decrease stress levels and strengthen the ability we have to focus.

Sue Densmore and Jodie Harris Learning and Support Teachers


Laura Barsby and Kylie Saunders Aboriginal Teachers


What’s on @TEPSLibrary Returns Students will receive notices for overdue books this week as part of a mid-year loans check. If your child receives an overdue notice, please assist your child to locate their books at home and return them to the library. If there is an issue with an overdue book, please return the overdue note back to the library with an explanation so that the issue may be rectified. The library is open EVERYDAY for students to borrow and return books. We want your child to read as much and as often as they can. Please encourage to exchange their books regularly with the message that “Library day is everyday”. Authors, Authors Everywhere Students have had a great couple of weeks with various opportunities to connect with a range of authors. First, we had 50 students travel to Town Hall for the Sydney Writer’s Festival where they listened to Lauren Child, Matt Stanton, Kate Dicamillo and Jack Heath talk about the inspirations behind their stories and the tools they use to keep their inspiration going. Did you know that the Newberry award winning Kate Dicamillo received 473 rejection letters before a publisher decided her work was worth publishing? Next came BookFest. Students participated with their classes or applied for tickets to attend a BookFest session during lunch or recess. Aaron Blabey and Jeff Kinney were by far the most anticipated authors from the festival but with over a dozen authors/illustrators coming through via our virtual classroom facilities, there were definitely many opportunities to engage. This festival was an incentive of the Premier’s Reading Challenge, marking the halfway point for our challenge participants. TEPS was one of over 200 schools who tuned in for this event. Next term, Central Coast Libraries is bringing Oliver Phommavanh to The Entrance Public School. Stage 3 students will spend an afternoon with Oliver who is sure to share his hilarious antics and inspirations for writing. Stories are like magic but they do not appear out of thin air. Innocently, many children do not connect with the idea that an author is a real person. It is great to be able to draw this connection with our students and provide them with the confidence to read, write and draw for life. Sharlene Evans Librarian

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Term 2 Week 8 Wednesday 14th June 2017



On Tuesdays we will be making fresh spaghetti bolognaise from scratch in our canteen, it will be available for $2 at recess, and $4 at lunch time.


th June Razaan HELP NEEDED

Fri 16th Kylie, Chloe, Sarah


th Kristie, Rita, Breanna

Tues 20th Sammi, Sue, Elise

Wed 21st Kristie, Sarah

Thurs 22nd

Razaan HELP NEEDED Fri 23

rd Sarah, Kylie, Chloe

Mon 26th Kristie, Rita, Breanna

Tues 27th Sue, Elise

Wed 28th

Kristie, Sarah

Cheers, Emma Brophy 4333 5174

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Term 2 Week 8 Wednesday 14th June 2017


Page 9: Term 2 Week 8 thWednesday 14 June 2017€¦ · laws to ensure the safety of our students and school community, especially in the Kiss and Ride Zone. Is your ... Week 9 we are holding

Term 2 Week 8 Wednesday 14th June 2017


Page 10: Term 2 Week 8 thWednesday 14 June 2017€¦ · laws to ensure the safety of our students and school community, especially in the Kiss and Ride Zone. Is your ... Week 9 we are holding

Term 2 Week 8 Wednesday 14th June 2017