term paper in communication

Aklan Catholic College Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St. 5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines CHAPTER 1 Introduction Communication is an indispensable fact of human life. Firstly, a human being communicates with his/her mother even while in the womb, through the placenta. In the 10th week, he/she communicates with people via his/her sense organs. Over time, the effect and style of communication increase in complexity. As a social being, a human is required to communicate with other people for survival. Humans are influenced by the communication of the real world and vice-versa. Everyone communicates in one way or another, but very few people have mastered the skill of truly effective communication. Breakdowns in communication occur all too often and usually lead to a wide range of social problems, from hurt feelings and anger to divorce and even violence. Communication is both an expressive, message-sending, and a receptive, message-receiving, process. Failure to communicate effectively can be due to a problem on either or both ends of the process. 1

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Discusses he Essentials of Communication in Educational Management


Page 1: Term Paper in Communication

Aklan Catholic CollegeArchbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines



Communication is an indispensable fact of human life. Firstly, a human being

communicates with his/her mother even while in the womb, through the placenta. In the

10th week, he/she communicates with people via his/her sense organs. Over time, the

effect and style of communication increase in complexity. As a social being, a human is

required to communicate with other people for survival. Humans are influenced by the

communication of the real world and vice-versa.

Everyone communicates in one way or another, but very few people have

mastered the skill of truly effective communication. Breakdowns in communication occur

all too often and usually lead to a wide range of social problems, from hurt feelings and

anger to divorce and even violence.

Communication is both an expressive, message-sending, and a receptive,

message-receiving, process. Failure to communicate effectively can be due to a

problem on either or both ends of the process.

In today’s world, sometimes, called the “communication era”, educational

organizations are set up to integrate people into the new “communicative” world.

Effective communication in a school setting allows change and the proper shaping of

the world, as well as providing a great advantage for the school in reaching its

objectives. Maintaining an effective communication process in education depends on

the managers responsible for the educational settings, teachers, who play the most

fundamental role in the shaping of education, students, who have the potential to shape

the world, and families, which are important in shaping children as social beings.1

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Aklan Catholic CollegeArchbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines

Statement of the Problem

This paper intends to answer the following questions:

1. What is communication?

2. What is effective communication in educational management?

3. How essential is effective communication in educational management?

Significance of the Paper

The discussion of this paper will benefit the following:

Students. The discussion of this paper will benefit the students on how to communicate

properly and to holistically understand what is effective communication in education.

Teachers. This paper will help teachers to fully grasp what is their tasks in honing

effective communication skills in the life of the students how they will be able to cater

the importance of communication in their day to day lives.

Educational Managers. The discussion of the paper will be of help to different

educational managers on how to handle their subordinates and on how to communicate

with them effectively. Also, the paper intends to further the understanding of educational

managers to be able to express themselves well to people they interact with in their

duties and responsibilities as managers.

Future Researchers. This paper will be of help to the people who will also research

about this study. It may serve as their reference.

Definition of Terms


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The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined.

Communication. It is a knowledge-conveying process between a source and a

receiver who understands the message correctly. (İşcan, 2013).

In this paper, communication is the main topic that is being discussed and how

important it is to educational management.

Effective Communication. It is a key interpersonal skill and learning how we can

improve our communication to have many benefits. (Google)

In this paper, effective communication is discussed thoroughly to be able to give

information on how vital it is to educational management.

Management. It is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people. (Oxford


In this paper, management is solely the place where personnel work. It will be the

basis of how managers treat and handle their people.

Educational Management. It is both a field of academic study and a collective group of

professionals that includes principals, teachers and other education professionals.


In this paper, the discussion revolves on how effective communication affects

educational management of different educational managers. Also on how essential is

effective communication to educational management.

Essential. A thing that is absolutely necessary. ( Oxford Dictionary)

In this paper, the discussion revolves on how essential is effective

communication on educational management.


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In this chapter, the major findings, ideas, generalizations, principles, or

conclusions in related materials relevant to the study are discussed, summarized,

paraphrased, or synthesized.


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Humans seek to convey messages to each other in a family, school, classroom,

or indeed, in any social environment in order to pursue self-expression, establish their

perception of their surroundings, augment their awareness of others, and maintain their

existence as social beings.

The etymological origin of “communication” dates back to Latin, and the words

“communıs” and “communicare” (Gürüz Eğinli, 2008). Communication affects

people’s thoughts and attitudes as well as leading to the sharing of knowledge,

sensations, and thoughts. In other words, communication is a system of relationships to

convey knowledge between people (Gürüz Eğinli, 2008).

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to

another. Although this is a simple definition, when we think about how we may

communicate the subject becomes a lot more complex. There are various categories of

communication and more than one may occur at any time.

Different Categories of Communication

• Spoken or Verbal Communication: face-to-face, telephone, radio or television

and other media.

• Non-Verbal Communication: body language, gestures, how we dress or act -

even our scent.

• Written Communication: letters, e-mails, books, magazines, the Internet or via

other media.


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• Visualizations: graphs and charts, maps, logos and other visualizations can

communicate messages.

The primary methods that are involved in the process of communication are:

Written, Oral and Non-Verbal.

Oral or face to face communication

It is the important form of organizational communication that involves direct talk

between the speakers and the listeners when they are physically present. It is the

process in that the receiver observes simultaneously the content of the message,

gestures, the changes in tone and the pitch connected with the spoken word. The

formal record of such communication does not exist, so the spirit of authority can not be

transmitted as it should be. At times, more or less or different meaning may be

communicated by manner of speaking, tone and facial expression. Nonetheless,

personal warmth and friendliness can be conveyed through verbal communication. It

enables the receiver to respond by opinions and reactions in case he or she is

indecisive of the message.

Written communication

This method of communication is of much value and relevance in the

organizations. It includes formal letters, memos, reports, company policy manuals and

so on. These areas, for the efficient functioning of the organization, are covered in

particular through written communication. It reduces the probabilities and perceptual

distortions while providing permanent records for future references. The message can

be stored for an indefinite period of time for use in the future. As a negative factor, it

leads to the excessive formalities. It is likely that the confidential written material may 6

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leak out or may be disclosed unofficially before the proper time causing disruption.

Nevertheless, it is authoritative for the action and most effective as and when needed,

more specifically, when the communication is that of general informational nature.

In written communication the sender and receiver are more distinct. Until recent

times, relatively few writers and publishers were very powerful when it came to

communicating the written word. Today we can all write and publish our ideas on the

Internet, which has led to an explosion of information and communication possibilities.

Non Verbal Communication

Facial or non-verbal expressions reveal a lot about a person’s usual mood or

temperament – his behavioral tendency can also be envisaged. This way of

communication has considerable meaning to managers to interpret the behavior of the

employees. It enables to comprehend pretense or real situation – it may be said that

however much one acts as if something were true or acts in a way intended to make

others believe something is untrue or misleading, but the reality is visible at his face.

The true or false countenance can be easily differentiated. Thus, body language plays a

vital role being diluted with non-verbal expressions. A handshake or a pleasant smile is

an example of most common form of body language. Moreover, some of the

environmental elements such as building, office space can convey a message about the

authority of the person. Facial expressions can be categorized as, excitement, fear, joy,

anger, unhappiness and distress etc. It is easy to know the person’s arrogance,

boldness, shyness and other characteristics by means of his or her facial expressions.

Employees send and receive messages across the whole organizational levels

and departments by means of vertical communication or the informal communication 7

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network. Non-verbal communication is also important and can be a part of

interpersonal, group and organizational communication.

Vertical Communication flows both up and down the organizational hierarchy. It

is amongst managers, their superiors and subordinates. Besides, there are upward and

downward communications. Upward Communication is composed of messages moving

up the hierarchy from sub-ordinates to superiors and its content usually includes

requests, suggestions, complaints and information that the sub-ordinate thinks is of

importance to the superior. The messages of downward communication move down the

hierarchy from superiors to sub-ordinates including directives, assignments,

performance feedback and information that the superior sends to his sub-ordinates.

The process of interpersonal communication cannot be regarded as a

phenomena which simply 'happens', but should be seen as a process which involves

participants negotiating their role in this process, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Senders and receivers are of course vital in communication. In face-to-face

communication the roles of the sender and receiver are not distinct as both parties

communicate with each other, even if in very subtle ways such as through eye-contact

(or lack of) and general body language. There are many other subtle ways that we

communicate (perhaps even unintentionally) with others, for example the tone of our

voice can give clues to our mood or emotional state, whilst hand signals or gestures can

add to a spoken message.

The Communication Process


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Aklan Catholic CollegeArchbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines

A message or communication is sent by the sender through a communication

channel to a receiver, or to multiple receivers. The sender must encode the message

(the information being conveyed) into a form that is appropriate to the communication

channel, and the receiver(s) then decodes the message to understand its meaning and


Misunderstanding can occur at any stage of the communication process.

Effective communication involves minimizing potential misunderstanding and

overcoming any barriers to communication at each stage in the communication process.

An effective communicator understands their audience, chooses an appropriate

communication channel, hones their message to this channel and encodes the

message to reduce misunderstanding by the receiver(s). They will also seek out

feedback from the receiver(s) as to how the message is understood and attempt to

correct any misunderstanding or confusion as soon as possible. Receivers can use

Clarification and Reflection as effective ways to ensure that the message sent has been

understood correctly.

Communication theory states that communication involves a sender and a

receiver (or receivers) conveying information through a communication channel.

Communication Channels is the term given to the way in which we communicate.

There are multiple communication channels available to us today, for example face-to-

face conversations, telephone calls, text messages, email, the Internet (including social

media such as Facebook and Twitter), radio and TV, written letters, brochures and

reports to name just a few.9

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Choosing an appropriate communication channel is vital for effective

communication as each communication channel has different strengths and

weaknesses. For example, broadcasting news of an upcoming event via a written letter

might convey the message clearly to one or two individuals but will not be a time or cost

effective way to broadcast the message to a large number of people.

Encoding Messages

Effective communicators encode their messages with their intended audience in

mind as well as the communication channel. This involves an appropriate use of

language, conveying the information simply and clearly, anticipating and eliminating

likely causes of confusion and misunderstanding, and knowing the receivers’

experience in decoding other similar communications. Successful encoding of

messages is a vital skill in effective communication.

Decoding Messages

Once received, the receivers need to decode the message, and successful

decoding is also a vital skill. Individuals will decode and understand messages in

different ways based upon any Barriers to Communication which might be present, their

experience and understanding of the context of the message, their psychological state,

and the time and place of receipt as well as many other potential factors.

Understanding how the message will be decoded, and anticipating as many of the

potential sources of misunderstanding as possible, is the art of a successful



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Receivers of messages are likely to provide feedback on how they have

understood the messages through both verbal and non-verbal reactions. Effective

communicators should pay close attention to this feedback as it the only way to assess

whether the message has been understood as intended, and it allows any confusion to

be corrected. Bear in mind that the extent and form of feedback will vary according to

the communication channel used: for example feedback during a face-to-face or

telephone conversation will be immediate and direct, whilst feedback to messages

conveyed via TV or radio will be indirect and may be delayed, or even conveyed

through other media such as the Internet.

Effective communication

In order that a balanced movement of diverse activities as well as a coordinated

structure may be formed in the workplace, it is necessary to establish effective

communication. Effective communication involves transmitting and understanding the

information existed in the atmosphere of openness and conviction. It is very important

for a management to recognize and overcome the barriers to effective communication.

Effective Communication involves diagnosing and analyzing situations, designing

proper messages, assisting receivers of messages in correct decoding and providing an

efficient feedback system. The receiver should be given the opportunity to ask for

clarifications and answers to any questions about the message. Good listening skills

lead to better understanding and good relationship midst colleagues.

Effective communication deals with emotions which are significant to

interpersonal relationship. Developed writing skills bring about better understanding on 11

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the message sent. Technical jargons must be carefully used. Well written messages

can help avoid semantic and perception barriers. Message should be precise and

making the meaning as clear as possible, so that it may accomplish the desired

purpose. Message will be lost if the words are complex. One should be better encoder

and decoder and should not get bogged down in the rules of composition, whilst the

rules of grammar must be respected. It is the responsibility of each employee in an

organization working for a common purpose to carry out effective communication.

Whether the communication has been effective is to be appraised and evidenced with

the intended results that an organization produces.

Effective expressive communication can usually be achieved by sticking to a few

important guidelines:

• Make sure you have the attention of the person you wish to communicate with by

establishing and maintaining eye contact.

• Try to send clear messages that are congruent in both verbal and nonverbal


• Say what you mean and mean what you say. Be direct and honest; don't dance

around the issue or play games.

• Ask for feedback to ensure the message you sent was accurately received.

Effective receptive communication is based on good listening skills:

• Face the message sender and maintain eye contact.

• Nod, smile, or occasionally make affirmative vocalizations or other responses that tell

the sender you're paying attention.


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• Wait for the person to complete a thought without interrupting to express your own


• If you're not sure you understand the message, ask questions and seek clarification.

• Paraphrase what you heard so the sender can be sure you got the right idea.

Barriers to Communication

Many a time the communication is blocked. Noise barriers, eleventh hour

communication or a given deadline may put too much pressure on the receiver and may

lead to aggrieved feelings and stress. Poor choice of channel can also be causative to

the misapprehension of the message. Any physical distractions, such as, telephone

interruptions or walk-in visitors can close down face-to-face communication process.

Communication may be chaotic or blocked if the channels are not clear. Out of the

professional jealousy in the closed channels, the messages may be indistinct. Role

overload occurs when individuals receive more information than they are capable of

processing, the result may be confusion or some important information may be laid

aside. Semantic barriers are due to misinterpretations of words and symbols. The wrong

choice of words or improper use of punctuation marks in written communication can

sometimes alter the meaning and convey different message from what has been


Different examples of Barriers in Communication:

Physical separation

Status differences

Gender differences13

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Cultural diversity


Essentials of Effective Communication

Effective communication is very essential not only in educational management

but also in our everyday lives. And to achieve effective communication, the following

might help.

Building Bridges

Please remember that the object of any communication is building a bridge to the

other. It's not just about speaking, it's making sure you provide the verbal links that join

you with the object of the influence you want to have.

What They Hear

It's not what you say, it's what they hear. It's not what you say, it's what they

hear. It's not what you say, it's what they hear. And always remember it's your

responsibility to make sure they hear what you want them to.


Everything you need to know about communication you learned in kindergarten.

The simple courtesies make such a big difference. Please, thank you, and I'm sorry can

have a huge impact.



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Think of the process of communication as an educational experience. You are

teaching others what you see and want them to do, and they are doing the same.

Educating is much more important than winning


We often get into trouble when we forget that the people we are dealing with are

very different from who we are. There are a number of great instruments that measure

personal style difference: Meyers Briggs; Personal Style Inventory; DISC to name a few.

These instruments serve the purpose of showing us how we are different, and, more

important, how critical it is to FLEX your own style to build that bridge if you want your

communication to be effective.


I'm not alone in saying that the most important communication skill we have is

our ability to listen to others and to hear what they are saying - not just the words, but a

full understanding of the impact our communication is having on them. Most of us are

just impatiently waiting for them to finish before we start speaking and we end up talking

at each other, not talking too and with each other. If you want to find out how critical

listening is hang a sign around your neck and say: I'm not speaking today, just listening.

Then go about your regular day and notice how much of your environment you routinely

miss because most of the time we are listening to ourselves, waiting for the other to

stop speaking so we can get our words in.

Slow Down


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We're all moving along at about 800 MPH. At that speed it's really very difficult to

take in new information and hear what someone is saying. Perhaps even more

important, we can't hear ourselves speaking.


Think of speaking as an opportunity for clarity. Before you begin communicating,

weather it's spoken or written, ask yourself what do you want them to know, do, and feel

as a result of your message? Then put yourself in their shoes and ask what you would

need if you were them and design your communication accordingly. Make sure the

what, where, how, why and when is satisfied.


Be careful of the way you use jargon. Unless you know do not assume they know

your jargon, so make sure you define the terms you use.


When negotiating always make sure THEY have incentive to continue

performing. Make sure they are motivated to keep promises otherwise they won't

perform When I say Win / Win I mean Win/Win, not win/win as long as I win a bit more.

Soften your communication

o Smile - people naturally smile back. It relaxes people and takes away their need

to defend

o Open Posture - demonstrate you have nothing to hide

o Forward Lean - show you are interested by moving closer

o Territory - as you move forward be respectful of their territory

o Eye contact - about seven seconds other wise people will think you are staring16

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o Nod - show you are engaged, even on the telephone by saying yes, ahha and

the like

Platinum Rule

The Golden Rule is great, and very powerful to treat others as you would like to

be treated. But I have discovered that it's even more powerful to use the Platinum Rule:

Treat others as they would treat themselves. Find out what motivates them and honor

that Platinum is more valuable than Gold.


The Chinese Character for communication consists of three separate symbols.

o Eyes

o Ears

o Heart


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This paper discussed that effective communication is an essential tool in

achieving productivity and maintaining strong working relationships at all levels of an

organization. In order that a balanced movement of diverse activities as well as a

coordinated structure may be formed in the workplace, it is necessary to establish

effective communication. Effective communication involves transmitting and

understanding the information existed in the atmosphere of openness and conviction. It

is very important for a management especially in education to recognize and overcome

the barriers to effective communication.

Educational managers who invest time and energy into delivering clear lines of

communication will rapidly build up levels of trust amongst employees, teachers, an

students, leading to increases in productivity, output and morale in general. Poor

communication in the workplace will inevitably lead to unmotivated staff that may begin

to question their own confidence in their abilities and inevitably in the organization.18

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Based on the discussions of this paper, the following recommendations are


1. It is recommended that educational managers make sure they have the attention of

the person they wish to communicate with by establishing and maintaining eye contact.

Also they have to try to send clear messages that are congruent in both verbal and

nonverbal dimensions.

2. It is also recommended that each manager should ask for feedback if the message

he conveyed was understood clearly.

3. The educational manager is also recommended to have an optimistic attitude when


4. Another recommendation for educational managers that if they are not sure about the

message, they must ask questions and seek clarification.

5. Lastly, educational managers are recommended to always maintain good working

relationships through effective communication in the organization.


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Fareed, K. A. Essentials of Organizational Communication, retrieved at



Habaci, Ibrahim and Çelik, Efraim Ezgin. Effective Communication in Educational

Administration,retrieved at



Stewart, Levine. February 2006. Essentials of Effective Communication, retrieved at



