terminology and exam research

The Future of Magazines http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= YmGSfVo2NUw&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= JefdzMQ4pws&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= Gel9C85vZWM&feature=related

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L.O. To understand new media terminology

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Web 2.0

• Web 1.0 was the first version of the Internet – a one way communication, from the sender to the receiver

• Web 2.0 is what we know the Internet to be now – a two way communication between the sender and the receiver

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• A ‘prosumer’ is a combination of the words:– Producer– Consumer

• With the advancements of technology it is possible for us all to be film producers and distributors (Youtube)…because of this we ask more and expect more from media texts…

• You need to be able to discuss how NME and Metal Hammer allow audiences to be prosumers…

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Convergence• Technological Convergence:

Convergence of technology occurs when multiple products come together to form one product with the advantages of all of them.

• Magazine Example: NME website; you cannot only read articles from the physical magazine (which have converged onto the internet) but you can also listen to NME Radio station (this is a multiplatform approach).

• Real Video in print • Media Convergence:

When old and new media intersect in such a way that the way in which media producers and media consumers interact changes.

• Magazine Example: ‘Communities’ have been created on websites to share tips, stories, reviews and experiences of music and upload photographs. Consumers can become prosumers and actuall y be part of the construction of the magazine

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Synergy • Synergy:

The interaction of two or more forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects. In the context of the media it can be the promotion and sale of a product (and all its versions) throughout the various subsidiaries of a media conglomerate. For example, films, soundtracks or video games. To give a detailed example the Spider-Man films had toys of webshooters and figures of the characters made, as well as posters and videogames, this resulted in the creation of more revenue for the creators of the Spider-Man franchise than if they had just released the one film.

• Magazine example: NME Radio Station/sponsorship of festivals and events = synergised marketing

• The advancement of technologies has also allowed for greater synergy. For NME, the tweets and Facebook updates and RSS feeds encourage listeners of the podcast. The podcast drives subscribers to the website. The website drives fans to the free information. The links among all these activities become the synergy where activity in one area improves the entire experience.

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Guerrilla Marketing

• Guerrilla MarketingDefinition: The use of unconventional and low cost marketing strategies to raise awareness of a product.E.g. Putting up ‘wanted’ posters/commissioning works of graffiti

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• UGC – USER GENERATED CONTENTContent that has been generated be the user/consumer. Magazine example: music reviews; forums; vlogging; podcasting

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• Unique Selling PointMaking a product different from a competitor/another product in the same market; making it unique

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• Point of DifferenceDifferentiating a product from another; making it unique; the actual way in which a product is different from another in the same market

Example sentence; the USP and perhaps the POD of NME compared to Metal Hammer is that they offer a multi-platform website that allows consumers to surf their site; whilst listening to their radio station and watching their TV channel.

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• Unique Perceived BenefitWhat the consumer believe they will get from that product; what do the consumers believe they will gain/benefit from using the product?

This could be linked to mainstream/niche magazines; the community created through forums etc; therefore resulting in loyal consumers

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Terminology• Loyal Consumers/Brand loyalty:Consumer commitment to re-purchase the same brand/the same magazine; NME consumers are extremely loyal and trust the brand to be truthful and to meet their needs • ProliferationDefinition: A rapid increase in the number of a certain type of product.• Multi-platformA multi-platform series is a form of entertainment where the story is told over a range of media platforms; such as magazines, radio station, videos, podcasts• Vertical IntegrationAbsorption of several firms into a single firm involved in all aspects of a product's manufacture from raw materials to distribution. For example; Rockstar Games have become a vertically integrated company by buying developers they have previously worked with, such as DMA Design who became Rockstar North and Angel Studios who became Rockstar San Diego. By doing this Rockstar have control over development, funding and marketing of their products.

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Start to learn about your two new friends:

• Before you start your case studies in detail you need to start to get to know the magazines;

• Log onto the websites and start to consume the texts; learning what they offer and how to navigate around them…– http://www.nme.com/– http://www.metalhammer.co.uk/