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Excellent Produce Service

Facilitator Notes

Return of the Green Grocer

In the past, Tesco has focused on training our colleagues to carry out robotic processes as efficiently as possible, but today we are doing something different - and we are asking for your help.

We’re inviting you and your colleagues to bring the best of yourselves to work and toenjoy the people and lovely produce around you - just like your neighbourhood green grocer used to do.

Following the instructions in this guide, you will be able to deliver the Return of the Green Grocer course to colleagues in your produce departments.

Celery-brate good times!Congratulations because today is the day your jobs just got better!


Using this Guide

Course Introduction

Expectations and Ground rules

The Roots of Communication

The Globe’s Greatest Green Grocers

Peeling the onion: Connecting to Customer needs

The tools of Engagement: Building your Market Stall


Orientation for Training Facilitators

Presenting Course Introduction, Aims and Objectives

Preparing Participants for a Successful Session

Two Games to Help Colleagues Use Body Language and Nonverbal Communication to Connect With Customers

Produce-Centered Contest to Help Colleagues Embodythe Traits of the Green Grocer

Discussion and Activity to Explore and Relate to Customer Needs and Priorities

Building a Specific Personal Plan to Accomplish the Return of The Green Grocer

Wrap-Up of Main Points

Using this Guide

Say It!

Do It!

Use It!

Time It!

This guide contains everything you need to build your own GREEN GROCERS! To help you easily present the activities and concepts we cover, there are a few

symbols used throughout.

This symbol indicates scripted instructions or discussion for you to present to your colleagues

This symbol marks instructions to help you run your session

This symbol shows you where you need to use a handout, a slide or some other prop to conduct an activity with your colleagues

To help keep your session organised, we give timeframes for each activity and exercise


Do It! If you choose to run a full Return of the Green Grocer session, gather your materials and set up the room before your colleagues arrive. As colleagues enter the room, have music playing.

Make sure you present what’s about to happen as a celebration because today is the day your jobs just got better.

Before your session starts, you may want to gather and set up:

• Slide presentation deck

• Kraftwerk We Are Robots video if you choose to play it as colleagues enter the room

• Robot toys and party poppers

• Robot masks

• Be the GREEN GROCER reminder cards for each participant

• Flip charts or white board and markers

Room and materials set up - 1 hour

Greeting and party popper celebration - 5 minutes

Use It!

Time It!

Say It!Congratulations because today is the day your jobs just got better! In the past we’ve asked you to carry out robotic processes as efficiently as possible. But that is changing. We’re inviting you to bring the best of yourself to work and to enjoy the people andlovely produce around you like a neighbourhood green grocer used to do.

New policies… New potatoes...We all have a choice when we go to work. We can see it as drudgery that results in a pay check, or we can enjoy our days, have a laugh, appreciate where we’re at and who is with us. We’re here to help you find ways to do this.

We’re here to discover the difference between working with a task-based mindset versus working with pleasure and a genuine customer focus… to help us move from RED ROBOT to GREEN GROCER.

Aims andObjectives

Do It!

Use It!

Time It!

Do It!

Do It!

Get your flip charts and markers ready. Ask colleagues to share ideas about the neighbourhood green grocer, or what it’s like to go to a fruit and veg stand. As they offer ideas, write them down on the flip chart or white board. If comfortable, get a volunteer from the audience to act out the GREEN GROCER role (or do it yourself) as colleagues offer ideas about what a green grocer might be like.

Examples: They are friendly (“How are you today, Mrs Hoffer?”); they are knowledgeable (“I know you like your bananas quite green. We just got a whole new crate in this morning. Let me show you.”) they smile...

Write down the traits people offer and act out each trait with a customer. Ask further questions like, “What are all the things the green grocer knows about?”

Examples, his customers’ lives, food preferences, where products are, varieties, etc.

Flip charts and markers, aims & objectives slide

10 minutes

Review the traits of the green grocer from the slide. These are the course outcomes and what we’re expecting colleagues to do when they leave the course after today.

• Be visible. Just because you’re green doesn’t mean you need to blend into the veg!• Be human. Customers aren’t “Other”. Connect with them. Enjoy their company. Help.• Be a GREEN GROCER.

Say It!

Say It!

Let’s imagine walking into a neighbourhood market stall full of fruit and veg.

What is your neighbourhood green grocer like? What are his traits? What does he know? How does he act?

So how will being a GREEN GROCER make our jobs better? What are the things we can do now that we didn’t do before?• Talk to customers for five minutes, ten minutes - however long it takes to get them what they need and want• Offer customers samples. Rip open a bag of apples if you need to make your point• Bring your personality to the role - do you like your bananas green or when they are sweeter?• Stop what you’re doing and walk a searching customer over to what they’re looking for• Offer help. It will feel good.• If you don’t know the answer to a customer’s question, find a colleague who can help

Ground Rules

Now that we know what it means to be more like a GREEN GROCER, let’s look at some ground rules that will help make our session more effective.

Expectations & ground rules slide

5 minutes

Use It!

Do It!

Time It!

Say It!

Say It!Play along. You will get out of this training what you’re willing to put into it, just as you will get out of your day at work what you put into it.

So bring your personality, your questions, your ideas, your reality to the floor today. It’s all welcome. In fact, it’s necessary to make this session work.

We are asking you to get involved.

• Dare to fail. For the next hour, it doesn’t matter if you look silly or if something you do or say doesn’t work. In fact, we encourage it, in this session and when you get back to work as well. This is your chance to try new things, let go, enjoy and have fun. There are no exams in real life or in this class. There is only the chance to try something new and learn.

• Speak up. Our job is to give you the tools you need to become a GREEN GROCER. But if you need gardening tips, ASK! If you’re feeling uncomfortable or have a concern, SAY SO! Don’t leave this room without shovel and seeds and the confidence you need to know how to sprout them!

Show the ground rules & expectations slide and review the instructions on it. Add the comments and questions for each ground rule below.

The Rootsof Communication

The Body Language Game

Do It!At about 30 second intervals, instruct colleagues to walk around and continue greeting each other but to change the motivation they are walking with.

Ask them to notice how they feel and how their movements, voices and faces change.

Ask them to walk around...

• Worried someone’s upset with you• Trying to get away with it• Pretending to look busy• Trying to look important

Pause after each shift and ask:

• How did you change your posture? Your eye contact?• What tension did you feel in your body? How did you feel?• How did your voice and movements change?

Say It!

Say It!

A study at UCLA found that 93 percent of communication effectiveness is determined by nonverbal cues.

So if we want to connect with people - our colleagues and our customers - it’s essential that we pay attention to this aspect of our interaction. We’re about to do some exercises to help us think about nonverbal communication.

These exercises will also help us get warmed up and engaged.

So let’s all stand up and walk about the room. As you do, greet each other. Just say “Hello, how are you” and respond to each other.

Now you are going to walk around and you are going to be important, but also be the host of a big party.

As you walk, think about what a host does to present him or herself in a kind and welcoming way, to be visible and be human. Be these things. Be the GREEN GROCER.

(Allow learners to walk around as the host for a few seconds, then make the following discussion points).

What sorts of changes in body language did we notice? How did changing our body language make us feel? What did we ‘read’ from the other players? How do we connect this to our workplace? How did this change the way we interacted?

Take-away: physical gestures lead to emotional states. If we are conscious about our body language, we can influence the way we feel, how we influence others and, therefore, how they react to us and feel themselves.

Be more visible - be the host. This is how we expect you to be in the workplace.


20 minutesTime It!

The MaskGame

20 minutesTime It!

Robot masks, clock or timer, favourite fruit slide.

Use It!

Say It!Next we’re going to take it smaller and focus on the face. You should all have a robot mask in front of you. Find the mask and find a partner. Put on your robot mask. Take a few seconds. How does it feel to be in a room full of robots? Right, now tell your partner what your favourite vegetable is.

We’ll take 30 seconds. Start talking when I say GO and focus back on me when I say STOP and raise my arm.

(Let people pair up and discuss their favourite vegetable. Say stop after 30 seconds).


1. What was your partner’s favourite vegetable? 2. What did you notice about them when they talked about it? 3. What could you see? 4. It’s quite difficult to read somebody through a mask, isn’t it?

When we’re in our daily jobs, the processes and tasks in front of us can act as masks. Our attitudes or the things that distract us can be masks.

We can hide behind being busy or important. We can be so focused on stocking the potatoes that we actually treat a customer like she’s in the way. What we need to do is get rid of our masks--the barriers that keep us from seeing our environment and connecting with those around us.

Becoming a GREEN GROCER means becoming VISIBLE and being HUMAN.

It means taking off the mask!

Say It!So let’s transform right now from RED ROBOTS to THE WORLD’S MOST EXCITING GREEN GROCERS.

Let’s get rid of our masks.

Take a second and shake out any tension you have in your shoulders, your jaw, around your eyes, your neck, anywhere you feel tense.

Relax. Look around your tables. Make eye contact with each other.

These are the people in your neighbourhood. Think of your favourite fruit. Make some notes or draw some sketches or just get a really good picture in your head. What is it?

(Show the favourite fruit slide with the following questions).

Do you remember the first time you had your favourite fruit? When did you last have it? How was it served? What did it taste like? What colour is it? Close your eyes and take a deep breath in. Does your fruit have a smell? What does it look like when it grows? How do you tell when it’s ripe? What is great about it? How would you describe the taste to someone who’s never tried it? Do you have a favourite variety?

Now, open your eyes and with as much commitment as you can, tell each other about your favourite fruit. Use the questions on the slide to help you describe it with as much enthusiasm as you can. This is your chance to sound silly.

Describe the wonder of your fruit. Feel the colour, taste the juiciness, turn up the volume about what you like about it. Enjoy the words as you say them. And LOVE EVERY MOUTHFUL.

(Give an example to the room of you describing your favourite fruit, then tell them to do this with a partner. Encourage colleagues to be bigger and more excited, exaggerate their movement and voice as they describe. Let them share for several minutes then get attention back).

Which is more fun? Being a RED ROBOT or being a GREEN GROCER? If we are enjoying ourselves, our customers will too.

The Globe’s Greatest

Green Grocers

10 minutesTime It!

8 fruit & veg items‘How do you like them apples’ slide

Use It!

Do It!Say It!Next we’re going to have a little contest, a produce slam, if you will - to compete for the title of Globe’s Greatest Green Grocer. This will be a no-holds-barred, fast-paced, rapid fire fruit and veg bonanza.

What I’ll do is hold up two items of fruit and veg. What you have to do to win the title of Globe’s Greatest Green Grocer is to answer the questions “Which is better?” and “Why?”

There are no right or wrong answers. This is about having fun, having confidence and talking about produce.

Let’s review some ground rules for this game:• Dare to fail• Be visible• Be human• Be the green grocer (animated, friendly, visible, connected)

How do you like them apples?

Get volunteers to compete for the Globe’s Greatest Green Grocer by holding up two fruit and veg items and asking “Which is better?” and “Why?”

Go quickly, so getting a few volunteers in a line and having several different pairs of fruit and veg ready will help make this fun.

Example: get multiple colleagues in a row or have one brave volunteer take multiple tries at the following pairs of fruit and veg:

• An apple and a carrot• Fennel and a bag of rocket• Baby carrots and whole carrots• Pineapple and potato

You can get creative and use less common produce (like dragon fruit) or two varieties of the same fruit.

When you have done a few examples, you can nominate a winner.

Who gave the most convincing, most passionate defense?

They are the Globe’s Greatest GreenGrocer. Give them an apple or some other produce prize.

10 minutesTime It!

8 fruit & veg itemsPlanet’s Most Pleasing Produce slide

Use It!

Do It!

Do It!

Say It!For this game, you will be given an individual piece of fruit or veg and your challenge is to convince us that that particular fruit or veg is The Planet’s Most PleasingProduce.

You can talk about taste, colour, texture, freshness, health benefits, recipies, aroma, where it grows, personal preferences, or how it is pollinated by unicorns.

Our aim is to create the most excited, visible, human advocate for their produce! Again, there are no wrong answers and no way to fail. This game is about having an opinion and backing it with confidence.

This is similar to the last game but

is more like a panel discussion or debate.

Take several volunteers. Each person gets one

piece of fruit or veg. They must stand at the

front of the room and explain why the fruit

or veg they are holding is The Planet’s Most

Pleasing Produce.

They can talk about taste, colour, freshness,

health benefits, recipes, where it grows, etc.

You can repeat this game with several panels.

It works best with at least four people.

The Planet’s

Most Pleasing


Give an example of an argument for the Planet’s Most Pleasing Produce, then have several individuals or groups try this exercise.

Afterwards, you can ask your colleagues:• Who was the most convincing?• Least convincing? Why?• What did we notice about their nonverbal communication?• Body language and gestures?• Eye contact?• How did they relate to the rest of us?

After this discussion, you can take the top two GREEN GROCERS as nominated by crowd to do a final battle for Globe’s Greatest Green Grocer.

Peelingthe Onion

Connecting to

Customer Needs

5 minutesTime It!

Peeling the Onion slide

Use It!

Say It!

Say It!

Great communications are 1/2 about us and 1/2 about the people we are connecting with. We’ve talked about relating to people through body language.

Now let’s talk about thinking from their perspective. What are our customers looking for when they come into our produce departments?

Here’s what else psychologist Abraham Maslow said all human beings need.

Can our produce department meet all of these? Let’s see if say it we can think of ways.

Connecting to

Customer Needs

Do It!

Do It!

Get answers from colleagues which

may include ideas like apples, bananas,

convenience, etc.

Then ask “What else do they need, though?”

Show Peeling the Onion slide.

Take ideas for each category.

Examples include:

• self actualisation: creative new recipes, learning new food facts• esteem: feeling respected as a person by our Tesco colleagues• love/belonging: buying the best foods for family, preparing and sharing food for friends• safety: having a department free of safety hazards• physiological: having nutricious and healthy foods available

Use It!

Customer Priorities

Do It!

Do It!

Show the customerneeds slide. The facilitator and a volunteer will demonstrate a series of customer servicescenarios in store.

Judging from the body language, questions and overall behaviour of the customer, the colleagues will be asked to name the priority the customer had and discuss ways in which the Customer Assistant’s behaviour could have been better or worse. Scenario videos may beavailable.

Ask in your store.

You can play a very quick version of this game where a learner draws one of the customer priorities and approaches a GREEN GROCER saying only, “Excuse me, can you help me?”

The GREEN GROCER then has to guess by body language alone which customer priority the learner has chosen.

10 minutesTime It!

Customer Priorities Slide


Say It!Great. Being the GREEN GROCER instead of the RED ROBOT will automatically help us meet these customer needs. But let’s go one step deeper and put ourselves in our customers’ shoes.

Individuals have different priorities in different moments. If we connect to a customer but ignore their priorities, we could go horribly wrong. Let’s take a look at customer priorities.

• Speedy: to get in and out quickly, get their stuff and move on• Choosy: to select the best one, to get something really good• Thrifty: to get the cheapest, best value, to save money• Newbie: need help finding things - don’t know where they are• Chatty: want to connect to people, feel they know who they’re buying from


SCENARIO 1: Customer is in a rush – CA tries to engage them about the seasonality of carrots.

SCENARIO 2: Customer is trying to decide what potatoes to buy – The CA comes over and tells them which are his favourite, but doesn’t ask any questions.

SCENARIO 3: The customer is in a hurry and cannot find any chillies. The CA realises they are looking for something and offers help. They know there are some out the back and tell them they will be back in 5 minutes. They recommend the customer goes to find the rest of the ingredients for the meal and comes back soon.

SCENARIO 4: The customer looks puzzled and they keep walking up and down and can’t decide what to buy. They tell the CA that the doctor has recommended they eat more fruit and veg, but they don’t really know where to start. The CA says they had some cucumber dipped in salsa recently and really enjoyed it – a great replacement for crisps.

* Scenario videos may be available. Ask in your store.

Building YourMarket


The Tools of Engagement: Building Your Market StallCreating a Continuous Growth PlanYou can use this session as a whole presentation and you can re-use and mofidy separate activities andgames to bring fun to your workplace and build reminders into your colleague’s daily work.

Take a few minutes to brainstorm ideas of how you will use the activities and materials in your store to help transform your colleagues from RED ROBOTS to GREEN GROCERS.

Write at least three specific action items.

The Key to Change is Practice Practice Practice!Some ideas to encourage continued efforts in your store:

1. Weekly check-ins about the 3 reminders: ask colleagues to track their own progress and keep a diary

2. Body language and mask activities

3. The GREATEST GREEN GROCER contest or microcontests to be held on floor

4. Customer priorities role playing exercise

5. Fruit or veg of the week nominations - which fruit or veg is best this week? Why? What’s so great about it?

We want you to have fun and be creative in the workplace - because today is the day your job got better. We encourage you to bring the best of YOU to work and Love Every Minute-ful. Best of luck cultivating your new GREEN GROCERS!

Use It!

This change starts today & just keeps going!

Time It!


Be the Green Grocer

Use It!10 minutesTime It!

GREEN GROCER cards & blank paper for GREEN GROCER goals

Say It!This is the day your jobs got better because you’ve just been given permission to have fun, enjoy yourselves and be creative in your workplace. We want you to go the extra mile for our customers and we encourage you to bring the best of yourself to work and Love Every Minute-ful of every day.

But we realise we’re asking you to change the way you’re used to doing things at work, so we’ll help you along the way with reminders and support.

Do It!Pass out cards to colleagues and review the CONTINUOUS GROWTH plan you’ve developed for your store to help them incorporate these new ideas and attitudes into their daily work.

Ask colleagues to set 3 goals for themselves in the next week to help them on their way to becoming GREEN GROCERS. Have colleagues share their goals. Ask what help they’d like or need.

Green GrocerCard




Becoming a green grocer in 3 easy steps:

1. GREET. Everyday, say hello to or greet 10 customers

and share knowledge as a side to doing tasks

2. IMPROVE. Saying hello and engaging with customers

when not busy

3. COMPLETE. Carrying out our processes whilst

interacting and interrupting yourself to connect to

customers. Challenge yourself to find at least 3 times

during the day to go the extra mile for a customer

The Key to Change is Practice

Practice Practice!


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