
The Social studies education in multicultural of west jawa society to face the challenging of globalization West java as the second province has a population density after the jakarta. The society in west java has multicultural and it has made the problems or challenging for the teacher in the calss. In every sechool like elementary school, junior high school the students have the different background culture. So the poblems are how the proses in teaching and learning be effective in local and global goals. Social stusies are learned in all level school should have the strategi for solving it. On multicultural education, has always appeared two key words, namely: plurality, and cultural. Understanding the plurality includes all the differences and diversity of any nature. Culture can not be separated from the four important themes that flow (religion), race (ethnicity) , and culture. Two things that are at the core of multicultural education. Studies on multicultural learning model based on social studies education is fairly urgent, given the reformation shows symptoms of disintegration of the nation with a variety of things, such as the proliferation of both vertical and horizontal conflicts, euphoria reform and local democracy and decentralization, as well as a variety of problems that all it leads to a conflict that threatens national disintegration. Therefore, some things that are the focus of this study is based multicultural learning model, which by design has the potential

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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The Social studies education in multicultural of west jawa society to face the challenging of globalization

West java as the second province has a population density after the jakarta. The society in west java has multicultural and it has made the problems or challenging for the teacher in the calss. In every sechool like elementary school, junior high school the students have the different background culture. So the poblems are how the proses in teaching and learning be effective in local and global goals. Social stusies are learned in all level school should have the strategi for solving it. On multicultural education, has always appeared two key words, namely: plurality, and cultural. Understanding the plurality includes all the differences and diversity of any nature. Culture can not be separated from the four important themes that flow (religion), race (ethnicity) , and culture. Two things that are at the core of multicultural education.Studies on multicultural learning model based on social studies education is fairly urgent, given the reformation shows symptoms of disintegration of the nation with a variety of things, such as the proliferation of both vertical and horizontal conflicts, euphoria reform and local democracy and decentralization, as well as a variety of problems that all it leads to a conflict that threatens national disintegration. Therefore, some things that are the focus of this study is based multicultural learning model, which by design has the potential to accommodate a wide range of issues of multiculturalism, which in turn is able to create an atmosphere conducive to learning that values diversity which is very useful in efforts to curb ethnic conflicts and vice versa glue values of integrity of the nation.In era of postodernism we faced with the challenging of globalization, like for outside and inside it self. In lernaing multicultural education the students should be able to understand and analizing the social problems. the most important is how the teacher give the stimulus for their students to find and solving. Ask this individual to describe the schools efforts to implement multiethnic education If the school focuses on some ethnic groups and not on others, ask for an explanation of this practice. The role of education in multiculturalism can only be understood in relation to the philosophy of life, social reality, which will melipuiti disciplines others like political science, philosophy, particularly the philosophy of postmodernism, anthropology, and sociology. In this case meant that in the history of multicultural education will not lose direction or in opposite even with the basic values of multiculturalism.