test p1 topic 1 visible light and the solar system and p1 topic 22 the electromagnetic spectrum [and...

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  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o


    Part A

    Surname Name

    American Academy Larnaca

    Year 3 Science

    Semester 2 Test 1

    Unit P1Topic 1

    Topic 2

    Universal PhysicsVisible light and the Solar System

    The electromagnetic spectrum

    Part A Time: 20 minutes

  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o


    1. A lens can be used to produce a clear image of a distant object on a screen.

    (a) Describe how to measure the focal length of the lens. (2)




    (b) The diagram shows a simple telescope which uses two lenses to look at stars.

    (i) Explain what the eyepiece lens does. (2)



    (ii) Complete the sentence by putting a cross ( ) in the box next to your answer.The light that travels from the stars transfers

    (1) A chargeB energyC massD matter

  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o


    (c) Light and sound waves are produced at the same time by an explosion on Earth.

    (i) The sound of the explosion is heard 1920 metres away 6.0 seconds after the explosion hashappened.Calculate the speed of sound in air. (2)

    speed = distance time

    speed = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m/s

    (ii) A woman is standing a long way from the explosion.

    Explain why she hears the explosion a few seconds after she sees it.(2)



    (Total for Q1 = 9 marks)

    2. The electromagnetic spectrum is continuous.Different regions of the spectrum have different properties.

    An electromagnetic wave has a frequency of 7 10 9 Hz [7 000 000 000 Hz].The speed of the wave is 3 10 8 m/s [300 000 000 m/s].Calculate the wavelength of the wave. (3)

    wave speed = frequency x wavelength

    wavelength = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m

    (Total for Q2 = 3 marks)

  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o


  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o


    4. The electromagnetic spectrum has many parts.One of these parts is called visible light.Images of hands can be made using different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Both images give information about a hand.

    (i) Suggest what information the infrared image gives about a hand. (2)



    (ii) Explain why taking an X-ray image of a hand is more dangerous than taking an infrared image.(2)



    (Total for Q4 = 4 marks)

    (Total for Part A = 20 marks)

  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o


  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o


    1. Some students repeat Herschel's experiment.

    (a) They place four identical thermometers, P , Q, R and S , in the shade.The table shows some of the readings on the thermometers in the shade.Complete the table to show the reading on thermometer Q.

    (1) thermometers in the shade P Q R S

    temperature /C 18 18 18

    (b) Then the four thermometers are placed in the spectrum of sunlight as shown.

    (i) The bulbs of the thermometers are painted black.Suggest why the bulbs of the thermometers are painted black. (1)


    (ii) The table shows the readings on the thermometers in the spectrum of sunlight.

    thermometers in the spectrum of sunlight P Q R S

    temperature /

    C25 23 21 20

    Describe conclusions that can be made from the students' results. (2)




    (iii) State why the students put the four thermometers together in the shade before placing them in

    the spectrum of sunlight. (1)



  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o


    (c) Another scientist, Ritter, discovered ultraviolet radiation.

    (i) Complete the sentence by putting a cross ( ) in the box next to your answer.Too much exposure to ultraviolet radiation may cause (1)

    A deafnessB heating of internal body cellsC damage to the eyes

    D damage to the bone cells

    (ii) Three signals, ultraviolet, visible light and infrared, are sent from the surface of the Moon to anorbiting spacecraft.The three signals are sent at the same time.Which of these is correct for the signals arriving at the spacecraft?Put a cross ( ) in the box next to your answer. (1)

    A the visible light signal arrives firstB the ultraviolet signal arrives firstC the infrared signal arrives firstD all three signals arrive at the same time

    (iii) Describe one use of ultraviolet radiation. (2)




    (Total for Q1 = 9 marks)

    2. (a) Why it is important that body temperature does not rise above 40C. (2)




    (b) Complete the sentence by putting a cross ( ) in the box next to your answer.The maintenance of body temperature is an example of (1)

    A conservationB homeostasisC hybridisationD mutualism

    (c) Explain how hair on the skin helps to maintain body temperature in a cold environment. (1)



  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o


    (d) Describe one other way the body achieves thermoregulation . (2)




    (Total for Q2 = 6 marks)

    3. The reaction times of some athletes were measured at the Beijing Olympics in the final of the 100metres sprint.

    athlete reaction time / s overall race time / s Bolt: Usain 0.165 9.69Burns: Marc 0.145 10.01Dix: Walter 0.133 9.91Frater: Michael 0.147 9.97Martina: Churandy 0.169 9.93Patton: Darvis 0.142 10.03Powell: Asafa 0.134 9.95Thompson: Richard 0.133 9.89

    The athlete starts to run when a gun is fired.

    (i) State the athlete's sense organ that detects this stimulus . (1)


    (ii) What do we call cells that detect stimuli? (1)


    (iii) Describe the pathway of a nerve impulse along a neurone. (3)





    (Total for Q3 = 5 marks)

    (Total for Part B = 20 marks)

  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o


    Mark SchemePart A


    Answer Acceptableanswers


    1(a)(ii) Explanation linkingthe following:-(measure) distance/ length / from / line

    (1)lens to image /screen / focal point(1)

    how far awayuse ruler / tapemeasure measureu(object distance)

    and v(imagedistance)calculate focallength using1/u + 1/v = 1/f(measure) fromlens to image (2)


    1(b)(i) A descriptionincluding thefollowing:

    magnifiesthe imagerefracts the light

    brings nearer /zooms in / lookscloser / makesbigger / enlargesintermediate / realimage


    1(b)(ii) B energy (1) 1(c)(i) Substitution v =

    1920/6.0 (1)320 (m/s) (1)

    300 (m/s) give fullmarks for correctanswer, no working(2). Power of 10error max. 1 mark.


    1(c)(ii) Light travels(much) faster (1)

    than sound (1).


    2 Transposition =v/f (1)substitution = 3 10 8/710 9 (1)evaluation 0.043(m) (1)Ignore any unitgiven by candidate

    Subst. andtransform. eitherorder1 mark only can bescored for correctsubstitution afterincorrecttransposition.3 10 8/7 10 9 gains 2marks Accept anynumber of sig.figs.that rounds to 0.040.04 , 0.0428 (m)(1) Give full marksfor correct answerwith no working.0.04 any otherpower of 10 = 2marks (3)

    3(i) point plotted = +/- square (1)

    3(ii) attempt at smoothcurve through atleast 5 crosses

    Reject cleartramlining dot todot Ignoreextrapolations (1)

  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o



    Answer Acceptableanswers


    3(iii) As the objectdistance increasesthe image distancedecreases (2)

    reverse argument

    (2) 4(i) a suggestion from

    any two of the

    following:(areas of the hand)show

    Patches /(shaded) areas /brightness /colour(s) (1)

    Indication oftemperature / heat(1)

    blood flow / veins /arteries / named

    part of handthermal / hot / cold /warm / cool / hotter/ colder / warmer /coolerany colouridentified as hot orcold / any part ofthe hand identifiedas hot or cold (2)Ignore germs /bacteria / nerves


    (ii) An explanationlinking two of thefollowing:

    X-rays mutate /damage / harm /ionise cells or DNA(1)

    the energy /frequency /

    wavelength /penetration isdifferent (1)

    correctlyidentified difference(1)

    Kills/destroys cells /causes cancer /tumours / ionisingPenetrates the skin/ body x-rayshave more energy /high(er) frequency /short(er) / low(er)wavelength /great(er)penetration (2)RA for infraredIgnore power


    Part B


    Answer Acceptableanswers


    1(a) 18 (C) (1)Ignore any unitgiven by candidate.


    1(b)(i) black (is the best)absorber (ofradiation/heat)(compared to othercolours) (1)

    (Black/it) absorbsmore (Black/it) is agood absorber (ofradiation/heat)(black is) good attaking in(radiation/heat)Ignore (black is a)good emitter Ignorelight. Reject blackattractsheat/radiation


  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o



    Answer Acceptableanswers


    1(b)(ii) Heating effect/temperaturegreatest at/beyondred (1) (There is)

    radiation beyondred (end ofspectrum)(1)

    (idea of) differentcolours havedifferent heatingeffects (Radiationfrom) sunlightcauses a heating

    effect acceptreverse argumentInfrared/IR (beyondred end ofspectrum) (2)

    (b)(iii) Any one fromTo check the

    thermometersproduce the samereadings/temperature (underthe sameconditions) (1)

    To show thattemperaturechanges.

    (To check) theywere all at thesame temperature(before starting theexperiment.) Tobe able to make acomparison(between shadeand light) (Toallow them to carryout a) fair test


    (c)(i) C (1) (1) (c)(ii) D (1) (1) (c)iii Description linking

    one of the followingpairs:

    security marking(1)ink absorbsUV and re-radiates(visible) light (1)

    fluorescent lamps(1)coatingabsorbs UV andreradiates (visible)light (1)

    genuine banknotes (1) watermark absorbsUV and reradiates(visible) light (1)

    disinfecting water(1)UV killsbacteria (1)

    sun beds (1) UVabsorbed by(melanin in) skin (1)

    Any suitable usegains 1 mark

    Any suitable use +detail gains 2marks

    invisible ink/smartwater glows underUV

    (outside of) lampglows when hit byUV forgeries/fakebanknotes/passports/fingerprints/ bodyfluids etc markingsglow underUV tanningbeds tans the skin/the body e.g.

    disco lighting (1)makes clothingglow (1)


  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o



    Answer Acceptableanswers


    2(a)(i) An explanationlinking two of thefollowing points body temperatureshould be at 37C(1) enzymes workbest at optimumtemperature (37C) (1) highertemperatures willdenature theenzymes /enzymes wontfunction / wontwork (1) (therefore)chemical reactionswill stop / decrease(1)

    Increased risk ofdehydration

    (2) 2(b) B (1) 2(c) An explanation

    linking two of thefollowing points hair erectormuscles contracted/ hairs were raised(1) trapping a layer of(insulating) air (1) reducing heat loss(by convection) (1)

    Ignore: trappingheat

    (2) 2(d) Description of

    vasodilation andvasoconstriction (2)OR sweat glandsand sweat (2) OR

    shivering (2)

    Accept naming ofone process iflinked with correcteffect, e.g.vasodilation

    causes cooling (2).3(i) Ear (1) (1) 3(ii) Receptor cells (1) (1)3(ii) An explanation

    linking three of thefollowing points

    (impulse from)receptor cells (1)

    collected by)dendrites (1)

    (travel along)dendron (1)

    (through) cellbody (1)

    (along) axon (1) axon endings (3)

  • 8/13/2019 Test P1 Topic 1 Visible light and the Solar System and P1 Topic 22 The electromagnetic spectrum [and a little bit o


    (transmit impulse toother neurones)