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Usability TestingTest PlanThe CuatroMatthew Mathis, Danielle Fimbres, Brandon Scott, Paul KorolenkoOctober 17, 2014John Seitz

Full Sail University

Executive Summary

The purpose of this test plan is to describe, in detail, what the testing process for Newts Light will include. This testing process will help discern player comprehension and understanding of the mechanics and context of Newts Light. Using the test aloud method, the evaluators will attempt to determine areas within the design of Newts Light that need to be improved, removed, or otherwise altered to increase accessibility, playability, usability, and overall fun within the game.Testing Methodology

We will be utilizing think aloud testing with the test subjects being unprompted and uncorrected. During and after the testing we will question the test subject with standardized impression and exploratory questions. These questions are open ended and will not lead the test subject to one bias or another. We aim to collect valuable behavioral and attitudinal data.There will be at least four test subjects who identify as casual or non-hard-core gamers. Tests will be performed on a PC, with keyboard and mouse, in a comfortable setting (either the observers or the test subjects home). Each test subject will provide their gender and age before testing begins. Tests will have one of two end conditions: the test subject completes the game in its entirety or the test subject surpasses thirty minutes of play. The metrics being collected during the test sessions will include: level number, puzzle number, time taken to complete each level, number of moves taken to complete the level, and any other notes that are relevant to the gameplay. The number of moves taken to complete a level will be calculated by how many times a test subject must move a prism (anytime a player by picks up and releases a prism).

Testing Goals:

Exploratory Questions

Matt What did you like about the game? What did you not like about the game? What can you tell me about your understanding of the story of the game?

Dani Tell me what you thought about the jumping controls of the game. How did the information provided by the game (in-game text, hints) help you understand how to play the game?

Paul How did puzzle difficulty compare to previous puzzle games youve played? Tell me about your thoughts on moving the prisms around.

Brandon What were your thoughts on the combination of platforming and cursor controls? Were you able to discern between instructions and character commentary? Why or why not.

Impression Questions

Matt What did you think the gameplay would consist of before starting the game based off your initial impression of the menu screen (gameplay)?

Dani From the opening screen and main menu, what do you think this game is about (context and story)?

Paul Based on the opening menus, what do you picture the player avatar looks like?

Brandon Based upon initial impressions of the opening screen, what other games game to mind?

Data Collection

Initial Testing Experience


I was overall displeased with the gaming experience offered by Newts Lights. I found the controls to be frustrating at times. Specifically, the problem existed in the clash of objects on screen which was the result of prisms getting stuck on the player character or on platforms these clashes reduce the overall quality of the gaming experience. The game has a fantastic concept and I believe it can be a very interesting and complex game with time. But right now the game needs quite a lot of work


The overall concept of the game is very interesting and seems like it could be a lot of fun. It was a bit difficult to understand what the main goal of the game was at first; it took some time for me to figure out how to use the prisms in the first level. In the third level, having to hold the prism while the laser moved through it was confusing. It did not seem like there was much of a difference in position between the prism just sitting there and me holding it, but it would only activate if I was holding it.


In the second puzzle in level 1, I was able to lodge the prism inside of a switch. This made it impossible to finish the level. I did this by dragging the prism to the left of the switch and pulling my mouse to the right. This made it frustrating to have to restart the game every time the prisms got lodged on or in other game objects. Like Matt I think the concept is good, it just needs a little work.


Several times I had problems grabbing the prisms and moving them to where I needed them, especially if they were overlapping the avatar. Additionally, the gameplay seems divided between platforming with the avatar then stopping to move prisms around the level. This isnt necessarily bad, just an observation. The overall concept is one that I think could be very fun.



Newts Light Team. (2014). Newts Light (A02). [Video Game].

Usability Test Plan Template. (2014). Usability test plan. Retrieved on October 17, 2014 from http://www.usability.gov/how-to-and-tools/resources/templates/usability-test-plan-template.html