test review. according to freud, the part of the psyche that stops a person from stealing is the a....

Chapter 14 Personality Test Review

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Test Review Slide 2 According to Freud, the part of the psyche that stops a person from stealing is the a. Collective unconscious b. Id c. Superego d. ego Slide 3 Answer: C Superego Slide 4 Gary feels that his younger son George is unattractive and not very smart. He accuses his wife of picking on George and favoring their other son. What defense is being used? Slide 5 What is projection? Slide 6 Freud saw this part of the unconscious as operating in terms of the reality principle. Slide 7 What is the ego? Slide 8 According to Freud, basic sexual and aggressive drives reside in the a. Id b. Collective unconscious c. Superego d. ego Slide 9 Answer a) Id Slide 10 Which psychologist suggested that traits are inherited? Slide 11 Who is Gordon Allport? Slide 12 Which of the following is a Robust Five personality factor? a. Warm and cheerful b. Shy and emotional c. Sluggish and cool d. Agreeableness-disagreeableness Slide 13 Answer d) agreeableness-disagreeableness Slide 14 Which psychologist introduced the term inferiority complex ? Slide 15 Who is Alfred Adler? Slide 16 What is Carl Jungs term for the part of the psyche similar to Freuds unconscious? Slide 17 What is the personal unconscious? Slide 18 Sixteen year old Tom had started using drugs, and the changes in his behavior made it pretty obvious, but Toms parents didnt believe the school principal when she called to talk to them about the problem. What defense mechanism is being used? Slide 19 Denial. Slide 20 Which psychologist believed that social relationships are the greatest influence on personality? a. Karen Horney b. Carl Jung c. Alfred Adler d. Sigmund Freud Slide 21 Answer a) Karen Horney Slide 22 Images such as supreme being and fairy godmothers are examples of? Slide 23 What are archetypes? Slide 24 He introduced a personality theory that is based on body typology. Slide 25 Who is William Sheldon? Slide 26 True or False? Repression protects you from disturbing memories, forbidden desires, painful feelings by burying such material in the unconscious. Slide 27 True! Slide 28 Trixie was homesick and anxious when she moved into the dormitory and started her first year in college. She began to sleep with her old teddy bear again because it made her feel better. What defense mechanism is being used? Slide 29 What is Regression? Slide 30 True or False? Freud often used hypnosis as a method of exploring the unconscious, until many people denied the things they said when they were in a hypnotic state. Slide 31 True Slide 32 This type can be described as people who are thoughtful, passive and quiet. Slide 33 What are Introverts? Slide 34 He developed the 16 PF scale based on 16 source traits. Slide 35 Who is Raymond Cattell? Slide 36 Mark behaves like a stereotypical he- man, but he is actually anxious and insecure about his gender identity. What defense mechanism is being used? Slide 37 What is Reaction Formation? Slide 38 Your image of who you are and what you value. Slide 39 What is self? Slide 40 Humanist who believed that many people suffer from a conflict between what they value in themselves and what they believe other people value in them. Slide 41 Who is Carl Rogers? Slide 42 The conditions a person must meet in order to regard himself or herself positively. Slide 43 What are conditions of worth? Slide 44 A school of psychology that emphasizes personal growth and the achievement of maximum potential by each unique individual. Slide 45 Humanistic Psychology Slide 46 The term for realizing ones unique potential. Slide 47 What is self-actualization? Slide 48 Bandura called this our view of our ability to succeed. Slide 49 What is self efficacy? Slide 50 The occurrence of rewards or punishments following particular behaviors. Slide 51 What are contingencies of reinforcement? Slide 52 In this book, Skinner described an Utopian society. Slide 53 What is Walden Two? Slide 54 His work in personality development focused on the importance of learning by observation. Slide 55 Who is Albert Bandura? Slide 56 Belief that the proper subject matter of psychology is objectively observable behavior---and nothing else. Slide 57 What is behaviorism? Slide 58 Certain specific means by which the ego unconsciously protects itself against unpleasant impulses or circumstances. Slide 59 What are Defense Mechanisms? Slide 60 The consistent, enduring, and unique characteristics of a person. Slide 61 What is personality? Slide 62 An outgoing, active person who directs his or her energies and interests toward other people and things. Slide 63 What is an Extravert? Slide 64 A stable characteristic that can be observed in certain situations. Cattell found 46 of these. Slide 65 What are surface traits? Slide 66 A characteristic or feature that is so pervasive the person is almost identified with it. (E.g. Mr. Scrooge is stingy and cold-hearted). Slide 67 What is a cardinal trait? Slide 68 A tendency to react to a situation in a way that remain stable over time. Slide 69 An individual whose person and self coincide. Slide 70 What is Fully Functioning? Slide 71 This school of psychology claims our analysis of our own perceptions, thoughts, and feelings shape our personalities. Slide 72 What is Cognitive Psychology? Slide 73 unaware Slide 74 unconscious Slide 75 True or False? Freud believed that all life moves toward death and that the desire for a final end shows up in human personality as destructiveness and aggression. Slide 76 True Slide 77 Tests that provide subjects with ambiguous stimuli for interpretation are called______tests. Slide 78 Projective Slide 79 The most widely used projective test is the _________, in which subjects are shown a series of ________. Slide 80 Rorschach; inkblots Slide 81 Sarah has a relatively low level of brain arousal. Eysenck would probably predict that she is a. An extravert b. An introvert c. An unstable person d. Both a and c Slide 82 A; an extravert Slide 83 A psychologist at the campus mental health center administered an empirically derived personality test to diagnose an emotionally troubled student. Which test did the psychologist most likely administer? a. The MMPI b. The TAT c. The Rorschach d. The Wechsler Slide 84 The MMPI Slide 85 In high school Britta and Debbie were best friends. They thought they were a lot alike, as did everyone else who knew them. After high schools they went on to very different colleges, careers, and life courses. Now, at their 25 th reunion, they are shocked at how little they have in common. Bandura would suggest that they differences reflect the interactive efforts of environment, personality, and behavior, which he refers to as: a. Reciprocal determinism b. Personal control c. Identification d. The self-serving bias Slide 86 A; reciprocal determinism Slide 87 Wanda wishes to instill in her children an accepting attitude toward other people. Maslow and Rogers would probably recommend that she: a. Teach her children first to accept themselves b. Use discipline sparingly c. Be affectionate with her children only when they behave as she wishes d. Do all of the above Slide 88 A; teach her children first to accept themselves Slide 89 Andrews grandfather, who has lived a rich ad productive life, is a spontaneous, loving, and self-accepting person. Maslow might say that the grandfather a. Has an internal locus of control b. Is an extravert c. Has resolved all the conflicts of the psychosexual stages d. Is a self-actualizing person Slide 90 D; self actualized person Slide 91 The school psychologist believes that having a positive self-concept is necessary before students can achieve their potential. Evidently, the school psychologist is working within the ___perspective. a. Psychoanalytic b. Trait c. Humanistic d. Social-cognitive Slide 92 C; Humanistic Slide 93 Id is to ego as ______is to ______. a. Reality principle; pleasure principle b. Pleasure principle; reality principle c. Conscious forces; unconscious forces d. Conscience; personality executive Slide 94 B; In Freuds theory the id operates according to the pleasure principle; the ego operates according to the reality principle Slide 95 According to William Sheldon, this type is laid-back, loving and social. a. Endomorph b. Ectomorph c. Mesomorph d. Hectomorph Slide 96 According to Sheldon, Endomorphs are laid-back, loving and social types. Slide 97 True or False? Mesomorphs typically show aggressive, competitive behavior. Slide 98 True Slide 99 It means unaware. Slide 100 What is unconscious? Slide 101 An aspect of personality that is considered to be reasonably stable over time. Slide 102 What is a trait? Slide 103 Storehouse of instincts, urges, and memories of the entire human species throughout history. Slide 104 What is the collective unconscious?