test your business english hotel and catering - alison pohl

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T e s t / Y o u r  

Business EnglishH o t e l   a n d    C a t e r i n g

A l i s o n   P o h l

S e r i e s   E d i t o r  : N i c k    B r i e g e r  

Test Your...  series developed by Peter Watcyn-Jones  L ___________________________________________________________________________________________ t_

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Section 1 The front office

Guest relations Test 1 Lost property 1

Test 2 Guest relations 2

Rcccption Test 3 Rcccption 4Reservations Test 4 Reservations 5

Test Ỉ Word building I 6

Cheeking out Test 6 Cheeking out 7

Test 7 Two-word nouns 8

Section 2 Hotel services

Facilities Test 8 Hotel facilities 9

Test 9 Hotel accommodation 10

Local information Test 10 Out and about 12

Test 11 Giving directions 13

Conferences Test 12 Conferences 1 14Test 13 Conferences 2 15

Complaints Test 14 A letter of complaint 16

Test 1 The correct reply 17

Sccrion 3 1ioiHekeeplog

Fixtures and fittings Test 16 The bathroom 18

Test 17 Furniture and fittings 19

Accommodation Test 18 Name the place 20

Test 19 The building 21

Cleaning Test 20 Cleaning 22

Test 21 Mixed up letters23

Air and light Test 22 Hotel systems 1 24

Test 23 Hotel systems 2 25

Scction 4 Food and drink 

Fruit and vegetables Test 24 Fruit 26

Test 25 Vegetables 27

Food and beverages Test 26 Classifications 28

Test 27 Tastes 29

Food preparation Test 28 Cooking 30

Test 29 Utensils 31

Working in the kitchen Test 30 Phrasal verbs 32

Test 31 Hygiene 33

Section 5 Food service

Menu Test 32 A menu 34

Equipment Test 33 Service items 36

Service 1 Tesl 34 Whal type of service? 38

Test 35 Giving scrvicc 39

Service 2 Test 36 A breakfast tray 40

Test 37 How to be polite 41

Section 6 Responsibilities

Safety Test 38 Safety first 42Test 39 Fire procedures 43

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Legal matters


Section 7Personnel

Sales and marketing

Information technology

Section K

The business office

Official forms


British English and

American Knglish


Test 40 Unwelcome guests 44

Test 41 Word building 2 45

Test 42 Legal words 46

Test 43 What do they mean? 47

Test 44 Carriers of disease 48

Test 45 Health and hygiene 49

ManagementTest 46 Employment 50

Test 47 Whose job is it? 52

Tesl 48 Job advertisements 53

Test 49 Positive thinking 54

Test 50 Marketing 55

Test 51 Computer systems 56

Financial affairs

Test 52 OfTicc items 58

Test 53 At work in the olĩicc 59

Test 54 Handling stock  60

Test 55 Business documentation 61

Test 56 Facts and figures 62

Test 57 Accountancy terms 63

Test 58 Final accounts 64

Test 59  Nationalities and currencies 65



Word list 77

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S E C T I O N 1: T H E F R O N T O F F I C E

J Lost property

These items have been left behind by custom ers Write the num ber o f each item next

to the correct word or words. (See example):

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2 Guest relations

What does the receptionist say to the hotel guests? Write the letter of each p hrase in

the speech bubble of the correct picture. (See example):

a) ‘Could you spell that, please?’

 b) ‘Good evening, sir. May 1 help you?’

c) ‘I'm afraid your room isn’t quite ready yet. Would you mind tak ing a seat in

the lounge for a few minutes?’

d) ‘I’m sorry you’ve had to wait, madam. Mow can I help you?’

e) ‘O f course, sir. m call you when it comes.'

f ) i ’m terribly sorry that you’re no t happy with your room .'

g) ‘Cou ld I possibly ask you to park your car round the back?’

h) "One mo men t, please madam, an d I’ll work out the tota l.’

i ) ‘Can I suggest you try ou r evening ente rtainm ent. It’s always very popu lar.’

 j ) ‘I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed your stay with us. We look forw ard to welcoming

you back again in the future.’

Section I: The front office

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Section 1: The front office

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Section 1: The front office

^ Reception

Choose the word which best completes each sentence.

1 Guests entering the hotel will find the reception desk in th e .........................

a) scullery b) foyer c) back office d) co rridor 

2 One of the jobs o f a recep tionis t is t o .......................complaints.

a) manage b) deal with c) organize d) regret

3 People who use the same hotel on several occasions are c a lle d .........................

a) norm als b) returners c) regulars d) usuals

4 Custom ers with valuable items should use th e ...................... prov ision .

a) safe deposit b) secure c) savings d) lock up

5 Th e people who use a particu lar hotel are know n as th e ........................

a) guest list b) long stays c) clientele d) usuals

6 When guests arrive the receptionist usually asks them to sign ih e .........................

a) register b) bookings form c) ledger d) guest bill

7 Each day t h e .......................list shows the nam es of the guests expected.

a) stop-go b) records c) arrivals d) room

8 If guests lose their room keys, a mem ber of staff can open their room d oo r with

a .......................key.

a) ma in b) passage c) pass d) card 

9 Messages for guests who are out should be placed in the ap p ro pr iate ..................

at reception.

a) pigeon hole b) key hole c) bird box d) key hook 

10 Hotels may manage to fill vacant rooms w it h .......................bookings.

a) oppo rtun ity b) chance c) early d) provisional

11 People who have booked but don ’t arrive are know n a s ..........................

a) delays b) no comers c) failures d) no shows

12 In order to be successful, a hotel must try to maximize ro o m .........................

a) availability b) turnover c) status d) occupancy

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Section 1: The front office

4 Reservations

The following extracts arc from two different letters, a letter making a reservation

and a letter of confirm ation, bu t they have got mixed up. Put them in the right orde r

to product' two correct letters.

1Yours faithfully

Susan Peacock


I look forward to receiving

your confirmation.

I would like to reserve four

single room s from 19th to 24th

 November 19 for four o f our


We look forwarc

ou r guests.

to receiving

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your letter of

16th September 19-. We are very

 pleased that you have

chosen to use our hotel for your

four managers who will be in

Anyton from 19th to 24th

 Novem ber 19-.



The rooms should be booked

in the nam es o f John Brown,

Mary Black, Bill Franks and

Ann Jones.

Could you please inform me of

your rates and whether you

offer discounts for company


I would like to confirm your

reservation for four single rooms

for these dates. Wc are happy to

 be able to oflcr you our corpor

ate rates, which you will find in

the enclosed leaflet.

Yours sincerely

Peter Black

Reservations Clerk 

Dear Ms Peacock 

letter of reservation letter of confirmation

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

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Section 1: The front office

 jỊỳ  Word building 1

The word in capitals at the end of each sentence can be used to form a word th at fits

suitably in the b lank space. (See example):

Custom ers usually make a pho ne call or send a

fax to make a ...........................................   R E S E R V E

1 I’m not sure of the exact dates yet so I'd like to make a

.............................................. booking for the 2 4th to 28th. P R O V I S I O N

2 They made a book ing for twenty people but it isn’t a

..............................................booking yet. C O N F I R M A T I O N

3 There are more guests than rooms. I’m afraid the hotel is

..................................................  B O O K I N G

4 I’m sorry, bu t there is n o .............................................. for 

the honeym oon suite for the periodyou requứe. AV AI L A B L E

5 The records mu st have accurate inform ation so the staff 

sh o u ld ...............................................them regularly. D A T E

6 The cus tom er has been taken ill so we’ve had a...............................................of the booking . C A N C E L

7 There’s no one in room 507 at the mom ent and 

room 508 is a ls o ................................................. O C C U P Y

8 Hotels often do n’t ...............................................specific

rooms to spettfic guests until they arrive. A L L O C A T I O N

9 One o f the first job s to be done each day is to deal with

th e .................... ................................. C O R R E S P O N D

10 When filling in the reservations form, please make sure

tha t th e ............................................. arc written clearly. E N T E R 

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Section 1: The front office

Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following. Use each

verb once only and rem ember to pu t it into the correct form. (See example):

calculate incur   liaise settle

check out issue overcharge sign for 

dispute itemize return vacate

At the end o f their slay guests at reception.

1 During their stay at a hotel, guests w il l.............................charges for the

services which they use in the hotel.

2 When a hotel guest eats in the hotel res tau ran t he/she will be asked to

.............................the meal before leaving.

3 Some ho te ls .............................a luggage pass to show th at paym ent has been

received and the guest is free to leave.

4 Guests usually wish to see exactly what they are paying for, so the hotel

sh o u ld .............................the bill to show each item separately.

5 M ost hotels ask euests who arc leaving t o .............................their rooms

 before lunchtime.

6 A com pu ter also makes it much easier t o .............................any discount.

7 The reception ist will ask the gues ts t o .............................the ir bills before

leaving the hotel.

8 The receptionist w il l.............................any valuables which have been

deposited for safe keeping.

9 Guests m ay .............................a charge if they disagree with it.

10 In orde r to avoid prob lems the receptionist sh o u ld .............................with theothe r departm ents in the hotel.

11 Guests will be very unhappy if the h o te l.............................them and asks

them to pay more.

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Section 1: The from office

^  Two-word nouns

Use the clues to fill in the missing letters in the two-word nouns below. There is one

three-word noun!

1 R T i c D

2 E G E E

3 I G N I E N Y4 L E s 1 0 u c

R V ■  A G E N T ■s ■ E R6 s c E 1 G E

T R c H E Q u E   s

8   ci


9 L G R 1   c   c T

M M   s s   R11 N   0   s

1 e.g. Barclaycard, Visa or Access.

2 The num ber of Ge rman M arks for Am erican D ollars varies because of this.

3 No tes and coins from ano ther country.

4 You sign this when you pay by I above.

5 Tourists who boo k thro ugh an agent will use this as a form o f payment.

6 Often  \ữ Va or 15% added to the restaurant bill.

7 These cheques are often used by overseas customers.

8 The m ost m odern system for prepa ring customers’ bills.

9 Cu stom ers who regularly use the hotel may pay this monthly.

10 The level o f administrative charges for changing money m ade by the hotel

or bank.

11 Paper money.

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S E C T I O N 2 : H O T E L S E R V I C E S

8Hotel facilities

Th e following guests have different wishes. In w hich section o f the room information

sheet should they look? Write the number o f each guest next to the corrcct section.

(See example):

1 Mrs Braun would like to have her blouse cleaned.

2 M r Murphy wants to know about buses to the airport.

3 Th e McNeills would like break fast in their room.

4 Christine Mo ore is feeling unwell.

5 Bob Dixon needs clean shoes for the morn ing.

6 Mrs Peterson has to be sure she gets up early tomo rrow morning .

7 Fio na Frelimo wants to call her friend in Barcelona.

8 Tom M oshi would like a soft drink in his room.

9 Tim M orrison w ould like tea in his roo m before going for breakfast.

10 M ary Redm an wants to know where to leave her car.

11 Eric and Jack w onder what they can do this evening.

12 David Blande wan ts to know the prices for different rooms.


Room service ......   Tariffs

Telephone ......  Entertainment

Mini-bar ......  Shoe-cleaning service

Transport ......   Wake-up calls

Laundry .J.„ Garaging

Medical help ......  Early morn ing teas

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Section 2: Hotel services

Hotel accommodation

A M atch the plan on the left with its description on the right.

American Plan bed only

Demi-pension  bed and breakfast

European Plan  bed, bre akfa st and lunch or dinner 

Continental P lan  bed, breakfast , lunch and dinner 

B Write the numb er of each room type on the correct picture.

1 single 2 double 3 twin 4 adjoining 5 doub le en suite

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Section 2: Hotel services

10 Out and about

Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choo se from the following. Use each

word once only, although there are more words than you need. Read the whole text

first before trying to fill the gaps.

attractions destination festivals nature

conveniences displayed galleries resort

countryside escorted guides ruins

courtesy events itinerary scenery

cruise excursions locality souvenirs

daily ferries museums

Visitors arriving at the hotel will be interested to know w hat is on offer. Many ho tels

will arrange (1 ) ....................................... tours by coach, or on foot to visit local

(2 ) ..........................................These may include his toric ( 3 ) .......................................... art

(4 ) ....................................... or ( 5 ) .........................................where objects from the past

can be seen.

Many people prefer to spend time o ut o f doo rs and like to travel into the

(6 ) ..................................... where they can enjoy and ph otogra ph the

(7 ) ......................................The hotel can arrange half-day or full-day

(8 ) ....................................and a detailed ( 9 ) .........................................will inform the

guests of the exact route which will be taken. G uests arc normally given some time to

visit shops where they of ten buy ( 1 0 )....................................... to remind them o f the ir 

holiday when they return home. Alternatively, they may enjoy a

(1 1 ).......................................on a boat on a river o r canal.

During the year the re are many ( 12 )....................................... tak ing place in the

local area. Information about the time and place o f these should be

(13 ) ......................................in the hote l so th at guests are aware o f what is going

on. The hotel can expect to be very busy when national o r local

(14 ) ......................................are tak ing place. Some of these are famous all over the

world and attract many visitors.


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Section 2: Hotel services

11  Giving directions

Fill in the missing words in the sentences. There are several possibilities for some of



Turn r ight ................. the bridge.


Follow the ro a d .................the school.

Turn lef t .................Cuthbert Road.

The Post Office is a little way

....................................the right.

The ticket office i s ................. the

 book shop.

Go s traig h t.


. at the

G o ........

see the church.

Blair A ven ue .................you

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12 Conferences 1

Fill in the following crossword.

Section 2: Hotel services


1 The number of days a conference will 1


2 The person who is invited to give a 3

talk at a conference.

5 The person giving a talk is asked to 4

........ the conference.

7 The docum ent used by the hotel to

list all the conference requirements.

(8,  5) 6

8 It ’s held once a year.

9 The p lace where a conference is held.

10 If there are problems, it may be

necessary t o ........ the conference

to a la ter dale.


The people who come to a


The dales have not been confirmed,

they are o n ly ........ at the moment.

The week before Ihe conference

 begins you have t o ........ all the

arrangem ents with the conference



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Section 2: Hotel services

13 Conferences 2

Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following:

classroom opening ceremonies square metres

conference package overhead projector  syndicate

conference programm e  plenary theatre

estimated attendance seating capacity

hospitality room slide projector 

1 When describing the size o f a room,

the maximum number o f people who

can sit in the room is known as the

2 Organizers will probab ly require

equipm ent for a conference; a


show photog raphs on the wall and an

..........................................to show dia

grams an d text.


3 A conference hotel will probably cal

culate all the costs o f the conference

and offer the custom er one total

 price called th e ......................................

4 The size of room s is given in

6 Guests are welcomed in the

7 T h e ..........................................shows

the guests what is happening where

and when.

8 The expected num ber of guests is

known as th e .........................................

9 Conferences will require different

room layouts. A roo m for all partici

 pants with only chairs is called 

....................................style. If tables

are also provided, it is referred to as



□ □ □ a n□ □ □ □ □

c n c n C Z ) t m c n

10 Sm aller...........................................

rooms for small groups of two to ten

 people may be needed too.

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Section 2: Hotel services

14 A letter of complaint

The following extracts are from two different letters, a letter making a com plaint and

a letter of reply, but they have got mixed up. Put them in the right order to produce

two correct letters.

When o ne o f my guests arrived the

waiter sat her at the wrong lable.

Later, the same waiter spilt a few

drops of red wine on another

guest's trousers. The final embar

rassment was when the waiter presented the bill to one of my guests

instead of me.

As a toke n o f our regret I enclose a

vouchcr for an evening meal for

two people and hope to welcome

you personally in the near future.

I am writing to com plain abou t the

service I recently received in your

restau rant while on a business trip.

Yours sincerely

Pierre Lancel

Restaurant Manager 

Yours faithfully

Raymond S trang

Sales Manager 

Dear Sir/Madam



I had invited four clients to join

me for lunch in your restaurant,

where I had expected to receive

the best service. Unfortunately. I

have a num ber o f complaints.

I am afraid that we were experi

encing staffing problems during

this period and had an inexperi

enced waiter working in the

restaurant. He has since left and

we are happy to say that we now

have only fully qualified waiters

serving o ur customers.

I feel that this is not the profes

sional service which I expect from

a top restaurant and I know that

you will wish to ensure that it does

not happen again.

Dear M r Strang

I was very sorry to read of the

 problems which you experienced in

ou r resta uran t on yo ur recent visit.

letter of complaint letter of reply

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

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Section 2: Hotel services

15 The correct reply

Some guests are experiencing problems. M atch each prob lem (1 14) with a suitable

reply (a* n). Write the letters in the grid below.

1 This towel is damp.

2 The pillowcase is stained.

3 The shower curta in is tom .

4 I wanted a newspaper in my room.

5 The room is dusty.

6 Th ere’s a lot o f noise on the tele

 phone line.

7 The m irror is cracked.

8 I think the hai rdr ier is faulty.

9 Th e window is stuck.

10 My suitcase is still in my room .

11 The waste-paper basket is full.

12 Th is light bulb is too weak for


13 The room is cold.

14 There’s no ashtray in my room.

a) I’ll get the chamberm aid to clean it.

 b) I’ll have the hea ting tu rn ed up.

c) I’ll get someone to open it.

d) I ’ll have it brought down.

e) I'll fetch you a dry one.

0 If you tell me which one you read I’ll

have it delivered.

g) I’ll get you a clean one.

h) I’ll have il replaced.

i) I’ll have a stron ger one fitted.

 j) I'll have one bro ught to your room .

k) I’ll have a new one pu t up.

1) I’ll have it checked.

m) I'll call the ope rato r and have it


n) I'll get someone to empty it.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

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S E C T I O N 3 : H O U S E K E E P I N G

16 The bathroom

Look at the picture below and write the numbers 1-16 next to the correct word or


 bath tap ......

 bath mat ......   plug toilet ......

 bath towel toilet paper ......

glass wash basin ......

hand towel


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Section 3: Housekeeping

17 Furniture and fittings

Write the number of cach drawing next to the correct word or words.

 banis te r




coat hangercoat stand



curtain track

doo r handle



light switch

 picture fram e





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Section 3: Housekeeping

18 Name the place

Use the clues to fill in the missing letters. They are all places in hotel and catering

establishments. The first letter is given for each one.

1 Th e passageway between several rooms. c ___________ 

2 Gu ests can buy newspapers and magazines here. k  ______ 

3 Here you can sit outside your bedroom in the sun. b __________ 

4 Bedding and clothes are cleaned here. 1 _________ 

5 A no the r wo rd for foyer. 1 ______ 

6 Guests can enjoy a long drink here. c __________  b

7 A bedroo m on a ship. c _____ 

8 Gu ests can leave suitcases here. 1 ____  1 __________ 

9 It’s cool and dark where the wine is kept! c _    ___ 

10 Gu ests can eat and drink outside here. t _________ 

11 Gues ts can sit com fortably and relax here. 1 ________ 

12 Climbing these to the sixth floor is tiring. s ________ 

13 Gu ests attending functions hang their coats here. c _____________ 

14 A quick way to reach the sixth floor. 1_ 

15 Food is cooked here. k __________ 

16 The place for a wedding reception. b ______________  r  _____ 

17 Food is prepa red here on bo ard an aircraft. g ________ 

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Section 3: Housekeeping

J The building

Choose the word which best completes each sentence.

1 The re staurant is closed for two m onths while it is b ei n g .....................................

a) renewed b) remade c) renovated d) reformed 

2 There will be ten new bedroom s when the builders finish th e .....................................

a) extension b) extent c) enlargement d) utility

3 The chale ts have every thing a guest could require: they a r e .....................................

a) self-catered b) self-formed c) self-made d) self-contained 

4 The building has fallen in to a sta te o f ...................................and now it needs a lot

of work doing on it.

a) despair b) dispersal c) disrepair d) distress

5 This room is very quie t as it’s no t at the front o f the hotel. It i s ...............................

a) back -looking b) rear-facing c) rear-looking d) back-facing

6 The building is very old and the management have spent a lot o f money

.................................. the original features.

a) restoring b) installing c) re-equipping d) servicing

7 We apologize for any inconvenience caused dur ing th e ...................................o f the

new swimming pool.

a) com position b) form ation c) assembly d) construction

8 The new res tau rant is to be built on t h e ...................................o f the old facto ry

which was pulled dow n three years ago.

a) site b) position c) ground d) basis

9 The present location of the restaurant is not good an d now M r M artin is looking

for ne w ......................................

a) places b) premises c) estates d) resorts

10 T h e ....................................aro und the hotel are beautifully planted with flowers.a) ear th b) floors c) grounds d) lands

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Section 3: Housekeeping

20 Cleaning

Ma tch th e definitions (1-14) with the verbs (a-n).

I Use a brush with a long hand le to remove dry dirt from

the floor. a) dry clean

2 Ma ke the furniture and floors shine.  b) strip

3 Clean the floor with water and a small brush. c) sweep

4 Clean the floor with water and a cloth on a long handle. d) wet mop

5 Remove the dust from th e shelf with a wet cloth. e) replenish

6 Use water and soap powder to clean the linen. 0 launder 

7 Remove the so ap w ith water. g) vacuum

8 Leave linen to stand in water for a few hours. h)  po lish

9 Clean the bed cover without water. i) deep clean

10 Clean the carpets, chairs and sofas with a machine.  j) rinse

11 Take all the used linen ofT the bed. k) dispose of 

12 Put new soap and towels in the room. 1) soak 

13 Take away the waste. m) damp wipe

14 Clean the carpets thoroughly. n) scrub

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

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Section 3: Housekeeping

21 Mixed up letters

Rearrang e the letters in brackets to form the correct words.

1 If silver isn't cleaned it will (ra sh itn) ...............................

2 D on 't touch the glass window or you will leave (finpitsgre rn).

3 Be careful if there is water on the floor as it will be (e rslyp pi ).

4 Children having a bath o ften (s h la sp)...............................

5 Na sty smells in a room are known as (rs oo ud ) ..........................

6 D on ’t use these (r as ab ev i).............................cleaning agents because they will

scratch the surfacc.

7 Machines which make work quicker and easier are know n as (lou bar - avngsi)

.............................- .............................. devices.

8 In some areas o f the country the water is hard an d leaves (emil sleca)

............................................................on baths.

9 Sometimes white co tton becomes yellow or grey and you can use (blchae)

to whiten it again.

10 If red wine is spilt on the carp et, it will leave a (n si ta ).

11 Some waste, e.g. paper and em pty cans, can be sold an d, therefore, has a


12 Old pieces of metal may leave brow nish (s tu r) .............................marks on fabrics.

13 (entss vo l).............................are used to remove m arks which will no t com e out

in water.

14 There will only be light (s oa ge il) .............................on c arpets which are seldom


15 A special leather, which is used for clean ing windows, is called a (amchios)

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Section 3: Housekeeping

22 Hotel systems 1

Fill in the missing words in the texts below. Cho ose from the following:

drains humidity sewer  u-bend 

extractor  insulated tank ventilation

filters  pipes th erm osta t

grill radiator  


In large building complexes, fresh air will be supplied to rooms through an air-condi-

tioning system. This provides ( 1 ) .................................. in each room so that guests can

 brea the co mfortab ly and also co ntrols the (2) ................................... so th at the air 

doesn’t contain too much moisture. In cach room the opening to the air-conditioning

system is covered with a ( 3 ) .....................................

In kitchens, steam an d smells are sucked o ut by an ( 4 ) ...................................which

conta ins (5 ) ...................................to remove any harmful gases.

Central heating

Heating may be und crf loor or a ( 6 ) ...................................may be fitted to the wall in

each room. The temperature in the room can be controlled by means o f a

( 7 ) ...................................which will ma inta in a con sta nt tem perature. A n efficient sys

tem will be well (8 ) ...................................so th at energy is not lost.


Water requ ired for a b uilding may be stored in a ( 9 ) .......................................Water is

supplied to each room through (10) ....................................... Waste water is removed 

through (1 1 ) ...................................which en ter a m ain ( 1 2 ) .....................................outside

the building.

Un der baths and basins a (1 3 ) .................................. stops smells entering the room.

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23 Hotel systems 2

Section 3: Housekeeping

Fill in the missing words in the text below. Choose from the following:

appliances flex overloaded   socket

current fuse plug wiring

electrician kilowatt hours

 Electr ic ity

A haird rie r or an electric shaver are examples o f electrical ( 1 ) ......................................

They have a ( 2 ) .......................with a (3 ) .................................... at the end which fits into

a ( 4 ) ......................... in the wall. If there is a fault, the electricity supply will be cut by

a (5 )..... ........

The a m oun t o f electricity used is measured in ( 6 ) ...................................... The e lectri

cal (7 ) .................................. in Britain is 240 volts, while in many European countries

it is 220 volts. If too many pieces of equipment are connected to one supply, the

system may be (8) ................................... and there is a danger of fire. When prob

lems arise, a qualified (9) ................................... should be called to check the

(10)   ................................ ....

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S E C T I O N 4 : F O O D A N D D R I N K  

24 Fruit

Write the num ber o f each p icture next to the correct word or words.






kiwi fruit





 pass ion fruit



star fruit


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Section 4: Food and drink

25 Vegetables

Write the num ber o f each picture next to the correc t word or words.

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Section 4: Food and drink


Write one nam e for each o f the following groups. (See example):

1 milk, cream, butter, yoghurt

2 alm ond , brazil, pistachio, cashew

3 harico t beans, lentils, chick-peas, soya beans

4 sage, parsley, thyme, basil

5 ginger, cinnam on, cloves, turm eric

6 pork, lamb, beef, mutto n

7 sultanas, currants , raisins, prunes

8 choux, flaky, puff, short

9 royal, glacé, satin, butte r 

10 spaghetti, tagliatelle, ravioli, lasagne

11 cod, perch, trou t, salmon

12 tea, coffee, orang e juice, cola

13 claret, rioja , Chianti, sekt

14 pheasant, grouse, venison, rabbit

15 conso mm e, cock-a-leekie, bro th, chowder 

16 gouda, Stilton, camembert, parmesan

17 mussels, oysters, scallops, prawns

18 gingerbread, gateau, sponge, Swiss roll

19 hollandaise, bechamel, mom ay, Bcam aise

20 wheat, rye, oats, barley

Proci <i cJ ;J L

n ____ 

 p -----------

h   _____ 

s _______ 

m ____ 

d   _____  f  _______ 

 p a --------------

i _______ 

p ---------

f  ____ 

 b ____________ 

w ______ 

g ------

s   _____ 

c _________ 

s _________ 

c ______ 

s _______ 

c e _ .

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Sectwn 4: Food and drink


Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following:

 bit te r delicious hot so ur 

 bland  dry rich spicy

 burn t greasy savoury sweet

1 The skin o f an orange tastes q u ite .........................

2 Food cooked with chilli i s .........................

3 Food cooked with a lot o f cream is v e ry ..............

4 Sugar and honey will make a d is h .........................

5 Indian food i s .........................

6 If you forget the salt and pepper the food will be

7 Lemon juice i s .........................

8 The ma in course cooked with salt and spices is ..

9 Too much fat used in cooking can make the dish

10 A dish without enough liquid is .........................

11 A dish cooked to perfection will b e .......................

12 Toast cooked too long tas te s .........................

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Section 4: Food and drink

28 Cooking

Rcplace the words in bold type in sentences 1 14 with a single word from the list a-n .

Write the letters in the grid below.

1 The bread should be cooked in dry heat in the oven for 

about fifty minutes.

a) dice

2 When roasting meat it should be covered with melted fat

regularly to keep the meat inoist.  b) minced 

3 Decorate the vegetables with some parsley. c) deep fry

4 Be very carefu l to cook slowly, just below boiling point. d) season

5 The meat for this recipe shou ld be cut into very small

 pieces. e)  poached 

6 One method o f cooking fish is to cook it in lots of very

hot fat. 0  baked 

7 Could you remove the skin and bones from the fish

 before cooking it. g) garnish

8 When the po tatoes are cooked you can crush them to a pulp. h) flavour 

9 Remove the outside skin of the potatoes , please. i) defrost

10 Gues ts may like eggs which have been broken into boiling

water and vinegar.  j) mash

11 Increase the temperature completely before coo king the

frozen chicken. k)  peel

12 Cut the carrot into small squares. 1) fillet

13 Add salt and pepper before serving the soup. m) simmer 

14 You can improve the taste of the sauce with vanilla. n)  basted 

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

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Section 4: Food and drink

29 Utensils

Write the num ber o f each drawing next to the word o r words.

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Section 4: Food and drink

30 Phrasal verbs

Choose one definition from the box for each of the phrasal verbs in bold type in the

sentences below.

 become continue not have any left

 become popula r  find som ething in a require

 becom e rotten  book take control

 break a prom ise learn

cause (an object) to fall look a t againto the ground 

1 Stop wasting time and get on with your w o rk ...................................................

2 I’ve ju st been down to the store and we are out of flour.

3 I f this milk isn’t put in the fridge it will go o f f ....................................................

4 If you’re not sure o f the quantitie s to use, look it u p ...................................................

5 When I ’ve prepared th e sauce, you can take over and com plete the dish.

6 I’ve explained this once already but let’s go over it to make sure you understand .

7 It looks very complicated bu t you’ll soon pick it u p ....................................................

8 This machine has broken down again. We could really do with a new one.

9 If vou continue to bea t the cream, it will turn into butter.

10 D on ’t p ut that bowl there. Someone will knock it over..............................................

11 You promised to coo k tom orrow and you can ’t back out of it n o w .........................

12 I don ’t think beer with raspb erry will ever catch on! Do you?

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Section 4: Food and drink

31 Hygiene

A Complete the table. (See example):

Verb Noun

1 to consume c o n s u s n c s ' / O ơ n $U 4 n j2 tĩ ơ ìX  

2 cleanliness/cleaner 

3 to poison

4 infection

5 to disinfect

6 sanitation/sanitizer 

7 store/storage

B Now use words from the table to com plete the following sentences.

1 Nowadays , it is necessary t o ....................................knives, chopping boa rds

and other pieces of catering equipment.

2 Kitchen stair are not allowed t o ....................................alcohol while they are a twork in the kitchen.

3 A ....................................can be ad ded to water fo r clean ing the f loo r in o rder to

remove germs.

4 The kitchen por ter is responsible for hygiene a n d ....................................in the


5 A cu t on the finger must be cleaned very carefully to s to p .....................................

6 A cool, dark, dry room is ideal t o ....................................many dry food stuffs.

7 Frozen chickcns must be defrosted completely before cooking to preven t food 

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S E C T I O N 5: F O O D S E R V I C E

32 A menu

Write each o f the following dishes in the app ropriate section o f the menu.

Bavarian Apple Strudel

Braised Leg of Lam b

Broccoli with Hollandaise Sauce

Cauliflower with Almonds

C he f’s Pâtés

Chicken Vichy

Cold Chocolate Souffle

Crème Caramel

Entrecote Steak 

Escalope o f Veal

French Onion Soup

Herring and A pple Salad 

Layered Vegetable Terrine

Le af Spinach with D iced Bacon

Okra and Courgettes in Lentil Sauce

Pear Hélène

Potato Croqu ettes

Prawn and O range Cocktail

Roast Pheasant en Croũte

Roast Po tatoes

Salad Marguery

Sweet C om Chowder 

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Section 5: Food service

T HE W O O D L A N D   * 

Q /fte w u






Vegetarian Dishes

■ o

Vegetables and Side Dishes




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Section 5: Food service

33 Service items

Fill in the following crossword. Each answer is an item found in the dining room.


1 Used to open the wine bottle.

4 It hangs over the waite r’s arm . (7, 5)

5 Fit the five candles in this.

6 Cheese is served on this. (6, 5)

7 The team of people working in the restaurant.

8 Ca rry the plates on this.

10 Carry the drinks on this.

11 White wine should be placed in this to reduce the temperature. (4, 6)

12 Put water or milk in this.

13 Cigarette smokers will need this.

14 Soup is served from this.

15 The fold marks in the tablecloth .

16 Salt and pepper set.

19 Serve the toast in a to a s t ...........

20 Used to open a bottle of beer. (6, 6)

23 The gues ts use this to clean their fingers. (6,4 )

24 The best quality cloth for table linen.


1 One word for plates, bowls, cups, etc.

2 One word for knives, forks, spoons, etc.

3 A noth er word for seasoning.

7 Bread is served in a br e a d .............

8 Used for lifting asparagus.

9 It stops the tca-leaves eoin g into the cup. (3, 8)

10 It holds necessary items and provides a work surface for the waiters.

15 One place for one person at the table.

17 Sweets can be wheeled to the table on this.

18 Used to break the shells of nuts.

21 Serve a boiled egg in this. (3, 3)

22 Place this on the plate u nder the biscuits.

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Section 5: Food service








1 All the food is served in serving dishes which are placed on the table so that the

guests can help themselves.

2 The food is pu t on the individual plates in the kitchen.

3 Th e guests help themselves from serving dishes which are held by the waiter.

4 The waiter serves the food a t the table from a serving dish, using a spoon and


5 Th e waiter serves the food from a serving dish using a fork and a spoon , while

standing at a side table.

6 The waiter carves, fillets or cooks food at a side tabic and then places the food on

a plate.

7 The main food is pu t on a p late in the kitchen and the vegetables arc pu t on the

table in serving dishes so that the guests can help themselves.

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Giving service

Section 5: Food service

Complete the dialogues below. Choose from the following. Use each line once only.

a) Ice and lem on with the gin. sir?

 b) And what would you like to drink?

c) If you like fish, I can recommend the salm on steaks. Th e salmo n is fresh from


d) D ry or medium?

c) I’m sorry, bu t we’re ou t o f pineapple juice. We have orang e or apple.0 Are you ready to order, madam?

In the restaurant

WAITER: (1 ) ................................................................................................................

GU EST : I’m still looking. W hat can you recommend?

WAITER: (2 ) .................... ...........................................................................................

GU EST : I’ll have the salmon, then.

At the bar 

WA ITER: Yes, sir?

GUEST: A gin and tonic and a cam pari orange, please.

WAITER: (3 ) .......................................................... .....................................................

GU EST : Yes, please. And a glass of white wine, please.

WAITER: (4) ..........................' ............................... ..................................................

GUE ST: Dry, please.

In the snack bar 

WA ITER: Hello. Are you ready to order?

GUE ST: Yes, I think so. We’ll have one cheeseburger an d one hamburger.

WAITER: (5) ....................................................................................................... 1 . . .

GU EST: I’ll have a pineapple juice and a m ineral water for my girlfriend.

WAITER: (6 ) ............ ...................................................................................................

GU EST: Orange, please.

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Section 5: Food service

36 A breakfast tray

Look at the picture below and write the numbers 1-12 next to the correct word orwords.

 butter dish ......   jam dish

coffee pot ......   sugar bowl ......

cup ......   saucer 

dessert plate ......   toast plate ......

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Section 5: Food service

37 How to be polite

Read the direct phrases, then write them more politely. Choose from the following:

Could you Please Would you like me

Shall I May I suggest There’s been a slight

I’m afraid Would you mind   misunderstanding

Would you like Actually Just a moment


1 Wait a minute!

2 We haven’t got any left.

3 Sit dow n, please.

4 You’re wrong. I’m not the head waiter.

5 D o you wan t some water?

6 Move to ano the r table!

7 Confirm that tomorrow, please.

8 D o you wan t a taxi?

9 You’ve got the w rong date.

10 Try this organ ic wine.

11 Do you want my help?

More polite

..............................  .......   .



haven’t got any left.

............................................ take a seat.

............................... I’m not the head 




moving to ano the r table?

confirm th at tomorrow, please?

......................................................to get

you a taxi?

.....................................abou t the date.


you try this organic wine?

................................................help you?

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S E C T I O N 6: R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S

38 Safety first

Write the num ber o f each picture next to the correct word o r words.

©accident report book 


 ban da ges

cotton wool

fire alarm

fire bucke tfire escape

fire notice

first aid box


smoke detector 


warning sign

©° I N T H £ C A S E ° f 


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Fire procedures

Section 6: Responsibilities

Fill in the missing words in the fire notice for hotel employees. Choose from the fol


 brigad e evacuate lifts smoke

drill exit raise spread  

doors extinguish safe

enter extinguisher  

1 Ask guests to check where the nearest f i re..............................is

located as soon as they find their room.

2 There will be fi re.............................. for everyone working in the

hotel every six months.

3 All f ire..............................must be kept closed at all t imes as they

will stop th e..............................of a fire.

4 If you see a small fire, you should try t o ..............................it.

5 If it is an electrical fire, do not use a water f ire................................

6 If it is a large fire................................the alarm immediately.

7 Do not use th e.............................. if there is a fire.

8 If there is a lot o f ................................ cover your mouth and nose

with a handkerchief.

9 ..............................the building as quickly as possible.

10 Do not allow anyone t o ..............................the building.

11 Check that everyone i s ................................

12 Phone for the f i re................................

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Section 6: Responsibilities

40 Unwelcome guests

Match th e criminals (1-12) with the crimes (a I). Write the letters in the grid below.

1 He stole a hand ba a in the foyer.

2 He said his name was Lord Pra tt but after a three-week

stay in the hotel he disappeared w ithout paying.

3 There was some money lying on the desk so she too k it.

4 He sexually attacked a woman.

5 He w as holding a gun as he told the cashier to give

him a ll the money.

6 She sold heroin to someone in the hotel.

7 He dran k too m uch whisky and made a lot o f noise.

8 She ma de false copies of American dollars.

9 He se t fire to the hote l because he was angry withthe manager.

10 He attacked an d robbed a lady in the corridor .

11 He broke the toilet and basin and sprayed pa in t on

the wall.

12 He brok e a window at night and stole valuable items

and money.

a) forger 

 b) drug pu sher 

c) burglar 

d) drunk 

e) opportunist

f) rapist

g) mugger 

h) arsonist

i) thief

 j) vandal

k) armed robber 

1) fraudster 

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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Section 6: Responsibilities

41 Word building 2

The word in capitals at the end of each sentence can be used to form a word that fits

suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way. (See example):

The hotel asks guests not to leav e .....y

 pieces o f jewellery in the room .

1 This area o f the hotel is only f o r ...................................


2 The managem ent must do all it can to...................................the hotel guests.

3 Burglar alarms often work as a ..................................and 

stop burglars even thinking ab ou t break ing in.

4 Th e receptionist called the police because there was a

strange woman behaving v er y ......................................

5 The managem ent hope that compu terized door locks

w il l...................................thieves from getting in to

hotel rooms.

6 It ’s always possible that the money has been stolen by

a .................................. mem ber o f staff.

7 Valuable items should be marked with

...................................codes which the thief ca nn ot see

 bu t which can be seen under u v light.

8 Every mem ber of staff shou ld be alert and if they

...................................any thing strange they should 

report it immediately.

9 Never accept a cheque w ith o u t.....................................

10 Before you leave the building you must make sure that

all the doors a r e ...................................locked.

11 Mem bers o f stafT who prove themselves to be

will be given more responsibility.













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Section 6: Responsibilities

42 Legal words

Use the clues on the left to fill in the missing letters in the legal words on the right.

1 The laws which businesses must observe.

2 To be responsible if someone is injured

in the restaurant.

3 To refuse to let someone come into the bar.

4 Someone who buys something.

5 Someone who sells some thing.

6 A n official agreement between two parties.

7 Th e person who owns the hotel.

8 You pay this if you are caugh t breaking the law.

9 You m ustn’t sell alcohol to som eone un der

the age of 18 because it’s ...

10 Official perm ission to sell alcohol.

11 The person who has permission

to sell alcohol.

12 Allow someo ne to enter a club.

13 To enter the private areas of the hotelwithou t permission.

14 Th e length o f time spen t in prison.

15 Leaving dan gerous chemicals where

children could find them.

16 The police will do this to law breakers.

17 You must repor t serious accidents. It’s .. .

 _ E G I S L A T I O _

 _ I A B L _ 

 _ X C L U D _ 

 _ U R C H A S E _

 _ E N D O _ 

 _ O N T R A C _ 

 _ R O P R I E T O _

 _ I N _ 

 _ R O H I B I T E _

 _ I C E N C _ 

 _ I C E N S E _ 

 _ D M I _ 

 _ R E S P A S _ 

 _ E N T E N C _ 

 _ E G L I G E N C _

 _ R O S E C U T _ 

 _ O M P U L S O R 

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Section 6: Responsibilities

43 What do they mean?

Cho ose the best meaning for each of the following phrases.

1 to comply with the law

a) to d o things as the law states

 b) to change parts o f the law

c) to com plain abo ut the law

2 unfit for hum an consumption

a) the food should n ot be eaten

 b) th e food is good fo r giving energy

c) the food is being prepared 

3 must be used solely for the purpose o f 

a) should not be used too often

 b) should only be used for 

c) must no t be used 

4 intoxicating spirit

a) drinks which contain alcohol

 b) drinks w hich have over 20%


c) drinks which have over 30%


5 to be needlessly exposed to risk 

a) some machines could be dangerous

 b) you m ustn ’t show prob lemsc) there are unnecessary dangers

which could easily be removed 

6 to sustain personal injury

a) to get an insurance policy

 b) to be hurt

c) to get prom otion

7 to make available for inspec tion

a) to find time to m aintain the


 b) to ar range to clean th e machine

c) to let inspecto rs see what they wish

8 in the event o f an accident

a) after an accident

 b) if there is a n accident

c) avoid accidents

9 persons frequenting the premises

a) people cleaning the hotel

 b) people outside

c) people using the hotel

10 a breach of contract

a) an action which breaks a contract

 b) an action which cancels a contract

c) an action which is included in a


11 to be legally obliged to do some thing

a) you must do it

 b) it is a llowed to do itc) you shouldn’t do it

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Section 6: Responsibilities

 AA Carriers of disease

Write the num ber o f each picture next to the correct word o r words.

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Section 6: Responsibilities

45 Health and hygiene

A M atch the verbs in the left-hand column with a word or phrase from the right-

ha nd colum n. (See example):

ha rb ou r V. infection

come diseases

dispose separate

transm it into contact with

spread pain

keep ^ germs

relieve of waste

 prevent food 

contaminate accidents

B Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the combinations

in A.

Don’t leave wet towels or cloths lying in a warm corner because this is how you


1 D on ’t spray fly killer in the kitchen or you c o u ld .............................th e ...................

2 If you are s tung by a wasp, p ut this cream on t o ......................t h e ...........................

3 T o .......................................................happening don’t leave things lying on the floor.

4 If you are handling dừ ty linen, wash your hands regularly so that you do n’t

5 If y o u ..............................................................................................animal droppings,

 please wash your h ands immediately.

6 T o .............................................................safely, place it in these plastic bags and tie

them securely.

7 In the fridge please .............................raw meat and chees e..................................

8 In tropical climates it is possible to ........................ s o m e ......................... drinking


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S E C T I O N 7 : M A N A G E M E N T

46 Employment

Fill in the crossword. Each answer is to do with employment.


1 A person who is in employment.

4 This type of job is only for a few hou rs a week. (4 .4)

7 The ex tra money left by guests.

8 If you work extra hou rs you get paid this.

10 People who are happy at work have j o b . . .

12 The manager appointed him to the . . . of head waiter.

13 The m ore jobs you do and the longer you work, the more o f this you get.

15 The extra money tha t workers get from the managem ent as a special thank you.

16 Th e meeting when you discuss a possible new job.

18 If you decide to leave the job , you have to . . .

20 A hotel which is very busy in the sum mer will need . . . workers.

21 To get the best results from workers, the personnel manager mu s t . . .


23 Before you go to discuss a new jo b you make an . . .

25 This money is paid to people who have reached the official age to stop working.

26 Someone who has written to ask for a job.


1 The person o r company who employs you.

2 To find suitable people and employ them is to . . .

3 This is a percentage o f what you can earn which you pay to the State. (6, 3)5 When people reach the official age to stop working they . . .

6 People have these if they have studied and passed professional exams.

7 A noth er way of saying ‘to em ploy’. (4, 2)

9 When the manager has found a new chef, he wil l. . . him to the position.

10 The housekeeper has to . . . the work of the cleaning stafT.

11 People who are paid weekly are paid . . .

14 When you move up to a more senior position, you g e t . . .

17 The time that you start work is the time you come . . . (2, 4)

19 A word for all the people who work in the hotel o r restaurant.

22 Write a letter and . . . for the jo b if you are interested.

24 When you work, you . . . money.

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1Section 7: Management


2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9


11 12 13 14


16 17


19 20

21 22

23 24



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Section 7: Management 

Whose job is it?

Write the num ber o f each description next to the correct person.

advance reservations che f .....   pantry maid 

clerk .....   dispense barten der .....   pastry cook 

 banqueting enquiry clerk .....   personnel manager 

manager .....   head waiter .....   receptionist

cashier .....   housekeeper .....   waitress

cellarman .....   house porter .....

1 Someone has to make sure tha t everything in the guests’ rooms is in order.

2 M r and M rs M urphy would like to discuss arrangements for their daug hter’s

wedding reception.

3 Th e guests’ bills need to be prepared.

4 Someone has to make sure there is enough wine, beer and spirits.

5 The sheets and towels have to be taken upstairs.

6 Four guests have ju st entered the restaurant.

7 Th e waiter wants wine and beer for his tables.

8 A special cake should be mad e for the function.

9 The busy summer season is approaching and more staff are required.

10 Someone should plan the cook ing times for dinner.

11 This letter boo kin g two rooms for next mon th needs a reply.

12 Someone has to welcome guests and complete the registration form.

13 Someone has to prepare early morning teas.

14 Guests at table 8 are ready to order.

15 A lady on the telephone wants to know if there is a room available at the


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Job advertisements

Section 7: Management

Find words or phrases in the advertisements below which mean the following.

1 only for im po rtanl people ..............................

2 an ap pl ica nt’s list o f qua lifica tions an d experience ..............................

3 equipped .............................

4 minim um o f ..............................

5 looking for .............................

6 not newly started .............................

7 chances of prom otion .............................

8 ex tras to wages/salaries .............................

9 ap pl ican ts .............................

10 able to develop new ideas .............................

11 at the sta rt .............................

12 salary/wages higher than at other ho tels .............................


Enthusiastic and energetic chef 

Receptionists required to initially work withThis exclusive hotel in the heart chef/proprietor and later take

of the city is seeking candidates over established restaurant. The

who are enthusiastic and innov- kitchens are fitted out to the

ative. We offer excellent benefits, highest standard. We are locally

great prospects and competitive known for our fish specialities.

pay. Candidates must have at Own flat available.

least two years’ experience. Write enclosing c.v. to John

Please call Linda Bolam on Bloggs, The Woodlands, Way-0192 13579 side Road, Oakton MN13 9EJ

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Section 7: Management

49 Positive thinking

Here are thirty words or phrases which arc used to describe hotels and their facilities.Write each word or phrase in the appropriate column below. There are six words in each.

appetizing grand   popula r family

 beachside gourmet romantic

 beautifu lly decora ted  highly recommended  spacious

 bright home cooked tastefully fu rn ished 

central hospitable traditional

cheerful ideally placed  tranquil

conveniently situated majestic welcoming

delicious mouth watering well appointed  

elegant  peaceful well located 

nourishing  picturesque se tting well ru n

Rooms Location Food 

Hotel Atmosphere

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Section 7: Management

50 Marketing

Choose the word which best completes each sentence.

1 One way to find out about your customers, their needs and how much money

they are willing to spend is to ask them to co m ple te ......................................

a) an inquiry form b) a questionn aire c) a book ing form.

2 To be successful the outle t m u s t....................................the needs o f the customer.

a) satisfy b) provide c) decide

3 One way to tell the public tha t the outle t exists is b y ....................................

an advertisement in the local newspaper.

a) giving b) advertising c) placing

4 Some com panies may decide to advertise all over the country in an advertising

a) campaign b) survey c) action

5 When there isn't much business, the res tau ran t may advertise a special

....................................to increase sales.

a) order b) offer c) market

6 If food is attractive ly displayed, cus tom ers will b e ....................................to buy.

a) forced b) treated c) tempted 

7 It is up to the sta ff to create a g o o d ....................................of the re stauran t.

a) image b) side c) reflection

8 Free badges, hats, T-shirts, and book m atches are examples of

....................................material.a) selling b) potential c) prom otion al

9 A res tau ran t will lose sales if it gets b a d ....................................in loca l newspapers

after an accident.

a) pub lication b) public c) publicity

10 On the oth er ha nd , a new sp ape r....................................abo ut the excellent food and 

service will increase sales.

a) story b) advice c) article

11 In large tow ns you have t o ....................................w ith oth er outle ts.

a) comp ete b) com petitor c) com petition

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Section 7: Management

51 Computer systems

Rearrange the letters in brackets to form the correct words.

1 A com puter is an ideal mach ine for (stn gi or ) ........................... information about


2 Once the inform ation ab ou t reservations has been entered , othe r (licappionsat)

....................................can be added.

3 In bo th the back office and at reception the information can be viewed throug h

( D U V s )...........................

4 The reservations clerk can type in information using a (yekdbo ar)

5 Th e reservations clerk can then see the informa tion on a (enescr)

6 In orde r to speed up the process and simplify the system, the hotel will use

(cesdo) .......................................

7 Th e necessary information fo r reservations will be shown in a (mune)


8 It is only sometimes necessary to have written inform ation on pape r in the form

of a (pro u tin t) .......................................

9 If inform ation were lost it would be catas troph ic so all inform ationshould be

(edbakc pu ) .......................................a t regular inte rvals and stored on (skid)

..................or tape.

10 Some hotel groups have designed their com pute r systems to (infactere)

....................................with telex, airline networks an d travel agents.

11 When a guestregisters at the hotel, the information can be entered straigh t away

and later (callreed)....................................if requested.

12 A (ordw -pressingoc) ......................... - ...........................fac ility on a compu ter 

allows office staff to quickly produce letters.

13 Co m puters a re also used in bars where exact am oun ts of spirits are dispensed 

 by (opctis) .......................................

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14 In the re staura nt o r bar, custom ers’ bills can be calculated quickly and accurately

at the electronic (pinto fo selas)............................................................

15 It is also possible for custom ers’ orders to be keyed into the com puter at the

table through a hand-held (minalrte) .......................................

16 Linen control has been greatly improved with an identification system which

uses (bra des co ) .......................................

17 Messages can be sent and received by hotel sta ff and gues ts by using (elonictrec


18 Written messages as well as drawings and d iagram s can be sent through the

telephone system using a (xfa) ..........................

19 Many hotels are trying to increase security by using a (kye ardc temssy) ..........

.....................................which records every time a lock is opened an d by whom.

Section 7: Management

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S E C T I O N 8 : F I N A N C I A L A F F A I R S

52 Office items

Write the num ber o f each picture next to the c orrect word or words.

 bulldog clip


desk diary


hole punch


 pla nner 

 prin te r ribbon

ring binder 



suspension file


window envelope

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At work in the office

Section 8: Financial affairs

Fill in the missing prepositions in the sentences. Choo se from the following. Some o f

the prepositions are used more tha n once.

about for from o f off on ou t to with

1 Could you take ca re ...........the seating arrangements for the conference?

2 Mrs Brown has co m pla ine d ...........the foo d ............ the m anager.

3 The num ber of stafT d ep en ds ........... the season.

4 Something seems to have ha pp en ed ...........this plant. It’s dead!

5 We still haven’t h e a rd ........... those clients abo ut w hat flowers they w ant.

6 I ca n’t find the keys and I’ve lo o k ed ........... them everywhere.

7 I ’m re lyin g ...........you to so rt ............ this p roblem peacefully.

8 I’ll think ...........how to prom ote you r idea of a Japanese night, and w e’ll discuss

it later.

9 We should provide our cle an ers ...........new uniforms.

10 I’m glad you reminded m e ........... the meeting. I’d forgotten!

11 Any telephone costs will be ad d e d ...........the bill.

12 Ch ef won’t pu t u p ...........any nonsense in the kitchen.

13 These new Computer key cards should cut d o w n ...........electricity costs as they

turn the ligh ts ...........as soon as the guests go out.

14 The manage r is very plea se d ...........this m onth ’s sales figures.

15 Ou r restaura nt is fa m ou s ........... its fish dishes.

16 It's been so cold that the re’s been no d em an d ...........soft drinks.

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Section 8: Financial affairs

Handling Stock

A Fill in the bin card headings. Cho ose from the following:

 ba lance item  price suppliers

date maximum quantity type

in minimum reference unit

75 cl bottle

• Amont i l lado ...................: £2.53


1St Oct JB 24 24

2nd Oct BP 6 18

4th Oct JB 3 15

6th Oct JB 24 39

7 th Oct BP 10 29

Re-order point: 24 Classic Wine Importers

R e-o rd er................. •24 Ltd 

B Update the card with the following information.

1 On 8th Octobe r 8 bottles were issued by John Bridges.

2 On ] 2th O ctober 24 bottle s were received from the supplie rs by Joh n Bridges.

3 Ba rbara Palm took 10 bottles on 13th October.

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Section 8: Financial affairs

Business documentation

Use the clues on the left to fill in the missing letters in the w ords on the right.

1 A m em ber o f staff writes this when goods

are running short and are now required. R E Ọ u _________ 

2 This information is then sent to an external

suppl ier as an off icial . . . O R   ____ 

3 When th e goods are delivered, this list o f 

goods is often enclosed. D E _________  N

4 A fter delivery the supplier sends this list

of goods giving qua ntity an d price.

5 If you pay within seven days, you can often get a

6 If you buy regularly from the local bake r he may

allow you a . . .

7 At the end of the m onth m ost suppliers send outthis list of everything bo ugh t and all money paic

8 If goods have to be returned to the supplier he w

send this to adjust the amount of money due.

9 This will be sent if a customer does n’t pay

his/her account.

I N  _______ 


T R  ____ D I _________ 

S T __________ 

c __________  N   ___ 

R  _______ D E R 

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Section 8: Financial affairs

56 Facts and figures

Write the number o f each picture next to the correct word o r words.




 bar graph

cheque book 



line graph


 paying-in book 

 pe rcentage

 pie chart

 purch ase acco unt




Date Details D c B — 

19.4 300 rolls 25.70 25.70

23.4 21 loaves 18.50 44.20

30.4  payment 44.20   0.00

( 4) 24+6=30 ( 5)

(? ) 3x15=45

- - restaurant

Week 1 21

Week 2 34

Week 3 8

Week 4 7

 4j 80


@ 76%

S ales Room Restaurant Bar 

Jan 3964 2097 673

Feb 3840 2001 742

Mar  4004 1876 890

Apr 3504 1903 655

May 3372 2002 677

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Accountancy terms

Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following:

Section 8: Financial affairs

cash float debit petty cash book  

credit debtors  po sted 

credit cus tomer accounts double entry  pu rchase ledger 

creditors  payroll visitors’ pa id -o uts

1 Most companies use a system of accounting known as

2 Th is divides the page into two colum ns which arc called 

......................... a n d .............................

3 Suppliers who have no t yet received paym ent for goods which they have already

delivered a r e ...................................................

4 Customers who have not yet paid the ir bills a r c ...................................................

5 The accounts of suppliers to the hotel are kept in th e ................................................

6 The accounts o f custom ers arc know n a s ...................................................

7 When figures arc moved from one account to ano ther they are

8 All the information needed to pay staff wages and salaries is on the

9 Small am oun ts of cash which are paid out are recorded in the

10 Small items o f cash which are paid o ut on behalf o f a guest arc called 

11 At the start o f each day the bar and restau ran t stafT are given a fixed am ou nt of 

cash which is called a ...................................................

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Section 8: Financial affairs

58 Final accounts

Match the words (1 13) on the left with their definitions (a-m ) on the right. Write the

letters in the grid below.

1 Profit and Loss Account

2 Trading Account

3 Balance Sheet

4 Fixed assets

5 C urrent assets

6 Long term liabilities

7 Current liabilities

8 Bad debts

9 Depreciation

10 Budget

11 Overheads

12 Stock 

a) Includes cash in the safe and in the bank .

 b) Bills which will never be paid.

c) When sales equal costs - no profit or loss.

d) Includes rent, telephone, gas,advertising.

e) Shows the gross profit at the end o f the year.

0 Furn iture, kitchen equipment, crockery, etc.

g) Food, liquor, and tobacco still in store.

h) A statemen t at the end o f the year showing

how the com pany is financed.

i) Borrowed money which will be paid back

over a long period o f time.

 j) M oney which will be paid to

suppliers soon.

k) Reduction in value of machines and

furn iture over several years.

1) Shows the net profit after electricity, lent,

stationery, etc. has been deducted.

13 Break-even point m ) Planned financial figures for th e future.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

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Section 8: Financial affairs

5 Q Nationalities and currencies

A Com plete the table.

Country People Language Currency

Canada English/French

Germany German

Italy Lire (ITL)

Japanese Japanese

Australians Dollar (AUD)

Russian Rouble (RƯ R)

Switzerland  German/French/


United Kingdom British English Pound (GBP)

United States

of America


Sweden Swedes Krona (SEK)

French Franc (FRF )

B  Now use the words from th e table to co mplete the following sentences.

1 What is the exchange rate for American dollars into Fre nc h .......................?

2 You’re from Italy! I ’m afraid I don’t sp e ak .........................

3 These gues ts are from Germ any an d I can’t sp eak .........................

4 The guests in room 147 a r e ........................ from Japan.

5 How m a n y .......................will I get for one pou nd when I go to Sweden?

6 O ur American guests from th e .......................want to pay in dollars.

7 Can we accep t.......................from our Russian guests?

8 Can you tell me the rate o f the Sw iss.......................today?

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British English and American English

British English American English




 barm an

 bill (for food)





cupboard, wardrobe



fill in











main course

note (paper money)

 page boy





















fill out

 blank /form


hair dryer 










 bell boy, bell hop, page




 pocket book 

front desk /front office

clerk, desk clerk 



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spirit liquor 

starter  appetiser 

sunglasses shades

syndicate room conference room

ta p faucettaxi ca b

toilet  bath ro om, restroom, washroom

traveller’s cheques travelers checks

venue locale

waiter  waiter/food server 

washbasin sink 

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Section 1:



 binoculars 11

cap 5

carrier bag 1

compact 7

doll 6

glasses 14

glove 9

keys 10

lipstick 13 pocket diary 8

 purse 4

ski stick  15

tic 12

toilet bag 2

umbrella 3


1a 2i 3h 4g 5d 6c 7c 81'

9 j 10b

TEST 31 (b) foyer 

2 (b) deal with

3 (c) regulars

4 (a) safe deposit

5 (c) clientele

6 (a) register 

7 (c) arrivals

8 (c) pass

9 (a) pigeon hole

10 (b)chance11 (d) no shows

12 (d) occupancy


te ller o f reservation.  5, 3, 7, 8,

2, I

Dear Sir/Madam

I would like to reserve four sin

gle rooms from 19th to 24th

 November 19 for four of ourmanagers.

The rooms should be bookedin the names of John Brown,Mary Black, Bill Franks and

Ann Jones.

Could you please inform me

of your rates and whether youofTcr discounts for company


1 look forward to receiving

your confirmation.

Yours faithfully

Susan Pcacock


 Letter o f confirmation:  11, 6, 9, 

4, 10

Dear Ms Peacock

Thank you for your letter of

16th September 19-. We are

very pleased that you have cho

sen to use our hotel for your

four managers who will be in

Anyton from 19th to 24th

 November 19 -.

I would like to confirm your

reservation for lour single roomsfor these dates. We arc happy to

 be able to offer you our corpo

rate rates, which you will find in

the enclosed leaflet.

Wc look forward 10  rccciving

our guests.

Yours sincerely

Peter Black

Reservations Clerk 

TEST 51 provisional

2 confirmed 

3 overbooked 

4 availability

5 update

6 cancellation

7 unoccupicd 

8 allocate

9 correspondence

10 entries


1 incur

2 sign for 

3 issue

4 itemize

5 vacate

6 calculate7 settle

8 return

9 dispute

10 liaise

11 overcharges


1 credit card 

2  exchange rate

3 foreign currency

4 sales voucher 5 travel agent’s voucher 

6 Service charge

7 travellers cheques

8 computer billing

9 ledger account

10 commission rate

11 b ank notes



1 Laundry

2 Transport

3 Room service

4 Medical help

5 Shoe cleaning service

6 Wakc-up calls

7 Telephone

8 Mini-bar 

9 Early morning teas

10 Garaging11 Entertainment

12 Tariffs


(A)American Plan - bed, breakfast,

lunch and dinner

Dcmi-pcnsion - bed, breakfast

and lunch or dinnerEuropean Plan - bed only

Continental Plan - bed and breakfast

(B)A 3 IỈ2 C ) D 5 E4

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1 cscortcd 

2 attractions

3 ruins

4 galleries

Ỉ museums6 countryside

7 scencry

8 excursions

9 itinerary

10 souvenirs

11 cruise

12 events

13 displayed 

14 festivals


1 at/before

2 opposite

3 past4 beside / next to

5 on/ahead 

6 across

7 on

8 into, along / down / up. on

9 along / down / up, until / till

10 on, after 



1 duration

2 speaker 

5 address

7 function sheet

8 annual

9 venue

10 postpone


1 delegates

Ĩ   provisional

4 finalize

6 lectern7 flipchart

TEST 131 scaling capacity

2 slide projector, overhead


3 conference package

4 square metres

5 opening ccrcmonies

6 hospitality room

7 conference programme

8 estimated attendance9 theatre, classroom

10 syndicate

11 plenary


 Letter o f complaint: 6. 3. 7. I,


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing lo complain about

ihc service I recently received in

your restauranl while on a busi

ness trip.

I had invited four clients to

 join me for lunch in your restau

rant, where I had expectcd to

rcccive the best service. Unfortu

nately. I have a number of com


When one of my guests

arrived the waiter sat her at thewrong table. Laler. the same

waller spilt a fcv. drops of red

wine on another guest’s trousers.

The final embarrassment was

when the waiter presented the

 bill to one of my guests instead

of me.

This is not (he professional

service which I expect from a

top restaurant and I know that

you will wish to ensure that it

docs not happen again.

Yours faithfully

Raymond Strang

Sales Manager 

lette r o f reply: 10, 11, 8, 2, 4

Dear Mr Strang

I was very sorry to read of the

 problems which you experienced

in our restaurant on your reccntvisit

I am afraid that we were expe

riencing staffing problems dur

ing this period and had an

incxpcrienced waiter working

in the restaurant. Hr has since

left and we arc happy to saythat we now have only fully

qualified waiters serving our


As a token of our regret I

enclose a voucher for an eveningmeal for two people and hope to

welcome you personally in the

near future.

Yours sinccrcly

Pierre Lanccl

Restaurant Manager 


le 2g 3k 4 f 5a 6m 7h 81

9c 10 d 11 n 12 i 13b 14 j

Section 3:



 bath 12

 bath mat 13

 bath towel IS

glass 4

hand towel 3

mirror  7 pedal bin 16

 plug II

shaversocket 8

shower  10shower curtain 9

soap 14

tap 6

toilet 1

toilet paper  2

wash basin 5


 banister  12

 blind 1

 bookcase 15

ceiling 14

coat hanger  16

coal stand  4

cushion 3

curtains 7

curtain (rack  6

door handle 9

hairdrier  13hinge 17

tight switch 8

 picture frame 11skirling 10

wardrobe 5

window-sill 2


1 corridor 

2 kiosk 

3 balcony

4 laundry5 lobby


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6 cocktail bar  10 pipes7 cabin 11 drains8 left luggage 12 sewer 9 cellar  13 u-bend 

10 terrace

11 lounge TES T 23

12 stairs 1 appliances13 cloakroom 2 flex14 lift 3 plug15 kitchen 4 socket

16 banqueting room 5 fuse17 galley 6 kilowatt hours

7 currentTEST 19 8 overloaded 

1 (c) renovated  9 electrician2 (a) extension 10 wiring

3 (d) self-contained 

4 (c) disrepair  Section 4:5 (b) rear-facing FOOD AND DR 

6 (a) restoring

7 (d) construction

8 (a) site

9 (b) premises




10 (c) grounds blackcurrants 5

TEST 20chcrries 7

l c 2 h 3 n 4 d 5 m 6l r 7 j 81grapes

kiwi fruit


9a lOg l i b 12e 13k 14i10lemon

TEST 21melon 13

1 tarnishorange 11

2 fingerprints

3 slippery

4 splash

5 odours


 passion fruit







6 abrasivestar fruit 15

strawberries 87 labour-saving

8 limescalc

9 bleach TEST 25to stain asparagus 1711 salvage aubergine 212 rust  beetroot 113 solvents  butter beans 1614 soilage carrot 1315 chamois cauliflower  8

courgette 14TES T 22 French beans 10

1 ventilation leek  52 humidity Icttucc 3

3 grill okra 74 extractor  onion 65 filters  peas 126 radiator   pepper  157 thermostat  potato 118 insulated  radish 99 tank  tomato 4


1 dairy products

2 nuts3 pulses

4 herbs

Ỉ spices

6 meal7 dried fruit

8 pastries

9 icings

10 pasta

11 fish

12 beverages

13 wines

14 game

1$ soups

16 cheeses

17 seafood 18 cakes

19 sauces

20 ccreals


1 bitter 

2 hot

3 rich

4 sweet

5 spicy

6 bland 

7 sour 

8 savoury

9 greasy

10 dry11 delicious

12 burnt


I f 2 n 3 g 4 m 5 b 6 c 7 l 8 j

9k 10c I l i 12a 13d 14b


cake tin 13

chopping board  1

colander  8

cooling tray 5dredger  2

frying pan 6

gralcr 9

ladle 7

mortar and pestle 4 parsley chopper 15

 peeler  10

rolling pin 3

scissors 12

spatula 14

whisk II

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1 continue

2 not to have any left

3 become rotten

4 find something in a book 

5 lake control

6 look at again7 learn

8 require

9 become

10 causc an object to fall to the


I break a promise

12 become popular 


(A)verb noun

1 to consume consumer/con


2 to clean cleanliness/


3 to poison  poison/


4 to infect infection

5 to disinfect disinfectant

6 to sanitize sanitation/

sanitizcr 7 to store store/storage

(B )

1 sanitize

2 consume

3 disinfectant

4 cleanliness

5 infection

6 store

7 poisoning

Section 5:




Cbers Pales

French Onion Soup

Prawn and Orange Cocktail

Sweet Com Chowder 

SaladsHerring and Apple Salad

Salad Margucry

Tomato Salad 


B i d l L b

Chicken Vichy 22 doily

Entrecôtc Steak  Test 34

Escalope of Veal 1 Family

Roast Pheasant en Croũtc 2 Plate

3 French

Vegetarian dishes 4 Silver 

Layered Vegetable Terrific Ỉ RussianOkra and Courgettes in Lentil 6 Gueriilon

Sauce 7 Mixed 

Vegetables and Side Dishes TEST 35

Broccoli with Holtandaise Sauce I f 2 c 3 a 4 d 5 b 6 c

Cauliflower with Almonds

Leaf Spinach with Diced Bacon T E ST 36

Potato Croquettes  butter dish 6

Roast Potatoes colTcc pot 3

cup 11 Desserts dessert plate 7

Bavarian Apple Strudel  jam dish 1

Cold Chocolate Souffle milk jug 2

Creme Caramel saucer 10

Pear Hélène small knife 9

small napkin 8

TEST 33sugar bowl 4

 Acrossteaspoon 12

1 corkscrewtoast plate Ỉ

4 service cloth5 candclabra TEST 37

6 cheese board  1 Jusl a moment

7 brigade 2 I’m afraid 

8 tray 3  Please

10 salver  4 Actually

11 wine cooler  5 Would you like

12 jug 6 Would you mind 

13 ashtray 7 Could you

14 tureen 8 Would you like me

15 creascs9 There's been a slight

16 cruet misunderstanding

19 rack  10 May 1suggest

20 bottle opener  11 Shall 1

23 finger bowl

24 damask  Section 6:



1 crockery TEST 38

2 cutlery accident report book 8

3 condiments ambulance 13

7 basket  bandages 3

8 tongs cotton wool 4

9 tea strainer  fire alarm 12

10 sideboard  fire buckct 9

15 covcr (ire escape 10

17 trolley tire noticc

18 nutcrackers first aid box 1

21 plasters 2

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smoke detector  6

sprinkler  5warning sign 11


1 exit

2 drill

3 doors, spread 

4 extinguish

5 extinguisher 

6 raise

7 lifts

8 smoke

9 Evacuate

10 enter 

11 safe

12 brigade


1 i 2 1 3 e 4 f 5 k 6 b 7 d 8 a

9 h lOg 11 j 12c

TES T 41

1 authorised 

2 protect

3 deterrent

4 suspiciously

5 prevent

6 dishonest

7 invisible

8 observe

9 identification

10 securely

11 trustworthy


1 legislation

2 liable

3 exclude

4 purchaser 

5 vendor 

6 contract

7 proprietor 

8 fine

9 prohibited 

10 licence

11 licensee

12 admit

13 trespass

14 sentence

15 ncgligcncc

16 prosccutc

17 compulsory


l a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 c 8 b9 c to a 11 a


 bedbug 14

chicken 4

cockroach 8flea 5fly 9

mosquito 13

moth 10mouse 3

 pigeon 6

rat 12sparrow 7

spider  2

starling IIwasp 1


(A )

harbour germs

come into contact withdispose of waste

transmit diseases

spread infection

keep separate

relieve pain

 prevent accidcnts

contaminate food 

( B) 

1 contaminate food 

2 relieve pain

3 prevent accidents4 spread infection

Ỉ comc into contact with

6 dispose of waste

7 keep separate

8 transmit diseases

Scction 7:




1 employee

4 part-time

7 tips

8 overtime

10 satisfaction

12 post

13 cxpericncc

15 bonus

16 interview

18 resign

20 seasonal

21 motivate23 appointment

25 pension

26 applicant


1 employer 

2 recruit

3 income tax

5 retire6 qualifications

7 take on

9 appoint

10 supervise

11 wages

14 promotion

17 on duty

19 stair 22 apply

24 cam

TEST 471 housekeeper 

2 banqueting manager 

3 cashier 

4 ccllarman

5 house porter 

6 head waiter 

7 dispense bartender 

8 pastrycook 

9 personnel manager 

10 chcf 

11 advance reservations clcrk 

12 receptionist13 pantry maid 

14 waitress

15 enquiry clcrk 


1 exclusive

2 c V.3 filled out

4 at least

5 seeking

6 established 

7 prospects

8 benefits

9 candidates

10 innovative

11 initially

12 competitive pay



 beautifully dccorated 



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tastefully furnished

well appointed 




conveniently situated

ideally placed

 picturesque setting

well located 







mouth watering



highly recommended


 popular family


well run



hospitable peaceful





1 (b) a questionnaire

2 (a) satisfy

3 (c) placing

4 (a) campaign

5 (b) offer 

6 (c) tempted 7 (a) image

8 (c) promotional

9 (c) publicity

10 (c) article

11 (a) compete


1 storing

2 applications

3 VDUs

4 keyboard 5 screen

6 codes

7 menu

8 printout

9 backed up, disk 

10 interface

11 recalled 

12 word-processing

13 optics

14 point o f sales

15 terminal

16 barcodes

17 electronic mail

18 fax

19 key card svstem

Section 8:



 bulldog clip 7 TEST 53

calculator  10 1 of 

desk diary 12 2 about, to

diskette 3 3 on

hole punch 5 4 tonotepad  4 5 from

 planner  11 6 for 

 printer ribbon 2 7 on, outring binder 9 8 aboutruler  14 9 with

stapler 1 10 about

suspension file 8 11 totrays 13 12 with

window envelope 6 13 on, off 14 with

15 for 

16 for 


Item: Sherry Unit: 75 cl botllt

Tvpc: Amontillado Price: £2.53

Date Reference In Out Balance

1st Oct JB 24 24

2nd Oct BP 6 184th Oct JB 3 156th Oct JB 24 39

7th Oct BP 10 29

8th Oct JB 8 2112th Oct JB 24 45

13th Oct BP 10 35

Maximum stock: 48 Minimum stock: 8

Re-order point: 24 Suppliers: Classic WineImporters Ltd 

Re-order quantity

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TEST 55 pic chart 5

1 requisition  purchase account 1

2 order table 15

3 delivery note total 12

4 invoicc

5 cash discount TES T 57

6 trade discount 1 double entry7 statement 2 debit, credit

8 credit note 3 creditors

9 reminder 4 debtors


5 purchase ledger 

6 credit customer accounts

addition 4 7 posted  

average 11 8 payroll

 balancc 3 9 petty cash book 

 bar graph 9 10 visitors’ paid outs

chequc book 14 11 cash float

counterfoil 8entry 2 TEST 58

line graph 10 11 2 e 3 h 4 f 5 a 6i 7j 8 b

multiplication 6 9k 10m li d 12g 13c

 paying-in book 7

 percentage 13


( A )

Country People Language Currency

Canada Canadians English/French Dollar (CAD)Germany Germans German Deutsche mark (DEM)

Italy Italians Italian Lire (ITL)

Japan Japanese Japanese Yen (JPY)

Australia Australians English Dollar (AUD)

Russia Russians Russian Rouble (RUR)

Switzerland  Swiss German/French/


Franc (CHf)

United Kingdom British English Pound (GBP)United States of


Americans English Dollar (USD)