testing journal - move-eu€¦ · testing journal 4 test i: forem - belgium (wallonia) name of the...

TESTING JOURNAL January 2020 MOVE-EU PROJECT Assessment, Placement and Training Procedures I 1. FOREM I 2. CIEP I 3. COOS I Migration Oriented Towards Employment in Europe

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Assessment, Placement and TrainingProcedures


Migration Oriented Towards Employment in Europe

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SUMMARY I. TEST I: FOREM - BELGIUM (WALLONIA) ......................................................... 2

Presentation of the partner operator and test ...................................................................... 2

Assessment and placement procedures: .............................................................................. 2

Pre-placement, before beginning training .................................................................................... 3

Initial assessment, at the start of training.................................................................................... 6

Intermediate assessment, during training .................................................................................... 9

Final assessment, at the end of training ...................................................................................... 12

Training procedures: ............................................................................................................ 14

Training engineering .................................................................................................................... 14

Pedagogical engineering .......................................................................................................... 16

II. TEST II: CIEP - BELGIUM ............................................................................. 20

Presentation of the partner operator and test ...................................................................... 20

Assessment and placement procedures: .............................................................................. 20

Pre-placement, before beginning training .................................................................................... 21

Initial assessment, at the start of training.................................................................................... 23

Final assessment, at the end of training ...................................................................................... 24

Training procedures: ............................................................................................................ 25

Training engineering .................................................................................................................... 25

Pedagogical engineering .......................................................................................................... 26


Presentation of the partner operator and test ...................................................................... 29

Assessment and placement procedures: .............................................................................. 29

Initial assessment, at the start of training.................................................................................... 30

Final assessment, at the end of training ...................................................................................... 31

Training procedures: ............................................................................................................ 32

Training and pedagogical engineering ......................................................................................... 33

IV. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................. 34

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Assessment, Placement and Training Procedures

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TEST I: FOREM - Belgium (Wallonia)

Name of the institution/specific service:FOREM/Service Newcomers from DT Liège - Huy - Verviers

Statute: Walloon Employment and Professional Training Public Service

Forem’s mission: Integrating job-seekers into the job market with a view to sustainable and high-quality employment, as well as satisfying the needs of employers and their job offers.

Target audience:New arrivals, people born outside the EU, who have been residing in Wallonia for less than 3 years as refugees or asylum seekers (with valid documentation) and have a work permit; social welfare beneficiaries with a work permit and people with a right of residence based on family reunification with a resident of a third nation and work permit C.


Title: “FLE & Key Skills for Employment/Training”1

Aims: Clarify career objectivesDevelop the key skills that are considered essential

for the professional placement of migrants in jobs or training programmes.

Training action linked to another action or an associat-ed action: NOReference skills areas: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 10Target audience: New arrivals (as defined above) who are registered as job-seekers with Forem.Pre-requisites/entry levels: See the table of pre-requisites for starting training below

Number of trainees: 9Duration and dates: 270 hours (of which 190 hours are training) – October 2018 to February 2019 (15 weeks)Schedule: 12.5 hours/week on averageInternship period: In a company – 2 weeks (80 hours)Target sectors or jobs: Range of sectors and professional projects.Training location: LiègeHuman resources: A counsellor and a trainer in FLE and transversal

skills from the New Arrivals Service A trainer in IT Resources from the Forem Training



• Before training:Information session - pre-placement (skills assessment before beginning training) on 5 skills areas - guidance.

• During training: Initial assessment and placement - training engineering - internship - intermediary assessment and placement.

• E nd of training:Final assessment and placement - action plan and career guidance route.

1 The title of the training refers to the name used by Forem for its “Key skills” workshops, which are constructed on the basis of the European Framework of Reference for “Key skills for life-long education and training”  : https://competencescles.eu/sites/default/files/attachements/keycomp_fr.pdf . The term “transversal skills ” was used for the MOVE-EU project.

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Pre-placement was carried out during a one-on-one interview that lasted between one hour and one hour and fifteen minutes. It was handled by a counsellor from the New Arrivals Service at Forem, before training started. The goal of this interview was to pre-assess the skills of the migrant based on 5 central areas, which are deemed to be a priority. The aim of this is to verify the necessary pre-requisites for beginning training or re-orientation.These 5 skills area are: – Area no. 1: Building their career project– Area no.4: Verbalising their skills – Area no. 5: Verbal Interaction – Area no. 7: Written Interaction – Area no. 8: Using IT resources

In this way, the counsellor has verified that the potential candidates for the “FLE & key skills for employment” training, which was developed by Forem, have met the pre-requisites for joining the training session and that this training is a good fit for their needs. If not, they were directed towards another training course or integration path. The counsellor used the table below to establish the expected skill levels for entrance and the goal end level for each of the area de-veloped during the training.The areas in colour are the skills assessed by the counsellor during the pre-placement

Pre-requisites for entry to FOREM training and the goal end levelsMINIMUM PRE-REQUISITES



1 Building their career objectives Level 1 Level 4

2 Organising their activity No pre-requisites Level 2 or 3

3Working in groups or teams

Level 1 Level 2

4 Verbalising their skills Level 2 Level 3 or 4

5 Verbal Interaction Level 2 Level 3 or 4

6Taking socio-cultural codes into account

Level 1 Level 3

7 Written InteractionLevel 1 in writing

Level 2 in reading/comprehension

Level 2 or 3 in writingLevel 3 or 4 in reading/


8 Using IT resources Level 1 Level 2

10Complying with instructions and rules

No pre-requisites Level 2 or 3

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PRE -PLACEMENT: Procedures, activities and methods




Phase 1 : Reception

Reception of the beneficiaries by a counsellor from the New Arrivals Service during a one-on-one interview

For the counsellor: Introduction themselvesPresenting ForemPresenting the goal of the

interviewProviding information

about the proposed training

For the individual:Questions about the

person’s administrative situation (“administrative details”)

Verbal interaction (5)

Phase 2 : Assessment

Assessment activities (based on the “ Practical placement guide 2”)

For the counsellor: Identify acquisitions over

5 skills areas Identify the beneficiary’s

overall needsValidate access to the

proposed training or redirect towards another training course or support

For the individual:Questions about

professional experience (past and present), the training course, the person’s path in life, etc.

Short test regarding the use of IT resources (Word, Internet, email, etc.)

Writing exercise

Building their career project (1)

Verbalising their skills (4)Verbal interaction (5)Written interaction (7)Using IT resources (8)

Phase 3 : Restitution

Oral report on the results of the pre-placement with the beneficiaries; confirmation of participation in the proposed training

For the counsellor: Explain what has been

learned to the person

Make a link between what has been learned and the goals of the proposed training

Involve the person in the course

Inform the person about the follow-up of their integration course

For the individual:Discussion and

exchanges with the person.

Let the training candidate know about the difference between the skill levels detected and those needed for entry to, and success within, the training course.


Phase 4 : Follow-up

Ensure a customised and personal follow-up for the beneficiary.

For the counsellor:Retain the pre-placement

dataCommunicate with

the other stakeholders (trainers, coordinators, etc.)

Hand-written notes of the interview from the counsellor

After the interview: Recording of the data for the 5 areas assessed in the “Grid for professional placement”3

Send the assessment grid to the trainer


2 See “ Methodology guide”, point 3.4.1. Tools for collecting information. See also the “Resources” section to download the “Practical placement guide”.

3 See “  Methodology guide” , point 3.4.1. Tools for collecting information . See also the “Resources” section to download the “ Placement grid” for professionals.

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Goals for the beneficiary :

Have an individual conversation about their experience, situation and skillsDiscover the skills that the training targetsTake account of what they have learnedCollect information about the training that they can be directed towardsDiscover the goals and expectations for participants in the trainingPosition them as a player in the courseAccess to the “FLE & key skills for employment and/or training” (270h) training course, or another suitable

training course

The counsellor and the trainer led this interview as a pair. The trainer recorded the results of their assessment directly. They did not take part in the interview led by the counsellor, but listened to it instead. The counsellor used the “Practi-cal guide for professional placement4 ” and noted the results of their assessment by following the “Placement grid for professionals5”. The two assessments (trainer and counsellor) were pieced together just after the interview, and the results were recorded on the “Placement grid”.

This experience allowed:– for significant time saving during the pre-placement stage;– for a back-up finding: the convergence of the 2 assessments when they are pooled after the interview;– for an effective and concrete dialogue between the counsellor, the trainer and, where necessary, the training can-

didate;– the trainer to become aware of what the potential participants have learned before starting training.

Validation of entry to training was communicated to individuals after the fact, a few days after the interview, by phone and mail.

4 See the note at the bottom of page 25 See the note at the bottom of page 3

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The initial assessment was based on the counsellor’s pre-placement as reported in the “Placement grid for profes-sionals”, which was completed for the 5 pre-assessed areas. This assessment was carried out during the early days of the training, lasting for ± 2 days, by the trainer for FLE and Key skills and the trainer for IT skills. This initial placement phase was carried out based on the assessment of the trainers and the self-assessment of the trainees in each of the skills for the MOVE-EU reference framework. This was followed by a conversation between both parties, in order to establish the placement for the skills. This first step in the training made possible the introduction of the idea of skills, the skills areas being assessed and developed during the training, the skill levels acquired or to be acquired (from 1 to 4), and the goal of this.Therefore, one of the goals of this stage was to allow the beneficiaries to position their mastery of the targeted skills and to define the priority areas for their training, based on the learning targets and goals.The goals of the initial placement are:– to validate and complete the elements assessed during the pre-placement;– toEvaluate and allow the self-assessment of what has been learned based on the 9 skills areas developed during

the training;– to place what has been learned on the “Skills scale”, a visual tool similar to the “Skills map”6;– to define the individual and group priorities to work on during the training.

The following areas were not assessed at the start of the training: – (2) “Organising their job search: the majority have not developed this skill; as a result, it is only self-assessed.– (6) “Taking socio-professional codes into account” has not been assessed by the trainer, since no indicator has

yet been clearly defined in the reference of October 2018. – (8) “IT resources ”: this skill is only self-assessed.– (10) “Complying with instructions and rules” : this skill is only self-assessed.

The Timeline for the assessment and placement of the test carried out by Forem is below.

6 See “Methodology guide” , point 3.4.2. Tools for representing and displaying the placement . See also the “Resource” section to download the “Skills scale” and the “Skills map”.

Use of a visualisation tool for skill levels (the “ Scales” or “ Map”)

RECEPTION One-on-one interview

FLE & KEY SKILLS TRAININGGroup and individual approach


Pre-placement Initial placement Intermediate placement(in the case of a long training period) Final placement

Assessment by the counsellor/

the pedagogical coordinator/the trainer

BEFORE starting training

Placement assessment

by the trainer(s) at the START of training

Follow-up interview mid-way through training

by the counsellor/ pedagogical coordinator/


Assessment by the trainer(s)/counsellor/

pedagogical coordinator at the END of training








Piecing the assessments together INITIAL PLACEMENT of

the trainee

Piecing the mid-way assessments together INTERMEDIATE

PLACEMENT of the trainee

Piecing together the assessments FINAL PLACEMENT of

the trainee

SELF-ASSESSMENT by the trainee at the START

of training (for initial placement)


beginning the professional internship

SELF-ASSESSMENT by the trainee at the END

of training

Definition of individual priority goals.

Integrated approach to skills development

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The table below summarises the procedure, activities and methods for the initial placement undertaken. The tools used are mentioned in quotes in the table.

INITIAL ASSESSMENT: Procedures, activities and methods




Phase 1

Self-assessment by the participants

Discover the areas and the skill levels developed during the training

Encourage personal reflection about skills and their acquisition levels

Discover how participants perceive their skills

In groups:“Self-assessment

questionnaires for each skill area”

Building their career project (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area

7)Using IT resources (area

8)Organising their activity

(area 2)Working in groups or

teams (area 3)Complying with

instructions and rules (area 10)

Phase 2

Assessment of participants by the trainer

For the trainer: Situate each trainee’s

level of mastery for 5 of the 9 skill areas developed during the training course

Assess writing skills.Assess writing skills

and the ability to work in groups.

Assess the ability to verbalise skills and progress.

Assess comprehension and oral skills

For the individual:Assessment tools

“Let me introduce myself”.

In groups and sub-groups:“Administrative regulation

of the Training Centre”.

Alone and in groups:“I will tell the group

about my professional experience”

In groups:Oral conversation based

on watching and listening to professional videos from: www.leforem.be /Rubrique : Job prospects

Written interaction (area 7: Expression)

Written interaction (area 7: Comprehension)

Working in groups and teams (area 3)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Building their career project (area 1)

Oral interaction (area 5)

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Phase 3:

Piecing the assessments together

Compare the results of the trainer’sassessment with:– The counsellor’s pre-

placement from the first interview

– The trainee’s self-assessment of their own skills

Once the different assessment results have been pooled, position the level of mastery for each skill area by completing the “skill Scale”7 visualisation tool.

In groups:Using a post-it

Each participant writes the skills they have (1 skill/post-it) and sticks the post-it onto the sheet for the relevant skill. For example : verbalising their skills.

Secondly, they classify these skills according to their level: “In this area, I am: 1. NOT VERY skilled;2. SOMEWHAT skilled;3. SKILLED; 4. VERY skilled ”

The 9 skill areas developed during the training course

Phase 4:

Placement and definition of individual priority goals(Use of “Scales”visual)

Define an initial placement for the skills of each of the trainees, based on the mutual agreement between the trainee and the trainer. Relate this to the goals of the training and the individual progress to be made.

One-on-one interview: Conversations about

the placement with each of the trainees and identification of the individual progress to be made for each skill area.

7 See the “Resources” section for the project: “ Skill scale”.





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The intermediate assessment, which occurs during training, is optional and depends on the training context. Perform-ing this assessment must be pertinent and respond to one or more clearly defined goals. In the context of the Forem test, the intermediate assessment had two motivations:– The training course was long (3–4 months). We felt it was useful to take a break and allow everyone involved to

take note of, and formalise, the progress made and yet to be made.– The integration of a professional internship during the training involves assessing certain skills before and after

the internship, in order to reassure the trainee of their skills on one hand and, on the other hand, to validate the necessary learnings for entry to the internship (in particular, passing the internship interview with the employer).

All of the intermediate assessments (those of the counsellor, trainer and trainee) allow for an intermediate placement in the 5 areas: 4 stemming from the “Communication” skill set, and the fifth regarding the career objectives, which is a priority area for the training.

INTERMEDIATE ASSESSMENT: Procedures, activities and methods The main goal of the intermediate placement was to assess each person’s ability to effectively carry out the entry in-terview for the internship and the internship itself. It also made it possible to note the progress made since beginning training.



Phase 1:

Preparation of:– the interview

scheduled with the counsellor from the New Arrivals Service

– the internship entrance interview with the employer

Allow everyone to make a clear oral presentation of:- The determined career objectives- The experiences and personal qualities that are useful for this project- The location of the internship and the profession that will be experienced.

For the individual:Oral and written

preparation of the presentation

Several oral presentations with feedback from the group and the FLE trainer

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area 7)Complying with instructions

and rules (area 10)

Phase 2:

45-minute interview with the counsellor from the New Arrivals Service

(December 2018)

Present and justify the choice of career objectives, leading to a 2-week, full-time professional internship in the chosen profession.

Present a finalised CV to the internship leader

Assess the progress made at this stage in the priority skill for the training: “Building their career objectives” and in the areas of the “Communication” skill set.

For the individual:Oral presentation

of the career objectives, the experiences and personal qualities that are useful for these, and the location and activity of the professional internship.

Written expressionRespond to the following

question: “Explain, in a few lines, what you have gained from the training”

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Taking socio-professional

codes into account (area 6)Written interaction (area 7)

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Phase 3:

Self-assessment and assessment by the trainer

Confirm each person’s ability to effectively carry out the professional interview with the internship leader.

In groups:Oral discussions after

mock interviews and the interview with the counsellor.

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Taking socio-professional

codes into account (area 6)

Phase 4:

Interview with the internship manager from the host company

(January 2019)

Present yourself correctly and professionally to an employer

Be able to respond to questions posed by the employer from the host company

Introduce yourself and explain your professional choices and assets for the chosen profession.

Know how to ask open questions and effectively finish an interview.

In groups:Prepare a list of questions

that you need to be able to answer during an interview and before beginning the internship (for example, schedule, where to go on the first day, work attire, human resources at the internship location, etc.)

For the individual:Several mock interviews

with:- FOREM colleagues (CEFO8)- the FLE trainer

Initial contact interview and confirmation of the internship with the employer, in the presence of the trainer and signing of the internship contract.

In groups:Feedback from the one-

on-one interview with the other trainees.

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Taking socio-professional

codes into account (area 6)Written interaction (area 7)

8 CEFO: Carrefour Emploi Formation Orientation – Wallonia (Belgium)



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Phase 5

Intermediate placement

(use the “ Scales” visual tool)

Place the trainees on the skill areas involved in the intermediate assessment

For counsellor-trainer pairsPlacement carried out by

pooling the assessments performed by the counsellor and the trainer

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area 7)

Phase 6:

Assessment of the internship

Assess, orally and in writing, what has been learned, strong points and things to improve following the internship.

In groups:Individual oral feedback

on how the internship went from other members of the group, who may ask questions if they so choose.

“Oral assessment of the internship – January 2019”

For the individual:Written report on the internship:“Report on the professional internship – Jan 2019”

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area 7)

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A final assessment was performed at the end of training. This was accompanied by the drafting of an action plan and made it tailoring the course to each trainee possible, based on the career objectives defined, the skills acquired and those that still need to be developed in order to achieve the professional goal being targeted.

The final assessment exercises were performed in the presence of the trainer and the counsellor (except those related to digital skills). They both assessed the trainees’ skills individually, before pooling their results and thus establishing a final placement for the skill level of the migrant for each skill area.

FINAL ASSESSMENT: Procedures, activities and methods



Phase 1:

Oral presentation exercise: assessment guidelines and criteria

Understand the assessment guidelines and criteria for the oral exercise at the end of training

Before doing the exercise, self-assess in terms of these criteria

In groups: Read and understand

the “ Final Assessment: FLE & key skills” document.

Complete the final assessment grid individually as part of the self-assessment of the skills acquired. “Final assessment grid: “FLE & key skills for employment and training”

Building their career objectives (1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Taking socio-cultural codes

into account (area 6)Written interaction (area 7)Complying with instructions

and rules (area 10)

Phase 2:

Preparing their oral presentation in writing

(at home)

Write and, if possible, type up their oral presentation. Respect the length guidelines.

Draft their action plan in the appropriate document, in writing.

The written preparation is to be submitted to the trainer on the day of the presentation: presentation + action plan. “My career objectives: I plan the actions that will be implemented”

Written interaction (area 7)Using IT resources (area 8)Organising their activity

(area 2)Complying with instructions

and rules (area 10)

Phase 3:

Oral presentation

Present their career objectives and the skills acquired in the past, in connection with this project, orally, as well as the internship and what the trainee gained from this internship in terms of skills.

Explain the steps in the action plan that was drafted at the end of training.

Clear and complete oral presentation of the career objectives, the experience and the skills acquired, lasting 20 minutes.

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Taking socio-cultural codes

into account (area 6)Complying with

instructions and rules (area 10)

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Phase 4:

Written production exercise

Understand the guidelines and draft a mail (in writing)

Read the exercise guidelines as a group.

Draft a mail in response to the one sent by a former colleague.

Taking socio-cultural codes into account (area 6)

Written interaction (area 7)Complying with

instructions and rules (area 10)

Phase 5:

Final assessment: using IT resources

Understand the assessment guidelines and criteria

Perform the required tasks on a PC

Exercise regarding using IT resources: typing, saving a file, sending a mail with a file attached, using the Outlook calendar and searching online.

Using IT resources (area 8)Complying with

instructions and rules (area 10)

Phase 6:

Overall assessment of the training

Assess the overall training, based on the following aspects:- Relationships- Content- My progress (in 9 skills)

Assessment question for the training module to be completed “Final assessment questionnaire”

Written interaction (area 7)

This final overall assessment phase for the training highlighted how each of the trainees viewed their progress: as insufficient, average, good or excellent.

The final placement involved a visual transcription on the “Skills scales”9, as well as the intermediate and initial place-ments, in addition to a moment for sharing and discussing with the group at the end of training. The counsellor and trainer were present during this communication.

9 See “Methodology guide”, point 3.4.2. Tools for representing and displaying the placement. See the “Resources”/“ Skills scalessection.

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Goal Define their career objectives and develop the necessary transversal and global skills for the job search and/or training




Step 1: 46 hours

Professional project

Step 2: 40 hours

Realistic career objectives

Step 3: 42 hours

Achievable career objectives and role-play

Step 4: 30 hours

Internship preparation

Step 5: 80 hours

Professional internship

Step 6: 32 hours

Assessment and action plan





Assess their skills

Discover the professions for their project

Identify the aspects to be considered for their career objectives

Open the pathways for the career objectives

Compare them with the reality of the job market

Compare their career objectives with the local situation

Formalise their internship project

Present their project and prepare their internship

Prepare for success in their internship

Mobilise their oral and written skills for their project

Experience a work setting and mobilise their oral and written skills

Assess the internship and their skills

Make a plan and take action





Assess their skills; identify the priority skills to be developed

Verbalise their professional and extra-professional experience

Discover the job market and professions

Use IT resources for their project.

Discover the professions targeted by the trainees:

Build realistic and achievable career objectives (1st step): explain their choices orally

Use the Internet and email to search for information and contact professionals

Build realistic and achievable career objectives (2nd step)

Explain their project orallyIdentify and take socio-cultural

codes relating to the world of work into account

Draft written supports for collecting information and researching internships 

Use Word and email to research internships

Prepare to begin an internship and the expectations of this experience in a professional setting

Conduct the internship entry interview

Take implicit socio-cultural codes in the professional environment into account: learn to observe

Define the goals for the internship individually and formalise them

Learn to question an environment

Discover the local professional environment in a concrete manner

Experience the situation in the field for one or more professions

Practice oral and written French in a professional context

Experiment to validate a career objectives

Explain, analyse and assess the internship activities

Assess the skills that were used by the professional activity

Analyse their skills and compare them to those required in the field

Confirm and verbalise their career objectives

Define an action plan that is consistent with their project, explain it and provide a timeline for it

Establish the tools for searching for jobs/training

Organise their job search or training






Building their career objectives (1)

Verbalising their skills (4)

Building their career objectives (1)

Verbalising their skills (4)

Building their career objectives (1)

Organising their activity (2)

Building their career objectives (1)Verbalising their skills (4)Taking socio-cultural codes into

account (6)

Building their career objectives (1)Taking socio-cultural codes into

account (6)

Building their career objectives (1)Organising their activity (2)Verbalising their skills (4)



as p


y sk



Working in groups or teams (3) – Oral interaction (5) – Written interaction (7) – Using digital resources (8)

Complying with instructions and rules (10)

The priority skill area for the training developed by Forem was skill area number 1: “Building their career objectives ”.

TRAINING PROCEDURESTraining engineering: present the steps and goals of the training in an overall manner. Pedagogical engineering: present the pedagogical activities for the steps in the training.

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Goal Define their career objectives and develop the necessary transversal and global skills for the job search and/or training




Step 1: 46 hours

Professional project

Step 2: 40 hours

Realistic career objectives

Step 3: 42 hours

Achievable career objectives and role-play

Step 4: 30 hours

Internship preparation

Step 5: 80 hours

Professional internship

Step 6: 32 hours

Assessment and action plan





Assess their skills

Discover the professions for their project

Identify the aspects to be considered for their career objectives

Open the pathways for the career objectives

Compare them with the reality of the job market

Compare their career objectives with the local situation

Formalise their internship project

Present their project and prepare their internship

Prepare for success in their internship

Mobilise their oral and written skills for their project

Experience a work setting and mobilise their oral and written skills

Assess the internship and their skills

Make a plan and take action





Assess their skills; identify the priority skills to be developed

Verbalise their professional and extra-professional experience

Discover the job market and professions

Use IT resources for their project.

Discover the professions targeted by the trainees:

Build realistic and achievable career objectives (1st step): explain their choices orally

Use the Internet and email to search for information and contact professionals

Build realistic and achievable career objectives (2nd step)

Explain their project orallyIdentify and take socio-cultural

codes relating to the world of work into account

Draft written supports for collecting information and researching internships 

Use Word and email to research internships

Prepare to begin an internship and the expectations of this experience in a professional setting

Conduct the internship entry interview

Take implicit socio-cultural codes in the professional environment into account: learn to observe

Define the goals for the internship individually and formalise them

Learn to question an environment

Discover the local professional environment in a concrete manner

Experience the situation in the field for one or more professions

Practice oral and written French in a professional context

Experiment to validate a career objectives

Explain, analyse and assess the internship activities

Assess the skills that were used by the professional activity

Analyse their skills and compare them to those required in the field

Confirm and verbalise their career objectives

Define an action plan that is consistent with their project, explain it and provide a timeline for it

Establish the tools for searching for jobs/training

Organise their job search or training






Building their career objectives (1)

Verbalising their skills (4)

Building their career objectives (1)

Verbalising their skills (4)

Building their career objectives (1)

Organising their activity (2)

Building their career objectives (1)Verbalising their skills (4)Taking socio-cultural codes into

account (6)

Building their career objectives (1)Taking socio-cultural codes into

account (6)

Building their career objectives (1)Organising their activity (2)Verbalising their skills (4)



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Working in groups or teams (3) – Oral interaction (5) – Written interaction (7) – Using digital resources (8)

Complying with instructions and rules (10)

The priority skill area for the training developed by Forem was skill area number 1: “Building their career objectives ”.

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PEDAGOGICAL ENGINEERING - FOREM (Belgium/Wallonia)Examples of pedagogical activities in steps 3 (December 2018) and 4 (January 2019). December 2018:

190 hours of training

Internship: 10 days

Step 3: 36 hours

December 2018

Week 1 (12.5 hours)

from 3/12 to 7/12/18

Week 2 (10 hours)

from 10/12 to 14/12

Week 3 (13.5 hours)

from 17/12 to 21/12/18

Week 4

from 24/12 to 28/12/2018





Build realistic and achievable career objectives (2)

Draft written supports for collecting information and researching internships (CV and cover letter)

Explain their project orallyUse Word (and email) (6 hours)Take socio-cultural codes into account

when looking for work/internships

Oral launch activity Revision of the past tense: perfect and


Training, use and exercises

Assessment of my professional expertise, based on the different activities carried out in November:

1. Choice of gestures and prior professional experience

2. Draft a list of the activities and skills expected in a profession (job description sheet), based on a photo

3. Job description sheets read and the “What is easy for me” document

Individual writing work.

Exchange sheets to read. Correction in pencil.

Correction of their personal writing based on comments made.

Oral presentation in sub-groups (2 or 3 people): my skills, my strengths

Oral presentation of my skills and strengths (behaviours and qualities) in the large group

Vocabulary exercise about the names for professions

IT tools (2 hours)Use Word to draft

a CV, based on theory and the example CVs viewed.

Meetings with professional/training/employment professionals to get ready for the interview1. Forem trainer : concrete

discovery of sales – cashier – restocker professions

2. CEFO visit: “Carrefour Emploi Formation Orientation” (training counsellor, employment counsellor) Preparation of interviews

to be conducted with professionals (trainers or workers): questions to ask, information to get, oral presentation of individual career objectives.

Preparation of the placement interview with the counsellor who carried out the initial pre-placement. Verbalising their skills,

their career objectives, the internship project and the skills acquired.

Tools for presenting yourself in the professional world: CVs How do I draft a CV?

Exercise: Make a CV Use Word to draft

a CV, based on theory and the example CVs viewed.

Meeting with professional/training/employment professionals:3. Forem trainer : concrete discovery

of accountancy – administrative and financial collaborator – payroll management professions

Tools for presenting yourself in the professional world: Cover letter. What is the cover

letter for? How do I write a

cover letter? Content, structure and writing.

Write a cover letter for the professional internship

Oral presentation of the career objectives and the internship location before the group:

Examples of skills, strengths, possible professional pathways, internship location

Mid-way placement interview with the FOREM counsellor

Short French words: what are they? What are they used for? How do they go together? Determiners: definite/indefinite/

partitive articles, etc.

Reading the CVs of group members, commenting and adapting.

Self-assessment of the skill areas developed.

IT tools (2 hours)Use Word to type the previously

drafted cover letter.


Centre closed (Christmas holidays)

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PEDAGOGICAL ENGINEERING - FOREM (Belgium/Wallonia)Examples of pedagogical activities in steps 3 (December 2018) and 4 (January 2019). December 2018:

190 hours of training

Internship: 10 days

Step 3: 36 hours

December 2018

Week 1 (12.5 hours)

from 3/12 to 7/12/18

Week 2 (10 hours)

from 10/12 to 14/12

Week 3 (13.5 hours)

from 17/12 to 21/12/18

Week 4

from 24/12 to 28/12/2018





Build realistic and achievable career objectives (2)

Draft written supports for collecting information and researching internships (CV and cover letter)

Explain their project orallyUse Word (and email) (6 hours)Take socio-cultural codes into account

when looking for work/internships

Oral launch activity Revision of the past tense: perfect and


Training, use and exercises

Assessment of my professional expertise, based on the different activities carried out in November:

1. Choice of gestures and prior professional experience

2. Draft a list of the activities and skills expected in a profession (job description sheet), based on a photo

3. Job description sheets read and the “What is easy for me” document

Individual writing work.

Exchange sheets to read. Correction in pencil.

Correction of their personal writing based on comments made.

Oral presentation in sub-groups (2 or 3 people): my skills, my strengths

Oral presentation of my skills and strengths (behaviours and qualities) in the large group

Vocabulary exercise about the names for professions

IT tools (2 hours)Use Word to draft

a CV, based on theory and the example CVs viewed.

Meetings with professional/training/employment professionals to get ready for the interview1. Forem trainer : concrete

discovery of sales – cashier – restocker professions

2. CEFO visit: “Carrefour Emploi Formation Orientation” (training counsellor, employment counsellor) Preparation of interviews

to be conducted with professionals (trainers or workers): questions to ask, information to get, oral presentation of individual career objectives.

Preparation of the placement interview with the counsellor who carried out the initial pre-placement. Verbalising their skills,

their career objectives, the internship project and the skills acquired.

Tools for presenting yourself in the professional world: CVs How do I draft a CV?

Exercise: Make a CV Use Word to draft

a CV, based on theory and the example CVs viewed.

Meeting with professional/training/employment professionals:3. Forem trainer : concrete discovery

of accountancy – administrative and financial collaborator – payroll management professions

Tools for presenting yourself in the professional world: Cover letter. What is the cover

letter for? How do I write a

cover letter? Content, structure and writing.

Write a cover letter for the professional internship

Oral presentation of the career objectives and the internship location before the group:

Examples of skills, strengths, possible professional pathways, internship location

Mid-way placement interview with the FOREM counsellor

Short French words: what are they? What are they used for? How do they go together? Determiners: definite/indefinite/

partitive articles, etc.

Reading the CVs of group members, commenting and adapting.

Self-assessment of the skill areas developed.

IT tools (2 hours)Use Word to type the previously

drafted cover letter.


Centre closed (Christmas holidays)

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January 2019:

190 hours of training

Internship: 10 days

Step 4: 40 hours

January 2019

Week 1 (11 hours)

from 7/01 to 11/01/2019

Week 2 (17 hours)

from 14/01 to 18/01/2019

Week 3 and 4 (80 hours)

from 21/01 to 01/02/2019


Prepare to begin an internship and the expectations of this experience in a professional setting

Conduct the internship entry interviewAssess their skills Take implicit socio-cultural codes in the professional environment into accountDefine the goals for the internship individually and formalise them

Preparation of the face-to-face interview My skills, my strengths, my

career objectives, my FLE practice, my internship goals.

Presentation, attitudes, manners, etc.

Mock interview for beginning an internship with a CEFO counsellor - Carrefour Emploi Formation Orientation (3 hours) Comments on the role-plays Approach to socio-cultural

codes to be used: explicit/implicit social codes

PC (2 hours)Imagine the 1st day of the

internship in writing- Number of hours? How long? Schedule?- With whom? Colleagues, tutor, manager?- To what end? What jobs?- How? Organisation of the day?

Consult the website of the internship location

Prepare the interview with the internship manager: What are the employer’s

expectations?- What activities will be carried out or observed during the internship?- With whom?- For how long?- Where?

Mock interview for beginning an internship with the trainer Observation and assessment

of the interview by other members of the group: strong points and areas for improvement

Highlight the implicit socio-cultural codes in the professional environment.

Interview with the internship manager and the trainer Agree on the goals and

practices for the internship Presentation of the reference

skills and the internship documents to the tutor.

Placement of skill levels acquired in the skills areas developed: Interview with the trainer,

based on the self-assessment of the skills and the placement carried out by the counsellor.

Agreement of the trainee on the intermediate placement.


Map 1: Illustration of the areas for the Skills map

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January 2019:

190 hours of training

Internship: 10 days

Step 4: 40 hours

January 2019

Week 1 (11 hours)

from 7/01 to 11/01/2019

Week 2 (17 hours)

from 14/01 to 18/01/2019

Week 3 and 4 (80 hours)

from 21/01 to 01/02/2019


Prepare to begin an internship and the expectations of this experience in a professional setting

Conduct the internship entry interviewAssess their skills Take implicit socio-cultural codes in the professional environment into accountDefine the goals for the internship individually and formalise them

Preparation of the face-to-face interview My skills, my strengths, my

career objectives, my FLE practice, my internship goals.

Presentation, attitudes, manners, etc.

Mock interview for beginning an internship with a CEFO counsellor - Carrefour Emploi Formation Orientation (3 hours) Comments on the role-plays Approach to socio-cultural

codes to be used: explicit/implicit social codes

PC (2 hours)Imagine the 1st day of the

internship in writing- Number of hours? How long? Schedule?- With whom? Colleagues, tutor, manager?- To what end? What jobs?- How? Organisation of the day?

Consult the website of the internship location

Prepare the interview with the internship manager: What are the employer’s

expectations?- What activities will be carried out or observed during the internship?- With whom?- For how long?- Where?

Mock interview for beginning an internship with the trainer Observation and assessment

of the interview by other members of the group: strong points and areas for improvement

Highlight the implicit socio-cultural codes in the professional environment.

Interview with the internship manager and the trainer Agree on the goals and

practices for the internship Presentation of the reference

skills and the internship documents to the tutor.

Placement of skill levels acquired in the skills areas developed: Interview with the trainer,

based on the self-assessment of the skills and the placement carried out by the counsellor.

Agreement of the trainee on the intermediate placement.


A pedagogical tool that explains the “Skills map” process is found opposite. Discover the “skills” involved in the train-ing. This document is also found in the “Resources” section of the project.10

10. “Illustrated map.” See the “Resources/Tools for assessment, placement and information” section

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TEST II: CIEP - Belgium

Name of the institution/specific service:CIEP – Région Hainaut Centre

Statute: ASBL permanent education

Mission: CIEP (the Centre for Information and Popular Education) is responsible for educational and cultural activities from the Christian Workers’ Movement (MOC).

Our goal is to provide groups and individuals with the necessary tools to engage as actors and citizens and to partic-ipate in the development of a democratic society through an authentic democratisation of knowledge and the promo-tion of group action.

Thanks to its involvement in literacy and French as a foreign language, CIEP has established training programmes in Mons-Borinage and La Louvière. These are supported by the Wallonia Region, Forem, the Wallonia-Brussels Feder-ation and social cohesion plans. We also have groups related to citizen education in the Wallonia Region for all new arrivals.


Title: “ Introduction to the socio-professional integration pathway ”.Aims: Using French as a means of communicating your

professional experienceDiscovering institutions in connection with the job

searchIdentifying sectors and professions

Training action linked to another action or an associated action: YES, to a training programme based around language learning (themes related to daily life) and understanding the job market

Target audience: Foreign-born individuals who are learning French

Pre-requisites/entry levels:Those who express a wish to work on their career objectives and verbalise it.

Number of trainees: 10

Duration and dates : 24 hours – January – February 2019

Schedule: 6 hours/week

Internship period: –

Target sectors or jobs: Range of sectors and career objectives.

Training location: La Louvière

Human resources: A pedagogical coordinatorA trainerAn internship student , future social assistant

Reference skills areas:

1 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 7


• Before training:Information session - pre-placement (skills assessment before beginning training) on 4 skills areas

• During training:Assessment, self-placement, initial placement, training engineering

• End of training:Assessment, self-placement and final placement, reflection on the goals to be carried out during the project.

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The team identified the pre-requisites for entry and the skills targeted at the end of the module for the 5 priority skill areas for the training course.




1 Building their career objectives Level 1 Level 3

3 Working in groups or teams / /

4 Verbalising their skills Level 1 Level 3

5 Verbal InteractionLevel 2

Level 3

7 Written Interaction Level 1 Level 2

The pedagogical team knew the beneficiaries in advance, as they were enrolled in basic training, but it was important to confirm that they wished to reflect on their career objectives and were able to express this desire in French. The pedagogical coordinator and the programme trainer carried out the pre-placement before entry to the experimental module, during a sixty-minute, one-on-one interview about the 4 areas, which included 5 that were deemed priorities. These were:

- Building their career objectives (area 1)- Verbalising their skills for their career objectives (area 4)- Oral interaction (area 5)- Written interaction (area 7).

The level for written production was ascertained via previous assessments obtained during basic training. Only comprehension was assessed at this stage.

Carrying out the interview in pairs made this easier to assess. In effect, one was responsible for conducting the in-terview, while the other observed and listened closely, all while assessing the skills so as to best place the individual. Thus, this made it possible to obtain a more objective assessment that was not biased by the difficulty of performing two tasks at the same time, in particular since this was a new approach to the experiment.10

The assessment of the skill level of each learner also made it possible to see the general level of the group, while taking into account specific considerations to propose customised pedagogical series.

The workers relied on the “ Skills map11 ” and placed the level acquired by each for the relevant skills on it, based on the facts and examples given by the beneficiary.

10 11 See “  Methodology guide” , point 3.4.2. Tools for representing and displaying the placement. See also the

“Resource” section to download the “Skills map.”

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Procedures, activities and methods for the pre-placement




Phase 1:

Assessment by the trainer and the pedagogical coordinator

Situate the level of mastery for 4 of the 5 skill areas developed during the training course

One-on-one interview:Questions and answers

based on the “Practical placement guide12 ” regarding:- The person’s administrative situation and life path- Their professional experiences, training course and ideas for their career objectives- Identification of authentic written documents related to the professional world (Forem convocation, job offer, etc.)

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area 7)

Phase 2:

Placement by the professionals

Placement on the 4 skill areas

Use of a visual support: a “Skills map” 13 per person, which is red (step 1) and identification of the level acquired for each skill area.


12 See “ Methodology guide” , point 3.4.1. Tools for collecting information. See also the “Resources” section to download the “Practical placement guide”.

13 See the “Resources”/“Skills map” section (A4)

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This work was carried out with the trainer and the learners on the first day of the training.The purpose was three-fold: - to learn about the skill areas; - to allow the beneficiaries to identify what they have learned;- to define the priorities to be worked on during training.

The goals pursued include: - toAssess and self-assess what was learned on the 4 skill areas developed during the training;- to place what has been learned on the skills map;- to validate/correct the elements assessed during the pre-placement.

The skills map visual support for self-assessment by the beneficiaries was green, in order to better understand the difference between the self-assessment and the assessment by the trainer, which was identified by the red map. A third colour map, blue, was used to display the result of the pooled levels acquired, which stem from the pre-placement and the self-assessment.

There was a difficulty during this activity. The terms used to describe the skills were quite complex, given the linguistic level of the learners. Therefore, it would be pertinent to use photos, icons or other supports for a group that is new to French. A lot of time had to be dedicated to explain the map, when compared to the time taken to identify the skills acquired.

Procedures, activities and methods for the initial assessment





Phase 1:

Presentation of the skills map

To learn about the skill areas and levels.

In groups:Presentation of the “Skills

map” visual support and explanation of the skills and levels.

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area 7)

Phase 2

Self-assessment by the participants

Identify what has been acquired on the skill areas targeted by the training.

For the individual:Self-placement exercise,

based on the responses given to questions posed by the trainer, on the green-coloured map.

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area 7)

Phase 3

Initial placement by the trainer and the beneficiaries

Agree on the levels acquired on the areas.

to define the priorities to be worked on during training.

Comparison between the pre-positioning carried out by the trainer (visual support: red map) and the self-assessment (visual support: green map).

Validation of the levels that have actually been acquired on each of the skill areas by both parties and the representation of these levels on a blue-coloured map (summary).

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area 7)

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A final assessment was performed at the end of training, in a group and individually.

Firstly, each trainee worked, allowing them to identify further steps to be taken, based on the career objectives defined and their situation. This exercise, which was carried out in groups, made it possible to share experiences amongst themselves, which developed everyone’s action plans.

Secondly, the trainer – and each individual trainee – assessed the skills acquired after the training programme: - the trainer, in collaboration with the pedagogical coordinator, has completed the pre-placement map (red visual support) to attest to the development of the trainee’s skills, based on the activities carried out during the training- the trainee has completed the initial self-placement map (green visual support), in order to assess the skills acquired during the training This exercise was carried out during the group session, with the support of the trainer.

A one-on-one interview came next, in order to agree on the trainee’s development. Together, the trainer and the bene-ficiary established a final placement for the skill level on each area. The skills map (blue model) was also used to allow trainees to notice how they have advanced in each skill after 24 hours of training.

Procedures, activities and methods for the final assessment


Phase 1:

Placement by the trainer

Identify the development of the participant on the skills map

The trainer lists the activities performed with each participant and their achievements.

In conjunction with the pedagogical coordinator, the trainer places the skill level acquired by the participants on the “trainer” wheel (red map), in comparison to the initial placement and based on what has been observed during the training.

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area 7)

Phase 2

Self-placement by the participants

Identify their development on the skills map;

In a group, the trainer asks the participants to provide an overview of their professional choice, people to contact and steps to take.

Based on what is produced and the activities conducted during the 24 hours, the trainer asks the participants to take their “ participant ” card and position themselves with respect to their initial self-placement.

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area 7)

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Phase 3

Final placement by the trainer and the beneficiaries

Discuss the levels acquired on the skills map.

Establish the final placement, taking both parties into account.

Plan actions to continue the process.

The trainer and the participant compare the final placement of the trainer and the self- assessment of the trainee.

The trainer asks the trainee to explain why they placed themselves at that level and asks for factual examples.

On the “trainer-participant” map (blue), the two parties agree on the level obtained for each area, following a discussion about the initial placement.

They reflect on the goals to be realised after the process.

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area 7)

TRAINING PROCEDURESTraining engineering: present the steps and goals of the training in an overall manner. Pedagogical engineering: present the pedagogical activities for the steps in the training.


Overall goal

Define their career objectives and develop the necessary (transversal) key skills for the job search





Step 1: 3 hours

Highlight their skills

Step 2 : 6 hours

Identify the professions for their project

Step 3 : 12 hours

Discover useful institutions for job-seekers

Step 4 : 3 hours

Professional orientation





Build on everyone’s experiencesList their skills, expertise, know-howClassify their skills

Explore the sectors and professions to broaden horizons Identify sectors and professions linked to their skills

Identify and read key documents from the 4 institutions that are useful for job-seekersUnderstand and differentiate the functions of the institutionsMeet agents from an institution

Explain and specify 1 to 3 targeted professionsChoose an institution and identify the appropriate contacts Plan the procedures to carry out






Verbalising their skills (4)

Verbal interaction (5) Written interaction (7) Building their career objectives (1)



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) Building their career objectives (1)Working in groups or teams (3)

Verbal interaction (5) Taking socio-cultural codes into account (6)

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The sequencing of the engineering encourages the development of oral interaction skills, starting with the ability to verbalise experiences and relate them to the reference skills. Written interaction skills are developed thanks to the comprehension of documents linked to the four key institutions that can help beneficiaries to find jobs at the end of the module. Finally, the last phase calls upon the previously developed oral and written skills to place each trainee on the “Building their career objectives” skill area.

As opposed to the previous engineering, there is no specific objective to achieve for this skill area. Based on the level of clarification of the project after 24 hours of training, each beneficiary will choose one of the four institutions outlined in step 3 to explain or justify the next step in their journey. It is possible that those who still need to develop their project may take an intensive training course like the one developed by Forem and described above.

PEDAGOGICALENGINEERING - CIEP (Belgium)Highlight their skills


Name and list their skills based on their experience

Area 4: Verbalising their skills – Level 1 Area 5: Oral interaction – Levels 1 and 2

Ice-breaker: Everyone writes what they know how to do on one or more pieces of paper and creates a paper air plane. All the participants launch their planes. They must catch the others’ planes and guess who knows how to do what. The trainer then explains the idea of a skill.

Pedagogical sheet supplied in the Skillpass document

Explain their current professional activities, based on the “group of proposed situations”. Identified the skills used. Area 4: Verbalising their skills – Level 2Area 5: Oral interaction – Levels 1 and 2

Based on experience, identify the skills. Group the situations based on a table, in order to go into more detail about the experience activities.“In pairs, choose the most frequent situation groups and specify them”

AEFA table

Learn about the skill areas;Self-placement on the skill areas.

Area 4: Verbalising their skills – Level 2Area 5: Oral interaction – Levels 1 and 2

Presentation of the circle with the skills developed.Link between the experience and the skills discussed.“Alone: in your opinion, where are you in terms of these skills? Those that have been mobilised in professional activities and during the building of your career objectives) ”

Skills map14

Determine the goals of the training based on the skill areas and the proposed modules.

Area 4: Verbalising their skills – Level 1 and 2Area 5: Oral interaction – Levels 1 and 2Area 1: Building their project – Level 1

Skills map14

14 See the “Resources”/“Skills map” section (A4)

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Identify the professions for their project


Discover the professional sectors

Area 5: Oral interaction – Level 1Area 1: Building their objectives – Levels 1 and 2

Memory game about the different sectors (one card, one image; one card, one piece of vocabulary)



Discover the different sector professions

Area 5: Oral interaction – Levels 1 and 2Area 1: Building their objectives – Levels 1 and 2Area 6: Taking socio-cultural codes into account – Levels 1 and 2

Game about 7 families and the aspects of different sectors: professions, tasks, activities, qualities, access conditions, limitations

The content of the card in the game about 7 families is completed based on videos that the learners will watch about different professions.

Oral presentation of their family

Adapted game about 7 families

Explain 1 to 3 targeted professions connected to their interests and motivations

Area 1: Building their objectives – Levels 1, 2 and 3

Complete a form to identify their interestsOral discussion

Identify their interests to discover professions

Discover useful institutions for job-seekers


Decode an authentic document requested or received by an institution (administration, public employment service, social welfare service, training operator, employers, etc.)Understand essential information and identify the content

Area 5: Oral interaction – Levels 1, 2 and 3Area 6: Written interaction – Levels 1 and 2

Analyse authentic institution documents: logos, structure, etc.

Comprehension when reading authentic documents.

PowerPoint presentation of logos and documents

Paper versionProjector

Understand the different institutions, in connection with socio-professional integration and their services.

Area 5: Oral interaction – Levels 1, 2 and 3Area 6: Written interaction – Levels 1 and 2Area 3: Working in groups and teams – Levels 1

and 2

Learning to formulate questions IT research in sub-groups to learn about the

institutions: goals, services, etc.Oral presentation on the institutions

in sub-groups.

Location of an EPN

Address an institution depending on your career objectives

Area 5: Oral interaction – Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4Area 1: Building their career objectives – Levels 1 and 2Area 3: Working in groups and teams – Levels 1 and 2

Watch video snippets about dialogues in the institutions

Prepare a dialogue for each institution (typical questions will be provided to trainees)

Practice orally and visit an institution



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Professional orientation


Identify their personal obstacles

Area 1: Building their project – Level 3Area 5: Oral interaction – Levels 1, 2 and 3

One-on-one interview: discussion about the practical aspects (availability, mobility, etc.) and the reality of the job market (offers in the region).

Link their professional orientation and their personal obstacles

Area 1: Building their project - Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4Area 4: Verbalising their skills – Levels 1, 2 and 3

One-on-one interview: discussion about the practical aspects (availability, mobility, etc.) and the reality of the job market (offers in the region).

Develop their action plan

Area 1: Building their objectives – Levels 1, 2 and 3

Create an “Action plan” sheet:  Who do I go to? When? Why? How?

Action plan

An example of a pedagogical tool used during the training is found below. It concerns one of the families from the game about 7 families.


Social workerEducatorFamily aidNursery workerTherapistCarer


In general:Welcoming people;Administrative management;Communication (listening).With elderly people or those with disabilities:Helping with tasks; Administrative procedures.With children:Ensure their safety, healthy

and developmentEtc.


Help elderly people or those with physical disabilities.

Social action (childcare, helping the young, people with mental disabilities, drug addicts, etc.)

Accommodation (welcoming the homeless, asylum seekers, domestic violence victims, etc.)


Interpersonal skills (strong personal qualities)

Personal balanceOrganisation


The jobs have become professional:

they require specific training


MobilityKnowledge of the

institutional environmentAbility to work in a crisis

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Name of the institution/specific service: COOSS Marches cooperative/Italian language school for new arrivals and political asylum seekers.

Statute: Cooperative, social enterprise, not-for-profit

Mission: To provide assistance, care, social support and educational and training services to meet the specific needs of local communities in the Marche region and encourage the integration of disadvantaged individuals. The coopera-tive manages the services for integrating asylum seekers and refugees for almost the entire region.

Target audience: Disadvantaged and at-risk individuals, new arrivals, people born outside the EU who reside in the Marche region as political asylum seekers.


• Before training: Information session• During training : Initial assessment and placement on the 4 skill areas – training engineering.• End of training: Final assessment and placement – reflection on the goals to be carried out after the project.

All asylum seekers who are part of the welcome project are automatically sent to Italian lessons (obligatory service). The MOVE-EU test module has been integrated into this training. Participants could subsequently extend their train-ing, either in the language or to learn a profession. The group for the test module comprised a strong core of participants who were present throughout the module. Other participants were integrated into the group bit by bit as they joined COOSS. In this context, there was no pre-placement. The strong core of participants was assessed at the start of training. The latter were placed at level 2 for the “Oral interaction” skill, in particular.The organisation methods (permanent entry for participants) complicated the test with the whole group. It was not possible, therefore, to establish pre-requisites.


Title:“Reaching their career objectives in Marche”

Aims: Socio-professional integration of political asylum


Training action linked to another action oran associated action: YES, to language courses and professional training

Target audience: New arrivals, political asylum seekers in the COOSS Marche cooperative project

Pre-requisites/entry levels: no pre-requisites; mixed levels

Number of trainees: 28

Duration and dates: 33 hours of experimentation – March 2019

Schedule: 11 hours/week

Internship period: /

Target sectors or jobs: Sectors and professional projects available in the territory

Training location: Fabriano (Ancône)

Human resources: An Italian as a foreign language language trainer

and a trainer in transversal skills

Reference skills areas:1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 7

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The Italian as a Foreign Language Trainer conducted one-on-one interviews, in order to assess and place the partici-pants for 5 skill areas developed during the training course:

Area no. 1: Building their career objectivesArea no. 2: Organising their activityArea no. 4: Verbalising their skillsArea no. 5: Verbal InteractionArea no. 7: Written Interaction

Initial assessment





Phase 1:

Assessment by the trainer

Identify acquisitions over the 5 skills areas

One-on-one interview: Discussion and questions and answers based on the “Practical placement guide15 ” regarding:the person’s

administrative situation and life path;

past and planned career objectives;

knowledge of the situation in the host country/region (access conditions and professions, procedures for job-seekers, etc.);

using writing and written supports to underpin oral interactions.

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Organising their activity (area 2)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area


Phase 2

Placement by the trainer

Placement on the 5 skill areas

By the trainer, following the interviews

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Organising their activity (area 2)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area


15 See “ Methodology guide” , point 3.4.1. Tools for collecting information. See also the “Resources” section to download the “Practical placement guide.”

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At the end of this short module, the trainer assessed the skills of each of the beneficiaries during a group session and the final placement. The self-placement, which had been planned previously, was abandoned, in light of the benefi-ciaries’ difficulties in understanding the areas and the levels. The trainer then held individual conversations about the progress made in the skill areas developed and the actions implemented to solidify career objectives that are realistic and achievable in the Marche region.

Final assessment



Phase 1:

Assessment by the trainer

Situate the level of mastery for the 5 skill areas developed during the training course

In a group session :

Presentation of the skills and career objectives for each trainee

Mock job interviewResolving a real situation

based on authentic documents: map, bus timetables, train timetables, etc. (mobility solutions to arrive on time to a company in cities in the region)

Written tests about knowledge of the vocabulary used in hotel jobs or seasonal work (oil or wine production)

CV to be completed

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Organising their activity (area 2)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area


Phase 2:

Placement and conversations

Placement in the 5 skill areas at the end of training

Identify the progress in the 5 areas between the start of the module and the end

Reflect on the goals to be achieved following the project

For individuals:

Conversations and discussions based on the final placement: definition of actions to follow for realistic and achievable career objectives in the region.

Building their career objectives (area 1)

Organising their activity (area 2)

Verbalising their skills (area 4)

Oral interaction (area 5)Written interaction (area


In light of the brief time that the trainer had to explain the “Skills map” and the difficulty that the beneficiaries had in understanding this, this visualisation tool was not used in the experimental module conducted by COOS.

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Training engineering: present the steps and goals of the training in an overall manner. Pedagogical engineering: present the pedagogical activities for the steps in the training.


Overall goal Carry out their career objectives in Marche




ps  Step 1: 3 hours

Discover their skills

Step 2: 10 hours

Discover the industrial skill areas and the different kinds of work in the area

Step 3: 5 hours

Discover seasonal work

Step 4: 10 hours

How to write a CV and present yourself at a job interview





Build on everyone’s experiences

List their skills, expertise, know-how

Classify their skills

Describe the different industrial skill sets and their activities

Role-play after studying the vocabulary and phrases to use when discussing activities

Illustrate the different seasons in Italy and the professional activities linked to them

Role-play after studying the vocabulary and useful phrases for certain professional contexts

Write a context-specific CV

Describe the attitudes to adopt for a successful job interview

Role-play after studying the vocabulary and useful phrases for presenting yourself at a job interview






Verbalising their skills (4)

Verbal interaction (5)Written interaction (7)

Verbal interaction (5)Written interaction (7)

Verbal interaction (5)Written interaction (7)



as p


y sk



Building their career objectives (1)Organising their activity (2)

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The main goal of the module was to determine career objectives and to target socio-professional integration for po-litical asylum seekers in the region.

As there were no pre-requisites to entry, no pre-placement was organised before the module began. In this context, and in light of the final goal, the training was focused on verbalisation and oral interaction. The assessment of people’s Italian was carried out during one-on-one interviews organised at the start of training. These interviews also looked at the past and future experiences and professional and life paths of the learners. Then, mock job interviews helped to enrich the interactions. Written interaction was also developed using exercises that focused on resolving a real situa-tion based on authentic documents: geographical maps, bus and train timetables, etc.


The pedagogical engineering was not formalised in a table for the experiment conducted by the COOS cooperative. Some examples of tools used to support the classes are listed below: public transport websites, Google Maps, flip charts, European CV template, etc.

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The three tests conducted as part of the MOVE-EU project (which were not initially planned) have all made it possible not only to analyse the “Skills map” process in practice, but also – through their diversity and creativity – to enrich the placement methodology and the pedagogical process linked to them. This does not negate the difficulties encoun-tered, such as the ability of the beneficiaries to understand the map, for example.