texa ruby star


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Post on 22-Mar-2016




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Why your passion for the image?

Passion for image? That's simple, because working with imagery allows you to be subjective, set trends and be visually responsible all at once. And also because I enjoy the world of visual represen- tation. Image is information. Look at the context – my milieu is strong design and art based family and friends, mostly artists and cura-tors. As teenager I did some crazy colourful stu� in Photoshop (from this I still gain visual �ux for making VJ stu�. This �rst experi-ments led me to look at fashion as a �eld of self-expression (example: book on Japanesse street fashion: Fruits). Switch from performance artist to designer was inevitable, when I realized that during my pre-vious artistic practice I have always tend to the process and adjustment of documentation of my art and curatorial works. Later, I found out that the boundaries between art and design are blurred. So there came a decision to be more concentrated on de-signing posters, books and visual identities.

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You are Designer, vj and founder of the studio "The Rodina". Where are you most comfortable working?Teamwork or individual work?

Educated as an artist I was trained to do projects individually, but during last years (as a curator and a designer in The Rodina) I have learned how discussion and collab-oration is important for creative process. I would not use the world „comfortable“, because comfort doesn't play a crucial role when you want to have fruitful outcome. Better to use „satisfying“, it in-cludes that cool result should happen also during an unpleasant process.

When did you started to dedicate it professionally? What have been the biggest challenges so far?

My life was devoted to art, design and creative research when I was born. One of the bigest challenges so far is to share graphic design studio with my husband. We are symbionts, sometimes parasites.

A part of spending hours at the computer, do you like doing in your spare time?

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Spare time activities depends on seasons, for example winters are more philosophical. I enjoy giving likes on Facebook, eating pudding, watch latest movies in cinema, riding bike through park, drinking beer with friends, reading (occa-sionalpapers), going visually mad on tumblr and having sex. You see, I'm never bored..

What are your biggest in�uences when working?

The task or job itself is the biggest in�uence. When following the con-text of commission, you always �nd something interesting what leads you to setting up sketches an afterwards a main idea. Discussion between Vit and me is key and has a big impact on our results, too.

When THE RODINA born? "Who are the members?

We worked together on videos for theatre play, Shakespeare's trage-dy Antony and Cleopatra in 2009. By brain mistake we put ourselves into the roles of "Tony and Cleo". And the real tragedy began.. Members: Vit Ruller, Tereza Rullerová and our new intern,

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Jules Vaulont, 100% Parisian!

We met your work in the latest edi-tion of "Libros Mutantes" in Madrid, how was the reception in the capital? How is Spanish graph-ic design values outside the bor-ders? Do you know any artist name or shameless?

Madrid is fascinating city, despite rainy weather we have discovered unexpected places with our friends (studio Noviki). Be sure, we didn't feel lonely in your capital at all. I'm convinced that current Spanish design is strong on the internet, as a proof there is a good example - curators of Libros Mutantes, Silvia Bianchi & Ricardo Juárez, who are visible personalities and led an ex-perimental creative consultancy Barriobajero. I know Pablo Abad, o-c-u-l-t-o curator also from blo-gosphere. During the Art Book Fair I have met friends from La Piscina and Catalogue Library, for who we now contribute in Library Paper Issue 03.

You just married right?, designed it yourself wedding invitations? Can we see them?

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Yes, we got just married, thanks to this event we realized how di�cult is to decide how the designer's wedding cake will look like! In our everyday life we act as a consum-ers. We tend to push somebody else in doing design-related deci-sions, for example IKEA, McDon-alds and American Apparel. For designing events we organize are there our friends. Therefore wed-ding invitations were designed by our friends Pavla Nešverová and Sera Yong, studio PRAOUL.

You know the term "SEAPUNK"? What is your opinion about it?

Seapunk is everywhere! I have read an interesting article by Ultrade-mon, who admits that the seapunk concept came through the largely random accumulation of ideas and aesthetic. For me it is connected to music (in Czech there is festival by seapunker's: creepy teepee) and aesthetic of 3D digital paradise. It is widely spoken that this genre is over because mainstream artists are exploiting it and destroying it's purity. But still, I like it.

It was a long time since I saw someone as cheerful as you are

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within a profession as digitized. What is the trick?

Trick is to melt the border between creativity, realistic approach and optimism. Too much of one of them may destroy you. And never stop with your own self-education.

2013, vj texa for ruby star