texas education agency peims data standards changes for the 2013-2014 school year

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes for the 2013-2014 School Year Summer and Extended Year Collections

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Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes for the 2013-2014 School Year . Summer and Extended Year Collections. 2013-2014 Data Standards. This training presentation is associated with the Legacy PEIMS Data Standards; Not the Texas Student Data System Texas Education Data Standards. . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Classroom Link Data Collection

Texas Education AgencyPEIMS Data Standards Changes for the 2013-2014 School Year Summer and Extended Year Collections

12013-2014 Data StandardsThis training presentation is associated with the Legacy PEIMS Data Standards; Not the Texas Student Data System Texas Education Data Standards. Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 2The Texas Student Data System Texas Education Data Standards training is provided through the TSDS staff. 22013-2014 Data Standards New Data Reporting Requirements

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 332013-2014 Data Standards010 District RecordTen (10) new data elements have been added to the 010 District record.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 442013-2014 Data Standards010 District Record


Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 552013-2014 Data Standards010 District Record


Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 662013-2014 Data Standards010 District Record


Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 772013-2014 Data Standards010 District Record

All School Districts and Charter Schools must report all ten (10) of the performance and compliance indicators on the 010 district record.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 8All fields are mandatory for a school district or open enrollment charter school. There are no exceptions to this business rule.


82013-2014 Data Standards010 District Record

The ten performance and compliance indicators are based on criteria developed by a local committee. TEA cannot provide guidance on these ratings. Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 992013-2014 Data Standards020 Campus RecordTen (10) new data elements have been added to the 020 Campus record.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 10102013-2014 Data StandardsNew Data Reporting Requirements

020 Campus Record


Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 11112013-2014 Data StandardsNew Data Reporting Requirements

020 Campus Record


Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 12122013-2014 Data StandardsNew Data Reporting Requirements

020 Campus Record


Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 13132013-2014 Data StandardsNew Data Reporting Requirements

020 Campus Record

Except for DAEP and JJAEP campuses, all School District and Charter School campuses with a 400 and or 500 attendance record must report all ten (10) of the performance and compliance indicators on the 020 district record.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 14Except for DAEP and JJAEP campuses, all fields are mandatory for a school district or open enrollment charter school. If a campus, that is not registered in the Texas School Directory system as a DAEP of JJAEP, has reported an attendance record (400 and/or 500 student attendance record), then all of the performance and compliance data elements must be reported.


142013-2014 Data StandardsNew Data Reporting Requirements

020 Campus Record

DAEP and JJAEP campuses will not be allowed to report the any of the ten (10) of the performance and compliance indicators on the 020 district record.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 15DAEP and JJAEP campuses will be blocked, through the use of fatal edits, to report the any of the ten (10) of the performance and compliance indicators on the 020 district record.


152013-2014 Data StandardsNew Data Reporting Requirements

020 District Record

The ten (10) performance and compliance indicators for campuses are based on criteria developed by a local committee. TEA cannot provide guidance on these ratings. Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 16162013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting RemindersClassroom Link Data ReportingAll classroom teachers (Role IDs 047 and 087) are required to be reported for submission 3. This includes contracted teachers and teachers on the school payroll.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 17All classroom teachers who are assigned to a course section during the course of the school year must be reported in Submission 3.

If a LEA has contracted out all or part of a campus operation to a third party vendor, the LEA is still required to report the teachers (Role ID 087 and 047) individual identification and demographic information through the 040 Staff Identification/Demographic record. Even though the teachers are contracted through a third party vendor, the teachers are teaching at a campus in the LEA and must be reported so that the information can be included in the staff full-time equivalent (FTE) calculations for the Academic Excellence Indicator System and the Student Assessment Data Portal as required by law. It would not be appropriate to omit a contracted teacher who is teaching at a campus in the LEA from the staff data reporting on the 040 record . 172013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders Classroom Link Data ReportingAll classroom teachers (Role IDs 047 and 087) are reported for submission 3 with:

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 18182013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Remindersa. 040 Staff Data Identification/Demographic Identification Recordb. 043 Staff Data Identification Record c. 050 Staff Data Identification Record

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 19All classroom teachers who are assigned to a course section during the course of the school year must be reported in Submission 3.

If a LEA has contracted out all or part of a campus operation to a third party vendor, the LEA is still required to report the teachers (Role ID 087 and 047) individual identification and demographic information through the 040 Staff Identification/Demographic record. Even though the teachers are contracted through a third party vendor, the teachers are teaching at a campus in the LEA and must be reported so that the information can be included in the staff full-time equivalent (FTE) calculations for the Academic Excellence Indicator System and the Student Assessment Data Portal as required by law. It would not be appropriate to omit a contracted teacher who is teaching at a campus in the LEA from the staff data reporting on the 040 record . 192013-2014 Data Standards Data Reporting Reminders Classroom Link Data ReportingTSBVI, TSD, and TJJD teachers (role 087 and 047) are reported in Submission 3.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 20This slide is for ESC 13 only. The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools are only required to report teachers (Role ID 087 and 047) in the summer submission (Submission 3) for the purpose of supplying the required information for the Student Assessment Data Portal.202013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

101 Student Data - Demographic Record Student Attribution Code - Charter Schools may not report STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE 03 Public Education Grant (PEG).

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 21Charter school campuses are not included on the PEG list (even if their performance meets the eligibility criteria) because charters are schools of choice and students at a charter school are eligible to transfer back to their home school district whenever they desire.212013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

101 Student Data - Demographic Record STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE 12 (Private School) is only reported for special education students who are enrolled in a non-public school (private school or home school) and are served with special education services under an Individualized Service Plan (ISP).

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 22STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE 12 (Private School) is only reported for special education students who are enrolled in a non-public school (private school or home school) and are served with special education services under an Individualized Service Plan (ISP).

For Submission 1, these students must be reported with ADA Eligibility Code 0 Enrolled, Not in Membership. Additionally, these students must also be enrolled on the Snapshot date (last Friday in October) to be reported with Student Attribution Code 12. Otherwise, if these students are secondary students (grades 7-12) and were enrolled in the prior year and/or the current year, then they will likely be reported with Student Attribution Code 00 No Attribution.

For Submission 3, Student Attribution Code 12 students are not reported with an attendance record for the time of enrollment that they were not in membership.222013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

101 Student Data - Demographic Record STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE Codes have been deleted and added to accommodate the consolidation of TYC and TJPC.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 23STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODEs 25 28 are only to be reported by LEAs that serve students in Texas Juvenile Probation Commission facilities (county juvenile detention centers) and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (Formerly Texas Youth Commission) schools.232013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

101 Student Data - Demographic Record STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE 13 20 have been consolidated into attribution codes 25 - 28 as a result of the consolidation of the Texas Youth Commission and the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission into the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 24STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODEs 25 28 are only to be reported by LEAs that serve students in Texas Juvenile Probation Commission facilities (county juvenile detention centers) and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (Formerly Texas Youth Commission) schools.242013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

101 Student Data - Demographic Record DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISON-CODE Deleted from the 101 record.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 25All student demographics are updated through the Unique ID Application. Student demographics are no longer updated through a PEIMS submission.

252013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

102 Student Data - Demographic Record EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE has been added to the 102 student demographic record and deleted from from the now retired 105 data record.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 26EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1522) indicates whether a student is eligible for accelerated reading instruction as a result of reading difficulties or having dyslexia as indicated by the administered reading instrument.

The EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODEs 1, 2 and 3 only apply to students in grades KG, 01, and 02. Students enrolled in all other grade levels should be reported with a blank.

For Submission 1: report eligibility status based on the Beginning of Year assessment results.

For Submission 3: report eligibility status based on the latest assessment results available for the student.

For Submission 4: The EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank for all students.262013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

102 Student Data - Demographic Record For Submission 3, the EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE should report the reading services eligibility status of a student based on the latest assessment results available for the student.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 27EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1522) indicates whether a student is eligible for accelerated reading instruction as a result of reading difficulties or having dyslexia as indicated by the administered reading instrument.

The EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODEs 1, 2 and 3 only apply to students in grades KG, 01, and 02. Students enrolled in all other grade levels should be reported with a blank.

For Submission 1: report eligibility status based on the Beginning of Year assessment results.

For Submission 3: report eligibility status based on the latest assessment results available for the student.

For Submission 4: The EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank for all students.272013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

102 Student Data - Demographic Record FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE has been added to the 102 student demographic record.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 28The Foster Care Indicator Code is added as a result of Senate Bill 833.282013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1528) indicates whether a student is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) currently, or for certain students that were previously in the conservatorship of DFPS.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 29FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1528) indicates whether a student is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) currently, or for certain students that were previously in the conservatorship of DFPS.292013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record The Foster Care Indicator Code is reported in fall and summer and extended year submissions (submissions 1, 3, and 4).

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 30302013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record For Foster Care Indicator Code 0, no documentation is required because the student is not in the conservatorship of the Texas DFPS when enrolling in the school.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 31The Foster Care Indicator Code is a mandatory field for all students reported in a PEIMS submission.312013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record For Foster Care Indicator Code 1 - the enrolling caregiver must provide a copy of the Texas DFPS Placement Authorization Form (Form 2085) or a court order that designates the student is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 32322013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record For Foster Care Indicator Code 2, the Pre-kindergarten student is enrolling in school for the purpose of participating as an eligible student in a Pre-kindergarten program and eligibility documentation must be provided. At least annually, the Texas DFPS and Child Protective Services will mail verification letters of PK eligibility to the parents and caregivers of eligible children who in turn must provide this verification documentation to the school at enrollment.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 33Reference the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Pre-Kindergarten section for additional information concerning the verification letters.Illustrate the SAAH details to the training attendees.332013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record See Chart for determining Foster Care Indicator Code on the 102 record under Foster Care Indicator Code.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 34Display and demonstrate the chart from the 102 Student Demographic record.342013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record Foster care status data should be handled with the utmost sensitivity, and in accordance with all FERPA guidelines.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 35352013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

102 Student Data - Demographic Record MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE has been added to the 102 student demographic record.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 36Military Connected Student Code is a result of House Bill 525.362013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (E1529) indicates a student enrolled in a school district or open-enrollment charter school who is a dependent of a member of the United States military service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty, the Texas National Guard, or a reserve force of the United States military.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 37MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (E1529) indicates a student enrolled in a school district or open-enrollment charter school who is a dependent of a member of the United States military service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty, the Texas National Guard, or a reserve force of the United States military.372013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (C197) 0 Not a military connected student (Student is not a dependent of military personnel.)

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 38Most students in the Texas Public Schools will be reported with Military Connected Student Code 0.382013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (C197) 1 Student is a dependent of a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on Active Duty

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 39The parent or guardian of a student who is in one of the 5 branches of the United States Military must be on active duty.392013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (C197)2Student is a dependent of a member of the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard)3Student is a dependent of a member of a reserve force in the United States military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard)

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 40A k-12 students parent must only be a member of either the Texas Military or one of the United States military reserves components. The Military Connected Student Codes 2 and 3 are blind to the fact that a member of the Texas Military or the United States Military Reserves are or are not on active duty.402013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (C197)4Pre-kindergarten student is a dependent of: 1) an active duty uniformed member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, 2) activated/mobilized uniformed member of the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard), or 3) activated/mobilized members of the Reserve components of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard; who are currently on active duty or who were injured or killed while serving on active duty.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 41MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE 4 includes all of the PK eligibility requirements related to Pre-Kindergarten Eligibility for the Military criteria. See the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for the explicit requirements.412013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record The MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE is required for Submissions 1 and 3. The MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE is not reported in Submission 4.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 42The Military Connected Student Code is a mandatory field in submissions 1 and 3 and is only reported in submissions 1 and 3. The Military Connected Student Code must be blank in the Extended year collection. 422013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record The MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE is reported only for students grades PK-12.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 43The Interstate Compact on Military Students only pertains to students in grade levels K 12 and students in grade level PK to determine eligibility for participation in the Pre-K program.432013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record Pre-Kindergarten students can only be reported with MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODEs 0 and 4.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 44All of the Pre-Kindergarten Eligibility Military requirements that are itemized in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook are included in Military Connected Student Code 4. All other PK students will be coded with a Military Connected Student Code of 0.442013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record Students in grade levels K 12 can only be reported with MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODEs 0, 1, 2, and 3.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 45The Interstate Compact on Military Students only pertains to students in grade levels K 12 and students in grade level PK to determine eligibility for participation in the Pre-K program. Therefore Military Connected Student Codes 1, 2, and 3 only apply to students in grade Kindergarten through 12.452013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE 4 (dependent of active duty military, or military personnel killed or injured while on active duty) can only be reported for PK students.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 46Refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for additional information concerning the eligibility of PK students who qualify under this provision.462013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record A uniformed member of the United States military service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty, the Texas National Guard, or a reserve force of the United States military considered Missing In Action (MIA)should be presumed to beon 'active duty' until such time as a death of the military member has been confirmed.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 47Missing in Action military personnel are considered to be on active duty until a time that their status is determined to be different than MIA. 472013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders102 Student Data - Demographic Record The term "dependent", with respect to a member of a uniformed service, means the spouse of the member, an unmarried child of the member, an unmarried person whois placed in the legal custody of the member is dependent on the member for over one-half of the person's support, resides with the member unless separated by the necessity of military service or to receive institutional care as a result of disability or incapacitation or under such other circumstances as the Secretary concerned may by regulation prescribe and is not a dependent of a member under any other paragraph. (37 USC Sec. 401) Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 48482013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

405 Special Education Attendance Data

DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE (E1527) has been added to the 405 Special Education Attendance record in columns 74-79.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 49The District of RDSPD Service Data element allows TEA to distribute the RDSPD funds to the RDSPD fiscal agents. These RDSPD fiscal agents are now available in the askTED system.

492013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

405 Special Education Attendance Data

DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE (E1527) indicates the district identification number of the RDSPD Fiscal Agent that is providing RDSPD services. This fiscal agent district is registered with the Texas Education Agency.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 50The District of RDSPD Service on the 405 record is used to finalize the disbursement of the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf funding to the RDSPD fiscal agents.

If this data is inaccurate, it could lead to a loss of funding for the RDSPD fiscal agent, and then the fiscal agent may choose to seek reimbursement from the member district for the loss of RDSPD state and federal funds. 502013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

425 Student Disciplinary Action Data

ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT Include only the actual number of instructional school days that the student was in attendance when calculating this number. Do not include days absent.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 51ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT (E1008) indicates the actual length in days of a students disciplinary assignment.

Include only the actual number of instructional school days that the student was in attendance when calculating this number. Do not include days absent.

Instruction was moved from the data element special instructions to the business rules for the 425 record.512013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

435 Student Restraint Data

2012-2013 brought new reporting for law enforcement restraints that are performed at school or school related activities.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 52Reporting Requirements The 435 Student Restraint record is collected in Submission 3 only.

For each student reported on a 435 Student Restraint record, there must be a 400 Student - Basic Attendance Record or 500 Student Flexible Attendance record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

The data entered on the 435 Student Restraint record for a particular restraint event should reflect current data for the student as of the time the restraint event occurred.

Do not report student restraint events that are performed by law enforcement personnel who are not employed by a LEA police department or who are not serving as an SRO under a MOU with a LEA.

A school district shall report electronically to the agency information relating to the use of restraint by a peace officer performing law enforcement duties on school property or during a school-sponsored or school-related activity. A report submitted under this rule must be consistent with the requirements as documented in the PEIMS Data Standards 435 Student Restraint data record. LEA police officers are licensed peace officers who are employed by a police department created by a particular LEA school board. School Resource Officers (SRO) are licensed peace officers who are employed by a state, county, or municipal law enforcement agency who provide a police presence at a school district or charter school, or at a school campus.522013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

435 Student Restraint DataFor 2013-2014, all restraints that are performed by school district police officers or School Resource Officers (SROs) while providing a police presence at school or at a school related activity must be reported. Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 53Reporting Requirements The 435 Student Restraint record is collected in Submission 3 only.

For each student reported on a 435 Student Restraint record, there must be a 400 Student - Basic Attendance Record or 500 Student Flexible Attendance record with a matching STUDENT-ID.

The data entered on the 435 Student Restraint record for a particular restraint event should reflect current data for the student as of the time the restraint event occurred.

Do not report student restraint events that are performed by law enforcement personnel who are not employed by a LEA police department or who are not serving as an SRO under a MOU with a LEA.

A school district shall report electronically to the agency information relating to the use of restraint by a peace officer performing law enforcement duties on school property or during a school-sponsored or school-related activity. A report submitted under this rule must be consistent with the requirements as documented in the PEIMS Data Standards 435 Student Restraint data record. LEA police officers are licensed peace officers who are employed by a police department created by a particular LEA school board. School Resource Officers (SRO) are licensed peace officers who are employed by a state, county, or municipal law enforcement agency who provide a police presence at a school district or charter school, or at a school campus.532013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

435 Student Restraint Data

Beginning with 2013-2014, all reportable restraints performed by police officers or SROs are to be reported with Restraint Reason Code 08. Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 54A fatal edit will check to see that all restraint records reported with Restraint Reason Code 08 are associated with Restraint Staff Type Code 02 (Law enforcement personnel).542013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

435 Student Restraint Data

Do not report restraints that are performed by non-school district police officers that are result of calling emergency services (i.e. calling 911).Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 55Do not report student restraint events that are performed by law enforcement personnel who are not employed by a LEA police department or who are not serving as an SRO under a MOU with a LEA.

552013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

435 Student Restraint Data

Restraint Staff Type Codes-01 - School district/Charter School employee or volunteer -02 - School district police officer or school resource officer (SRO)Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 56562013-2014 Data StandardsData Reporting Reminders

435 Student Restraint Data

Restraint Staff Type Code 01 - School district/Charter School employee or volunteer can only be reported with special education students Restraint Staff Type Code 02 - School district police officer or school resource officer (SRO) can be reported for any kind of student (special education or not).Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 57A fatal edit will check to see that all restraint records reported for Restraint Staff Type code 01 are associated with special education students only.572013-2014 Data StandardsData Standards Data Element Additions and Deletions

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 58582013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions


DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE indicates the RDSPD Fiscal Agent district that provides the RDSPD service to a particular RDSPD student.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 59592013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.) MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (E1529)indicates a student enrolled in a school district or open-enrollment charter school who is a dependent of a member of the United States military service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty, the Texas National Guard, or a reserve force of the United States military.Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 60602013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.) FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1528) indicates whether a student is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) currently, or for certain students that were previously in the conservatorship of DFPS. Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 61612013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.)FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE (E1531) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for Fine Arts. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(A)Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 62622013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.)WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE (E1532) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for wellness and physical education. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(B)

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 63632013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.)WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE (E1532) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for wellness and physical education. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(B)

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 64642013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.)COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE (E1533) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for community and parental involvement. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(C)

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 65652013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.)21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE (E1534) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for 21st Century Workforce Development program. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(D)

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 66662013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.)SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE (E1535) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for the Second Language Acquisition program. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(E)

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 67672013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.)DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE (E1536) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for the digital learning environment. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(F)

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 68682013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.)DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE (E1537) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for dropout prevention strategies. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(G)

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 69692013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.)EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE (E1538) indicates the performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement for educational programs for Gifted and Talented students. TEC 39.0545(b)(1)(H)

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 70702013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.)OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE (E1539) indicates the overall performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement. TEC 39.0545(a)

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 71712013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.)OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE (E1539) indicates the overall performance rating locally assigned to the LEA or campus in community and student engagement. TEC 39.0545(a)

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 72722013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Additions (cont.)STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE (E1540) indicates whether the LEA or campus has met compliance with statutory reporting and policy requirements by using criteria established by a local committee. TEC 39.0545(b)(2)

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 73732013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Deletions


Replaced by: FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1528)Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 74The PK Foster Care Indicator Code and the PK Military Indicator Code are deleted and replaced with the Foster Care Indicator Code and Military Connected Student Code respectively.742013-2014 Data StandardsData Element Deletions


Replaced by: MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (E1529)Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 75The PK Foster Care Indicator Code and the PK Military Indicator Code are deleted and replaced with the Foster Care Indicator Code and Military Connected Student Code respectively.752013-2014 Data StandardsData Standards Code Table Additions and Revisions

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 762013-2014 Data StandardsCode Table Revisions C022 Service ID - Numerous changes have occurred to the Service Id table. Please reference the PEIMS Data Standards Change Document for the complete list.Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 77Demonstrate Code Table C022 changes in the change document 4. 772013-2014 Data StandardsCode Table Revisions

C161 Student Attribution Code01 Open Enrollment Charter School02 Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release78Student Attribution Codes 01, 02, 03, and 06 have been clarified with more descriptive translations.

i.e. Charter becomes Open Enrollment Charter School, JJAEP becomes Juvenile Justice Alternative School.

782013-2014 Data StandardsCode Table Revisions

C161 Student Attribution Code (continued)03 Public Education Grant Program06 Transfer Between Public School Districts

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release79Student Attribution Codes 01, 02, 03, and 06 have been clarified with more descriptive translations.

i.e. Charter becomes Open Enrollment Charter School, JJAEP becomes Juvenile Justice Alternative School.

792013-2014 Data StandardsCode Table Revisions

C161 Student Attribution Code (continued)Codes 13 20 have been deleted and Codes 25 28 have been added.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release80Student Attribution codes 13-16 were for the students incarcerated in a Juvenile Detention Facility (TJPC) and Student Attribution codes 17-20 were for students in a Texas Youth Commission (TYC) facility.

Student Attribution codes 25-28 accommodate the consolidation of TJPC and the TYC into the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD).

25 - Texas Juvenile Justice Department facilityBy court order, not regularly assigned to the district: Student lives in the district boundaries while being served in the facility but prior to placement in the facility, student lived outside the boundaries of the district and was not regularly assigned to the district. The student is being served in the district because the student is in a county-run juvenile justice facility or state-run juvenile justice facility. These may be pre-adjudication secure detention facilities, secure detention facilities, or post-adjudication secure correctional facilities of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. The student was court-ordered into the facility. 26 - Texas Juvenile Justice Department facilityBy court order, regularly assigned to the district: Student is regularly assigned to the district and is being served in the facility. The student is in a county-run juvenile justice facility or state-run juvenile justice facility. These may be pre-adjudication secure detention facilities, secure detention facilities, or post-adjudication secure correctional facilities of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. The student was court-ordered into the facility. 27 - Texas Juvenile Justice Department facilityNot by court order, not regularly assigned to the district: Student lives in the district boundaries while being served in the facility but prior to placement in the facility, student lived outside the boundaries of the district and was not regularly assigned to the district. The student is being served in the district because the student is in a county-run juvenile justice facility or state-run juvenile justice facility. These may be pre-adjudication secure detention facilities, secure detention facilities, or post-adjudication secure correctional facilities of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. The student was not court-ordered into the facility. 28 - Texas Juvenile Justice Department facilityNot by court order, regularly assigned to the district: Student is regularly assigned to the district and is being served in the facility. The student is in a county-run juvenile justice facility or state-run juvenile justice facility. These may be pre-adjudication secure detention facilities, secure detention facilities, or post-adjudication secure correctional facilities of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. The student was not court-ordered into the facility.802013-2014 Data StandardsCode Table Revisions

C173 Restraint Reason CodeAdded new code 08 - Restraint by School District Police Officer/School Resource Officer Performing Law Enforcement Duties and/or Providing a Police Presence on School Property or at a School-Sponsored or School-Related Activity.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release81(Codes 01-07 Reported for Special Education Students Only) 01 - Imminent Serious Physical Harm To Themselves 02 - Imminent Serious Physical Harm To Others 03 - Imminent Serious Physical Harm To Themselves and Others 04 - Imminent Serious Property Destruction 05 - Imminent Serious Physical Harm To Themselves and Imminent Serious Property Destruction 06 - Imminent Serious Physical Harm To Others and Imminent Serious Property Destruction 07 - Imminent Serious Physical Harm To Themselves and Others and Imminent Serious Property Destruction (Code 08 Reported for Special Education and Non-Special Education Students)

08 - Restraint by School District Police Officer/School Resource Officer Performing Law Enforcement Duties and/or Providing a Police Presence on School Property or at a School-Sponsored or School-Related Activity.

812013-2014 Data StandardsCode Table AdditionsFOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE (C196)0 - Student is not currently in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services1 - Student is currently in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services2 - Pre-kindergarten student was previously in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services following an adversary hearing held as provided by Section 262.201, Family Code.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 82The foster care indicator codes are to be determined at the time of enrollment.822013-2014 Data StandardsCode Table AdditionsMILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (C197)0 - Not a military-connected student1 - Student is a dependent of a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on Active Duty 2 - Student is a dependent of a member of the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard)3 - Student is a dependent of a member of a reserve force in the United States military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard) 4 - Pre-kindergarten student is a dependent of an active duty uniformed member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, or activated/mobilized uniformed member of the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard) who was injured or killed while serving on active duty.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 83The Military Connected Student Codes are to be determined at the time of enrollment.832013-2014 Data StandardsEdit Revisions

See PEIMS Data Standards Change Document 5.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 84842013-2014 Data StandardsEdit Revisions

Heading has changed from Edit Not Applicable To to Rule Applies To

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release85

Heading have been updated for better interpretation of edit rules as well as becoming synchronized with the TEDS.852013-2014 Data StandardsEdit Revisions

TEDS Rule# has been added as a crosswalk to TEDS edits.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release86

We have added the TEDS rule for better clarification on crosswalks between TEDS and Legacy Data Standards.862013-2014 Data StandardsEdit RevisionsFor all context edits, the business meaning has been added to assist users in understanding the edit.

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes March Release87

872013-2014 Data StandardsEdit Additions -

Edit Deletions - Edit Revisions -Refer to change document 5

Texas Education Agency PEIMS Data Standards Changes Addendum/Post Addendum Release 88Present each and every change in change document 5 to trainees.88