texas successful flexible pavements

Texas Successful Flexible Pavements Texas Successful Flexible Pavements A Resource Database for Practitioners A Resource Database for Practitioners

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Texas Successful Flexible Pavements. A Resource Database for Practitioners. Why a Database?. Power of Databases Relational Searchable Expandable Accessible (Web browsers) Applications Professional Development Specification Development. 0-5472: The Project. Purpose - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Texas Successful Flexible PavementsTexas Successful Flexible Pavements A Resource Database for PractitionersA Resource Database for Practitioners

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Why a Database?Why a Database?

• Power of Databases– Relational

– Searchable

– Expandable

– Accessible (Web browsers)

• Applications– Professional Development

– Specification Development

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0-5472: The Project0-5472: The Project

• Purpose– To develop a database for successful pavement

sections in Texas – including both experimental and non-experimental pavements

• Objectives– Define “successful” flexible pavement performance– Select a representative group of particularly

successful Texas flexible pavements for in-depth study

– Develop a database with web site access for the successful flexible pavement information

– Analyze and learn from the selected pavements

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How This Database Can Help YouHow This Database Can Help You

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How This Database Can Help YouHow This Database Can Help You

Let’s say that your district engineer walks into your office and says, “We’ve got a series of expressway overlay projects in planning right now. The overlays we put down three and four years ago just don’t look to me like they’re going to hold up as well as we’d hoped. I’d like you to compare what we have been using to what other districts are doing and see if we are missing anything.”

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How This Database Can Help YouHow This Database Can Help You

Way back in the twentieth century, you’d probably call a district pavement engineer buddy in another district to see what they have been doing. The district pavement engineer in the other district tells you what they are doing, but that’s only one person. You’ve got a lot more phone calls to make. Boy, this research is going to take a while…

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How This Database Can Help YouHow This Database Can Help You

But now there’s an alternative. You log into the Texas Successful Flexible Pavements (TSFP) website.

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How This Database Can Help YouHow This Database Can Help You

While your twentieth-century self plods through the rolodex .….

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How This Database Can Help YouHow This Database Can Help You

…. the modern you searches the TSFP web site for “concrete overlay.”You retrieve five pavements.

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How This Database Can Help YouHow This Database Can Help You

You find what other districts have rated highly enough to have placed the information into the database. You notice that one district used an SMA mix, and that it has performed quite well. That possibility peaks your interest. After studying the SMA pavement information on the web site, you contact that district’s pavement engineer for a little more information and confirmation of your thinking.

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How This Database Can Help YouHow This Database Can Help You

Meanwhile, 20th-century you continues the research by phone .…

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How This Database Can Help YouHow This Database Can Help You

You report later that day to the district engineer that the approach used in your district in the past is pretty well on par with what most everyone else has found successful, but that SMA is a possibility that your district hasn’t tried that appears worth a look on a future project.

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How This Database Can Help YouHow This Database Can Help You

But your twentieth-century self continues the telephone “research.” Ahhh, the good old days…

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What We LearnedWhat We Learned

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What We LearnedWhat We Learned

• Information of Value– All types of flexible pavements seen as highly

successful – Database contains information about:

• 6 Thick ACPs• 6 Thin ACPs• 5 Concrete Pavement Overlays• 8 Surface Treatment Pavements

– Database provides information about the local conditions where various pavement types have been particularly successful

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What We LearnedWhat We Learned

• Locations of Pavements in the Database

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What We LearnedWhat We Learned

• Specification Criteria Evaluation Value– Method provided for capturing valuable

specification evaluation data

– Graphical analyses provided

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What We LearnedWhat We Learned

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What We LearnedWhat We Learned

Power 45 Gradation Plot –Job Control Extraction Test Results

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What We LearnedWhat We Learned

Frequency Diagram – Job Control Laboratory-Compacted Densities

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Scatter Diagram – Job Control Soil Constant Test Results

What We LearnedWhat We Learned

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

Scroll Down of Overview ScreenScroll Down of Overview Screen

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

Scroll Further Down the Overview ScreenScroll Further Down the Overview Screen

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

Scroll Down of Design ScreenScroll Down of Design Screen

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

CMHB Layer Component Materials InformationCMHB Layer Component Materials Information

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

Scroll Down of CMHB Layer Screen – Average Scroll Down of CMHB Layer Screen – Average Construction Test Result InformationConstruction Test Result Information

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

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How to Navigate the DatabaseHow to Navigate the Database

Edit Mode for Entering or Revising Database Information

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