text analytics in action - finding the killer patent. february 2015 webinar by kcura

Text Analytics in Action: Finding the “Killer Patent” Presented by kCura @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

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Text Analytics in Action:

Finding the “Killer Patent”Presented by kCura

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

• Evan McAlpine, Intellectual

Property Specialist

• Ryan Hynes, Legal Associate


@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

• kCura are the makers of Relativity—a comprehensive e-discovery

solution for hold through production.

• With help from our network of partners, Relativity is used by more

than 7,500 unique organizations.

Who are we?

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

• Relativity helps our clients filter massive sets of data to find only

the most relevant documents.

• Identify your big data challenges, and then think about how to

apply traditional e-discovery workflows to solve those problems.

• Learn how to creatively apply text analytics to big data challenges.

Relativity Analytics for Big Data

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

The Problem

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

My Big Data Grind

Patent Search1,000


@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

I have this idea…

The Grind, as Applied

• It’s a car seat…

• …for a cat

• it also works as a stroller,

• has an internal harness,

• and snaps easily into place

• See attached drawing →

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

• Ryan has invested his life savings into the Cat’s Cradle and wants to

make sure he receives a return on his investment.

• Patents prevent an invention from being copied and will help Ryan

recover his investment.

• Before Ryan can get a patent, he needs to know:

– what has been patented

– what can be patented

Let’s Patent It!

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

This is a big data problem.

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Search the USPTO

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Results from the USPTO

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

“Interlocking assembly of containers, closures, holding apparatus and methodology”

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

There must be a better way!

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

• Results vary widely

– “No two sets of professional patent search results are ever the same”

– Local Patent Attorney

• Many types of patent search:

– Landscape

– Freedom to operate

– Invalidity

– Prior Art

Third Party Patent Searching

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Costs of a Professional Patent Search

Invalidity search for one patent in the U.S. = $4,500 - $27,500

Search includes:

• Keyword search limited by classification

• Keyword search not limited by classification

• Multiple iterations of related terms

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Patent Search Results – Example 1

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Patent Search Results – Example 2

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

There must be a better, better way!

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Relativity Analytics is a mathematical

approach to understanding documents.

– No outside word lists

• Dictionaries, thesauri, etc.

– Language-agnostic

– Term co-occurrence, not term


– Terminology is understood based

on its usage in the documents

Relativity Analytics: Overview

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Relativity Analytics: Clustering

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Relativity Analytics: Concept Search

Doc A: 98

Doc B: 96

Doc C: 92 ◊

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Relativity Analytics: Find Similar Documents

Doc A: 98

Doc B: 96

Doc C: 92

Doc D: 82 ◊

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

• Use the Relativity APIs and agents framework to parse XML files.

• Automate patent downloads, extraction, and imports.

• Refine agents for scalability.

• Add validation checks and classification codes.

• An application that uses Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs) to store

full patent text and metadata.

Relativity Analytics for Patents

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Monitoring Agent

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Extraction Agent

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Processing Agent

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Patentivity Evolved

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Patentivity Evolved

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent


@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

• A car seat for a cat

• it also works as a stroller,

• has an internal harness,

• and snaps easily into place

• See attached drawing →

“The Cat’s Cradle”

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

“An animal support and protection device includes a harness portion

shaped to cover the animal. The outside portion of the device has

adjustable opposing top and bottom edges (defining a width)

separated by opposing side edges (defining a length). Two securing

straps are attached side. Each of the straps extend along an entirety

of the body portion length and have a strap length greater than the

body portion length so that each securing strap extends beyond the

top and bottom edges. The straps can be secured at a back of the

animal to attach the device to the animal so that the body portion

substantially covers the torso and to provide a non-constricting and

adjustably secure fit.”

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved. @RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

• Keyword Search

– Not included in the results

• dtSearch

– Not included in the results

– Found similar patents using

ranking and filtering

• Analytics

– Concept Search:

• 198 of 736

• 4 of 23 with filtering

– Clustering

• 47 of 458

• 1 of 8 with filtering

– Similar Docs

• Found in 4 steps

Recap – Finding “The Killer Patent”

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Recap – USPTO

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

Traditional Search

Recap - Efficiencies

• Approximately 2,000

documents for initial review.

– 1 minute per document =

33 hours of review time

• Numerous false positives.

• Many false negatives.

• Multiple rounds of keyword

reiteration required to find

“the killer patent.”

• “The killer patent” is

consistently found in top

search results.

• Filtering quickly narrows

results to the most relevant


• Few rounds of “find similar”

reiteration required to find

“the killer patent.”

• Search in hours, not days.

Relativity Analytics

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

• kCura’s legal department uses Relativity and text analytics to tackle

the big data problems in patent searching.

• How can you use the techniques that we discussed today to make

sense of your big data challenges?

• Find new ways to apply text analytics and e-discovery workflows to

better manage your big data.

Final Thoughts

@RelativityFest #KillerPatent

© 2015 kCura. All rights reserved.

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Learn how Relativity Binders enables attorneys to work remotely and collaborate with their case


Registration Opens March 16
