textual analysis evaluation

Damiano Shehu Analysis in relation to other texts Introduction to all texts My text My documentary is about the rise in the tuition fees. I looked into the options that you could do instead of going to university and got many opinions on my topic. I got interviews from people of the government and also a senior teacher as they could give me their views on the rise. I also had young people in my documentary so it could appeal to my audience. My documentary is mainstream as the topic I chose is current and is an on-going issue. Below is the link to my documentary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgKON7Zgzf4 Old text This old text is a very old promotional video for a university. This video has really good establishing shots and it has a clear voice over. All of this makes for a good promotional video which will want to make the person watching it, want to go to this university. It talks about the history of the university and the person doing the voice over gives good facts about the university as well. It also tells you how much it cost to build certain buildings of the university. Below is the link to see the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXYv7OAXUsc New text The documentary that I had in mind for this was removed off YouTube so I had to find another one. I could not find one similar so instead I got this documentary. This documentary is about statistics. In this documentary, it is very interesting as it uses great graphics to show different statistics. It also has many interviews with different people and a little bit of humour. I know that this documentary isn’t similar to mine, but it does have many aspects that i used in my documentary. To view the documentary, click the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moGvo59ARNI Content My text My documentary is different to the other two texts that I analysed. This was because I could not find anything that was similar to my documentary. My documentary is on the rise in tuition fees and the negative aspects that came with the £9000 tuition fee. The content that I included in my documentary

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Damiano Shehu

Analysis in relation to other texts

Introduction to all texts

My text

My documentary is about the rise in the tuition fees. I looked into the options that you

could do instead of going to university and got many opinions on my topic. I got interviews

from people of the government and also a senior teacher as they could give me their views

on the rise. I also had young people in my documentary so it could appeal to my audience.

My documentary is mainstream as the topic I chose is current and is an on-going issue.

Below is the link to my documentary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgKON7Zgzf4

Old text

This old text is a very old promotional video for a university. This video has really good

establishing shots and it has a clear voice over. All of this makes for a good promotional

video which will want to make the person watching it, want to go to this university. It talks

about the history of the university and the person doing the voice over gives good facts

about the university as well. It also tells you how much it cost to build certain buildings of

the university. Below is the link to see the video:


New text

The documentary that I had in mind for this was removed off YouTube so I had to find

another one. I could not find one similar so instead I got this documentary. This

documentary is about statistics. In this documentary, it is very interesting as it uses great

graphics to show different statistics. It also has many interviews with different people and a

little bit of humour. I know that this documentary isn’t similar to mine, but it does have

many aspects that i used in my documentary. To view the documentary, click the link:



My text

My documentary is different to the other two texts

that I analysed. This was because I could not find

anything that was similar to my documentary. My

documentary is on the rise in tuition fees and the

negative aspects that came with the £9000 tuition

fee. The content that I included in my documentary

Damiano Shehu

was how it has affected students and what they could do instead. I also got students who

are going or are still in university for their opinions. To make sure that I got the best content

I got interviews with people from the government. This mean that I could get an in depth

idea of what was going on.

Old text

This is a promotional video for a documentary

but it works well with my documentary as it talks

about the university and has many shots that

work really well that show the university and

students working. This is something that I wanted

in my documentary. In this video, the voice over

artist gives many facts about the university such

as the costs of building certain buildings. This

again is another aspect that I wanted to include. I wanted to give good facts to my audience.

New Text

In this documentary, it shows the fun side of

statistics. This documentary is different from my text

and the old text as it is about statistics. This

documentary constantly gives out facts throughout

the documentary and explains them very well. It also

has many good interviews with very smart people.

This documentary tries to show you that statistics

are fun and tries to make them appealing. It also has little bits of laughter to keep the

audience interested.

Mode of address

My text

The mode of address that I aimed to use in my documentary was formal with some informal

bits when talking to the students. When I was interviewing the people of government, I had

to talk to them in formal and reproduce that when editing my documentary. This is because

I wanted to make this bit serious and so the audience knew exactly what I was talking about.

When talking to the students I did try and make it informal so that it would appeal to my


The locations that I used in my documentary were normal for a documentary. When

interviewing people, I interviewed them in an office which shows the seriousness and

Damiano Shehu

professionalism. On the other hand, when I got my vox pops of the students, they were

normally by a busy street. This also shows the informal aspect.

Old text

The mode of address for the old text is very formal. There is no presenter just a man who

does the voice over. What this means is that you can’t there is no body langue that you can

talk about. Also it only shows the university throughout, so the location is formal as well.

New text

The mode of this documentary is very formal as well. This documentary would be niche as

not all people would want to watch this documentary as some might think that it is boring.

However, this documentary is similar to mine as it is formal but also tries to use some

informal bits to make it appeal to everyone.

The locations that are used in this documentary are very formal. The presenter is a

professor and talks to many people. He is also talking in front of a university or a political

building. This all shows that this documentary is serious and formal.

My vox pops that I done in the


An interview

which I recorded

in an office

I’m dressed in a very

informal way. This would

appeal to my audience.

I had news reports which

made it more serious and


Damiano Shehu

Also, in this documentary people are dressed in smart clothes such as suites or shits. This

also connotes that this documentary is formal. It does try to make it a bit informal with one

person having their shirt undone and sleeves rolled up.


My text

During and throughout my documentary, I think that I used most of the convections. I used

vox pops, graphics, music, interviews, sign in and off, archive footage and showing the

presenter entering the buildings of who I was going to interview. However, I though that I

could have showed the presenter when the interviews were going on.

These are the two locations were you can see

that the documentary is formal.

As you can see, the presenter is wearing a suit which shows that this

documentary is formal. The other person they interview is in a shirt

but in an informal kind of way.

Archive footage of the riots that

occurred when the tuition fees were


This shows that graphics I used, it

said who I was interviewing.

Damiano Shehu

Old text

This old text doesn’t use a lot of conventions. The only conventions that were similar to

mine were that it had a voice over, music and one graphic. The lack of conventions could be

because of the resources they had in them days.

What this means was that there was no interviews, vox pops, sign in and off and also


I think that if they used more of the conventions then this could have been much better and

looked better as well. As the technology wasn’t invented in those days, they couldn’t make

good footage. I think that they done well with what they had as the shots used were quite


New text

This documentary had all the conventions that I used. I think that all the modern day

documentaries would have this as they have good technology and they know how to make a

good documentary.

This shows that I used cutaways in

my documentary. I used them in all

of my interviews.

This shows that I

used interviews.

Here is an example of vox pops.

Graphic at the start of the footage

This is the type of advanced graphics

they can do in modern day


Damiano Shehu

Similar to mine, it used good interviews and had good archive footage to express what the

interviewee is talking about. They only had a few archive footage as the rest was all their

own. This meant that they could use a variety of different shots which would make the

documentary interesting. I tried to have a variety of shots to make mine interesting, but as

mine was only 5 minutes long and I dint have the equipment that they did.

Also this documentary had good background music were it was needed which worked well.

The type of music used was classical which went well with the documentary as it is formal.

This is similar to my documentary as I had music throughout mine which appealed to my


Style and Form

My text

The style that I tried to aim for in my documentary was an interesting one with a political

aspect to it. I wanted it to be smoothly edited and flow so that people wouldn’t get bored

and lose focus. This would mean that it would be a serious documentary with interesting

facts. I tried to do with this with my interviews but I think I could have had more facts.

I think that I could have changed the music. Instead of it running throughout my

documentary I think that I could have had different types of music in my documentary to

connote different aspects of my documentary. The music I used was appealing to my

audience but was a bit tedious.

I used good camera shots in my documentary to make it feel like a serious one. I had talking

space for all my interviews and vox pops. One thing that I didn’t have was me asking the

question. I think that if I did have that then my documentary would have looked more

professional and would have worked much better.

An interview which I did in a very

political place

Damiano Shehu

Old text

The old text didn’t have a presenter. As this was a promotional video, it was promoting the

university, so that was the style of this text. The voice over was similar to mine as I used a

voice over to explain the advantages of going to university.

New text

This documentary is very professional as they had a lot of money to make it. This

documentary is very modern and everything is done perfectly. The editing is spot on and has

a very good use of conventions. It is similar to mine as it has interviews and is formal in the

style. Like mine it had talking space and very nice cutaways.

The style was more on the graphics side and it showed that very well. The graphics it used

was very modern and advanced. Another similarity to my documentary was that it used

good introductions to who they were going to interview next.

Talking space

The graphics they used are very well

made and advanced.

Damiano Shehu


My text

I think that I made a good documentary with the technology that I had to use. I managed to

show what I wanted to and edited it in the way I wanted to as well. Using iMovie was easy

and productive as I could do many things to my documentary, such as add graphics,

transitions and edit well. This showed my creative side as I managed to edit my

documentary well and make it flow.

I also made my graphics on iMovie as I did not have enough time to go over to live type and

create them on there. This meant that my graphics are plain and would have been better if I

went on live type. I did make two graphics on live type and these were the ones that looked

well and make my documentary more appealing.

I think that if I used a HD camera like some of the students in my class, then I think my

documentary would have looked more professional and much clearer.

Old text

You can tell when this was made as only uses two colours. As technology was very bad then

and they didn’t have the technology that we have today, the text is very old and not well

made. The quality is very bad and you can see black bits on the screen.

It may look blurry, but that is a

transition. I used the overlap

transition to make is flow.

Graphic that I made on live type

Damiano Shehu

The camera shots are not still and there is no type of editing. They only use jump shots. This

just shows you what the technology was like in the old days.

New text

This new text is very professional and you can tell how good the technology is. You can also

see a massive difference from my documentary and the old text. They have used HD quality

cameras to make the picture look better. They also have probably used boom microphones

to pick up the sound from the interview. Also the lighting is very well made, so I think they

have also got their own lights to set up the shot.

Also, they must have a professional editing system as they graphics and editing is at the

highest standard.

You can see that it is not clear. You

can also see the wing of a plane that

they were in to record this shot.

These two shots look very

professional and well done.