textual analysis magazine covers


Upload: kelseywatkinsx

Post on 09-Aug-2015




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The masthead is written in a font that resembles vampire fangs,

using the colours of white and red. White representing the teeth and the red representing the blood. This again clearly indicates the

genre of the magazine.

The magazine features a black background. The use of black

emphasises the other content, making the images and text stand out. The

colour black shows the connotation of evil, it is also very relevant to the genre of the product as black is

commonly associated with Halloween and night time, two common elements of the genre horror.

The magazine also features a blood splat containing text. The use of the blood splat displays the high amount of gore within horror films, as slashers contain

a high amount of death and violence throughout.

A film reel displaying moments from iconic horror films is also displayed at the bottom of the cover. This not only communicates the type of magazine “Fangoria” is but also displays the particular film genre the magazine includes.

The antagonist who is centrally composed also holds a candle.

The candle represents a glimmer of hope in which the

victims posses within this particular genre of film. The use of the light contrasted with the

darkness also displays the binary opposition of good vs. evil, the key theme running

throughout horror films.

The main element of this magazine cover is the central image, which

features the antagonist from insidious. The use of the antagonist

looking directly out gives of this idea of the “stalking factor” in which all

horrors feature, bringing in to play the beastly idea of predator vs. prey. The use of the blacked out eyes shows the

connotation of evil but also represents the mystery sinister

character, as all horror antagonists possess a strange and creepy

background story.

The colour used for the text above the masthead is also in direct relation with the horror

genre, as orange is a typical colour associated with Halloween.

Yellow is a typical colour associated with the night

(stars/moon) the key set time in horrors.

The magazine also features a great deal of the colour white, as white shows the connotation of purity. The theme of purity represents the victims within horror films as they are usually very vulnerable.

The Antagonist looking directly out to the audience again gives the idea of the ‘stalking’ element heavily featured throughout horrors, almost like the antagonists are

omnipotent. The stalking element also relates to this idea of predator vs. prey, the victims becoming the prey and therefore becoming much more vulnerable, making the

murders become much harder for the audience to watch.

The magazine cover uses a red masthead, the colour red

shows the connotation of blood and danger. Both two key

elements of any slasher/horror film as gore and violence are

two big themes featured within this genre.

The heavy use of the colour white for the text displayed on the cover

shows the connotation of purity and innocence. Again further

representing the victims that will be featured throughout the films. The contrast between the red and the

white, again shows the binary opposition of good vs. evil, the most

critical element of a horror film.

The use of the green throughout the magazine shows the connotation of

peace and neutralisation. This represents the potential new

equilibrium that Todorov insists commences throughout a film in order to gain sense of resolution.

This particular narrative structure is usually featured within most horror

films as a state of equilibrium is always apparent from the start in

order for the antics of the antagonist to later disrupt them.

Centrally above the masthead is the batman symbol. This clearly indicates the iconic film remake but a bat is also a key element

associated with Halloween and the nigh time, two heavily featured

themes that run throughout this particular genre.

The background of the central image displays prison bars, this

clearly indicates a criminal offense of some sort, more than likely

from our antagonist who appears to be sat upon a prison bench. Prison is also a key element of horror films as the police are

heavily feature to either be killed off themselves after disregarding

the “wacky” teens or to arrest the culprit at the very end of the film.

The light behind the iconic batman symbol represents his potential

rescue of the innocent citizens from the wrath of the evil joker. The bright light representing a glimmer of hope.

This magazine again features a film reel displaying iconic moments from slasher films

down the left side. This not only communicates the type of magazine

“Fangoria” is but also displays the content within.

The titles of the film are red with slashes running through them. The colour red again shows the connotation of blood, a heavy element that runs through all slashers as it wouldn't be under this genre without a high amount of gore throughout. The slashes through the text have a direct link with the weaponry Jason uses as he uses a

machete, a very dangerous, and sharp object. The slashes could also directly represent the genre of the film the magazine is advertising which is again a “slasher”.

The antagonist Jason is centrally composed showing he is not only our main character throughout the film,

which is very common in most slasher films, but It also displays his high

amount of power throughout the film as he is able to take the lives of large

groups of teenagers alone and withstand a great amount of violence against himself. Jason also possess’ a

large physique which makes his victims again become much more

vulnerable as his size is almost inhuman making him near impossible

to defeat.

Jason's clothing is very rugged and ripped, this not only showcases the very violent and

wild life he lives but could also further represent the potential “tears” in his

personality. Jason has a experienced a very traumatic childhood with his twisted mother therefore in certain films like the Friday the 13th remake he captures a girl because she

resembles his mother, showing a completely different side to his usually disturbed


Jason also directly looks out, this again gives the idea of the stalking element that is heavily featured throughout all slasher films as the “predators” watch their “prey” before making there move

and mutilating their victims, a very animalistic trait. The use of the blacked out eyes also gives this idea of a great

amount of mystery behind his character as within most slashers we are only given small details about the killers past, leaving the reasoning for

the brutal murders they commit to be very unclear, making the audience feel

even more sympathy towards the innocent victims.

The use of the colour black also shows the connotation of evil, further

representing our antagonists disturbed and inhuman mind.

The masthead uses the colours of white and red. The use of the

colours directly links to the title of the magazine “Fangoria” as white represents the teeth and the red represents the blood. This clearly

indicates the genre as the magazine itself is named after an

iconic horror element, fangs.

The magazine also features a blood splat The use of the blood splat displays the high amount of gore within slasher films, as

slashers contain a high amount of death and violence throughout.