textual analysis of finished products

Textual Analysis of Finished Products

Upload: melaniacross

Post on 19-May-2015




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Page 1: Textual analysis of finished products

Textual Analysis of Finished Products

Page 2: Textual analysis of finished products

Title is short and memorable; it is the largest font; it is also the boldest and darkest on the page and following conventions is at the very top. You can immediately tell that it is the title.I wanted the colour scheme to be eye catching; the colours used continue throughout the magazine and the connotations are of the indie/modern genre. The use of the ‘danger’ lines add to the colours and the overall genre.

Eye contact makes them seem relaxed and follows conventions further; gives a more personal feel and allows the audience to connect with them.

The barcode, date and price follow conventions and makes the magazine seem more professional.

I made it a ‘concert special’ to attract attention and to get the attention of potential customers. It gives connotations of being exclusive and that it is unlikely to happen again.

Exclamatory quote draws in audience attention and grabs their interest.

I used a diagonal banner style to give the magazine a recognisable style. It was also a feature that I continued throughout the magazine as a way of linking the pages.

Use of adjective ‘exclusive’ draws in audience and makes them curious. It also makes the magazine more original as it cannot be found anywhere else.

Mention of other artists and images of what else is included shows the audience what else they can get for their money and encourages them to purchase.

Page 3: Textual analysis of finished products

Banner matches that of the front page; magazine name is the top left and the date and page title are all shown at the top, following conventions and linking the contents to the front page.

Image of feature band and just having their name and the page number makes the audience curious as to what the article is about; it gives no clues away. They are immediately recognisable from the front page.

Titles of ‘Features’ and ‘Every week’ allow the audience to immediately search if they are looking for something specific, and gives a more structured view as to what is included.

‘Review’ section and image of Florence attract audience attention and makes the content seem more appealing.

‘Concert Special’ title and the fact that it uses a different colour scheme suggests that this is something rare and exciting. It captures audience attention.

I coloured the right hand panel yellow in order to make the page more interesting and to break up some of the white space.

Page 4: Textual analysis of finished products

Black and white background makes the red text stand out. The red black and white colours link the page to the other pages I have created as the colour scheme remains the same throughout.

Use of stars give connotations of being high class; ‘of star quality’, it portrays the band as being talented and of star quality.

Band name immediately stands out.

Language used such as ‘exclusive’ reinforces the points made on the previous pages that the interview is special and not to be missed.Quote draws in the audience and encourages them to read the main prose.

Page number follows conventions

Smaller pictures added effects to make them stand out and to make the page more interesting and eye catching.

Introduction in red to make it stand out, with the first letter of the main text being enlarged, following conventions, and coloured red again to make it stand out. Interviewers’ question in bold to make it clear who is speaking, with text effects added for emphasis and the ‘continued’ lexis coloured red so ensure the reader knows that the article hasn’t finished.

Main image has maximum eye contact to engage the reader, with the smaller pictures showing the band in a more natural, relaxed light. This allows the reader to be able to relate more and feel more comfortable with the interview and what they are trying to say.