textual analysis stangers


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Textual Analysis - Stangers

A BAFTA award winning short movie

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• A story of a Jewish man and a Muslim man who get cornered by skinheads. The theme is religious tension which is conveyed expertly. With the ending showing how different religions can compromise and get along.

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• The establishing shot shows a train passing by to let the audience know the location. The camerawork gives the characters more of a background through a series of close ups. For example the pendant of the Jewish man and the Muslim man reading in Arabic. Later we see the skinheads wearing boots and they have swastika tattoos.

• At first there is fear that there is tension between these two, but unity is acquired as the skinheads close in.

• In the final shot, there is a beautiful shot where they have evaded the skinheads and they are at either side of the track and have a moment of unity.

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• Probably the most instrumental(no pun intended) part of this piece, generally it is a tension building and crescendos. Until the escape from the skinhead, where it changes to short and sharp heartbeats to signify the tense escape.

• A Juxtaposition of the tense situation throughout is when a slight comedic value is added due to the Jewish mans phone ringing to a traditional Jewish anthem.

• Fast high paced drumming replaces all other sound as they nod to surprize the skinheads by running away. There is also a sense of danger and urgency which is signified with the music.

• As the two escape the music stops, to show their safety.

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• Religious stereotypes are adhered too by using such props like pendants etc.

• Muslim man reads Arabic paper and the skinheads have boots and tattoos.

• Other then this, general things like train station scenery like a clock and passengers.

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• The editing of the piece has a symbiotic relationship with the sound, camera and mise-en-scene to reinforce the religious stereotypes.

• Everything has a meaning and a purpose and has been deliberately edited to do so, from the pendant being pulled out from the shirt to the change in tempo.

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• Overall, the combination of sound, editing, camera and mise-en-scene come together to make the film perfectly understandable despite it having no dialogue.

• It is also very accessible to anyone with slight religious belief so it broadens its audience.