texture compressed reviewed


Upload: amaiasans

Post on 21-Jan-2018




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• Texture refers to the surface quality or "feel" of an object -smooth, rough, soft, etc.

• Textures may be actual(felt with touch -tactile) or implied(suggested by the way an artist has created the work of art -visual).

Types of Texture

• Tactile or actual

• Visual or implied

• Natural

• Artificial

Tactile Texture

• Tactile is the quality of a surface.

• It is the actual 3D feel of a surface. It is real.

• It is the way something feels when you touch it.

Tactile texture

• You can create a tactile texture in art by:

• Adding

• Subtracting

• Engraving

Visual Texture• Visual texture represents a tactile texture using graphic elements

• It is what tactile texture looks like on a 2D surface. It is implied.

• We can create visual textures using art procedures: scraping, stenciling, printing

• The textures you see in a photograph are visual textures. A photograph always looks smooth no matter how rough the objects in the photograph are.

• We can create a visual texture by drawing a pattern.


Natural Texture

• Natural textures belong to natural elements like elephant skin, the bark of a tree, or surface of a rose petal.

Artificial Texture

• This is the surface of any object made by


• For example, steel, paper, different kind of

fabrics, etc.

Art Creation

Using points, lines and planes…

Using lines…

You can even use writing or text…

Folding papers…

Dripping - Dotted