tfeiwwve^flunbsl otlir^

J A V* » \ iU V ^i 1 1 Ft TfEIWWVE^flUNBSl Fight Between James J. Jef* fn^s and Tojm Sharkey. aria w*S cautlonea tor using me same Mow--wtete holding- a moment lahr" ShaiLey kept up his lushing but wat mgt eveig type w«h Jeffries right to the libs Tire .efeiee seperated the men ftroniimteij clinch neither man Wapt- *pg~ta-fet--go — - -: —-——— •Fiftbr-Shaikey wa ^ thequicker on his DEOISION GIVEN TO JEPFEIES. It Was One of the Mont Maivelous B«l ties TUsit Ever Occurrfld at tlio Coney Ialand-Sbortiug Cluu—A I.arge _." •• : '^£feM lfe?#!?!ft 'ft 6 . J^sfc : perate Struggle. p®W -^DRK?. Nov. 4,-rJamgs- J.; Jet?- rries^-retaips-the championship.. p£; il%. wirld^jfcet^ree. Q;eorge Slier f^rigJhjUTj the decision' a't;"ine end of the 25tij roupd; over Sailor <rom Sharkey at" the Coney Island. SBfflEtlngE q]ui>. ..It 'fyas' 0pe._j)f . i k e most iplt'rveJtdhs I)attl.ei; ; thfe"H'as"t^'k6n' plac^.and". tlie^greate'st ffiowaffhatiiejker: ^^tfaer-ed-^in-: ; tbe ,., Cone-ft ^Esiand ^club- house witnessed the <!espera*e-.struggled for supremacy. Thgre-, .was > f u l l y l.Q.pOQ . peopl|r^'eseHtf' T r? 7~~ "*T ; *~:.7T.^.*f> ~ ^ In. five rounds Jeffries-had..fee-bette? of -the,fiprfpn tli£ first.'two ana" i'ri'th'e last fhf m;"'• -Dttriflg t h e Whef "20 "Slrarkey- .. lore.ed t h e issue, and, °iilta a' terrier bull aaW'at. Til&jpanjadtbllboih'h.arias •unq^as JZ ingly. In these 20 rpupds, Jeffries' greajt --wQiSht«ana4)fa«wm^elp"ed.httrj^aii.Qld^.oH. .. tliR^ailpr^-apd fn the 22a round. Be swung -lbs-, JtfffUes .landed again in the same spot'-with a powerful right and Shar- T' y ,-,': S;i . n tushin -s li& e a demon and- shut his lerf-EcnTTeTace. 1 Jeffries sent 0 c6ae.fc.nls right to the body and the "bell- . I W ? close quarters. After the gong sounded his right to'the head'and -Was cautioned. Brady claimed a foul hut after Slier had talked to O-Rourke he dgcidea not to allow it. v glxfh—Sharkey was the quicker, com- ing l|ke.a flash with a hard left on the' softest. They came to a clinch and when they broke Sharkey stuck his tongue ..out alt,. .Jeffries.. After another clinch .Sharkey booked hls.ieft hard to the neck' J? n .' d . a . rov< ? his _rig-ht -»hh fearful force- to_the kidneys forbinj^effries to^another flinch. In the clinch .both men held' with their lefts and delivered two hard ftght jbody blows. Sharkey let_his left- E9 for all It was,worth. 0 p Jeffries' chest an! > V he Ms fejlaws ; frame was jawed Evom'the blow. Jeffries shot, .his left' to the body ana,rushed to a clinch, Shar- key bringing his right with a hard jolt oVer the'heajt. Both fought fiercely; .TBevTntp—SHarkey- landed with "right's hard to the chgst, a brief spell of sparr in "a couple of" vicious upperc*uts tpatr made Sharkey groggy. Tom came back again in the 24t.h .and 25th, but he was weakened greatly by Jeffries' vicious blows. "Q>ne.;mlnu'te"'. before -the gopg5=J- teft -on head-«•«>*the-ncline-hea-. glove -eaine^ft—ami §r-a$T&tiy-th6^€on— ' " as fol Hp^'rrstted---tmtiW^r^es--^roeir^^ test Avas Qver. The" rounds were " lows: - . .».-,'.- Round^Jb=Sha>ke-y: xushea i n awing-. Ing his-lefJUiind landed-on Jeffries' jaw. They "broke away and sparred cautious- ly. Tom rushed again, with a left swing but'.Jeffries sent .him; back' with a left jab. -Sharkey, after some sparring es- sayed a left swing* and followed It up with a .right and landed hack of the head.' Then In another rush he forced Jeffries* to the ropes \Jrlfhout doing any damage, but a moment later sant his - rlg^-to^eftoes^.ched£_and_Jfe&ries fries feinted with his left. Sharkey broke ground but came' right back only to get a stiff left hook from Jer- Trier' which ftipded—on -five facer—Jet- frles seemeu a' trifle slow while Sharkey was ail. action and ^eMfe^^enJihis right io the "33ok' ancTTom tried To Hp his right across the body but failed to land. They went ito or clinch from which ihi>y were separated by the beli. , Second-p-They- met, in the center of the ring. Sharkey doing the rushipg, ssving- gut Inside of It.' Sharkey rushed again ai dose Quarters anQ got his left to the face. Jeffries returned- the- blow, land- ing hi* tett squarely-on ^he-ehln and Tom w e n t d.qvKn. ta. a heutral corner- where, he s.iiji'Jtt fa?, stj^secojiaa, Sbar- okey rushed ftjalfiv Jettflos attlp stepped ; ftna-^h^key^ t flJj^^ i ;-^ v .th^#oor~oA- aanas. Kfi*'waS' up^fpia _ ^'Tth~air- '•ther rush^airly., to be driven back with a right Joit In the body. Jeffries got In another right Jolt anfl. In Jhe break- away -triM^fe 7iJnfc^rrw^Jlf*7ijlt6we&. , Tom hooked his tight over to-the head. Sharkey" ruslied once more and land- ed right and left on the face in the breakaway. Jeffries, then rushed Shar- key, JUI the latter'-S—^corner—and- lEom, slipped to th§ floor in aodgiflg a swIhgV when he got lip they clinched and were !iook§d together "when the bell rang. Slier walked over and cautioned Shar- key for "holding* during the intermis- sion. .«.*., / Third—-They came together; Tom/sent n left swing which went round the/back of Jeffries head. They came to a clinch and Sharkey was again cautioned for holding. Sharkey rushed but Jim met him.with A the- bodjv Tom's next attempt \vas more success- ful as h e landed a left, oif. Efie eaf. —-Jeffries- drovr hint- back with left tiiitP rlght to the Body.- «4fter aflttle" spar- ring Jeffries stepped In with a right jolt under Tom's heart. Jeffries then led a left which fell short and Sharkey rushed in with a right to the head but Jhe was driven baekj£ljh_a, hard right- " aTelt which feH _short.and Sharkey repulsed with sTSiMr^Tjfdws and the . rcurm ? rt4ed.wi|n^oxh 1 j)ai3i.inierio;ckea; 1MB ROME~©AiP?*SE39XrmBLf SA^UBDAY JBV«JOy^ mFf.ttNffifflfti 4, 1800^ •MM ieetand sent-hls left to the-fHCe, follow. ing with two lights to the head-at close q^arteis „ Jpffi les I nche.d ^nd. a%they °££ K l_3 ent _^ lb r '^ht har.dUo...the.^ind„ h an4^^-co4in±ef'e^-ii & ltly :J w SharEeY rushed a",ain but Jim "met him wjth_anothei hdid. light-on the shertr Jeffries then stepped in with a right on the body, and Sharkey-eame-bagk a terrific swing on the n'eck which stag- gered the big fellow. Sharkey never let up. for-a moment Jn_his.^[.tlaclL_and.After- a right on the body, .and as theyocamo to a clinch Jeffries uppereut him with a right on. the chest. Tom (Sent back 8 Sharkey sent ^ack a. left , "on" "thi:- JiScJL".!kf.tex another-hard, right i h J h t body Tom s\vu>nfg.his left to the head 'ana" jarred the '•bofljerjnaker*' to his Tieels Sharkey rushed and .swung h!s left t'c Jeffriee' head. Jeffries clinched hard and lay over on his man with such force that the referee had to keap Sharkey from falling. ..In the breakaway Sharkej got his lefj „to the face. This was an^ other round for Sharkey. Eighth— Jefflrles&assumedjhejlefenslve pear the ropes hear hlsfcorner and Tom went—to Tfffl Birir a ieTt wrrrctr wenr around the neck, but he shot his right hard to Jeffries' rjbs. Jeffries returned Jilth a right on thp plhs nnd I h e y rnmp stepping in ripped lef t _and_rlghts to ronTs"T>ody The\ cUSched and'aiter they bioke a\vj.ylTtom swung < a left w hich landed full on Jim'B neck--Eitery bloi> . in this round ,seemed • heasy enough to., fell an ox .. but' both: fieft Avehrt^Jheir. corners smiling, v'v. "'"?»' Thifteenth-rAs usual Sharkey rwas tM •qutclcm > 'T5:rr-hls ^n—hrs-Teetr^They :,rhet"•< in . a clinch without landing an4 broke away ohty to snarV Shartisex l ^ f t f p tax neck landing a left "swing on the peck missed a riglu. which «\yas meanf for the jaw. Jeffries ducked Tom's left swing for tha neck and -the latter turning completely around landed.'a*backhanded blow "on Jeffries' car. It Was a" pivot- blow and Jeffries' seconds .yelled foul, but the referee seemed not to hear them and-did not even caution Sharkey for the pivot. From this :*o the end o^f the round TOm vva's.the aggressor;* ' . Fourteenth—Sharkey-opened with ..a. 'rush and. a left'swing for the head, Shafkey slilllpl£ boring in but Jim niet'-him^v.fel^t^ wit h a left or right h o o k on -theK8^|^a ; ; and these soon had •Sharkey grog^C^harkey clinched fre- -qWreirfl^ bjU ^|p¥f.pPt pushing him off. They were. p)|f||.pd at the bell with '. ".. .".,.." better math . .•T'w'enty f fliittf|wp.ffries—led for the head, but Sh^M^ducked. Again Jef- fries led but onelforiore Tom was clever an)|, ducked r "'aj^|y from him. Both swung rTght^JSlp's were blocked but Jim's -wer.eiangfa on the jaw. Tom kept coining to "his man but was met with an "uppe^o.^fbn the chest and a clinch followe'd^'^effries sent his right to tlie-head-aii^peft to the body, with iTom. hooking^'f^p? rights back of "the head: In. a ij^|i^ T °m slipped to the floor, pulling juries' left glove with him as he fell,;.. Tfoe referee then picked up the glpve-'^|cpgr tried to adjust it. th the meanwhjje Sharkey, tried to w-hieh barely missed JeffTtesT~the Tatter 'Set^at tbey0a}|lJ4fnian. Jeffries ^bxolre ^lie-s'fepp£d_ ahd. TQm._slruck;_the-rop4s r Tom still on the aggressive, swung again and was cautioned for' holding in a clinch, .Sbajk.ey..kept..'foiying matte- and swung -his left, Just' missing -the chin, and in a clinch he hooked; hjs left heavy -on .the^head, rocking'Jeffries, wh_g was still "OM the defensive."''.Jefffieg got his left^ to the body • twice and Tom hookedjils'left, to the peck t and jabbed., his, left to• The «face.' Jeffries* shot hia. .rfeli.t to •th.^ffes $HM®m^vM$l!& - .. lefWo 'the neck. To;m forced Jeffries to Jab \jtfhlch landed full on Jeffries' mouth made the Callfornlan grunt audibly. Jlharkey outfoughthismaninthi'sround. Fifteenth—Jeff r-ies. came -up*-very -cau-. tiously,-'erouehirig,along th.e ropes and i h e _ e j l j o r j c n i ^ a u t ; th&-J"jQ]ik. ShaTJcey- bored In and swung his left up' to chin a*id a moment later sent It pome with great force on the body. Jeffijes fed a left for the face, but Tom got inside the blow and swung left twice with Cear- fuT effect on Jeffries' head and face, but Tom got inside and swung left twice with feaful effect on Jeffries' head and face. Torn, kept plugging away with right and left, Jeffries still acting on the defensive. Jeffries, with a good left on the .faeer-ateost - put'Sharkey.^to th* flodr, but the latter sent back, left and right-on tfee face,, splitting Jeffries' nose fi'uiu "Which thrlirood: caTrnrin-strea-msr, to a rough mixup with honors even. They clinched and from this Tom landed a'straight left" On the head apd landed -another--blew- a few eeconds latee wttb- telling force. Jeffries clinched again and„seemed unwilling to break. Jeffries 'threw hls'enfTre 'woTghrSn "SHarlifeyaaff: then they got a close wrangle in which Jeffries hooked his loft "to Tom's ear. bleeding It. They mixed things up with' fearful force, both landing heavy on neck and body. Jeffries seemed tired and left. jolts to the body, both_men wSnT ugh 111)g"~a"? TT"lor Their lives arid dealt blow after blow in a clinch* In which Jeffries rushed Tom to the ropes.: and almost threw Mm* over. •• The bell found them locked on ih& ropes. Nlnthwrom nutdted- again with Jef- fires on the defensive and Jeffrleff "^rhj'peavwittt liis left on the ropes; steadied himself and met Sharkey's rush -with a" left hook on thrt ear. Tom rushed again and Jeffries'Ynetji'ira with a ler- -rlfie-rjght-drive-under the hehrt. Toro- hooked his left to the Jaw and .at' close quarters each sent flgfits to-'the wind. They clinched bard and the referee forced them npart. Both, sent lefts to th? head, but they were glancing blows. ^ffrleEafafieTiTs ^ h t ^ ffie*hddy arTd Sharkey clinched and hung on. }\tier the bre ( ak T^im hooked^ two beautiful lefts to the "Jaw. *£heh* (Hey got tf> close quarters, in which they had a wrestling match, each trying la land a teUIng blow on the-wind. Jeffries rushed Shar- key to the ropes - , but the' latter came, back with n right prod on the wind, as" the bell rang.' Sharkey retired to his their arms,forming a Wrieet hook. . , L . * ..,. ^ Fourth—Jeffries (JaMiedut in a crouch- W 68 tben loek a turn at r P^^S ano ing attitude with Shipley standing erect. Tom tried feft ang'right for 4h*-h*sd- but eac^ TjiSw~^waa blocSed. Th/y cUnohed. aad -as-dthey-broke they ex- c!ianged."iplplt-iolb'.on the-body.. Shar- key rusheJ.^sjniifikJ^LJ^ Jtoat + -_ nfcf __ lrt . but Jim blocked^im.neatly. Jeffries J 7 ^ ? , stepped tnr^t&^two^gnts^ onHhe-Uody- " e bell rang, corner laughing. . TeaXh—They* g o t . to close quartera without either landing; Tom stepped In after the br?ak and Jeffries met hfrn with a lef LOP the-face:_Shaikey* hugged Jeffrles ; around the neek and the latter shoved Tom to the ropes. Sharkey stfl'. jioldlng an(i the referee after separating them cautioned Sharkey. Sharkey hooked his left to Jeffries' head. He tried this a second time, butoJeSries-} - ?, ducked and both exchanged hard rights on the; hody- at *tese quarters; JSLgygnfli—Sharkey W3g flrs^ bat Jfe& - met hfrn with ft Toft on the ear. Jcf- sent his left to the. body and his right .over to the injured'eye, Tom then rush- edi sending h4s4eft- to the face fait he was forced Back with a hand right tm- der the heart, Jeffri%3 bwuh&iefl ^to body and Top) got into close quarters, 'They Jiis left, but Jeffries blocked it clev- e " r KE_4gJ a k jhen_2t^y~ exchanged rights on the body folio wing wiFh a clinch- After the breakaway, Jeffries-shot his eft-at short'range "up" to Tom's chin Create appetite, induce refrerthlg- deep, -ftud maVe,worlcapkajiure. -CtocT«Wct.«ae dose. Immediate, Urting, AjfrfMlm* Lff Box Tbs JetMMa Utwiwliff, Inc.. MUaMpkU. Vqr S&1* |»y * . K . HWMUB, WlUatt Hoan and Tom rushed agalrt .but Jeffries naet hiin--and—foreed-^hTffi^to—the Califorir- ian'SjjjiSOftnei^^liereT.Tbin"sHpTfeifcoli a dJFlrV^JrKT. .wet Snot*and;J'effrie^>jolted. his- left, to --- " i '' ,i "—^ ' the'ehest^ Tom slipping' fp" Ihe"''$jf on one knee. ,^hey were sparrlngtwheh the bell rahgY - : . Twelfth—They came>.to a taiheh with Jeffries" jolting his right to the body* After the greak, Tom tried his right to the body, but Jeffries iJjricked. The'n Tom fried a left swing tfor the body, but Jeffries ducked nicely! and a clinch followed. Both missed_ lefts Jtpr the ^ad aitd cypohed^ again. Jeffries i^swung his" left* on the ribs and met Tom's next rush with a right under -the heart Jeffries was now on "the- S END VOB OTTO PBJOI LIST FtfiaU Xtfmt M9 Bfewtfr,« aM ioitanut itrMt JtekiM'a AcMrtlMT they jtfokeajvay^om sent his right pver the neck' J f effi les seems to be Impiovlng steadily and as Tom came >n- dose to.-him-Ji'm bhot his right to Torp.'s-, qhlpi-.j^hMkey clinched again and.• after tlif#ilxgke "J.|«i_reached the laiW'lvliifPlSJSSrswing on Ihe ear. lawky liiimjtg^ajpEfifi- as_Sharkey- led. for. hlni wlth-'hlljLjIght and Jim sent sMk his right over Sfiykey's shoulder; Th€ tb^Jll^aEybetvveen' them and as.-. he did so $h>-$?H rang & ending the fight a«d the:7P8, fer e e than" declared, * "Jeffries J h e wlHn|r. ^^ The prel{miriaryR>out was a 10- r rourfd between' Tgjpjny Moran and Kid go <j}oelette of Rochester -at 12S pounds. Moran was decftfred the winner at the eid .of-the illthiypund. . .^.o ^EviewfDF: TRADE. The v slght of the blood, on Jeffries' face seemed to make a, demon of Sharkey, who fough fiercely and rushed contln- tiouBly., swinging, left and right, while I ' Bridstreet'» Weekly Report' Oh - the Con- ditions of Business. NEW YORK,' Nov.. 4.—Bradstreet'a -says': -""::""'IZT' /.. "'"' "'" ' "B^plte soni^Varlatfon fn the cur- frerrr^ttftraiJerTdlstriba'tionrthe aggregate- movement continues of immense vol- ume; In fact, *tf the aggregate'of bank clearing In the-^eourttry outside of the metropolis is a trustworthy Index, as it no doubt is, the country's thade reached its highest mark in the monli of Octo-' ber. Prices certainly sho\v marked Btrength in view of the proportions of earlier advances.-' Cooler weather has been welcomed'by- the retail trade of the country, and tsome stimulus has already been.nqfed, alike to distribution and to the confidence of distributors. .. In some'lines of wholesale trade, no- tably-diy guuUa;; ihaie has been suiiiu •Jeffries planted well directed left and right jolts to the sailor's body.' it was .fierce-going when the bell rang.- •<- Sixteenth—They rushed to a clinoh Jwlce without doing anything. Jeffries got in a right drive under Tom's heart and Tom swung two ^efts to the head. TJhoy canje to a clinch and as they bjaiks^oin-jshat-a-^8tia.lght lef.U<4t> Uie- preedTng nose". Sharkey wplpp.ipg his ief-t- twieoover ^trthe- face, twico draw ing blood from Jeffries' . nose and niouth. _ Jeffries countered witlx aj-ight RwThg . o h t h e eye which left "Sharkey's left opyc&red..wlth blopd. They, were fighting fiercely at.glose quartera af- Uio bell. Seventeenth—Clinch followed • clinch •-withour 1 much• damage being dohe-un" til Shafkey forced Jeffries Into a neu- tral corner, where he sent three lefts In quick succession to the bollermak- leFa liead'atufgoT ho'tnTrngTltf return. After a clinch Jim stepped in wltb a 4eft4o-body-and Tom shot.another left to head. Tom feinted with his rjght ' an ^ drawing Jeffrlea. ld^.hjrn._ sient" o.. straight' le^-clc^o-"to^t'h«iWaif"K^5'fiey' exchanged. lefts on the head and tljey fought at close quarters till the bell rang, Sharkey again sending onV 6Ve> after the gong sounded. Eighteen tb*Tom opened with a: left swing for the head but'Jeffries blocked him, then got to close quarters and clinched,. After the breakaway Jeffries landed a right swing on Tom's ear" but the sailor was right back to him with three left hard jabs to the face. ; Tom swurfg_hls left "with fearful, totchi to theJSw" and". Jeffries shook.from the^ top of his.head to,the soles of his feet. He w a s merfe Tfff^atuT"a?Cer" t h i s ^ I h u l arT^more flrrhjy lield than ever. If has; indeed, been aM&cord period in the AVOOJ Jlc^le' > ...sRiea...a.ti.le4ding. fifinte.ra^ exceeded'all reco.fds for' the week and the-t strength alike of the raw and. the manufactured" -material Is most marked. Cotton goqdSi are also;~Very strong, partly on the extraordinary demand and jjaj^tjy^jbgcanse -of the strength of the. Taw material. Imparted by smair-Te celpfs and growing confidence in iilU-' mate light yield,' The great cereals have been rather dull this wee&,""wKh sirght variation" In Pfice, and. the-Tparkets appear to have qome>to L Btaridstlll pending new devel- opmenis. • . In the Iron and steel trade strength -of . values - Is- parnaBs - the-^ncist^taSS|affin» hospUuUy.. - »nd- p> t i»Piy . cupii^ij; |^_^r^TOl»JJBgB,TY BI„ CTTlTMn M Ih "I will let you know when we have fcfad enough lkepr*on the defehslve' until the end of the* round, which . wa'# "decidedly- SharUey's on points. ' "-*-- - - - r •' ' NineteePth—Sharkey rushed, but Jef- frlejLJvaAirslad-JandT-sendlpg^his-right hard under the heart. Sharkey x rushea again, "sending his*.left to the head and fn a half-clinch sent his free right arm feature, but activity has Been trans ferred from the finished branch of the trade to the mprkJtTfor pig iron, which has been very* acfrvja'^t TUU prices. Interest In the' o.r6. situation Is una- bat-edj.pnd a heavy advance on last sea- son Is regarded as certain. Leading or? interests ar^jrePiiCt^dfto; practic.aliy cons, tWrnOKreptire laltl^jtinnage for next year. A. heavy business. «$vas done In hard- ware during Octobeiy-relatively the best reports coming frdpi tha west. Other metals fall to sow ^as-much strength, copper and tin 'being considerably lower -on the week, while lead Is measurably firm, owing to the working out of condi- tions previously noted. . \ Influenced by the activity In the boot and shoe manufacturing and distributive -trade, leather -is ^slfong^andr tends-up- jya^d, and some advances ihf hides are- •also'reported. _ :' ' ',, „ " . ---There were 816 fanflpeg-ln. October, In^ vdrving |6,77f,O00 in liabilities, a decrease 'djf 2t per cent in pUhiher and of 64 per" cent in liabilities frpm October a year a«o, and comparisons" with earlier years -Hare-even- iuurefaTogabieT* over the kidneys three times, Jejfrles labbed his left to the wind and shot the same hand to Sharkey's face and the sailor staggered. They were fighting at close range at the sftnnd ot thfe^gons, = Twentieth—Sharkey as usual was the quicker on his feet a n d fornprt ,Ti»ff«ifjr to a neutral cprner, but failed, to land, Jeffries sent his left straight to the '„«««>• tnt-ore*,. •.*«* <shoi.w, =,A« A *ft.» mouth. They changed left-swings on the which the referee had to separate theni. «*«,„ *£<.„•„„+„„ ^K, 6 -X^^U-:. Both ^eft-OlfhcTffiaTtf^ea^ry^ithPufc =^ ^ ^ ' ^ A t e f e ^ T lahdliig a blow. Sharkey sent'/two ' ^ =iK ^ ^rnu.-cnine, straight left to Jeffries? Poser bringing 4hc blood in strdams. •Leftgr- aadH4ghts aggressive, but at a signal from O*- RouVke Sharkey 'rushed jh and landed his left -and right on Jeffries's head He swjing his left threa^times on Jef- fries ear. Jeffries thenwooked at his seconds knd winked knowjpgly and i In Washing Paint A ^n f l scrub J t , and -wear off the sur- face7 v UseGoldDust- ^WasMng"- F^wdrar, 1 , a6cord^ng^to direc- tions- printed ,on every ; package and *3rou will ^e pleased -with tne-resulfs and BWrpntfed. at the ,savmg'. in laboi\y B*«afjr'fre« bookitt-" tioljw XUIM tat Hoiiwurtrk."' , TTJIR N. K. PAIRB^K COMPANY OM«|t IblMte MiwTork <*&*• f Ml I I I ^tmim wer£ exchanged op face and_ches:t and a straight .left Sahironi Jim landed, on. the sailor's' mouth and jarred the^IrtsHmah, Twenty-first—As, usual the fighting started on Jettries" side of the ring, They got to the center IP a clinch arid Jeffries shot his rigjit to the body, Sharkey responded with two rights over the. kidneys; They exchanged l"eft|;;tp" the face and then Jini stepped -in with a hard right on the body ^ Jeffries land- ed another right on the body and labhed his left in Tom's face. ~ They came to a his left t6 the neck. Jim responded with a straight left on the mouth just before the bell. Twenty^two — Jeffries vwas first 'to rand,- sendfafig tfla right to && body; then he sent a straight left to the face and Sharkey replied with a left swing on t the jaw, After a clinch Jaffrjes sent_his left to Shari«y^_Jnjured_ey^ and the Irishman's optic began to bleed freely. Three times they clinched and broker and each time Sharkey landed a back-handed right on Jim's face, Jim stepped in with a fearful righr^up- ~percut under the chin, and repeated' it later. Jeffries failed to follow up his advantage and the force of these two blotts was visible when the heil rang arid Sharkey wobbled-bereeptibly as he went ba'tfk to his corner, Tw"ePty?three—They came „ together with a rush in the center of the ring .and Jeffries shot his rfght to" the chin., They 'clinched arfd Tom forced - Jeffries' head back,with his lef,t.glove, under-' the chin, When they brolte without any- thing being done, , They exchanged light lefts op the head. JlrrTjabbed a straight left to Tom's lnltwed ,eye. Again they came to d. clinch from which they had to he broken by the referee. Sharkey "holding. Jim jabped left to ^the salkw's "' and stagfeered. htm,] Sharkey clinehedjand after ,fhe bell rang **nt his right over, ta the head as the .referee was forcing them apart, Twenty-fourth-—Jeffries -Jnefc Shark- OTlir^T-lAWSMim B0ER8 ARE f»rUPA<Utf€f TO MAKE . ANOTHER ATTACK. . The Inhabitants Continue to I.nmo tli« pity-—No Recent Casualties Auiatig the British at Mafeking— Klm- berley 1» Safe and Wound- ed Doing Well. LONDON, Nov. V-The Daily Mail publishes the following dispatch, fi om Ladysmith, dated Wednesday mum I rig "Matters are quiet. The ' Boers • are apparently mounting more heavy guns- to the north and northeast, which are likely" to give us trouble. A Boeveoir-- tingent 1,500 strong and clearly visible from the camp, Is streaming away to the south. The inhabitants of Ladysmith continue to leave the town.'.' .ENGLAND Np"T PREPARED: CojnnieuU on the.- Trimsvnut War hyt> Gei umu Now«pai>er. -HBRMN, "Nov. I—The s t a t e m e n t ' of- ^the^rirlsh- secretary of state- for war, tne^iarquls of Lansdowne, at the cut- Ter« , '-feast in B.heffleTdT that the military preparations in-the difficulty with the Transvaal, could not be kept, abreast' of the diplOmatie negotiatierje, -has-evokod severe comment on the„part of the Ger- man press. The Neuste Na,clrricrrten says: "This assertion \vill amaz$. the ; world. and' es^ pecially. Germany; for-it Impfies either that the army and diplomacy of Great ^m^m^T^tinTqhalTy'TraiaYreea, -ur-fmrt- both are inefficient. For the purposes ot comparison- we need -but recall Ger- .many's. .pjepsxednfis,a. In 187k and th,6 faftt that ..Count voh'Moltke, on the first j day of tfiernJobillzatlon. was found l'ead-' Ing a hovel. " "" -"Lord ' Lansdowne'e statement only confirms Ihe opinion of numerous crit- ics, that the British army Is no longer an efficient tool for politics on a vast scale. Pet;haps England's, experiences in South Africa will suffice to- bring home to the nationuj Instinct of Britons the-necessity for a radical reorganiza- tion of' the British military system." quieting of demand, without, however, any perceptible effect being exercised upon values of .textiles.. which, indeed.! | s 'seriously considering doubling .the. i Troops From New South •Wifles.* SYDNEY, N : S. W I . Nov. 4. T Tre-. mendous enthusiasm was displayed on the opcasleflr-af-1-he embaxkailQa of, jthe second detachment furnished~by the col- ony of New South for service In South Africa. The colonial government contingent. The premier, Mr. ,Lyne, has commuplcated to the other Australian premiers 'a suggestion that'the colonies should" despatch to South Af riea ane+her body of troops to be colled the Austral- ian contingent. He says that if neces- sary 10,000 men could be sent. Cannot Whip Uhrnly Prisoner*. KNOXVILLE, TenB„J£pv, 4.—<Ehe~sv~ T/Tem? trqun of tlig^itatsf .Ms dteideil that no workhouse, efty, county of state prison keeper has a 4 legal right to whip ai prisoner therein. The court sustained -Uai-judgrnent for $500. returned by a lowei "court against the keeper of the Knox eoiipty workhouse for whipping a colj- ored woman who w a s unruly. Every prisoner who has been whipped within the last year^may"su^a"nT7e^over"dahl- won- detftiSribtiigi^Jt pfey*= a perfect' game inside its limitations. But ,pnce duliiifle "fEe~ -rohtine moves, the ^Automaton is a tfeilnre. .Much of metiieal. practice js as limited in its ,„\va-y "a"s the" moves of the Automaton at ^Si'jA^kefSs,. No, ,mitt^«ihiedical man- _ ,^!^^lhcwewitb: success Outside his e x g ^ ^ c i a p d 4rain- *"" " I^or that reason-^^ local doctor, No Kocunt CasuiiUliiH at ,Mt>fulUii-g. " "jC"AFi"7,TO VV N," ~ NOV. ^4;—The " C3^ H Times- says 4t hau-I'ullable information that there have been Pu casualties among the British at. Mafeking since Oct. 13. After the- h e a v y bombard- ment'General Cronje, asked the town to surrondor. Colonel Baden-Powell was asleep jvhen the messenger ar- rived; but on being awakened, received TwomenNeed Skilled^ •?• - - Advice, 4? ThegreathealthglvcrandbQnutiflor'for women la Dr. Grteeno'a Nervura blood and nervo remedy, that ereat vogctHhle ootiipouniTfor wo'TOVit,-so-p«re- t ; h.irnalossnndhoalthfnl,for nothing In tto wnrld.Mi .ttid quiciil; re- atorDs lost health, ertves strength anil vinor to thp nervis, purtlioj unci en- riches Hie blood, and mafcea women strons ana woii^as-uoeB br. ureeno'3 Norvura. ••" Dr. Greene's Nervnra clears the fepmplexlon of that dark,aflllQ.Wj.j>aJo look, romoye-i eruption?, bluckhendu, and hunitra, makes the skin volvety and Rlowlns with rosy color, the eyo3 brilliant, tlio lips rod, Imirartliik - a full round contour to face and form. Above all, Dr. Greene's "torvuta v „„„,„r, , , barlsjtos inoluncholy and restoreA the .5, throu#It the Jimrly _./,n. lively a ' step, and enjoyment •noss in doenall „-TTOH intd-VrroTTjr, irtrd tlrtrs "them fpom proTriiijr^otd-'bcfi time. It malccs tBem'look £eol youHB, tor It braoei women up a* J e •'"//{!' .'«• eeriiiw of :--n,u mr-il. •? -J. "riff ttt uni-e. it irijl rost yon •£. 4. . Dr. Grtem'U'.Ur }n.,*t snrrm~ v romj'lxtitt/i, the jj^uirfyi, t<i •?•' •§• whom iluniiajith .y n-->mStt irnV tyttfmitlfl t\l tlwtr '/Mf.f.^* fi-lrri fy wtta i/!M ••uiititl?<rli<j/i att.t ..'./. J^ Ju Tire ahmlulAy Jr>* nf i/i,iw. X JT ittltti/ tttO'lifltl'lt nf irt-nn*!! htfC *i T i>-t.iatin:ilIwiUhttntl strrii'j'U uhd •*• v heroine h.ippif wirr* <r*'ttrthit!i'r< 4* J r imnrmrts--*- a ^ esi Uti.M, .\.^ l4/i lUv.-J,- rfor-o tholr.* „^.„/H/ iM/ 1 ,„„,./p, r „„ [ ,.,„„/„. "f J-iiuns ami f i«™, a on .-«i, /,/ .ib- •*• nothing :else in t h e world'can Dr. (Jco TOBTet it. Try . - - - - Dr. (Jr-'ono's Ncrviira. You will never •!• " "'*''"' '" " r ' J t» <•*'' »rtirt»o+- 4+ -- - - — - - -• - -XXH£ ^^%^%**^*ln%r&*fr^^^fjfci^ ncetanxante. 17 HEN IN SBARPH Ot Lobsters of M ONEY TO %QAS on aHMadsorffB ' —' uabtta, Including ^_ ^ BOUSBHOLn GOODS, WrTHOtrr ftKMOi^Al,' 30 and. GO Da?fc* Time. -^!ash 4 paM-for-ntJti s sr' ! *fi "If yon haven't any money, why jitst come 'round." Collections made. F. M\ WIIXSON, Qffltsfe, Jlopm .3^. 8nulpaugh-Arm8trong Block, 111 8, Jathes.St . Korao, N. Y . ... '' Fresh Fish, GO ' T O ' XttE LINCOLN, 117 N. Washington St. Meals and Lunches served at all hour?. AYSTERS. THC^YBTXRSllABOM NOW OEKN._ - Cholcc,Staiidardji...j..80cent« per quart " Other varieties" In stock. A large variety of Tlah, Olama, Lob- sters, &c. Meals and Lunches at all hours. fflnanctai. '•"•'9'J-*—tuft"* J M ONBY TO LOAN ON BBALfii3TATB - In suras to suit, at the Real Estate Agency of 0HA8. F. BTOBDEVANT. All business strictly oonJWentlai. r^ABE .JPAIP FOR WESTERN MOKTOAOES, either in default or oth«rwlse, A,M_a.Jgp B w.rcsf jp RM LASB. , 'Obtainedflndovmorteafeo. . E.E. PARKER &. C O . >, TnTernStroflatTfUgtBhijr., ------ ; IJC8ION, MAS3.. -nilated ilonds and SccuKtiea Bought and Sold GKOB&E-Wi Arlington Block, Rome, N. Y. The iMdlSK brands of th« world on ar*ntht use bottlsd tor (unilf at*. Canst to' Bo I'ati-olled. • LONDON, Nov. 4.-At Plymouth It In rumored that the Channel squadron will <be ordered to the Cape, where ajjreat jiayiuVf01$$ rjfcto^hev CoTIecteuT-AVirilr-cF view of -establishing a cordon from the rnnuth of The Orange Ttvpr to Dppxgua: bay to prevent 4he landing of supplies- for the enemy, and with a view, also, II necessary, of landing guns to assist the British forces. . N'avnl Prlzo Court Established. CAPE TOWN, Nov..? 4.—Sir Alfred Milner, In his capacity of vice admiral of the Cape dlstrlcf, bns issued a pro- clamation establishing a naval prize court during^ the coptiauance of the war" TSils Ts aimed at foreigners, who might iBogtS. try to land supplies for the Ita^MtJte KewirtVoiH the Front. LONDON, Nov. 4.—There Is very little fresh intelligence, but It is be- lieved tha.lL the_Xtelagoa—bay—rput«r +f _ "not already restored, speedily will be, thus giving quicker communication with the Cape. The situation is still -hopeful,. Be*M Concontratlnt-, LORENZO. MARQUES. Nov. i,—Five bodies of Boers' totalling 4,000 men, with field gruns are concentrated at Bethulier bridge, They have eoHocted much', food. KirKlicrloy Still Safe. _ ORAJiaE.RreiRwiiEflL idiStafisc ley Is still safe, and the wounded are doing;lyreH;- ''•>'«—' • « -~ HIS Ufa Was Saved. ~ "i&fiJrE^BinyT^ronrtnent^-oitteen-of- Hannibal^ Mo,, lately had ft' wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In elinehr-a^dr^iter-^eiF-break-^C^n^s^vurig^-gft^^vesup'as^p^l^ his left t6 the neck. Jim r^snonded with ,v «...*l\..—iS„ „A,^Z&Uji>i2** iH&\t *S*A ii quite curahle wheaf grjaiter skill and ekperieuce are broPgfi|i|oi7bfeafc^ .. - It is^-the ib-calleaS3pfitSHSb% ? " '.and "hopeless" cases, wJuSEpcoine ih sUch, numbers to Dr, R. V;^ltrSev of Buffalo; N.„Y,, for treatment ^'^fh|JanCwomen with weak lungs, obstinstfecoughsj ema- ciated bodies and fewerejK. '.t^fee'kS; hayfe found jn_Df^ Pierce^iy^aeniJViedicAL Discovery th& true elilJfeoTJfife,. c i l t h e blood, is the life" ^^'iSMpf^^ bydncteasing; the acl^^-^lpthe^Dlppd making glands, and r^l^inn:^ tp healthy action the digestive ahd^iifeHye organs, places the" entire Syst^ffi^%gOndi^oii' io throw off disease. Thfir^ii^jo/alt^iiol^ Opium, or other nar|^^i-jW^tJeiiien Medical Discovery.''^iS^i.^L'! i Mr Cha* HumWck, 6f i^ftSIiiitouib'Co., "Mich/,writes ''I have.n«^ft;Jejt Jjetjefiinmy life than I do jiaw. Golden lam t Sleep Jilie a school boy ikeftvfif^.Jserce's tiling of it he says: _"I was taken with Typhoid Tever, .that" ran Into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was So weak I.conldn't even sft*np in bed. STotV ing helped me.' I expected to soon die of CoDBumptlon, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave jgreat relief. I continued io use it, and now am well and strong. I can't say too much In'its praiBe," -33ii8 marvelous medicine, Is the surest and guickesb cure In the world for all Throat and Lting Tropble. Eegular sizes 50c. and $1. Trial bottles free at Bronghton & graves's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 8~ ''i. ,i rrr 11 VoiOA»rio ElEUMioHi. are grand, but Skin Eruptlona rob life of joy. Bncklen's Arnica Salvencnfeai thim; also Old, Run- ning and Fever Sore*, Ulcers, Boils, Fel- ons, Corns, Warts, Cute, Bruise, Burns, Scalds, Chapped HandVChfibMns, Best. Bile Cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only-iJoc. abox. Cure guar- anteed. SoKTby Bronghton & Graves, drugglfltB. - S. G OOD BEEB. GAM MEL'S. Man ardors promptly, attended to. Pre*ld»nt, .ToruwsR. Hhorman. WisH VIe» PwaldenfcrJVtUMro Carar Sans^ef. ^~—— -~B«!ondVlcergi^tit!ayr<^Br:le3-.A .rftnt.lffft^^S'^'ag^ Secretary, Jj.Frunols Day. • - • ' TRUSTEES: v Charles 8. Symonds: Charles B. Ilogerx, 'iiieots. Sttstngss Gatfte^ •VTBXT TO DEV7BY, the nearest and J3L dear^tio.fhfthearJi_ofjiUiey«r«o|t rXMK L A D N D B Y WORK, IB' THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY. JOHNSON A LAKf, 901 West Liberty" Street. TDOOBiBINDENQi MAGAZINES, PAMPMLBTS, PBRIODWALS, HMUr bound at raaaoaablc price*. H m h irriv blank books mad* to order-TVrlte for wtoerr- ifl to i n Qeaeiwa Bt, 0Ht», M. T, 1. »...(&• 5S -»•,: 6.P.Bi3VILLARD Optician, 120 W. Dominick St. It is very important to have'just the right lenses for your glasses. The least bit tit yiariatidA from the. right dhe will be hPrhiful rather than helpfnL Thou- sands of people have been fitted by E. P. BimLLAKt>f benefit; so I think yottr.ttte4iclft'e,.is ;ihff only inediciiiirfor nie."'"' '#?• * ! :Sc- : ^ , r^\'•'f~- : -: '•' \ A t&>8 page,bQok, f ^ l ^ i t e . a K h i g ; - : Yon can,getrthe^ep^p^jlf%6nfhwm^^^ Medical Advise*, the b^in^icat^lb&ok, ever 'published, free; .pjr?len4ifi| Stamps to pay^xpeitse of n ^ l p | ^ % , | S e j i d VL ohe--cent stampSi-f6r-*' ; i0pj|;- % '& stdmn's' for^clpth bpuiii^'l^floMfeS)^ k, ^Piercg, Bttffa1^#fefsW^-v,' '"• "'"''" ~ t'ti'faji"Mrj)ii"'''..'4 ,, ,'-- : j'-" J , Twenty-ioortn-jeffwes^net^ shark- o^^iSi^Sn''^t^ma^Ss 1 ^^' BlflUABCK'B iEOHNKBVK'waa the of hia splePdld health, indomitable will and tremehdbns energy r are< hot found Where Stomach,. Liver, Kidneys and Bowels- are' of order.. If yo6 Wtot these qualities and thesuccess they bring, use Dr. King%NewiLiite Pills, Th^di* velop every power of brain and body. Only 26o. at Bronghton & Gravea'S drug •tore. .- •;, . . . • ' '% , LADIES—We have just received those New House. Wrappers. . They are lovely. Mso New Shirt WaiitS, Separate: S k f m Infante'Caps* Also all BinattDoilS m% Heads. Onr Motto: 'Sot -how cheap, but liow good for the price. '• * '•• ' M£s. J. E. DBA*** . ; . - - - . -.. > - ; . "O J%- 1& *|>'l2>t : 3 6 * 'St ^l» % * Stonths jtfto KinStoa Haw M$ tun a* OA.OTO: CHITJILS'HHOTJELi ESTTBANOE. MONEY TO LO^H At Five Per Cent, _ ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE, i .: Jn *ma.nn;t!.. tc fttt*\borxowBra_^ „. The Rosjr Savtigs BaH^, ^ DEPOSIT r - Cor. "^^ 80 GENESEE- SrRKET, UTICA, N. Y. C«iPITAT> f2O0,0C0. . . - w . stuuri WiiTeots, I> GIlDtoo-Jliirrays- TvrR..rrootor,- 'ObarloaA, Butler, Be««ch8rM. Crouaoj^.,, Krank E...Whe«\lsiw-—~-~~-r-. Jfob^iEfiSHfrS^r"'^ WTmiiia'TJfffteigeri - - • • - .Toho Owens. i l e n r y W. Millar, George K Duoh«m, J<V«derick-UUbert,—'-• ... Frederick 1J. EastOD, - - J a m e s 8, gliwrman.—. ^ Gounsisl—lvd. i . J&AAnKelig, ~z= Hnnny Lumord on Road »ad Horteaga. This corporation note' a s receiver, assignee, guardian, executor orndministrntor, trustee un- der will", comrulttfw of estates, trusten under tlio mortiage of trust deed* of eorporatlona- or -5 under, other lawful t'UBta created by corpora- tions or Individuals, and ngent fir the cure and msnacement of real or personal property for residents or non re«idenh. BW-.per centi-iiiterft-t paid on accountsup-to—^- §3^300 011-mnn t h l y batjaices 3 -per cent, intercut paid on larger amounts,- - withont rHSrWcnoqaartor days. Money deposited on Hi? tMrd-day.of any month z receives Imprest for that month. , —*• Before the Ground Freezes. It Is now a good time to have your water and' sewer connections made before the heavy fall rains come or thrfrasfcTsstelner m&gmmrft^ Tbs~ Wbrk can be done better and cataaper now than later in the season. Won't you let me make an estimate on anything you require'in this line, ^r.ln Inside plumping or steam. Heat- ing f 1 have the most modern facili- ties and Bkilfnl worfanen,TTiBe-tlre beet materials I can buy. and persoP- ally-BnpmvmeT5cu-pTgeS"ofwoTcE: t am. confident that X xan-please you with the quality of my work and the price charged, WILLIAM E. OONOHUE, 118- North James St- Wbple the street improvement work Is iriprogieai on 'West Dominick St., the '" ''. ElflRANfOiJ fOR TEAMS. -' aro Wgii^M, BOTEL BA.ENS \ Will be mm iAI OF nv. MM. JOHN H. CRAMOND, DEALER IS IfllAL AND VvWP* Flagging and Out Stone. iaisg./* L~Z - ". ' "''.'.'•'..'."• uuuiauuimtmmiig About Perfumes. | " ' ' ' JFheSaleof ' |" Mess's Red Carnation since per- t: fuming the Opera House has been £ aomething phenomenal. •__ g It Is bound~lo be the'winning E ' Perfume in Eome trtia winter, p People .seem to know a good E thing when they smell it. We are having a large' sale" also on the following elegant odors: * " •- fParlsiaii''v'iol6tfts,''i DABEOOK'S ] Parisian Roses and \parlsiah Pink. • - n{ - ForSale'ihRome-ohlj'by P \ R M. Hamiim, » ->* *• I Telephony Connection, ffifinnnfiifUHnnwifiHtu B trY-YOtrRSPEGmeLES and EYE- GLASSES now and take * . advimtagja of ; \ BEBtTCED r "vYatchea, .CUfioks, '^S^^-^^UhMe" ynm. Eiie watch V6p«i|^|ip"||«stal^r H. &MaxiMi,''>'/ fl.' f *L r •¥*:•& ;y-

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V ^ i 1 1


TfEIWWVE^flUNBSl Fight Between James J. Jef*

fn^s and Tojm Sharkey.

aria w*S cautlonea tor using m e same Mow--wtete holding- a moment l a h r " ShaiLey kept up his lushing but wat mgt e v e i g type w « h Jeffries right t o the l ibs Tire . e fe i ee seperated the men ftroniimteij clinch neither man Wapt-*pg~ta-fet--go — - -: — - — — —

•Fiftbr-Shaikey w a ^ thequicker on his


It Was One of the Mont Maivelous B«l ties TUsit Ever Occurrfld at tlio Coney

Ialand-Sbortiug Cluu—A I.arge _."

••: '^£feM lfe?#!?!ft 'ft6 . J sfc : perate Struggle.

p®W -^DRK?. N o v . 4,-rJamgs- J.; Jet?-rries^-retaips-the championship.. p£; il%. wirld^jfcet^ree. Q;eorge Slier f^rigJhjUTj the decision' a't;"ine end of the 25tij roupd; over Sailor <rom Sharkey at" the Coney Island. SBfflEtlngE q]ui>. ..It 'fyas' 0pe._j)f . ike most iplt'rveJtdhs I)attl.ei;;thfe"H'as"t^'k6n' plac^.and". tlie^greate'st ffiowaffhatiiejker:

^^tfaer-ed-^in-:;tbe ,., Cone-ft ^Esiand ^club­house witnessed the <!espera*e-.struggled for supremacy. Thgre-, .was > fully l.Q.pOQ

. peopl|r^'eseHtf' Tr? 7~~ "*T;*~:.7T. .*f> ~^ In. five rounds Jeffries-had..fee-bette?

of - the , f iprfpn tli£ first.'two ana" i'ri'th'e last fhf m;"'• -Dttriflg t h e Whef "20 "Slrarkey-

.. lore.ed t h e issue, and, °iilta a' terrier bull aaW'at. Til&jpanjadtbllboih'h.arias •unq^asJZ

ingly. In these 20 rpupds, Jeffries' greajt --wQiSht«ana4)fa«wm^elp"ed.httrj^aii.Qld^.oH. .. tliR^ailpr^-apd fn the 22a round. Be swung

-lbs-, JtfffUes .landed again in the same spot'-with a powerful right and Shar-T' y , - , ' : S ; i . n t u s h i n - s l i&e a demon and-shut his lerf-EcnTTeTace.1 Jeffries sent0

c6ae.fc.nls right to the body and the "bell-. I W ? close quarters. After the gong sounded his right to'the head'and

-Was cautioned. Brady claimed • a foul hut after Slier had talked to O-Rourke he dgcidea not to allow it.

vglxfh—Sharkey was the quicker, com­i n g l |ke .a flash with a hard left on the' softest. They came to a clinch and when they broke Sharkey stuck his tongue

..out alt,. .Jeffries.. After another clinch

.Sharkey booked hls.ieft hard to the neck' J?n.'d. a.rov<? his _rig-ht -»hh fearful force-to_the kidneys forbinj^effries to^another fl inch. In the clinch .both men held' with their lefts and delivered two hard ftght jbody blows. Sharkey le t_his left-E9 for a l l It was,worth. 0 p Jeffries' chest an!> Vhe Ms fe j laws ;frame was jawed Evom'the blow. Jeffries shot, .his left' to the body ana,rushed to a clinch, Shar­key bringing his right with a hard jolt oVer the'heajt . Both fought fiercely; .TBevTntp—SHarkey- landed with "right's

hard to the chgst, a brief spell of sparr in "a couple of" vic ious upperc*uts tpatr made Sharkey groggy . Tom came back again in the 24t.h .and 25th, but he was weakened greatly b y Jeffries' vicious blows. "Q>ne.;mlnu'te"'. before -the gopg5=J-teft-on head-«•«>*the-ncline-hea-.

glove -eaine^ft—ami §r-a$T&tiy-th6^€on— ' " as fol


test Avas Qver. The" rounds were " lows: - . . » . - , ' . -

Round^Jb=Sha>ke-y: xushea i n awing-. Ing his-lefJUiind landed-on Jeffries' jaw. They "broke away and sparred cautious­ly. Tom rushed again, with a left swing but'.Jeffries sent .him; back' wi th a left jab. -Sharkey, after some sparring es­sayed a left swing* and followed It u p with a .right and landed h a c k of the head.' T h e n In another rush he forced Jeffries* t o the ropes \Jrlfhout doing any damage, but a moment later sant his

- r l g ^ - t o ^ e f t o e s ^ . c h e d £ _ a n d _ J f e & r i e s

fries feinted with his left. Sharkey broke ground but came' right back only to g e t a stiff left hook from Jer-Trier' which ftipded—on -five facer—Jet-frles seemeu a' trifle slow while Sharkey was a i l . action and ^ e M f e ^ ^ e n J i h i s right io the "33ok' ancTTom tried To Hp his right across the body but failed to

• land. They went ito or cl inch from which ihi>y were separated by the beli. ,

Second-p-They- met, in the center of the ring. Sharkey doing the rushipg, ssving-

gut Inside of It.' Sharkey rushed again ai dose Quarters anQ got his left to the face. Jeffries returned- the- blow, land­ing hi* tett square ly -on ^he-ehln and Tom w e n t d.qvKn. ta. a heutral corner-where, he s.iiji'Jtt fa?, stj^secojiaa, Sbar-

okey rushed ftjalfiv Jettflos attlp stepped ; ftna-^h^key^tflJj^^i;-^^#oor~oA-

aanas. Kfi*'waS' up^fpia_^'Tth~air-'•ther rush^airly., to be driven back wi th a right Joit In the body. Jeffries got In another right Jolt anfl. In Jhe break­away -tr iM^fe 7iJnfc^rrw^Jlf*7ijlt6we&. ,

Tom hooked his t i g h t over to-the head. Sharkey" ruslied once more and l a n d ­ed right and left on the f a c e in the breakaway. Jeffries, then rushed Shar­key, JUI t h e latter'-S—^corner—and- lEom, slipped to th§ floor in aodgiflg a swIhgV when he g o t lip they clinched and were !iook§d together "when the bell rang. Slier walked over a n d cautioned Shar­key for "holding* during the intermis­sion. . « . * . , /

Third—-They came together; Tom/sent n left s w i n g which w e n t round the/back of Jeffries head. T h e y came to a clinch and Sharkey w a s again cautioned for holding. Sharkey rushed but Jim met h i m . w i t h A the- bodjv Tom's nex t attempt \vas more success­ful as h e landed a left, oif. Efie eaf.

—-Jeffries- drovr hint- back wi th left tiiitP rlght to the Body.- «4fter af l t t le" spar­ring Jeffries stepped In with a right jolt under Tom's heart . Jeffries then led a left which fell short and Sharkey rushed in with a r ight to the head but

Jhe was driven baekj£l jh_a, hard right-" aTelt which feH _short .and Sharkey

repulsed with sTSiMr^Tjfdws and the . rcurm ?rt4ed.wi|n^oxh1j)ai3i.inierio;ckea;

1MB ROME~©AiP?*SE39XrmBLf SA^UBDAY JBV«JOy^ mFf.ttNffifflfti 4, 1800^ • M M

i e e t a n d sent-hls left to the-fHCe, follow. ing with two l ights to the head-at close q^arteis „ Jpffi les I nche.d ^nd. a%they ° £ £ K l _ 3 e n t _ ^ l b r '^ht har.dUo.. . the.^ind„han4^^-co4in±ef'e^-i i& l t ly : Jw SharEeY rushed a",ain but Jim "met him wjth_anothei hdid. l ight-on the shertr

Jeffries then stepped in with a right on the body, and Sharkey-eame-bagk a terrific swing on the n'eck which stag­gered the big fellow. Sharkey never let up. for-a moment Jn_his.^[.tlaclL_and.After-

a right on the body, .and as theyocamo to a clinch Jeffries uppereut him with a right on. the chest. Tom (Sent back 8

Sharkey sent ^ack a. left , "on" "thi:-

JiScJL".!kf.tex another-hard, r ight i h J h t body Tom s\vu>nfg.his left to the head 'ana" jarred the '•bofljerjnaker*' to his Tieels Sharkey rushed and .swung h!s left t'c Jeffriee' head. Jeffries clinched hard and lay over on his man with such force that the referee had to keap Sharkey from falling. ..In the breakaway Sharkej got his lefj „to the face. This was an^ other round for Sharkey.

Eighth— Jefflrles&assumedjhejlefenslve pear the ropes hear hlsfcorner and Tom went—to Tfffl Birir a ieTt wrrrctr wenr around the neck, b u t he shot his right hard to Jeffries' rjbs. Jeffries returned

J i l t h a r i g h t on t h p plhs n n d I h e y r n m p

stepping in ripped lef t _and_rlghts to ronTs"T>ody T h e \ cUSched a n d ' a i t e r they bioke a\vj.ylTtom swung < a left w hich landed full on Jim'B neck--Eitery bloi> . in this round ,seemed • heasy enough to., fell an o x . . but' both: fieft Avehrt^Jheir . corners smiling, v'v. "'"?»'

Thifteenth-rAs usual Sharkey rwas tM •qutclcm>'T5:rr-hls ^n—hrs-Teetr^They :,rhet"•< in . a clinch without landing an4 broke a w a y ohty to snarV Shartisex l ^ f t f p tax neck

landing a left "swing on the peck missed a riglu. which «\yas m e a n f for the jaw. Jeffries ducked Tom's left swing for tha neck and -the latter turning completely around landed.'a*backhanded blow "on Jeffries' car. It Was a" pivot- blow and Jeffries' seconds .yel led foul, but the referee seemed not to hear them and-did not even caution Sharkey for the pivot. From this :*o the end o f the round TOm vva's.the aggressor;* '

. Fourteenth—Sharkey-opened with ..a. 'rush and. a l e f t ' s w i n g for the head,

Shafkey s l i l l l p l £ boring in but Jim n i e t ' - h i m ^ v . f e l ^ t ^ w i t h a left or right hook on -theK8^|^a;; and these soon had •Sharkey g r o g ^ C ^ h a r k e y clinched fre-

-qWreirfl^ bjU ^|p¥f.pPt pushing him off. They were. p) | f | | .pd at the bell with

'. ".. .".,.." better math . .•T'w'entyffliittf|wp.ffries—led for the head, but S h ^ M ^ d u c k e d . Again Jef­fries led but onelforiore Tom was clever an)|, duckedr"'aj^|y from him. Both swung r T g h t ^ J S l p ' s were blocked but Jim's -wer . e iang fa on the jaw. Tom kept coining to "his man but was met with an "uppe^o.^fbn the chest and a clinch followe'd^'^effries sent his right to t l ie-head-ai i^peft to the body, with

i T o m . hooking^'f^p? rights back of "the head: In. a i j ^ | i ^ T ° m slipped to the floor, pulling j u r i e s ' left glove with him as he fell,;.. Tfoe referee then picked up the glpve-'^|cpgr tried to adjust it. th the meanwhjje Sharkey, tried to

w-hieh barely missed JeffTtesT~the Tatter ' S e t ^ a t tbey0a}|lJ4fnian. Jeffries ^bxolre ^lie-s'fepp£d_ ahd. TQm._slruck;_the-rop4sr Tom still on the aggressive, swung again and was cautioned for ' holding in a clinch, .Sbajk.ey..kept..'foiying matte-and swung -his left, Just' missing -the chin, and in a clinch he hooked; hjs left heavy -on .the^head, rocking'Jeffries, wh_g was still "OM the defensive."''.Jefffieg got his left^ to the body • twice and Tom hookedjils'left, to the peck t and jabbed., his , left to• The «face.' Jeffries* shot hia.

.rfeli.t t o •th.^ffes $HM®m^vM$l!& - .. lefWo 'the neck. To;m forced Jeffries to

Jab \jtfhlch landed full on Jeffries' mouth made the Callfornlan grunt audibly.

Jlharkey outfoughthismaninthi 'sround. Fifteenth—Jeff r-ies. came -up*-very -cau-.

tiously,-'erouehirig,along th.e ropes and ihe_ej l jorjcni^aut; th&-J"jQ]ik. ShaTJcey-bored In and swung his left up' to chin a*id a moment later sent It pome with great force on the body. Jeffijes fed a left for the face, but Tom got inside the blow and swung left twice with Cear-fuT effect on Jeffries' head and face, but Tom got inside and swung left twice with feaful effect on Jeffries' head and face. Torn, kept plugging away with right and left, Jeffries still acting on the defensive. Jeffries, with a good left on the . faeer-ateost - put'Sharkey.^to th* flodr, but the latter sent back, left and right-on tfee face,, splitting Jeffries' nose fi'uiu "Which thrlirood: caTrnrin-strea-msr,

to a rough mixup with honors even. They clinched and from this T o m landed a'straight left" On the head apd landed

-another--blew- a few eeconds latee wttb-telling force. Jeffries clinched again and„seemed unwilling to break. Jeffries 'threw hls'enfTre 'woTghrSn "SHarlifeyaaff: then they got a close wrangle in which Jeffries hooked his loft "to Tom's ear. bleeding It. They mixed things up with' fearful force, • both landing heavy on neck and body. Jeffries seemed tired

and left. jolts to the body, both_men wSnT ugh 111)g"~a"? TT"lor Their l ives arid dealt blow after blow in a clinch* In which Jeffries rushed Tom to t h e ropes.: and almost threw Mm* over. •• The bell found them locked on ih& ropes.

Nlnthwrom nutdted- again with Jef-fires on the defensive and Jeffrleff

"^rhj'peavwittt liis left on the ropes; steadied himself and met Sharkey's rush

-with a" left hook on thrt ear. Tom rushed again and Jeffries'Ynetji'ira with a ler-

-rlfie-rjght-drive-under the hehrt. Toro-hooked his left to the Jaw and .at' close quarters each s e n t flgfits to-'the wind. They clinched bard and the referee forced them npart. Both, sent lefts to th? head, but they were glancing blows.

^ffr leEafaf ieTiTs ^ h t ^ ffie*hddy arTd Sharkey clinched and hung on. }\tier the bre(ak T im hooked^ two beautiful lefts to the "Jaw. *£heh* (Hey g o t tf> close quarters, in which they had a wrestling match, each trying la land a teUIng blow on the-wind. Jeffries rushed Shar­key to the ropes-, but the' latter came, back with n right prod on the wind, as" the bell rang.' Sharkey retired to his

their arms , forming a Wrieet hook. . , L. * ..,. ^ Fourth—Jeffries (JaMiedut in a crouch- W 6 8 t b e n l o e k a t u r n a t rP^^S ano

ing attitude with S h i p l e y standing erect. Tom tried feft ang 'r ight for 4h*-h*sd-but eac^ TjiSw~^waa blocSed. T h / y cUnohed. a a d -as-dthey-broke they ex-c!ianged."iplplt-iolb'.on the-body.. Shar-key r u s h e J . ^ s j n i i f i k J ^ L J ^ J t o a t + - _ n f c f _ _ l r t . but Jim b l o c k e d ^ i m . n e a t l y . Jeffries J 7 ^ ? , stepped tnr^t&^two^gnts^ onHhe-Uody- "

e bell rang, corner laughing. . TeaXh—They* g o t . to close quartera without either landing; Tom stepped In after the br?ak and Jeffries met hfrn with a lef L O P the-face:_Shaikey* hugged Jeffrles; around t h e neek and the latter shoved Tom to the ropes. Sharkey stfl'.

jioldlng an(i the referee after separating them cautioned Sharkey. Sharkey hooked h i s left to Jeffries' head. He tried this a second time, butoJeSries-} -?, ducked and both exchanged hard rights on the; hody- a t * t e s e quarters;

JSLgygnfli—Sharkey W3g flrs^ bat Jfe& -met hfrn with ft Toft on the ear. Jcf-

sent his left to the. body and h i s right .over to the injured'eye, Tom then rush-edi sending h4s4eft- to the face fait he was forced Back with a hand right tm-der the heart, Jeffri%3 bwuh&ie f l ^to body and Top) got into close quarters,


J i i s left, but Jeffries blocked it c lev-e"rKE_4gJak jhen_2t^y~ exchanged r ights on the body folio wing wiFh a clinch-After t h e breakaway, Jeffries-shot his e f t -a t s h o r t ' r a n g e "up" to Tom's chin

Create appetite, induce refrerthlg- deep, -ftud maVe,worlcapkajiure. -CtocT«Wct.«ae dose.

Immediate, Urt ing, AjfrfMlm* L f f Box

Tbs JetMMa Utwiwliff, Inc.. MUaMpkU. Vqr S&1* |»y * . K . H W M U B , WlUatt H o a n

and Tom rushed agalrt .but Jeffries naet hiin--and—foreed-^hTffi^to—the Califorir-ian'SjjjiSOftnei^^liereT.Tbin"sHpTfeifcoli a

dJFlrV^JrKT. .wet Snot*and;J'effrie^>jolted. his- left, to --- "i'',i"—^ ' the'ehest^ Tom slipping' fp" Ihe"''$jf on

one knee. ,^hey w e r e sparrlngtwheh the bell rahgY -: .

Twelfth—They came>.to a taiheh with Jeffries" jolt ing his right to the body* After the greak, Tom tried h i s right to the body, but Jeffries iJjricked. The'n Tom fried a left swing tfor the body, but Jeffries ducked nicely! and a clinch followed. Both missed_ lefts Jtpr the

^ a d aitd cypohed^ again. Jeffries i^swung his" left* on the ribs and met

Tom's next rush with a right under -the heart Jeffries was n o w on "the-


FtfiaU Xtfmt M 9 Bfewtfr,« aM io i tanut itrMt

JtekiM'a AcMrtlMT

they j t f o k e a j v a y ^ o m sent his right pver the n e c k ' Jfeffi les seems to be Impiovlng steadi ly and as Tom came >n- d o s e to.-him-Ji'm bhot his right to Torp.'s-, qhlpi-.j^hMkey clinched again and.• after t l i f # i l x g k e "J.|«i_reached the l a i W ' l v l i i f P l S J S S r s w i n g on Ihe ear.

l a w k y l i i imjtg^ajpEfif i- as_Sharkey- led. for. hlni wlth-'hlljLjIght and Jim sent

s M k his right over Sf iykey's shoulder; Th€ tb^Jll^aEybetvveen' them and as.-.

he did so $h>-$?H rang& ending the fight a«d the:7P8, feree than" declared,

* "Jeffries J h e wlHn|r. ^ ^ The prel{miriaryR>out was a 10-rrourfd

between' Tgjpjny Moran and Kid go <j}oelette o f Rochester -at 12S pounds. Moran was decftfred the winner at the e i d .of-the illthiypund. . . ^ . o

^EviewfDF: TRADE.

Thevslght of the blood, on Jeffries' face seemed to make a, demon of Sharkey, who fough fiercely and rushed contln-tiouBly., swinging, left and right, while I '

Bridstreet'» Weekly Report' Oh- the Con­ditions of Business.

N E W YORK,' Nov.. 4.—Bradstreet'a -says': -""::""'IZT' • /.. "'"' "'" ' "B^plte soni^Varlatfon fn the cur-frerrr^ttftraiJerTdlstriba'tionrthe aggregate-movement continues of immense vol­ume; In fact, *tf the aggregate'of bank clearing In the-^eourttry outside of the metropolis is a trustworthy Index, as it no doubt is, the country's thade reached its highest mark in the m o n l i of Octo-' ber. Prices certainly s h o \ v marked Btrength in view of the proportions of earlier advances.-' Cooler weather has been welcomed'by- the retail trade of the country, and tsome stimulus has already been.nqfed, alike to distribution and to the confidence of distributors.

.. In some'lines of wholesale trade, no-tably-diy guuUa;; ihaie has been suiiiu

•Jeffries planted well directed left and right jolts to the sailor's body.' i t was .fierce-going when the bell rang.- •<-

Sixteenth—They rushed to a clinoh Jwlce without doing anything. Jeffries got in a right drive under Tom's heart and Tom swung two ^efts to the head. TJhoy canje to a clinch and as they bjaiks^oin-jshat-a-^8tia.lght lef.U<4t> Uie-preedTng nose". Sharkey wplpp.ipg his ief-t- t w i e o o v e r ^trthe- face, twico d r a w ing blood from Jeffries' . nose and niouth. _ Jeffries countered witlx aj-ight RwThg . o h t h e eye which left "Sharkey's left opyc&red..wlth blopd. They, were fighting fiercely a t . g l o s e quartera af-Uio bell.

Seventeenth—Clinch followed • clinch •-withour1 much• damage being d o h e - u n "

til Shafkey forced Jeffries Into a neu­tral corner, where he sent three lefts In quick succession to the bollermak-

leFa l i e a d ' a t u f g o T ho'tnTrngTltf return. After a clinch Jim stepped in wltb a

4eft4o-body-and Tom shot .another left to head. Tom feinted with his rjght

' a n ^ drawing Jeffrlea. ld^.hjrn._ sient" o.. straight' le^-clc^o-"to^t'h«iWaif"K^5'fiey' exchanged. lefts on the head and tljey fought at close quarters till the bell rang, Sharkey again sending o n V 6Ve> after the gong sounded.

Eighteen tb*Tom opened with a: left swing for the head but'Jeffries blocked him, then got to close quarters and clinched,. After the b r e a k a w a y Jeffries landed a right swing on Tom's ear" but the sailor was right back to him with three left hard jabs to the face. ;

Tom swurfg_hls left "with • fearful, totchi to theJSw" and". Jeffries shook.from the^ top of his.head to, the soles of his feet. He was merfe Tfff atuT"a?Cer" this ^Ihul

arT^more flrrhjy lield than ever. If has; indeed, been aM&cord period in the AVOOJ Jlc le'>...sRiea...a.ti.le4ding. fifinte.ra^ exceeded'all reco.fds for' the week and the-t strength alike of the raw and. the manufactured" -material Is most marked.

Cotton goqdSi are also;~Very strong, partly on the extraordinary demand and

jjaj^tjy^jbgcanse -of the strength of the. Taw material. Imparted by smair-Te celpfs and growing confidence in iilU-' mate light y i e ld , '

The great cereals h a v e been rather dull this wee&,""wKh sirght variation" In Pfice, and. the-Tparkets appear to have qome>to L Btaridstlll pending new devel-opmenis. • .

In the Iron and steel trade strength -of . values - Is- parnaBs - the -^nc i s t^ taSS |a f f in» hospUuUy.. - » n d - p>ti»Piy . cupii^ij; |^_^r^TOl»JJBgB,TY BI„ CTTlTMn M Ih

"I will let y o u know when we have fcfad enough

lkepr*on the defehs lve ' until the end o f the* round, which . wa'# "decidedly-SharUey's on points. ' "-*-- - - -r •' '

NineteePth—Sharkey rushed, but Jef-frlejLJvaAirslad-JandT-sendlpg^his-right hard under the heart. Sharkey xrushea again, "sending his*.left to the head and fn a half-clinch sent h i s free right arm

feature, but activity has Been trans ferred from t h e finished branch of the trade to the mprkJtTfor pig iron, which has been very* acfrvja'^t TUU prices.

Interest In the' o.r6. situation Is una-bat-edj.pnd a heavy advance on last sea­son Is regarded as certain. Leading or? interests ar^jrePiiCt^dfto; practic.aliy cons, tWrnOKreptire laltl^jtinnage for next year.

A. heavy business. «$vas done In hard­ware during Octobeiy-relatively the best reports coming frdpi tha west. Other metals fall to sow ^as-much strength, copper and tin 'being considerably lower -on the week, while lead Is measurably firm, owing to the working out of condi­tions previously noted. . \

Influenced by the act ivity In the boot and shoe manufacturing and distributive -trade, leather -is ^slfong^andr tends-up-jya^d, and some advances ihf hides are-•also'reported. _ :' ' ',, „ " . ---There were 816 fanflpeg-ln. October, In^ vdrving |6,77f,O00 in liabilities, a decrease

'djf 2t per cent in pUhiher and of 64 per" cent in liabilities frpm October a year a « o , and comparisons" wi th earlier years

-Hare-even- iuurefaTogabieT*

over the kidneys three times, Jejfrles labbed his left to the wind and shot the same hand to Sharkey's face and the sailor staggered. They were fighting at close range a t the sftnnd ot thfe^gons, =

Twentieth—Sharkey a s usual was the quicker on his feet a n d fornprt ,Ti»ff«ifjr to a neutral cprner, but failed, to land, Jeffries sent his left straight to the

'„«««>• tnt-ore*,. •.*«* <shoi.w, =,A«A*ft.» mouth. They changed le f t - swings o n the

which the referee had to separate theni. «*«,„ *£<.„•„„+„„ ^ K , 6 -X^^U-:. „ Both ^eft-OlfhcTffiaTtf^ea^ry^ithPufc =^ ^ — ' ^ A t e f e ^ T lahdliig a blow. Sharkey s e n t ' / t w o ' ^ = i K ^ ^rnu . - cn ine , - « straight left to Jeffries? Poser bringing 4hc blood in strdams. •Leftgr- aadH4ghts

aggressive, but a t a signal from O*-RouVke Sharkey 'rushed j h a n d landed his left -and right on Jeffries's head He swjing his left threa^times on Jef­fries ear. Jeffries thenwooked at his seconds knd winked knowjpgly and

i In Washing Paint

A ^nfl scrub J t , and -wear off the sur-

face7vUseGoldDust-^WasMng"- F^wdrar,1

, a6cord^ng^to direc­tions- printed ,on every; package and

*3rou will ^e pleased -with tne-resulfs and BWrpntfed. at the ,savmg'. in laboi\y

B*«afjr'fre« bookitt-" tioljw XUIM tat Hoiiwurtrk."'

, TTJIR N. K. PAIRB^K COMPANY OM«|t IblMte MiwTork <*&*•

f Ml I I I ^tmim

wer£ exchanged op face and_ches:t and a straight .left Sahironi J i m landed, on . the sailor's' mouth and jarred the^IrtsHmah,

Twenty-first—As, usual the fighting started on Jettries" side of the ring, They got to the center IP a clinch arid Jeffries shot his rigjit to the body, Sharkey responded with two rights over the. kidneys; They exchanged l"eft|;;tp" the face and then Jini stepped -in with a hard right on the body ^ Jeffries land­ed another right on t h e body and labhed his left in Tom's face. ~ They came to a

his left t6 the neck. J im responded with a straight left on the mouth just before the bell.

Twenty^two — Jeffries vwas first 'to rand,- sendfafig tfla right to && body; then he sent a straight left to the face and Sharkey replied with a left swing on t the jaw, After a clinch Jaffrjes sent_his left to Shari«y^_Jnjured_ey^ and the Irishman's optic began to bleed freely. Three times they clinched and broker and each time Sharkey landed a back-handed right on Jim's face, J im stepped in with a fearful righr^up-

~percut under the chin, and repeated' it later. Jeffries failed to follow up his advantage and the force of these two blotts was visible w h e n the h e i l rang arid Sharkey wobbled-bereeptibly as he went ba'tfk to h i s corner,

Tw"ePty?three—They came „ together with a rush in the center of the ring

.and Jeffries shot h i s rfght to" the chin., They 'clinched arfd Tom forced - Jeffries' head back,with his lef,t.glove, under-' the chin, W h e n they brolte without any­thing being done, , They exchanged light lefts op the head . JlrrTjabbed a straight left to Tom's lnltwed ,eye. Again they came to d. clinch from which they had to he broken by the referee. Sharkey "holding. J i m jabped left to

^the salkw's "' a n d stagfeered. htm,] Sharkey c l inehedjand after ,fhe bell rang **nt his r ight over, ta t h e head as the .referee w a s forcing t h e m apart,

Twenty-fourth-—Jeffries -Jnefc Shark-

OTlir^T-lAWSMim B 0 E R 8 ARE f»rUPA<Utf€f TO MAKE


The Inhabitants Continue to I.nmo tli« pity-—No Recent Casualties Auiatig

the British at Mafeking— Klm-berley 1» Safe and Wound­

ed Doing Wel l .

LONDON, Nov. V - T h e Daily Mail publishes the following dispatch, fi om Ladysmith, dated Wednesday mum I rig

"Matters are quiet. The ' Boers • are apparently mounting more heavy guns-to the north and northeast, which are likely" to give us trouble. A Boeveoir--tingent 1,500 strong and clearly visible from the camp, Is streaming away to the south. The inhabitants of Ladysmith continue to leave the town.'.'

.ENGLAND Np"T PREPARED: CojnnieuU on the.- Trimsvnut War hyt>

Gei umu Now«pai>er. -HBRMN, "Nov. I—The statement' of-

^the^rirlsh- secretary of state- for war, tne^ iarqu l s of Lansdowne, at the cut-Ter«,'-feast in B.heffleTdT that the military preparations in- the difficulty with the Transvaal, could not be kept, abreast' of the diplOmatie negotiatierje, -has-evokod severe comment on the„part of the Ger­man press.

The Neuste Na,clrricrrten says: "This assertion \vill amaz$. the ;world. and' es^ pecially. Germany; for-it Impfies either that the army and diplomacy of Great

^m^m^T^tinTqhalTy'TraiaYreea, -ur-fmrt-both are inefficient. For the purposes ot comparison- we need -but recall Ger-.many's. .pjepsxednfis,a. In 187k and th,6 faftt that ..Count voh'Moltke, on the firstj d a y of tfiernJobillzatlon. w a s found l'ead-' Ing a hovel. " ""

-"Lord ' Lansdowne'e statement only confirms Ihe opinion of numerous crit­ics, that the British army Is no longer an efficient tool for politics on a vast scale. Pet;haps England's, experiences in South Africa will suffice to- bring home to the nationuj Instinct of Britons the-necessity for a radical reorganiza­tion of' the British military system."

quieting of demand, without, however, any perceptible effect being exercised upon values of .textiles.. which, indeed.! | s 'seriously considering doubling .the.

i T r o o p s F r o m New S o u t h •Wifles.*

SYDNEY, N : S. W I . Nov. 4.TTre-. mendous enthusiasm was displayed on the opcasleflr-af-1-he embaxkailQa of, jthe second detachment furnished~by the col-ony of New South for service In South Africa. The colonial government

contingent. The premier, Mr. ,Lyne, has commuplcated to the other Australian premiers 'a suggestion that ' the colonies should" despatch to South Af riea ane+her body of troops to be colled the Austral­ian contingent. He says that if neces­sary 10,000 men could be sent.

Cannot Whip Uhrnly Prisoner*. KNOXVILLE, TenB„J£pv, 4.—<Ehe~sv~

T/Tem? trqun of tlig^itatsf .Ms dteideil that no workhouse, efty, county of state prison keeper has a4 legal right to whip ai prisoner therein. The court sustained

-Uai-judgrnent for $500. returned by a lowei "court against the keeper of the Knox eoiipty workhouse for whipping a colj-ored woman who w a s unruly. Every prisoner who has been whipped within t h e last year^may"su^a"nT7e^over"dahl-

won-detftiSribtiigi^Jt pfey*= a perfect' game inside its l imitations. But

,pnce duliiifle "fEe~ -rohtine moves, the ^ A u t o m a t o n is a tfeilnre. . M u c h of

metiieal. practice js a s limited in its

,„\va-y "a"s the" moves of the Automaton at

^ S i ' j A ^ k e f S s , . No, ,mitt^«ihiedical man-

_ „ , ^ ! ^ ^ l h c w e w i t b : success Outside his e x g ^ ^ c i a p d 4rain-*"" " I^or that r e a s o n - ^ ^ local doctor,

No K o c u n t CasuiiUliiH a t ,Mt>fulUii-g.

" "jC"AFi"7,TO VV N," ~ NOV. ^4;—The " C3^H Times- says 4 t hau-I'ullable information that there have been Pu casualties among the British at. Mafeking s ince Oct. 13. After the- h e a v y bombard­ment'General Cronje, asked the town to surrondor. Colonel Baden-Powell was asleep jvhen the messenger ar­rived; but on being awakened, received

T w o m e n N e e d S k i l l e d ^ •?• - - Adv ice , 4?

ThegreathealthglvcrandbQnutiflor 'for women la Dr. Grteeno'a Nervura blood and nervo remedy, that e r e a t vogctHhle ootiipouniTfor wo'TOVit,-so-p«re-t; h.irnalossnndhoalthfnl,for nothing In t to wnrld.Mi .ttid quiciil; re-atorDs lost health, ertves strength anil vinor to thp nervis, purtlioj unci en­riches Hie blood, a n d mafcea women strons ana woii^as-uoeB br. ureeno '3 Norvura.

••" Dr. Greene's Nervnra clears the fepmplexlon of t h a t dark,aflllQ.Wj.j>aJo look, romoye-i eruption?, bluckhendu, and hunitra, makes the skin volvety and Rlowlns with rosy color, t h e eyo3 brilliant, tlio lips rod, Imirartliik- a full round contour to face and form.

Above all, Dr. Greene's "torvuta v „„„,„r, , , barlsjtos inoluncholy and restoreA the .5, throu#It the Jimrly _./,n. lively a ' step, and enjoyment •noss in doenall

„-TTOH intd-VrroTTjr, irtrd tlrtrs "them fpom proTriiijr^otd-'bcfi t ime. It malccs tBem'look £eol youHB, tor It braoei women up a* Je •'"//{!' .'«• eeriiiw of :--n,u mr-il. •?

-J. "riff ttt uni-e. it irijl rost yon •£.

4. . Dr. Grtem'U'.Ur }n.,*t snrrm~

v romj'lxtitt/i, the jj^uirfyi, t<i •?•' •§• whom iluniiajith .y n-->mStt irnV tyttfmitlfl t\l tlwtr '/Mf.f.^* fi-lrri

fy wtta i/!M ••uiititl?<rli<j/i att.t ..'./. J^ Ju Tire ahmlulAy Jr>* nf i/i,iw. X JT ittltti/ tttO'lifltl'lt nf irt-nn*!! htfC *i T i>-t.iatin:ilIwiUhttntl strrii'j'U uhd •*• v heroine h.ippif wirr* <r*'ttrthit!i'r< 4*


r imnrmrts--*- a ^esi Uti.M, .\.^ l4 / i lUv.-J,-rfor-o t h o l r . * „^.„/H/ i M /1 ,„„,./p, r„„ [ , . ,„„/„. "f J-iiuns ami f i « ™ , a on .-«i, /,/ .ib- •*•

nothing :else in t h e world'can Dr. (Jco

TOBTet it.

Try . - - - -Dr. (Jr-'ono's Ncrviira. You will never • •!• " " ' * ' ' " ' ' " " r ' Jt» <•*'' »rtirt»o+- 4+ • — - - — - - — - - -• - -XXH£


ncetanxante. 17 HEN IN SBARPH Ot

Lobsters of

MONEY T O %QAS o n a H M a d s o r f f B ' —' uabtta, Including _ ^

BOUSBHOLn GOODS, WrTHOtrr ftKMOi^Al,' 30 and . GO Da?fc* Time.

-^!ash4paM-for-ntJtissr'!*fi "If yon haven't any money, why jitst come

'round." Collections made. F. M\ WIIXSON, Qffltsfe, Jlopm .3 . 8nulpaugh-Arm8trong Block,

111 8, Jathes.St . Korao, N. Y. ... ' '

Fresh Fish,

GO ' T O '


117 N. Washington St.

Meals and Lunches served at all hour?.

A Y S T E R S .


Cholcc,Staiidardji...j..80cent« per quart

" Other varieties" In stock.

A large variety of Tlah, Olama, Lob­sters, &c.

Meals and Lunches at all hours.


'•"•'9'J-*—tuft"* J

MONBY T O LOAN O N BBALfi i3TATB -In suras to suit, at the Real Estate Agency

of 0HA8. F. B T O B D E V A N T . All business strictly oonJWentlai.


W E S T E R N M O K T O A O E S , either in default or oth«rwlse,

A,M_a.Jgp B w.rcsf jp RM L A S B . , 'Obtained flndov morteafeo. .

E . E . P A R K E R &. C O . >, TnTernStroflatTfUgtBhijr., ------ ;—

IJC8ION, MAS3.. -nilated ilonds and SccuKtiea Bought and Sold


Arlington Block, Rome, N. Y.

The iMdlSK brands of th« world on ar*ntht use bottlsd tor (unilf at*.

C a n s t to ' Bo I ' a t i - o l l e d . • LONDON, Nov. 4 . - A t Plymouth It In rumored that the Channel squadron will

<be ordered to the Cape, where a j j r e a t jiayiuVf01$$ rjfcto^hev CoTIecteuT-AVirilr-cF view of -establishing a cordon from the rnnuth of The Orange Ttvpr to Dppxgua: bay to prevent 4he landing of supplies-for the enemy, and with a view, also, II necessary, of landing g u n s to assist the British forces. .

N'avnl Prlzo Court Established. CAPE TOWN, Nov..? 4.—Sir Alfred

Milner, In h i s capacity of vice admiral of the Cape dlstrlcf, bns issued a pro­clamation establishing a naval prize court during^ the • coptiauance of the war" TSils Ts aimed at foreigners, who might

iBogtS. try to land supplies for the

Ita^MtJte KewirtVoiH the Front. LONDON, Nov. 4.—There Is very

little fresh intelligence, but It is be­lieved tha.lL the_Xtelagoa—bay— rput«r + f _

"not already restored, speedily will be, thus giving quicker communication with the Cape. The s i tuation is still


Be*M Concontratlnt-, LORENZO. MARQUES. Nov. i,—Five

bodies of B o e r s ' totall ing 4,000 men, with field gruns are concentrated at Bethulier bridge, They h a v e eoHocted much', food.

KirKlicrloy Still Safe. _ O R A J i a E . R r e i R w i i E f l L i d i S t a f i s c ley Is sti l l safe, and the wounded are doing;lyreH;- ' ' •> '«—' • « -~

HIS U f a Was Saved. ~ "i&fiJrE^BinyT^ronrtnent^-oitteen-of-Hannibal^ Mo, , lately h a d ft' wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In

e l inehr-a^dr^iter-^eiF-break-^C^n^s^vurig^-gft^^vesup'as^p^l^ his left t6 the neck. J im r^snonded with ,v « . . . * l \ . .—iS„ „A,^Z&Uji>i2** iH&\t *S*A i i quite curahle wheaf grjaiter skill and

ekperieuce are broPgfi|i|oi7bfeafc^ .. - I t is^-the ib-calleaS3pfitSHSb%?" '.and "hope l e s s" cases, wJuSEpcoine i h sUch, numbers to Dr, R. V;^ltrSev o f Buffalo; N.„Y,, for treatment ^ '^fh |JanCwomen wi th weak lungs , obstinstfecoughsj ema­ciated bodies and fewerejK. '.t^fee'kS; hayfe found jn_Df^ Pierce^iy^aeniJViedicAL Discovery th& true elilJfeoTJfife,. c i l t h e blood, is t h e l i f e " ^^'iSMpf^^ bydncteasing; the a c l ^ ^ - ^ l p t h e ^ D l p p d m a k i n g glands, and r^l^inn:^ tp healthy action the digestive ahd^i i f eHye organs, places the" entire Syst^ffi^%gOndi^oii' io throw off disease. Thfir^ii^jo/alt^iiol^ Opium, or other n a r | ^ ^ i - j W ^ t J e i i i e n Medical D i s c o v e r y . ' ' ^ i S ^ i . ^ L ' ! i

Mr Cha* HumWck, 6f i^ftSIiiitouib'Co., "Mich/,writes ''I have.n«^ft;Jejt Jjetjefiinmy life than I do jiaw. Golden lam t

Sleep Jilie a school boy


tiling of it he says: _"I was taken with Typhoid Tever, .that" ran Into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was So weak I.conldn't even sft*np in bed. STotV ing helped me.' I expected to soon die of CoDBumptlon, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave jgreat relief. I continued io use it, and now am well and strong. I can't say too much In'its praiBe," -33ii8 marvelous medicine, Is the surest and guickesb cure In the world for all Throat and Lting Tropble. Eegular sizes 50c. and $1. Trial bottles free at Bronghton & graves's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 8~

' ' i . , i r r r 11 VoiOA»rio ElEUMioHi. are grand, but

Skin Eruptlona rob life of joy. Bncklen's Arnica Salvencnf eai thim; also Old, Run­ning and Fever Sore*, Ulcers, Boils, Fel­ons, Corns, Warts, Cute, Bruise, Burns, Scalds, Chapped HandVChfibMns, Best. Bile Cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only-iJoc. abox. Cure guar­anteed. SoKTby Bronghton & Graves, drugglfltB. - S .


G A M M E L ' S .

Man ardors promptly, attended to.

Pre*ld»nt, .ToruwsR. Hhorman. WisH VIe» PwaldenfcrJVtUMro Carar Sans^ef. ^~——

-~B«!ondVlcergi^tit!ayr<^Br:le3-.A .rftnt.lffft^^S'^'ag^ Secretary, Jj.Frunols Day. • -

• ' TRUSTEES: v Charles 8. Symonds: Charles B. Ilogerx,

• 'iiieots.

Sttstngss Gatfte • V T B X T TO DEV7BY, the neares t and J 3 L dear^tio.fhfthearJi_ofjiUiey«r«o|t



TROY STEAM LAUNDRY. JOHNSON A LAKf, 901 West Liberty" Street.



HMUr bound at raaaoaablc price*. Hmh irriv blank books mad* to order-TVrlte for wtoerr-

ifl to i n Qeaeiwa Bt, 0Ht», M. T, 1. » . . . (&•

5S -»•,:

6.P.Bi3VILLARD Optician, 120 W . Dominick St.

It is very important to have'just the right lenses for your glasses. The least bit tit yiariatidA from the. right dhe will be hPrhiful rather than helpfnL Thou­sands of people have been fitted by

E. P. BimLLAKt>f

benefit; so I think yottr.ttte4iclft'e,.is ;ihff only inediciiiirfor nie."'"' '#?• *!:Sc-:^,r \'•'f~-:-: '•'\

A t&>8 page,bQok, f^l^ite .aKhig;-: Yon can,getrthe^ep^p^jlf%6nfhwm^^^ Medical Advise*, the b^in^icat^lb&ok, ever 'published, free; .pjr?len4ifi| Stamps to pay^xpeitse of n ^ l p | ^ % , | S e j i d VL ohe--cent stampSi-f6r-*';i0pj|;- % '& stdmn's' for^clpth bpuiii^'l^floMfeS)^ k, ^Piercg, B t t f fa1^#fe f sW^-v , '

„ '"• "'"''" ~ t'ti'faji"Mrj)ii"'''..'4,,,'--:j'-"J,

Twenty-ioortn-jeffwes^net^ shark- o^^iSi^Sn''^t^ma^Ss1^^'

BlflUABCK'B iEOHNKBVK'waa the of hia splePdld health, indomitable will and tremehdbns energy rare< hot found Where Stomach,. Liver, Kidneys and Bowels- are' of order.. If yo6 Wtot these qualities and thesuccess they bring, use Dr. King%NewiLiite Pills, Th^di* velop every power of brain and body. Only 26o. at Bronghton & Gravea'S drug •tore. .- •;, . . . • ' '% ,

LADIES—We have just received those New House. Wrappers. . They are lovely. Mso New Shirt WaiitS, Separate: S k f m Infante'Caps* Also all BinattDoilS m% Heads. Onr Motto: 'Sot -how cheap, but liow good for the price. '• *

'•• ' M£s. J. E. DBA*** . ; . - - - . • - . . > - • ; .

"O J%- 1& *|>'l2>t: 36* 'St ^l» % * Stonths jtfto KinStoa Haw M$

tun a*

O A . O T O :


MONEY TO LO^H At Five Per Cent, _

ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE, i .: Jn *ma.nn;t!.. tc fttt*\borxowBra_^ „ „.

The Rosjr Savtigs BaH , ^

DEPOSIT r - Cor. " ^ ^ 80 GENESEE- SrRKET, UTICA, N . Y.

C«iPITAT> f2O0,0C0. . . -

w . stuuri WiiTeots, I> GIlDtoo-Jliirrays-

TvrR..rrootor,-'ObarloaA, Butler, Be««ch8rM. Crouaoj^.,, Krank E...Whe«\lsiw-—~-~~-r-. Jfob^iEfiSHfrS^r"'^ WTmiiia'TJfffteigeri - - • • -.Toho Owens. i lenry W. Millar, George K Duoh«m, J<V«derick-UUbert,—'-• ... Frederick 1J. EastOD, - -James 8, gliwrman.—. ^

Gounsisl—lvd. i . J&AAnKelig, ~z= Hnnny Lumord on R o a d »ad Horteaga .

This corporation note' a s receiver, assignee, guardian, executor orndministrntor, trustee un­der will", comrulttfw of estates, trusten under tlio mortiage of trust deed* of eorporatlona- or -5 under, other lawful t'UBta created by corpora­tions or Individuals, and ngent fir the cure and msnacement of real or personal property for residents or non re«idenh.

BW-.per centi-iiiterft-t paid on accountsup-to—^-§3^300 011-mnn thly batjaices

3 -per cent, intercut paid on larger amounts,- -withont rHSrWcnoqaartor days.

Money deposited on Hi? tMrd-day.of any month z receives Imprest for that month. , —*• —

Before the Ground Freezes.

It Is now a good time to have your water and' sewer connections made before the heavy fall rains come or thrfrasfcTsstelner m&gmmrft^ Tbs~ Wbrk can be done better and cataaper now than later in the season.

Won't you let me make an estimate on anything you require'in this line,

^r.ln Inside plumping or steam. Heat-ing f 1 have the most modern facili­ties and Bkilfnl worfanen,TTiBe-tlre beet materials I can buy. and persoP-ally-BnpmvmeT5cu-pTgeS"ofwoTcE: t am. confident that X xan-please you with the quality of my work and the price charged,

WILLIAM E. OONOHUE, 118- North James St-

Wbple the street improvement work Is

iriprogieai on 'West Dominick St., the

'" ''. ElflRANfOiJ fOR TEAMS. -'

aro Wgii^M, BOTEL BA.ENS \

Will be

mm iAI OF nv. MM.


IfllAL AND VvWP* Flagging and Out Stone.

iaisg./* L~Z - ". ' "''.'.'•'..'."•


About Perfumes. | " ' ' ' JFheSaleof ' | "

Mess's Red Carnation since per- t: fuming the Opera House has been £ aomething phenomenal. •__ g

It Is bound~lo be the'winning E ' Perfume in Eome trtia winter, p

People .seem to know a good E thing when they smell it.

We are having a large' sale" also on the following elegant odors: * "

•- fParlsiaii''v'iol6tfts,''i DABEOOK'S ] Parisian Roses and

\parlsiah Pink. • - n{ - ForSale'ihRome-ohlj'by P

\ R M. Hamiim, » ->* *•

I Telephony Connection,


BtrY-YOtrRSPEGmeLES and EYE­GLASSES now and take *

. advimtagja of ; \


r "vYatchea, .CUfioks,'^S^^-^^UhMe"

ynm. Eiie watch V6p«i| |ip"||«stal r H. &MaxiMi,''>'/

fl.' f*L r • • •¥*:•&
