tg collabrative

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Post on 08-Apr-2018




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  • 8/7/2019 tg collabrative


  • 8/7/2019 tg collabrative


  • 8/7/2019 tg collabrative


    lichens and some fungus grow in cold so that could cover the vegetation and hunting would be the major food source i would assume. it would drive home the needfor more nutrients and something different.

    How long ago did the sun get blacked out? Just prior to campaign start, or thousands of years ago?

    Perhaps the sun faded away, and civilizations nearest volcanoes survived, due tothe warmth. However, they live in constant fear of the next eruption. For some,its a regular occurrence, and they have build channels to guide the lava aroundthe settlement, but others feel "too safe" because the volcano hasn't erupted in recorded history. But of course, that doesn't mean it won't happen.

    If this is the case, towns and volcanoes would probably share a common name, tomake reference easier.

    Also, the idea of building up static electricity by skidding along the ice bothers me. The visual is cool, but it makes physics weep. Perhaps they could be powered by enslaved ogres (or other creatures of requisite strength) turning a giant

    spiked wheel or two in the back of the boat. the lightning could be generated by copper lining the axle, and channeled up to two or more iron balls on the ship, which then act like Tesla coils. Given proper engineering, it could make a good defensive ability against being boarded by drow.

    low/medium magic...perhaps the art of wizardry has been lost, though magic itemsstill exist here and there. All arcane magic is spontaneous, coming from a bloodline, a pact, or whatever.

    Divine magic would work in mostly the same way as normal, but the casters are rare. Druids are mysterious individuals, hermits living far from civilization. Legends say some have become masterful Fire Tamers, befriending the fire generatingcreatures. Clerics are likewise often cloistered away in their monasteries. The

    majority of religious services are done by adepts or even just charismatic commoners, whoever is available.

    While I'm thinking of it too, in our ice age, megafauna dominated the landscape.Beavers the size of cows, sabertooth cats, ACTUAL DIRE WOLVES, wolly mammoths and mastadons, etc. This should be taken into account when designing encounter tables.

    Undead are also likely to roam freely, due to their immunity to cold. Certainlysome are leftovers from necromancers who sent them on a task and left them forgotten, but the numbers are much larger than that. It seems some strange phenomenon is causing the dead to rise. Perhaps it is linked to the blue-tailed comet that appeared in the sky when the sun faded?

    With the lack of a visible sun, the night sky would become very important to civilization, in terms of recording stories, time, omens, weather patterns, and soforth. Other planets can be seen clearly, as well as the twin moons Arami and Lupuh. It is said the first illithids came from Arami, but no know knows how, andthe illithids certainly arn't speaking.

    Lycanthropes will have it pretty rough, with 12 straight days of at least 1 fullmoon in the sky (the middle 6 days have two, which, according to Eberron, givesa +2 to the DC to shape changing checks)

    Many a man seeking the fire creatures has fallen pray to these "were" creatures,

    some say though that peace for the soul can be found by becoming one with thesecreatures and succumbing to the infection

  • 8/7/2019 tg collabrative


    and don't forget to make everything bigger. EVERYTHING. One rabbit (jackalope?)could feed a family of 4 for 3 days. Just don't get kicked.

    Trying to think of how the planet could retain heat with the sun gone(some is necessary, otherwise the entire world drops to something like -600C). Perhaps an intense greenhouse effect?

    Also, what kind of technology/magic would be used for going under the ice? Whaleskin suits/armor, harpoons, air bladders made from organs, drills to get through the ice. Endure elements and water-breathing spells would be invaluable to these endeavors.

    Underwater mammals(dolphins, whales) are also going to need a way to break through the ice to get air. I would say most have either grown hard shells on their heads, or horns, like narwhals, though some may have other means. Ocean life would probably be largely unaffected by the absence of the sun due to underwater heat currents generated by volcanoes and so forth, which allows plants/algae to grow, and food chains to work.

    Can you tell I like worldbuilding? My group consists of a biology student, a geologist, a physicist, an airplane mechanic, and a diehard lord of the rings fan.I'm just a philosophy/film student, but I gotta make all this stuff work so it makes sense to these folks.

    Maybe some of the sea creatures have developed a form of bio luminescence that gives off heat to melt the ice. Maybe a school of fish perhaps? alone not much heat but together they can melt the ice and eat the minerals trapped in it. Then the whole ecosystem competes for these ice holes, kinda like a plankton school inmodern oceans

    How about some dire humans while we're at it? Large, fierce humanoids that are much less common than your average human; maybe they live as nomads, or maybe the

    y reside in faraway places. Either way, they can turn a small human into meatpaste and have most of the tech humans do.