tgz : monogram


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AIrport Monogram of Tuxtla Gutierrez


Page 1: TGZ : Monogram


Page 2: TGZ : Monogram

Tuxtla Gutiérrez (often called

Tuxtla) is the capital and the

largest city of the Mexican

southeast state of Chiapas. It

is the only metropolitan area

and the most developed,

populated and therefore the

state’s most important mu-

nicipality. A busy government,

commercial and services-ori-

ented city, Tuxtla (as it’s com-

monly known) had one of

the fastest growing rates in

Mexico in the last 40 years.

Unlike many other areas of

Chiapas, it is not a tourist at-

traction, but a transportation

hub for tourists coming into

the state, with a major airport

and a bus terminal. Serving

mainly as a transportation

terminal allows the city to

be more modern and urban.

Thankfully since it is not a tour-

ist attraction, it can remain as a

city for citizens that do not have

to deal with tourist attractions

Serving as a transition station

for incoming people from the

airport, roads, paths and con-

nections were important key-

words for this project. Not be-

ing a tourist attraction to good

for the city because it doesn’t

have to cater itself to outsiders.

The classic, antique style that

remains a large characteristic

of Tuxtla lead towards the font

choice. The color was meant

for the vivid spirt that Tuxtla car-

ries from the bright house to the

marimba bands playing in the

city park. Many aspects of the

city were crucial to the design.

Page 3: TGZ : Monogram
Page 4: TGZ : Monogram
Page 5: TGZ : Monogram

While looking at the map,

there was a road that formed

a perfect circle in the city. It

reminded me of various shapes

of the letters I needed to make

the monogram. I thought it

would be interesting because

the part of the map I used was

also closer towards the center

of the city, which seemed more

appealing. Thin lines that over

ran each other reminded me

of roads and transportation.

Transportation is a feature very

important to the city since it

has the major airport and uses

buses and other transportation

method for people to go other

places within and out of the city.

Using the ideas of roads and

transportation seemed suiting

for the design. The connections

were important keywords for

this project. It’s not a tourist

attraction but is personally seen

as good because it remains a

home to many without having

to cater itself to outsiders.

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The final design of the logo is

meant to refrence the roads of

Tuxtla. There are overlapping

point that connect and they

eye is meant to follow the ‘T’

to the round curve of the ‘G’

and to the diagonal lines

of “Z”. The visible structure

is also there as mention

towards other streets that

can be taken. The think type

face used was a light version

of Helvetica because it was a

modern typeface for a city that

was the most modern in it’s

area and the fastest growing.

The letters are connected

in once again a refrences

towards streets and roads.

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Page 8: TGZ : Monogram

Ángel Albino Corzoá n g e l a l b i n o c o r z o

vola con paz.

ángel albino corzo

Mexico reamains to have it’s classic roots, especially in Tuxtla. The city various from

modern styles closer in the middle of the city, but even there and everywhere else classic and rural roots impact various features of the city.

A typeface with a type of serif seemed fitting and more suiting towards that. Serifs was important choice because there needed to

be a contrast and harmony moment between the san-serif typcface used in the icon and the serif typeface that would display the name of the airport. Adobe Calson seemed to bring that touch. There was a moment of thought for a san-serif to be used but the main idea was the classical typeface would bring an interesting contrast to the san-serif monogram such as the style of the city has in itself.

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vola con paz.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

A b C d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

ángel albino corzo

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Page 11: TGZ : Monogram

The color is what seemed to capture the spirit of Tuxtla. The blue complemented the orange. The orange is meant to have a resembalance made to terra cotta. Blue was also a color that popped up in the city. It seemed like fun colors that suited the city. There is an off white used often, the color this text is on. It’s used to even out the vividness of the colors by softening them. Also black just for those small tid bits. The two main colors reflect

the bright life the city reflects. It’s not uncommon to find various houses colored a bright green, red or yellow. The residentes visit a popular park called el Parque Jardín de la Marimba. Live concerts go on for the public to enjoy and dance to. That by itself is a single example of the bright and sweet life the city holds. At the park there are strings of picado papel in bright colors like purple and blue. Bright colors are what the city seemed to show.

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v o l a c o np a s

ángel albino corzo

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vola con paz.

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Á n g e l A l b i n o C o r z o

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Zaira TorresAndrea HerstowskiVISC 202Fall 2015