th vice-president dr sai mauk kham our three main … · vice-president dr sai mauk kham ......

Established 1914 Volume XX, Number 72 13 th Waxing of First Waso 1374 ME Sunday, 1 July, 2012 Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham meets Brazilian counterpart meets Brazilian counterpart NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham met Finnish Foreign Minister Mr Erkki Tuoniga Tuomiosa at Pavilion 5 of Riocentro Building in Rio de Janeiro of Brazil on 20 June. Also present at the meeting were Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Myo Myint, Myanmar Permanent Representative to the United Nations U Than Swe and Director-General of International Organizations and Economic Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Win Naing. The meeting focused on Myanmar’s reform processes, strides for peace and economic development, and assistances of Finland in Myanmar’s peace and other processes.—MNA NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—Vice- President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Dr Sai Mauk Kham met Vice- President of Brazil Mr Michel Temer at Pavilion 5 of Riocentro Building in Rio de Janeiro of the Federative Republic of Brazil on 21 June. Also present at the call together with Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Our Three Main National Causes * Non-disintegration of the Union * Non-disintegration of National Solidarity * Perpetuation of Sovereignty Kham were Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Myo Myint and Myanmar Permanent Representative to the United Nations U Than Swe. At the meeting, they frankly exchanged views on improving mutual relations and economic and trade development between the two countries. MNA Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham receives Finnish Foreign Minister receives Finnish Foreign Minister Vice-President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Dr Sai Mauk Kham receives Vice-President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Mr Michel Temer at Pavilion 5 of Riocentro Building in Rio de Janeiro of Brazil.—MNA NAY PYI TAW, 30 June— The Shan State monsoon trees planting ceremony for 2012 was held in the compound near Yandaingaung Hsutaung- Monsoon trees planting ceremony for 2012 held in Shan State pyae MyoU Pagoda in Lashio on 28 June morning. The participants led by Shan State Chief Minister U Sao Aung Myat planted altogether 2000 saplings of various kinds at the designated spots. After looking into the growing of saplings, the state chief minister paid homage to the pagoda and made cash donations to members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees. Next, the state chief minister attended the clarification on taxes held at the town hall and made a speech on the occasion. MNA Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham meets with Finish Foreign Minister Mr Erkki Tuoniga Tuomiosa at Pavilion 5 of Riocentro Building in Rio de Janeiro of Brazil. MNA Workshop focuses salvage of historical heritage Dhammazedi Bell Indonesian delegation concludes visit PAGE 9 PAGE 2 P1(1).pmd 7/1/2012, 3:13 AM 1

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Page 1: th Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham Our Three Main … · Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham ... River”, U Nay Min Hein of ... Lecturer Dr Nyein Zin Latt of Port Engineering Department

Established 1914

Volume XX, Number 72 13th Waxing of First Waso 1374 ME Sunday, 1 July, 2012

Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk KhamVice-President Dr Sai Mauk Khammeets Brazilian counterpartmeets Brazilian counterpart

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—Vice-President Dr Sai MaukKham met Finnish Foreign Minister Mr Erkki TuonigaTuomiosa at Pavilion 5 of Riocentro Building in Rio deJaneiro of Brazil on 20 June.

Also present at the meeting were Deputy ForeignAffairs Minister Dr Myo Myint, Myanmar PermanentRepresentative to the United Nations U Than Swe andDirector-General of International Organizations andEconomic Department of the Ministry of Foreign AffairsU Win Naing.

The meeting focused on Myanmar’s reform processes,strides for peace and economic development, and assistancesof Finland in Myanmar’s peace and other processes.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—Vice-President of the Republicof the Union of Myanmar DrSai Mauk Kham met Vice-President of Brazil Mr MichelTemer at Pavilion 5 of RiocentroBuilding in Rio de Janeiro of theFederative Republic of Brazil on21 June.

Also present at the call togetherwith Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk

Our Three MainNational Causes

* Non-disintegration of the Union

* Non-disintegration of National Solidarity

* Perpetuation of Sovereignty

Kham were Deputy Foreign AffairsMinister Dr Myo Myint andMyanmar PermanentRepresentative to the UnitedNations U Than Swe.

At the meeting, they franklyexchanged views on improvingmutual relations and economicand trade development betweenthe two countries.


Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk KhamVice-President Dr Sai Mauk Khamreceives Finnish Foreign Ministerreceives Finnish Foreign Minister

Vice-President of the Republic of the Union of

Myanmar Dr Sai Mauk Kham receives Vice-President

of the Federative Republic of Brazil Mr Michel Temer

at Pavilion 5 of Riocentro Building in Rio de Janeiro of


NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—The Shan State monsoontrees planting ceremony for2012 was held in thecompound nearYandaingaung Hsutaung-

Monsoon trees planting ceremony for2012 held in Shan State

pyae MyoU Pagoda inLashio on 28 June morning.

The participantsled by Shan State ChiefMinister U Sao AungMyat planted altogether

2000 saplings of variouskinds at the designatedspots.

After looking into thegrowing of saplings, thestate chief minister paid

homage to the pagoda andmade cash donations tomembers of the PagodaBoard of Trustees.

Next, the state chiefminister attended theclarification on taxesheld at the town hall andmade a speech on theoccasion.


Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham meets withFinish Foreign Minister Mr Erkki Tuoniga

Tuomiosa at Pavilion 5 of Riocentro Buildingin Rio de Janeiro of Brazil.


Workshop focuses salvage ofhistorical heritageDhammazedi Bell

Indonesian delegationconcludes visit



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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012


The Great Bell of Dhammazedi

Sunday, 1 July, 2012

It remains ever unsolved lying at the bottomof a muddy confluence for four centuries hidingfrom explorers trying to spot its exact locationfor salvage. Many previous attempts to bringback the Dhammazedi Bell to its original placewere unsuccessful because of the reasonsincluding the existence of a number ofshipwrecks in the area, poor visibility and 400years of changing water currents and coursescoupled with other natural forces such as lowand high tides and silting.

Truly, the task of searching and salvagingthe 270-ton ancient Bell is easier said thandone as it is a gigantic mission involving a lotof hidden difficulties, problems and complexmatters indicating firm commitment plusintellectual, technological, financial and humanresources for achieving success.

Anyhow, it is a national task asDhammazedi Bell is our invaluable culturalheritage and the largest of its kind ever cast inthe world. Moreover, the Bell has many thingsto offer as its engraved writings will provideuseful historical facts and we can study ourancient art of metal casting as the copper Bellincluded an alloy of gold, silver and tin.

In Yangon today, we held a workshop inwhich experts at home and abroad werepresenting suggestions, means and action plansfor the successful salvaging of the Great Bellof Dhammazedi.

In addition to many suggestions andoptions, Union Minister for Information andfor Culture U Kyaw Hsan in his opening addressalso stressed the job’s value, saying, “It is anational task so much important for all of usthat we must accomplish the missionsuccessfully”.

As we are going to use modern equipmentand techniques, we must also aware of theenvironment factor, the water course and thetraffic. Anyway, we are hopeful that theworkshop will be a milestone in our dedicatedtask of preserving our centuries-old culturalheritage.

YANGON, 30 June—TheWorkshop on Salvage ofDhammazedi Bell was heldat Chatrium Hotel onNatmauk Road, here, thismorning.

Member of MyanmarHistorical Commission DrKhin Maung Nyunt presidedover the workshop. Memberof MHC Dr Chit San (ChitSan Win) introducedsalvage of historical heritageDhammazedi Bell.

CEO Mr Dean Lim ofSD Mark International LLPCo recounted hisexperiences in salvage ofunderground materials andreplied to queries raised bythose present.

In the afternoon, thesecond-session workshopwas presided over byDirector-General DawNanda Hmun of HistoricalResearch Department.Professor Dr Nyein Nyein ofMyanmar Department ofMaubin Universitysubmitted the paper on“literary evidences andPanalwe region”, Rector DrCharle Than of Myanmar

Workshop focuses on salvage of historicalheritage Dhammazedi Bell

Mawlamyine Tree-growing ceremony hailsMyanmar Women’s Day

NAY PYI TAW, 29 June—To mark Myanmar Women’sDay that falls on 3 July, MonState Women’s AffairsAssociation andMawlamyine TownshipForest Departmentorganized to hold a tree-growing ceremony in frontof Pariyatti Dhama Beikmanin Myaynigon Ward,Mawlamyine this morning.

Among participantswere Speaker of Mon StateHluttaw, Chief Justice ofMon State High Court,Advocate-General of thestate, Auditor-General of thestate, state ministers, State/District/ Township level

departmental heads, socialorganization members andlocals.

A total of 550 saplings;

shady trees and floweryplants were planted at theceremony.


Member of MHC Dr Chit San (Chit San Win) speaking about salvage of Dhammazedi Bell.—MNA

Maritime University“change of water flow atstudy on confluence ofYangon River and BagoRiver”, U Nay Min Hein ofSociety of Myanmar CivilEngineers (Singapore)“Method Statement ofSalvage of DhammazediBell”, Daw Maw Maw(Lamin Ein-Panmyo Tayar)“Dhammazedi Bell and theForeign Documenations”and U Htay Win (PyuResearcher) “DhammazediBell in Panalwe River andits location”.

In the third session,Secretary of MHC Dr KyawWin presided over theworkshop. AssistantLecturer Dr Nyein Zin Lattof Port EngineeringDepartment of MMU andLecturer U Myint Thein readthe paper “report on locationof probable DhammazediBell”, Assistant Registrar DrTin Maung Oo of MMU“Conditions of Thanlyinwhile Dhammazedi Belldowned”, Director U MaungMaung Than of Ministry ofEnvironmental Conser-vation and Forestry“Assessment on Land useand Land cover changearound Pazundaung Creek”and U Nay Tun (SeniorEngineer) “way to searchexact location ofDhammazedi Bell”.

Those present took partin the discussions.

Director-General DawNanda Hmun reviewed thediscussions.

After the workshop,Union Minister forInformation and for CultureU Kyaw Hsan cordiallygreeted the attendees andresource persons.

Also present on theoccasion were Union

San San Nwe, RegionMinister for Social AffairsDr Myint Thein,Singaporean Ambassador toMyanmar Mr Robert Chua,members of MyanmarHistorical Commission,departmental heads of theMinistry of Information andMinistry of Culture andofficials of SD Mark

Minister for EnvironmentalConservation and ForestryU Win Tun, Union Ministerfor Transport U Nyan TunAung, Yangon RegionChief Minister U MyintSwe, Deputy Minister forCulture Daw Sanda Khin,Deputy Minister forConstruction U Kyaw Lwin,Yangon Region Minister forFinance and Revenue Daw

International LLP Co ofSingapore.

Based on facts andfigures, suggestions andtechnologies from theworkshop, duties andfunctions were assigned andnecessary committeesformed to search and saveDhammazedi Bell in linewith the prescribed laws.


CEO Mr Dean Lim of SD Mark InternationalLLP Co recounts experiences of the company

in salvage of ship wrecks.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—A manwas killed in a mine blast in Ayeya Wardof Myitkyina in Kachin State on 29 June.

The mine was supposed to becarried by the man himself whichexploded as he was riding the motor cyclepast Region-3 Gym in Ayeya Ward around6 pm yesterday. The man was seriouslywounded and died on the spot. Theauthorities concerned are investigatinginto the case.—MNA

One killed in motorcycle mine blast

YANGON, 30 June—MyanmarBusiness Executive Group contributed grantsand note books to needy students from 37schools in Pyapon, Dedaye, and Kyaiklattownships in Ayeyawady Region yesterday.

The contribution by the groupamounted K 16.2 million with 2490 dozens ofnote books worth K 4 million.


MBE provides grantsand note books for

needy students

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012 3

BEIJING, 30 June — A Chinese ForeignMinistry spokesman on Friday responded toa US State Department decision to exemptChina from sanctions over imports of Iranianoil, stressing the Asian country’s oppositionto sanctions imposed unilaterally. “China isalways against one country’s unilateralsanctions on another country, according to itsdomestic law. It is even less acceptable forsuch unilateral sanctions to be imposed on athird country,” said Hong Lei, speaking at aregular Press conference.

Under America’s National DefenceAuthorization Act signed by US PresidentBarack Obama late last year, the foreignfinancial institutions of governments whocontinue to purchase Iranian crude oil after 28June , will be denied access to the US financialmarket. However, US Secretary of State HillaryClinton on Thursday announced Washin-

ISTANBUL, 30 June —Turkey on Friday rotated itsstringer missiles in theOncupinar Border Posttowards Syrian soils, as itcontinued its militarydeployment along the borderwith the unrest-riddencountry, local Dogan newsagency reported. Turkishcommanders of the Adana 6thMechanized Infantry Brigadeand the Gaziantep 5thArmored Brigade visited theregion on Thursday andinspected the deployedartilleries and missiles, saidDogan.

Also, the country’s Chiefof Army, General Hayri

NEW YORK, 30 June— Western powers negotiating withIran over its nuclear programme have not been “seriousenough” in their attempts to resolve an escalating stand-offwith the Islamic Republic, Teheran’s UN envoy said onFriday. Iran held what officials said were intense talks inMoscow earlier this month with the five permanent UNSecurity Council members and Germany — the so-calledP5+1 — about its nuclear programme, but a breakthroughonce again failed to materialize.“It is clear for us that somemembers of the P5+1 for whatever reasons ... are notforthcoming and serious enough for finding a solution,”Iranian Ambassador Mohammad Khazaee said in a statementto reporters at the Iranian mission.

“If the talks do not proceed as it should be, we are goingto have another stand-off,” he said. “The USA and someEuropeans have said they are going to increase their pressureand sanctions against us, and this ... indicates that they arenot willing to engage with us in a meaningful dialogue.” Iranhas been in a decade-long dispute with Western powers andtheir allies over its nuclear programme, which they suspectis aimed at developing the capability to produce nuclearweapons. Teheran denies the charge.—Reuters

China responds to exemption fromUS sanctions

Traders work at the New York Stock Exchange in New York, on 29 June, 2012. USstocks surged on Friday, with three major indexes posing best gains since 6 June, afterEuropean Union leaders agreed to take more concrete actions to solve European debt

crisis. — XINHUA

ATHENS, 30 June — Alittle-known leftist militantgroup claimed responsibilityon Friday for an attack onMicrosoft’s Greekheadquarters earlier thisweek. Hooded attackersrammed a van packed withgas canisters into theMicrosoft building in Athenson Wednesday and then setthe vehicle on fire, causingdamage but no injuries. Atleast two people wieldingpistols and a machinegunkept security guards away asthey carried out the attack,police said.

In a statement published

A security guard standsnear a damaged van

outside the burnt entranceof Microsoft’s Greek

headquarters following anattack at Marousi suburb,

north of Athenson 27 June, 2012.


Greek militant groupclaims Microsoft attack

on the Internet, theInternational RevolutionaryFront said it singled outMicrosoft to strike a blow atcapitalism. “We chose thisbuilding because Microsoftis one of the most powerfulcompanies of the computersector ... which is nowcarrying capitalism on itsshoulders,” it said. The groupsaid it also carried out theattack as a sign of support toother militants currentlydetained by police in Greeceand Italy.

The statement mademention of Ted Kaczynski,also known as the

“Unabomber”, whoconducted a mail bombcampaign in the United Statesover almost 20 years. Arsonattacks against domestic andforeign banks and localpoliticians have becomemore frequent in Greece inrecent years as the countrybattles soaring unemplo-yment and struggles througha recession deepened byausterity policies imposed byforeign lenders.

The InternationalRevolutionary Front madeits first appearance last year,carrying out arson attacks onthe private vehicles ofpolicemen as well as on abranch of US fast-food chainMcDonald’s. “We are takingthe claim seriously and areinvestigating its authen-ticity,” a police official toldReuters on condition ofanonymity.— Reuters

Turkey rotates stringer missiles towards Syria

Filipino elementary pupilsuse protective head gears

during a simultaneousnationwide earthquake drillin Pasig, Metro Manila on

29 June, 2012. Tens ofthousands of students all

over the country took partin a quarterly earthquakedrill on Friday to reactproperly during highintensity earthquakes,

disaster prevention officialssaid.— REUTERS

CAIRO, 30 June — Egypt’s President-elect Mohamed Mursi takes his oath on Saturday,a day after the Islamist leader pre-empted the formal ceremony by swearing himself in beforeecstatic crowds in Tahrir Square and warning off generals trying to curb his powers. Theyhave already clipped the prerogatives of the bearded leader now in the palace once occupiedby Hosni Mubarak, who is serving a life sentence 16 months after Egyptians toppled him.

“I swear by God that I will sincerely protect the republican system and that I respect the

Egypt’s first Islamist president to be sworn in

Egypt’s IslamistPresident-elect

Mohamed Mursiwaves to his supporters

while surrounded byhis body guards in

Cairo’s Tahrir Square,on 29 June, 2012.


Iran’s UN envoy criticizes US,EU over nuclear talks

gton’s decision to exempt China and Singaporefrom the measures, citing their “significant”reduction in purchases from the Islamicrepublic. Hong stressed that China importscrude oil from Iran through normal channels tomeet the needs of its economic development.

“This does not violate any UN SecurityCouncil resolutions or undermine the interestsof a third party or the international community,”the spokesman said. “Thus, it is completelylegitimate and justified.” According to the USState Department, a total of 20 economies havebeen given US waivers. China, India, Japan,Malaysia, the Republic of Korea, Singapore,South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Taipeiwill be able to continue to import Iranian oil.But 10 European countries included amongthe 20 will nevertheless be barred fromimporting Iranian oil from 1 July.


Kivrikoglu, has arrived in thesoutheastern town of Siirt toinspect the 3rd BrigadeCommand Post. However,Turkey’s military deploymentirritated the people living inborder town of Kilis, who saidthey are afraid of going totheir fields and they rejectedthe potential war, accordingto local media. Turkey starteddeploying rocket launchersand anti-aircraft guns alongits border with Syria after itsfighter jet was allegedly shotdown by Syria last week.Damascus has described itsshooting down of the TurkishF-4 jet as an act of self-defence.

Turkish television

showed that a convoy of about30 military vehicles,including trucks loaded withmissile batteries, arrived inthe country’s coastal town ofIskenderun and was deployednear the Syrian border onWednesday. The convoy wasescorted by police cars, anti-aircraft artillery and militaryambulances. Other militaryvehicles also moved to theborder town of Reyhanli inHatay Province. TurkishPresident Abdullah Gul is dueto discuss the soaring tensionwith Syria at a NationalSecurity Council meeting onThursday.


constitution and the rule of law,” Mursi said on Friday to wildcheers from the crowd, many of whom were followers of hisonce-banned Muslim Brotherhood. Addressing the “Muslimsand Christians of Egypt”, he promised a “civil, nationalist,constitutional state”, making no mention of theBrotherhood’s dream of creating an Islamic order.

Mursi is to be sworn in officially at 11 am (0900 GMT)by the constitutional court, rather than by parliament as isusual. The court dissolved the Islamist-dominated lowerhouse this month in one of several measures intended toentrench military influence over Egypt long after Mursiassumes the presidency. “There is no power above peoplepower,” Mursi said in Tahrir Square, crucible of the revoltthat ended Mubarak’s 30 years in power. “Today you are thesource of this power.”—Reuters

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012

Science & Technology Science & Technology Science & Technology

In this 5 June, 1984, filephoto, a woman in

Chicago demonstratesAtari’s new game, Mind

Link, which utilizes aheadband that picks up

electrical impulse from themovement of the foreheadand transmits them to areceiver attached to avideo game or homecomputer console.


Iconic Atari turns 40, tries to stay relevantNEW YORK, 30 June — A

scruffy, young Steve Jobsworked at Atari before hefounded Apple. “Pong,” oneof the world’s first videogames, was born there, as was“Centipede,” a classic fromthe era of quarter-guzzlingarcade machines. “Call ofDuty” creator Activision wasstarted by four of Atari’sformer game developers. Theiconic video game companyturns 40 years old this week,much slimmer these days as ittries to stay relevant in theage of “Angry Birds” and“Words With Friends.” ButAtari’s influence on today’svideo games is pervasive.

Although it wasn’t thefirst company to make videogames, Atari was the first tomake a lasting impression onan entire generation. Atarcades — or at video gamebars such as Barcade in the

’70s and ’80s, Atari is a culturalicon, an intrinsic part ofchildhood,” says ScottSteinberg, tech analyst andauthor of “The ModernParent’s Guide to Kids andVideo Games.”

“Pong,” he adds, was insome ways the very first socialvideo game, one designed toplay in bars, at home or at anarcade, while spectatorscrowded around to watch theaction. Launched in 1972 fromAtari’s Silicon Valleyheadquarters, “Pong”featured a basic black-and-white screen (that’s black andwhite only, no shades of grayhere), divided by a dotted line.Short white lines on eitherside stood in for paddles. Twoplayers controlled them andtried to get a moving dot —the ball — past theiropponent.


trendy Williamsburg sectionof Brooklyn — nostalgicpatrons still gather aroundsuch Atari classics as“Asteroids,” “Joust” and“Centipede.” The Atari 2600,launched in 1977, was the firstvideo game console in millionsof homes, long before theNintendo EntertainmentSystem (1985), Sony’sPlayStation (1994) andMicrosoft’s Xbox (2001).

Today’s youngeriPhone gamers might notremember how “Pong,” thatsimple, two-dimensional riffon Ping-Pong, swept acrossliving rooms and arcades inthe 1970s. But they mightrecognize elements of it ineasy-to-learn, hard-to-mastergames based on simplephysics — among them,“Angry Birds.” “For tens ofmillions of Gen X-ers, or kidswho grew up in America in the

World’s oldest meteoritecrater found

NEW BRUNSWICK, 30 June — A study of Greenland’s rocksmay have turned up something unexpected: the oldest andlargest meteorite crater ever found on Earth. Researchers thinkthe crater was formed 3 billion years ago, making it the oldestever found, said Danish researcher Adam Garde. The impactcrater currently measures about 62 miles (100 kilometers) fromone side to another. But before it eroded, it was likely more than310 miles (500 km) wide, which would make it the biggest onEarth, Garde told OurAmazingPlanet.The team has calculatedit was caused by a meteorite 19 miles (30 km) wide, which, if ithit Earth today, would wipe out all higher life.

In the 3 billion years since impact, the land has been erodeddown to about 16 miles (25 km) below the original surface. Butthe effects of the intense shock wave and heat penetrated deepinto the Earth, and remain visible today, said Garde, a researcherat the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. Garde hadbeen conducting research on Greenland’s geology and noticedseveral strange features that didn’t make sense. One day inSeptember 2009, he came up with the extreme explanation of animpact from a meteorite. His team collected samples over theyears and published the results in the July issue of the journalEarth and Planetary Science Letters. He’s now “100 percentpositive” it’s a crater, for several reasons, he said.

For one, he found widespread crushed rocks in a circularshape that seemed to be caused by the shock waves of amassive impact. Second, there are deposits of a melted mineralcalled K-feldspar (or potassium-feldspar) that could have beenliquefied only at extremely high heat, like that caused by anmeteorite’s crash-landing. There’s also widespread evidenceof weathering by hot water, which he thinks was caused by theocean rushing into the crater after it struck the area. The areamay have been covered by a shallow ocean at the time, but evenif it wasn’t, it doesn’t matter, Garde said. “The crater from ameteorite that big would have caused the sea to rush in,” hesaid.— Internet

An artistic interpretation of how a large meteoriteimpact might have looked. The crater formed in modern-

day Greenland may be the oldest and largest yetdiscovered on Earth.— INTERNET

Apple wins block of Samsung smartphone sales in US

How your body heat could power future devicesA makeshift armband, atleft, will one day becomea wrist strap that could

power that watch.INTERNET

Killing Your SmartphoneBattery]

Perpetua’s first productsare for the US government.The Department of HomelandSecurity’s Science & Techno-logy division, for example, isfunding a power-conductingjacket to monitor the healthand safety of first responders— with sensors for heart rate,breathing rate and levels ofpollutants such as carbonmonoxide, for example. ButPerpetua is also aiming forconsumer products—forexample, a watch with a wriststrap that also doubles as awirelss power source. By early2013, the company hopes tohave prototypes that compan-ies such as makers of watchesand heart monitors can startexperimenting with.— Internet

NEW YORK, 30 June —This week at a technologyshow in New York Citybrimming with colourfulgadgets, Jerry Wiant ofPerpetua stood over a tablewith a few black armbands andan old quartz watch. ButPerpetua (a developer of greenpower sources for wirelesssensors where Wiant is vice

president of marketing)wasn’t there to show cooldevices. The company wasshowing a new way of power-ing gadgets using simply aperson’s own body heat. It’snot, strictly speaking, a newway. The technology is basedon a principle discoverednearly 200 years ago byphysicist Thomas JohannSeebeck, who found that acombination of materials,when warmer on one side andcolder on another, produceselectricity. [New BatteryCharges Itself fromVibrations] Current heat wavenotwithstanding, the humanbody’s temperature of around98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is

usually hotter than the airaround it. So Perpetua hasdeveloped an armband, soonto become a wristband, thatproduces enough power forsmall electronics—not smart-phones, but items that connectto them, such as Bluetoothdevices. Wearing a mock-upwristband connected to ameter, Wiant put out enoughbody heat for a consistent 3 to4 volts. Headsets using atechnology called BluetoothLow Energy need only about2 volts, he said. What else usesthat level of power? Atraditional watch does, he said,as do medical and fitnessdevices such as heartmonitors. [Buggy Apps

A Samsung Galaxy Nexus phones (L) is seen on displayat a Sprint store, on 27 April, in San Francisco,

California.— INTERNET

Steve Guggenheimer, Microsoft’s corporate Vice-President for original equipment manufacturers (OEM),introduces new tablet PCs with the Windows operating

system at the Microsoft booth during the Computex 2010computer fair at the TWTC Nangang exhibition hall in

Taipei on 1 June, 2010. — REUTERS

Microsoft names new industry hardware chiefSEATTLE, 30 June — The

Microsoft Corp executive incharge of relations with PCmakers is moving to a new jobjust two weeks after thesoftware company broke withtradition by announcing itwould manufacture a tabletcomputer, ruffling feathers ofsome hardware partners.

Steven Guggenheimerwill move from his position ofcorporate vice president ofMicrosoft’s originalequipment manufacturer unit1 July, the company said, totake up an unspecified newsenior leadership job withinthe company. The move wasthe result of long-termplanning, Microsoft said.Guggenheimer will be replacedby another Microsoftexecutive from the unit, NickParker.

Microsoft broke withmore than 30 years of focusing

on software last Mondaywhen it announced it wouldmake two new devices calledSurface to run its newWindows 8 operating system,in an attempt to directlycounter Apple Inc’s iPad and

lightweight laptops. Somehardware makers complainedthey were kept in the dark aboutthe move, which potentiallyputs Microsoft in directcompetition with PCmanufacturers .— Reuters

the patent case is resolved,Koh wrote that “in sum,Apple has shown a likelihoodof establishing bothinfringement and validity.”The statement indicated thatthe judge felt Apple had astrong case showing that thepatents at issue are valid andthat Samsung had misusedthe technology. “Weredisappointed with thisdecision, but we believe thecorrect result will be reachedas more evidence comes tolight,” Google said in an emailresponse to an AFP inquiry.Samsung said it was alsodisappointed with the ruling,while Apple stuck to itscontention that it wasrightfully defending itsintellectual property.

Patented technologyoutlined in the case includesdatabase mining capabilitiesused by Siri virtual assistantsoftware that became a hitafter being introduced on theiPhone 4S.—Internet

NEW YORK, 30 June — Ajudge granted Apple’srequest for an injunctionblocking US sales of SamsungGalaxy Nexus smartphonesmade in collaboration withGoogle to challenge theiPhone. Friday’s ruling by USDistrict Court Judge LucyKoh was the second victoryfor California-based Applethis week in a fierce andcomplex patent war with theSouth Korean consumerelectronics giant. OnTuesday, the same judge

barred the sale of Samsung’snew Galaxy Tab 10.1 tabletcomputer, saying that Applehad presented “a strongcase” for the injunction. BothGalaxy devices are poweredby Android operatingsoftware that Google makesavailable for free to gadgetmakers, and Nexus is theMountain View, California-based technology com-pany’s own branded line.

In a lengthy written rulinggranting an injunction toblock Galaxy Nexus sales until

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012 5

Business & Health Business & Health Business & Health

.Airbus poised to invest $600 million in new US plant

of billions of dollars of illegalaircraft subsidies. “While it isinteresting once again to seeAirbus promising to move jobsfrom Europe to the UnitedStates, no matter how many arecreated, the numbers pale incomparison to the thousandsof US jobs destroyed by illegalsubsidies, which Airbus andits European governmentunderwriters have failed toremove to the satisfaction ofthe US government and indirect contravention ofinternational trade law,”Boeing spokesman CharlieMiller said in an emailedstatement.

Airbus had initiallyoffered to assemble somecommercial freighters inMobile to sweeten a bid for abitterly fought $35 billionrefueling tanker contest it lostto Boeing last year.


Small babies at higher risk of autism, not AspergerNEW YORK, 30 June —

Babies born small orprematurely go on to developautism at higher rates,although the risk is still small,according to a new study fromFinland.

The research is part of aglobal push to identify theculprits behind thedevelopmental disorder andthe recent uptick in itsoccurrence, which has hadscientists scratching theirheads for years.

“Previous reports of howbirth weight or gestationalage is associated with autismhave not been consistent,”Dr Andre Sourander, apsychiatrist at TurkuUniversity, told ReutersHealth by email.

“Because autismspectrum disorders are one ofthe major challenges in childmental health it is extremely

important to get moreunderstanding of its causes,”Sourander said. Autismspectrum disorders, whichrange from mild Aspergersyndrome to severe mentalretardation and socialdisability in childhoodautism, are diagnosed inabout one in 88 children inthe US, according to theCentres for Disease Controland Prevention.

The new results,published in the Journal ofPediatrics, are based onalmost two decades’ worth ofdata from more than onemillion births in Finland.

As of 2005, the rate ofautism in the NorthernEuropean country was 9 per10,000 children in Finland,whereas Asperger wasdiagnosed in 14.5 childrenout of 10,000.

After accounting for the

mother’s age, smoking,number of previous birthsand other factors,Sourander’s team found anincreased risk of autism, butnot Asperger syndrome, inpreemies and babies that werevery small at birth.

For instance, those whoweighed less than 1,500grams, or 3.3 pounds, at birthhad three times the odds ofdeveloping autism.

However, becauseautism is relatively rare, mostchildren who are born verysmall don’t end up withautism, said Sourander.Noone is certain why somechildren develop autismspectrum disorders, butscientists assume it’s causedby an interplay betweengenes and environment, suchas infections or other medicalproblems during pregnancy.


ATLANTA, 30 June —European planemaker Airbusis poised to invest $600million in a new USproduction facility in Mobile,Alabama, for its A320passenger jet that is expectedto produce four planes amonth by 2017, according totwo people familiar with thecompany’s plans. US rivalBoeing Co on Friday arguedthat a US-based plant would

not dilute Washington’s caseagainst European aircraftloans that the World TradeOrganization has foundillegal. The same body hasalso faulted some US aid toBoeing.

Airbus, owned byEurope’s EADS and Boeing,the world’s dominantjetmakers, are involved in thelargest-ever dispute at theWTO over mutual accusations

Amazon to take on Brazil’secommerce jungle

SAO PAULO, 30 June — Inc is expectedto set up a digital bookstorein Brazil in the fourth quarter,as it seeks to get a piece of thefast-growing online retailmarket in the country thatinspired its name.

The e-commercepowerhouse, named afterBrazil’s longest river, wantsto elbow its way into LatinAmerica’s largest economywith the popular Kindle e-reader and a Portuguese-language catalogue of digitalbooks, according toBrazilian publishers and anindustry source familiar withAmazon’s plans.

The all-digital approachwill allow Amazon tominimize the risks that abigger retail launch wouldimply in a country withnotorious infrastructureshortcomings and a complex,costly tax system.

The company would

also have to ride out adownturn in Brazil’seconomy that threatens tocool consumer demand.

“Brazil would be the firstcountry Amazon enters onlywith digital (products) andthat is because of the logisticand tax difficulties,” said theindustry source, who spokeon condition of anonymitybecause of the sensitivity ofthe negotiations.

“Having a full retailoperation? That’s the goal,”the source added. A Brazil-based operation would savethe country’s 200 millionconsumers from paying highimport taxes on online ordersshipped from overseas.

Two local bookpublishers told Reuters theyhave had meetings and videoconferences in recent monthsto negotiate contracts withAmazon’s head of Kindlecontent, Pedro Huerta.

“They told us the plan is

to start between October andNovember,” said one of thepublishers, who asked not tobe identified. Amazonspokesman Craig Bermandeclined to comment.

The world’s largestonline retailer, Amazon is thelatest US company lookingto tap Brazil’s $10.5 billiononline retail market, which isexpected to grow 25 percentthis year fueled by a swellingmiddle class. Others includeonline movie service NetflixInc and home-rental service

AirBnB.It would be Amazon’s

latest foray into emergingmarkets after breaking intoChina in 2004 and Indiaearlier this year.

But the move comes asBrazil’s decade-longexpansion in consumergrowth hits the brakes. In2012, Brazil’s economy isexpected to grow less thanlast year’s 2.7 percentexpansion, raising questionsabout the timing of Amazon’sentrance.—Reuters

Graphics of the new Amazon Kindle tablets are seen at anews conference during the launch of Amazon’s new

tablets in New York, on 28 Sept, 2011.— REUTERS

A visitor looks at a model of an Airbus Corporate Jetaircraft during the Annual European Business AviationConvention & Exhibition (EBACE) at Cointrin airport

in Geneva on 14 May, 2012.— REUTERS

Consumer spending stalls,morale at 6-month low

WASHINGTON, 30 June —Consumer spending growthground to a halt in May asauto purchases flagged,while confidence ebbed to asix-month low in June, thelatest signs of trouble for theeconomy. Althoughmanufacturing activity in theMidwest picked up thismonth, it offered little cheerfor an economic recovery thathas been hit by turbulencefrom the debt crisis in Europeand a lack of clarity on thecourse of fiscal policy athome.

“We are at a stall speedexpansion here,” said TimQuinlan, an economist atWells Fargo in Charlotte,North Carolina. “We have aconsumer who is sort of losingsteam.” Spending wasunchanged in May, markingthe first time in six months ithad not risen, the CommerceDepartment said on Friday.

It also lowered its gaugeof April’s spending to show arise of just 0.1 percent. Theweak data promptedeconomists to lower forecastsfor second-quarter economicgrowth. Goldman Sachstrimmed its estimate to an

annual pace of 1.6 percentfrom 1.7 percent. That wouldmark a slowdown from thefirst quarter’s already anemic1.9 percent pace.

The change in theeconomy’s fortunes — mostvisible in a sharp decelerationin job growth andmanufacturing activity—closely mirrors the patternseen last year and poses achallenge for PresidentBarack Obama ahead ofNovember’s election. Withthe outlook darkening,consumer morale hastumbled. The ThomsonReuters/University ofMichigan’s sentiment indexfell to 73.2 in June from 79.3in May, a separate reportshowed.

The drop came eventhough gasoline prices havefallen about 51 cents fromtheir April peak, slowinginflation sharply. A priceindex for consumer spendingfell 0.2 percent in May, thefirst decline in a year.

But even whenadjusting for inflation,spending rose a scant 0.1percent last month, the sameas in April.—Reuters

A woman walks through a shopping mall in SanFrancisco, California on 5 Jan, 2012.


Nicotine patch safe after heart attackNEW YORK , 30 June —

Nicotine replacement therapyappears to be safe for peopledischarged from the hospitalafter suffering a heart attack orchest pains, according to asmall new study. The resultsare good news for a group ofpatients whose need to quitsmoking is especiallypressing, researchers said.“We know continuedsmoking after a heart attackgreatly increases the risk of arecurrent heart attack, (but)the ability of patients to quitsmoking cold turkey is prettylow in general,” said Dr KevinWoolf, a cardiologist at

Hillsboro Cardiology inOregon, who led the study.

Anti-smoking medicat-ions, such as the nicotine patch,gum, inhalers and lozenges,can double the chances thatwould-be quitters will actuallykick the habit, said Woolf. But,he added, there has been atheoretical concern thatnicotine replacement mightcome with its own hazards forheart patients. “We know thatnicotine causes constrictionof the arteries, which on papercould potentially harm patientswith arteries in the heart thatwere already somewhatblocked,” Woolf told Reuters

Health.To see whether nicotine

replacement therapies docause harm, Woolf and hiscolleagues collected medicalinformation on 663 smokersdischarged from the hospitalafter having acute coronarysyndrome — which includesa heart attack or feeling chestpain without exercising, acondition called unstableangina. Doctors prescribed anicotine replacementproduct, in most cases thepatch, to 184 of the patients.After one year, the patientswho received a prescriptionfared about as well as those

who didn’t.Woolf and his

colleagues report in theAmerican Journal ofCardiology that 29 percentof the people in the nicotinegroup and 31 percent of thepeople in the other group diedor experienced another majorheart problem within a yearof leaving the hospital.” Thisstudy adds support to safelyusing this medication afteran acute coronary syndrome,”Woolf said. Dr StephenKimmel, a professor at theUniversity of Pennsylvania,said the study backs up manycardiologists who hadalready considered nicotinereplacement safe.— Reuters

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012

Kabul making progress on reforms: IMFWASHINGTON, 30 June —

Afghanistan has made progresson structural reforms despite adifficult environment, the IMFsaid on Friday as it approvedthe release of $18.2 million innew funds under its loanprogramme. The InternationalMonetary Fund said Kabul hadmoved ahead on targets to drafta value-added tax law, set astrategy to fight economiccrimes, and strengthen thecentral bank’s capitalizationframework. The IMF said itwas releasing the secondtranche of the $133.6 millionloan programme approved inNovember even though Kabulhad not met a goal on fiscalrevenues.

“In a very difficult

A pair of young Afghanspose as US Marines walkpast while conducting a

patrol in Garmser, HelmandProvince. Afghanistan has

made progress on structuralreforms despite a difficultenvironment, the IMF saidFriday as it approved therelease of $18.2 million innew funds under its loanprogramme . — INTERNET

environment, Afghanistan hasbegun a transition towardgreater macroeconomicstability and economic self-reliance,” IMF deputymanaging director NematShafik said. “The authoritieshave also reported on assetrecovery from Kabul Bankwhere cash recoveries haveincreased following apresidential decree,” sheadded. “Going forward, theprogramme will continue tofocus on safeguarding thefinancial sector,strengthening economicgovernance, and movingtoward fiscal sustainability.While progress has been madeon all these fronts, stronggovernment ownership of the

programme remains crucialto resist opposition fromvested interests.”

The original IMF loanwas held up for a year asforeign donors and the Fundpressed the government todeal with the massive KabulBank scandal, in whichnearly one billion dollarswere lost in a schemeinvolving many powerfulAfghan businessmen andofficials. The bank, onceAfghanistan’s largest, had tobe taken over by the centralbank in late 2010 amidaccusations that powerfulformer executives siphoned offmore than $900 million, someof which was used to buy luxuryproperties in Dubai.—Internet

Pakistan car bomb toll rises to 15: policeQUETTA, 30 June—The

death toll in a car bombingtargeting a bus in Pakistan’sinsurgency-torn southwestrose to 15 as police Fridayarrested some two dozensuspects to investigate theattack, police said. Some 23others were wounded in thebombing on a bus carryingShiite pilgrims returning fromIran on Thursday in the HazarGanji area on the outskirts ofQuetta city, the capital of theoil and gas rich Baluchistanprovince bordering Iran andAfghanistan. Police hadearlier put the death toll at13.

“The death toll has risento 15 as two more injuredpersons have succumbed totheir wounds,” senior policeofficial Hamid Shakeel toldAFP. Police raided variousparts of the city and roundedup some 24 suspects after theattack, he said and added thatthey are being investigated forany clues in connection to thebombing.

The banned Sunniextremist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claimed respon-

sibility for the killing intelephone calls to the localnewspapers, saying the“suicide attack” was carriedout by them. But police saidthat they could not still confirmwhether it was indeed a suicideattack. “We are investigatingthis aspect also, but cannotconfirm now that it was asuicide bombing,” Kakar said.

Markets were shut onFriday in Quetta after a strikecall given by Shiite leadersto mourn the deaths.Baluchistan has become anincreasing flashpoint forsectarian violence betweenPakistan’s majority Sunni

Muslims and minority Shiite,who account for around afifth of the country’spopulation of over 170million.

Baluchistan is also rifewith Islamist militancy and aregional insurgency wagedby separatists who rose up in2004 demanding politicalautonomy and a greater shareof profits from the region’swealth of natural resources.Around 5,000 people havebeen killed in outbreaks ofsectarian violence betweenSunni and Shiite militantgroups in Pakistan since thelate 1980s.— Internet

A Pakistani policeman walks past the wreckage of adestroyed bus after a bomb explosion on the outskirts of

Quetta on 28 June .— INTERNET

Taleban storm eastern Afghan district, killing 10KABUL, 30 June —

Hundreds of Taleban fightersstormed a remote district ineastern Afghanistan onFriday, sparking a fierce 12-hour battle in which 10people were killed, includingfour civilians, an official said.Afghan security forces foughtoff the attack in KamdishDistrict of Nuristan Province,which began in the early hoursof Friday morning, with thehelp of NATO air strikes,provincial spokesmanMohammad Zarin told AFP.Zarin said more than 20militants — who he said hadinfiltrated the district fromacross the border in Pakistan— were killed in the counter-attack.

“More than 20 insurgentswere killed and as many

A Nuristan policeman stands at a police station nearKalagush in Nuristan in 2010.— INTERNET

Iraq attacks kill at least thirteenBAGHDAD, 30 June —

Bombings and shootingskilled at least 13 people andwounded more than 50 acrossIraq on Friday, security andmedical officials said in amonth that has seen at least220 people killed in violencenationwide.

Two motorcycles riggedwith explosives exploded atthe same time in two marketsand a third went off near apolice station in Balad northof Baghdad late on Friday,police said. MohammedRadhi, a member of theSalaheddin provincialcouncil, said seven peoplewere killed and 50 woundedin the blasts.

A medical source atBalad hospital confirmed thetoll, saying that some of thewounded were moved toBaghdad, some 70kilometres (43 miles) southbecause their injuries were soserious. Earlier, gunmenattacked a checkpoint inKhan Bani Saad south of thecity of Baquba, killing fourSahwa militiamen andwounding four, a militia

An Iraqi man stands in the rubble of destroyed buildingsfollowing a car bomb in the Kadhimiyah District, on the

outskirts of Baghdad on 13 June.— INTERNET

injured in the counter attack,their bodies still lay in thebattlefield,” he said. Therewere four suicide bombersamong the insurgents whotried to target the house of thelocal police chief. Six Afghanpolicemen and four civilians,including the wife of a localpolice officer, were also killedin the fighting, he said.Nuristan provincial policechief Ghulamullah Nuristanitold AFP that dozens of houseswere burned down in theclashes. NATO’s Inter-national Security AssistanceForce (ISAF) confirmed thecoalition had given “close airsupport” without specifyingdetails.

Taleban spokesmanZabihullah Mujahid said inan email to AFP the militants,

who are waging a 10-yearinsurgency against theWestern-backed governmentof President Hamid Karzai,were behind the attack.Afghanistan and Pakistanhave long blamed each otherfor Taleban violenceplaguing both sides of their

porous, mountainous border.Pakistan says rebels haveregrouped in easternAfghanistan. Afghan and USofficials want Pakistan toeliminate Taleban and al-Qaeda-linked havens used tolaunch attacks inAfghanistan.— Internet

commander said, adding thatthe assailants escaped. Aroadside bomb targeting apatrol in Baquba itself killedone soldier and woundedanother, an army major said.Dr Ahmed Ibrahim of BaqubaGeneral Hospital confirmedthe tolls. And gunmen armedwith automatic weaponsopened fire on a civilian carnorth of Baquba, killing thedriver, police said.

Friday’s deaths broughtthe number of people killedin attacks since 13 June to atleast 220 — an average ofalmost 13 per day. That is afar higher toll than the 132official figures show werekilled in May.

Much of the violencehas occurred in and aroundBaquba, the capital of DiyalaProvince north of Baghdad.On Thursday, a car bombexploded near a Shiite placeof worship in Baquba, killingsix people and wounding 51,while two people were killedand four wounded in anotherbombing and three morewounded in an attack nearthe city.—Internet

China: Pilot failed to locate runwaybefore crash

lax safety management.The agency’s

investigation said chief pilotQi Quanjun violated aviationrules during the descent, didnot locate the runway beforelanding and abandoned thecrashed aircraft. The EmbraerE-190 jet hit the ground 690meters (2,260 feet) short ofthe runway at the Linduairport in HeilongjiangProvince’s Yichun city, thenburst into flames. Mediareports at the time said fogshrouded the runway duringthe landing.

The Civil AviationAdministration of China hassaid that a 2008-2009

investigation had found that200 pilots falsified theirflying histories, with morethan half of them working forHenan Airlines’ parentcompany. It said airlinesdesperate for staff had beenhiring pilots whose resumeshad been faked. The mostrecent report didn’t say if Qiwas among those whodoctored his resume.Thereport said Qi should havehis pilot’s license revoked,be removed from his post andexpelled from the CommunistParty, and should also facecriminal charges though itdidn’t specify what theywould be.

State media said in 2010that Qi was a former People’sLiberation Army pilot andhad been unable to speakafter the crash due to severeinjuries to his face. Full-tiltexpansion of Chinese airtraffic in the 1990s led to aseries of crashes that gaveChina the reputation of beingunsafe. The poor recordprompted the government toimprove safety drastically,from airlines to new air trafficmanagement systems atairports. Prior to the Yichundisaster, the last majorpassenger jet crash in Chinawas in November 2004, whena China Eastern airplaneplunged into a lake innorthern China, killing all53 on board and two on theground.— Internet

BEIJING, 30 June — Acommercial airline pilotfailed to locate the runwaybefore landing andabandoned the plane after itcrashed in northeasternChina two years ago, thegovernment said on Fridayand called for the chief pilotto be prosecuted. The 2010crash of a Henan Airlinesplane killed 44 people andinjured 52 and was China’sfirst major commercial airdisaster in nearly six years.The State Administration ofWork Safety also suggestedin its investigation report thatthe airline should be fined 5million yuan ($795,000) for

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012 7

NYAUNGDON, 30 June—Nyaungdon TownshipMyanma AgriculturalDevelopment Bank held aceremony to disburse loansfor cultivation of monsooncrops in 2012.

At the ceremony,Nyaungdon TownshipAdministrator U Khin Min,Ayeyawady Region Pyithu

K 50000 per acre of loans disbursed

Hluttaw representative DrHla Min, Manager U MyaWin of Myanma AgriculturalDevelopment Bankexplained benefits of farmers,disbursement of agriculturalloans for boostingproduction, spending ofloans for benefiting farmingworks and nurturing ofpaddy through good

agricultural pattern.Manager of Nyaungdon

Township MyanmaAgricultural DevelopmentBank branch U Mya Windisbursed K 95.1 million forcultivation of 1902 acres offarmland.

On the occasion, thebank branch plans todisburse K 2450 million asagricultural loans for 49000acres of monsoon paddy in41 village-tracts inNyaungdon Township.

Myanma Alin

Child-centredacademic course

concludesBAGO, 30 June—The

child-centred academiccourse concluded at BasicEducation Post-PrimarySchool in Panhlaing Ward ofBago on 24 June.

At the ceremony, BagoRegion Education Officer USaw San Yin made a speech.

He then explainedadvantages of child-centredacademic system.

Myanma Alin

Palethwe hybrid paddyharvested on model plot

HSENWI, 30 June—A ceremony to harvest Palethwehybrid paddy on model plot of farmer U Paw Aik Kham washeld in Myoma field in Hsenwi Township of Lashio Districton 26 June.

After harvesting work, the paddy plantation produced183.13 baskets of dry paddy per acre.

Staff of Agriculture Department and Settlement andLand Records Department together with local farmersharvested paddy.—Myanma Alin

Want to enjoy Film Festival inJapan

YANGON, 30 June—The Asian International Children’sFilm Festival will be held in Minamiawaji of Japan on 24November 2012.

The film festival is entitled with Meaning of Life forYou. The participants are allowed to present images offriendship, hobby, environmental problems, earthquakesand wars with the Global Theme.

They have the opportunity to depict three works ineach country or region. The participant may be single or ingroup.

The participants of the teams are limited with ninemembers arranging from 12 to 18 youths headed by oneleader. The works taken up to 7th September 2012 are to beput up at the DVD to the attachment of titles for the works,directors and schools for participants and then the worksare to be sent to the Japanese Embassy.

Myanma Alin

Tree growing ceremony marksMyanmar Women’s Day

THAYAWADY, 30 June—As a gesture of hailing theMyanmar Women’s Day, Thayawady District of BagoRegion held the rainy season tree growing ceremony forcontributing to the environmental conservation was held inthe place near District General Administration Departmenton 24 June morning.

The ceremony was jointly organized by ThayawadyDistrict Forest Department and District Women’s AffairsOrganization.

At the ceremony, Pyithu Hluttaw representative UMaung Maung, Region Hluttaw representative U Tin Soe,Deputy Commissioner U Hla Myo of District GeneralAdministration Department, the chairperson of DistrictWomen’s Affairs Organization, district and township levelForest Departments and staff, students and local peoplegrew teak, ironwood, mahogany and eucalyptus saplings.

District Forest

School equipment, stationerydonated to basic education school

KYAUNGGON, 30 June—A ceremony to donate waterpurifier, air-conditioner, 500 litres water tank, concrete roadto water purifier, exercise books, umbrella and table lampsworth K 2.2 million was held at Myoma Basic EducationPrimary School in Kyaunggon Township of AyeyawadyRegion on 26 June.

On behalf of the wellwishers, Daw Khin Mar Marexplained the purpose of donations.

She then presented 113 dozens of exercise books forstudents and 12 umbrellas and 12 table lamps for teachers.

Later, the headmistress gave a certificate of honour tothe wellwisher.—Myanma Alin

TRAINING COURSE OPENED: The training coursefor community-based surveillance of trafficking in

person was opened at Myitta Ponnya Kari Dhammayonin Myitta Nyunt Ward in Tamway Township on 23

June. Township Administrator U Thein Win explainsmatters related to the training course.—MYANMA ALIN

PRIZES PRESENTED: A ceremony to present prizes towinners in the essay, painting, cartoon and poster

contest in commemoration of the International Dayagainst Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was held atPakokku Education College in Pakokku District on 26

June. Commander of District Police Force PoliceLt-Col Zaw Win gives prizes to the winners.


TREES PLANTED: The tree growing ceremony incommemoration of World Environment Day was held

in the compound of Kengtawng Sub-Township People’sHospital in Langkho District in Shan State (South) on5 June. Administrator of Kengtawng Sub-Township U

Thein Zaw Oo and staff, in-charge of the Sub-TownshipForest Department Forester U Myint Zaw and

departmental staff grow spalings.—MYANMA ALIN

Photo, wall magazine showedin Mingin

MINGIN, 30 June—In commemoration of InternationalDay against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the photoand wall magazine show was held in Ugyi Village of TinbetVillage-tract in Mingin Township of Sagaing Region on 24June.

At the ceremony, Village-tract Administrator U Me Nyomade a speech. Secretary of Township Social EconomyDevelopment Supporting Committee Head of TownshipInformation and Public Relations Department U San Ayegave talks on poverty alleviation and development of ruralareas, human resources development.

He then donated books and publications to the villagelibrary.

The local people enjoyed photos and wall magazine.Myanma Alin

Shade and flowery plantsgrown in Okpo

OKPO, 30 June—Hailing Myanmar Women’s Day,the shade and flowery plants were grown at the road leadingto Okpo on 25 June morning.

Pyithu Hluttaw representative U Tin Htwe, BagoRegion Hluttaw representatives U Hla Myint and U HteinLin, Township Administrator U Aung Thu, Executive OfficerU Htay Lwin Soe of Township Development AffairsCommittee and staff, Staff Officer U Saw Sila and staff ofTownship Forest Department, members of socialorganizations and local people planted over 1800 saplings.


DISTRICT NEWS MPT gives Internet services toCDMA phones

MANDALAY, 30 June—Myanma Posts andTelecommunications of Mandalay Region freely sells GSMphone worth K 200,000 each and WCDMA phone worth K250,000 at the public communication centre on 25th streetbetween 80th and 81st street in Aungmyethazan Township ofMandalay with two photos of the users and copies ofcitizenship scrutiny cards.

At present, private phone shops sell GSM phones withnumbers of 09-4025xxxx at K 220,000 and WCDMA withnumber 09-4440xxxxx at K 290,000. Myanma Posts andTelecommunications puts phones on sales at correct prices,the telephone prices in street declined.

As of 12 June, Myanma Posts and Telecommunicationsallows CDMA phones with 0991xxxxx with K 10,000 fee forEVDO system Internet service. Users are to pay 4 Kyats perminute in 3G system, and its communication rate is speedierthan GSM.

Thiha Ko Ko (Mandalay)

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012

YANGON, 30 June—The Workshop on salvagingDhammazedi Bell, jointly organized by Historical ResearchDepartment of the Ministry of Culture and SD MarkInternational LLP Co of Singapore, kicked off at ChatriumHotel on Natmauk Road, here, at 9 am today, with an addressby Union Minister for Information and for Culture U KyawHsan.

Also present on the occasion were Union Minister forEnvironmental Conservation and Forestry U Win Tun, UnionMinister for Transport U Nyan Tun Aung, Chief Minister ofYangon Region U Myint Swe, Deputy Minister for CultureDaw Sanda Khin, Deputy Minister for Construction U KyawLwin, Yangon Region Minister for Finance and RevenueDaw San San Nwe, Region Minister for Social Affairs DrMyint Thein, Singaporean Ambassador to Myanmar MrRobert Chua, members of Myanmar Historical Commission,departmental heads of Ministry of Information and Ministryof Culture, officials of SD Mark International LLP Co ofSingapore, resource persons and guests.

Speaking on the occasion, the Union Minister said thathe wished Union Ministers, Yangon Region Chief Minister,deputy ministers, region ministers, resource persons, MyanmarHistorical Commission members, historians, ambassadors,rectors and professors, wellwishers, donor organizations,members of NGOs, distinguished guests and journalistshealth and happiness. He said that he thanked all those whocontributed to organizing the workshop a reality.

Through coordination, the workshop focused on seekingsuggestions, means and action programs for the successfulsalvaging of the Great Bell of Dhammazedi which isinvaluable cultural heritage.

Historical records say the Bell was cast of 180,000 viss(290 tons) of metal. The bell in Moscow which is said to bethe largest in the world is just 128 tons in weight. So,Dhammazedi Bell is much larger than its Moscow cousin.Records also said it had writing engraved from top to bottomall around its circumference. So, it was an invaluable ancientheritage.

Actually, the workshop was part of efforts for promotingnational pride and preserving centuries-old cultural heritageand national characteristics.

He expressed his view that it is a national task so muchimportant for all that they must accomplish the missionsuccessfully. So, he said that he is optimistic the workshopwould produce a firm commitment for the success of themission.

According to the history of Thanlyin (Syriam) ancientcity state, palm leave manuscripts on Mon history, paper onthe Three Pitaka compiled by Mongkai mayor U Yan, andZapudipa Oozaung treatises, Portuguese Ngazinga, the

Union Minister for Information and forCulture addresses opening of workshop

on salvaging Dhammazedi Bell

colonial governor of Thanlyin, took away the Bell from theplatform of Shwedagon Pagoda with the intention of castingit into cannons in AD 1612. On the way to Thanlyin the GreatBell fell from the raft and sank into Panahlwe river at themouth of Ngamoeyeik Creek. Till now, it remains underwateras a mystery for 400 years. The three rivers meeting at theconfluence which now is hosting a large number of wreckagesof sunken boats have been witnessing changes in current,bank erosions, low and high tides, silting and water coursechanges throughout the 400 years. That is the reason behindthe many failed attempts of Myanmar experts and wellwishersto salvage the Bell.

On the surface the task of searching and salvaging theBell seemed to be easy. But on the ground, it is an enormousmission involving many unexpected obstacles and hardshipsand complicated issues.

So, the workshop would seek suggestions and means putforward by the experts at home and abroad to find and salvagethe Bell.

The workshop would see domestic and foreign expertspresenting ten papers on historical events in connection withthe Bell, records about the Bell from foreign archives, researchon its location, search, excavation and salvaging technology,and Captain Michael Mike Hatcher, a famous heritageexplorer.

At this workshop, researchers, experts and honouredguests would put forward valuable discussions, suggestions,additional ideas, opinions and means to solve possibleproblems.

So we believe this workshop would produce soundsuggestions and means and ways for our task of searching,salvaging, moving and transporting the Bell. The mainagenda of this workshop was to find and salvage the Bell.Based on these advices and methods, they intend to adoptpractical action plans, apply appropriate techniques, acquiremodern machines and equipment for every specific job, andform working committees.

The initial job here is the location of the places where theBell may lie hidden after a round of discussions on theinternal and external historical records, and previous researchrecords. What follows next is the exploration work with thehelp of modern machines and equipment and under theadvice of renowned heritage explorers. But the search workcannot be done all the year round. They should set theappropriate exploration periods taking into considerationthe limits such as the water levels, tides and weatherconditions. My assumption is that the work will take time.

Because of the abovementioned circumstances, financialtopic appears as the main concern for the success of the work.Here, Singaporean S.D Mark International LLP company

offered a non-profit project involving the task of finding andsalvaging the Bell at a cost of up to USD 10 million,conveying it back to the Shwedagon Pagoda and handing itover to Myanmar just for whichever government reward.CEO Mr. Dean Lim of the company and expert diver searchersare now taking part in this workshop. So he expressed hisheartfelt thanks to go to S.D Mark International LLP, CFO MrFreddie Yeo and Mr Lim. and Dr. Chit San Win (writer Chit SanWin) and Captain U Ye Myint Tun of Master Mariner (F.G) forfacilitating financial arrangements.

The salvage work concerns with the natural water course,navigation and natural environment apart from its size thatis enormous, and the nature of work that is difficult andcomplicated. So, they must apply means that have no adverseimpact on natural water course, navigation and theenvironment.

Research works at Panahlwe region where Bago river,Yangon river and Ngamoeyeik creek meet will also beconducted along the course of the process.

Historical record says that the Bell is 520 years old andhas been lying underwater for 400 years. They also say theBell was cast from an alloy of copper, gold, silver and tin. So,the natural elements such as water, oxygen, soil may weakenthe Bell’s durability through chemical reaction. So, we needfollow-up research work. As the weight of the Bell is over 200tons they need special research as well as advanced techniquesfor salvage and transport.

Nowadays, they all witness the government in officespeeding up its step-by-step reform strategy. The Ministry ofCulture has been extending its task of finding and preservingthe country’s lost or vanishing ancient cultural treasures,upgrading existing cultural heritage into archaeologicalparks and historical parks, and trying to put them into WorldHeritage List in cooperation with foreign nations andinternational organizations.

The work of searching the Bell is a part of the said task.As the work is difficult and huge, it takes time. Its success callsfor a large array of intellectual, technological, financial andhuman resources. But it is a priceless historical culturalheritage for the nation and people. So he said that he wouldlike to request participation from the people of all walks oflife including those in the religious order, masses and classes,political parties, and the media with nationalism as the base.

He said that he would like to express thanks again toresource persons of foreign institutions, local experts,resources persons from ministries, and distinguished guests.Moreover, he requested continuous involvement of allministries and experts in the whole process.If the Bell can be saved, it will be able to:

- place our invaluable cultural heritage back on theplatform of Shwedagon Pagoda as globally shiningglory apart from enhancing the image;

- study ancient Myanmar metal casting skills, engravedwritings, and historical facts and evidences, helping allto fill the blanks history has left behind.It will attract attention of the people around the world

and help develop Myanmar's tourism industry.Again he would like to express special thanks to

Singaporean S.D Mark International LLP, its CEO and otherofficials that values more to the task of salvaging a pricelesscultural artifact than the cost they are going to bear. He alsothanked Union ministers, the region chief minister, honoredguests.

Later, the Union ministers, the region chief minister,deputy ministers, local and foreign experts and resourcepersons posed for documentary photo.


Union EP-2 Minister inspectspower plants in Mandalay Region

Union Minister for Information and for Culture U Kyaw Hsan, Union ministers, region chiefminister, deputy ministers and scholars at home and abroad, and resource persons pose for

documentary photo.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—Union Minister for ElectricPower No (2) U Khin Maung Soe met staff of 132-KV PowerPlant in Pyigyidagun Township in Mandalay Region thismorning.

He inspected control panel room and left necessaryinstructions.

The Union minister also visited 33/11-KV power plantin Chanmyathazi Township and 132-KV and 230-KV powerplants in Patheingyi Township.

He also inspected generators in Mandalay to supplyelectricity to the city if there is any electricity outage.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012 9

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June— Mon State ChiefMinister U Ohn Myint on 28 June morningaddressed at the launch of a state-levelinformal primary education activity for2012-2013, which took place at YadanamonHall of No. 6 Basic Education High Schoolin Mawlamyine in Mon State.

At the opening, cash donation worth K5 million for the development of ThatonTownship, made by Yangon Region ChiefMinister U Myint Swe, was handed over byMon State Minister for Transport U TunHlaing to Mon State Chief Minister. Donorspresented cash assistance for Mawlamyine,Mudon, Kyaikto and Paung Townships

Mon State Chief Minister attends state-level informal primary educationactivity launch in Mawlamyine

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—Union Ministerfor Rail Transportation U Aung Minaddressed meeting of the ministry on reformprocesses at the ministry this morning.

He said electricity, transportation andcommunication play key roles indevelopment of the country. He urged

Rail Transportation Minister calls forcoordination in implementing reform processes

YANGON, 30 June—Hotel 7 Mile onGonmyint Yeiktha Street in MayangonTownship was opened this morning,attended by Yangon Region Chief MinisterU Myint Swe.

The hotel is constructed as local 3 starlevel one with 52 rooms and one meetinghall.

Hotel 7 Mile opened in Mayangon Tsp

YANGON, 30 June—President ofASEAN Inter-Parliamentary AssemblySpeaker of House of Representatives ofIndonesia Dr Marzuki Alie SE MM andparty concluded their goodwill visit thisnoon.

The Indonesian delegation was seenoff by Chairman of Amyotha HluttawASEAN Political and Security Community

Indonesian delegation concludes visit

YANGON, 30 June—A timbercertification aimed at sustainabledevelopment of forest was opened atMyanmar Timber EntrepreneursAssociation in UMFCCI Office Tower onMinye Kyaw Swa Street, LanmadawTownship, here this morning.

Chairman of MTEA Myanmar TimberCertification Committee U Shwe Kyaw andMr Van Hensbergen Hubertus Jacobus andMs Nilsson Josefin of SSC Forestry of Sweden

Timber certification course conducted

Chairman ofAmyothaHluttawASEAN

Political andSecurity

CommunityCommittee U

Nyunt Tin andofficials see off

AIPAPresident,Speaker ofHouse of

Representativesof IndonesiaDr MarzukiAlie Se MMand party at


RESPECT-PAYING CEREMONY HELD: Mudon Township ThabinAsiayon on 25 June held the 18th respect-paying ceremony and its

annual meeting at its office in Mon State. Asiayon members presentedcash and kind to a total of 12 senior members.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—Union Ministerfor Education Dr Mya Aye and DeputyMinister U Ba Shwe participated in monsoontree planting and fingerling releasingceremony at the ministry this morning.

Education Ministry holds tree planting andfingerling releasing ceremony

YANGON, 30 June—General Secretary ofMyanmar Olympic Committee Director-General of Sports and Physical EducationDepartment U Thaung Htaik yesterday metsportspersons who will compete ininternational games at Kyaikkasan SportsGround in Tamway of Yangon Region.

The chess, track and field and Karatedoplayers introduced themselves and officialsexplained preparations for the internationalevents. The director-general attended to theneeds.—MNA

SPED DG meets athletes

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—According tothe (12.30) hr M.S.T observation today, thewater level of Ayeyawady River at Katha(1050) cm has exceeded by (10) cm(about0.3-ft) above its danger level. It mayfall below its danger level (1040) cm duringthe next (48) hours commencing noontoday, announced Department ofMeteorology and Hydrology.—MNA

Ayeyawady to fallbelow its danger level

in Katha

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—ManagingDirector of National Instruments ASEAN ofSingapore Mr Chandran Nair and party paida call on Union Minister for Science andTechnology U Aye Myint at the ministry,here yesterday morning and discussed

Union Science and Technology Ministerreceives Singaporean guests

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—Final match ofUniversities Men’s Table TennisChampionship was played yesterday atMandalay University Gymnasium.

Maung Lin Hein of MandalayUniversity overwhelmed Maung Thet Zinof Myingyan Degree College in the finalshowdown.

Universities Men’s Table TennisChampionship concludes

Mingaladon GAD provides grants tostudents

respective departments to review andimplement reform processes. The ministercalled for coordination with the staff inimplementing reform strategy anddevelopment of the regions and people. Healso called for systematically drafting reformprocesses.—MNA

The region chief minister then attendedthe concluding of basic computerproficiency course for teachers in YangonRegion at No.2 Latha Basic Education HighSchool. He awarded the outstanding traineesand presented award-winning schools witha set of computer each.


gave lectures on timber certifications to 35personnel from Myanma Timber Enterprise,Forest Department, NGOs and MTEAmembers.

SSC Forestry delegation during its visitin Myanmar observed timber extractionworks of MTE, forest reserves and naturalreserves and made recommendations forforest development and communal forestdevelopment.


YANGON, 30 June—MingaladonTownship General AdministrationDepartment of Yangon North Districtprovided grants to offspring of its staff for

Deputy Directors-General Dr AungWin Kyi, Dr Thein Win and Dr Soe Win ofHigher Education Department (UpperMyanmar) awarded winners.

Mandalay Region Social AffairsMinister Dr Win Hlaing awardedchampionship shield to MandalayUniversity team.—MNA

Committee U Nyunt Tin, Yangon RegionHluttaw Speaker U Sein Tin Win, AmyothaHluttaw Financial and Legal AffairsCommission member U Myint Thein,Indonesian Ambassador to Myanmar MrSebastianus Sumarsono and wife, andpersonnel of the embassy at YangonInternational Airport.


2012-2013 academic year on 28 June.Township Administra-tor U Nyunt

Han presented K 196,000 for 30 students.MNA

development of competent human resourcesand cooperation in science and technologysector.

Present at the call were Deputy MinisterDr Ko Ko Oo and Director-General of DrZaw Min Aung.—MNA

Staff planted saplings and releasedfingerlings into the dam.

A total of 1557 saplings were plantedand 10350 fingerlings were released attoday’s ceremony.—MNA

through officials concerned.The donation amounted K 8.5 million

for the activity will be used to implement inMawlamyine, Mudon, Kyaikto, Thaton andPaung Townships.

At the prize-presenting ceremony ofMawlamyine University, the Chief Ministerawarded the first, second and third winnerswho won in the extempore in English andin-charge rector Dr Htay Aung ofMawlamyine University and Professor ofthe English Department of the UniversityDaw Hnin Hnin Wai presented prizes to thevictors of the essay contest.


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Page 10: th Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham Our Three Main … · Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham ... River”, U Nay Min Hein of ... Lecturer Dr Nyein Zin Latt of Port Engineering Department

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012

Republic of the Union of MyanmarUnion Election Commission

Nay Pyi TawDirective No (1/2012)

11th Waxing of First Waso, 1374 ME(29 June, 2012)

Subject: Compiling list of fund, finance and materials of party systematically1. Union Election Commission has issued this directive in pursuant to Section 26 ofPolitical Parties Registration Law as regards keeping and spending of fund, finance andusing of materials of parties.2. Political parties which are granted permission to register at Union Election Commissionhave the rights to issue party membership certificates, collect membership fee andmonthly fees and campaign in line with the rules of the party. Furthermore, they have theright to fund campaign of the party and pay set allowances for Hluttaw candidates whorepresent the party during a term of Hluttaw under Section 16 of Political PartiesRegistration Law and Rule 21.3. Political parties shall keep accounts, records and evidences after compiling thefollowing lists in line with Sections 15 and 16 of Political Parties Registration Law andRules 19 and 21 as regards maintenance and usage of fund, finance and materials ownedby the party.

(a) Account of party membership and monthly fees,(b) List of cash and materials donated to the party by a citizen, an organization or

national company or group of companies inside the country from legallyextracted cash and materials,

(c) List of legally extracted cash and profit from business activities managed by theparty,

(d) Fund and budget of the party,(e) List of materials owned and purchased by the party,(f) List of campaign fund drawn on in line with the rules of the party, and(g) List of campaign fund drawn on by each of Hluttaw candidates.

4. Political parties shall complete compiling annual financial statement for each fiscalyear and annual list of party-owned materials, auditing the records by the audit committeeof the party, and approving the records under the rules and regulations of the party withinthree months from the end of a fisal year.5. Union Election Commission and subcommissions at each level, with the help ofrelevant government department and organizations, will audit lists of a party, if necessary,under Political Parties Registration Law Section 18 and Rule 23.6. So, political parties are directed to systematically compiling fund, finance andmaterials of the party under the law and rules as stated in paragraph (3) and to preparefor audit of the commission and subcomimissions at each level as stated in paragraph (4).

Signed byTin Aye

ChairmanUnion Election Commission

Myanmar Women’s Day3rd July

Union F&R Minister receives foreign guestsNAY PYI TAW, 30 June—Union Minister

for Finance & Revenue U Hla Tun receivedChinese Ambassador to Myanmar Mr LiJunhua at the ministry here this morning.

They discussed matters related tocooperation in Myanmar’s developmentmeasures including rural development andpoverty alleviation tasks, loans of Chinesebanks and cooperation in banking andmonetary sector.

The Union minister also receivedChairman Mr Willian Su of Myanmar-ChinaFriendship Association based in New Yorkand businessmen. The meeting focused oninvestment, banking and monetary sectorsand insurance industry.

Also present at the calls were DeputyMinister U Win Than, Governor of CentralBank of Myanmar U Than Nyein andofficials.—MNA

Micro-credit cooperativelimited formed

Tawwin bus line extends its route atKhayaybin Junction

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—Tawwin Bus line extends itsregular Pyinmana-Tatkonroute to the housing of Newsand Periodicals Enterprise

and Printing and PublishingEnterprise of Ministry ofInformation at KhayaybinJunction in ZeyathiriTownship in Nay Pyi Taw

Council Area as of 26 June.The bus line ran the

route of Pyinmana-Bawgathiri-Tatkon road.Under the arrangements ofofficials, the bus line extendsits route to the staff housingsof Kyemon Daily, MyanmaAlin Daily and the New Lightof Myanmar Daily of NPEand PPE.

Thanks to new servicesin new route, those wishingto insert advertisement at thenewspapers, to send newsitems and buy newspapersare enjoying smoothtransportation.

Khin Maung Win(Kyemon)

Rainy season tree growing ceremony held in KawthoungKAWTHOUNG, 30 June—

The rainy season treegrowing ceremony of ForestDepartment was held at point1199 and along the uphillroad to Koenawin Hill inAyemyakantha Ward ofKawthoung in TaninthayiRegion on 23 June morning.

Deputy CommissionerU Myint Than of the DistrictGeneral AdministrationDepartment, AssistantDirector U Min Htut ofDistrict Forest Department,Township Administrator UPa Si and departmentsconcerned, Staff Officer UMyo Min Naing ofTownship ForestDepartment and staff,members of socialorganizations and localpeople planted 800mahogany and 400ironwood saplings.

Township Forest

KAWA, 30 June—A ceremony to donatecash to the fund of Ahmanthit Library washeld in Yongyi Ward of Kawa Township,Bago Region on 17 June afternoon.

Daw Wai Wai Thin of the EducationSub-Working Group under Social andCultural Working Group under MyanmarWomen’s Affairs Federation donated

SINGU, 30 June—As a gesture of hailing InternationalCooperatives Day 2012, a ceremony to constitute Shwesitthiwar veterans micro-credit cooperative limited was held at itsoffice in Singu on 8 June morning.

At first, Township Administrator U Hla Win andchairman of the meeting Chairman of Township LevelOrganizing Commission Staff Officer Daw Mu Mu made aspeech. Chairman of the society U Tin Nyunt and fivemembers of Board of Directors including executive directorU Hla Thaung, and audits U Maung Ko and U Myint Hsanwere elected at the ceremony.

The meeting chairman sought approval of the membersof the society.

Myanma Alin

Cash donated to fund of rural library in KawaK 100,000 to the library.

The library is 16 feet long, 14 feet wideand 14 feet high. Member of the MWAF DawWai Wai Thin, Head of TownshipInformation and Public Relations DepartmentDaw Nyo Pya and Ward Administrator U TinSaw cut the ribbon to open the library.

Myanma Alin


Union Minister for Finance & Revenue U Hla Tun receives ChineseAmbassador to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Mr Li Junhua.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012 11

Strong quake hits remotewestern China: USGS

BEIJING, 30 June — A magnitude 6.3 quake struck a remoteregion of western China, close to the Kazakhstan border earlyon Saturday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said, injuringaround 10 people. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude6.5, struck at 5:07 am local time on Saturday (2107 GMT onFriday), and was centered 87 miles southwest of the town ofShihezi in Xinjiang, home to the mainly Muslim Uighur people.

The official Xinhua news agency said there was strongshaking felt in the regional capital Urumqi which lasted forabout 10 seconds, causing some people to rush out of theirhouses and into the street.In the county nearest the epicentre,the quake threw people from their beds and cut the power, butit would take time to fully assess casualties and damage dueto the remote location, Xinhua added.Initial reports saidabout 10 people were injured in the quake, one seriously, andthat most of them were tourists, Xinhua said. Some houseshad also collapsed in a village close to the epicentre.

“It’s a very quiet, remote, mountainous area that issparsely populated. At the moment we have no report of anycasualty or damage but we are watching closely,” USGSGeophysicist Chen Shengzao told Reuters by telephonefrom Golden, Colorado. The USGS said the quake was veryshallow, only 11.2 miles below the Earth’s surface. Chen saidthat because of its magnitude and very shallow depth, thequake would have been widely felt.A 6.3 quake is capable ofcausing severe damage.— Reuters

A graphic locates the site of an earthquake in westernChina. A magnitude 6.3 quake struck a remote region ofwestern China, close to the Kazakhstan border, early on

Saturday, the US Geological Survey said.REUTERS

WTO rules against US inmeat labelling case

GENEVA/WINNIPEG, 30 June—The World TradeOrganization on Friday ruled a US meat labelling programmeunfairly discriminated against Mexico and Canada, puttingpressure on the United States to bring the scheme in line withglobal trade rules. The WTO Appellate Body said the UScountry-of-origin labelling rules, commonly known as COOL,were wrong because they gave less favourable treatment tobeef and pork imported from Mexico and Canada, the countriesthat brought the case, than to US meat.

The decision is not subject to appeal, but gives theUnited States time to comply and does not immediately alterthe labelling rules.US officials hailed other parts of thedecision, which they said affirmed the right to adopt country-of-origin labels, even though the United States will have tochange how it operates the programme. Meat labels becamemandatory in March 2009 after years of debate. US consumerand some farm groups supported the requirement, sayingconsumers should have information to distinguish betweenUS and foreign products.Big meat processors opposed theprovision, which they said would unnecessarily boost costsand disrupt trade.

A WTO panel ruled in November that the labellingprovision violated WTO rules on technical barriers to trade.“Country of origin labeling is a lose-lose proposition for allplayers on both sides of the (border),” said CanadianAgriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, adding that within one yearof the law, Canadian feeder cattle exports to the United Statesplunged by nearly half. “ Today’s ruling is a key victory forthe livestock industry,” he said. Mexican officials alsowelcomed the ruling and in a statement called on the UnitedStates to “modify its rules to conform to the WTO andguarantee that Mexican cattle is subject to the samecompetitive conditions of US cattle.”— Reuters

World TradeOrganization DirectorGeneral Pascal Lamy

addresses a newsconference on annual

trade forecast andstatistics at the WTO

headquarters inGeneva on 12 April ,

2012.— REUTERS

China to lead talks on nuclear definitions

Obama pledges federal aid on Colorado wildfire visit

US PresidentBarack Obamalooks over fire

damagedhomes in theMountainShadow

neighbourhoodwhile next to

fire fighters inColorado

Springs, on 29June, 2012.


A US official who spoke oncondition of anonymity saidthis was the first time Chinahad chaired such a P5 groupon nuclear issues.

“It’s a very good step,”Gottemoeller told Reuters.“The fact that they areshouldering the responsi-bilities for this working group,I think, is a good sign of theirinterest of developing moremutual cooperation of thiskind, leading to greaterpredictability and greatermutual confidence.”


WASHINGTON, 30 June —China will lead talks amongthe five original nuclear-armedstates to define arms controlterms, the group said onFriday, a first for Beijing anda step that might ultimatelybring greater clarity about itsnuclear arsenal and strategy.A working group of theUnited States, Russia, Britain,France and China is expectedto launch talks this summeron a glossary of nuclear terms,an arcane but necessary step

for wider talks ondisarmament. Of the fiveoriginal nuclear-weaponsstates within the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, China isthe most secretive about itsarsenal, its stockpile of fissilematerial and its nucleardoctrine, analysts say.

Under the treaty, whichentered into force in 1970, thefive committed to pursuingdisarmament while the othersignatories committed not todevelop or acquire nuclear

weapons. Rose Gottemoeller,the acting US under secretaryof state arms control andinternational security, saidthe United States and Russiahave a far better grasp of eachother’s nuclear posture thanthey do of China’s. China’sleadership of the so-called P5group, described in astatement issued by the fivenations on Friday at the end ofa three-day conference, couldsignal its greater interest incooperating on these issues.

COLORADO SPRINGS, 30June — President BarackObama on Friday promisedfederal assistance forColorado’s worst-everwildfire as he toured damagecaused by the blaze, whichhas killed two people,destroyed hundreds ofhomes and forced theevacuation of 35,000 residentsin and around the state’ssecond-largest city. Obamabegan his three-hour visitwith an Air Force One fly-over of the area left devastatedby a blaze that has raged for aweek near the base of thefamed Pikes Peakmountaintop, while fire crews,taking advantage of morefavourable weather, gainedadditional ground against the

flames.The so-called Waldo

Canyon Fire unleashed itsgreatest fury on Tuesdaynight when, stoked by strong,erratic winds, it roared intofoothill communities in thenorthwestern corner ofColorado Springs andthreatened the US Air ForceAcademy campus in town.Lighter winds since then havehelped firefighters,numbering over 1,000 byweek’s end, make greaterheadway in corralling theflames. By Friday afternoon,they had managed to carvecontainment lines around 25percent of the fire’s perimeter,up from 15 percent onThursday.

As of Friday, the fire had

scorched nearly 17,000 acresof timber and brush, much ofit in the Pike National Forestwest of Colorado Springs, acity of more than 400,000inhabitants about 50 milessouth of Denver. While fireofficials said 20,000 homesremained threatened by theblaze, evacuation orders werelifted for some of the estimated35,000 residents chased fromtheir dwellings earlier thisweek. But progress againstthe blaze was accompaniedby grim news as authoritiesconfirmed the full extent ofdestruction from Tuesday’sfirestorm — 347 homesdestroyed, most of them inthe upscale subdivisionknown as MountainShadows.—Internet

EU deal for Spain, Italy buoys markets butdetails sketchy

BRUSSELS, 30 June —Under pressure to prevent acatastrophic breakup of theirsingle currency, euro zoneleaders agreed on Friday tolet their rescue fund inject aiddirectly into stricken banksfrom next year and interveneon bond markets to supporttroubled member states. Theyalso pledged to create a singlebanking supervisor for eurozone banks based around theEuropean Central Bank in alandmark first step towards aEuropean banking union thatcould help shore upstruggling member Spain. “Itis a first step to break thevicious circle between banksand sovereigns,” EuropeanCouncil President Herman VanRompuy told a final newsconference after talks whichstretched right through thenight.

The deal was widely seenas a political victory forembattled Italian PrimeMinister Mario Monti and hisSpanish counterpart, MarianoRajoy, over German Chance-llor Angela Merkel, who hadbrushed aside any need forsuch emergency measuresearlier this week. ECB

President Mario Draghiendorsed the “tangibleresults”, which sent the euronearly 2 percent higher andsharply cut Spanish andItalian bond yields. Europeanshares rose, led by bankingstocks buoyed by theprospect of moves to backstopthe financial system. “I amactually quite pleased with theoutcome of the EuropeanCouncil. It showed the long-term commitment to the euroby all member states of theeuro area,” Draghi toldreporters. Market participantswelcomed the outcome as asubstantial step to restoreconfidence in the 17-nationeuro zone, which was salutedby a more durable rally thanprevious summit outcomes.“It’s inching closer to abanking union, and the closerwe get to a banking unionwould put (the EU) well on theroad to a fiscal union,” saidArt Hogan, managing directorof Lazard Capital Markets inNew York. Most economistspolled by Reuters expect theECB to cut borrowing costs atits 5 July meeting, which takesplace against a darkeningeconomic backdrop. But

internal resistance to thecentral bank reviving its bond-buying programme remainshigh.

After 14 hours of tensetalks that ended at 4:30 am(0230 GMT), the 17 leadersagreed on a series of short-term steps to shore up theirmonetary union and bringdown the borrowing costs ofSpain and Italy, seen as toobig to bail out. To that end theeuro zone’s temporary EFSFand permanent ESM rescuefunds will be used “in a flexibleand efficient manner in orderto stabilize markets” to supportcountries that comply with EUbudget policy recommenda-tions, a joint statement said.


European Council PresidentHerman Van Rompuyaddresses a news conferenceafter a European Unionleaders summit in Brusselson 29 June, 2012.— REUTERS

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012


Consignees of cargo carried on MV MERKURBRIDGE VOY NO (009) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 1.7.2012 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lieat the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S MOL (S’PORE) PTE LTDPhone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV ORA BHUMVOY NO (307) are hereby notified that the vessel willbe arriving on 1.7.2012 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of M.I.P where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV DAN JIANGVOY NO (081) are hereby notified that the vessel willbe arriving on 1.7.2012 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S INTERASIA LINESPhone No: 256908/378316/376797

Image provided by Mexican Navy shows Navy officersand volunteers carrying supplies to deliver to residents

affected by Hurricane Carlotta in Oaxaca, southernMexico, on 26 June, 2012. In a press release, Mexican

Navy reported the land access to at least 37 communitiesof Oaxaca has been cut off. — XINHUA

Guatemala sends dozens ofdrug traffickers to prison

GUATEMALA CITY, 30 June — A Guatemalan courtsentenced 36 alleged members of a powerful Mexican drugcartel to prison on Wednesday for various crimes, includingdismember-ing a state prosecutor who was investigating thegang. Judges determined that the three dozen gang members,including one woman, were responsible for at least threemurders in the northern region of Peten last year.

The court also handed out prison sentences from two to158 years for crimes ranging from drug possession, conspiracy,trafficking arms and murder. Seven of those arrested werefound responsible for kidnapping and decapitatingprosecutor Allan Stowlinsky in Coban, north of the capital,leaving his arms and legs in bags in front of his office and hishead in a central market.

Prosecutors said the attorney general’s office isinvestigating 10 of the 36 suspects for their par-ticipation inthe massacre of 27 farm workers in Peten in May of 2011 ina dispute with the farm’s owner for control of cocainetrafficking routes.—Reuters

China urges parties inAfghanistan to continue

inclusive political dialogueUNITED NATIONS, 30 June — China hopes parties

concerned in Afghanistan will continue to be devoted to aninclusive political dialogue and peace process in order torealize national reconciliation, said Li Baodong, Chinesepermanent representative to the United Nations here onWednesday. His statement came as he addressed a SecurityCouncil open meeting on the situation in Afghanistan. “Thanksto the joint efforts by the Afghan government and its peopleand under the support by the international community, therehas been positive progress in the situation in Afghanistan,”Li told the meeting.

“China supports the reconciliation and reintegrationprocess led by Afghan government,” Li said. “We hope thatvarious parties in Afghanistan will remain committed to aninclusive political dialogue and peace process so as toachieve national reconciliation.” “It is of vital importancethat the next elections in Afghanistan will be held smoothly.China welcomes the preparations carried out by Afghangovernment in this regard,” he said.—Xinhua

Afghan border police display confiscated drugs in HeratProvince, Afghanistan, on 27 June , 2012. According to

an Afghan police official, Afghan border police captured611 kg drugs in Herat Province on Wednesday.— XINHUA

China dairy recalls hundreds of cartons oftainted milk

BEIJING, 30 June — AChinese dairy company hasrecalled hundreds of cartons ofmilk after a mechanical errortainted the batch with alkalinewater, the latest blow to China’sscandal-plagued dairyindustry. The recall comes justweeks after China’s top-sellingdairy firm, Inner Mongolia YiliIndustrial Group Co, pulledsix months’ worth of infantformula from shelves due tomercury contamination.

China’s milk industry isstruggling to restore consumerconfidence after a series of

Rescuers work at spot of landslide in Xixiu District ofAnshun, southwest China’s Guizhou Province, on 29

June, 2012. Five houses collapsed in a landslide here onFriday. Three people died and one was injured.


BRUSSELS, 30 June —European Union top leadershave agreed on a compactfor growth and jobs that aimsat long-term economicrevival as the two-daysummit tackling theeurozone debt crisis endedhere on Friday.

Under the compact, atotal of 120 billion euros(about 150 US dollars) arebeing mobilized for growthmeasures to boost thefinancing of the economy,European Council PresidentHerman Van Rompuy saidat the Press conference.

The compact aims atlaunching growth,investment and employmentas well as making Europemore competitive. Country-specific recommendationshave also been endorsed toguide relative policies andbudgets of EU member states,according to theconclusions of the summit.


BEIJING, 30 June— China on Friday calledGovernor of Tokyo Shintaro Ishihara’sproposal to name a panda cub a “cheap farce.”“Pandas are envoys of friendship,” ChineseForeign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei saidat a regular news briefing in response to aquestion on Ishihara’s proposal. Ishiharaproposed on Thursday that if a panda currentlyleased from China gives birth to a cub at aTokyo zoo, it should be named after the so-called “Senkaku Islands” (China’s DiaoyuIslands).

“If a cub is born, it should be named ‘SenSen’ or ‘Kaku Kaku,’” Ishihara said, as quotedby media reports. “We will (eventually) returna panda cub (to China), right?” Ishihara said.

Tokyo governor’s panda naming proposal a“cheap farce”: FM spokesman

EU leadersagree on

compact forgrowth, jobs

scandals, the worst of whichwas in 2008 when milk andinfant formula laced with theindustrial chemical melaminekilled at least six children andmade nearly 300,000 ill. In thelatest incident, the BrightDairy & Food Co, calledGuangming in Chinese,posted a recall notice on itswebsite after customerscomplained online of badsmelling and discolored liquidin the company’s 950 mlcartons (about a quarter gallon)of Ubest milk, state mediareported on Thursday.

A seconds-long mecha-nical delay during routinemaintenance at one of itsShanghai factories caused a“small amount” of alkalinecleaning solution to be flushedinto 300 cartons of milkproduced on Monday, thecompany’s notice said. “Wedeeply apologize for anyimpact this has had on ourcustomers. From today on, wewill strictly strengthen relevantmanagement procedures,” itsaid, thanking media andcustomers for their“supervision”.—Reuters

“Our counterpart would at least be able toexercise sovereignty” over a panda with thename of the islands.

Commenting on Ishihara’s proposal,Hong said the Japanese official’s “cheap”and “shameful” farce, which was deliberatelymade to impair China-Japan relations, willonly blemish the image of Tokyo as well asthat of Japan.“No matter what names Ishiharagives to Chinese pandas, he cannot changethe fact that the pandas belong to China, justas Japan cannot change the fact that theDiaoyu Islands belong to China no matterwhat names it gives to the islands and theiradjacent islets,” he added.


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Page 13: th Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham Our Three Main … · Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham ... River”, U Nay Min Hein of ... Lecturer Dr Nyein Zin Latt of Port Engineering Department

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012 13

PRAGUE, 30 June—British actress Helen Mirrenadded a “crystal globe” toher collection of awardsFriday as the CzechRepublic’s Karlovy Varyinternational film festivalopened for its 47th edition.

The festival’s jury willconsider 12 films andannounce a grand-prizewinner at its closingceremony, when actressSusan Sarandon will alsograce the red carpet in the spatown of Karlovy Vary.

Mirren, who won an

Helen Mirren wins award asCzech film festival opens

British actress HelenMirren, pictured in March

2012, added a “crystalglobe” to her collection ofawards on Friday as the

Czech Republic’s KarlovyVary international film

festival opened for its 47thedition.—INTERNET

Oscar for her role in the 2006film “The Queen”, receivedthe festival’s crystal globeaward for her contributionsto world cinema. CzechPresident Vaclav Klaus alsoattended the openingceremony.

Some 220 filmsincluding documentariesand dozens of short films willbe screened during thefestival, 22 of them makingtheir world premiere.

The jury is led byRichard Pena, programmedirector at New York’s

prestigious Film Society ofLincoln Centre.—Internet

SEOUL, 30 June —Thousands of Japanese fansflocked to South Korea to seean exhibition dedicated toboyband JYJ and meetmembers of the K-pop groupwho have taken Asia bystorm.

JYJ has invited 7,000Japanese and 15,000 Koreanfans to an exhibition centrein southern Seoul featuringperformance costumes,trophies, film footage,pictures and favourite itemsof each member.

Holograms of the threeband members were placedto guide fans and explain theshow.

“This event wasorganized for the fans... I hopethey create many goodmemories here with us,” saidmember Hero Jae-Joong atthe show launch onThursday. The group, whichis also winning a fan base asfar away as Latin America,

Japanese fans flock to meet S Korea boyband

Members of South Korean boyband JYJ Jae-Joong (R)and Jun-Su are seen during a launch event for theirexhibition in Seoul, on 28 June. JYJ invited 7,000

Japanese and 15,000 Korean fans to the event in Seoul,featuring performance costumes, trophies, film footage,pictures and favourite items of each member.—INTERNET

will personally meet theJapanese fans on Saturdayand Korean fans on Sunday.

According to the band’spublicist, the Japanese fanspaid an average 50,000 yen($630) for a three-day tour toKorea after winning a drawheld among 15,000 JYJ fansin their country.

“JYJ doesn’t visit Japanoften so I came here myself tosee them,” said Saori Oka, 22,who flew in from Fukuoka.

“Of course I plan to comenext year and I’m thankfulsuch an event is being held toshow the items, photos andfootage of all three members.”


NEW YORK, 30 June —It is an opera lover’s midsummernight’s dream: a picnic blanket, a bottle of wine and blissfulstrains of Mozart, Verdi or Puccini in New York’s CentralPark. In a nearly 40-year tradition, city dwellers converge inManhattan’s Central Park to experience the sumptuousoperatic fare usually only enjoyed by those willing to paytop-dollar at the city’s celebrated symphony halls.

This week, under the baton of the octogenarian maestroVincent La Selva, music lovers enjoyed a production ofPuccini’s “Tosca.”

The performance took place in Central Park’s NaumburgBandshell, where many music lovers snubbed theamphitheater’s built-in seats in favour of folding lawn chairs— or simply took in the music while reclining on the grass.

“I do operas that I think people want to see. They comefrom all around the country,” said La Selva, founder anddirector of the New York Grand Opera, which staged the freepublic production.—Internet

Midsummer night’s dream:free outdoor opera in NY

Claire Stadtmueller (R) asFloria Tosca and

Alejandro Olmedo (L) asMario Cavaradossi sing

during a free performanceof Giacamo Puccini’s

“Tosca” by the New YorkGrand Opera at Central

Park on 27 June in New York.INTERNET

Colombian singer Shakiraperforms during the “Rock

in Rio” music festival inSpain in 2008.—INTERNET

MADRID , 30 June — Oneof the world’s biggest festivals,Rock in Rio, opens inrecession-hit Spain this weekvowing to defy the misery of

Rock in Rio festival to defy Spanish austerity

LOS ANGELES, 30 June—It always seemed more than alittle weird, didn’t it? Thewhirlwind romance of TomCruise and Katie Holmes withits very public, very emphaticproclamations of love. It alloccurred too quickly and tooloudly to seem real. Now,after nearly six years of

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorcing

austerity with rock, and food.“We spent two dayscollecting food and in return

we gave people tickets toRock in Rio,” said PabloRodriguez, mayor of Argandadel Rey, the town southeast ofMadrid where the festivalvenue, the man-made “Cityof Rock”, rises amid parchedyellow fields.

The food donations

supplied branches of thecharities Caritas and the RedCross for their localprogrammes to help theneedy. “We gathered 15tonnes of non-perishable foodlike sugar and oil — morefood than we had asked for,”and gave out 3,000 tickets tothe festival in return,Rodriguez added.—Internet

In this 28 March, 2011 filephoto, cast member KatieHolmes, right, and Tom

Cruise arrive at thepremiere of “TheKennedys” at The

Academy of MotionPictures Arts and Sciences

in Beverly Hills, Calif.Cruise and Holmes arecalling it quits after five

years of marriage.INTERNET

marriage, Holmes isdivorcing Cruise. She filedthe papers on Thursday, said

Cruise’s lawyer Bert Fields.The two share a daughter, 6-year-old Suri, who’s beenfeatured in celebrity medianearly as frequently as herparents.

But it’s telling that evenin addressing their split inthe typically vague fashionof famous people, Cruise stillrefers to Holmes by the namehe called her: Kate, as if todistance her from the adorableKatie audiences came toknow and love from the teensoap “Dawson’s Creek.”“Kate has filed for divorceand Tom is deeply saddenedand is concentrating on histhree children,” Cruise’srepresentative, AmandaLundberg, told TheAssociated Press.—Internet

A US Air Force plane that disappeared60 years ago in Alaska has been found on aglacier, 14 miles from where it originallycrashed into a mountain.

The C-124 Globemaster and its crew of52 servicemen were lost when the planecrashed in November 1952. A militaryspokeswoman said that a recovery team isstill working to officially identify debrisfound on Colony Glacier, about 45 mileseast of Anchorage, but that the militarybelieves it to be from the long-missing place.

“Some of the evidence positivelycorrelates to the United States Air ForceGlobemaster that crashed in 1952,” saidCaptain Jamie Dobson of the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC), whichspecializes in recovering remains of lostmilitary personnel, the Associated Pressreports.

An Alaska National Guard helicoptercrew conducting a routine training missionin the area first spotted the wreckage on 10June. The findings, which reportedly includesuspected bone fragments, are currentlybeing analyzed at JPAC’s laboratory inHawaii.

“They weren’t seeing human remains.

Air Force plane and crew missing for 60 yearsdiscovered on Alaska glacier

A USAF C-124 Globemaster on anAlaskan runway in 1956.

A Tennessee couple who found a bagcontaining more than $12,000 on top of aconvenience store trash can said it nevercrossed their minds to keep the money.

Kenneth Allen and his wife Kristy foundthe bank bag with $12,764.73 and a man’swallet on 23 June evening, officer Jim Knoll,a spokesman for the Clarksville police, said ina release.

Kenneth told the Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle he never thought to keep the money“because that’s not the right thing to do.”

“I knew I had to return it,” he said.“Someone might have needed that forsomething really important.”

The Allens tried to track down the owner,but after no success, turned the investigation

Tennessee couple find,return $12,000

A Florida man is travelling from the northernmostpoint in Minnesota to the southernmost point of KeyWest, Fla, in a kayak. Daniel Alvarez, who won a $10,000adventure grant from Outdoor Magazine for his 4,000-mile kayak trip, said his “heart of America paddlingjourney” serves both as an adventure for himself and achance to promote environmental organizations Friendsof the Boundary Waters Wilderness, American Rivers,Gulf Restoration Network and the Florida WildlifeFederation, the Tallahassee (Fla) Democrat reported. “I


fromMinnesotato Floridain kayak

They were seeing wreckage. But it wasn’trecoverable. It was frozen in ice,” Dobsonsaid.

The 11-year record of conjoined twins.

over to Clarksville police. Officers found theowner, a 51-year-old man who had suffered areaction to medication and was hospitalized.That’s why the bag was left behind, Knoll said.

Kenneth said the owner, whose name wasnot reported, has since called to express histhanks for the return of the money. “If anyoneelse had found this money, they’d have thrownone heck of a party,” he said. “We were meantto find it.”

want this trip to be more than just my fun adventure,” hesaid. “The wilderness has already given me so much. Iwant to give back.”

Alvarez, who is currently making his way throughMinnesota’s Boundary Waters Wilderness, said he willhead from Lake Superior to the Mississippi River andthen to the Gulf of Mexico for the last leg of his journey.

News Album

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012

KIEV, 30 June—And so they meet again at Euro 2012.This time, however, Spain and Italy are playing for theEuropean Championship and a place in the history books.The Mediterranean rivals meet on Sunday in Kiev’s OlympicStadium, three weeks after they drew 1-1 in their openingmatch of the tournament’s group stage. As the defendingchampion and World Cup holder, Spain is bidding to win athird straight major title, cementing its place as one of thegreatest national teams. It would also match Germany’srecord of three European Championship titles.

Spain, Italy rematch inhistoric Euro 2012 final

Spain’s Andres Iniesta scores his penalty shootoutduring the Euro 2012 soccer championship semifinal

match between Spain and Portugal in Donetsk, Ukraine,on 27June, 2012.— INTERNET

Only the unpredictable Mario Balotelli and a surprisingItaly team — orchestrated by Andrea Pirlo — stand betweenSpain and what many see as its destiny. Even Italy coachCesare Prandelli reckons that Spain is the best bet to lift thetrophy. “At the moment, even if I open my eyes, I am stilldreaming,’’ Prandelli said after his side’s 2-1 victory overGermany in the semifinals, when Balotelli scored both goals.

“Spain remain favorites because of the years of hard work thatthey have put in. They have been dominant in every gamethey’ve played so far.’’

Spain hasn’t lost in a European Championship since2004 and has already matched West Germany as the onlydefending champion to return to the final after winning theWorld Cup. The West Germans managed it in 1976, butsubsequently lost to Czechoslovakia following AntoninPanenka’s famous chip shot in a penalty shootout. This finalbrings together teams with players brazen enough to havesuccessfully copied Panenka’s audacious spot kick duringtheir penalty shootouts in the knockout rounds. Spaindefender Sergio Ramos used it in the semifinal win overPortugal, after Pirlo employed it against England in thequarterfinals.

It also features the tournament’s best defensive teamagainst one of its most exciting attacking squads. Spain hasnot conceded a goal since that opening draw with Italy andhasn’t been scored upon in nine elimination games at majortournaments. Balotelli, Antonio Cassano and Pirlo areleading one of Italy’s top attacking teams in recent history.“We always just tried to play, I think that is our strength,’’ saidPrandelli, whose team is bidding to give Italy its secondEuropean title, the same number as Spain and France.


Italy goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon dives for a saveduring the Euro 2012 soccer championship semifinal

match between Germany and Italy in Warsaw, Poland,on 28 June, 2012.


EUGENE, 30 June—Maybe the response justslipped. Or maybe thequestion completely caughther off guard. As Allyson Felixsauntered away from thecrowd and toward the safetyof a restricted area, sheactually broke her vow ofsilence. “Feeling good,” shesaid in almost a hushed voice.And then she was off again,escorted by coach BobbyKersee. Felix is looking solidon the track even in the midstof controversy, winning hersemifinal heat at Olympictrials on Friday. Same withtraining partner JenebaTarmoh, who moments earliercaptured her raceconvincingly, too.

After the 200 finalSaturday, these two sprinterswill finally address whateveryone is anxious to know:Just how they will break theirthird-place tie in the 100 anddecide who earns the finalspot to the London Games inthe event. A runoff? A flip ofthe coin? Soon, there will bea choice. Maybe evensomething as simple as one ofthem surrendering the spot to

Felix, Tarmoh easily advanceto 200 final

Allyson Felix competes inher heat in the women’s

200 meter semi-finals at atthe US Olympic Track andField Trials on 29 June,

2012, in Eugene, OreAlexandria Anderson is at

right.— INTERNET

the other. The controversyhas overshadowedeverything at the trials.Including this: Some of thebiggest names in .USsprinting were missing fromthe starting blocks in theopening round of the men’s

200 meters. Justin Gatlin andTyson Gay were expected tosit out this race after securingspots to London in the 100.


LONDON, 30 June — Aftercreating one of the biggestshocks in living memory,Lukas Rosol’s reward for hisvictory over Rafa Nadal is athird round clash againstGermany’s PhilippKohlschreiber onWimbledon’s Court 12.

The Czech bruiser

Sharp-shooter Rosol preparesfor Nadal encore

Lukas Rosol of the CzechRepublic celebrates afterdefeating Rafael Nadal of

Spain in their men’ssingles tennis match at the

Wimbledon tennischampionships in London

on 28 June, 201 REUTERS

battered Nadal’s hopes ofwinning a third Wimbledontitle on Thursday, but willnow have to prove he canshine out of the limelight.

“When the guy’s firingmissiles left and right, goingfor broke, I think it’s one ofthose days,” women’s worldnumber one Maria Sharapovasaid about Rosol’s heavyhitting display against Nadal.

Nadal’s defeat openedup the draw for Britain’s AndyMurray who now knows hewill not have to face any ofthe world’s top three on hisroute to the final.

The world number fourfaces Cyprus’s MarcosBaghdatis, who beat Murrayat Wimbledon in 2006 on hisway to the semi-final. In thewomen’s draw, four-timeswinner Serena Williams facesChina’s Zheng Jie.


BETHESDA, 30 June—Apunishing golf course.Temperatures that topped100. Hunter Mahan stillmanaged to make Friday atCongressional feel like a

Mahan builds 2-shot lead atCongressional

Hunter Mahan hits fromthe 13th tee during the

second round of the AT&TNational golf tournamentat Congressional CountryClub in Bethesda, Md, on29 June, 2012.— INTERNET

breeze. Mahan finally had agood score to match theefficient way he has beenswinging the club. He madeseven birdies in the stiflingheat for a 6-under 65, giving

him a two-shot lead goinginto the weekend at theAT&T National as he goesafter a PGA Tour-leadingthird win of the year.

Chris Couch soughtmedical attention andstruggled to finish in theoppressive conditions. Onecaddie had to stop after nineholes, and another vomitedto the side of the 13th greenfrom drinking too muchwater. Tiger Woods stayed inthe game with a 68 in themorning, when it was still sohot that towels were used towipe sweaty faces more thanto clean clubs. He talkedabout the value of staying fitand strong to survive dayslike this. He was five shotsbehind. Mahan, though, hasset himself apart for two days.

“I hit a lot of goodshots,’’ said Mahan, whomissed only two fairways andthree greens. “I hit so manyfairways and greens, I made iteasy on myself. This is a prettypunishing golf course if youget off line a little bit. I putmyself in some great spots tomake putts. And I felt like Iplayed well on the back, whenit was getting really hot andyou’re getting a little bitmore tired.’’ Mahan was at 7-under 135. His two roundsfulfilled what his swingcoach, Sean Foley, saidThursday when describinghis ball-striking as “a lasershow.’’— Internet

WIMBLEDON, 30 June —Top-seeded Novak Djokovicdropped a set against No 28Radek Stepanek beforecoming back to win 4-6, 6-2,6-2, 6-2 on Friday, reachingthe fourth round atWimbledon.

Djokovic is trying tobecome the first man sinceRoger Federer in 2007 to winconsecutive titles at the AllEngland Club. A day aftertwo-time Wimbledonchampion Rafael Nadalstunningly lost to 100th-ranked Lukas Rosol in thesecond round under the roofat Centre Court, Djokovic fellbehind another Czech playerwith the stadium covered.

But after getting brokenat love to end the first set,Djokovic recovered quickly.

Djokovic drops set toStepanek, comes back to win

Novak Djokovic of Serbiareacts to a shot by Radek

Stepanek of the CzechRepublic during a third

round men’s singles matchat the All England LawnTennis Championships atWimbledon, England, on

29 June, 2012.— INTERNET

He broke Stepanek in the firstgame of each of the last threesets. Djokovic now faces34th-ranked Viktor Troickiin an all-Serbian match.Troicki beat No 15 JuanMonaco 7-5, 7-5, 6-3.


LONDON, 30 June — Roger Federer set pulses racing as he diced with danger for morethan three hours before dousing the fireworks of French buccaneer Julien Benneteau witha pulsating 4-6, 6-7, 6-2, 7-6, 6-1 Wimbledon third-round win on Friday. Just 24 hours afterRafa Nadal’s unlikely demise, Benneteau sent shockwaves of equal magnitude around theAll England Club as he destroyed Federer during the first two sets with ferocious forehands,belting backhands and audacious reflex shots.

When the Frenchman stood two points from victory in the 12th game of the fourth set,and again in the tiebreak, it seemed as if Federer’s incredible streak of reaching 32consecutive grand slam quarter-finals would end on the Swiss’s much-loved Centre Courtarena. But fraying nerves is not the sign of a champion who has won a record 16 grand slamtitles, including six Wimbledon crowns, and he did not flinch once as he withstoodBenneteau’s onslaught to steer the match into a fifth set.—Reuters

Federer taken the distance by French buccaneer

Roger Federer ofSwitzerland celebrates afterdefeating Julien Benneteau

of France in their men’ssingles tennis match at the

Wimbledon tennischampionships in London

on 29 June, 2012. REUTERS

International Sports

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Page 15: th Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham Our Three Main … · Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham ... River”, U Nay Min Hein of ... Lecturer Dr Nyein Zin Latt of Port Engineering Department

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 1 July, 2012 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

(1-7-12 09:30 am ~2-7-12 09:30 am) MST


MYANMAR TV(1-7-2012) (Sunday)

Focus Myanmar TV ProgrammeWeather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas Weather forecast for 1st July, 2012

7:00 am 1. Paritta By Hilly Region

Missionary Sayadaw7:25 am 2. To Be Healthy

Exercise7:50 am 3. Nice and Sweet Song8:00 am 4. Health Programme11:10 am 5. Musical Programme11:20 am 6. Round Up Of The

Week’s InternationalNews

12:30 pm 7. How It’s Works12:50 pm 8. Fashion Show in

honour of MyanmarWomen’s Day (2011)

4:15 pm 9. Dance of National

Races4:25 pm10. Teleplay (Htar)4:35 pm11. University of Distance

Education (TV Lectures)-Third Year (Law)

4:50 pm12. Songs For Upholding

National Spirit5:05 pm13. Sing & Enjoy6:20 pm14. Cartoon Series8:00 pm15. News16. Cartoon Series17. New Melody

NLM-ner Joke

Answers for Yesterday’sCrossword Puzzle

Engineers and managersA man flying in a hot air balloon realizes he is lost. He

reduces his altitude and spots a man in a field down below.He lowers the balloon further and shouts, “Excuse me, canyou tell me where I am?”

The man below says, “Yes, you’re in a hot air balloon,about 30 feet above this field.”

“You must be an engineer,” says the balloonist.“I am. How did you know?”“Everything you told me is technically correct, but it’s

of no use to anyone.”The man below says, “You must be in management.”“I am. But how did you know?”“You don’t know where you are, or where you’re

going, but you expect me to be able to help. You’re in thesame position you were before we met, but now it’s myfault.”—Internet

How the rich get richerA businessman walked into a New York City bank and

asked for the loan officer. He said he was going to Europeon business for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000.The loan officer said the bank would need some security forsuch a loan. The business man then handed over the keysto a Rolls Royce that was parked on the street in front of thebank. Everything checked out and the loan officer acceptedthe car as collateral for the loan. An employee then drovethe Rolls into the bank’s underground garage and parkedit there. Two weeks later the businessman returned, repaidthe $5,000 and the interest which came to $15.41. The loanofficer said, ‘We do appreciate your business and thistransaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a bitpuzzled. While you were away we checked and found thatyou are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is why youwould bother to borrow $5,000?’ The business man replied:‘Where else in New York City can I park my car for 2 weeksfor 15 bucks?’ —Internet

Fred Couples leads SeniorPlayers ChampionshipPITTSBURGH, 30 June —

The heat is on at the SeniorPlayers Championship.

Fred Couples is takingadvantage of it.

With swelteringtemperatures easing thestiffness in his chronicallybad back, the defendingchampion birdied the finalthree holes Friday for a 7-under 63 and the second-round lead at Fox Chapel.

Couples, the winner lastyear at Westchester CountryClub in Harrison, NY, reached11 under on a day when thetemperature reached 96degrees with a heat index of105.

“The heat helps,” saidCouples, the 1992 Masterschampion.

Fred Couples tees off on the ninth hole during thesecond round of the Senior Players Championship

golf tournament at the Fox Chapel Country Club inFox Chapel, Pa, on 29 June, 2012. Couples shot a 7-

under-par 63 for the round, for a two-day score of11-under-par 129.


“I have some heat onmy back to start the day,and then being hot andhumid certainly was a goodthing.”

Couples has com-plained about stiffness allweek, saying his back is soreafter receiving his regularanti-inflammatory injectionstwo weeks ago.

His game hasn’t shownit.

Couples has one bogeythrough two rounds, hasbirdied the two par-5 holesboth days and has hit 34 of 36greens.

He birdied four of thefirst six holes and closed thesame way, with birdies at 13,16, 17 and 18.


* News* 12 Sign Ascendants

in July 2012* News* Music Gallery* News* Journey To

Unimageable Spot(Episode-11)

* News* Appetizing

Myanmar Salads“Picking tea leaves”

* News* MI People’s

Celebrities “PhyuPhyu Kyaw Thein”

* News* “ES4E” Your Gate

Way to Success* News* Brainstorming Our

Boys and Girls* News* Fete De La Musique

French MusicFestival

* Myanmar Movie“Dream House”

Collectively growing of saplingsheld in Insein Township

YANGON, 30 June—Jointly organized by Insein TownshipGeneral Administration Department and Township ForestDepartment, the 2012 rainy season tree growing ceremonytook place in the compound of No 9 Basic Education MiddleSchool in Sawbwagyigon Ward of Insein Township in YangonNorth District on 27 June.

At the ceremony, Township Administrator U Tint NaingSoe, Head of Township Forest Department U Myint Aung,Township Education Officer U Tin Hlaing and Chairpersonof Township Women’s Affairs Organization Daw Tin Tin Oodistributed saplings to township level departmental officials,ward administrations, members of social organizations andstudents.

Later, they planted 350 saplings at the ceremony.Myanma Alin

Temperature (°C/°F) For Tomorrow Sr.

No. Maximum Minimum Forecast Percent

1 Kachin 35/95 25/77 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

2 Kayah 25/77 20/68 Scattered rain or thundershowers (100%)

3 Kayin 28/82 21/70 Widespread rain or thundershowers (IH) (100%)

4 Chin 22/72 16/61 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

5 Upper Sagaing 30/86 25/77 Scattered rain or thundershowers (100%)

6 Lower Sagaing 38/100 24/75 Isolated rain or thundershowers (100%)

7 Taninthayi 29/84 22/72 Widespread rain or thundershowers (IH) (100%)

8 Bago 28/82 24/75 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

9 Magway 30/86 23/73 Scattered rain or thundershowers (100%)

10 Mandalay 36/97 25/77 Isolated rain or thundershowers (100%)

11 Mon 27/81 22/72 Widespread rain or thundershowers (IH) (100%)

12 Yangon 30/86 22/72 Widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

13 Rakhine 28/82 22/72 Widespread rain or thundershowers (IH) (100%)

14 Southern Shan 25/77 18/64 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

15 Northern Shan 33/91 22/72 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

16 Eastern Shan 30/86 22/72 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

17 Ayeyawady 28/82 23/73 Widespread rain or thundershowers (100%)

18 Neighbouring Nay Pyi Taw 32/90 24/75 Isolated rain or thundershowers (100%)

19 Neighbouring Yangon 30/86 22/72 One or two rain or thundershowers (80%)

20 Neighbouring Mandalay 36/97 25/77 Isolated rain or thundershowers (60%)

Summary of

observations at

09:30 hr MST on


During the past (24) hours, rain or thundershowers have been isolated in Lower Sagaing Region and Kayah State, scattered in Upper Sagaing, Mandalay and Magway Regions, fairly widespread in Bago and Yangon Regions, Shan State and widespread in the remaining Regions and States with regionally heavy falls in Rakhine State and isolated heavy fall in Mandalay Region. The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded were Maungdaw (4.13) inches, Sittway (4.09) inches, Manaung (3.90) inches, Mogok (3.30) inches and Kyaikkhami (2.83) inches.

Bay Inference Monsoon is strong in the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

State of the Sea Squalls with moderate to rough sea will be experienced off and along Myanmar Coasts. Surface wind speed in squalls may reach (40) mph.

Outlook for sub-

sequent two days Continuation of strong monsoon.

p15(29).pmd 7/1/2012, 3:13 AM15

Page 16: th Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham Our Three Main … · Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham ... River”, U Nay Min Hein of ... Lecturer Dr Nyein Zin Latt of Port Engineering Department

Sunday, 1 July, 201213th Waxing of First Waso 1374 ME

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—Vice-President of the Republicof the Union of Myanmar Dr Sai Mauk Kham, accompaniedby Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Myo Myint, MyanmarPermanent Representative to United Nations U Than Swe,departmental heads, the chargé d affaires ai of MyanmarEmassy in Brazil, visited office of organizing committee of2014 FIFA World Cup while in Rio de Janeiro of Brazil on22 June.

They met Executive Director of the committee Mr

Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham meets officials ofVice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham meets officials ofWorld Cup organizing committee, Petrobras, SoftexWorld Cup organizing committee, Petrobras, Softex

Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham goesVice-PresidentDrSaiMaukKhamgoessightseeing in Rio de JaneirosightseeinginRiodeJaneiro

Ricardo Trade and members and discussed prospects ofcooperation in hosting 2013 SEA Games and improvingMyanmar’s football standards.

The Vice-President then viewed the preparations fororganizing 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

On arrival at energy giant Petrobras in Rio de Janeiroof Brazil, officials explained oil exploration by thecompany.

The Vice-President threw questions and discussed

potentials for investment in Myanmar.On 23 June, the Vice-President met officials of Softex

Company, a Brazil’s information technology and softwarecompany, at meeting hall of Porto Bay where they stayed.

International Business Manager Mrs Glaucia CritterChiliatto explained e-government and financial solutionsof the company and cooperation in IT development ofMyanmar.

The Vice-President and party raised questions.—MNA

Vice-President of theRepublic of the Union

of Myanmar Dr SaiMauk Kham receivesExecutive Director of

the committee MrRicardo Trade and

members at office oforganizing committeeof 2014 FIFA World

Cup in Rio de Janeiroof Brazil.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—A strong earthquake ofmagnitude (6.3) Richter Scale with its epicenter outsideMyanmar (Northern Xinjiang, China) about (1600) milesnorthwest of Mandalay seismological observatory wasrecorded at (03) hrs (43) min (54) sec M.S.T today, announcedDepartment of Meteorology and Hydrology.—MNA

Strong earthquake rocks

YANGON, 30 June—Cash and kind were donated tolocals in Rakhine State, who lost their houses and propertiesin the recent unrest, at the Fire Services Department (Headoffice) in Mayangon Township here this morning.

At the event, a number of donors donated cash andkind including Kenghong (Chinese Buddhist Monastery)whose donation amount is K 5 million, Managing DirectorU Win Lwin of Kyaw Tha Co medicines, soaps, umbrellasworth K 3.1 million, overseas students monks in Indian K2.62 million through Director-General of the Fire ServicesDepartment U Tin Moe and officials concerned, who spokewords of thanks to the donors.

The donation list can be seen with the latest amountof K 209,390,296.—MNA

Locals in Rakhine Statesupplied with cash and kind

NAY PYI TAW, 30 June—Vice-President of theRepublic of the Union ofMyanmar Dr Sai Mauk Khamand party went onsightseeing tour of Rio deJaneiro on 23 June.

The Vice-President andparty went to Pao de Aucaror Sugar Loaf Mountain ofthe city by cable car andenjoyed the scenery of RioBay and picturesque view ofthe city from the first view-point. The Vice-Presidenthad his memorable timeswith companions capturedon the camera and vieweddocumentary video clip onconstruction of cable line toSugar Loaf Mountain. Thecable car was launched in1912 and the place isreported to be one of themajor tourist destinations ofthe city, attracting local andforeign visitors.

The Earth Summit heldin Rio de Janeiro in 1992 has

increased the environmentalconservation awareness ofthe residents and as a resulteverywhere is green and lushin and around the town.

The Vice-President andparty then proceeded to thesecond view-point andviewed the spectacularlandscape of the cityenvirons and looked roundthe souvenir shops.

On 24 June morning, theVice-President and partywent to the hill of ChristRedeemer Statue by train andobserved the structure ofstatue, enjoying the breath-taking views of Rio deJaneiro.

The hill of the statuestands at an altitude of 720meters and the statue is 38meters high. It was built in

1931, attracting about 2million of local and foreignvisitors yearly.

The Vice-Presidentthen visited CopacabanaBeach of the city in theevening and enjoyed thefootball match betweenBotafogo and Ponte Pretaclubs at Engehao Stadium,the home of the formerclub.—MNA

Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Khamenjoys picturesque scenery of Riode Janeiro from the hill of world-famous Christ Redeemer Statue.



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