thank you - life coaches toolbox€¦ · life coaches toolbox is a collection of 160+ modern life...

thank you © 2015 Chemory Gunko & Life Coaches Toolbox. This item may not be freely distributed. Thank you for purchasing this process from Life Coaches Toolbox is a collection of 160+ modern Life Coaching Processes to help you reset your body, mind, heart or soul. A big resource of NLP-based Life Coaching strategies, processes, techniques, exercises, games, question sets, scripts, rampages & affirmations to help you overcome physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges, Life Coaches Toolbox is suitable for those who would like to do work on their own, coaches, mentors, trainers and managers who would like a ready-built Coaching Toolkit and a go-to toolbox you can always turn to as your next step in a crisis. If you would like to purchase more processes and tools to use with your coaching clients, or on yourself, please visit or email [email protected]

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Page 1: thank you - Life Coaches Toolbox€¦ · Life Coaches Toolbox is a collection of 160+ modern Life Coaching Processes to help you reset your body, mind, heart or soul. A big resource

t h a n k y o u

© 2 0 1 5 C h e m o r y G u n k o & L i f e C o a c h e s T o o l b o x .T h i s i t e m m a y n o t b e f r e e l y d i s t r i b u t e d .

Thank you for purchasing this process

Life Coaches Toolbox is a collection of160+ modern Life Coaching Processes to help you

reset your body, mind, heart or soul.

A big resource of NLP-based Life Coachingstrategies, processes, techniques, exercises, games,

question sets, scripts, rampages & affirmationsto help you overcome physical, mental, emotional

and spiritual challenges, Life Coaches Toolboxis suitable for those who would like to do workon their own, coaches, mentors, trainers and

managers who would like a ready-built CoachingToolkit and a go-to toolbox you can always

turn to as your next step in a crisis.

If you would like to purchase more processes and toolsto use with your coaching clients, or on yourself,

please visit lifecoachestoolbox.comor email [email protected]

Page 2: thank you - Life Coaches Toolbox€¦ · Life Coaches Toolbox is a collection of 160+ modern Life Coaching Processes to help you reset your body, mind, heart or soul. A big resource

fightingfear &anxietyWhen the dark storm clouds of fear and anxiety are looming and the sword of Damocles is hanging over your head, itʼs really difficult know where to turn or what to do next.

There are two important keys Iʼve learned about dealing with fears: first, if you donʼt ask, your answer is already no, so swallow the fear and ask.

The second important key is that courage doesnʼt mean you wonʼt be scared, courage means youʼll do whatever needs to be done, even if youʼre scared.

Iʼm almost convinced that heroes go home and cry at night, collapsing after the crisis is over.




Page 3: thank you - Life Coaches Toolbox€¦ · Life Coaches Toolbox is a collection of 160+ modern Life Coaching Processes to help you reset your body, mind, heart or soul. A big resource





The easiest tool you have available to you with fears in any moment is rationalization.

Avoiding alcohol because you come from a lineage of addicts or having a mastectomy because your mom and sister died of breast cancer are reasonable, but not allowing your children to participate in or talk about the sport because you lost a family member in a rugby game is a bit ridiculous.

This flowchart will help you analyze, break down and understand if your fear is reasonable and you can live with it, or you if should try something to shift it or seek professional help.

is your fear valid & reasonable?

Does itprotect

your life?


val id fear

val id fear


Does itkeep you or

somebody elsesafe in some way?

seek profe



l hel




Does it interferewith your ability toparticipate in day to

day life?



Does it causeunnecessary pain,

irritation or interferencefor the people around you?



Do peoplecomplain about

it or avoid you asa result of it?

seek profe



l hel


seek profe



l hel




Is it a reasonable fear,something that is within your

or othersʼ control? eg. You can drivesober and avoid smoking, but you have

no control over accidents happening

NoIs it a fear that

causes people tohave to lie to you?

Is the fear a result ofa past trauma, eg. a parentʼs

death or addiction or a traumaticevent that you experienced?Yes

Is it aproblemfor you?

seek profe



l hel


Page 4: thank you - Life Coaches Toolbox€¦ · Life Coaches Toolbox is a collection of 160+ modern Life Coaching Processes to help you reset your body, mind, heart or soul. A big resource

c a t e g o r i e s

© 2 0 1 5 C h e m o r y G u n k o & L i f e C o a c h e s T o o l b o x .T h i s i t e m m a y n o t b e f r e e l y d i s t r i b u t e d .


Belief SystemsBodyTalk TappingBoundary Setting

Building TrustChakras

Chinese MedicineEFT Tapping

Eliminating EgoEnergy Work

Energetic ProtectionFear & AnxietyFeeling Stuck

Fighting & ArgumentsFocus & Motivation

Life Coaches Toolbox has a number of freediagnostic tools and resources that coaches,trainers, mentors and managers can use with

clients, or that you can use on your own.

ForgivenessGratitude & Appreciation

Generating JoyHuman Strategies

Inner VoiceIntuition

Keeping Your CoolManifestation

Mental ExercisesPhysical Spaces

Relationship RehabShifting Crises

Shock & TraumaMeditations

MudrasWriting Processes