thank you to technology services staff you to technology services staff ... oscar villar, and...

Thank You to Technology Services Staff Week Ending June 19, 2015 Gloria Hawthorne - Thanks for helping with tracking down order and scheduling meetings for us this week. Kim Thank you Anthony for the "surprise visitor". He made my week! Thank you to Michelle Campos, Josh Zhang, Nancy Grella, Anna Senties, Thomas Hollister, Oscar Villar, and everyone else who made the equipment change out at Cy-Woods and Cy-Lakes a success! It was an honor to work with all of you. Lillie Swearingen I want to thank Scottie Stevens and Anthony Melton for helping me notify Telge Transportation/Science Resource Center and the Exhibit Center personal about our network upgrade next week since these users are going to be affected while Cy Fair HS is getting upgraded. Thank you Elizabeth Montes Thank you Greg Rhodes for presenting at the Texas K-12 CTO Council summer conference on “Building a Highly Reliable, Multi-platform Network Through a Co-Location Facility, Multiple ISPs, and Data Center upgrades.” Your little jingle of a song “Build Our House on a Rock” caught the attention of the audience! If only I had video it for the record…… I appreciate you so much. – Frankie Jackson

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Thank You to

Technology Services StaffWeek Ending June 19, 2015

Gloria Hawthorne - Thanks for helping with tracking down order and scheduling

meetings for us this week. Kim

Thank you Anthony for the "surprise visitor". He made my week!

Thank you to Michelle Campos, Josh Zhang, Nancy Grella, Anna

Senties, Thomas Hollister, Oscar Villar, and everyone else who made

the equipment change out at Cy-Woods and Cy-Lakes a success! It was

an honor to work with all of you. Lillie Swearingen

I want to thank Scottie Stevens and Anthony Melton for helping me notify

Telge Transportation/Science Resource Center and the Exhibit Center

personal about our network upgrade next week since these users are going

to be affected while Cy Fair HS is getting upgraded. Thank you Elizabeth


Thank you Greg Rhodes for presenting at the Texas K-12 CTO Council summer conference on “Building

a Highly Reliable, Multi-platform Network Through a Co-Location Facility, Multiple ISPs, and Data Center

upgrades.” Your little jingle of a song “Build Our House on a Rock” caught the attention of the audience! If

only I had video it for the record…… I appreciate you so much. – Frankie Jackson

Thank You to

Technology Services StaffWeek Ending June 19, 2015

Thank you Austen Chang for all the work you are

doing on the CATE projects. Lillie Swearingen

Thank you Pat M. for all your help with summer school

in such a professional manner and keeping everyone

calm, including office mates.

I want to thank Chance for helping me get the 2

Escorts that we needed for the UPS replacement.

Thank you Elizabeth Montes

Greg Rhodes thanks Frankie Jackson, Paula Ross,

and Jennifer Miller for their encouragement and

positive influence.

Greg Rhodes thanks Frankie Jackson for her amazing leadership and the

recognition she brings to the district. From the conference, it was obvious that

CFISD is having a big impact on the other districts due in large part to Frankie's

untiring devotion to make CFISD the best it can be.

Thank You to

Technology Services StaffWeek Ending June 19, 2015

Thank you to Geoff Brown for his help and patience with me while I learn how to post Thank Yous to

the new TLC format. Katie Hernandez

Thank you Paula Ross for presenting at the Texas K-12 CTO Council summer

conference on “Building a Highly Reliable, Multi-platform Network Through a Co-

Location Facility, Multiple ISPs, and Data Center upgrades.” Your dedication to

work an incredible amount of hours (almost around the clock) to keep up with work

at CFISD and participate in the conference so you can be a leader in the state at the

conference is very much appreciated! – Frankie Jackson

Jennifer Miller presented at the Texas K-12 CTO Council

summer conference on “Preparing for Excellence: Creating and

Sustaining an Environment Providing Customer Service and

Support.” Your presentation was exquisite. The way you bundled

up our accomplishments and explained our service management

model was amazing. It was evident that you are now the expert at

the state level, and you have made CFISD proud! – Thank you!

Frankie Jackson

Thank You to

Technology Services StaffWeek Ending June 19, 2015

Thank you to Katie Hernandez for taking care of the office while I was out on June 16-18,

2015 attending the Texas K-12 CTO conference. You handled every detail that came up

whether it be to let me know when to approve POs, to balancing our budgets, to sending

me documents to review and phone calls to return. I could not do my job without you and I

count my lucky stars every day that I get to work with you. – Frankie Jackson

Thank you Mike Raspet for being on site once again during another CFISD weather closure day. Although the

district was closed due to Tropical Storm Bill, Mike braved the elements and ended up working the entire day

in the ISC NOC. It is a good thing he was onsite because we still had deliveries arrive and sub contractors on

site. Much progress was made that day thanks to Mike! - Paula Ross

Thanks to both Thomas Hollister and Anna Senties for taking ownership of your

campus conversion and verifying all tasks were completed with minimal issues!!

-Paula Ross

Thanks to Kimberly Osborn for getting her creative juices flowing when it comes to new ways to

communicate! Kimberly was instrumental in finding a new method of communicating fairly mundane

technical information. She successfully coordinated the efforts of the CFISD Media Department and the

Technology Curriculum Department to produce an amazing training video. Thanks for thinking outside the

box! -Paula Ross

Thank You to

Technology Services StaffWeek Ending June 19, 2015

Thank you Geoff Brown for continuing to provide

outstanding support to me while looking for

innovative ways to update the new Technology

Leadership and Communication website. Your

expertise and willingness to explore options have

sped up our progress by at least 4 weeks. Thank

you! – Frankie Jackson

John Crumbley graciously volunteered to stay back to hold down the

office while others on the team participated in the Texas K-12 CTO

conference. It takes a true teamplayer to put others before yourself. I

appreciate it more than you know. Thank you! Frankie

Larry Barrios and Jay Johnson – Thank you for returning from vacation! I need your

leadership more than you know. I appreciate all that you both do for our department.

Thank you! Frankie Jackson

Like John Crumbley, Oscar Villar stayed back at the district while others presented at the Texas K-12 CTO

Council summer conference. Oscar has been directly involved with the success of “Building a Highly Reliable,

Multi-platform Network Through a Co-Location Facility, Multiple ISPs, and Data Center upgrades.” Some might

say, hey I’m doing all the work and you guys are presenting what I’m doing back at the office – but not Oscar.

Oscar stayed back and finished the network upgrades at CyLakes and CyWoods, and then upgraded the racks

in the core network room on Friday night – after working a stressful week. Your work ethic is impeccable! –

Thank you for all that you do – day after day, month after month! - Frankie Jackson