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Thato Majola


Personal Profile

Foundation ChapterManagement Chapter

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© Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved. www.insights.com

Personal Details

Thato Majola

Student Teacher

[email protected]


19 Jellicoe Avenue



South Africa


011 447 4276

Date Completed 2013/06/24

Date Printed 2013/06/26

Insights Learning and Development Ltd.Jack Martin Way, Claverhouse Business Park, Dundee, DD4 9FF, Scotland

Telephone: +44(0)1382 908050Fax: +44(0)1382 908051

E-mail: [email protected]

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Introduction 4

Overview 5

Personal Style 5

Interacting with Others 5

Decision Making 6

Key Strengths & Weaknesses 8

Strengths 8

Possible Weaknesses 9

Value to the Team 10

Communication 11

Effective Communications 11

Barriers to Effective Communication 12

Possible Blind Spots 13

Opposite Type 14

Communication with Thato's Opposite Type 15

Suggestions for Development 16

Management 17

Creating the Ideal Environment 17

Managing Thato 18

Motivating Thato 19

Management Style 20

The Insights Wheel 21

Insights Colour Dynamics 22

Jungian Preferences 23

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© Copyright 1992-2013 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved. www.insights.com


This Insights Discovery profile is based on Thato Majola’s responses to the Insights

Preference Evaluator which was completed on 2013/06/24.

The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocrates

identified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built

around the model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.

This model was published in his 1921 work “Psychological Types” and developed in

subsequent writings. Jung’s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as

the seminal work in understanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands

of researchers to the present day.

Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for

self-understanding and development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self,

both strengths and weaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for

interaction and can help them to better respond to the demands of their environment.

Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. It

reports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or

delete any statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends

to identify whether the statement may be a “blind spot” for you.

Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and take

action. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them

on areas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth

personally and interpersonally.

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These statements provide a broad understanding of Thato’s work style. Use this section to

gain a better understanding of his approaches to his activities, relationships and decisions.

Personal StyleThato prefers to live his life in a structured and organised manner and prefers to work within

established guidelines on tasks requiring detail and routine implementation. He may appear

more tolerant of others who prefer to operate in a moderate or controlled way. Thato is

painstakingly accurate and methodical, with great powers of concentration. He is most content

in work that is of practical service to the organisation and others. He is easy-going and low key

and may be prone to doubting his own ability.

He is a realist who sees things as they are and is prepared to accept them as such. He has high

qualitative expectations of himself and may express disappointment if he is unable to perform

to these standards for any reason. With a great memory for details, he is patient with the

follow-through of tasks although he may prefer not to respond immediately to given

information. He takes his commitments and obligations seriously. Practical, systematic,

thorough and hard working, Thato likes everything to be stated clearly and simply. In his own

field he has a leaning towards the technical, but may tend to underestimate his own abilities.

Thato systematically sets about achieving his scheduled goals on time in an efficient and

effective manner. He greatly prefers to trust what he can hear, smell, taste, touch and see,

rather than accept abstract or intangible ideas. Able to routinely perform his duties, the

dedication he brings to his work can often be overlooked because of his low profile. He usually

finds stress and chaos tough to handle. His common-sense denotes a practical ability with

people and things.

He may speak of or express his ideals indirectly. He values and adheres to established routines

and procedures and for him there will always be some work yet to be completed. He tends to

take the things he does well for granted and usually underrates and understates himself. His

need to detach himself from his emotions allows him to retain objectivity when assisting others

in times of stress. He focuses inward as an objective thinker and he rationalises his view of the

world through concrete facts.

He likes concrete facts, has a good memory for detail and usually learns best from “hands-on”

experiences. He tackles his work very seriously and in a matter-of-fact and orderly manner,

placing importance on the reading of instructions and detailed procedures. Thato combines

affability and amiability with a high sense of duty. Because of his strong work ethic, he accepts

responsibility for things that need to be done, especially if he can see that his actions will

conclude the process. Thato is conscientious and responsible and accepts being needed by


Interacting with Others

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Dependability is one of Thato's qualities, and his word is his bond. His success often comes

from others recognising his skills and placing higher value on his systematic qualities than he

may do himself. He is immensely loyal to respected persons or causes, occasionally to the point

of idealising those people and organisations he respects. In conflict, he will listen to all sides

before forming a conclusion and supporting a particular view. Ever concerned with efficiency,

(“a place for everything and everything in its place”), he may neglect the human element,

unwittingly causing stress in the process.

Sincere feedback from others is required to help him maintain motivation and his level of

service. He needs to know that he is making a unique contribution to the organisation. He may

mistrust authority and hierarchy and will choose to remain neutral rather than be drawn into

supporting lost “underdog” causes. He is seen by most people as kind and sympathetic. He

tends to take a sceptical, critical attitude to information that has not been verified by the senses

and is likely to distrust people who are careless about facts, sloppy about details, and who

favour imagination or novelty over facts.

By demanding conformity to his customary way of doing things, he could discourage more

creative or innovative approaches. In a conflict, he typically appears calm, unruffled, efficient

and pragmatic. He may encounter frustration or stress when others do not stick rigidly to

schedules and plans. His concern for the well-being of people around him makes Thato

especially sensitive to an individual's personal needs. Thato is gentle, sympathetic, tactful and

supportive of friends and colleagues.

Decision MakingPractical and realistic, Thato is a most matter-of-fact and thorough individual. He sees himself

as realistic, practical and matter-of-fact, although others may not always see the practicality of

some of his decisions. He has an ability to see the need of the moment and then deal with it.

Thato's practical nature and acceptance of established procedures ensures he is dependable and

consistent. He is reticent about expressing his feelings and may be rather slow to make

decisions as he wants to gather all essential information before acting.

He is uncomfortable moving beyond his own experience until he fully understands the

problem. He seeks to review and assimilate the facts without being pressured to make a rapid

decision. He has an ability to note what is needed in a situation and act accordingly. Using past

experiences to help him solve current problems and get things done is one of his strong points.

With unshakeable, well-thought-out plans, he is difficult to distract or discourage once he has

embarked on what he believes to be the correct course. When Thato perceives that something

needs to be done, he will accept responsibility for implementing it.

He may appear dismissive of decisions made on “gut-feel” rather than objective analysis.

Above all, he is concerned with what is “right” and because of this may appear slow in the

decision making process. His quiet demeanour often allows him to get agreement to his

alternative solutions. He takes a personal approach to living, assessing events through the

personal values and ideals which govern his life. He will support those he considers as friends

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but can feel rather pressured if made to act against what he considers as his better judgement.

Personal Notes

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Key Strengths & Weaknesses

StrengthsThis section identifies the key strengths which Thato brings to the organisation. Thato has

abilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of

the fundamental gifts he has to offer.

Thato’s key strengths:

Adaptable in social situations.

Pays great attention to detail.

Lives in and for the moment.

Focuses on the day to day.

Painstaking, conscientious, industrious and dependable.


Sensible and matter of fact.

Focused and determined.

Usually reads non-verbal signs effectively.

A steady day-to-day planner.

Personal Notes

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Key Strengths & Weaknesses

Possible WeaknessesJung said “wisdom accepts that all things have two sides”. It has also been said that a

weakness is simply an overused strength. Thato's responses to the Evaluator have suggested

these areas as possible weaknesses.

Thato’s possible weaknesses:

Dislikes disruptions and sudden change.

May be slow to express his thoughts or feelings.

His desire to organise his thoughts can make him appear inarticulate.

Worries too much about colleagues.

Reluctant to risk new ideas.

Finds it difficult to respond to aggression positively.

Finds it difficult to say “no” if relationships are being threatened.

Can miss opportunities by being cautious around strangers.

Does not always want to understand abstract theories.

Tendency not to act until all the facts are available.

Personal Notes

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Value to the Team

Each person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in

which they operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which

Thato brings, and make the most important items on the list available to other team members.

As a team member, Thato:

Is known as a good administrator.

Helps ensure consistency in team output.

Enjoys intellectual stimulus.

Keeps his shoulder to the wheel.

Makes great effort to build and maintain relationships with others.

Almost always delivers on time.

Ensures accurate outcomes with his cautious style.

Adapts in performing his role and responsibilities.

Provides an anchor to reality.

Can remain single-minded and persistent.

Personal Notes

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Effective CommunicationsCommunication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For

each person certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section

identifies some of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Thato.

Identify the most important statements and make them available to colleagues.

Strategies for communicating with Thato:

Allow him to explain the logic behind his views.

Listen to and value his suggestions and contributions.

Adopt a low key, positive approach.

Do not let him hide behind complexity and privacy. Maintain his focus upon outcomes.

Maintain a serious disposition.

Allow him time to gather his thoughts and to express his feelings.

Be honest, moderately paced, straightforward and open with him.

Respect his privacy.

Mirror his normally calm and even-tempered nature.

If you must criticise, do it slowly, constructively and honestly.

Encourage him to be forthcoming with the information he has.

Give him advance notice and time to prepare.

Personal Notes

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Barriers to Effective CommunicationCertain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Thato. Some of the things to

be avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective and

mutually acceptable communication strategies.

When communicating with Thato, DO NOT:

Question his loyalties or genuine interest.

Sweep aside his doubts without full consideration.

Labour the point or give lengthy verbal instructions.

Prevent him from expressing his thoughts.

Use his quiet demeanour to seek to dominate or control.

Fail to be attentive to his suggestions.

Discourage his participation by forcibly suppressing his viewpoint.

Be misled by his apparent reticence into thinking that he doesn't care.

Go to a meeting with him without adequate facts and figures.

Talk about subjects for which there is no practical application.

Do not assume that his lack of response means tacit agreement with what is proposed.

Get too excited or emotional.

Personal Notes

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Possible Blind Spots

Our perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who

we are onto the outside world through our “persona” and are not always aware of the effect

our less conscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed

“Blind Spots”. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware

and test them for validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues.

Thato’s possible Blind Spots:

Thato may appear impatient or withdrawn if pressed to perform at a faster pace than he

considers appropriate to the task in hand. He has a “let's do it and not talk about it” approach to

work, which others may find difficult to handle. He sets himself a lifestyle of discipline,

structure, schedule and order, and leads best when he learns to keep his tendency to become

frustrated and impatient with others in check. He is a private person who keeps an emotional

distance from others and a physical distance when communicating. Because he is protective of

his own view, he tends to over-regulate his system or process.

He would do well to accept that people he respects may want to know what is going on in his

life, and he should realise that the only one who can provide the accurate map is him. He needs

to work toward becoming more articulate and action-oriented. Because of his self-containment,

he has difficulty sharing his reactions, feelings and concerns with others; it seems unnecessary

for him to do so. A rather private nature may prevent Thato from asking questions. Encourage

him to demonstrate his grasp of new ideas by slowing the pace of the interaction. He values

established institutions and tends to enjoy an active and co-operative membership in

committees and organisations. He is not always sure he is participating for the right reason.

Quiet and reserved, he may appear cool and aloof. He is inclined to be guarded except when

with close friends or colleagues of long standing. His ability to detect what might go wrong is

perceived by some others as suspicion of anything new and untested. When under stress at

work, he may need to curb a tendency to become secretive or even rebellious in order to meet

the demands of the moment.

Personal Notes

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Opposite Type

The description in this section is based on Thato's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often,

we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are

different to our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for

personal growth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness.

Recognising your Opposite Type:

Thato’s opposite Insights type is the Motivator, Jung’s “Extraverted Intuitive” type.

Motivators have the ability to equally value results and people. They dislike detailed work but

can do it to achieve a specific short-term objective. They enjoy assignments that they believe

makes them look good. Thato may often see them, however, as too optimistic about what they

and other people can produce. Motivators may be difficult to manage. They are not natural


Thato may perceive the Motivator as indiscreet and sometimes hasty. Motivators need a

variety of activities and the opportunity of working in an environment with other people. They

may become workaholics if not aware of their limits. Motivators often seek material

dominance, social standing and status. They detest routine, detail and close supervision and

can be devious or even chameleon-like when something or someone gets in their way.

Thato will often sense a large ego in the Motivator and may wonder why the Motivator would

much rather engage in brief, intellectual banter than conclude some task or spend some quiet

time on their own. The Motivator may not remain totally committed to a schedule or project if

a better or more exciting challenge appears. They can often neglect important preparations that

they consider unnecessary.

Personal Notes

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Opposite Type

Communication with Thato's Opposite TypeWritten specifically for Thato, this section suggests some strategies he could use for effective

interaction with someone who is his opposite type on the Insights Wheel.

Thato Majola: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type:

Maintain a positive and open stance.

Be alive and entertaining.

Avoid unnecessary distractions - keep to the point.

Add to the challenge and opportunity regularly.

Support his need for new ideas, material and challenges.

Omit unnecessary and intricate details.

Thato Majola: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT:

Insist on cumbersome reporting procedures.

Let him monopolise the conversation.

Fail to recognise his best personal achievements.

Expect him to respond favourably if you dictate to him on policy or procedures.

Take credit for his ideas.

Emphasise established processes.

Personal Notes

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Suggestions for Development

Insights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training.

However, listed below are some suggestions for Thato’s development. Identify the most

important areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into a

personal development plan.

Thato may benefit from:

Not delaying until tomorrow that which can be done right now.

Accepting the inevitable and taking action.

Maintaining a more objective view of others and their motives.

Breaking the routine and doing something outrageous.

Taking the occasional risk by deciding only on the information available. It may be

better to make a poor decision than no decision at all.

Not being afraid to make mistakes.

Consciously fighting the negative “inner voice” that may prevent him from achieving

his full potential.

Gaining a clear understanding of his true potential.

More time to thoroughly prepare and implement.

Saying “no” more frequently.

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Creating the Ideal EnvironmentPeople are generally most effective when provided with an environment which suits their

preferences and style. It can be uncomfortable to work in an environment which does not.

This section should be used to ensure a close match between Thato’s ideal environment and his

current one and to identify any possible frustrations.

Thato’s Ideal Environment is one in which:

There are adequate but not excessive amounts of detailed and technical information.

He is able to work independently and objectively.

In a low key way, he is continually encouraged to seek out fresh challenges.

Long term security is available.

He is valued as a unique individual.

Objectives and processes are the focus, rather than monitoring detail work.

Things are formal but relaxed.

People are seen to be “responsible”.

Information is in close proximity, ensuring economy of effort.

There is time for reflection and meditation.

Personal Notes

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Managing ThatoThis section identifies some of the most important strategies in managing Thato. Some of these

needs can be met by Thato himself and some may be met by his colleagues or management. Go

through this list to identify the most important current needs, and use it to build a personal

management plan.

Thato needs:

To be assigned one task at a time.

Encouragement to think about broader issues and exercise more of his imagination when

the opportunity arises.

Encouragement when he expresses a desire to go beyond his comfort zone.

Respect for his personal space.

Opportunities and encouragement to meet and mix with more assertive and openly

energetic people.

To be shown a genuine interest in his domestic life.

To be part of a small team where ideas are encouraged and valued.

To be aware of underlying stresses.

Regular opportunities to interact with other well respected and valued colleagues.

Encouragement to deal with some issues immediately.

Personal Notes

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Motivating ThatoIt has often been said that it is not possible to motivate anyone - only to provide the

environment in which they will motivate themselves. Here are some suggestions which can

help to provide motivation for Thato. With his agreement, build the most important ones into

his Performance Management System and Key Result Areas for maximum motivation.

Thato is motivated by:

A personal and genuine interest in his development.

Genuine low key recognition for his contributions.

Appreciation for a job well done.

Being asked for his opinion.

Colleagues who understand that he kicks himself harder (occasionally too hard) and

more often than anybody else when things go wrong.

Investment in good equipment that will improve the quality of his output.

Opportunities to express his feelings in relation to performance.

Low-key celebrations.

Recognition and respect for his family's commitment and support.

Involvement in the local community and liaison with outside groups.

Personal Notes

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Management Style

There are many different approaches to management, most of which have different situational

applications. This section identifies Thato’s natural management approach and offers clues to

his management style, highlighting both gifts and possible hindrances that can be further


In managing others, Thato may tend to:

Place too much trust in the motives of others.

Over-complicate issues by trying to solve too many things at once.

Be unimpressed with slick or brash arguments and presentations.

Believe that he cannot be successful unless his team is successful.

Allow his heart to rule his head.

Encourage others to sacrifice deadlines for quality.

Be good at creating and monitoring project plans.

Not fully appreciate the energies of others.

Keep quiet until he is able to provide a framework for his thoughts.

Lose sight of the needs of the business whilst focusing on relationships.

Personal Notes

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The Insights Wheel

Thato Majola










































































141 104




















Conscious Wheel Position

32: Supporting Coordinator (Classic)

Personal (Less Conscious) Wheel Position

33: Observing Coordinator (Classic)

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Insights Colour Dynamics

Thato Majola







4.56 76%


5.40 90%


1.80 30%


2.40 40%




Persona(Less Conscious)


4.20 70%


3.60 60%


1.44 24%


0.60 10%








(Conscious) (Less Conscious)

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Jungian Preferences

Thato Majola



Introversion (I) Extraversion (E)

100 1000

Rational (Judging) Functions:

Thinking (T) Feeling (F)

100 1000

Irrational (Perceiving) Functions:

Sensing (S) Intuition (N)

100 1000

(Conscious) (Less Conscious)