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The 1 Hour PERFECT Amazon Listing: The Ultimate Report Discover The “Secret Amazon Formula” That’s Turning Regular Sellers Into Millionaires… Write Your Own Sales-Maximized Amazon Listing In 1 Hour Or Less… Leave Your Competitors Scratching their Heads! __________ Dana Derricks “The Copywriting Professor”

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The 1 Hour PERFECT

Amazon Listing:

The Ultimate Report

Discover The “Secret Amazon Formula” That’s

Turning Regular Sellers Into Millionaires…

Write Your Own Sales-Maximized

Amazon Listing In 1 Hour Or Less…

Leave Your Competitors Scratching their Heads!


Dana Derricks

“The Copywriting Professor”

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“The 1 Hour PERFECT Amazon Listing: The Ultimate Workbook”

Copyright © 2016 by Dana Derricks & Copywriting Professor™

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission

from the author.

Printed in the United States of America

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Table of Contents

Foreword .................................................................................. 4

Preface ..................................................................................... 5

Chapter 1 “Is My Attitude Right For Success On Amazon?” ……7

Chapter 2 “Let’s Tap Into The Mind Of My Customer…It’ll Make

Selling A LOT Easier”……………………………….15

Chapter 3 “Double Or Triple My Sales In 15 Seconds”……..23

Chapter 4 “The #1 Biggest Mistake 97% Of Amazon Listings

Are Guilty Of…That’s Costing Them Millions

In Lost Revenue”..……………………………………31

Chapter 5 “The Simple Trick To Sell My Product At A Higher

Price Than My Competitors, AND Have A

Stampeding Crowd Flock To It”……………….35



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Here are some of my favorite unedited quotes from my clients, and

why you should listen to me:

“Dana’s copy secrets WILL convert 20-50% more visitors into paying


“It’s been less than 12 hours since implementing Dana’s copy on our

Amazon listing and we are ALREADY seeing an increase in our conversion!

I was skeptical at first, but I am MORE than pleased and this investment

will literally pay for itself before I wake up tomorrow morning.”

“Dana is simply amazing! From his experience, talent and intuition,

he can craft the best copy possible for your project. I really don’t know if

anyone could have done a better job.”

“HOLY CRAP! This is GREAT! After reading what Dana wrote for me, I

literally had to stop working and walk off my excitement. This is

FANTASTIC copywriting! He took one of the most boring things in the

world and made it positively SING. Dana gets into your prospects mind

and plays it like a fiddle. Wow!”

“Your copy changes increased the number of products sold per day by

42%…in 1 day! NOTHING else I’ve seen so far has resulted in such an

increase. Even price changes haven’t altered conversions this much.

Absolutely stunning!”

“Holy Moses Dana! You turned something that I didn’t like at all into

something that I love! How did you do that? Are you a magician? I’ll be

proud to show this off!”

“Dana’s copy turns READERS into BUYERS!”

Strap up your helmet, buckle up. You’re in for a ride.

Dana Derricks, “The Copywriting Professor”

Email: [email protected]


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After spending countless hours on hundreds of projects in which I

was hired to write stellar copy for Amazon listings, I developed an easy,

money-maximizing method.

If you’re like me and you like to get in and get out as quickly as you

can, without wasting your precious time staring at a blank screen or

Google searching for the answers, this book is made for you.

If you’d like to have the premier Amazon copywriter in the world take

you by the hand and give you insights, motivation, and inspiration so that

YOU can write a killer Amazon listing EVERY single time, this book is made

for you.

If you’re a smart entrepreneur, and you want to squeeze every last

drop out of your listing so that you’re MAXIMIZING your sales, this book

is made for you.

If you’re ready to surpass your competitors, watch your inventory

plummet as your sales skyrocket, and enjoy a childish giggle every

morning as you log into your Seller Account to see how much money you

made as you slept, this book is made for you.

Finally, if you’re ready to pick the brain of a mastermind who has sold

literally millions of dollars’ worth of products and services for his clients

and whom is revealing his secrets to you in this tell-all workbook, this

book is made for you.

You paid good money for this workbook, and you better believe I’m

going to deliver. Shut off all distractions for the next hour and lock

yourself away at your desk or favorite chair. You’re about to become a

world class writer. You’re not going to be disappointed!

Email: [email protected]


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Chapter One:

Is My Attitude Right For Success On Amazon?

ave you had your listing text (copy) optimized? Who

wrote the copy for your listings?

You could be missing out on potentially thousands (or tens of

thousands) of dollars in lost revenue because:

A: Your listings aren’t attracting as much traffic they could be

because they’re lacking the proper keywords in the right


B: Your listings aren’t converting as much of the traffic

(turning browsers into buyers) as they should be because your

listings aren’t written in a way that’s compelling or benefit-

driven enough to convince someone who is browsing to push

the “Add to Cart” button.

If you haven’t invested in having your listings written by a

qualified copywriter who specializes in Amazon listings…I

would highly, highly recommend trying it. This could be one of

the best investments you make this year. Do a test with just

one listing, first, and compare the difference before having

them all rewritten.


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Not sure just what having your listings optimized can do?

Here’s some proof of what I’ve been able to do for clients:

In just two days flat…this client literally saw an increase of 38%

in his sales.

That increase is with absolutely NO outside promotion, NO

price difference, and NO other changes besides my copy

versus his.

That resulted in an increase of $1,819.01 PER DAY.

Do the math… That’s $56,389.31 MORE money this client

made EVERY SINGLE MONTH because of having an optimized


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See how important optimizing your listing can be, and how

much money is most likely being left on the table?

For those who aren’t quite earning that much, here’s another:

Within 24 hours of implementing my optimization on his

listing, this client’s sales jumped from ~$140 to $424.20.

That’s an increase of 154% (from his BEST day that week) in

sales…in just 24 hours!

How much better would you feel if your Amazon business

literally doubled overnight?

“Within 24 hours of updating my listing, my

category bestseller ranking has jumped from 16k to 9k after

updating to include your optimization tips and raising the

price $2 per bottle. What makes this even cooler is that

unfortunately my product has received 2 one star reviews in

the last 24 hours, but the ranking is still improving and sales

are still coming in. I’m VERY happy with the results and would

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definitely recommend your optimization secrets to anyone

who wants to increase conversion and sales!”

…that was the email I received from my client after trying just

a few of my optimization secrets on his listing against the one

he had written himself.

Before we begin even thinking about writing our listing,

though, let’s take a second to get our mindset about selling on

Amazon correct. This is especially helpful if you’re a new


The first thing to take note of is that Amazon is a brutally

competitive, cut-throat place to sell. Don’t be discouraged or

frightened, but come knowing what you’re getting yourself


Some people who compete against you may take the low road

and will do just about anything they can to make a dollar.

They may try to blow the whistle on you for something that

you didn’t even realize you were doing wrong; they may hire

people to buy your products and leave 1 star reviews; they

may even write false reviews about your business or products


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But, the good news is that you and I are smarter than them,

and we’ll beat those “wannabes” using good, ethical


As you already know, there are countless benefits and riches

to be made by selling on Amazon. In order to claim your share

of these riches and have this insane success that you’ve seen

or heard about, we have to keep several things in mind at all

times; before, during, and after we write our listing:

1. The copy on your listing, in my opinion, after my own

intensive research and case studies, is the single most

important aspect of your listing…ceteris paribus

2. Always look at things in the perspective of your

customer, NOT your own, NOT anybody else’s

3. Make sure that you’re doing everything for a specific

purpose, and not making “blind guesses”

4. Make sure that you’re ALWAYS measuring your results,

and THAT is what is driving your decision making

Sounds easy, right?

Well, you’re about to learn that all those things can be easily

overlooked as you find yourself lost in your writing, you start

doing things just to get them done, and you make decisions

based off of the “next big opportunity” or what you read

fifteen minutes prior. I know firsthand how distracting and

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difficult selling on Amazon can be, so just remember the

above four ‘success forcing’ rules and you’ll be just fine.

Before anything else, think about what got you here in the

first place…

Why did you decide to start selling on Amazon?

Was it to supplement your income?

Was it to live the dream of being an entrepreneur?

Was it to secure a source of retirement income?

Was it to help pay for your child’s college tuition?

Was it to quit your job and live life on YOUR terms?

Seriously, think about it for a minute. What brought you

here? Whether it was two weeks ago or two decades ago,

think about when you first decided you were going to dive into

becoming an Amazon seller. “To make more money” or “To

have more time” are just scratching the surface…

Why are you REALLY selling on Amazon?

Got an answer? Write that down somewhere…

I don’t mean something generic like “To make money”.

Something meaningful. Once you identify this goal and you’ve

written it down, it’ll be a whole lot easier for you to achieve

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it. I won’t get into the psychology of why that is, for time’s

sake, so just do it.

No matter the reason, don’t lose sight of what got you here.

Like anything, there will be ups and downs. Keeping focused

on the goal that’s laid out in front of you could be what gets

you there quicker and with less hiccups along the way. That,

and taking advice from experts whom have actually walked

the walk, then learning from their triumphs and failures.

(Trust me, it’s a lot cheaper and less stressful that way).

I’ve learned that life tends to lead you in a ton of different

directions, but building toward where you’re headed

tomorrow, next month, and next year will be an incredibly

important launching pad for your success. If you don’t know

where you’re headed, then you need to figure that out and do

it now. Outsource and delegate any tasks you can. Don’t

become complacent, or just go through the motions without

REALLY knowing what you’re doing.

We know that we’re here for a reason and where we’re

headed…let’s get there!

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Chapter Two:

Let’s Tap Into The Mind Of My Customer…

…It’ll Make Selling A LOT Easier.

ou’ve seen them… They’re the listings with short, three

word bullets that point out obvious product features.

They’ve got the mashed-up description that goes into

scientific detail about the product that makes little to no sense

to you. Maybe you’re even guilty of having one of those

listings. But, it’s okay…it’s not really your fault.

There are far more poor listings than good ones…which is

fantastic news for you (and me)…because that’s an

opportunity for us to cash-in on our competitors ignorance.

Take the copy and optimization of your Amazon listings

seriously, this is a critically important aspect of your listing

(even more so than price, reviews, images, or anything else

that goes into your listing).

Let’s think about something critically important for a second…

Why do people go to Amazon, anyway? Okay, it seems

obvious but it is almost always overlooked…


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I estimate about ninety percent of people go to Amazon with

a legitimate intent to purchase a particular product during

their visit. The other ten percent go there to browse prices,

create a wish list, or just see what’s out there.

What we do know, for sure, is what they are NOT there for.

What aren’t they there for?

They’re not there for entertainment.

They’re not there to learn (unless they’re buying something

that helps them learn).

Simply put, they’re there because they want to buy

something, and Amazon is an easy place to compare their

options and get what they need.

I know what you’re thinking… “Duh, I already know that”. But,

let me quickly illustrate the importance of really grasping onto

this concept…

Let me give you an easy example.

Jerry is a retired UPS Driver who, as age seems to catch up to

him, is starting to experience some joint pain. He doesn’t

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want to go to a doctor or do any sort of physical therapy, he

wants a quick fix that doesn’t cost a whole lot.

However, like most consumers with problems they want

solved, he has literally no idea what he could do to solve this.

Where does he go to find his solution?

Perhaps to a medical journal or respected website.

How about to a buddy of his who was complaining about the

same thing a few months prior.

These are all likely places he would turn to for a solution.

Does he go to Amazon right away? No. Not at all.

What would he even type in as he searched?

Maybe he could type in “joint pain” and some different

products would show up, but Amazon is not the place that

people go for information this early on in the buying

process…it’s the place they go for products once they’ve made

up their mind.

To make sense of that, what many sellers do wrong is they try

to educate their potential customers in the copy of their

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listings…instead of selling. This is a HUGE reason why some

listings perform so much better than others.

The space in your listing is simply too valuable to be wasting

it with “educating” your customers. I’ll delve into this in more

detail later…back to the example.

At this point, Jerry has basically no idea what his options even

are to relieve his joint pain, so he decides to go to Google for

some help. He types in a quick search on Google for “Joint

pain relief”, and bam…he’s in business.

At this point, Google will hopefully direct him to trusted

information that’ll provide him with a recommendation for a

solution that he’s looking for.

Jerry is a bit further along in the process of becoming a

consumer as he’s done his research and found out that people

with similar joint pain have been having great success using

Fish Oil supplements.

Now, after doing some research, he wants to try Fish Oil.

Where will Jerry go to find the Fish Oil to buy? Amazon.

What’s most important, here, is to understand what mindset

people are in when they reach your Amazon listing. They’re

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NOT looking to research the product; they’re looking to BUY


In other words, in this example, Jerry doesn’t need to know

the reasons why he needs fish oil; he’s already set on buying

it. He knows why he needs fish oil. Don’t tell him why he

needs fish oil.

This is one of the single most critical mistakes I see on Amazon

listings, causing millions of dollars in lost revenue for sellers.

Now…how can we relate this to you and your product listing?

Put shortly, your customers are coming to your listing ready

to buy, not ready to be educated or told why they need the

product you’re selling –they already know they need it.

They already have the information they need to make the

decision that they need the product, now they’re on Amazon

looking for the cheapest price, the product with the best

reviews, the most potent or strongest formula, the best value

for their money, etc.

Unfortunately, most of the copy on Amazon listings is

centered on why a person should buy THE product, and not

why they should buy THEIR specific product.

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You see, when a seller writes their Amazon listing trying to

convince potential customers why they need the product

itself, they’re not doing any selling. You HAVE to have distinct,

powerful, and beneficial differentiation as YOURS being

bigger, better, stronger, faster, or whatever the case may be.

Without that, you’re just as well promoting your competitors

products as you are your own.

Do you see the difference?

Your listing has literally seconds to grab and hold your

potential customer’s attention, AND convince them to buy

right now. Once they’re gone, they’re gone and probably not

coming back. Being subtle and gentle does not work, you have

to be fairly aggressive in your approach.

Here’s another quick example…

Picture a display of energy shots sitting on the shelf at the

checkout line of your favorite gas station. You’ve had a long

day and need a little get-up before your evening drive. You’ve

made the decision to buy an energy shot. You don’t need any

further convincing why you need an energy shot. At this

point, you’re looking for the best deal, the strongest amount

of caffeine, the best quality, the safest, etc.

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You’re checking out at the gas station and have literally ten

seconds to decide which one you’re going to go with. You

don’t want to stand in line any longer than you have to.

If they could talk, here’s what the energy shots would be

saying, “Choose me, I’ve got the most caffeine”… “Pick me,

I’m the healthiest”… “Go with me, I’m full of clean energy that

won’t give you jitters”… and “Pick me, I’m the cheapest and

taste the best”.

In that ten seconds, you decided to go with the one that had

the clean energy that wouldn’t give you jitters because you

wanted to be awake but not too riled up for your drive.

Do you think it would have been wise for these products to

have spent that critical time explaining to you why you

needed an energy shot when you already knew that? How

about if they would have subtly and gently told you how their

company is so great and they harvest their ingredients in such

and such manner that’s good for the environment? Sorry, but


All you cared about at that moment was a quick and simple

solution to your problem. Nothing more and nothing less.

That’s exactly what it’s like on Amazon. You’ve got limited

time, space, and attention spans…so you better give them

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reasons to buy and give it to them quick. If you don’t, you’re

leaving an enormous amount of money on the table.

One of the biggest keys to success is knowing that your copy

should be centered on why and how buying your product is a

better choice than all other options, in a way that is customer-

focused, as opposed to trying to convince your visitor why

they need your product in the first place.

Your product is no different than that energy shot on the shelf

next to competitors, so put the right words together and you’ll

sell like crazy.

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Chapter Three:

Double Or Triple My Sales In 15 Seconds

hen was the last time you found yourself stuck

listening to someone who only talked about


Your listing should be written as if you were sitting down

across from your reader, speaking to them directly….you’ll see

a much higher ROI by writing directly to your audience.

Avoid speaking about yourself…swap out the words “we” and

“us” with “you”. This will substantially increase engagement,

will get them to read the entire listing, and will increase your

sales dramatically.

Let’s get to the meat of this chapter…

Just how is doubling your sales in 15 seconds even possible?

This chapter is critically important to everybody wanting to

cash-in on a powerful sales-boosting trick; providing a money-

back guarantee.

Note: If you sell an item that you think you can absolutely

cannot provide a guarantee for (e.g. perishable items, movies,

etc.), you can find a way. It’s worth the time to go over this


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chapter regardless of your product, you may be able to think

of a clever way to provide a guarantee for your product even

if you don’t know if that’s possible.

In fact, I had a client who sold dead rats (yes, you read that

right) as food for owners of pet lizards. We implemented a

money-back guarantee and his sales tripled.

If you sell anything that you could possibly provide a

guarantee for, even if it’s limited, please make sure to read

this entire chapter –it will be WELL worth it.

In case you aren’t totally convinced on the incredible benefit

of having a guarantee, allow me to illustrate this for you…

I have seen it literally hundreds of times, money being left on

the table by not having a good guarantee. A lot of sellers will

toss around the word “Guarantee” carelessly, but it’s doing

them no good. Your guarantee is a VERY important selling

point, so you’ll want to use it several times in your listing.

So what makes a good guarantee?

Let’s take this to another level…I’m going to show you how to

give it a “Super-boost”. Let me explain.

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Most things on Amazon are guaranteed in some way, shape,

or form, right? But, the guarantees can be very different. It

really depends on what you’re buying and from who to know

exactly what their guarantee means. A lot of times, sellers

aren’t clear on this.

So, what happens is most guarantees are very vague, and

leave questions or doubt in buyer’s minds.


guarantee isn’t specific, this is what your prospects will

silently say to themselves as they browse your listing:

“Does that mean that if they send me the wrong size or

wrong color, I can be refunded?”

“Does that mean that if I get it and it’s broken, I can

request a free exchange?”

“Does that mean that if, a year from now, I’m using the

product and it snaps, I can get my money back?”

“Does that mean that if I simply don’t like it or it doesn’t

do what I expect it to, I can get my money back?”

We have to make sure that our guarantee is something that

attracts, not repels…

The good news is that it’s actually pretty simple to create a

money-syphoning guarantee. What’s most important for it to

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work is that you’re extremely specific. Doing it the right wa

will generate you a whole lot more sales.

Here’s how you do it. Let’s go ahead and tie in some benefits

to your guarantee. For example, I created this guarantee for

a weight loss product:

“Lose Weight & Feel Better Or Your Money Back!”

See how it takes the risk right out of the purchase, like a

standard guarantee, plus dangles the specific benefit right

over the reader’s head? How could anybody wanting to lose

weight NOT jump on that?

This should get your mind going… Think about how you can tie

in some benefits of your own to your guarantee. What is/are

your most major benefit(s)? Not necessarily what your

product is, but what it does for your customer.

Then, structure it all together. Something like this:

“Benefit 1 & Benefit 2 Or Your Money Back!”

Write down 5-10 different variations of your guarantee.

Seriously, do that now.

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For inspiration, here are some examples of guarantees that

I’ve written for Amazon listings that have worked really well:

“Look Up To A Decade Younger In Just Minutes Per Day…Or

We’ll Refund You!”

“Save 90% On Your Light Bill Next Month Or We’ll Send Your

Money Right Back!”

“Keeps Your Phone, Money And ID Safe & Secure Or You Get

A Refund”

“Bakes Your Favorite Cookies Perfectly Without The Mess Or

Your Money Back!”

Once you’ve written ten of your own, the best one will jump

off the page at you.

Of course, your product needs to back up your guarantee. If

you’re selling a product that doesn’t accomplish the benefit

you’re claiming it does, you’re only going to open up a

firestorm of complaints and will have a serious mess on your

hands. It goes without saying, you need a quality product to

have serious success on Amazon.

Once you’ve narrowed your list down, you’ll have the most

compelling, trustworthy, objection-squashing, “holy-crap-I-

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need-to-buy-this-right-now” guarantee possible. Keep in

mind, you’re going to slip this in with some proven selling

points and proof elements (more on this later). As-is, the

guarantee may sound a little “Salesy” or “Too good to be

true”, which is fine. We’ll take care of that in a later chapter

as your listing starts to come together.

If that wasn’t enough, we’re going to take this even a step


You’re going to want to deeply consider using a lifetime

guarantee (or warranty, however you want to phrase it),

regardless of the life span of your product. For example, let’s

say you sell a set of shower curtain hangers…In all likelihood,

they’ll last between 1 and 3 years, depending on how much

they’re used. Most sellers would then be comfortable giving

out a 1 year warranty, right?

Unfortunately, this leads your customer to think thoughts like,

“Will these break after a year?”…“Are they not designed to

last?”…“Why would I buy these if they’re just going to break

after a year?”.

It’s almost as if, when you put a deadline on a

warranty/guarantee on your product, you’ve put a timer on it

as if it was a bomb set to explode on the date you’ve chosen.

That’s exactly how your customer sees it. Would you stand in

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line to buy a car with 200,000 miles? Of course not, the thing’s

going to blow up soon. It’s the same for your customer.

Instead of putting a timeline (more like a timer) on your

guarantee/warranty, if you set it for a lifetime…your customer

will think thoughts like, “Wow, this must be made really

well”…“Awesome, I’m covered if anything happens”…“Why

would I buy the other one that’s not guaranteed when I can

buy this one that is?”.

Which would you rather have your customers muttering to

themselves…wondering about why the guarantee is only so

long, or thinking this is a great investment because they’re

covered for life?

Before I leave this chapter, though, I know what you’re

probably thinking…if I give a lifetime guarantee, I’ll have a

million people coming back in two years trying to get a new

product from me for free. Realistically, it just doesn’t happen

that way. Sure, you’ll have a few bad eggs that may change

their mind later on…but the vast majority of your customers

will never remember that their product was guaranteed, nor

will they want to go through the trouble of getting another

one after they’ve used it for months.

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Hang onto your guarantee as we’ll revisit this and I’ll show you

exactly where to put it in your listing to absolutely maximize

its effectiveness.

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Chapter Four:

The #1 Biggest Mistake 97% Of Amazon

Listings Are Guilty Of…That’s Costing

Them Millions In Lost Revenue

hat’s the whole point of Amazon? It’s a place

that consumers go to buy stuff. That’s it.

You can easily beat your competitors by simply tweaking

your listing to meet the situation your potential customers

are in.

Why are they on Amazon?

To buy stuff.

They’re not there to seek information or to be told why they

need your item. They already know why they need it…now

they’re searching for the best deal, the most powerful, the

highest reviewed, or whatever else.

What most sellers do wrong is they waste vital space trying

to convince their browsers why they need the product in the

first place.

For example…


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Somebody on Amazon looking for a diet pill doesn’t need to

be convinced why they need the diet pill. They have already

done their research and chose to buy the diet pill; they are

on Amazon to BUY, not to learn.

They also do not need to be explained the science behind the

product. (Example: when was the last time you were at a car

dealership and the salesman went into detail about how the

vehicle converted gasoline/electricity into power that turned

the wheels?)

Instead, they should be reminded of all the benefits that

reaching their weight loss/diet goals would look and feel

like…along with reasons why THIS particular product is

better/cheaper/more effective/easier than all other options.

It’s not a matter of convincing them they need the product

itself, your potential customer already knows they need it.

It’s actually a matter of convincing them they need YOUR

product over your competitors.

Make sure to meet your potential customers with where

they are. They’re not at the library or on Google looking up

ways to solve their problem. They’re at the store, pushing

their cart, browsing the aisle your product resides

in…comparing yours against the ones right next to it.

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There is an absolute goldmine of money waiting for you to

claim if you simply write your listing the proper way.

Better than that, you're about to discover the number one

biggest mistake Amazon sellers make…that’s costing them

literally tens of millions of dollars…and that can be corrected

in a matter of just minutes.

I notice all day, every day, crappy, poor-performing listings

that are created by either ignorant sellers who don’t

understand the importance of having them

optimized…interns at large corporations who have literally no

idea what’s going on…or written by cheap, wannabe

copywriters who don’t have a clue what they’re doing. But,

this is good news for you and I because it opens the door to

an opportunity for us to crush them.

So what’s the #1 mistake?

It’s simple, the majority of sellers think that people either:

A: Don’t read the listing and buy products without reading and

by just looking at the price tag or pictures


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B: Read every last word of the listing just as you would read a

novel next to a fireplace

It just doesn’t happen that way. Not even close.

The truth is this…people on Amazon are not reading listings,

they’re skimming them.

We aren’t writing your listing to win a literature award,

impress your friends or colleagues, or even be easy to read.

We’re writing it to be completely optimized for sales on

Amazon and to squeeze out every last drop of traffic and

convert as many browsers into buyers as possible.

That’s the whole point, right? Got it?

Get ready because your listing is about to become bullet-

proof, perfectly optimized for your customers, and will leave

your competitors scratching their heads because this will be

far above their understanding.

Don’t forget what I just told you…you’ll thank me later.

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Chapter Five:

The Simple Trick To Sell My Product At A

Higher Price Than My Competitors, AND Have

A Stampeding Crowd Flock To It?

ant to know how you can sell the same exact

product as a competitor, for a higher price, and

have a crowd stampeding toward yours and not


Of course you do, and I’ll reveal that in a minute…

But first, I’ve got to give you a quick and painless lecture on

choosing a price point that both maximizes your profits and

makes your customers feel like they’re getting a great value:

1. A price lower than your competitors’ isn’t necessarily a

good thing (Please look up “Perceived value” and “Value

added” marketing terms if this comes as news to you). Unless

you’re the WalMart of your niche, taking a cost-leadership

approach isn’t a sustainable strategy and I wouldn’t suggest

going this route. You hopefully know that already.


2. For non-prime members, which is estimated to be close to

half of all customers (Amazon is trying hard to make every


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customer a prime customer), Amazon gives free shipping on

orders of $35 or more. You probably know this, but I need to

stress the importance of this.

This means that if you charge $35 for your product, your non-

Prime buyers pay $35 total. If you charge $34 for your

product, your non-Prime buyers pay $34 + shipping costs. So,

$35 is actually a better deal for your non-Prime buyers, and

YES they do have this figured out and shop accordingly.

Or, if you’re selling a product for less than $35 and you charge

$18 for your product, your non-Prime buyer can buy 2 and

only pay $36 total –no shipping charge. If you charge $17 for

your product, your non-Prime buyer can buy 2 and pays $34

for the products + shipping costs. Try to price your product

not only by what your competitors are selling for, but also take

into heavy consideration the $35 threshold for the non-Prime

buyers…and always test. Make sense?

Okay, back to the meat of this chapter…

Ready to find out how to sell your product at a higher price

with a stampeding crowd coming toward you?

It’s pretty easy, actually.

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So you already know that it’s a good idea to put at least a few

keywords in your title if you want to have any search volume,


Now, as true as that is, that’s only half the story. Let me show

you a quick example to illustrate what I’m about to reveal to


Let’s go ahead and assume somebody has searched Amazon

for one of the keywords that you’re shooting for, and boom

you’re right there on page one –alongside the other dozen or

so competitors.

Chances are your competitors will want to go after the same

keywords you are, because they want to tap into that search

traffic, too…right?

Well, that means your competitors may have a pretty darn

similar title to yours, leaving your customer’s search result

looking something like this (I just filled in words to provide an



Whey Protein Powder Chocolate 40 Grams Per Serving


Chocolate Whey Protein Powder 40 Grams/Serving

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Whey Protein Chocolate 40 Grams Per Serving Powder


Now, realistically, what do you think would cause a potential

customer to click on one listing over another?

…Ready to Unlock the Entire Amazon

Listing Optimization Secrets Workbook?


The 4 Easy Ways To Make My Amazon Sales

Multiply And Leave My Competition Scratching

Their Heads!

The “Top Secret” Way To Write A Million Dollar

Listing Has Nothing To Do With Writing?

How To Write An Eye-Grabbing, Customer-

Stealing Title In 10 Minutes Or Less

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The Simple Trick To Sell My Product At A Higher

Price Than My Competitors, AND Have A

Stampeding Crowd Flock To It

I Can Write Killer, Money-Maximizing Bullets In

Literally Eight Minutes or Less?

Bringing It All Home: Forcing Your Customer To

Pull The Trigger With A Perfect Description

Written In 7 Minutes Or Less!

Bonus Tips, Tricks, And Resources To Make Your

Amazon Your Best Friend & Your Business

Absolutely Bullet Proof So It’s Making The Most

Money It Can…So You Can Rest Easy At Night

Plus SO Much More!

If you’re ready to discover the secrets to unleashing the

full power of your listings (and Amazon business) and

how you can tweak them yourself to maximize your

sales and minimize any waste…

…I have created a simple, profit-boosting workbook just

for Amazon sellers that analyzes the above points in

more detail…takes you by the hand and walks you

through how to optimize your own listings…plus reveals

many secrets that have helped me propel some of my

own clients from average to selling millions per year.

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YOU can cash-in on my profit-boosting workbook to

optimize your own listings by clicking here or the button


Or, if you’re reading this as a physical book or

printed copy…simply visit:


Don’t wait…

This workbook is literally unlike anything else

you’ve ever seen. You can’t find this stuff

floating around online. You can’t find it by

hiring a writer, ‘marketing guy’, or even

joining an expensive mastermind group. This

is the real deal, and you need to get your

hands on it now.

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It’s straight to the point, relevant, and won’t

cost you a fortune…it’s literally made for you.


I’ve created a FREE video walk-through in which I showcase

some LIVE Amazon listings and show you exactly what they’re

doing right or wrong. Watch it now to see for yourself what a

real, million-dollar listing looks like! (Plus see what a dud

listing looks like and how YOU can avoid wasting your time

and money like them)

Access the private video here:

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©2016 Dana Derricks, “The Copywriting Professor”

Email: [email protected]
