the ‘£1 per minute’ risk-free system


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Post on 16-May-2022




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Page 1: The ‘£1 per minute’ Risk-FREE System
Page 2: The ‘£1 per minute’ Risk-FREE System

The ‘£1 per minute’ Risk-FREE System (How to Make £840+ From Gubbed Bookie Accounts!)

Introduction Welcome to one of the most precious reports you will ever see if your Bookmaker account has stake restrictions imposed on it. It’s nothing breakthrough in terms of what we are doing, it’s the fact that many have overlooked the option that even with stake restrictions you can still make thousands upon thousands of pounds if you know what to do… The key here is that even after the restriction many are still allowed to bet with small stakes of between £3.00 - £5.00. Then with a handful of bookies you can turn these small bets into hundreds and even thousands of pounds profit, risk free! I’ve done exactly that as you will see from the screenshot below. And now you can do the very same. Plus if you use it every day I’m sure you’ll make a hell of a lot more than my £840 so far!

…And remember you are already gubbed so what more can they do to turn this free money tap off apart from ban you altogether! However, they won’t do that simply because they want you to stay on board in the hope you play one of their many ‘mug games’ as I call them, e.g, slots, virtual racing and the likes. It’s not only William Hills that offer this risk-free opportunity, however Hills along with Paddy Power are the two most lucrative at present.

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I used it with Paddy Power many years ago but unfortunately got too greedy placing stakes of £200+ so they restricted me to pennies, but I am still up and running with Hills. Nowadays, under an informal agreement, bookies promise to let punters have a few pounds after restrictions and that’s all we need to make this work. It’s certainly enough to make your holiday money or more, and all RISK FREE. I will also show you how this can work with 888Sport but in a different market. So now let’s move onto the rules: RULES: 1). You will need a Bookmaker account that allows you to stake a minimum of £3.00. Obviously the more the better, and if you are fortunate enough not to have restrictions then you are going to make a hell of a lot more. My advice however is to stick with £10 stakes max so you keep well under the radar. You will also need an exchange account like Betfair which is by far the best for this due to liquidity. 2). We next look at the racecards on any day you wish to make some risk free cash and look for races with 8+ runners. The larger the field size the better and Handicaps are ideal for this. 3). You then head to the place markets of both Betfair and either William Hills or Paddy Power. See an example with Paddy Power below.

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Also make sure you click on Decimal where shown below…

4). Next, around 45 minutes before the race, keep checking the place prices of both sites by having them open on separate tabs, (or line them up side by side in your window if on desktop) and keep refreshing both as the default refresher time can be slow. So next we are simply looking for a LOWER price on Betfair to Lay (Pink Column) and a HIGHER price to Back with Bookies, to grab our risk free bet. 5). When you see this difference, place your back bet with the Bookies FIRST and your LAY bet on Betfair on the same selection at a lower price after.

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And at the same time was showing at 7.2 on Betfair…

6). If you DON’T spot any from 45 up to 20 mins before the race off time then MOVE ON to the next race as it’s doubtful any risk free bets will manifest from thereon. Also, if you ever see the banner below, above a race on Paddy Power, then don’t bother looking for the risk-free bets as to give that extra place they drastically cut short all their place prices. Well you don’t thing they will give away something for nothing!

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7). As you will see from the many video examples that accompany this document the price differences that appear for our risk-free bets are usually within the 4.0 - 12.0 price bracket. So, try and focus your attention in this area from the middle to the bottom of the racecard. Very few appear below 4.0 as the margins get tighter. How Many Risk-Free Bets To Expect?... With William Hills you can expect a risk-free bet in about 1 in 5 races and with Paddy Power about 1 in 8. What Races Are Best To Spot Risk Free Bets… Definitely handicap races with fields greater than 8 runners. Also, Irish races can be good for this as well in large handicaps. What Days Are Best To Use This On?... Busy racing days like Saturday’s or Bank Holidays when traders are either half asleep, nursing a hangover from a Friday night ‘after work’ binge, or they are stretched due to the amount of races and prices they have to update and keep an eye on. How Do I Avoid Bet Restriction?...

No one likes to have their account restricted. At first it will seem like a badge of honour that you’ve finally managed to beat the bookies at their own game. However, this feeling soon wares off when you come back down to earth and realise they have turned the tap off on a very lucrative and stress-free income stream. All is not lost though if this happens. By following a few simple guidelines this can be avoided by various actions below. The first one is obvious, and that’s DON’T be greedy. I was frequently working with £100 stakes at one stage and even went as high as £250. Well, being risk free I wanted to get as much on as I could! The second one is to have a few duff bets that you feel will not win (preferably odds on shots, bookies love punters backing them). So, you would back them with Paddy Power and Lay them off on Betfair at the closest price possible in order to break even, or at worst lose very little should the selection happen to win. Sods law would have it they will probably go and win adding to your bookmaker account profits! If you can manage to pick a few losers on your bookie account and collect by Laying off on your Betfair account, then you should remain unrestricted especially with around £50 stakes.

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Also, if you’re planning on opening an account in your partner or friends name then make sure you use a different internet provider for each account. As you may know when you join an internet service you will have a unique I.P address that’s traceable by bookies. For example; if you open your Paddy Power account with BT as your internet provider, you would have to sign up to another provider to open another Paddy Power account. Maybe using one of the many mobile broadband toggles available today; Vodafone, O2, or T-Mobile etc that you just plug into your USB port would do the trick. You see bookies are no fools, they have sophisticated I.P tracking software that will detect if both accounts are open from the same I.P address. If, and when they do restrict one of you accounts you will find the other one gets closed or restricted as well, even though it’s under a different name! It’s just a continual game of cat & mouse that some find part of the battle! 888Sport Risk Free Bonus… Much like the above 888Sport have restricted many accounts down to £5 & £10 and thus have left a gap wide open for us to make some risk-free money in their Win markets of horse racing due to their slow updates of prices. Again, we simply back high and lay low on Betfair. I used this with £50 & £100 units until the restriction kicked in but if you can still get £5 and £10 on then you’re very much in business. So, head over to your 888Sport account and about 30 – 40 minutes before the race and click on horse racing as shown below.

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Next check the prices on both 888Sports WIN market and Betfair’s Lay prices. Then look for the prices difference and when you see a Back price higher with 888Sport than it is to Lay on Betfair by at least 0.5pts then place your back bet with 888sport first and then your lay bet with Betfair after. Example; 888Sport Win Price 5.0 Betfair to Lay Price 4.5 (The above would be a valid risk-free bet) If after placing your ‘Back’ bet with 888Sport you find the Betfair Lay price rises then immediately try and Lay off on Betfair. Hopefully you can still make a small edge or break even before the price goes above the 5.0 you backed at with 888Sport. Here’s an example;

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And to Lay…

Conclusion… You have in your possession a route to make some nice risk-free profits you can use anytime there is racing. There will also be plenty of liquidity as this report is exclusive to Inner Circle members, and as none of us can stake huge amounts we should all get some nice risk-free bets. Also remember there is a lot more money matched and available than you see in the boxes on Betfair. This is due to the default refresher time being slow so the money can look static. In reality the money is been matched more often as you will see if you keep refreshing manually or if you use one of the Betfair interfaces such as Fairbot or BetAngel that can refresh as fast as 20 milliseconds! As you are having to look at two screens this is best used on your laptop/Desktop and you can set the screens up side by side to save you flipping between two tabs.

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You can find out how to do this here for Windows 7: And for other versions of windows just Google

“View Windows Side-by-Side for windows 10 etc” That’s all there is to it and remember to watch all the live real time trades I have made in this package to get a better understanding of the method in action and the potential it has.

Finally enjoy your risk-free bets and see how much you can make in one month!

All the best,

Andrew David

PS. At the time of updating William Hills are migrating their site over to a new server and have had a few issues with some of their Horse racing markets and that includes the place markets. Currently it’s offline but they assure me it will be back asap. In the meantime, try the other avenues of risk-free profit I’ve advised above.

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