the 1887 sonoran quake

Summer 1987 T h e 1887 Sonoran Earthquake: It Wasn't O u r F a u b y Thomas G. McGaroin Arizo na Geological Survey On May 3, 188 7 Ar izo na and the Southwest exp erienc ed a major earthquake that had an estimated magnitude o f 7 2 on the Rich er scale (DuBois and Smith, 1980). The epicenter was in Sonor a, Me xi co approx imately 4 0 mile s south o f Douglas, A rizona. The earthquake caused several dozen deaths, damaged buildings as far a way as Phoenix, generat ed rockfalls and fires triggered by rockf alls i n the mountai ns, and caused panic amo ng the population. This year is the 100th anniversary o f the only earthq uake that c ause d cons iderab le damag e in Arizona i n histori c times . Although earth scientists know much more now regarding the mechani sms of earthq uakes than they did 100 years ago, relia ble earthquake prediction i s sti ll in its infancy. I t is known that t he cr ust a nd uppermost mantle of the earth is divi ded into approximate ly a dozen major sec tions or " plates" that are slo wly moving. Rates o f rela tive movement range up to several inches per year. It i s along the plate boundaries that the most earthquakes occur. The Sa n Andreas faul t o f California is a plate boundary along which the Pacific plate i s moving northwestward with respect to the adjacent North American plate. Because o f friction along plate bou ndarie s, plates do not smooth ly slip past each other. As a consequence, resistance to movement allows stress to accumulate . When stres s builds to the point at which i t overco mes the resisting forces, energy is released causing ground motion, or an earthquake. Although southeastern Arizona is several hundred miles from the San Andreas fault system, it is not immune to eart hquakes . No region can be c onsider ed completely earthquak e free; in fact, worl dwid e there a re approximately 1 millio n detectable eart qua kes annually (G ill uly an d others, 1968). The majority o f these are small shocks that caus e no damage. The large, dangerous earthquakes occur less freque ntly , on t he average o f only several er year, and are usually concentrate d along plate boundar ies. By the time t he su rface wave s o f these large events reach southeastern Ari zon a, the energy has dissipated so hat lit tl e or no moti on is felt except by sensitive recording devices. The 1887 event was, however, close enough and strong enough to caus e major dama ge and los s o f lif e i n the southem portion of the St ate. The earthquake occurred along a south-trending au lt appro ximately 30 miles i n length located s outh of Dougl as, Ariz ona (Figure 1). This surface rupture, named the Pitaycachi (pronounced ti ka che) faul t, i s one o f several surface faults in the region that are thought to have been active dur ing the last 100,000 years (Pearthree, 1986). These faults are located along the margins o f sout h-tren ding anges in the southea stern Ar izon a - southwestern New Mex ico border region and extend into Sonora , M exic o. I t is estimated that the 188 7 Sonoran earthq uake released twice a s much ene rgy as any o f th e other ear thquakes recognized in this region Figure 1. Aer ia l view, looking northward, of 1887 scarp along Pitaycachi fault, Sonora, Merico . The fault extends from about 8 kilometers south of the Ariz ona border for 50 kilometers to and beyo nd Colonia Mor ales in the San Bemardino Valley. Photo by Peter Kresan. (Pearthree, 1986). Firsthand accounts reported that two violent shocks were preceded by l ow rumbling noises. This rumblin g sound was reported in Tucson and a s far awavas Phoenix (Fiaure 2 ). Estimates o f th e duration ~" , o f ground moti on vary f ; o m a few seconds to approximately 10 minutes, with 1 to 3 minutes being the time most frequently reported. People throughout the regio n ran into the streets, some fainted, and others were thrown to the ground (DuBois and Smith, 1980). Numerous rockfalls were reported in the mountain ra nges of southe astern Ari zona and northern Sonora. Sparks from the crashing boulders ignited dry brush and grass, and fires quickly spread to the forests. Nearly all the valleys experienced changes in water conditions. Wells that had been excellent

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Summer 1987

The 1887 Sonoran Earthquake:

It Wasn't Our Fauby ThomasG.McGaroin

Arizona Geological Survey

On May 3, 1887 Arizona and the Southwest experienced a major

earthquake that had an estimated magnitude of 7 2 on the Richter scale(DuBois and Smith, 1980). The epicenter was in Sonora, Mexico

approximately 40 miles south of Douglas, Arizona. The earthquake

caused several dozen deaths, damaged buildings as far away as Phoenix,

generated rockfalls and fires triggered by rockfalls in the mountains, and

caused panic among the population. This year is the 100th anniversary

of the only earthquake that caused considerable damage in Arizona in

historic times.

Although earth scientists know much more now regarding the

mechanisms of earthquakes than they did 100 years ago, reliable

earthquake prediction is still in its infancy. It is known that the crust and

uppermost mantle of the earth is divided into approximately a dozen

major sections or "plates" that are slowly moving. Rates of relative

movement range up to several inches per year. It is along the plate

boundaries that the most earthquakes occur. The San Andreas fault of

California is a plate boundary along which the Pacific plate is movingnorthwestward with respect to the adjacent North American plate.

Because of friction along plate boundaries, plates do not smoothly slip

past each other.As a consequence, resistance to movement allows stress

to accumulate. When stress builds to the point at which it overcomes the

resisting forces, energy is released causing ground motion, or an


Although southeastern Arizona is several hundred miles from the

San Andreas fault system, it is not immune to earthquakes. No region can

be considered completely earthquake free; in fact, worldwide there are

approximately 1 million detectable earthquakes annually (Gilluly and

others, 1968). The majority of these are small shocks that cause no

damage. The large, dangerous earthquakes occur less frequently, on the

average of only several per year, and are usually concentrated along plate

boundaries. By the time the surface waves of these large events reach

southeastern Arizona, the energy has dissipated so hat little or no motionis felt except by sensitive recording devices.

The 1887event was, however, close enough and strong enough to

cause major damage and loss of life in the southem portion of the State.

The earthquake occurred along a south-trending ault approximately 30

miles in length located south of Douglas, Arizona (Figure 1).This surface

rupture, named the Pitaycachi (pronounced ti ka che) fault, is one of

several surface faults in the region that are thought to have been active

during the last 100,000 years (Pearthree, 1986).These faults are located

along the margins of south-trending anges in the southeastern Arizona-southwestern New Mexico border region and extend into Sonora, Mexico.

It is estimated that the 1887 Sonoran earthquake released twice as

much energy as any of the other earthquakes recognized in this region

Figure 1. Aerial view, looking northward, of 1887 scarp along Pitaycachi fault, Sonora,Merico. The fault extends from about 8 kilometers south of the Arizona border for 50

kilometers to and beyond Colonia Morales in the San Bemardino Valley. Photo by Peter


(Pearthree, 1986). Firsthand accounts reported that two violent shocks

were preceded by low rumbling noises. This rumbling sound was reported

in Tucson and as far awavas Phoenix (Fiaure 2).Estimates of the duration~" ,

of ground motion vary f;om a few seconds to approximately 10 minutes,

with 1 to 3 minutes being the time most frequently reported. People

throughout the region ran into the streets, some fainted, and others were

thrown to the ground (DuBois and Smith, 1980). Numerous rockfalls

were reported in the mountain ranges of southeastern Arizona and

northern Sonora. Sparks from the crashing boulders ignited dry brush

and grass, and fires quickly spread to the forests. Nearly all the valleys

experienced changes in water conditions. Wells that had been excellent

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Figure 2. lsoseismal map o f the 1887 earthquake (from DuBois and Smith, 1980).

lsoseismal lines connect points on the Earth's sufa ce at which earthquake intensity is the

same; they are usually closed curves around the epicenter (the black ova1;shaped area

shown in the map). The severity o f an earthquake can be expressed in tux, very different

ways: by magnitude and by intensity. Magnitude measures the amount ofseismicenergyreleased at the ocus ofan earthquake It is determined from the logarithmoftheamplitude

of earthquake waves recorded by seismographs. Magnitude is expressed on the Richter

scale in whole numbers and decimal fractions (e.9.. 7.2, the magnitude of the 1887earthquake). Theoretically this scale has no upper limit howewr, the largest earthquake

ever recorded, in Chile in 1960,had a magnitude o f 9.5 (DuBois, 1979).

Intensity is an arbi tr q measure of the observable effectsofan earthquake on

humans and structures at a specific site. It van'es from place to place depending on the

strength o f the earthquake (magnitude), the distance from the epicenter, and the local

geology. The intensity scale currently used in the United SWes is the Modified Mercalli

(MM) Intensity Scale. This scale composed of 12 levels of intensity that range from

imp e~eptible haking (I) to catastrophic destruction (MI),s designated by Roman

numerals, as shown in the map above. The lower numbers of the MM intensity scale

generally deal with the manner in which the earthquake is felt by persons; the higher

numbers are based on obsemed structural damage For instance the MM rating of 111

recorded in Yuma during the 1887 earthquake, is based o n the following MM

characteristic: "Felt noticeably indoors, but not always recognized as earthquake." The

rating of VI, recorded in Phoeniu, is based on these observations: 'Felt by all, many

frightened and runoutdoors;fallingplaster, moving urniture; damageslight" Tucson was

assigned an MM intensity lewl of VII during the 1887 earthquake: "Everybody runsoutdoors; damage to buildings vm'es depending on quality of construction" At the

epicenter, which was assigned an intensity rating ofXI, obserwrs reported the following:

'Few stmctures remain standing; bridges destroyed; fiiures in ground; pipes broken;

landslides: rails ben t "

sources of water went dry, whereas artesian conditions and temporarylakes were created in other areas. One of the m ore colorful descr iption sof th e event ca m e fro m Charleston, Arizona (near Sierra Vista), where "thewalls of the salo on did a two-step and th e floor did a sh im m ey (Weiss,


unpub.).Could such a large earthquake happen again in southeastern

Arizona an d could it be p redicted? It is easier to predict that earthqu akeswill occur repeatedly along plate boundaries, where movement is well

documented, than to predict recurrence in a plate interior, wheresoutheastern Arizona is located. Fortunately, large and destructivearthquakes d o not occur frequently in this region. Geologic evidencesuggests that the amo unt of activity along surface ruptures here is verylow. During the last 20,000 years, there have been approximately fivesurface-rupture faulting events with estimated recurrence intervals of3,000 to 4 ,000 years in the region of extreme southeastern Arizonasouthwes tern New Mexico, and north easter n Sonora, Mexico (Pearthree198 6, p. 7 and fig.4).Evidence su gge sts that the Pitaycachi fault, sou rceof th e 1887 earthq uake , is not likely to be the origin of a large earthquakein the foreseeable future (Bull and other s, 1981).

Scientists worldwide are working on con cep ts that will allow longrange prediction of earthquakes and short -range warning. A variety ofmeth ods are being tested ; however, a reliable techn ique is still years awayfrom development. Until that day, earth scientists can only make"ed uc ate d gu esses a s to when another "big one" will occur.

In Arizona, earthquakes are being monitored by the Arizona!Earthquake nformation Center (AUC),which was established in Flagstaffin November 1 98 5 (Brumbaugh, 1 986) . For information on recentrem ors in Arizona, write to AU C, Box 56 20 , Northern Arizona UniversityFlagstaff,AZ 8601 1, or call (602 ) 523-7197.

Th e Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technologyhas severapublications on seismicity an d recent faulting in Arizona. Special Paper3 (DuBoisand Sm ith, 1980) focuses on the 1887 earthquake. t describethe characteristics of t he Pitaycachi fault, quo tes historical accou nts fromnewspap ers and o ther writings of that period, and analyzes the intensity

pattern s of the earth quak e and its significance in terms of curre nt seismichazards in Arizona. Bulletin 193 (DuBois and others, 1982) is acompilation of data o n the m agn itude , sou rce, distribution, and intensityof earth movem ents in Arizona from 17 76 o 1980.Map 22 (Scarboroug hand others, 1 986 ) identifies the yo ungest faults, folds, and volcanic rock sin Arizona. Open-File Report 86- 8 (Pearth ree, 1986 ) analyzes the sca rpmorpho logy and su rface displacem ent of late Quaternary faults, dentifiethe locations of H olocene and late Pleistocene faulting even ts, andasses ses the seism ic hazards in sou theastern Arizona, southwe stern NewMexico, and northeastern Sonora, Mexico. Two earlier issues ofFieldnotes (Sumner, 197 6; DuBois, 1 97 9) provide general informationabout earthqu akes such a s where they occur, how they are measured, andif they can be predicted. For information on ordering these or otherBureau publications, contact the Bureau offices at 845 N. Park Ave.Tucson,AZ 857 19, or call (602) 621-7906.

Selected References

Brumbaugh, D S.. 1986, Arizona Earthquake Information Center; 1986 activity summary

Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Fieldnotes,v. 16, no. 4, p. 7.

Bun, W. B., Cabo, S. S., Pearthree, P. A , and Quade, Jay, 1981, Frequencies and magnitud

of surface rupture along the Pitaycachi fault, northeastern Sonora, Mexico: Geologica

Society ofAmerica Abstracts with hograms, v. 13, no. 2, p. 47.

Dubis, S . M., 1979, Earthquakes: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technolog

Fieldnotes, v. 9, no. 1, p. 1.9.

Dubis, S. 1'4,nd Smith, A W., 1980, The 1887 earthquake in San Bernardino Valle

Sonora- historical accounts and intensitypatterns in Arizona:Arizona Bureau ofGeolog

and Mineral Technology Special Paper 3, 11 2 p.

Dubis, S.M.,Smith,A W.,Nye, N(K., nd NowakT. A,Jr., 1982,Arizonaearthquakes, 177

1980:M o na Bureau o f Geology and Mineral Technology Bulletin 193,456 p.

Gilluly, James, Waters,A C., and Woodford,A O., 1968, Principles of geology, 3rd ed.: Sa

Francisco, W. H Freeman & Co., 687 p.

Machette.M. N., Personius,S.E, Menges. C.M., and Pearthree, P

A,1986, Map showinQuaternary and Pliocene faults in the Silver City l o 2" quadrangle and the Douglas l

x 2 quadrangle, southeastern &ona and southwestern New Mexico: U.S. Geologic

Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map Mi-1465C, scale 1250,000.

Pearthree, P A , 1986, Late Quaternary fautting and seismic hazard in southeastern Arizon

and adjacent portions of New Mexico and Sonora, Mexico: Arizona Bureau o f Geolog

and Mineral Technology Open-WeReport 8 6 4 2 2 p.

Scarborough, R. B., Menges, C.M,and Pearthree,P.A, 1986, Late Pliocene-Quaternary (po

4my .) aults, olds,and volcanicrocks n Arizona:Arizona Bureau ofGeology and Minera

Technology Map 22, scale 1:1,000,000.

Stover, C. W. ,Reagor, B. G., and Algermissen. S . T., 1986. Seismicity map o f the State o

Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies M a p MF-1852, sca


Sumner, J . S., 1976, Earthquakes in Arizona: Arizona Bureau o f Mines Fieldnotes, v. 6 , n

I, p. 1-5.

Weiss,H. G., unpub., Interesting characters in the history o f Cochise County and Santa Cru

County:Arizona Historical Society-Tucson, p. 89.

FIELDNOTES,Summer 1987