the 25th infantry division association archives … 25th infantry division association ... three...

The 25th Infantry Division Association Archives Collection 150 Preliminary Inventory 1/24/96 Prepared by: Amy Cooper 1/26/96

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Page 1: The 25th Infantry Division Association Archives … 25th Infantry Division Association ... Three major categories provide the organization for the 25th Infantry Division Association

The 25th Infantry Division AssociationArchives

Collection 150Preliminary Inventory


Prepared by:Amy Cooper


Page 2: The 25th Infantry Division Association Archives … 25th Infantry Division Association ... Three major categories provide the organization for the 25th Infantry Division Association



COLLECTION: The 25th Infantry Division Association Collection


DONOR: The 25th Infantry Division Association

DATE OF GIFT: December 1995

SIZE: c19 "boxes

INCLUSIVE DATES: 1940 to present

BIOGRAPHICAL/HISTORICAL NOTES: The 25th Infantry Division wascreated from the Hawaiian Division of the United states Army. Itshistory includes participation in World War II, the occupation ofJapan, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the"Uphold Democracy" deployment in Haiti. The Division is oftenreferred to as IITropic Lightning."

SUMMARY OF SUBJECT AND MATERIALS: The 25th Infantry DivisionAssociation of the united states Army has donated materials chieflyconcerning the Vietnam War but also from World War II, the KoreanWar, and more recent activities of the division. Official militaryreports and personal recollections of Vietnam make up the bulk ofthe collection. Other materials include maps, photographs, personalletters, academic papers, news clippings, etc. A large part of thecollection was donated by author Eric Bergerud.

MAJOR CORRESPONDENT: Morgan J. Sincock, Director of the 25thInfantry Division Association

RESTRICTIONS: written permission from the president of the 25thInfantry Division Association is necessary in order to removematerials in the archive from the premises of the MarshallFoundation for loan or analysis.



Page 3: The 25th Infantry Division Association Archives … 25th Infantry Division Association ... Three major categories provide the organization for the 25th Infantry Division Association

Scope and Content Notes

The 25th Infantry Division Association Archives Collection

offers a plethora of military information concerning both

official and personal matters from 1940 to the present.

Materials in this collection include military reports, military

handbooks, maps, photographs, poetry, academic papers,

aUdiotapes, a videotape, newspaper clippings, and written

recollections of the vietnam War. The collection was established

at the George C. Marshall Foundation in 1995 and will continue to


Three major categories provide the organization for the 25th

Infantry Division Association Archives. The first category

includes boxes 1 through 8 and is comprised of military reports,

information, and news concerning the 25th Infantry Division

(a.k.a. "Tropic Lightning"). Boxes 1 through 4 contain

operational reports arranged chronologically and spanning the

years 1966-1971. The II Field Force vietnam (II FFV) reports are

of particular interest to military scholars and for this reason

are specially labeled. Boxes 5 and 6 include a variety of army

handbooks and are shelved chronologically. Most concern the

Vietnam War but there is one procedure guide dated to 1948.

Senior officer debriefing reports from 1967 to 1970 are in box 7.

More recent information on the 25th Infantry Division, as well as

some old, is found in box 8 with the Tropic Lightning newsletters

and 43rd Annual Reunion booklet.

The second category of the archives contains the Eric

Bergerud sub-collection. writer Eric Bergerud is the author of

Page 4: The 25th Infantry Division Association Archives … 25th Infantry Division Association ... Three major categories provide the organization for the 25th Infantry Division Association

Red Thunder, Tropic Lightning and The Dynamics of Defeat, and his

donations to this archival collection are significant. The

pUblication file in box 9 commences this sub-collection and

includes manuscripts, letters, and books reviews concerning

Bergerud's works. A hard cover edition of The Dynamics of Defeat

is also found in box 9.

Box 10 is a major strength of the entire collection in that

it provides the primary information from vietnam gathered by

Bergerud. Soldiers' letters home, maps, xeroxed photographs,

statistic sheets, etc. offer direct insight into the reality of

the vietnam War. Box 11 is largely composed of newspaper

clippings from the war and give a third person perspective on

military events and social concerns.

Box 12 offers primary information once again but gives a

hindsight, rather than direct, view of the war. The box contains

recollections of vietnam and is organized alphabetically

according to participants' names. More remembrances can be

obtained through the aUdiotapes found in boxes 14, 15, and 16.

Some tapes have been transcribed and their transcripts are

located in box 134. Both the tapes and transcripts are ordered

alphabetically by name and end the Eric Bergerud sub-collection.

The last category of material is contained in boxes 17-19

and covers a range of visual/miscellaneous material concerning

the Tropic Lightning. Box 17 contains photographs from the

military base in Hawaii, World War II, the Korean War, and

vietnam. The oversized file, 18, contains a 1940 photograph of

the 27th Infantry, Company A. Posters, sheet music, a videotape

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concerning a vietnam soldier, and a book titled The Road to Cu

Chi are additional items within this final category of material

and can be found in the oversized file and box 19.

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container List

Box #

1,2,3,4 Operational Reports, Department of the ArmyQuarterly reports for the followingdates:

Jan. (?) - Apr. 30, 1966

May 1 - July 31, 1966

Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 1966

Nov. 1, 1966 - Jan. 31, 1967Feb. 1 - Apr. 30, 1967

May 1 - July 31, 1967

Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 1967

Nov. 1, 1967 - Jan. 31, 1968Feb. 18, 1968

March 10, 1968

Feb. 1 - Apr. 30, 1968May 1 - July 31, 1968

Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 1968Nov. 1, 1968 - Jan. 31, 1969Feb. 1 - Apr. 30, 1969May 1 - July 31, 1~69

Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 1969Nov. 1, 1969 - Jan. 31, 1970Feb. 1 - Apr. 30, 1970May 1 - July 31, 1970Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 1970Nov. 1, 1970 - Jan. 28, 1971

# of items

1 regular1 II FFV1

1 regular1 II FFV1 regular1 II FFV1 II FFV1 regular1 II FFV1 regular1 II FFV1 regular1 II FFV1 regular1 II FFV -



1 II FFV1 regular1 II FFV1 II FFV1 regular1 regular1 regular1 regular1 regular1 regular1 regular1 regular1 regular

5,6 Handbooks, Department of the Arm-yAdvisors Final Report Information

System (Apr. 1, 1970) 1 bookletAdvisory Pacification Fund

Account (Oct. 23, 1969) 1 book-PB3

II Field Force Vietnam



After Action Report

Paper Back

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41 of items

1 booklet

2 books-PB

2 books-PB

2 books-PB

1 booklet

Box *Guidelines for Advisors (April,

1963)Handbook for U.S. Forces in

vietnam (Dec. 1968)Military Support for Pacification

(Feb. 1968)Pacification Data Bank Support

System (Mar. 1, 1970)Procedure Guide, 25th Infantry

Division Headquarters (Apr.1, 1948)

Regional Force and Popular ForceHandbook for Advisors (Nov.1969) 1 book-PB

Rural Development Cadre System(May 25, 1970) 1 book-PB

vietnam Questionnaire for PSA,Deputy PSA, or sectoradvisor 1 booklet





Senior Officer Debriefing ReportsReports for the following dates:

July 30, 1967 - Mar. 20, 1969Sept. 15, 1969 - Apr. 2, 1970Nov. 21, 1969 - May 8, 1970

Tropic Lightning News"Tropic Lightning Ambush" (Oct. and

Nov. 1966)"Tropic Lightning Flashes" (1977,

Dec. 1982 - spring 1993)43rd Annual Reunion booklet

Publication File, EB4 sub-collectionThe Dynamics of DefeatLetters on The Dynamics,of Defeat and

1 book-PB1 book-PB1 book-PB

2 issues

40 issues1 booklet

1 book-HB5

4 Eric Bergerud, author of The Dynamics of Defeat andmajor contributor to the 25th Infantry Division Archives

5 Hard Back

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Box #Red Thunder, Tropic Lightning6

Manuscripts Used for Bergerud'sPublications

Outline for Book (Red Thunder,Tropic Lightning?)

Reference Material


# of items4 letters

2 manuscripts

1 outline1 biblio-

graphy1 letter

10 Primary Information7 from vietnam,EB sub-collection

Awards, Honorable Citations, Letters ofCommendation

Discharge ReportsTrask, Gene Corridon (Mar. I,1971)

Hearing Transcripts on VietnamWar crimes


Journal Entries of Soldiers in Vietnam:Dexter, ToddMiller, Mike

Letters from Soldiers in vietnam:Andrews, Mickey R.Call, MichaelCanter, M.D.Obrist, Laurence D.

Log, Daily - Souvenier (March 21,1967)

Maps of vietnam TerritoriesOperational Report ExcerptsOrders - for SoldiersPhotographsB

11 document­ations

1 report

1 transcript1 set of

drawings1 article

1 collection1 collection

1 collection1 collection1 collection1 collection

1 log35 small maps5 exce:J;:'pts1 order71 sheets

6 For additional letters in response to these books seebox 13, "Recollections of Vietnam," subject: Response to(name of book).



mostly xeroxed information

xeroxed from various media sources

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Box f



Propaganda - MiscellaneousShort Story - "Ambushed"statistics SheetsWeapons

Third Person writings on vietnam,EB sub-collection

Academic PapersEducation-related Newspaper ArticlesLanguage and Culture Articles/

Relevant Items

Narrative compilation of the 25thInfantry Division in vietnam

Poetry, War

Veteran-related Articles:vietnamWorld War II

vietnam War, Action-related Articles

Recollections of Vietnam9 , EB sub-collectionAndrews, Mickey R.Boardman, PhilBoyd, Charles S.Call, MichaelCanter, M.C.Cavender, Anthony B.Ferguson, ThomasFreleigh, BertFontova, LarryGarrod, DaveHackin, Dennis E.Hart, Ronald N.Hollis, Harris W.Kestell, William


* of items5 items1 story3 sheets1 report1 narrative1 diagram

1 paper2 articles

3 articles1 diagram1 information


1 compilation1 guide1 collection

4 articles1 series22 articles/

sets ofarticles

1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 fold~r

1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder

9 First person narratives and/or interview notes

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Box t


Knoll, RobertLazarin, JayLewis, Richard C.Madaris, EddieMarshall, DonaldMellen, ThomasMolinary-Martinez, Roberto L.Noyes, BillNeil, AlanNolan, KeithPancrazio, JohnPearce, Donnie D.Petit, Norman S.Quickmire, CarlRiggs, John A:Ross, James IrvingRutherford, AndrewSincock, Morgan J.Stovall, Hugh M.Swan, Keith G.Tarin, Mario J.Trask, GeneTwing, RobertUnknown authorsWilliamson, Ellis W.

Transcripts to AUdiotapes - Recollectionsof Vietnam, EB sub-collection

Albridge, C."ARVN"Bergson, HenryBreeding, DanCall, MichaelCanter, M.D.Chance, Frank"Composite of Quotes from

Various Tape contributors"Conner, RobertDavidsonFerguson, Thomas"Field Officer and Combat Soldier"Giltner, ThomasHackin, DennisHeadley, JerryJeffers, Glenn

# of items1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder1 folder3 folders1 folder

1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript

1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript


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Box tJUlian, BobKestell, William "Bill"Liuci, JeriMCGill, RogersMengelkock, TimMurphy, JimNeilson, C.C.Quickmire, Carl R.Reynolds, LeeRoss, JimVandenberg, Dan


t of items1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript1 transcript


AUdiotapes - Recollections of vietnam, EBsub-collection

Adams, L.Albridge, C.Bender, J.Bergson, H.

BlanksBoyd, CharlesBowman, C.W.BreedingButashCanter, M.D.CasolaChasecipollaConner, Robert "Bob"Crouch, S."Empty"

Ernst, GaryFerguson, ThomasGiltner"Giltner Songs"GoslineHeadleyJeffers, GlenJulian, BobKilleen, MajKingKolb, G.Liuci, JeriMadaris, Eddie

1 tape1 tape1 tape1 tape

1 tape1 tape3 tapes2 tapes1 tape1 tape1 tape1 tape1 tape1 tape1 tape2 tapes (both

micro)1 tape1 tape2 tapes1 tape2 tapes2 tapes1 tape2 tapes1 tape1 tape2 tapes2 tapes2 tapes

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Box jMCGill, R.A.MenendezMiller, MikeMurphy, JimNeilson, C.C.otis, Glen

Plonka, D.R.Quickmire, R.Reynolds, Lee

"Reynolds Rambles"Riggs, BillRoss, JimRoss and MenendezRutherford, HaysRutt

Schleib, Bill

Schooler, GarySelph, Justus P.StoneStumphTrask, Gene"Unidentified"

Vandenberg, DanWillis, MichaelWood, J.


# of items2 tapes2 tapes1 tape2 tapes1 tape1 tape

(micro)1 tape1 tape3 tapes (1

micro)7 tapes1 tape1 tape1 tape1 tape1 tape

(micro)1 tape

(micro)1 tape1 tape2 tapes2 tapes1 tape2 tapes (both

micro)4 tapes1 tape1 tape

17 Photographs - Originals, 25th InfantryDivision

Letters of explanationPhotographs donated by:

Buser, W.H. - unlabeledBuser, W.H. - World War II

Casper, Paul - World War IICuthwell, Larry Howard - vietnam

WarDahms, Richard - Korean WarGolden, Frank - World War IIMaffeo, Michael - World War IIUnnamed donor - vietnam War


67 photos16 photos1 cartoon1 photo

1 photo3 photos1 photo1 photo6 photos

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Box f File * of items18 Oversized items

Posters 1 posterSheet Music 1 piecePhotographs 1 photo

19 MiscellaneousDateline NBC videotape (story on

George Warsler, vietnam soldier) 1 videotapeGuide to the Dateline NBC videotape 1 guideThe Road to Cu Chi by Joe Kalie 1 book-HBTropic Lightning badge 1 badgeTropic Lightning postcards 5 postcards

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25th Infantry Division ArchivesThe Danny Lee Blake Sub-Collection

January 29, 1999Ace, #150

1. Certificate ofHonorable Discharge, May 8, 19672. Certificate ofHonorable Service, August 21, 19683. Photograph ofUSS Niobrara4. Correspondence, poems, and photo donated by Herb Hofmann5. Certificates for Bronze and Silver Star Medals6. Yearbook from Baltimore City College7. Graduation announcement, report card, diploma, and personal materials from

Baltimore City College8. Two civilian and two military service photographs9. Correspondence, photos, and copies of citations from ceremony to present

posthumous awards to Lt. Blake's family, 196910. Book: Tropic Lightning: A History of the 25th Infantry Division11. Correspondence for return ofmilitary insignia12. Correspondence for itemisation of military pay13. Inventory ofpersonal property and receipts14. Correspondence between Mrs. Selena P. Blake and the Office ofthe Adjutant

General, Department of the Army concerning the inquiry into Lt. Blake'sdeath

15. Correspondence concerning Lt. Blake's death and posthumous medals16. Correspondence from Representative Clarence D. Long to Lt. Blake's parents

with copies of the Department of the Army's replies to Mr. and Mrs. Blake'sinquiry into the circumstances of their son's death

17. Correspondence for National Order of Vietnam Medal given posthumously toLt. Blake by the Republic ofVietnam

18. Citations for Purple Heart and Bronze Star and newspaper clippings ofposthumous awards ceremony

19. Materials from training school20. Correspondence concerning Lt. Blake's death21. Correspondence concerning retrieval ofDanny Lee Blake's personal property22. Correspondence concerning the circumstances ofLt. Blake's death23. Correspondence including condolence messages sent to the parents ofDanny

Lee Blake24. Childhood materials of Danny Lee Blake, including two photographs25. Message concerning Private First Class George Hohman acting as a military

escort at Lt. Blake's funeral .26. Diplomas from Army training courses27. Information from Lt. Blake's life insurance company28. Assorted newspaper clippings

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29. Easter card and letter sent to parents in 1967 from training camp at FortBenning, Georgia

30. Photograph ofDanny Lee Blake as a child31. Four photographs ofDanny Lee Blake and his parents32. Certificate ofHonor given to Danny Lee Blake's family after his death by the

National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution33. Print of a sketch by Frederick Remington of "Old Bill" from the Allied

Officer Training Department34. Correspondence concerning the collection35. Article: "Battle ofHoa Nhut"36. Schedule for Officer Candidate Class37. Copy ofparticipants in a military honour guard38. Photographs: Easter 196839. Mortuary card40. Assorted newspaper clippings

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25th Infantry Division Association ArchivesJanuary 1999 Addition

Ace, #150


1. Audiotape, reel-to-reel, on two sides. Includes sounds of battle at Fire Base CrookJune 6-7, 1969 together with a letter from the donor, Matt Flikkema. (" CD-

2. A collection of 7 photographs, six original and one copy, taken during the KoreanWar. Donation of Allen Anway

3. Invitation to the 25th Infantry Division Association's 50th Anniversary Reunion signedby LTG Stanley Larsen, MG Leland Cagwin, Morgan Sincock, and Robert Stryker

4. A collection of 18 photographs ofVietnam, circa 1966, taken by Danny Parker,together with correspondence

5. Script for video titled "Tunnel Rats" by Tully Entertainment, together withcorrespondence. Donation ofButch Sincock.

6. Pamphlet recounting the life ofBG John T. Corley. Donation of Joseph Grasso7. Collection of correspondence and photocopies ofvarious documents related to the

Battle ofLone Tree Hill, Luzon, Philippines, 25 April 19458. Letter and photocopy of newspaper clippings by William Barber, Sr.9. Article titled "Korean War Veteran Returns to Bayonet Hill" from the Army Link

News10. Booklet entitled "Welcome - 25th Inf. Div." dated 1 July 1945. Donation of Jim

Webb11. Map ofKorea and original photograph of Generals Dalton, MacArthur, and Mullins

and negative '12. Materials relating to actions of the 35th Infantry Regiment in the Central Highlands of

Vietnam, 196613. Summary history of the division's action in the Second World War written by

Richard Fitzpatrick, May 1988. Donation ofMrs. Richard Fitzpatrick14. Two 8x10" black and white publicity photographs of the cast ofParamount Pictures

"Hamburger Hill." Donation ofButch Sincock.

Oversized Materials

1. Three panoramic photographs. Two showing elements of Co. B, 53rd InfantryTraining Battalion, Camp Wolters, Texas in Apri11942 and one showing Co. H, 35th

Infantry, 25th Infantry Division, New Zealand, 1944. The latter photo is mounted ona wooden frame together with correspondence. Donation of Stephen B. Howard.

2. Copy of a panoramic photograph showing commander and staff of the 22nd InfantryRegiment, c. 1930. Unknown donor.

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25th Infantry Division Association ArchivesAce, # 150

Danny Lee Blake Sub-CollectionJanuary 29, 1999

Separation Record

Items separated to Museum Collections

1. Military insignia - 3 patches and 1 badge2. Medals and pendants - 1 Vietnam Service Medal and Pendant, 1 National Defense

Service Medal and Pendant, 1 Silver Star, and 2 Purple Hearts3. Personal Property including 2 razors, 1 bottle opener, 1 Army Rangers cigarette

lighter, 1 watch, 1 pocket knife on key ring, 1 watch face, and 1 unidentified object4. Felt board with 2 Vietnamese medals and 2 bars5. Unidentified key6. Assorted medals, identification badges, insignia, and personal effects (28 items)

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George C. Marshall FoundationLexington, Virginia

The 25th Infantry Division Association Archives

Container List

Box #



FileWorld War IIPhotograph File-Photographs and Documents pertaining to the 2501 Infantry DivisionBand, together with a copy of the Tropic Lightning News, dated15 August 1945-Photograph (b/w) ofa destroyed Japanese tank in the Philippines,1945Primary Information File-Photocopies of the 13 October 1942 dinner menu from the MoanaHotel, together with a broadside from the house of P. Y. Chong-Recollections of Wilfred C. Simmons, WWII veteran-Document: "E Company 1615t Infantry Regiment," circa 1945Publication File-Documents pertaining to Company G, 3501 Infantry Regiment, WWII-Article about General James Dalton, written by Ed McDonald, 2000KoreaPhotograph File-Photographs (123 b/w) from Korea and Japan, circa 1950-1951-Photographs (3) of Marilyn Monroe with the 2501 Division in Korea-Photographs (115) from Korea, circa 1952Publication FileArticle: "Holidays Bring Haunting Memories for Korean Vet"VietnamPhotograph File-Notes and Photocopies of Photographs pertaining to the 2501 InfantryDivision in 1968-Photographs and Documents pertaining to the Second Battery 32"dField Artillery in Vietnam and Cambodia-Photographs (color) taken in Vietnam, 1966-67; includes typeddescriptionsPrimary File-Laundry Ticket from Vietnam, circa 1967, together with notes ofemployment of field artillery in the Central HighlandsPublication File-Publication: "Tropic Lightning Ambush," dated August, October,November and December 1966; includes letter-Newspaper Article: "Internet Site Finally Links Long-Lost VietnamBuddies"; includes note from donorMiscellaneousPhotograph File-Photographs of the 19793001 Reunion of the 25th Infantry Division

Donor Name















Page 19: The 25th Infantry Division Association Archives … 25th Infantry Division Association ... Three major categories provide the organization for the 25th Infantry Division Association

Primary File-Program dated 1 October 1955, marking the 14tl1 Anniversary of the25th Infantry Division-Letter from Henry H. Shelton, Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff,dated 7 July 1999-Roster of attendees at the 42nd Annual Convention of the 25tl1 InfantryDivision, together with several color photographs, 1991Publication File-Documents pertaining to the 12tl1 EVAC Hospital and contemporaryhumanitarian projects in Vietnam; includes letter-Publication: Siberian Stowaway: Full Circle by Constance W.Langtry, pertaining to the history of the 2ih Infantry Regiment-Publication: A Young American Hero, The Authorized Biographyof Hemmitt L. Bowen, Jr. by H. Kenneth Seymour, 1999-Documents pertaining to the history ofthe 27tl1 Infantry Regiments-Publication: Silver Reunion with Tropic Lightning








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Items Included with the zs" Infantry Division Association Archives

Published Material: (located in the vault)-The War ofthe Nations Portfolio. Copyright 1919 by the New York Times Company.Donated by Andrea Daley, Association of Restorers-The inventory of documents, memorabilia and photographs in the collection of theTropic Lightning Museum at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.

Videos: (located in video collection)-Video: "Wandering Souls: TET '68 Remembered," featuring Dave Garrod, 1999.

Miscellaneous Artifacts: (located in museum collections)-Leather Japanese pilot's helmet. Donated by Ken Blakeley.

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25th Infantry Division Association CollectionUzal Ent Korean War Research Files

Added 2001


1 Pusan Perimeter Questionnaire

Individual Questionnaires

2 Adams, Richard3 Akeson, John W.4 Allen, Joe5 Anderson, Horace6 Bailey, Kincheon H. Ltc.7 Balbi, Edward F. CSM8 Behr, Francis J.9 Beirne, Daniel R.10 Bell, Cleo O.11 Berdan, Schuyler12 Berry, Glenn E.13 Berry, Sidney B. uo14 BG Bitman Barth CG 25th Div Artillery15 Biggs, Bradley LTC.16 Bishop, Joseph G.17 Bowie, James F.18 Bradley, Dave19 Brannon, Harold20 Brooks, Frank B. Jr.21 Burnett, Alfred22 Buseo, Sal "Lou"23 Bussey, Charles M.. LTC USA ret.24 Byrne, Frank F.25 Cable, Don26 Cabrera, Manuel V.27 Carlisle, David28 Chapdelaine, R. Andy29 Chestnutt, John30 Cholka, Donald M.31 Clevenger, Robert B.32 Cloninger, John, USA ret.33 Colbert, Francis (Frank)34 Comi, Paul35 Cooper, Daniel36 Corless, Virgil37 Cosman, Samuel

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38 Darnell, Donald39 Dawson, Charles L.40 Dechow, George H., Col., USA ret.41 Deluna, Raul42 Demage, Earl II.43 Dewitt Dunn, Lawrence44 Dillard, Oliver MG, USA ret.45 Dingeman, Robert E.46 Dudley, Roscoe47 Duquemin, Gordon J. MG, USA ret.48 Easter, James W. "Hap"49 Eckert, David50 Ellison, Glenn V.51 Elze, Robert F.52 Emerson, Henry E. LTG, USA ret.53 Fernandes,Anthony54 Fields, La Vaughn E. ISG55 File, Philip IV56 Flanagan Joseph J.57 Fomby, Roy N.58 Font, Joe A. Col., USA ret.59 Ford, Buddy60 Fore, Clyde61 Freedman, Kenneth62 Fredman, Darold R Col., ret.63 Gamble, Harold64 Gates, Jack J. Sr.65 Gautreaux, William E.66 Gilbert, Leon ILT67 Gott, William E.68 Green Earl R, USA ret.69 Griffm, Frank L. Col., USA ret.70 Hardin, Robert B.71 Hearn, George72 Hillis, Louise M.73 Holler, Gerald D.74 Hutchkiss, Hubert75 James, Alfred G.76 Johns, Frank77 Johnson, Cressie B.78 Johnson, James A.79 Johnson, Jasper Col., USA ret.80 Jones, Richard G.81 Jung, Gordon C.82 Kirby, John83 Komp, John S.

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84 Kushner, Leonard85 Lakatus, Eugene R.86 Larson, Gordon87 Law, Earl J. Maj.88 Lederer, Harold89 Lemere, Norman J.90 Lenon, Chester91 Leonard, Carroll N. MG, USA ret.92 Lewis, Richard93 Liberty, Robert J.94 Logan, Wyatt Y.95 Mahan, Johnny96 Main, Chester E.97 Majcher, Richard S.98 Mann, William L.99 Marlett, Joseph E.100 Martin, Benjamin F. MSG, USA ret.101 Martin, Lawrence Patrick102 Massey, Donald L.103 Mathews, Eugene104 Matisick, USA105 Mccafferty, William J.106 Mcclure, Gene E.107 Melhorn, Milton108 Mildenberger, Robert W.109 Miller, Earl110 Millett, Lewis111 Minger, Robert R.112 Molton, William113 Motley, William A.114 Myers, Frank Baldwin115 Napier, John L.116 Nelson, Fred E.117 Nelson, Robert C.118 Nelson, William 1. LTC, USA ret.119 Nicewander, Dennis R. LTC120 Oden, James R.121 Olazagasti, Milton122 Owens, Lee R. Jr.123 Pack, Gerald124 Petredis, Paul125 Plass, Frank C. CSM126 Potter, Robert MSG, USA ret.127 Price, William G.

1 Rahn, Charles W.

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2 Ransom, Waymon R.3 Rayoum, Charles H.4 Reis, Raymond5 Richardson, James C.6 Rishell, C. Lyle7 Rodriguez, Jesus Sr.8 Rollier, Robert 1,. Col.9 Roquemore, Rocky10 Russell, Arlen S.11 Russell, Ivan W. I

12 Sandell, Frank J.13 Semasko, Albert14 Sharra, George F.15 Shepherd, Charles16 Sherrod, Allison17 Shipper, Willard18 Smith, Allen M.19 Smith, Ernest N.20 Starkey, Posey L.21 Stephenson, Howard W. LtC22 Swett, Trevor W.23 Taylor, Kenneth E. Sr.24 Terman, Joseph25 Thornton, Kenneth Jr.26 Valvo, Frank27 Vance, Neal28 Vickery, Grady M.29 Walden, Roger S. Col.30 Ward, Edward31 Ward, Joel Thomas32 Warner, Richard F.33 Waters, James34 Watson, Charles L.35 Weston, Logan36 Weston, Sten E. Capt.37 Whitham, Keith W. LTC, USA ret.38 Wiegand, Edward39 Williams, David, USA ret.40 Williams, Thomas E.41 Wright, Thomas H. LTC42 Wyeda, Toshio43 Yeager, James W.44 York, John S.45 Zimmerman, David R.46 Zoller, Robert

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Additional Materials

47 8th US Army Korea (EUSAK)48 25th Division - 90th Field Artillery - August 1950 - Award List49 Overlays - 24th Regimental Combat Team50 27th Infantry, Co. A - Details June 195051 27th Infantry - Michaelis, John (Gen) Wolfhound - July 1950-April195152 27th RCT - July-August 1950 IPW Team53 27th RCT - August 1950 Historical Reports54 27th RCT - August 1950 HistoricallUnit Reports55 27th RCT - August 1950 Operations Orders56 27th RCT - September 1950 Activities Report57 27th RCT - September 1950 Operations Orders58 27th RCT - September 1950 HistoricallUnit Reports59 27th RCT - Organic and Attached Units60 27th RCT - November 1950 Activity Report61 27th RCT - November 1950 Historical Report62 27th RCT - Roster of Officers63 27th Infantry List of Casualties6427th 1st Battalion - StaffRoster65 27th Infantry - 3rd Battalion - Historical Report66 Wolf- Saga of the 27th Infantry67 35th RCT - War Diary68 Company C, 35th Infantry69 Ellison, Glenn V. (SSGT) Questionnaires70 Engineer Memoirs - MG James A. Johnson71 15 NK Division _. 8th Field Artillery Battalion - War Diary - August 195072 ROK - POW/Captured Documents - September 1950

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25th Infantry Division Association ArchivesMiscellaneous Materials

19 June 2001']1').)/. :Lb

1. Photograph: 6th Annual Reunion Banquet ofthe 25th Infantry Division AssociationJuly 16, 1955, Warwick Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

2. Photograph; Banquet picture, Washington, 19593. Photographs of "Punch Bowl" and Kum Wah, Korea, c.1952 (6 items)4. Photograph of Morgan J. Sincock, Company B, 49th Battalion, 23rd Infantry

Regiment, 25th Infantry Division taken at Fire Support Base Rawlings III, August1968

5. Programme for USNS Charlton (T-AKR 314) Launching Ceremony, December 11,1999 (7 items)

6. Programme for Retreat and Retirement Ceremony, 25th Infantry Division (Light) andU.S. Army, Hawaii

7. Pamphlet: Wheeler Army Airfield8. Guides to Schofield Barracks (2 items)9. Newspaper Article: "Ex-Wolfhound fens off three men to save his wife," Hawaii

Army Weekly10. Association archive photographs, December 1995 (6 items)11. Documents from Headquarters Third Military Area, 1941-46. Donation of Oliver A.

Roholt12. Copy of The Reader's Digest magazine, March 1944, with article mentioning Captain

Oliver A. Roholt

Oversized Materials

1. Blue binder with "Tropic Lightning" logo of the 25th Infantry Division Association oncover containing association materials and photographs c. 1949-50. Donation ofRobert W. Stryker

2. Black binder containing copies of"Tropic Lightning Flashes" newsletter 1950-57.3. Framed photograph of dedication ofmonument to the 25th Infantry Division for their

role in the Han River Crossing operation during the Korean War, March 7, 1951.Photograph taken March 11, 1986.

4. Poster: Commemoration of the 25th Infantry Division in action in the Second WorldWar, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War

5. Topographic map ofNorth Vietnam entitled "Hanoi"6. Poster: "Tropic Lightning" with division logo and troop scenes (2 posters - 1 paper, 1

laminated)7. Poster: "World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, 1945-1991"

Page 27: The 25th Infantry Division Association Archives … 25th Infantry Division Association ... Three major categories provide the organization for the 25th Infantry Division Association

25 th Infantry Division Association ArchivesMiscellaneous Materials

Separation Record19 June 2001

1. Two patches from the 25th Infantry Division with "Tropic Lightning" insignia2. One U.S. Army Ranger patch

*Please note that donors are unknown for all ofthese items.

Page 28: The 25th Infantry Division Association Archives … 25th Infantry Division Association ... Three major categories provide the organization for the 25th Infantry Division Association

The 25th Infantry Division Association ArchivesInventory of Oversized Materials

Collection #150

I. Poster: Commemoration of 25th Infantry's service2. Sheet Music: "Let's Go Wolfhounds." Marching song ofthe 27th U.S. Infantry3. Photograph: Co. A, 2ih Infantry, c. 1940

January 1999 addition

I. Three panoramic photographs. Two showing elements of Co. B, 53rd InfantryTraining Battalion, Camp Wolters, Texas in Apri11942 and one showing Co. H, 35th

Infantry, 25th Infantry Division, New Zealand, 1944. The latter photo is mounted ona wooden frame together with correspondence. Donation of Stephen B. Howard.

2. Copy of a panoramic photograph showing commander and staff of the 22nd InfantryRegiment, c. 1930. Unknown donor.

December 2000 addition

1. Book: The War of the Nations Portfolio. Copyright 1919 by the New York TimesCompany. Donated by Andrea Daley, Association ofRestorers

2. Inventory of documents, memorabilia, and photographs in the collection of the TropicLightning Museum at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii

Collection 150-B

1. Carousel containing 63 original color transparencies of Korea and aboard ship enroute to U.S., 1953-54.


1. Blue binder with "Tropic Lightning" logo of the 25th Infantry Division Association oncover containing association materials and photographs c. 1949-50. Donation ofRobert W. Stryker

2. Black binder containing copies of "Tropic Lightning Flashes" newsletter 1950-57.3. Framed photograph of dedication of monument to the 25th Infantry Division for their

role in the Han River Crossing operation during the Korean War, March 7, 1951.Photograph taken March 11, 1986.

4. Poster: Commemoration ofthe 25th Infantry Division in action in the Second WorldWar, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War

5. Topographic map ofNorth Vietnam entitled "Hanoi"6. Poster: "Tropic Lightning" with division logo and troop scenes (2 posters - 1 paper, 1

laminated)7. Poster: "World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, 1945-1991"