the 3 p's of avoiding social crm failure

The Three P’s of Avoiding Social CRM Failure Chris Bucholtz @Bucholtz

Post on 14-Sep-2014




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Slide deck of SugarCRM's Chris Bucholtz at Social Biz Atlanta 2013


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The Three P’s of Avoiding Social CRM Failure

Chris Bucholtz @Bucholtz

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Schadenfreude n. pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others


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• Pew Institute Study in December 2012: – 67% of adult Internet users used Social Media Sites – 67% use Facebook – 20% use LinkedIn – 16% use Twitter – 15% use Pinterest – 13% use Instagram – 6% use Tumblr

We’re Smack-Dab in the Social Age


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• Over 50% of Facebook fans and Twitter followers say they are more likely to buy, recommend than before they were engaged

• 44% of consumers said that exposure to technology products in social media positively affects their likelihood of purchase.

• 65% of the most successful salespeople believe social media is an integral part of their sales success.

• 74% of consumers rely on social networks to guide purchase decisions

• 59% of B2B buyers engaged with peers before making buying decisions

Social Age = A Shorter Time To Success


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Not what we’re here to discuss

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• Jeep • Burger King • Applebee’s • Wal-Mart • Chrysler • FedEx • American Red Cross • Qantas • United Airlines

Social Age = A Shorter Time To Fiasco


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Social Media failures are avoidable


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•Policy •People •Paying Attention

How? Concentrate on the Three P’s:


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• American Red Cross: Employees Tweet about getting drunk after work

• Casey Movers: Sales VP threatens a Yelp! Reviewer with legal action

• Stubhub: Social media manager Tweets that his job is a “Stubsucking Hellhole”

• Kitchenaid: Says horrible things about the president’s dead mother on Twitter



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• All of CRM starts with hiring

• Customers can now contact everyone in your business

• Trust is a major part of the SCRM world

• Bottom line: why would you hire people you don’t trust?



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• Applebee’s gets pounded after firing a waitress for posting a snarky customer note on Facebook

• Club 24 fired an employee for things she said about her bosses on Facebook – and was then sued (and lost)

• HMV leaves its Twitter account open to employees who have been laid off. Their next job? Going bananas on Twitter



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• Give your employees a written policy explaining what is and is not permitted on both company and personal accounts

• Create internal policies for managing your social media accounts, including password management and account controls



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• Qantas launches its Twitter “#QantasLuxury” campaign during a contentious labor dispute and flight stoppage

• FedEx waits to respond to video of a delivery man tossing a monitor over a fence

• United broke a guy’s guitar, then ignored him

Pay Attention


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• Monitor Social Media • Define and prioritize what’s most important to respond to • Assign people to defined social media tasks • Listen to all your employees for early warning

Pay Attention


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• Provides a place to store information you’ve picked up while listening

• Allows you to spot trends and take action • Gives you tools to filter social media traffic to find what’s

important to you

How CRM can help


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SugarCRM Confidential SugarCRM Confidential

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• Don’t be intentionally provocative (RyanAir)

• Don’t be insensitive (American Apparel)

• Don’t prolong problems (Applebee’s)

One last thing: try to be nice


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CRM for EVERYONE See you in New York for SugarCon 2013!