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The 4 Cycle Solution

Weeks 5 - 6

The Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle

By: Shaun Hadsall

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Copyright Notice

No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author. All copyrights are reserved.

Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices

This information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this guide is based upon my experiences as well as my interpretations of the current research available. The advice and tips given in this download are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure tips given in this course are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your physician before implementing any of the information provided below. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.

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4CS Accelerated Fat Loss

Simple Navigation

Intro To The Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle (Pg 4) The Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle System and Set-Up (Pg 7) The Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle Daily Nutrition Plan Templates (Pg 19)

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Using the Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle to

Crack the Fat Loss Code… The Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle (AFL) is specifically set up to overcome every type of adaptive response the body has to stop you from losing weight.

To refresh your memory, your body is not designed for fat loss. As soon as you start manipulating calories by increasing or decreasing food intake, your body responds by trying to adapt and fight against fat-loss.

Think of fat like your body’s insurance policy for survival. It wants to “hang on” to as much fat as it can to insure it has everything it needs – just in case.

So your body does its job by making a series of complicated calculations to balance its energy resources and the performance of its various functions 24/7.

And in order for your body to perform these functions, it must adapt.

So this cycle takes into account the five ways your body uses adaptation to be more efficient. Here is a breakdown of how we'll address these five adaptive responses:

1. Manipulate glycogen in new ways that your body has never experienced.

You should know by now that you deplete carbs in this program to force your body to find fat stores when it needs energy. Remember, long-term use of carb depletion actually hinders fat loss because of the overall reduction in metabolic rate and hormone output—such as thyroid (T3 to T4 conversion), leptin sensitivity and growth hormone factors

All of which help your body burn fat.

So in order to overcome these various adaptations you’ll be using 3 higher carb days within your week; a mid-week carb load (re-feed), a cheat day, and a baseline day.

This will help balance things out physically and psychologically. It will also make it a lot easier to adhere to.

2. Manipulate blood sugar levels by strategically “patterning” your macro-nutrients.

It’s pretty common knowledge that increased blood sugar levels promote fat storage; balanced levels make your body capable of using more stored fatty acids as a source of energy.

More fibrous carbohydrates and fewer days of sugar based carb consumption will promote more balanced blood sugar levels.

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The Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle has specific days where you’ll intentionally take in more low-glycemic carbs.

Most diets today use only low-glycemic foods. Such diets are hard to live with over the long term, and most people eventually abandon these types of plans.

But doing it a few days of the week? No problem man.

3. Manipulate nitrogen balance and stimulate lean muscle.

Protein is the only macronutrient that maintains and releases nitrogen to keep your muscles healthy. When you don't consume enough protein each day, muscle becomes unhealthy and a negative nitrogen balance is present.

When this happens, your body sees such muscle as a liability and uses the unhealthy muscle tissue instead of fatty acids as a source of energy.

The answer to this is simple.

Consume protein throughout the day to keep your muscles healthy and maintain a positive nitrogen balance. This is a very important part of this particular cycle.

4. Manipulate and cycle calorie intake.

Calorie reduction is obviously one of the easiest ways to force an energy deficit that leads to fatty acids being used as energy.

Cycle 3 uses calorie restriction strategically, on specific days, because your body quickly "senses" calorie reduction. You should know by now that if you follow a reduced-calorie diet continually, your body will have no other choice but to conserve energy and reduce its metabolic rate.

This cycle is strategically set up to overcome and prevent metabolic slow down.

5. Overcome and manipulate your body's need for constant and continual energy.

When your body doesn't have an ongoing feeding “pattern”, sometimes it will assume the last meal you gave it is the last meal it will get.

So your eating patterns determine how and if your body uses the food you take in immediately or whether it stores it for later use.

The structure of your meal patterning is one of the major keys to success with this cycle and plan.

You’ll also manipulate meal portions to stimulate your metabolic rate with hyper-caloric eating.

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When you follow diet or meal plans in which you constantly consume five or six small meals a day, your body gets used to the amount of fuel intake, adapts, and slows your metabolism.

This makes almost all diets ineffective. This plan overcomes this by adding in cheat days and re-feeds on specific days to keep your body burning fat and to keep you from going insane. :)

This unique food plan cycle works best if you follow it for no more than 14 days; it is not meant to be used forever.

It’s one of the most powerful sequences of patterning macro-nutrients to get you "unstuck" from a diet plateau and works especially well if you have dieted a lot throughout the years.

It will also spark your metabolic rate when you follow it properly.

The AFL is the first and only plan that considers every one of the body's adaptive means and, best of all, overcomes them to help you crack the fat-loss code.

Don't be afraid to try new things. This plan encourages and even demands your body change, so you might as well go for it and give it your all.

You can do it!

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Weeks 5 & 6

Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle Meal Plans


DAY 29 & 36

DAY 30 & 37

DAY 31 & 38

DAY 32 & 39

DAY 33 & 40

DAY 34 & 41

DAY 35 & 42

Fats Up Down Down Up Down Cheat Day Down

Carbs Zero Down Up: Re-feed Zero Down Cheat Day Baseline Starch Amount



2x women 3x men

(Carb Load)




Free Day

2x women 3x men

The all-important reminder…

Prepare your food ahead of time and use a cooler, food containers, a shaker and water bottles when necessary.

Control the environments you spend your time in and try not to eat out.

Hang out with people who will support your goals during this journey

AVOID friends, family, and co-workers who will tempt you and bring you down.

If you’re struggling staying on track, join a fitness boot camp or get an accountability partner.

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The AFL guidelines are a bit more detailed and specific than those for the two previous meal cycles. I've given you the basic dos and don'ts, then broken out guidelines that will increase your results for specific days.


Weeks 5 - 6

1. Stay hydrated. Drink eight to ten glasses of water daily. Men: 120 ounces Women: 70 to 80 ounces.

2. You must eat proteins at every meal except the following:

Protein is not required at all on cheat days, but it’s recommended.

On fats-up days, eat protein at every meal except for "fat snacks."

3. Eat only proteins and carbs from AFL food list unless it’s a cheat meal.

4. Follow your food TYPE for each meal of each day from the approved food lists below.

5. Continue exercising five to six days of the week.

6. Continue to journal your food. It works.

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Fats-Up/Carbs-Zero Day

1. Keep portion sizes smaller than you're used to.

2. Eat at least five meals per day.

3. Try to eat every three hours.

4. You may (and should) eat red meat. Try to use grass fed and hormone free.

5. Eat a fat snack between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner.

6. Limit yourself to 1 cup of vegetables at lunch and dinner.

7. Eat only fats and vegetables from the AFL food list.

Fats-Down/Carbs-Down Day

1. Keep portion sizes smaller than you're used to.

2. Eat at least five meals per day.

3. Eat every two to three hours.

4. Keep your fat intake to a minimum and avoid all saturated fats.

5. You may have only supplemental fats, such as essential fatty acid supplements or flaxseed oil.

6. Limit yourself to 1 cup of vegetables at lunch and dinner.

7. Do not eat red meat or whole eggs (fat down).

8. Eat only fats and vegetables from the AFL food list.

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Fats-Down/Carbs-Baseline Day

1. On Wednesday, eat at least four meals; five meals are ideal. Eat every three to four hours, and be sure meals have typical portion sizes.

2. On Sunday, eat at least three meals and consume larger portions (vacation meal size).

3. Eat starchy carbs from the approved food list below.

4. Women may have one serving of starchy carbs at two different meals. Make sure to move your starch to the meal after your workout if you’re exercising. Consume before 3pm if not exercising.

5. Men may have one serving of starchy carbs at three different meals.

6. You may substitute a fruit for a starch for 1 meal on this day.

Cheat Days

1. Eat whatever you want in any amount.

2. You can fill up and satisfy yourself, but don’t binge or stuff.

3. If you consume alcohol on this day - make sure you do it AFTER a few cheat meals, otherwise you could sabotage the hormonal effect of the cheat day.

A Quick Warning About Cheat Days…

Cheat days and cheat meals should only be used to accomplish specific physical and psychological functions directly related to fat-loss goals… So I’ll only say this once. IF you binge or stuff all day long on cheat days (trust me…I’ve had my moments), you’ll create a downward spiral and completely sabotage your fat loss goals.

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Important Tips and Tricks to Maximize the Results of Your Cheat Days

Try to avoid a lot of alcohol when cheating. This can mess up the metabolic

and hormonal effect you’re trying to accomplish.

Try to avoid a lot of deep fried foods and high fructose corn syrup. Deep

fried foods are basically void of any nutritional value and therefore don’t provide any metabolic or hormonal benefits for the cheat. HFCS has been shown to potentially block or negatively impact leptin levels.

Again, it’s a cheat day so you don’t have to get anal, but little tricks like this can really help.

Don’t weigh yourself for at least 2 to 3 days after your cheat day. This is HUGE, because it will keep you psychologically in the right spot because when you cheat right, almost all the weight you’ve gained is just water weight from extra carbs.

Remember, for EVERY gram of carb you consume your body holds nearly

3 grams of water. Now you can see why you’ll gain some water weight after cheating. It’s just a natural part of the process.

You should be one to three pounds lighter a few days after you cheat day if you’re doing things properly and using the next trick…

Plan for extra water the day after a cheat day. Remember the extra water your body will carry (from all the carbs) the next day. That’s why you hear people always talking about “carb-bloat” the day after cheating. And the more water you give your body, the less it will HOLD onto.

Water is great damage control to get you back on track.

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The Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle Meal Types

You’ll see the following meal combinations on your AFL Nutrition Plan Templates below:

1. P + O (proteins + fats / oil)

2. P + V (proteins + vegetables)

3. O (fat snack)

4. P + S (protein + starch)

5. P (protein snack)

6. P + S + V (protein + starch + vegetables)

7. P + V + O (proteins + vegetables + fats / oil)

8. P + A (protein + fruit)

9. FF/SA (free food / sweets and alcohol)

*You’ll notice that fruit intake is limited for this cycle but you’re allowed to substitute one fruit for a starch on Baseline days and you can consume fruit liberally for cheat meals and cheat days if desired.

**Directions and guidelines for each individual day of the plan are provided below each individual meal plan chart below.

**If you feel it’s necessary to count calories or you’re concerned with portion control, refer to your Quickstart Guide. It breaks down calorie counting, grams, and portion sizes in more details. Guidelines are also provided below.

Type (P) = Proteins for the Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle

Eggs and egg whites (try to use cage free or locally farmed fresh eggs) o Men: 2 whole with 4 – 5 whites o Women: 1 whole with 2 – 3 whites

Cottage cheese (try to use full fat raw or almond cheese) o Men: 1 cup o Women: ½ cup

Greek Yogurt (no/low sugar plain flavors only)

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o Men: 1 cup o Women: ½ cup

Lean beef, venison, lamb, pork tenderloin, or fresh ham (try to use grass fed or locally farmed raise)

o Men: 5 – 6 ounces o Women: 3 – 4 ounces

Turkey breast (try to use cage free organic turkey meat) o Men: 6 – 8 ounces o Women: 4 – 5 ounces

Chicken breast (try to use cage free organic chicken meat) o Men: 6 – 8 ounces o Women: 4 – 5 ounces

Low carb protein powder (make sure you use a low temperature processed brand)

o Men: 1½ - 2 scoops (30 – 40 grams) o Women: 1 – 1½ scoops (20 to 30 grams)

Fresh wild caught fish: Salmon, Trout, Tuna, Cod, Tilapia, White fish o Men: 6 – 8 ounces o Women: 3 – 4 ounces

Other wild caught seafood: lobster, crab, shrimp, scallops (limit intake) o Men: 6 – 8 ounces o Women: 3 – 4 ounces

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Starch Requirements & Serving Sizes:

1. Consume only the following Starchy Carbs and follow the directions and guidelines for each day provided below each daily nutrition template.

2. Serving sizes: Men under 200 lbs = 1 cup, Men over 200 lbs. = 1½ cups.

Women = ½ to ¾ cup. *Unless indicated differently on meal plan.

3. Make sure to move your starch (and fruit) based meals to post workout or before 3pm if you’re not exercising.

4. Limit fat intake to under 10 grams in all meals containing starches.

Type (S) = Starches for the Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle

Steel cut slow cook oats/oatmeal

Sweet potato / Yam


Acorn and butternut squash

Wild rice, brown rice, black rice, white rice (steamed not fried)


Acorn squash

Gluten free / wheat free pasta: rice flour or black bean

Legumes (avoid all canned beans and canned foods): kidney beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, lima beans, red beans, chickpeas, pinto beans, butter beans, navy beans, lentils

Acceptable breads: Ezekiel, Millet, Rice (avoid all whole grains, wheat breads, or wheat based products)

Acceptable wraps: Ezekiel or wheat/gluten free: rice flour or sprouted grain

Corn (locally farmed only and limit intake)


*Try to stick with starches from nature as much as possible. Limit your

intake of processed carbs.

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Fruit Requirements & Serving Sizes:

1. You may have 1 serving of any of the following fresh fruits in place of a starch on Baseline days when indicated on your meal planner.

2. Serving size men = 1 to 1½ cups. Women = ½ to 1 cup.

3. NO fruit juices.

Type (A) = Fruits for the Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle






















Melon (honeydew, cantaloupe, etc.)

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Vegetable Requirements & Serving Sizes:

1. Consume one serving of your favorite vegetables listed below as indicated on your daily nutrition templates.

2. Make sure to have at least two servings of green cruciferous vegetables per day.

3. Serving size (men and women) = 1 cup on all veggies (raw, steamed, or minimally cooked)

Type (V) = Vegetables for the Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle








Green beans






Peppers (any type)



Spaghetti Squash

Brussels sprouts



Spring mix

Collard greens



* Try to use organic or locally farm grown whenever possible.

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Fat or Oil Requirements & Substitutions:

1. Consume ONLY one serving of fat as indicated on your daily nutrition templates below.

2. Serving size (men and women) = 1 tablespoon. Cheese = a sprinkle or small serving. Yolks = 1 or 2 max. Krill or fish oil = 2 to 3 grams (1,000 mg = 1 gram)

3. Monitor your portion sizes carefully with fats. It’s very easy to overdo it and add in an additional 300 to 400 calories per day if you’re not careful.

4. Make sure you LIMIT fat in any meals containing starchy carbs or fruits.

Type (O) = Fats or Oil for the Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle

Flaxseed oil or ground up flaxseeds

Krill oil or organic fish oil

Olive oil

Mayo (use small amounts and avoid canola or vegetable oils)

Small amounts of raw cheese or almond cheese

Grass fed or organic butter

Coconut oil

Egg Yolks (cage free or farm fresh)

Heavy Cream

Raw nuts or seeds (monitor portions carefully)

Nut butters (1 tablespoon women, men 1½-2 tablespoons)

2-3 ounces of avocado

Egg yolks (only if they’re cage free, hormone free, organic, or local farm raised)

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Other Nutrition Guidelines for the Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle


You may use condiments, but remember to watch hidden sugars and check carb count. Great examples are mustard, salsa, sugar free hot sauces, and low sodium soy sauce.

You can also feel free to use the follow in moderation.

Sea Salt


Stevia or other no/low calorie all natural sweeteners

Pepper (any kind)


Ketchup (high fructose corn syrup free or no sugar only)


Sweeteners and other misc. foods: Limit intake of artificial sweeteners (sucralose, aspartame, saccharine). Try to use all natural stevia. Stay away from cooking sprays and try to use small amounts of olive and coconut oil instead. *Avoid agave nectar unless it’s 100% raw. The processing destroys any legit health benefits and increases the bad sugars.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 5

Day 29 Monday – Fats UP/Carbs Zero


1 P/O

2 P/O

3 P/V

4 O

5 P/V

6 P

Type Key: P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat A = Fruit


1. No starches or fruit on this day. 2. Feel free to eat red meat. 3. Eat a fat snack all by itself between lunch and dinner. 4. Keep portions sizes smaller than usual. 5. Try to consume at least 5 small meals on this day. If you can only get 4 meals you can skip meal 2 and 6.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 5

Day 30 Tuesday – Fats Down/Carbs Down


1 P/S

2 P

3 P/V

4 P

5 P/V

6 P

Type Key: S = Starch P = Protein V = Vegetables


1. Keep fat intake intentionally low on this day. 2. Do NOT eat red meat or whole eggs. 3. Consume 5 to 10 grams of organic fish oil or krill oil (1000 mg = 1 gram) 4. Keep portions sizes smaller than usual. 5. Try to consume at least 5 small meals on this day. If you can only get 4 meals you can skip meal 2 and 6. 6. Make sure to move your starch to the meal after exercise or consume it first thing in the a.m. if you’re not exercising.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 5

Day 31 Wednesday – Fats Down/Carbs Up (Re-feed)


1 P/S

2 P/V (Low Fats)

3 P (Low Fats)

4 P/S/V (Low Fats)


Type Key: S = Starch P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat SA = Sweets & Alcohol FF = Free Food


1. You may have 1 serving of fruit with your first meal of the day or in place of a starch. 2. Consume 1 starch at 2 different meals on this day and make sure at least one starch is consumed after exercise. 3. Try your best to exercise an hour or two before your first evening re-feed. 4. Consume at least 4 meals on this day. You may skip meals 2 and/or 3. 5. If consuming 5 meals, make sure to use protein shakes to save room for evening re-feeds. 6. Consume LOW fats in meals before and after exercise and meal containing starches. 7. Don't binge or stuff on your cheat food and if you choose to consume alcohol, do it AFTER your re-feed.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 5

Day 32 Thursday – Fats Up/Carbs Zero


1 P/O

2 P/O

3 P/V

4 O

5 P/V/O

6 P/O

Type Key: P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat


1. No starches or fruit on this day. 2. Feel free to eat red meat. 3. Eat a fat snack all by itself between lunch and dinner. 4. Keep portions sizes smaller than usual. 5. Try to consume at least 5 small meals on this day. If you can only get 4 meals you can skip meal 2 and 6.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 5

Day 33 Friday – Fats Down/Carbs Down


1 P/S

2 P

3 P/V

4 P

5 P/V

6 P

Type Key: S = Starch P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat


1. Keep fat intake intentionally low on this day. 2. Do NOT eat red meat or whole eggs. 3. Consume 5 to 10 grams of organic fish oil or krill oil (1000 mg = 1 gram) 4. Keep portions sizes smaller than usual. 5. Try to consume at least 5 small meals on this day. If you can only get 4 meals you can skip meal 2 and 6. 6. Make sure to move your starch to the meal after exercise or consume it first thing in the a.m. if you’re not exercising.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 5

Day 34 Saturday – Cheat


1 FF

2 FF

3 FF


Type Key: SA = Sweets and Alcohol FF = Free Food


1. Eat whatever you want in any amount, just don't binge or stuff. 2. Try to skip the alcohol and sweets the first week of this cycle, and make sure to consume alcohol AFTER a few cheat meals before indulging. 3. Follow all cheat day guidelines inside this manual.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 5 Day 35 Sunday – Fats Down/Carbs Baseline


1 P/S

2 P/S/V

3 P/S/V

4 P

Type Key: P = Protein S = Starch V = Vegetables O = Fat A = Fruit


1. You may have one serving of fruit with your first meal of the day or in place of 1 starch on this day. 2. Consume 2 starches with protein and veggies. 3. Make sure to consume 1 starch 2 to 3 hours before exercise and at least 1 starch after exercise if working out on this day. 4. LIMIT fat intake in all meals on this day. 5. Consume only 4 meals on this day, but feel free to make portion sizes larger than normal.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 6

Day 36 Monday – Fats Up/Carbs Zero


1 P/O

2 P/O

3 P/V

4 O

5 P/O/V

6 P

Type Key: P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat


1. No starches or fruit on this day. 2. Feel free to eat red meat. 3. Eat a fat snack all by itself between lunch and dinner. 4. Keep portions sizes smaller than usual. 5. Try to consume at least 5 small meals on this day. If you can only get 4 meals you can skip meal 2 and 6.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 6

Day 37 Tuesday – Fats Down/Carbs Down


1 P/S

2 P

3 P/V

4 P

5 P/V

6 P

Type Key: S = Starch P = Protein V = Vegetables


1. Keep fat intake intentionally low on this day. 2. Do NOT eat red meat or whole eggs. 3. Consume 5 to 10 grams of organic fish oil or krill oil (1000 mg = 1 gram). 4. Keep portion sizes smaller than usual. 5. Try to consume at least 5 small meals on this day. If you can only get in 4 meals you can skip meal 2 and 6. 6. Make sure to move your starch to the meal after exercise or consume it first thing in the a.m. if you’re not exercising.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 6

Day 38 Wednesday – Fats Down/Carbs Up (Re-feed)


1 P/S

2 P/V (Low Fats)

3 P (Low Fats)

4 P/S/V (Low Fats)


Type Key: S = Starch P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat SA = Sweets & Alcohol FF = Free Food


1. You may have 1 serving of fruit with your first meal of the day or in place of a starch. 2. Consume 1 starch at 2 different meals on this day and make sure at least one starch is consumed after exercise. 3. Try your best to exercise an hour or two before your first evening re-feed. 4. Consume at least 4 meals on this day. You may skip meals 2 and/or 3. 5. If consuming 5 meals, make sure to use protein shakes to save room for evening re-feeds. 6. Consume LOW fats in meals before after exercise and meal containing starches. 7. Don't binge or stuff on your cheat food and if you choose to consume alcohol, do it AFTER your re-feed.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 6

Day 39 Thursday – Fats Up/Carbs Zero


1 P/O

2 P/O

3 P/V

4 O

5 P/V/O

6 P/O

Type Key: P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat


1. No starches or fruit on this day. 2. Feel free to eat red meat. 3. Eat a fat snack all by itself between lunch and dinner. 4. Keep portion sizes smaller than usual. 5. Try to consume at least 5 small meals on this day. If you can only get 4 meals you can skip meal 2 and 6.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 6

Day 40 Friday – Fats Down/Carbs Down


1 P/S

2 P/V

3 P/V

4 P

5 P/V

6 P

Type Key: S = Starch P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat


1. Keep fat intake intentionally low on this day. 2. Do NOT eat red meat or whole eggs. 3. Consume 5 to 10 grams of organic fish oil or krill oil (1000 mg = 1 gram) 4. Keep portion sizes smaller than usual. 5. Try to consume at least 5 small meals on this day. If you can only get 4 meals you can skip meal 2 and 6. 7. Make sure to move your starch to the meal after exercise or consume it first thing in the a.m. if you’re not exercising.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 6

Day 41 Saturday – Cheat


1 FF

2 FF

3 FF


Type Key: SA = Sweets and Alcohol FF = Free Food


1. Eat whatever you want in any amount, just don't binge or stuff. 2. Follow all cheat day guidelines inside this manual.

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4 Cycle Solution Meal Planner ACCELERATED FAT LOSS CYCLE • WEEK 6 Day 42 Sunday – Fats Down/Carbs Baseline


1 P/A

2 P/S/V

3 P/V

4 P

Type Key: S = Starch P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat A = Fruit


1. You may have one serving of fruit with your first meal of the day or in place of 1 starch on this day. 2. Consume 2 starches with protein and veggies. 3. Make sure to consume 1 starch 2 to 3 hours before exercise and at least 1 starch after exercise if working out on this day. 4. LIMIT fat intake in all meals on this day. 5. Consume only 4 meals on this day, but feel free to make portion sizes larger than normal.