the 7 questions of employee engagement


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Post on 12-Jul-2015



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Page 1: The 7 Questions of Employee Engagement
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2 The 7 QUESTIONS The question is the answer to employee engagement by David Zinger

Questions engage. They hook our brains and stimulate curiosity. Questions trigger powerful actions. The answer to our problems resides in the questions we ask ourselves as we transform ignorance or certainty into curiosity.

Learn to ask yourself intriguing questions. This e-book offers you 7 engaging questions. One for each day of the week. Open your mind. Seize the question. Change your day.

A beautiful question is an ambitious yet actionable question that can begin to shift the way we perceive or think about something – and that might serve as a catalyst to bring about change. Warren Berger, A More Beautiful Question?

A Question of Engagement

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A Week of Questions1. Sunday Looking Forward2. Monday Really Want3. Tuesday Benefit You4. Wednesday Energy Sources5. Thursday Making Days6. Friday Standing Out7. Saturday Renewing Energy

Neil Postman said that children enter school as question marks and leave as periods. We need to reinstall questions into how we learn and navigate through life and work.

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The Sunday QuestionAm I looking

forward to going to work on Monday?

?Ramiro Garces, the former VP of HR for Latin America Kimberley-Clark taught me the Sunday Question. Ask yourself this question at some point each Sunday. If the answer is yes proceed into work as per normal. If the answer is no transform your negative response into a conversation at work to see what can be done.

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The Monday Question

When your mind is open even the Spice Girls can be your teachers. This question has its origin in their song, Wannabe. We must attach our engagement to meaningful results. The “really really” part of this question ensures you dig a little deeper to find results that matter.

?What do I want,

really really want,from work this week?

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The Tuesday Question

How doeswhat I do,

benefit you? Work is done in the service of others. We need to focus on others. Don’t get lost in doing only what matters to yourself. See the wider social picture. The “you” in this question could be your boss, your reports, your peers, your customers, or even your family. Answer this question before you begin each new task next Tuesday.


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The Wednesday QuestionWhat gives me energy,

what takes it away, and what for me

is a waste of time? I learned about this question from Donald Graves, an American educator who studied energy and teaching. Like all the questions in this book, don’t just ask the question, answer the question. Do something about your energy based on your response. Don’t be mindlessly sucked down an energy drain at work. If something is a waste of time eliminate it or find out why it matters to someone else.


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The Thursday Question? What can I do today that will cause someone

to say to me, you made my day?

Go ahead, make someone’s day. We work with others. Don’t let the day go by without being a people maker. You can make all sorts of things but never overlook making the day for someone else at work. Know that a kind word, an insightful appreciation, or pitching in and assisting with another person’s task can be more than helpful, they can make someone’s day.

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The Friday Question?What stood out for me at work

this week?

Don’t let the week end without being reflective about what stood out for you. Did you experience a setback or progress? What did you do about it? We need to capture and install progress. We need to master setbacks through learning and being able to let them go. Never let a week go by without giving some thought, energy, and time to your experiences around setbacks and progress.

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The Saturday Question? What can I do today to recover from the previous

week and re-energize for the week ahead?

Replenish yourself. Renew, rekindle, and reenergize. Go for a run or take a walk. Kiss your spouse. Hug your children. Eat chocolate cake. Be mindful of the moment. Nap. Enjoy watching a movie or sports. Inspire yourself with mindful breathing. Do whatever helps you be refilled with energy and lets you be your best.

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Engage with QuestionsTransform weak engagement into a powerful week of engagement based on questions. Ask yourself one question each day. Ask these questions of others at work. Run a one week experiment. Rewrite a question to make it better for yourself. Ask the question each hour of the day. Give this book to someone else and have them ask you the questions. Be mutually accountable. Post the question on your Intranet or put one up on Twitter or even your bathroom mirror. Let the questions be your guide. Ask the questions -- be the answer!

…try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke, 1903 in Letters to a Young Poet.

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What’s next?Who is David Zinger? David Zinger is a global employee engagement expert. He has spent over 14,000 hours on employee engagement. David founded the 6400 member Employee Engagement Network. He has spoken around the globe and he wrote 3 books on work.

How can he help me? David can help you increase employee engagement through small, simple, strategic, sustainable and significant actions. His assistance is infused with value, cost effective, and simple to implement.

How do I get in touch with Mr. Zinger?Email: [email protected] Website: www.davidzinger.comPhone: 204 254 2130