the 72 names of god instruction

The Seventy- T wo Living Divine Names of the Most High Instructions for Using the 72 Names of Go First, sit in a comfortable chair with your palms up in a dark room in front of your computer .  Then get into a meditative zo ne and quiet your mind, gently pushi ng out any extraneous thoughts. Begin to do slow rhythmic breathing and focus on your third eye...Think of this as a computer software program for the evolution of your soul. ou are about to utilize a powerful code to access very speci!c energies for soul correction and transformation. Begin by studying the chart of the "# $ames of %od to see what aspects of your life are in need of a spiritual boost. &f you are spiritual attuned, you will automatically resonate with a particular name and meaning that your soul knows is for your highest good and needs immediate attending to. 'fte r you have identi!ed which name you wish to meditate on, click with your computer mouse until the box expands to reveal a larger version of the holy name and spiritual intention you have chosen to meditate on. T o further facilitate your meditation, you may opt to add a selection of soothing trance music or nature sounds by clicking on one of the selections provided in the audio player below the expanded box...or ignore it and do the meditation in silence. (. 'sk permission of the )ight to use the holy *ebrew lette rs for your meditative purpose. +ince %od created the worlds with these letters they are holy and belong to him. #. Be humble but direct as you state your intention. all upon the )ightforce of %od for what you speci!cally wish to accomplish through this meditation. For example, if the purpose is to transform negative emotions to their positive counterparts, list these emotions in your own words. 'sk that the healing energy from the speci!c name of %od help to transform these negative emotions. -. Begin again with s low and rhythmic deep breathing. %ently push away any extraneous thoughts so that you may completely concentrate only on your breath. 's you drift into an alpha state, imagine that the three letter combination of *ebrew letters are brightly smoldering as if on !re. 'll the illusions of existence begin to fade o and you are alone with your thoughts as never before...ou are alone with the )ightforce of %od. Begin to repeat like a mantra, slowly over and over again, the /nglish transliteration of the *ebrew letters. &f possible, vibrate the letters at the pitch o f middle . ou will begin to develop a slow rhythmic breathing cadence of repeating the letters over and over again in a manner that is comfortable for you. 's your meditation on the holy three letter name of %od and the angel behind becomes more intense, the letters will glow brighter and brighter . 0. +tart with 1 minutes a day and try to work up to #2 minutes a day . 's you bring yourself out of the meditation, remember to sit for two minutes to completely come back from alpha state. 1. 3ith consistent practice you will, over time, get more advanced in your meditation. our intentions will grow more complicated, you may want to combine two names together . This would involve a 4stitching process4 whereby you create a new hybridized name. This occurs in the following manner5 take the !rst letter from the !rst name with the !rst letter of the second name, the second letter of the !rst name with the second letter of the second name, and the third letter of the !rst name with the third letter of the second name. 6epeat this new six7letter name as a mantra over and over again as you would the three7letter name. Decoing the Ho!y Names an Their Su"erna! Meaning Before you begin this powerful meditation, it is important to understand how the *ebrew prophets and rabbis that were steeped in 8abbalah, used this coded toolset to slip into altered states of consciousness. The source for deriving the "# $ames of %od and the a ngel

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Post on 05-Jul-2018




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