the absolute dragonball

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Dragonball D20


  • The Absolute DragonballThe third installment of the Dragonball Books. The GT of the series... well hopefully not.

  • ForwardAlright, this is the third book in the Dragonball Series, and this is the one where we go all out. This will be the final book in the series hopefully, and we'll cover as much as possible here. There were little things that I forgot in the other two books, and there was stuff that I could have done but didn't. This will include new Prestige Pathsand regular Feats for each race. With this book I hope to finish what I started with The Complete Dragonball and finally make a DBZ system that works and doesn't have Frieza be a CR 3 creature.

  • AndroidsNATURAL WEAPON [ANDROID, SOUL]Prerequisites: Android, Bio-Android Benefit: You gain a Natural Weapon of your choice that deals 1d6 damage + 1d6 damage per 5 ranks in Unarmed Strike you have above 1. This becomes a Racial Weapon.

    ABSORB OTHER [ANDROID, KI]Prerequisites: Android, Bio-Android, Absorb AndroidBenefit: You may absorb any being. Doing so is a slow process and must be made as a grapple attempt. If you have a Tail Slap you can use this instead of the grapple attempt. Should you succeed, you drain 10 Reiatsu per point of Spellscore that you possess from the target this may go above your maxiumum . Should you drain them to 0 or less, they die and are absorbed into you. If you absorb someone with the normal human flaw, you gain 1 statistic point to place in one of your statistics per 100 such people you absorb. Should you absorb someone with a power level rating you gain their modifiers as a bonus to your statistics, and one quarter of their power level added to your own. You may attempt to absorb someone at once without draining their Reiatsu, but to do so requires them to be below 50% of their hit points and you must succeed a Grapple attempt (regardless of whether you have a Tail Slap or not.). Should you succeed, you absorb a target. While they are absorbed, they take your Strength Modifier in d8s crushing damage each round. Should they die from the damage, you gain the bonuses mentioned above as they are digested. A target is treated as pinned while being within you, and may attempt a grapple check each round to escape as normal.

    GENETIC TRANSFER [ANDROID, KI]Prerequisites: Android, Bio-AndroidBenefit: You may attempt to implant your DNA into a subject making them your willing slave. To do so you must first reduce their hit points to below 25%. You must then attempt to make a touch attack. Should you succeed, the target gains a will save to resist your effect that is Constitution Based. Should they fail, they become your allyregardless of their former allegiances. You may attempt this any number of times, but once someone makes a will save against your effect, they are immune to further attempts for 24 hours.Alternatively, you may attempt to infect a host. To do so requires the same as attempting to make them your willing slave, except that if you succeed and they fail the will save, you take complete control of the body and may use the target as your own body while you remain inert within the body. You add your ability modifiers as bonuses to their ability scores, and you add your power level to theirs. You have access to all feats that the target has, as well as any feat you have. You may end this effect at any time as a free action. If you, as the combined entity, are reduced to 25% of your hit points or less, the target gains a new will save to remove your presence each round.

    POWER SENSING [ANDROID, KI]Prerequisites: AndroidBenefit: You gain an internal scouter that cannot be destroyed and senses any power level accurately unless hidden, in which case you must make a Sense Motive check vs their Bluff check to sense their power level as per the Sense Motive and Bluff skills..

    FIGHTING MULTIPLIER [ANDROID, KI]Prerequisites: Android, Generator or AbsorberBenefit: You wear an earring that you can flick as a swift action to gain a modifier to all Base Skill rolls equal to your maximum held power divided by 250. (So if you could hold 1500 Power Level, you would get a 6 modifier toall Base Skills). This bonus lasts for 3 + Intelligence Modifier in rounds before they reset to normal and may be used once per day.

  • BIO-EMULATION [ANDROID, KI]Prerequsites: Android, Bio-AndroidBenefit: Choose one race under your Bio-Android feat. You gain the racial abilities of that race. If you have an unarmed strike progression you don't gain a better one from a racial feat. Take the best Ki Ability progression from the races emulated.Special: You may take this multiple times up to the number of races under your Bio-Android feat. Each time it is taken, you gain another race's racial traits.

    ADVANCED BIO-ANDROID [ANDROID, KI]Prerequisites: Android, Bio-AndroidBenefit: You may place another race under your Bio-Android feat.Special: You may take this multiple times to gain one more race each time.

  • Feats for the Dragonball CharacterPOWERED FIGHTING [GENERAL, KI]Prerequisites: A Racial Feat, 750+ Power LevelBenefit: You gain a bonus on all d20 rolls equal to your Power Level divided by 500 (Minimum +2, Maximum +10). Should your power level drop to one half normal or lower, your bonus is halved (Round up). Should your Power Level drop to one quarter or below, your bonus is divided by 4 (Round up).

    TRANSFORMATIONAL GENKI DAMA [GENERAL, KI]Prerequisites: Ki Infused Race, Transformational Feat (Super Saiyajin, Mystic Shin, Wonder Majin or Changeling Transformation), Powered Fighting, Genki DamaBenefit: If you charge a Genki Dama and transform while still holding the Genki Dama, you cannot keep the Genki Dama going as your heart is filled with an emotion beyond total peace and contentment. You instead absorb the Genki Dama into yourself increasing your power level by 1,000 per full round you charged. This increase is temporary, but results in an increase to your Powered Fighting feat. Also it grants you an aura that grants a bonus to Damage Reduction equal to the damage it would have dealt for 3 + Wisdom Modifier rounds.Special: Once the aura ends, you are exhausted till you either receive healing, or receive 8 hours of rest.

    SUPER MECHA [GENERAL, SPECIAL]Prerequisites: Superior MechaBenefit: You gain 1 Mecha Option for your mecha.Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do you gain an additional Mecha Option

    SUPERIOR ARTIFACT CREATION [GENERAL, SKILL]Prerequisites: Advanced Artifact CreationBenefits: You gain 1 Artifact Point, you still cannot have more Artifact Points than your maximum of 5.Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do gain an additional Artifact Point

    GREATER HERO [GENERAL, SKILL]Prerequisites: True HeroBenefits: You gain an additional Contact of Medium or Minor levelSpecial: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do you gain another contact.

    SUPERIOR HERO [GENERAL, SKILL]Prerequisites: True Hero, Greater HeroBenefit: You gain an additional Major Contact.Special: You may take this feat as many times as you take Greater Hero minus 1. Each time this is taken gain an additional Major Contact.

    SUPERHEROICS [GENERAL, SOUL]Prerequisites: Secret IdentityBenefit: Your Superheroic Identity gains an additional +2 Reputation or your non-superheroic identity gains +1 reputation.Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time it is taken, your superheroic identity gains an additional +2 reputation or your non-superheroic identity gains +1 reputation.

    BONUS TIME [GENERAL, SOUL]Prerequisites: Time's EdgeBenefit: You gain another use of Time's Edge per day, and the percentage that your duplicate has to have opposing allegiances to your own is reduced by 5%.Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, increase the number of uses of Time's Edge you have per day by 1, and decrease the opposed allegiance percentage by 5% to a minimum of 0%.

  • UNITED ATTACKS [KI, SOUL]Prerequisites: Special AttackBenefit: You may combine your special attack with another person's. Combining your attack with another person's is a simple process. Just add the descriptors from the first to the second that the second is missing. Thesecond person's attack does one and a half times damage. You may only do this with another person, or while fused with another person.

    DUO-DIMENSIONAL GENKI DAMA [KI, SOUL]Prerequisites: Genki DamaBenefit: You have the ability to gather energy from multiple universes if there is a portal to another universe open. Gathering this energy takes 50 Full Rounds (Or 40 if you have the Improved Genki Dama feat).

    ADVANCED EUGINETICS [GENERAL, SOUL]Prerequisites: EugineticsBenefit: You can create a clone with the memories of the victim in question. Raise the DC of the check by 10.

  • Ki AbilitiesKi Boom: You may have your Ki blast detonate in a 20 foot burst somewhere within your Ki blast's range. You may take this multiple times to increase the blast radius by 10 feet.

    Combined Ki: You may combine two Ki Shapes together into one super attack. You gain both shapes at once (Soif you combined a line and a boom, you would get a line and the boom at the end of the line.) The combinations have to make logical sense.

  • Prestige PathsSpace Pirate

    You are a being that goes through the cosmos and decimates planets for either pleasure or profit.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Ki Infused Race or Ki Infused, Vacuum BarrierSkills: Intimidate 10+ RanksSpecial: 1,000+ Power Level

    1 GRAPPLING WEBS [PRESTIGE]You can send out webs in a 30 foot cone. All within the Cone must resist a grapple attempt using your SpellscoreModifier instead of your Strength Modifier. You count as your size category for this grapple check, or Medium, whichever is greater.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 MONSTEROUS TRANSFORMATION [PRESTIGE]You gain a Transformation as per the Changeling Feat. You gain 2 Bonus Points to this Transformation.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 MONSTEROUS CAPTAIN [PRESTIGE]You gain a +10 bonus to your Leadership score and gain the Leadership feat as a bonus feat regardless of prerequisites. Also you may gain up to your Spellscore Modifier in Cohorts instead of just 1. You no longer lose Leadership Score for unusual cruelty, and gain +1 to your Leadership score per 10 ranks of intimidate you possess.

  • Android ApotheticYou are a scientist that has gone a little batty in your old age. Whether it's to keep yourself alive, or to take over the world, you have gone beyond the realm of natural science and have access to technology that borders on the magical.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Craft ConstructSkills: Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 6+ Ranks, Knowledge (Biology) 6+ Ranks, Craft (Electronic) 12+ RanksSpecial: Cannot be an Android and take this class.

    1 PARTIAL CONSTRUCT TRAITS [PRESTIGE]You gain a +5 bonus on all Fortitude Saves unless the save allowed affects objects as well. You eat and drink one tenth the norm for your species. You gain only three-quarters of the healing gained through feats and abilities unless the healing affects objects.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 IMPROVED CRAFT CONSTRUCT [PRESTIGE]The time it takes you to craft a construct is reduced to one day per 2 hit dice. You can create constructs with yourlevel +2 and you gain a +5 to all Craft (Electronic) Checks to make Androids.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 ANDROID APOTHISIS [PRESTIGE]You finally achieve your dream and become an Android yourself. You gain the Android feat as a bonus feat regardless of prerequisites.

  • Planet ConquererYou are a being that desires to conquer planets either to expand an empire or sell the planet off to the highest bidder.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Vacuum Barrier or Race that doesn't Breath, LeadershipSkills: Diplomacy 10+ Ranks, Unarmed Strike 10+ Ranks, Defense 10+ RanksSpecial: 1,500+ Power Level

    1 CONQUERING SPEECH [PRESTIGE]You try to conquer first by speech. Add +5 to your Diplomacy and Intimidate Checks to get people to surrender toyou.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 SUPER SPECIAL ATTACK [PRESTIGE]You gain a Special Attack that deals damage over a several mile area instead of normal. This is a unique special attack in that it effects a burst equal to your level x 1 mile. It is built from your Spellscore Modifier + 1 point per 2 levels instead of your Spellscore and cannot have any other areas attached to it. You must pay for each individual dice of damage added to the special attack. This attack costs 1,000 Power Level + it's normal cost. This counts as a special attack for building purposes and teaching purposes.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 IMPROVED LEADERSHIPYou no longer lose Leadership Score forkilling your underlings, and can lead 10times the norm for your LeadershipScore. Also, at will, you can attempt toremove the Dazed or Staggeredcondition from one ally per level perattempt. Make either an Intimidate orDiplomacy check versus their Level +10. Should you succeed, the conditionends and they may resume fighting asnormal.

  • Changeling Transformation MasterPrerequisites: Feats: Changeling, Transformation at least twiceSkills: Concentration 10+ RanksSpecial: Each feat in this tree counts as a Ki Feat.

    1 IMPROVED TRANSFORMATIONS [PRESTIGE]Your can transform faster than normal. Reduce the time it takes you to transform by one step (First Transformation is now an immediate action. Second is now Swift, third is now move, fourth is now Standard, etc)

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 POWERFUL TRANSFORMATION [PRESTIGE]Each of your transformations gains 2 points per tier of the transformation (IE 2 for tier 1, 4 for tier 2, etc).

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 EFFORTLESS TRANSFORMATIONS [PRESTIGE]If you chose Permanent transformations, you may reduce yourself to a lower form once per day for one minute per character level + constitution modifier. If you chose non permanent transformations, choose one of your transformations. You may remain in that form indefinitely. This can be any transformation up to one lower than the highest transformation you have achieved.

  • ImmortalPrerequisites: Special: Must have wished for Immortality or had it granted by something or someone. You must meet this prerequisite after your game starts, not before.

    1 and 2 IMMORTALITY [PRESTIGE]You are immortal. You no longer age, and cannot be killed by most means. You can still be knocked unconscious, and extreme methods of death such as total discorporation or attacks that remove the soul can stillkill you. This feat takes up the feat slot in the level you take this feat, and your next level's feat slot.

    3 FAST HEALING [PRESTIGE]You gain fast healing equal to twice the number of feats you have in this tree.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 LIMB REGROWTH [PRESTIGE]Your fast healing can now regrow your limbs in 1d6+1 rounds. This includes your head.

    Special: You can take this prestige path more than 5 levels. Every even level in this prestige path grants you an additional bonus feat. Every odd level in this prestige path grants you an additional point of fast healing. Every fourth level in this prestige path (8th, 12th, 16th, etc) grants you an additional trained skill.

  • GeneticistYou are someone that takes genes and splices them together to make new creatures that have never been seenbefore. You can also clone others, though sometimes the effects are less than optimal.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Skill Focus (Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences)), Skill Focus (Craft (Chemical))Skills: Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences) 10+ Ranks, Craft (Chemical) 10+ Ranks

    1 CREATE CLONE [PRESTIGE]You can create a clone of someone by extracting genetic information from them and using that genetic information to make a copy of the creature in question. Extracting genetic material is a simple process of a Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences) check with a DC equal to (15+Victim's Character Level+Victim's Constitution Modifier). If successful, you gain genetic material sufficient to make a clone. You can only get genetic material from a helpless subject. Once you have the genetic material you can create the clone. Creating the clone is a DC (15+Victim's Character Level) Craft (Chemical) Check. If you succeed, you create a perfect clone of the victim, though it's first allegiance is Master. If you fail the check by 1-4 you create an imperfect clone and the victim acts as though it has 1d4+3 negative levels permanently, though these negative levels can be overcome by experience. Failing by 5-10 or more creates a clone monster. A Clone monster acts as a clone, but has negative levels equal to 1d10+3 and is totally out of control attacking everything and anything. If you fail by 11 or more, you do not clone the victim, but your retain enough genetic material to try again. If you fail by 16 or more, you lose all genetic material and you fail to clone the victim. A clone has none of the memories of the victim, but can be taught just like any being can. This takes 1 Week per 2 Levels of the Victim.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 GENETIC TAMPERING [PRESTIGE]You can tinker with a creature's genetic structure. Doing so difficult and requires a Craft (Chemical) check with a DC depending on what is attempted. You may do any of the following. This takes 1 day per 2 levels of the victim.

    Add or remove a natural weapon (DC: 15+Victim's hit dice+Victim's Strength Modifier) Rearrange their Statistics (DC 15+Number of Statistic Points to be moved). Must lower a statistic to raise

    another at the same rate. Increase or Decrease a victim's size category (DC: 15+Victim's Hit dice+ Victim's Constitution Modifier) Add a statistic Bonus without giving a statistic penalty (DC 25 + twice the added points + Victim's Hit

    dice) Change the color of the victim's Skin, Hair, Eyes, Etc (DC 15) Add an Extraordinary Feat as a Bonus Feat (DC 17+Victim's Level) Add an Oldblood Feat regardless of prerequisites (DC 20+ Victim's Level) Add a Heritage Feat after adding an

    Oldblood Feat (DC 20+Victim's Level)

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 EUGINETICS [PRESTIGE]You can create clones with GeneticTamperings for a lower DC. When you createa clone, you can increase the DC to create theClone by 5. For each increment of 5 youincrease the DC, add one Genetic Tamperingto the victim. If you choose to add a StatisticBonus to the victim without a Statistic Penalty,you add a +4 to the intended statistic perincrement of 5 you increase the Clone DC.Combine the timers used from Create Cloneand Genetic Tampering to gain the timetaken by Euginetics

  • CultistYou are a member of a cult that wishes to bring an ancient being back into the world. Whether that being is goodor evil is a matter of discussion.

    Prerequisites: Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 12+ Ranks, Fortitude 12+ RanksAllegiances: Must have one of your allegiances be for the Cult.

    1 EMPOWERED BY DIVINITY [PRESTIGE]You can gain a euphoric vision of your future from your ancient being. You can gain this vision as a free action on your turn. Gaining this vision grants you a bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution equal to one third of your level (Rounded up). This bonus lasts for 3+ New Constitution Modifier rounds before you are fatigued for the remainder of combat. You may use this ability once per day per four levels you possess.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 HOLD DIVINE PRESENCE [PRESTIGE]You can hold the essence of your divine patron within yourself. Doing so prompts a Knowledge (Religion) Check with a DC of 40. If you fail the check, you take 6d6 damage that cannot be reduced by any means. While you have a divine patron within you, you gain a +10 bonus to all statistics and your Power Level is tripled. A Divine Patron can choose to leave your body and head back to their domain as a free action, leaving you exhausted till you get a full day of bedrest.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 RELEASE DIVINE PRESENCE [PRESTIGE]You can become a conduit for your divine patron to the world. As a Full Round action, while you are holding a divine presence, you can release it into the world. What happens next is generally up to the GM, but you must make a DC 40 Fortitude save or die from the expenditure of energy needed to bridge the gap between their realm and the realm you are on. Should you live, you gain your Euphoric Vision automatically regardless of how many times you have used it that day.

  • Legendary WarriorYou are a warrior of legend attempting to keep a malevolent entity from entering the world.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Great FortitudeSkills: Knowledge (Religion) 10+ Ranks, Fortitude 10+ Ranks

    1 HOLD MALEVOLENT ENTITY [PRESTIGE]You can attempt to hold a malevolent entity in your body. Doing so requires a full round action and a touch attackversus the entity to be held. Should you succeed, you absorb the entity into yourself. Every night while you sleepyou must make a DC 35 Fortitude Save (You may make this save even though you cannot make saves when you are unconscious). Should you fail the check, the malevolent entity is released onto the world. You may only hold one malevolent entity at one time, and trying to absorb a second one releases the first.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 LEGENDARY STAMINA [PRESTIGE]You gain a +5 bonus to Fortitude Saves +2 per 4 levels you possess. This supersedes the bonuses of Great Fortitude. Also, the DC to hold a Malevolent entity is reduced to 33.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 LEGENDARY HOLD [PRESTIGE]You may now hold a number of malevolent entities within your body as your spellscore modifier. Each extra entity held increases the Fortitude DC to resist releasing them by 2. Also, if you make a Fortitude save to hold anentity or entities, you do not have to make another save for one week.

  • Time WarriorYou are a member of the time patrol, a group of people dedicated to use time travel to prevent the crimes of other time travellers.

    Prerequisites: Skills: Craft (Electronic) 10+ Ranks, Spellcraft 10+ Ranks, Knowledge (History) 10+ RanksSpecial: Must have access to Time Travel technology or Magic.

    1 FUTURE KNOWLEDGE [PRESTIGE]You know history, and what is going to happen to a certain point. You gain a +10 bonus to all Knowledge (Current Events) checks. Also, once per day per 4 levels, you may activate future knowledge to grant yourself a +4 bonus to all Saving throws and the Defense skill for 3 + Intelligence Modifier in rounds.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 FUTURE TECHNOLOGY [PRESTIGE]You have technology that is beyond the current age. Once per day you may pull out a piece of technology that mimics a Kido of sixth grade bracket or lower. This is a one use item that breaks upon use. It might be high tech, it doesn't make it durable.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 TIME'S EDGE [PRESTIGE]You may pull a duplicate of yourself from another timeline once per day. The temporal duplicate has a 75% chance to have the same main allegiance as the Time Warrior and a 25% chance to have an opposing one. The duplicate stays for one scene or battle before going back to their own time.

  • Thought ShifterYou are someone that has gained the ability to mimic the form of others, or what they expect.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Ki Telepathy or Hollow Growth Power (Telepathy)Skills: Disguise 10+ Ranks, Perform (Acting) 10+ Ranks

    1 READ MINDS [PRESTIGE]You can read minds as easily as you speak to them. When you wish to touch someone's mind, you must make opposing will saves. Should you win the opposed roll, you have access to their surface thoughts. A second opposed roll allows you to delve deeper than surface thoughts into the subconcious.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 ASSUME FORM [PRESTIGE]You can assume the form of someone that the target expects to see. First you must succeed at reading the target's mind. Then you may activate this feat to transform into a being the victim expects to see. You gain a +5 bonus to Disguise checks and a +5 bonus to Perform (Acting) Checks to act in character.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 GREATER THOUGHT SHIFTING [PRESTIGE]When attempting to read someone's mind, you can gain delve deeper with only one successful opposed will save. Also, when you assume a form that someone is expecting to see, you gain a +10 bonus to Disguise and Perform (Acting) to act in character. You can also make the terrain in a one mile area seem to be what the victim is expecting, and can effect one victim per point of spellscore modifier you possess.

  • Alien BattlerYou are the few, the proud, those that battle alien threats and know how to counter them. Be it invading Saiyajinsor a Changeling that's gone crazy, you can battle with the best of them.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Ki Infused Race or Ki Infused, Special Attack, Extra KiSkills: Relevant Attack Skill 12+ Ranks, Defense 12+ Ranks, Fortitude 12+ Ranks, Reflex 12+ Ranks, Will 12+ RanksSpecial: 1,000+ Power Level

    1 KNOW THY ENEMY [PRESTIGE]When it comes to Xenobiology, you are tops in your class. Choose one Xenospecies (Any race other than your own). You cannot choose your own species. You gain a bonus to Attack, Damage, Bluff, Intimidate, Diplomacy and Survival checks against that race equal to your level divided by 2 (Round up). Every two levels in this prestige path you may pick another race. You gain the same bonus against that race with a -2 penalty for each time this is taken (-2 at the third feat in this tree, -4 at the fifth feat in this tree.)

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 KNOW YOURSELF [PRESTIGE]You know your own inner workings. If you would be reduced to -1 or lower hit points by an attack by a race you have Know Thy Enemy for, you may spend 2 Action Dice to make the attack have missed completely.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 KNOW YOUR TERRAIN [PRESTIGE]When you have cover, you gain an bonus +2 to your Defense for each grade of cover you have. If you have concealment or totalconcealment, increase themiss chance by 20% and10% respectively. RoughTerrain no longer hindersyour movement as long asyou are moving towards oraway from a race you haveKnow Thy Enemy for. Youmay track your Know ThyEnemy races at full speed atno penalty either by normaltracking or by ReirakuHunter.

    Special: You may take thisprestige path for more than5 levels. Every even levelgrants you a bonus feat andevery odd level grants youanother Know Thy Enemyrace at a -2 penalty(Maximum -10 Penalty).

  • Kikoukenjutsu SwordsmasterYou have studied at the Kikoukenjutu Sword School and have come out a master of melee combat.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Weapon Skill Focus (Any Sword, Including Zanpakutou or Zenshaba), Weapon Skill Specialization (Any Sword, Including Zanpakutou or Zenshaba)Skills: Weapon Attack 12+ Ranks, Defense 12+ Ranks

    1 FLASH [PRESTIGE]You may make a special Aid Another check with Flash Step to aid your Weapon Attack rolls. The DC is 20. If youbeat the DC, add +2 to your next Weapon Attack roll +1 for every 5 you beat the DC by.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 SWORD SLASH [PRESTIGE]If you can catch your opponent flatfooted,your first attack in a round is Empowered(Multiplied by 1.5)

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 KETCHITEN CAN BE CUT [PRESTIGE]When making an attack with a swordagainst an inanimate object, ignorehardness. When you attack someone withDamage Mitigation, ignore half that damagemitigation with sword strikes. Whenattacking someone with Damage Reduction,ignore the first 8 points of DamageReduction with sword strikes. You mustactivate this feat as a free action costing100 Power Level. The effects last for 3 +Wisdom Modifier in rounds.

  • Dragon SorcererYou are one of those. Yes, those. Those beings that can work magic in a world that favors Ki or Reiatsu.

    Prerequisites: Skills: Spellcraft 8+ Ranks, Knowledge (Mystic Arts) 8+ Ranks

    1 MAGIC [PRESTIGE]You have the ability to use Magic, a system of power that rewrites reality to a target's will on a small scale. You may use small effects such as turning one inanimate object that is not being wielded into another, simulating other effects that don't have direct game effects and other effects as meted out by your GM. This is not an overwhelming control of magic, and cannot be used to deal damage in any way other than turning something into a weapon and using said weapon. Using Magic costs 20 Power Level per usage.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 IMPROVED MAGIC [PRESTIGE]You have refined your control of magic and may now attempt to deal damage with Magic. You may deal 1d8 damage to a target for every 30 Power Level you expend. This is done as a ranged attack using your Ranged Shot skill. You may, at the cost of an extra 30 power level make the damage elemental in nature, but this reduces the damage dealt from d8's to d6's.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 GREATER MAGIC [PRESTIGE]You have perfected your control of magic, and may use your Magic to mimic effects that already exist in the game. They cost as much Power Level as using the ability normally would cost, or 100 Power Level if there is nocost to the effect emulated. They last only as long as you maintain them paying the cost of the effect per minute. (So if you emulated Flame Blade, it would cost you 100 Power Level every minute to maintain it.)

  • Master MonkYou've studied all your life. Been an aesthetic, but now it's time for you to go out into the world and defend the peace!

    Prerequisites: Feats: Weapon Focus (Unarmed), Weapon Specialization (Unarmed), Inner StrengthSkills: Unarmed Strike 12+ Ranks, Defense 12+ Ranks, Knowledge (Theology) 12+ Ranks, Concentration 10+ RanksSpecial: 1,000+ Power Level

    1 BOW OF SOLACE [PRESTIGE]You know that at the beginning of every fight, the fighters must show respect for each other, even if that respect is one sided. Before a battle begins, you may bow to your opponent. They must make a wisdom based Will Saving throw. Should they fail, they must also bow, granting you the first initiative in the battle regardless of your actual initiative. Should they refuse to bow to you, they take a -2 penalty to all attack rolls against you.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 CHAKRA HEALING [PRESTIGE]You may activate your Heart Chakra to gain back hit points and Power Level. Once per day per four levels, you may make a Concentration check. You regain that much times two hit points, and that much times 50 Power Level.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 STRIKE OF THE MASTER [PRESTIGE]You may make one attack at your highest base attack bonus. Should you succeed, any time within the next few rounds equal to your level, you may force the target to make a wisdom based Fortitude Save or fall unconscious at -1 hit points and stable. You must wait at least 2 rounds before activating the secondary effects of Strike of theMaster.

  • Ki ShaperA Ki shaper is someone that can do miraculous things with Ki.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Ki infused Race or Ki Infused, Shape KiSkills: Spellcraft 12+ Ranks, Concentration 12+ RanksSpecial: At least 3 Ki Abilities

    1 BEND KI [PRESTIGE]You may bend any attack with a area into another area, as long as it takes up the same area (number of squares). For example, you may have a line go around a corner or have a Cone shape into a hemisphere instead of a cone. You must use this ability with a ki attack that has a shape.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 ROUNDING ATTACKS [PRESTIGE]All your ki attacks have the Homing Ki ki ability applied to them at all times. If they would miss your target you may pay 20 Ki to have the attack fire again on your next turn. With this ability, you gain a +2 bonus on the subsequent attack rolls. You may pay for this ability each round till the ability hits, but gain the +2 bonus only once. If you already have the Homing Ki ki ability, you gain an additional +2 bonus on secondary attack rolls.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 SUPERIOR BEND KI [PRESTIGE]You gain the ability to increase or decrease your ki attack sizes. You may, while using Bend Ki, make an attack up to 100% larger or 50% smaller than normal (Round up to the nearest 5ft). You may make them anywhere in between as well, as long as the total area isn't larger than 100% larger or 50% smaller than the base area. For example. You could turn a 60ft long, 5ft wide line into a 120ft long, 10ft wide line or into a 30ft long, 5ft wide line.

  • Ki WardenKi Wardens are those that have taken the idea of making ki shields to the next level. They make wider shields to protect others.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Ki Infused Race or Ki Infused, Greater Ki ShieldSkills: Spellcraft 9+ RanksSpecial: At least 2 Ki Abilities, one of which must be Strong Ki Barrier.

    1 SUPERIOR KI SHIElD [PRESTIGE]You may use your Ki Shield to protect those adjacent to you. You also gain one additional use of Ki Shield per day. Each use of Superior Ki Shield comes off one of your uses of Ki Shield for the day unless you use ImprovedKi Shield, in which case it comes off your timer for Improved Ki Shield.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 SPHERICAL KI SHIELD [PRESTIGE]To use this ability you must set up your Improved Ki Shield and use this feat as a free action. Your ki shield covers a 10 foot by 10 foot by 10 foot cube of area instead of just you. It lasts one less round than normal.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 ADVANCED KI SHIELD [PRESTIGE]You may now use your Ki Shield to protect those within 10 feet of you, and your Spherical Ki Shield now covers a 30 foot cube.

  • Kaioken WarriorYou are someone that lives to be in Kaioken. Someone that fights while under it's effects effortlessly and with less damage to your systems than others.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Kaioken, Improved Kaioken

    1 GREATER KAIOKEN [PRESTIGE]You Kaioken's damage is reduced to 3d6 damage per Kaioken number called out. Also you gain the feat Improved Kaioken as a bonus feat. Improved Kaioken now reads that it reduces damage by 3d6.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 KAIOKEN WARRIOR [PRESTIGE]When fighting in Kaioken, you may use your lowest level transformational ability. This lowers Kaioken's duration to 3 rounds. Once Kaioken ends in this way, so does your Transformational ability. If you had longer time on yourTransformational ability left, that time is not used up.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 ADVANCED KAIOKEN WARRIOR [PRESTIGE]Your Kaioken's damage is reduced to 2d6 damage per Kaioken number called out. Also you gain the feat Improved Kaioken as a bonus feat. Lastly, when you use Kaioken, you may use your second tier Transformational ability while within Kaioken. Your Kaioken lasts only 2 rounds if used in this fashion and once it ends, your transformation also ends. If you had a longer time on your transformational ability left, that time is not used up. Improved Kaioken now reads that it reduces damage by 2d6.

  • Ki SensorSensors are those that can sense things others can't. They could tell you exactly what someone is planning just from their stance.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Superior Reiatsu Sensing, I Can Feel The Other Side, Judge OpponentSkills: Concentration 10+ Ranks, Sense Motive 10+ Ranks

    1 ADVANCED REIATSU SENSING [PRESTIGE]You may now sense any power level regardless of power. If used in a purely dragonball game, this means that you gain a +5 bonus on sensing power levels.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 SUPERIOR JUDGE OPPONENTYou can sense more about your opponent than just their Skill Ranks and remaining HP. You can guess their approximate Defenses (Defense, Fortitude, Reflex and Will) and up to three feats that they have that would impact combat. As with Judge Opponent, the GM should endeavor to use descriptive speech about the opponentrather than just telling you outright what their ranks and feats are.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 PERFECT JUDGE OPPONENTIf your GM has a character sheet made up for the enemy you are fighting, you may take up to five minutes looking at it.. These five minutes need not be consecutive and you can come back to the sheet to reference it if need be at a later time in the game session.

  • Mecha EngineerYou've spent a lot of time working with machines. Alot of time. So much so that you've built yourself a suit of mechanical armor to roam the world with and fight evil.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Skill Focus (Craft (Electronic)), Skill Focus (Craft (Mechanical)Skills: Craft (Electronic) 12+ Ranks, Craft (Mechanical) 12+ Ranks

    1 MECHA [PRESTIGE]You have a mecha suit that you can enter and fight crime in. While inside the Mecha you are treated as a Large creature (+8 to Strength, -2 Dex, +4 Constitution, +2 Natural Armor, -4 Hide and Move Silently, +4 Grapple, Bullrush and Trip), it increases your Damage Reduction by 5 grants you 100 temporary hit points and has 1 natural weapon of your choice. Also you can have two of the following Mecha Options on your mecha: AdvancedServos (+8 Dexterity), Advanced Hydrolics (+8 Strength), Advanced Construction (+8 Constitution), Up to three Ki Abilities, Advanced Armor (+8 Natural Armor Bonus), Advanced Reaction Systems (+4 Defense, Initiative and Reflex Saves). You may take the same Mecha Option more than once their effects stack. You can repair your mecha by making a Craft (Electronic) or Craft (Mechanical) check. The Mecha suit has that many temporary hit points restored in one hour's work. Entering and Exiting the Mecha takes approximately 1 minute.

    2 Bonus Feat and Bonus Mecha Ability

    3 ADVANCED MECHA [PRESTIGE]Your mecha enhances in power. You now get another Mecha ability, and the list expands to include the following options: Advanced Size (Gain 1 Size Category), Advanced Natural Weapons (Gain another Natural Weapon), Advanced Weaponry (Gain a ranged weapon of your choice from the Bleach d20 Classless Ranged Weapon Section that has damage less than 6d6), Advanced Fight Programs (+4 to Weapon Attack, Unarmed Strike and Ranged Shot), Mega Weapon (Add one size category to a weapon of your choice that is on your mecha.), Servo Multiplier (Once per day per two levelsyou may activate this. Multiply yourStrength, Dexterity and Constitution by1.5 for an entire encounter.)

    4 Bonus Feat and Bonus Mecha Ability

    5 SUPERIOR MECHA [PRESTIGE]You gain 2 Mecha abilities and yourMecha increases your Damage Reductionby 10. Also you can repair your mecha inhalf the time. Also you add the followingMecha options to your Mecha Options:Super Advanced Weaponry (You may adda ranged weapon to your Mecha thatdoes more than 6d6 [BW] damage),Superior Body (Add 100 temporary hitpoints to your mecha)

  • Shadow KnightYou are a member of a secretive Nameksei-jin order that learned how to steal life instead of granting it.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Namek, Reiatsu Healing, Melee Mastery (Axes)Skills: Treat Injury 10+ Ranks, Weapon Attack 10+ RanksSpecial: Must come into possession of an Axe, Sacrifice Ki Ability

    1 IMPROVED SACRIFICE [PRESTIGE]When you use your Sacrifice ki ability, you add 7 damage per 1d6 damage you take.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 AXE FLASH [PRESTIGE]If you attack a target who is flat-footed with your Axe, your first attack in the round is Empowered (damage is multiplied by 1.5).

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 REVERSE REIATSU HEALING [PRESTIGE]You may grant your attacks the Vampiric quality once per day per point of Spellscore modifier for 3 + Wisdom modifier rounds. Also, you may drain the life out of someone by touch, reversing the Reiatsu Healing that normally heals people. You may deal damage to an opponent up to your Charisma Modifier times Level per day. This damage is transferred to you as healing. It overcomes damage reduction.

  • Plasma MajinMembers of an elite order of Majin, Plasma Majin specialize in special attacks and ranged Ki attacks.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Majin, Special AttackSkills: Concentration 10+ Ranks, Spellcraft 10+ RanksSpecial: 1,000+ Power Level, Superior Ki Blast Ki Ability

    1 ADVANCED KI BLAST [PRESTIGE]Your ki blasts deal 2d6 [BW] damage by spending an additional 20 Power Level to fire them. (Making the base cost 50).

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 OUT OF THE FRYING PAN [PRESTIGE]When you deal damage with a Special Attack, the opponent takes one quarter of the damage on the next round. This stacks with Enduring. The extra damage cannot be negated by damage reduction or Damage mitigation, as it is one quarter of the damage they've already taken.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 TECHNIQUE IMITATION [PRESTIGE]You can make a special Spellcraft check with a DC equal to (10+The points spent to make a technique). Should you succeed, you may use the technique one time. Should you succeed by 10 or more, you may add the technique under your Special Attack list with the caveat Imitation before the attack. You can add any attack under your technique list regardless of whether you could have build it or not. It is taken as the person who built it's attack is built.

  • Fused WarriorThese warriors have mastered the Fusion technique to such an extent that they can go beyond the norm for the technique's limits.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Ki Infused Race or Ki Infused, Fusion TechniqueSkills: Perform (Dance) 10+ Ranks

    1 SUPERIOR FUSION [PRESTIGE]The Perform (Dance) DC to fuse for you and anyone you fuse with is reduced by 5 points to 35. Your fusion lastsfor 6 + Constitution Modifier rounds before splitting.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 A CUT ABOVE [PRESTIGE]While you are in your fusion, and if the dominant personality has a Transformation, you may activate the transformation one tier above the current maximum transformation level possessed by the dominant personality. If the dominant personality already possesses the highest level transformation of the race in question, you may push the multiplier of all transformations up by .5

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 ADVANCED FUSION [PRESTIGE]The Perform (Dance) DC to fuse for you and anyone you fuse with is reduced by an additional 5 to 30. Your fusion may last till the end of the encounter before splitting. If done this way you are fatigued for 30 minutes afterthe fusion ends.

  • Dragon Clan Nameksei-JinBeing of the Dragon Clan, you use mystical powers to your advantage, and excel at healing others.

    Prerequisites:Feats: Namek, Reiatsu Healing, MagicSkills: Spellcraft 10+ Ranks, Knowledge (Mystic Arts) 10+ RanksSpecial: 18+ Spellscore

    1 IMPROVED MAGIC [PRESTIGE]You have refined your control of magic and may now attemptto deal damage with Magic. You may deal 1d8 damage to atarget for every 30 Power Level you expend. This is done as aranged attack using your Ranged Shot skill. You may, at thecost of an extra 30 power level make the damage elemental innature, but this reduces the damage dealt from d8's to d6's.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 IMPROVED REIATSU HEALING [PRESTIGE]When adding d6's of healing to your Reiatsu Healing, youspend 10 Power Level per 1d6 of healing added. These d6's ofhealing may be used to damage those with Undead traits.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 MAGICAL HEALING [PRESTIGE]You may use your Improved Magic to channel Positive energyinto a target healing them rather than harming them. Youcannot make the damage elemental if you choose to useImproved Magic in this fashion.

  • FighterA mutable prestige path, this class represents the layman. Someone that takes the fight to others.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Weapon Skill Focus (Any), Weapon Skill Specialization (Any)Skills: Any Attack Skill 6+ Ranks

    1 SUPERIOR WEAPON SKILL FOCUS [PRESTIGE]Your Weapon Skill Focus bonus is calculated using one third your level instead of one quarter.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 SUPERIOR WEAPON SKILL SPECIALIZATION [PRESTIGE]Your Weapon Skill Specialization is calculated using one third your level instead of one quarter.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 ULTIMATE WARRIOR [PRESTIGE]When making an attack using the skill you have Weapon Skill Focus and Weapon Skill Specialization with, any roll of 1-9 is considered a 10. You can no longer botch an attack on a roll of a natural 1. If your critical range is 10-20, you do not initiate a critical hit using this feature unless your natural roll is 10-20.

  • Elite SaiyajinYou are an elite Saiyajin warrior. One of the few, the proud. Whether your a royal guardsman or a planet conquerer, you consider yourself above and beyond most other Saiyajins. You'd be right.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Saiyajiin, Trained off Tail Weakness, Controlled OozaruSkills: Unarmed Strike 10+ Ranks, Ranged Shot 10+ RanksSpecial: Ki Shot Ki Ability, Ki Barrier Ki Ability, 1 Other Ki Ability

    1 ELITE STAMINA [PRESTIGE]You gain a +5 bonus to Fortitude Saves +1 per four levels you possess. This overlaps and does not stack with Great Fortitude. Also, you can temporarily increase your Constitution by making a DC 25 Concentration check. Should you succeed the check, your Constitution increases by 8 for 3 + New Constitution Modifier in rounds. This results in you gaining 4 Hit Points per level for the duration of the transformation. These are lost first.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 SAIYAJIN FURY [PRESTIGE]You may enter a state akin to Rage. While in this state, your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Spellscore increase by +6 each. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to your new Constitution score + 3. While in a Saiyajin Fury, you may not activate abilities that require Intelligence and lose any Intelligence bonuses you possess.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 MOON BALL [PRESTIGE]You gain the technique required to create a ball of light that initiates the Oozaru transformation. You may teach this technique to others via the Teaching feat. The Moon Ball stays alight till the end of the encounter, and you may dismiss the Moon Ball at will. It takes a standard action to fire the moon ball and a move action to make it explode.Dismissing themoon ball is aswift action.

  • Godly Technique CreatorYou are one of the Shin, Gods of the universe. You are a crafter of fine techniques, who cares if they all have downsides.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Shin-jin, Special Attack, Teaching, LearningSkills: Spellcraft 10+ ranks, Knowledge (Mystic Arts) 10+ RanksSpecial: 1,000+ Power Level

    1 IMPROVED TEACHING [PRESTIGE]You may teach godly techniques to your followers. It takes one year minus one week per level of the learner to teach a technique you've created. Also, when someone learns a technique from you, they gain a +2 bonus to one statistic of their choice. You may grant this secondary benefit multiple times, but only once per statistic.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 IMPROVED LEARNING [PRESTIGE]When you teach a student, they gain an additional 10% experience.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 CREATE GODLY TECHNIQUE [PRESTIGE]You may create a godly technique. It takes ten years to create a godly technique minus one year per character level (Minimum one year). When you create a Godly technique, you should consult your GM for appropriate massive effects. You must also have a massive drawback to the technique as to deter overuse.

  • MakaioshinYou are one of the Makaioshin, Shin born evil. You have been banished to the demon realm for all eternity, but can get out of you wish through hard work and determination.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Shin-jinSpecial: Must have an Allegiance towards Evil, Power or Self.

    1 EVIL POWER [PRESTIGE]When calculating Power Level, this feat counts as a Ki Feat. You no longer age past maturity, and live in perpetuity in the Demon World. Also, once per day per four levels you may enter a state akin to a rage, though you do not lose your mind for doing so. You may activate this ability as a free action on your turn, and gain +4 to Strength and Constitution for 3 + New Constitution Modifier in rounds. Once this ends you are fatigued for the remainder of combat.

    2 Bonus Feat and a +2 bonus on all d20 rolls versus a Shin

    3 EVIL'S FORM [PRESTIGE]When calculating Power Level, this feat counts as a Ki Feat. You gain a Transformation as per the Changeling Transformation feat regardless of prerequisites.

    4 Bonus Feat and a +2 bonus on all d20 rolls versus a Shin

    5 EVIL'S LIGHT [PRESTIGE]When calculating Power Level, this feat counts as a Ki Feat. At will you may shift planes from the Demon realm to the real world and back again. This is done as a standard action. If you go from the demon realm to the real world, you are dazzled for 1d6+ 1 rounds after arrival. If you go from the real world to the demon world, you are blinded for 1d6+1 rounds.

  • Shin-Jin HunterYou are of the Shin race, but even they need to overcome evil in their lives. Shin-Jin hunters actively seek out evil and destroy it whenever they meet it.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Shin-Jin, Superior Eyesight, Weapon Skill Focus (Any), Reiraku HunterSkills: Any Attack Skill 10+ Ranks, Defense 10+ Ranks, Spot 10+ RanksSpecial: Must have dispatched an evil being of your level or greater, Good Allegiance

    1 SHIN-JIN HUNTING [PRESTIGE]You gain an additional +10 racial bonus to Spot Checks. You also gain your racial bonus to Spot checks to Survival checks to track another being. You also gain half this bonus to Sense Motive checks to track another person via Rieraku Hunter.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 PRECISION [PRESTIGE]If you can catch an opponent flatfooted, flanked or otherwise denied their Dexterity or Intelligence bonus to defense, you may deal extra damage to them. You deal 1d8 extra damage per feat in this tree, and if you move more than 10 feet before making your attack roll, you gain a +1 to Defense and Reflex saves per feat in this tree.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 SMITE EVIL [PRESTIGE]You may, once per day per four levels, smite someone with the Evil, Power or Self allegiance. To smite evil you declare you are using this ability before your attack roll. You gain a bonus on your attack roll equal to your Charisma Modifier and a bonus on damage rolls equal to your Level. If you smite someone without the above allegiances, your attempt for the day is wasted. You may spend 100 Power Level to turn the bonus damage from1 per level to 1d6 per two levels.

  • Artifact CrafterThere are those that craft objects. You create objects of legend. Objects that inspire stories for generations.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Skill Focus (Craft (Mechanical)), Skill Mastery (Craft (Mechanical))Skills: Craft (Mechanical) 18+ RanksSpecial: Must have built a weapon of Masterwork +1 quality or better

    1 ARTIFACT CREATION [PRESTIGE]You can craft artifacts. This is as simple as creating a weapon of Masterwork quality but you can add in any effect that Greater Magic could emulate. Placing an effect on an artifact costs you one Artifact Point. You gain one artifact point per feat you have in this tree. Placing a restriction on an artifact grants you one Artifact Point. Each Artifact Point that is on an Artifact increases the DC to create the artifact by 5 regardless of the drawbacks..You cannot have more artifact points at one time than your number of feats in this tree. You can however have an artifact that costs less than 0 Artifact Points. Once you create an artifact it cannot be changed later. (Example of Artifact Creation: Supreme Kai wants to create a sword that enhances training. He creates the sword, The Z Sword with the effect that it grants whomever wields it a 30% experience boost while wielding it. He's low on Artifact Points so he puts on the restriction that it can only be wielded by someone worthy and that it weighs one ton. This grants him back one Artifact Point. Now, because this is a +3 weapon, the DC to create it, with it's 1 Artifact Point on it is 45)

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 GREATER ARTIFACT CREATION [PRESTIGE]You can create Masterwork and Armor of greater than +3. Each number above 3 increases the DC to create the item by 5. The maximum bonus you can put on a weapon now is +6. Also, you gain a +3 bonus on Craft (Mechanical) checks. This bonus stacks with Skill Focus.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 ADVANCED ARTIFACT CREATION [PRESTIGE]You can create artifacts that break the mold. You can create an artifact that has an effect that is not in this game system. Consult your GM before building an artifact of this power. Each ability that grants you something beyondthe game's ken costs you 2 Artifact Points instead of 1.

  • The SurvivorYou are one of those who never seem to die. You seem to scrape out of situations that would kill normal people by a hairs breath.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny DodgeSkills: Flash Step 12+ Ranks, Tumble 12+ Ranks, Reflex Save 12+ RanksSpecial: Must have survived an attack that would have normally killed you

    1 ADVANCED UNCANNY DODGE [PRESTIGE]You no longer lose your Dexterity or Intelligence bonus to Defense if you are helpless. In addition, someone needs to be 8 levels higher than you to get Sneak Attack to work.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 EVASION [PRESTIGE]You gain the Flash Step Evasion Feat even if you don't meet the prerequisites. In addition, you may make ReflexSaving throws even if you are prone. If you do, you are automatically standing at the end of the Reflex Save.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 IMPROVED EVASION [PRESTIGE]You gain the feat Improved Flash Step Evasion even if you don't meet the prerequisites. In addition you gain an additional 5/- Damage Reduction.

  • Power SaverThere are those that are just good at using Ki. Some even have trained to the point where it takes less of a strainto form attacks.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Ki Conservation taken at least twice.Skills: Spellcraft 10+ Ranks, Knowledge (Mystic Arts) 10+ Ranks, Concentration 10+ Ranks

    1 SPECIAL CONSERVATION [PRESTIGE]Reduce the cost of all Special Attacks you possess by 5%. Also add 2 to the number of rounds you can charge an attack before you begin taking damage.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 IMPROVED SPECIAL CONSERVATION [PRESTIGE]Reduce the cost of all Special Attacks you possess by 10%. This overlaps Special Conservation. Also add 2 to the number of rounds you can charge an attack before you begin taking damage.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 SUPERIOR SPECIAL CONSERVATION [PRESTIGE]Reduce the cost of all Special Attacks you possess by 20%. This overlaps Improved Special Conservation. Also add 2 to the number of rounds you can charge an attack before you begin taking damage.

  • Time BreakerThere are those that wish to unleash truly horrifying things upon the timestream. You are one of these Time Breakers. Beings who wish to change the past for your own selfish gain.

    Prerequisites: Skills: Craft (Electronic) 10+ Ranks, Spellcraft 10+ Ranks, Knowledge (History) 10+ RanksSpecial: Must have access to Time Travel technology or Magic.

    1 TIME'S SEDUCTION [PRESTIGE]You gain the ability to turn those who wish to have power into your willing servents. You gain a +10 bonus on all Diplomacy checks to turn someone to your cause. You cannot use this ability on those that begin the encounter already Hostile. Also, you gain the ability to sense disturbances in time. You can tell if someone is a Time Traveller by just looking at them and making a Sense Motive check equal to either their Bluff Check or a DC of (15 + Traveller's Level + Traveller's Charisma Modifier). Should you succeed you can tell if they are time travellers or not. This gives you no other information.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 THE ART OF MIND CONTROL [PRESTIGE]Once per day, you may attempt to take control of someone's mind. By making a touch attack against the target, you force them to make a Will saving throw which is Charisma based. Should they fail, they are fanatical to your cause for 24 hours. You may only have as many people under your mind control as you have charisma modifier.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 THE SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE [PRESTIGE]You may attempt, once per day, to make a Level check. If you are in the past, add your Intelligence Modifier to this roll. If you are in the present or future, add your Charisma modifier to the roll. Treat this as the Academic Knowledge feat for information gleaned.

  • Android UpgraderYou are an android that desires more. Whether it's more power or something else is up to you.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Android, Generator or Absorber AndroidSkills: Craft (Electrical) 10+ RanksSpecial: Must have made at least one upgrade to your own systems

    1 ANDROID RESILLIANCE [PRESTIGE]Gain 2 Ki Abilities. One of these Ki Abilities may be a feat from a Racial list other than Android. You do not have to meet racial prerequisites for this feat. This feat is activated as a move action and costs 110 Power Level to activate. You may use this feat for 3 + Constitution Modifier in rounds before it shuts off again.

    2 Bonus Feat or 2 Bonus Ki Abilities

    3 ANDROID REBUILD [PRESTIGE]By spending 8 hours per Ki Ability traded in, you may trade one Ki ability for another. You must still meet all prerequisites of the Ki Abilities you have.

    4 Bonus Feat or 2 Bonus Ki Abilities

    5 ANDROID RECALL [PRESTIGE]Gain 2 Ki Abilities. Once per day per point of Intelligence Modifier, you may trade out any 2 of your Ki Abilities for3 Ki Abilities that you have had before using Android Rebuild.

  • Gang LeaderSome people like power. You are one of these people with followers.

    Prerequisites: Feats: LeadershipSkills: Intimidate 9+ RanksSpecial: Must have a cohort.

    1 IMPROVED COHORT [PRESTIGE]You gain a second cohort.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 DEMORALIZATION [PRESTIGE]You gain a bonus on Intimidate Checks equal to the number of feats you have in this tree. Also, when you use Intimidate to successfully soul crush a target, they are also demoralized for the same duration.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 GANG OF TOUGHS [PRESTIGE]Your Leadership Score is considered higher based on your Intelligence Modifier. Double the number of people you can lead, and add half as many seventh level followers as sixth level followers you can have.

  • Fortune TellerYou are a fortune teller, someone that can bring back the dead for a short amount of time, and gain the ability to see to far off places and times.

    Prerequisites: Feats: MagicSkills: Spellcraft 9+ Ranks, Knowledge (Mystic Arts) 8+ RanksSpecial: Must obtain a pure crystal ball (Wealth DC 25)

    1 MINOR TELEKINESIS [PRESTIGE]You can move your Crystal Ball at a rate of 40 feet per round. You may not use your Crystal Ball as a weapon in this manner. Your telekinetic grip on your Ball is so powerful that you can even sit on it to fly around.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 SEE EVERYTHING [PRESTIGE]You have the ability to view anything going on that you are aware of on the same plane of existence as you. To begin viewing you must say magic words over your Crystal Ball, and your Crystal Ball will show you what you want to see. Note that your Crystal Ball can be destroyed if you witness enough power being thrown around. This should only be done as Plot Kai.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 BRING'EM BACK [PRESTIGE]You have the ability to bring someone back from the dead for one day. They are exactly as they were in life, except they return to the world of the dead 24 hours after being summoned. If for some reason their Power Levelhits zero during the 24 hours, they return early to the realm that they came from. You may have as many people brought back as your Charisma Modifier.

  • Tournament FighterYou are a fighter that specializes in joining and winning tournaments.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Advanced Unarmed Strike, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, KnockdownSkills: Any Attack Skill 8+ Ranks, Defense 8 Ranks, Reflex Save 8+ Ranks

    1 - STYLISH FINISH [PRESTIGE]If you drop an opponent to zero hit points or below, but don't kill them, you may make a stylish finish, granting all allies within line of sight a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls per feat in this tree for one hour per point of Charisma Modifier.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 ADVANCED KNOCKDOWN [PRESTIGE]If you succeed in knocking someone down with the Knockdown feat, or succeed in Tripping a foe, you may makethe attack a knockout shot by forgoing your attack of opportunity. A Knockout shot makes the target roll a fortitude save (Strength Based) or be knocked down for 1d6+1 rounds. Usually long enough to win a tournamentmatch.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 EXIT, STAGE LEFT [PRESTIGE]You know how to make a stylish exit. If you choose to lose a fight, you may do so with style and flair, granting all allies within line of sight your Stylish Finish bonus for one minute per point of Charisma modifier you have. Also, if you lose a fight and survive, you gain one quarter the experience total you would have gotten for winning.

  • World ChampionYou're tops in the game. World champion of the Martial Arts world. A such you can demand things of lower mortals and they obey you usually without question from your fame.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Advanced Unarmed Strike, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Knockdown, Exit, Stage LeftSkills: Any Attack Skill 14+ Ranks, Defense 14 Ranks, Reflex Save 14+ RanksSpecial: Must have won the World's Martial Arts Tournament, Charisma 20+, Should you ever lose the title of World Champion you still keep the bonuses granted by this prestige path.

    1 INSTANT RECOGNITION [PRESTIGE]For winning the World's Martial Arts Tournament, you gain fame from one side of the planet to the other. You gaina +15 bonus to your Reputation. If this bonus would place your Reputation to 25 or beyond, you gain the permanent status World Fame. With the World Fame modifier, you can no longer hide yourself from the masses and anyone can recognize you wherever you go. This is sometimes a good thing, as you can get into premieres of movies, parties and other such events. The downside is that all Disguise checks you make are made at a -5 penalty.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 RICHES BEYOND BELIEF [PRESTIGE]As world champion, you gain monetary compensation for your championship. Your Wealth increases by +15. If this would push your wealth beyond +40, replace your Wealth Score with the words At Need At need is a special condition of Wealth that means that you basically can buy whatever you want whenever you want from fancy cars to a freakin hotel. With At Need as your Wealth you automatically pass all Wealth checks with a DC of 70 ($3,500,000,000) or less.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 INFINITE POWER [PRESTIGE]Some people think power is Martial Strength, others think it's monetary wealth, but you know different. Power is the ability to get people to do as you say. As such you gain a +10 Bonus to Charisma when used to get someoneto do as you are asking. This is a conditional bonus and does not apply at all times, only when you are using your Charisma or Charisma based skills to get your own way.

  • SuperheroYou're one of the few that enjoys running around in tight spandex suits and a cape. Enjoy.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Talented, Blooded, SeasonedSkills: Knowledge (Current Events) 7+ RanksSpecial: Must have a costume (Wealth DC 10)

    1 SECRET IDENTITY [PRESTIGE]You have a secret identity to protect. When you take this feat, separate your Reputation into two parts. One part is your normal everyday identity, the other is your Superheroic identity. You may allocate any amount of your Reputation to either one, but the separation is permanent. The bonus for this prestige path for Reputation countstowards your Superheroic identity. If your normal identity is ever discovered, you may choose to lose this feat, gain a bonus feat in it's place and recombine your Reputation scores into one number. Also, you gain the ability Henshin. Henshin allows you to put on your costume as a move action. Where you do this is up to you. Lastly, you gain one minor contact as per the Squad 9 Investigator prestige feat Contacts. These last 2 abilities are notlost if you lose this feat.

    2 Bonus Feat and one additional contact of minor level.

    3 HEROIC POSE [PRESTIGE]Every superhero needs a heroic pose! You need to have some way to tell evildoers that you are serious, and thisis the way to do it. When you first arrive at the scene of a crime, you may make a special Perform (Dance) check. The DC of the check is 10. If you succeed the check, you gain a +1 bonus to Attack, Damage, Defense, Reflex, Will and Fortitude. For every 5 by which you pass this check, increase your bonus by +1. Also, you gain one medium contact as per the Squad 9 Investigator prestige feat Contacts.

    4 Bonus Feat and one additional contact of medium or minor level.

    5 TRUE HERO [PRESTIGE]Once per day, you may spend three action dice to take a 20 on any one skill check. This does not count as a critical success, merely total up the check with a 20 as your roll and go from there. Also you gain one major contact as per the Squad 9 Investigator prestige feat Contacts.

  • Majin MageYou are of the Majin Mages. Those that can create monstrosities that are stronger than Gods!

    Prerequisites: Feats: Majin, MagicSkills: Spellcraft 10+ Ranks, Knowledge (Mystic Arts) 10+ Ranks, Concentration 10+ RanksSpecial: Ki Barrier Ki Ability, Strong Ki Barrier Ki Ability, Must not have the Blooded feat.

    1 KI SHELL [PRESTIGE]You can put up a Ki Shell. This acts as a barrier against damage. When you first gain this feat, you may block 20damage with the barrier. The barrier's effects go up by 10 points every 4 levels thereafter. A Ki Barrier is placed for 100 Power Level, and us up until the user drops the Shell, or the shell's damage is overcome.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 PARAPAPAPA! [PRESTIGE]You gain the ability to perform the spell Parapapapa which changes the environment to one of your wishes. You can effect the following things when you use Parapapapa. Gravity (Maximum your level in Gravities), Climate (Must still be hospitable to lifeforms), Appearance, Lighting and Landmarks. The spell covers a 10ft cube per level of the Majin Mage. Once set, the effect remains until changed. Using Parapapapa is a full-round action that costs 130 Power Level.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 CREATE MAJIN MONSTER [PRESTIGE]You create your very own Majin Monster or take control of an already made Majin Monster. A Majin Monster is built as a Majin of your level with up to your Charisma Modifier's worth of Genetic Tamperings. This Majin becomes your cohort, replacing any Cohort you might have had already, normally in a very violent manner. Remember, treating your Cohort like Garbage will eventually get under their skin, and will lead to them disobeying you.

  • Potara MasterYou are a warrior created of two lesser beings. You are a Potara Fusion.

    Prerequisites: Special: Must have been fused into one being by Potara Earrings.

    1 FUSED KNOWLEDGE [PRESTIGE]You gain extreme insight into what makes your nondominant half tick. You gain a bonus to all skills you share in common with the nondominant member of the Potara Fusion equal to their modifiers. Also you now have all skills

    that your nondominant personality had that the dominant personality didn't as trained skills.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 EXTREME TRANSFORMATIONS [PRESTIGE]If you are of a race that possesses a racial transformation, you may push the bonuses granted by thesetransformations up by one half. Also, if you would be transformed into a form not your own by an effect, you may still act as yourself regardless of form (IE: If you were turned into candy, you could still fight with your full power, with statistics modified for your new size.)

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 ANTI-MAGIC SHELL [PRESTIGE]You may cloak yourself in a bubble of energy that negates the effects of supernatural abilities targeting you. This shell must be placed up as a move action on your turn, and lasts for 3 + Intelligence Modifier in rounds before it must be placed up again. It costs 200 Power Level to put up an Anti-Magic Shell. (IE: If you were absorbed by a Majin while you had your Anti-Magic shellup, you would negate the absorption, though you would have to find a way to escape by yourself.)

  • Royal GuardYou are of the Saiyajins that guard the Royal Family. You are some of the strongest elites in the Saiyajin empire.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Saiyajin, Trained off Tail Weakness, Controlled Oozaru, Elite StaminaSkills: Unarmed Strike 11+ Ranks, Ranged Shot 11+ RanksSpecial: Ki Shot Ki Ability, Ki Barrier Ki Ability, 1 Other Ki Ability, Each feat in this tree counts as a Ki Feat

    1 IMPROVED PRESENCE [PRESTIGE]You have the ability to deter attackers before they even attack. Designate a charge. You gain a +5 bonus on SoulCrushing checks, and anyone that you soul crush cannot attack your designated charge for 1d6+1 rounds. They can still defend themselves, they just cannot attack. Should you use this feat, you cannot Soul Crush for 2d6+3 rounds.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 DOUBLE PRESENCE [PRESTIGE]You gain the ability to guard more than one person at a time. You may now use your Improved Presence ability to guard a number of charges equal to your Intelligence Modifier (Minimum 2)

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 STRENGTH FROM THE FAMILY [PRESTIGE]You gain the ability to defend your charges with a zeal that belies your strength. You must designate at least one charge to use this ability. If you are defending your charge, you gain a bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution equal to your Charisma Modifier. This bonus lasts for as long as you are defending your charge. Also, if you are defending more than one charge, you gain a +2 bonus above your Charisma Modifier for each charge above the first.

  • Weighted WarriorYou take great pride in training. You wear weighted training clothing to simulate high gravities and adverse conditions.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Heroic Attribute (Strength), Heroic Attribute (Dexterity), Heroic Attribute (Constitution)Skills: Concentration 6+ RanksSpecial: Must wear a Full set of Weighted Training Clothing (Bleach d20 Classless book page 60)

    1 IMPROVED WEIGHTED TRAINING CLOTHING [PRESTIGE]The penalties to Attack and Defense for wearing Weighted Clothing decreases -1 per piece of Weighted TrainingClothing worn. In addition, the Experience bonus increases by 2% per piece of Weighted Training Clothing worn (7% per piece worn instead of 5%). Lastly, the bonuses granted to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution granted by taking off Weighted Training Clothing in battle increases to +3 per piece removed.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 IMPROVISED GRAVITY TRAINING [PRESTIGE]You can wear weighted training clothing so heavy it simulates 100x Gravity. You receive 1,000 experience each week you remain in the weighted training clothing. This clothing, however, is incredibly heavy and weighs you down. You take a -5 penalty to Swim checks to fly and Balance checks to balance on Air and liquids/fragile surfaces. Also, every day you sleep in this clothing you take a -2 penalty to all d20 rolls the next day. This penaltyisn't cumulative per day, but after one month of wearing this version of Weighted Training Clothing the penalty per day increases to -8.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 GREATER WEIGHTED CLOTHING [PRESTIGE]The penalties to Attack and Defense for wearing normal Weighted Training Clothing disappears. In addition, the Experiencebonus increasesby another 3%(To a total of10%). Lastly, thebonus grantedby taking offWeightedTraining clothingin battleincreases to +5per pieceremoved.

  • Saiyajin RavagerYou are a ravager, someone that exalts in using their power to destroy things particularly your Oozaru form.

    Prerequisites:Feats: SaiyajinSkills: Unarmed Strike 10+ RanksSpecial: Cannot have Controlled Oozaru when you begin this prestige path. May take it later and keep the bonuses of this class.

    1 FEARSOME AURA [PRESTIGE]You gain an aura that inspires terror in your enemies. All enemies within 10 feet of you take a -2 penalty to Saving Throws on a failed Will save (Charisma Based). For each 5 they fail the Saving Throw increases the penalty by 2. This penalty lasts for a number of rounds equal to the number by which they failed the save +3. Pass or fail, someone effected by this aura is immune to the aura for 24 hours. You may suppress this aura as a free action.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 DESTROY THE WORLD [PRESTIGE]When you are in your Oozaru form, you ignore the hardness of objects with a hardness less than your Strength Modifier. Also, while you're in your Oozaru form, you deal double damage to structures and unattended objects. Lastly, when you are in your Oozaru form, you deal an extra 1[BW] with your unarmed strikes.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 SUPRISE OOZARU [PRESTIGE]You are a genetic anomaly. The gland that transforms you into an Oozaru is located at the base of your spine, and not at the tip of your tail. As such, unless your tail is removed with the Surgery feat or magically sealed, you can transform into Oozaru without your tail.

  • Namekian GrapplerYou are a Nameksei-jin that uses your Mystic Attack to it's greatest potential.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Namek, Mystic Attack, Improved GrappleSkills: Unarmed Strike 10+ RanksSpecial: 18+ Strength

    1 GREATER MYSTIC ATTACK [PRESTIGE]Firstly, you gain the ability to grapple an opponent up to two size categories above yours. Secondly, you gain theability to constrict an enemy on a successful Grapple check. You may only use this ability if you use Mystic Attack to make the Grapple Check. The damage dealt by each Grapple Check is equal to your Unarmed Strike damage. You also gain a bonus on Grapple Checks equal to the number of feats you have in this tree.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 SUPERIOR MYSTIC ATTACK [PRESTIGE]Firstly, you may grapple an opponent up to three size categories above yours. Secondly, you gain the ability to force an opponent to make a Fortitude Save (Strength Based) or fall unconscious for 1d6+1 rounds. Thirdly, you gain an additional +3 bonus to grapple checks

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 ADVANCED MYSTIC ATTACK [PRESTIGE]Firstly, you may grapple an opponent up to four size categories above yours. Secondly, you deal an additional +1[BW] on constriction damage. Thirdly, you gain an additional +5 bonus to grapple checks. This overlaps the bonus from Superior Mystic Attack.

  • Nameksei-Jin FusionistYou are a Namek that specializes in Namekian Fusion

    Prerequisites:Feats: Namek, Namekian FusionSkills: Concentration 10+ RanksSpecial: 1,000+ Power Level, Constitution 20+

    1 IMPROVED NAMEKIAN FUSION [PRESTIGE]In addition to the bonuses granted to you by a Namekian Fusion, you gain one bonus feat from the other person's list per four levels you have. You must meet all prerequisites for feats that you gain as bonus feats. Also, you gain the ability to split yourself from a Fusion at will freeing up your Fusion slot for later as a standard action. Should you split your fusion, you lose all benefits of the Fusion.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 GREATER NAMEKIAN FUSION [PRESTIGE]You may now fuse with a second Nameksei-jin. This works like the Epic feat Multifusion. You may now qualify forthe Super Namekian Feats at non-epic levels should you meet the other prerequisites.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 LEGENDARY SUPER NAMEKIAN FUSION [PRESTIGE]You gain a +2 bonus to all statistics for each Namekian you are fused with. Also, when you split from a fusion, you may refuse with that being as an immediate action, provided they are willing. While your Fused with another Namekian, you gain fast healing equal to the number of Nameks you are fused with times the number of feats you have in this tree +1

  • Saiyajin OutcastYou are a Saiyajin without anything to lose. You are an outcast among your people, and live on the fringes of society doing odd jobs and mercenary work to survive.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Saiyajin, Sneak Attack, No TailSkills: Unarmed Strike 10+ Ranks

    1 INFAMY [PRESTIGE]You gain a +3 bonus to Reputation fromthis prestige path instead of +2. Also yougain Infamy among Saiyajins and Fameamong other races that view the Saiyajinpoorly. Also, you gain a bonus to yourIntimidate rolls equal to your Reputationminus ten divided by 2 (Minimum +2)

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 BETTER SNEAK ATTACK[PRESTIGE]You gain the ability to make a SneakingPower Attack. You may accept a penaltyon all attack rolls you make in a round toadd that bonus in d6's to damage. Youcannot accept a greater penalty than halfyour level. Also you gain Sneak Attack asa bonus feat, unless you already haveSneak Attack twice, in which case youreceive Crippling Strike as a bonus featregardless of prerequisites.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 ADVANCED NO TAIL [PRESTIGE]If you traded in any feats when you gotthe feat No Tail, you gain an additionalbonus feat per feat you gained from NoTail. In addition, increase the bonus yougained from No Tail to +5 to Strength andConstitution.

  • Saiyajin DevastatorA master at Saiyajin martial arts, a Saiyajin Devastator mixes Ki and martial prowess to bring their opponents to their graves.

    Prerequisites: Feats: SaiyajinSkills: Unarmed Strike 12+ Ranks, Fortitude, Reflex Will 12+ Ranks, Defense 12+ RanksSpecial: 1,000+ Power Level, Ki Blast Ki Ability, Infuse Power Ki Ability

    1 SUPERIOR INFUSE POWER [PRESTIGE]You gain the Greater Infuse Power ki ability as a bonus. In addition, you can increase your unarmed strike by 2[BW] for an additional 30ki. Also, you have the ability to infuse your fists with elemental energies. Choose one element. When you infuse power, you may choose to expend 50 more Ki than normal. Should you do so, your unarmed strike damage becomes this element. This choice cannot be later changed.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 SAIYA-DO [PRESTIGE]You gain the ability to turn hits into near misses. Once per encounter you may reroll a Defense roll or Saving Throw with a +4 bonus. Should you choose, this bonus stacks with the Combat Roll feat, but you use up both feats uses. Also you gain the ability to turn near misses into hits. You may, once per encounter, reroll an Unarmed Strike, Weapon Attack or Ranged Shot with a +4 bonus.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 GREATER SAIYA-DO [PRESTIGE]You gain the ability to fight faster than normal, striking in the blink of an eye. By giving up all your attacks in a round, you may make a single attack roll at your highest base attack bonus. Should this attack roll succeeds, your opponent doesn't see the attack coming, and is caught flatfooted. Either way, this attack deals double damage, triple on a critical.

  • Android JuggernautYou are an android with an amazing amount of power within your generators. Or you are an android with amazing capacitors. Either way, you are a juggernaut against Ki.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Android, Generator or Absorber, Increased CapacitySkills: Unarmed Strike or Concentration 10+ RanksSpecial: The ability to absorb or generate 500 Power Level

    1 IMPROVED GENERATION [PRESTIGE]When calculating the maximum amount of Power Level you can generate or absorb, increase the multiplier by the number of Ki abilities you have.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 GREATER GENERATION [PRESTIGE]When calculating the maximum amount of Power Level you can generate or absorb, increase the multiplier by the number of Ki feats you have.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 PERFECT GENERATION [PRESTIGE]You may take a standard action to double your currently held Power Level. This comes at a price however, as you take 1d6 damage per 500 extra power level you have over your maximum. This damage overcomes damage mitigation and damage reduction. If you are reduced to death by this effect you are disintegrated.

  • Changling TransformerYou don't just change forms, you are forms. You perpetually change forms to improve both your abilities and yourfighting prowess.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Changeling, Transformation at least twice, must have at least one natural weapon other than Tail Slap in each form.Skills: Concentration 12+ Ranks

    1 TRANSFORMATIONAL RESISTANCES [PRESTIGE]You are adept at transforming in strange ways. You gain a fortitude save against any effect that would stun you, and gain a +10 bonus to that saving throw. Also, you gain a 75% chance to make a critical hit one less stage of acritical (To a minimum of 1.5x).

    2 TRANSFORMATIONAL WEAPONS [PRESTIGE]You gain the strange ability to manifest Natural weapons from other forms in your base form. You may take a move action to make a concentration check with a DC of 25 + The number of the transformation that the natural weapon comes from. Should you make the check you manifest the Natural Weapon in the form you are in.

    3 TRANSFORMATIONAL STRENGTHENING [PRESTIGE]You have hardened your body against attack. You gain a permanent +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution. Also,you may spend a Standard Action to doublethis bonus for 3 + Intelligence modifier rounds.If you do so you are fatigued till the end ofcombat after it ends.

    4 TRANSFORMATIONAL HEALING[PRESTIGE]You gain fast healing equal to the number offeats you have in this tree. If you succeed aConcentration Check with a DC of 25 as astandard action, you can double this healingfor 3 + Constitution Modifier in rounds. Also,whenever you transform, any missing limbsyou might have had are regrown instantly.

    5 TRANSFORMATIONAL PERFECTION[PRESTIGE]You gain the ability to transform even fasterthan normal. Move the time it takes to use anyfeature in this tree down one step (MoveActions become Swift Actions, StandardActions become Move Actions, ect.) Also, as afull round action, you can increase all thebonuses you gain from this tree by a factor of3 for 1 round per three levels. Should you usethis, you are exhausted till the end of combatafter it's over.

  • Changeling GrapplerYour tail has become so prehensile that you have the ability to grapple creatures with it.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Changeling, Improved GrappleSkills: Unarmed Strike 8+ Ranks

    1 IMPROVED GRAB [PRESTIGE]Should you hit with your Tail Slap attack, you may automatically begin a grapple attempt. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 CONSTRICT [PRESTIGE]You may deal your Tail Slap damage on a successful Grapple Check.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 IMPROVED CONSTRICT [PRESTIGE]When you deal grapple damage, you may force the target to make a Fortitude Save (Strength Based). Should they fail the save, they fall unconscious for 1d6+1 rounds. If you take a full round action to deal this damage, youmay increase the DC of the Fortitude Save by +4.

  • Savage WarriorAmong the Saiyajin there are still those that don't respect the crown and fight anything that moves or challenges them. They live a primitive lifestyle hunting and gathering what they need instead of the more agrarian lifestyle that the rest of the Saiyajins have adopted.

    Prerequisites: Feats: SaiyajinSkills: Unarmed Strike 6+ Ranks, Survival 6+ RanksSpecial: Must have hunted and killed a big game animal and used most of it's carcass for something productive

    1 SAVAGE MIGHT [PRESTIGE]When you attack a living being, you deal additional damage equal to your Charisma Modifier. Also you are considered large for all positive effects.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 MIGHT OF THE OOZARU [PRESTIGE]Once per day you may fly into an Oozaru rage. Doing so grants you one half the bonuses of the Oozaru form in your normal form for 3 + Constitution Modifier rounds. After this rage ends you are fatigued till the end of combat.While in this rage, you cannot use skills that involve Intelligence or Charisma (Except Intimidate).

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 FORM OF THE OOZARU [PRESTIGE]You have learned to harness your inner beast. Once per day per point of Charisma modifier, you may enter a form that is a strange hybrid of Oozaru and normal Saiyajin. While in this form, you grow one size category, and gain half the bonuses of the Oozaru form as if you entered an Oozaru rage. While in the Form of the Oozaru, you may still make use of Intelligence and Charisma based skills. You gain a bonus on Intimidate Checks of +5 and gain Endurance and Diehard while in this form.

  • Super Saiyajin ExemplarAmong Super Saiyajin you are a cut above, an exemplar to be looked up to and respected.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Saiyajin, Super Saiyajin, Heroic Attribute (Constitution)Skills: Unarmed Strike 12+ RanksSpecial: 500+ Power Level

    1 EXAMPLE OF POWER [PRESTIGE]Sometimes you just have to show someone that you are more powerful then they are. Once per day per feat in this tree, you may declare that you are making an Example of your opponent. Your next unarmed attack ignores damage reduction and damage mitigation. Should you miss with this strike, the attempt is wasted for the day.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 SUPER SAIYAJIN DEFENSES [PRESTIGE]You gain the ability to stand against the forces that would put you down. Once per day per feat in this tree, you may declare that you are using Super Saiyajin Defenses. Make a Parry Check with a DC equal to the opponent'sattack roll + 5. Should you succeed, you parry the attack and end the opponent's attack action. They are flatfooted to the next attack you make.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 SUPER SAIYAJIN PERFECTION [PRESTIGE]Once per day when taking damage that would reduce the Super Saiyajin Exemplar to -1/2 maximum hit points orlower, this ability activates. The Super Saiyajin Exemplar is able to remain conscious and survive any amount of damage, as well as become immune to ability damage, ability drain, daze, death effects, disease, negative level,poison, sleep and stunning effects, as well as any effect that causes the loss of a turn for 1 round. While the ability lasts, the exemplar's attacks ignore all hardness and damage reduction and do not automatically miss on a natural roll of 1. All Power Level costs of abilities and special attacks are reduced by 50%. At the end of the attacker's next turn, the Super Saiyajin Exemplar rolls a percentile die and adds his total character level. On a roll of 90 or more, the character is instantly returned to -9 hit points and stable. On a natural roll of 99 or 100, the ability lasts for an additional round. Percentile dice is rolled each round the ability lasts to determine if it will last around longer, but the consequences of failure are eliminated after the first success.

  • Grand Chef MajinYou are of the grand chefs. Those that use their magical abilities to help your allies survive better in combat.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Majin, Wonder Majin, MagicSkills: Concentration 12+ RanksSpecial: 500+ Power Level

    1 COOKIN UP SOMETHING [PRESTIGE]You may, at your whim, go Wonder Majin and grant some or all of the bonuses to an ally within 30 feet instead ofyourself. You do this as a free action when you activate Wonder Majin and it lasts for as long as your Wonder Majin lasts. This uses up one of your uses of Wonder Majin for the day.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 BUFF THEM ALL [PRESTIGE]You may split your Wonder Majin bonus among allies within 30 feet, none of which can be more than 10 feet apart. Also, if you do this, double the bonus you gain from Wonder Majin for this effect alone. You cannot grant more than your normal bonuses to one ally (Meaning you have to split the bonus between allies when using this feat.)

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 BUFF BUFF BEAM [PRESTIGE]Instead of doubling the bonuses you gain from Wonder Majin for Buff them all, triple them. You can now buff any number of allies that are within 100 feet of you regardless of their distance apart. Also, you may use Magic to make the buffs last for one minute per your level instead of till the end of the encounter. You cannot grant more than your normal bonuses to one ally (Meaning you have to split the bonus between allies when using this feat.) If you use the Buff Buff beam, you are fatigued till the end of the encounter.

  • Majin WrapperYou know that to squeeze your enemies to death is the only way to be sure. You act like a python, securing your enemies and making them suffer.

    Prerequisites: Feats: Majin, Majin Regeneration, Majin Expansion Technique, Improved GrappleSkills: Unarmed Strike 12+ RanksSpecial: 500+ Power Level

    1 SPEEDY GRAPPLE [PRESTIGE]Making a grapple check can be done as a swift action instead of an attack action.

    2 Bonus Feat

    3 SUPERIOR CONSTRICT [PRESTIGE]You may deal your unarmed damage each turn you have someone grappled.

    4 Bonus Feat

    5 SQUEEZE THEM DRY [PRESTIGE]You may use your Grapple checks to grapple more than one opponent. You may grapple as many opponents as you have Strength Modifier. Each opponent makes a separate Grapple check to escape your grapple, and each takes your damage individually.

  • Majin SplitterYou know that sometimes two is better than one, and sometimes the attack of the millions of billions of itty bitty yous is e