the acts of the holy spirit by w. v. grant, sr

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  • 8/2/2019 The Acts of the Holy Spirit by W. V. Grant, Sr


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    THE MASTER KEY TO REVIVAL. Will' there be a fallingaway in the last days? Or will there be a general revival?

  • 8/2/2019 The Acts of the Holy Spirit by W. V. Grant, Sr


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    . . I W E N! O N B OA RD A F LY IN G SA UC fR..' ~~1T UT H E M E N I N T H E. . . . ' SA lJCERS '


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    8~1PIDlr~ll!)~~ HEALING~Jl1!Wil~

    READt I t i A

    B y W . V . G r a o t


  • 8/2/2019 The Acts of the Holy Spirit by W. V. Grant, Sr


    There is also a shaking among the people of God whenthe Spirit moves upon them. Like Ezekiel's boneyard thevshake and tremble! The shaking, trembling and 11l0vjn~1about is not power. That is the way people react when thc~feel power. That is called manifestations. .Even a tree without fruit may have manifestations whenthe wind blows. 'Everyone who is a Christian wil] have some kind of mani-festation. "The manifestation of the Spirit is given to evenman." .Suppose Isend vou

    from God. They all do not have the same reactions. Somelaugh, some cry, some shout, some tremble, while othersturn pale and shake. But everyone who is alive has somekind of manifestations.You know how you act

    \Vhen You Are Nlad.When my daddy became mad he laughed. He could laughand knock a man down. When my mother became mad shecried. When some people are mad they turn red in the face.Others turn white in the face. One bugs out his eyeswhen he is angry. But my school teacher's eyes sunk backinto his head about two inches, it seemed. That was whenwe knew we had better watch him! Some people can'tmove when they are mad. Some run; some run from you;some run toward you. Some people "sulk" when mad, andand will not speak a word for days. Others do nothing buttalk. All these people are mad, but they do not act alike.They feel the same thing, but they have different manifes-tations.I know one preacher, who is bald-headed. When hebecomes happy that old bald head turns as red as fire.Another preacher Iknow, when happy, his bald head turnswhite. Thev both feel the same but they act differently.When some children are happy they run and skip. When

    some people are happy they clap their hands and jump. Weare all God's children. When we are happy we don't havethe same manifestations.This makes me think of an instrument in tunc. You can

    hit all the strings the same, but they all sound differently.Just as the strings are tuned differently so the members ofthe church have different temperaments and different per-sonalities. When God moves upon us, and we have mani-festations, it is like music to Him.

    It is easv for us toAct Like Other People.For instance Ihave twin brothers-in-law, who moved

    from Arkansas to California at about the same time. Withintwo years one was talking like the people in California. Theother was not. After about fifteen years it is the same way.I believed, until then, that people acquired the California


    A Telegram.You would read the telegram. If vou believed it vou would, ,react to it in some way. If you did not believe it you wouldhave no reactions.The Bible is a telegram from the Lord to vou . You readthe part that says, "Your sins are moved as' far from vou

    as the east is from the west." If you believe that you 'arehappy. If you do not believe it you are not happy. Neitherare you alive. You are like the dead snag in the woods when~he wind past through. You have no reactions, although itIS the same wind that the other trees felt.Suppose the telegram Isend you reads, "Your motherhas just past away. Come to the funeral". You would no

    doubt weep. But another man, receiving the same telegramwritten to him, would be calm and quiet; or turn pale.People would wonder why he was pale, calm and quiet. Thatis his reactions, or manifestations.Suppose I send you this telegram: "\Ve have just toundan oil well on your property. It is worth man v thousandsof dollars per month the rest 'of your life." l\Iavb~ vou would. ,clap your hands and jump! Maybe you would run and

    scream. But the other man, receiving a telegram saying thesame thing, would be so happy that he would just sit andcry. It is the same message, bu t differen t personali tiesreact in different wavs. They do not have the same manifes-tations.\\ 'hen a whole group of people are together in a large

    audience, when a preacher is preaching, thev are al l re-u'iving some kind of telegram. They are receiving a message-2-

  • 8/2/2019 The Acts of the Holy Spirit by W. V. Grant, Sr


    expressions on purpose; but the truth of the matter is they dbnot. They unconsciously pick up the expressions others use.It is the same way in worshipping the Lord and going to

    church. I will confess that I can hear someone preachseveral times and I will preach almost the same \V~y beforelong. Idon't mean to pick up their expressions, but it is hardto keep from it.\Vhen a man brings a message into a new part of the

    countrv. and has a revival, his converts act much as he does.They like him for one thing. Another thing, in some local-ities, they have never seen anyone preach, sing, or shout.So when they contact the power they don't know exactlywhat to do except to act the same way as their SpiritualFather. Many times they don't know that there is any otherway of expressing their new found joy. So they form a habitof acting a certain way when they contact the power of God.Brother R. preaches with his hand on his. jaw and stamps

    his feet. He also says "ah" at the end of each word. \Vhenhis converts began to preach they acted the same way. Theyput their hand on their jaw and stamp their feet and say "Ilove the Lord-ah; The Lord is good-ah; H e has healed memany times-ali". So their whole sermon is that way. Thereis nothing wrong in that. Everyone acts some way. the onlything wrong is for one person to criticize another for the wayhe worships the Lord.In a good revival

    purpose. They were wrong for criticizing the lady. God gav.eme a word of wisdom and showed me how to correct thisthing. So we had the city's greatest revival.

    Action s of Y Gun g Convertsare sometimes strange to us. The reason is they hardly k~owwhat to do or sav when they first contact the power of God.Mavbe thev hav~ not been in meetings before, or have been" ,awav from church for vears.I' know one man wh~ was converted and received a won-derful experience. H e was so happy he took his old hat in hishand and ran up the road saying "Hurrah for Jesus! Hurrahfor Jesus 1" But later on he began to act as the rest of thepeople. Just because he did that way was no sign that hedid not have anything. He had the same thing the rest ofus had, but di d not know how to express it.One preacher said when he was first saved he began tojump and said, "Hot Dog, I've got it". He had just comefrom an arrnv cam p and did not have the right expressions .But he had a good experience. .One night in Ardmore. Oklahoma a refined lady receiveda w()nderf~l experience with the Lord. Itwas al l new to her.

    The next night she arose to testify and said, "Last night, I'llswear to God, I heard angel's wings".I explained to one lady ~how the Lord could S

  • 8/2/2019 The Acts of the Holy Spirit by W. V. Grant, Sr


    snakes. So when he was saved he immediately began tohandle every snake he could get. That was no sign he did nothave anything. Itwas a good sign he was sincere and was trv-ing to do his best to serve God. So God took care of him ..One man read how Ezra in the Bible days shook his lap;

    so he began to shake his lap when God began to bless. Somepeople read in the Bible that the people clapped their handsfor joy; so when they get happy they clap their hands andwant everyone else to do the same.One man read in the Bible that Jesus said "Leap for joy."

    Every time he feels the power of God he begins to jump andleap. That is the sign he is a good man, that he has touchedthe power!Brother L. read in the Bible that the lame man was healed

    and went running and leaping through the temple andpraising God. He feels everyone that is healed must gojumping, leaping, and running through the church house.He is a good man, just as good as the people who act differ-ently.Thomas put his hands into the Lord's side, but Johnacted differen tIv. Neither of them criticized the other

    our eves shut. So I told everyone that next time we should, .al l shut our eyes and not watch him, but pra~,.The next time he started skipping around the altar we all

    shut our eyes and prayed. \Ve had been "in self" with oureyes "bugged out" looking at him, wondering if he was "inself" .As I was praying I felt like following the deacon. I went

    around the altar behind him! Soon all the church was follow-ing me. We were all following him. Twenty-eight peoplewere saved and thirteen were filled with the Holv Ghost!Itwas one of the biggest revivals that little church ever had.I would like to tell vou whv there is a . New Church House

    In a southern town. I was in Malvern, Arkansas in a servicestation, which I owned at that time. I heard that a schoolmate of mine, whom I had prayed through to the HolyGhost, was about thirty miles from there in a tent meeting.I knew that he was just a plow boy, and wondered how hecould preach.The people of the town had made their brags that theFull Gospel people would never come there, they would runthem out. The Full Gospel church had tried, but failed manytimes. They had well educated preachers from different partsof the country, but they all seemed to fail. I went one nightto hear my friend preach.I must say he preached very well, but he did not have a

    very large crowd. People just wouldn't come. But that nightI began to receive a blessing. I felt so good that I did notknow what to do. I had not been saved too long. To expresswhat I felt I ran and put my hands and feet both on a tentpole and slid down about three f e e t !You see, I thought nothing of it.The next day the pastor of a large church put out hun-

    dreds of circulars, warning the people of the town to stayaway from that tent meeting, because the people down therewere climbing tent poles!This advertised the meeting, something the plow boy

    preacher was not able to do. People came out to s e e ! Soonscores of people were converted. Soon a nice church wasstarted. Now they have a nice church house.

    God UllderstamdsIf your child is hungry and sincere, you will give him

    something to eat, even if he expresses it in a different waythan another one of your children.One time the pastor of a country church told me that one

    of her deacons was possessed with the devil. She said shewas going to quit the church and not go back, because shewas afraid of him. I did not want her to close the church,take out the light meter and stop having church, so 1 wentout to see about it. She became so afraid of this deacon thatshe resigned the church and left. Since I did not want thechurch to close, I became their leader, although I was nota preacher at that time.This deacon's action were most peculiar. He opened his

    eyes wide and held his hands up a certain way. He skippedaround the altar. Everyone put their heads lower and loweras they watched him as if they were ashamed of the man. Iprayed and asked God to give me a word of wisdom.Finally the Lord showed me that we could see better with


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    Iwent only one night. Iwould not advise anvone else to,act as Idid. Iwouldn't sav that the Lord would tell YOLI todo that wav . But the Lord saw Iwas sincere and workt;d thatfoolish thing out fer good, to confound the mightv.'. .Ifound in the Bible that the Lord told Jeremiah to put

  • 8/2/2019 The Acts of the Holy Spirit by W. V. Grant, Sr


    I started from my home to a city in Pennsylvania. Iappreciate the fact that the Lord gave me a dream on theway up and told me how to act. Had it not been for that Iknow the revival would not have been so great. God helpedme to fit in with them instead of changing them to fit inwith me.When I first went to Seattle, \Vashington I felt the peoplewere too slow. But I could not change them. After twelveweeks God did help me to change so I could fit in better.When I first went there I felt like their services were dead.They sang songs that were so slow. But after a few weeks Isaw they had just as much of God as I did. I learned to lovetheir songs. In fact the songs stuck with me and became apart of me.\ Vhen I first went to Michigan I felt like criticizing themanfestations of those people. But before I did I heard thepastor's wife criticizing the people from my country. Speak-ing of our singing she said, "That is not God at all. That isrhvthm." Then God showed me their ways and our ways. "were all just manifestations, after both that oroul) and mv,group had touched the power. We reacted differently .They have just as much of God as we do. Both groups arewonderful people. God can help us to be delivered fromcritical spirits. He can help us to understand each other.The people are good. I wonder how they do as well as theydo, when there are so many different types of preachers.The people

    Do \Vhat They Are Trained to Do.The people where I was saved and filled with the Holv,

    Ghost, sang and danced when they felt the blessings of theLord in the service. So when I was saved I felt really happy,so I danced. I still do sometimes. Many people from otherparts of the country would not understand the people atmy home who shouted and danced and jumped for hoursat a time. Sometimes about two hundred grown people weredancing at once; There are no better people anywhere. Nopeople are more sincere. But I find people who are living justas holy, and just as sincere, in other countries who do notdance) but thev have other manifestations, The onlv trouble


    sometimes, and criticize the other group.When some of the people at home leave and go to Cali-

    fornia they immediately go to a church. There they find goodholiness people; but they do not understand whv thev don'tdance and shout in everv service. Thev honestl~l thil~k they~ .;" ,do not have religion. So they criticize the group and stopgoing to church. They come back home in a backslidden,condition!I am trying to say that dancing before the Lord is notpower. It shows that you have contacted the power. It was

    David that danced before the Lord. He said so. Itwas al-right, although his reserved wife could not understand himand criticized him for doing so. \Vhen I dance before theLord it is because I contact the power, but it is mvself. Idance before the Lord. God does not make me do it. I'dance.God anoints me.David also believed in

    L oud N oise .He had a large orchestra, which could be heard manymiles a"vay. There were harps, cymbals, high sounding cvm-

    bals, stringed instruments, organs, and almost every intru-ment available. But Isaiah did not worship the Lord thatway. Yet they both worshipped the same Lord. As far as Iknow they respected and understood each other. Some ofEzra's people shouted aloud for joy; some wept aloud. (Ezra3:13).I know a wonderful pastor who believes in an organ, or

    a piano in the choir. He is very reserved. Another pastorclose by, believes in a large orchestra, with almost everv kindL ,of instrument. Thev really make the noise in his church. In,fact they have both touched the power of God. One is asgood and as holy as the other. God blesses both. The Lordthinks as much of one as of the other. Thev have bothtouched the supernatural. Thev react in differ~nt wavs.I formed the habit of preaching over the microphone.Without it I feel that I am doing nothing. I get louder and

    louder until I ruin mv voice. Brother D. savs he has a built-,in microphone. He does not need one. Brother C. feels likehe is not preaching until the speakers are turned loud; \Veall feel the same power. It is the same God. \Ve have many

    -11-\\ it h either group is that some of them get in the natural

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    k in ds o f m an ifestatio ns.Yo u have noticed how it sounds

    \V h en S om e F oil< Testify.In one church th e preach er to ld me if h is m embers did

    not testirv and o.mcc each tim e they cam e to church th eywere oacxshuuct.. l-1e told them that . 1hcv bel ic\ cd it. ')0tnev tried to stay righ t with God. H e tried to keep th e III aUrigl1L He re ru se cl to preach until they al l test ified. even it hepom ted th em out.A g irl w as sav ed not fa r from here. She heard otherpeople testify and say, 'vvhen 1 was a sinner 1 d id t'v ery -H ung th e dev il w anted me to ." So when she test.tied sh esaid th e same th ing . it is no t th e tru th , bu t sh e reels that,.is tne way to testirv . She is sincere. Sh e is' a goud g irl. Sh euicrn't do ev eryth ing Satan w anted her to w hen he was a

    I receiv ed th e H o ly Gh ost w h ile I w as lying H a t on myback say ing , 'G lo ry, g lo ry" . \VelI, I received a g oo d exp er-ience. Ihad my head in my sister's lap . A fter th at Ifelt th atevervone sh ould be flat of th eir back, w ith th eir h ead in

    One man talks no rm al until h e reads h is tex t and begins topreach ; th en h e beg ins a wh ine until h e is th ro ugh pre(l;_ 'h -ing . T hen he talks no rm al again . \\ie all h ave our pecu liarway o f m anifestations, bu t w e do no t criticize each o th er.-That spirit wo uld be wo rse th an any habit we fo rm ed. It isth e sam e G od, but div ersities o f m an ifestations.

    M ost ev erv chu rch v ou 00 into h as a_ bDif fere1l t \Vav to \Vorship

    One pasto r keeps h is people on th eir feet abou t h alf th etim e. A no th er pasto r refuses to preach unless peo ple sayam en. O ne preacher h as th e peop le all to Sci)' g lo ry. T henanother w ill tell th em all to clap th eir h ands. O ne man hash is people stand, and sit down, fifteen tim es in one serv ice.A no th er man has h is people raise th eir h ands, pu t th emdown, put th em up, let th em down , put th em up and putth em down, during th e who le serv ice.

    A ll th ese w ays are alrigh t. T here is no th ing w rong . T lnall feel th e same God . T hey g lo rify God w ith th eir body andw ith th eir spirit wh ich are Go d's. Pau l believed in clappingh is h ands. O ne m an was as good as th e o th er.


    som eone's lap, saying "G lo ry, g lo ry" .Bu t to my surprise 1 have found th at th ousands o f people

    m ay receive th e H o ly Ghost w ith out sa~ ing 'Clorv, glory" .M anv hundreds o f th em receiv e th e H o I\ ' Gho st w ith o ut 1 \ ' -- - .ing clown. T hey m ay be sitting on th eir seat. T hey m ay bestanding . [ h ave stopped finding fau lt w ith th em fo r notreceiv ing th is experience th e w ay I did . M ost o f th e peoplehave been finding fau lt w ith th e peo ple th at fall back onth eir backs under th e power. T hev feel th e sam e. Thev re-- .ceiv e th e sam e experience. It is th e sam e God, w o rk ing w ithd if fe re n t p e rs o na li ti es .

    M en have different m anifestations inThe H ealing M inistry ,

    In my chu rch th ey all g ath ered around th e altar andprayed fo r th e sick person who was sitting o n th e altar. T heywou ld no t stop pray ing , even if it to ok all th e serv ice, untilth e sick person sho uted . T hat m ay be th e best wav . But I, -have learned th at a m an can be healed wh ile shouting . H ecan shout and no t be h ealed. H e can be healed and no tshout. H e can be healed w ith o ut sitting on th e altar!

    I received th e surprise o f my life w hen I attended B ro th erF. 's serv ices and saw h im qu ietly pray fo r th e people. T heywere healed w ith out ev en shouting !

    O ne man shouts wh ile h e prays fo r th e sick. A no th er feelsth ey canno t be healed unless all th e audience is sh outing .

    In one place th e peop le stand wh ile th ey prophesy. Inano th r place th ey raise th eir h ands. In ano th er place th eyshake th eir h eads wh ile p ro phesying . Som e people shoutand shake all o ver. Bu t was I surprised when- I h eard a m ostbeautifu l prophecy , by an o ld saint, w ho spoke w ith h is eyesopen , lo oking around, perfectly calm . God fo rbid th at Iwo uld find fau lt w ith any o f th ese people, w ho have all con-tacted th e sam e power o f God, w ho act differentlv . \V e arepart o f th e bo dy.

    Speaking \Vith T01lguesis also included in m anifestations. Som e stand wh ile speak -

    sinner.One woman wh ines when she testifies, and tells all her

    tro ubles, about h er husband, h er ch ildren and her in-law s.Sh e h as heard o th er people do th at. So sh e feels th at is the\ V av .


  • 8/2/2019 The Acts of the Holy Spirit by W. V. Grant, Sr


    ing. Some sit down. Other people shout while they speak.Other people shake their whole body and jerk! One womanwalks and shakes her head. Many people hold their jaw.Others quietly speak with their eyes open.One boy speaks in tongues when he feels the power of

    God. That is the only way he knows how to worship theLord. Regardless of when it is, he speaks. \Vhile the peopleare testifying; while the offering is being received; during thealtar service; while the preacher is preaching; while the altarcall is being made; or during the announcements, he talks intongues! That is the only way he knows to worship the Lord.He loves the Lord and wants to worship Him. That is nosign that he does not have salvation.One preacher tells me it is the devil. Nothing could be any

    further from the truth. Nothing could be anymore unkind!It is not the devil. It is the boy that is doing the speaking. Hehas felt the Spirit of God and does not know what else to do!In one country there are three hundred thousand Metho-

    dists and two hundred thousand Italians who are full of theHoly Ghost. But each group tells their people the other groupis speaking with tongues by the power of the devil, just be-cause thev don't believe the same.,There are Pentecostal churches today in this country, whoteach that another group of Full Gospel people are of thedevil, just because they don't join their church, or believeevery minor detail. The real truth is they are afraid they willlose some of their members.The Pharisees accused Jesus or operating under the power

    of the devil because they were full of envy. It is amazingwhat envv will do.As soon as Peter heard the people at Caesarea speaking he

    said they also received the Holy Ghost, as he did at the be-, ,ginning, because he heard them espeak with tongues. Hedid not say he would have to watch them six months, to Sf't',if they joined his church, or believed all he did, Of backslid.He said they had it then (Acts 10: 47).-Anytime one speaks in tongues they have touched Godeven if they don't join your church. There is such a thing asa devil-possessed drunkard who may lie in the mud-hole allnight, or in the road house. He may have a counterfeit, he

    may murmur out something, but that is not tongues.But that kind of people are not usually in our H olv Ghost- -


    services.There is such a thing as speaking in tongues by

    The Human SlJirit.Paul said when he praved in tongues, his spirit prayed(lCor. 14: 14). He spoke with tongues. Peter spoke with

    tongues. Ispeak with tongues.It is alright to sometimes start praying with tongues in

    your spirit and end up in the Spirit of God. It is a manifesta-tion when you start. You finish with an operation (which wewill study in the next chapter).

    If you don't believe a man full of the Holv Ghost can- -speak with tongues anytime he feels the Spirit, in order orout of order, then vou should read ICorinthians 14. Whv- -did Paul tell them when to speak and when not to speak?I know a wonderful woman, Sister S. who lives a wonder-

    ful life. When she comes to church she feels the poweran d speaks with tongues aloud, even while the preacher ispreaching! She stops him at a high point in his message andspeaks with tongues! She feels the power of God. She willtake his altar service from him.

    If she would leave him alone he would give the samemessage and interpret it, or he would say the same thing inhis message. He is anointed with the same Spirit .1S she.Ibelieve that many times the Holy Spirit moves on some-one to give out a message in tongues even while the preacheris preaching. God works it for good. I've done that manv ,times. But it should be an operation of the Spirit and not amanifestation only.,Sometimes we feel the Spirit and we want to demon-strate a gift when God wants us to intercede in praver o r~ ,have faith that God will operate a gift throuzh the other_ Lfellow.

    Som e of O ur Be st Peop lehave manifestations at the wrong time, just 2S some of uspreach at the time God wants us to prav fo r the sick, ormaybe we pray for the sick when we should he preachina.God understands. \\'e should,


    There are some people also who vield lG- temntation-. -15-


  • 8/2/2019 The Acts of the Holy Spirit by W. V. Grant, Sr


    to forgive seventy times seventy in one day. God forgivesthem for what thev did vcsterdav, but we remember what the" did last week. \Ve talk about that. \Ve are in a worse

    people who are of the same body. Brother C. kicks whenhe preaches. Brother D. hits the pulpit. Brother H. hits hisBible. Brother Tl. screams. Brother \ V. whispers to makea point. Brother H. puts "ah" after each word. One jumpsuntil he must change clothes after service, because of per-spiration. All of us have manifestations if we have touchedthe power of God. God remains the same. The manifesta-tions are different.I have two boys. One is twelve; the other is ten months

    old. W. V. Jr. knows by now when the car horn should beused and when it should not. Gale wants to blow the hornanywhere and evervwhere, even at the wrong time. But Iunderstand. I don't scold Gale, for he will soon learn whento blow the horn and when not to blow it.God sees our intentions. He understands us. He does not

    scold us if we are sincere. He knows that as we grow older inHim we will come nearer to having the right manifestationsat the right time.

    Dormant Powe rThey say there is a lot of power stored in the atomic bomb.If it can be harnessed it can do a lot a good. All of that power

    that is going to waste can be used to operate the power thatwill do lots of good.It would be wonderful if we could use all the puwer

    which the Holy Ghost supplies in the best way. Devil'swould be cast out. Blind eyes would be opened. Thousandswould receive the Holy Ghost by the touch of our hands. Thelame would walk. The universal revival would be on! Thegifts of the Spirit would operate in the churches. The NewTestament ministry would be here again!But we must be led by the Spirit in the little things if wewant God to lead us in the larger things! He that is faith-ful in the least will also be faithful in much.\Vhen we begin to be led by the Spirit in everything, the

    gifts of the Spirit will operate in us. There will not only bemanifestations, but there will be OPERATIONS, whichwe will explain in the next chapter.

    through the week. They go into sin. Then thev come illchurch. \Ve tel] them that Gn.1 is ready to forgive them. Thevask and receive forgiveness. They speak with tongues. The-shout. They rejoice. \Ve tell them that God will forgivefour hundred and ninety times in one day. God also tells us~ .

    condition than the person that receives forgiveness. Someold Pharisee will point a finger in their face and say theyare of the devil. Nothing is any more unkind. That Phariseeis not far from the unpardonable sin! They should watchlest they attribute the power of God to the power of thedevil. Let's not be hard and unmerciful!

    Som e P eople Jer I