the adventures of helios and eos: the mountain by aurora morton and katherine minski

The Adventures The Adventures of Helios and Eos: of Helios and Eos: The Mountain The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

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Post on 03-Apr-2015




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Page 1: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

The Adventures The Adventures of Helios and Eos:of Helios and Eos:

The MountainThe MountainBy Aurora Morton

and Katherine Minski

Page 2: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 3: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 4: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 5: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 6: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 7: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 8: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 9: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 10: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 11: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Eos est nee. Helios est ne.

Ils sont nes.

Page 12: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

One day, the twins, all grown up, decided to go on a trip One day, the twins, all grown up, decided to go on a trip to Greece. Mt. Olympus to be Greece. Mt. Olympus to be exact.


Page 13: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Do you remember the fact that I wanted to travel the world? Yes.


Page 14: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Well I though it would be kinda nice to go on a trip to at least one of the places I always wanted to go to.


Page 15: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski


Page 16: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

We arrived. We are in Greece.

Elle est arrivee.Il est arrive.Ils sont arrives.

Page 17: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Sooooo. What should we do now that we’re here.

Page 18: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

How about we go to Mt. Olympus. Get in some dearly needed exercise while we’re here.

Page 19: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

That sounds like a great idea.

Let’s go.

Elle est allee. Il est alle.Ils sont alles.

Page 20: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Mt. OlympusMt. Olympus

Page 21: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 22: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 23: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 24: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 25: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 26: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 27: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 28: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 29: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 30: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 31: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 32: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 33: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Look! We made it. We climbed the mountain.

Elle est monteeIl est monteIls sont montes

Page 34: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Wow. The view. I can see soo much.

Elle a vu.Il a vu.Ils ont vu.

Page 35: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Well now that we made it I would like to rest for awhile.

Elle est restee.Il est reste.Ils sont restes.

Page 36: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Yeah that would be real nice. Maybe even get a drink or even something to eat.

Elle a bu.Il a bu.Ils ont bu.

Elle a mange. Il a mange.Ils ont mange.

Page 37: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

And so the twins rested on the mountain. Time passed, not a lot, but an hour or so. They eat their food and had their drinks. Soon it was time to leave.

Page 38: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

I guess it’s time to go back now huh.

I guess so.

Page 39: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Elle est descendue.Il est descendu.Ils sont descendus.

Page 40: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 41: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 42: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 43: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 44: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 45: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 46: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 47: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 48: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski


Page 49: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

What happened?!

Page 50: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

I fell…

Elle est tombee.Il est tombe.Ils sont tombes.

Page 51: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski


Page 52: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

We can go back you know.

Elle est retournee.Il est retourne.Ils sont retournes.

Page 53: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

No. It’s fine.

Page 54: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 55: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 56: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 57: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski
Page 58: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Elle est partie.Il est parti.Ils sont partis.

Page 59: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Wow that was soo much fun. We should do that

again some time,

Page 60: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

We really should. ^_^

Page 61: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Etre Etre

Je suis Tu esIl/Elle/On estNous sommesVous etesIls/Elles sont

Page 62: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski


J’ai Tu asIl/Elle/On aNous avonsVous avesIls/Elles ont

Page 63: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

D: descendre- descendu (go down) R: reviner- revinu (to come back/again)


M: monter- monte (get on) R: rester- reste (to stay) S: sortir- sorti (take out)

V: venir- venu(come) A: aller- alle (to go) N: naitre- ne (to be born) D: devnir- devenu (to become) E: entrer- entre (to enter) R: rentrer- rentre (to reenter) T: tomber- tombe (to fall) R: retourner- retourne (to return) A: arriver- arrive (to arrive) M: mourir- mort (to die) P: partir- parti (to leave)

Words that in Words that in the Past Tense the Past Tense You Use EtreYou Use Etre

Page 64: The Adventures of Helios and Eos: The Mountain By Aurora Morton and Katherine Minski

Words that are irregularWords that are irregularBoire- buVoir- vuVouloir- vouluPouvoir- puPerdre- perduMettre- misAvoir- euEtre- ete