the advocate (charleston, w. va.). 1910-09-29 [p 3]. · 2018-02-12 · a. g. scott was at leewood...

Are You Working for Money? Or is Your Money Working for You? II you are working and saving your money and putting it ic a bank where you get no interest, keep ing It in a trunk or hiding it somewhere about your house . You Are Working For Money. If you are working and saving you:* rnonoy and investing it in a safe way, where it will be working day and night whether you are working or not, and making you at least six per cent, interest . Your Monej is working For You. he Pythian Mutual Investment Association was organized in order to give us an opportunity to put the money we could save together and Uirn put it to work. The above is a picture of our building on the Capitol Square in Charleston. We have jusi purchased a splendid three story blick building on one of the business streets in the city of Huntington. The first floor is occupied by the Huntington Herald. largest daily newspaper published in that section of the state, the second floor is used for office rooms. while the htird floor is a large assembly and lodge hall. This buildi iug is sur® to pay us well. After the Charleston building had been occupied only eight months our stockholders were paid a dividend of bIx per cent. Stock is still on sale at $10.00 per share, either paid up or on the Installment plan. Ask your agent in your locality about it or write to this office. Let Your Money Work For You * r Pythian Mutual Investment Association. ' " L. O. WILSON, President, Weston, W. Va. ADDITIONAL CORRESPONDENCE CEDAR GROVE* T. W. Hale, of Charleston, was here, Sunday. Miss Encll Fortner, of Mammoth, and Miss Florence Williams, of Ward, were in town Sunday. J. A. Shields, of Wevaco, attended the Emancipation Celebration here, last Thursday. Miss Ophelia Kates, of Ward, passed through here, last Sunday, en route to Storer College, Harpers Ferry. |Prof. E. W. Curry,, of the Curry L Normal and Industrial School, of Ur- bana, O., was here on Emancipation Day. While here he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Martin. The Emancipation Celebration here, on Sept. 2 2nd, was one of the greatest attractions in the history of this town. Mrs. W. II. Lacy, Norman Lacy and W. IT. Lacy, Jr., of GlousTer, O., witnessed the Emancipation Celebra¬ tion here, Thursday. While here they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Martin. Mr. Edward Phillips attended the reception of Miss Ophelia Kates, of Ward, Saturday night. Newton Buster and wife, of Boomer, wore guests of Mr. ar"! Mrs. For Sale Houses and Lots Water, Shade Trees on residence lots. For Terms Address J. E. Adams Prnceton, W. V Box 81. V V|. Thomas Buster, Thursday. - Fred Strudwick . visitecV- Miss Ida Brown in Charleston, Sunday. D. E. V. Jordan, of Clarksburg, was here Sunday on business. Rev. W. W. Scott, of East Bank, was iu town last week On business. Mrs. Georgia Lewis, of Longacre, was hero last week. 1IOLDKX. Miss Cornelia Spears, accompanied 'by her mother, Mrs. Lq,cy Jackson, is in town, the guest of her sister, Mrs. .Smith. Robert Brown made a business trip to Charleston, Monday. A party of young people, with Mrs. J. I). Johnson and Fannie Smith as chaperons, went to Logan, Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Smoot, of Madison, re¬ turned home, Friday. Henry Newel returned from Hun¬ tington, Tuesday where he has been taking a treatment, at the Hospital. Owing to the failure to get the benches, the school will not begin until Oct. 2. Rev. Scott closed his revival here, Sunday night, and left for Ilonoake, Monday morning. George Henderson made a busi¬ ness trip to Logan, Saturday. George Watkins and wife were visiting relatives, at Coal Branch, Sunday. Mis<s Alberta Johnson, Marian Bass and Clarence Wilson will leave for Institute, Monday, where they are expecting to enter school. The friends of Mrs. Katherine Johnson will be surprised to know that she and Mr. Neal Fitch were married in Albany, N. Y., Smulay, Sept. 18. f » ' HOOMHIt. The publis school has opened with Miss Sessie Jordan as teacher. We are having revival services at the First Baptist Church, Rev. J. \V. Williams officiating. Among the many who attended the Emancipation Celebration at Ce¬ dar Grove were Mrs. May me Woods, Miss Carolyn Buster, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Blister, B. B. Waynesboro, Miss Maud Robinson and Floyd Buster. Mrs, Mattie Parks was shopping in ! ." Montgomery, Saturday. Mr.;. Ros^i Reeves spent Sunday visiting friends at Boomer. /.Mrs. Coleman, of Powellton, was visiting Mrs. Gus Washington, last \\ eek. Miss Georgie Keaton, of Longacre, was the guest of Miss Mattie Harris, Sunday. A Republican Club was organized at this place, last week. Elias Hat¬ field was elected president; C. C. Woods. Secretary.. Mrs. Ruby Saunders was shop¬ ping in Montgomery Monday. M r. HOPE. Rev. S. A. Lewis, of Ronceverte, W. Va., conducted the quarterly meeting, at the Mt. Moriah Method¬ ist Episcopal church, last. Friday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Banks, of Red Star, were visiting in town, Sunday. Mrs. Annie Taylor, of Turkey, was visiting Mrs, II. A. Johnson, Sun¬ day. Miss Carrie Jones left, last Mon¬ day, to resume her studies, at the W. Va. Colored Institute. .Mr. Chas. Williams, has returned from Virginia, where he has heen visiting. I Miss Loraine Robinson has gone to the Red Sulphur Springs. A number of young men are con¬ templating a trip to Columbus, Oct. 1st. f,. \j. Taylor is visiting friends in Virginia. Mt. Hope played the Winona team, last Saturday week, and was defeat¬ ed by a score of 1 4 to 12. FI8JITCRMAN BUITjT)ING. Addition , costing $1 0,000, is dedi¬ cated with appropriate ceremonies by leading officials. Baltimore, Sept. 27 . The hand¬ some new $10,000 addition to the Galilean Fishermen's hall was dedi¬ cated last night. Addressee were made by Supreme Ruler Columbus Gorden, State Ruler, .T..T. Evans, and others. . . ? * A WORD WITH OUR FKIENDH. We have Just opened a first-class Ice cream parlor at the People's Gro¬ cery store in the K. of P. Building, where you will receive the very best of nervice. Our cream is the best In the land, guaranteed to please you, Hours for, Sunday: 4 p. m. to 11 p. m. We will be open eveiy night during the week W. II. Parker, Manager. PBAOT. W. S. Howard, Qt Richmond, Va., Dan Cyrus and Anthony Powell, celebrated Emancipation day tit Cedar Grove Thursday. Misses Kitty and Channie Ross, of Crown Hill, and Miss Lee Logan, otl Hansford were . Wednesday evening guests, of Miss Jennie Foster at the, residence of Mrs. T. W. 'Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cyrus were vis¬ iting in London Sunday. T. W. Holmes made a business trip to London Sunday. Fred Foreman, Oscar and Willie .Holmes, Miss Lillian Booker attend¬ ed a su-pper at Han&ford Saturday, niglit. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hill were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Holmes. Anthony Powell spent Sunday at Hansford the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Holmes enter¬ tained Sunday their guests John Murry, of Hughes ton, Thos. M. Holm¬ es, o>f Hand ley, C. H. Rollins and Mrs. Hiran Brook Ins. Mrs. C. R. Rollins and Mrs. Dan Cyrus were shopping in Montgomery Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Green, of Hansford were seen on our streets Monday. Miss Jennie Foster has been in¬ disposed for a few days but is ablo to be out again: Mrs. H. C. Washington, of Hughes- ton, was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Washington last "week. Hiran Brookings has returned home after a week's visit with his mother at Handle j. Mrs. Sam Banks, of Burn well, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Hiram1. W. S. Howard started for his home in Richmond, Va., Monday. 1 i DAVIS. Mrs. Terrill, of Dobbin, is visit¬ ing Mrs. Howard Clark, andMs hav¬ ing her two grand children trans¬ ferred to Davis school. Mrs. Juanita Lane entertained sev¬ eral of her lady friends from Thomas Sunday. Miss Jennie Wheeler entertained at Sunday dinner Mr. E. B. Black, Mrs. L. D. Coleman and Mr. Cole¬ man. The Church and Sabbath School seem to be in good condition, yet the people have been without a pas¬ tor for several Sundays. It is hoped some arrangements may be made by which this defect may soon be reme¬ died. The Emancipation Celebration was a grand and most successful event. This was the first celebration 'ever held in this section. Davis and Thomas united, Thomas coming to Davis, and meeting at the school house, from thence to Blackwater Falls, a place of natural beauty. Ev¬ erybody was served without cost. At 2 p. m., Presideet Malone called to order and a program was rendered as Song Battle Hymn of Republic . Thirty Voices. Invocation L». Hill Song . America Choir Reading of Emancipation Proclama¬ tion and Address . E. B. Black. Song Choir Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech . Willie Burly. Reading . Lincoln's Second Inaugu¬ ral address . Mrs. Virgie Lee. Life of Lincoln . . . Bernard Campbell Song Choir Recitation . Captain, Oh, Captain. Miss Jennie Wheeler. Reading Mrs. Jennie Lee Address . Forty Years of Freedom, C. R. Black. Song . . Choir Selection . . . .Davis Colored School Reading . Selection from Paul Law¬ rence Dunbar . Mrs. E. Jones. Song Choir Reading (Mrs. John BlofC Song . Flag of Uncle Sam . Mrs. L. D. Coleman. Selection ...Thomas Colored School Duette Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Underwood. Noted Sayings of Lincoln . Twenty Child re.i. Song Mrs. Austin Harris Address . Hon. W. J. Thompson, or¬ ator of the Lay. Song Choir W.YKi: FOKKST. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Scott are the proud parents of a son. G. L. Allen and J. N. Miller were at Marmet Saturday on business. John Richardson, who has been 111 for sometime, is able to be out again. Miss Mamie Hopkins, of Charles¬ ton, opened school Monday. Mrs. Spearman and Mrs. McBride were in Montgomery last week on business. Rev. W. W. Scott preached a very able sermon at the Baptist church j Wednesday night. Rev. Richard Hughes preached two able sermons Sunday. W. H. Harris, of Montgomery, gave a very interestng talk at the Liter¬ ary Tuesday night. Mrs. Carrie Alston, of Wevaco, Resources » What It Means A savings account stands for thrift, industry and independence; for freedom from th? cares of * the present and uncertainties of the future, it represents economy and self-denial and, moreover, that the possessor has taken advantage of an opportunity. We offer you this same opportunity now if you will deposit $1.00 or more with this bank. We pay W/c interest, compounded semi-annuelly, 011 savings, and welcome small accounts as well as large. THE OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN CHARLESTON I j. PRICIIARD, CAPT, J. R. SEAL, II. L. PRICIIARD, J. D. POSTER, Vfc. President. Vice- 1 'resident. Cashier. Asst. Cashier was caling on Mrs. A. G. Scott Thurs¬ day. « A. G. Scott was at Leewood Sun¬ day on business. <. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scruggs left for their home in Salem, Va., a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. William Edinburgh were at Cedar Grove the 22nd to the celebration. Mrs. Joe Lenore, who has been visiting relatives in Ronceverte, re¬ turned last week. IT. M. C. Reed, of South Carbon, was at Berlin on business Satur¬ day. Block 2 7, West Charleston, which lot fronts 2 5 feet on 4th Avenue and .runs back 120 feet to an alley, and being the same Dot. No. G of Block 2 7, which, was conveyed to Sarah J. Brewer by the West Charleston Com¬ pany, a corporation, by Deed dated the 14th day of July, 1905, and re¬ corded in the County Clerk's ollice of Kanawha County, West Virginia, in Deed Book No. 9 8, Page 17 8, and being the same lot of land conveyed to said Alice Roberts by Sarah J. Brewer by Deed dated September 2 5, ,1908, and recorded in the office of Clerk of the County Court of Kana¬ wha County, West Virginia, in Deed Book 114, Page IS 9. L. E. McW II OUTER, 9-1 1 -4 1. Trustee. COLOUKD VOTKKS ASSISTED. Portland, Me., Sept. 21. . II is said that :j,00() colored voters, disgustcl with the Taft administration, vote! with the Democrats in the .*eeeut election in which they turned a lie- . publican majority into a Democrat'- majority of 8,000. JIM CROW CARS. And disfranchisement will be the Ne¬ gro's portion if tlie Democrats are elected. In his paper, The Weekly Courier, George Byrne to whom above all the credit should be given for the in¬ sertion of the jim crow car and dis¬ franchisement -planks in the plat¬ form of the state Democratic conven¬ tion assembled here two years ago, says: I see there ar$ a number I^egro clubs in this city, organized for' the purpose of helping to elect the demo¬ cratic county ticket. I am glad to see this, for I believe the smccess of that ticket is vital to the interest1 of the community. It shows thai the col¬ ored people are alive to these inter¬ ests, and willing to help forward them. It shows that they have come to see the truth with respect to the matter of disfranchising those mem¬ bers of their own race who are not fitted for the exercise of the fran¬ chise, for they know, of course, that the democratic candidates for the leg¬ islature will vote for a disfranchising amendment, if elected. They are pledged to do this by the democratic piatform, and impelled a3 well, doubt, by their personal predilec¬ tions. I believe the future good of the col¬ ored race will be best served by tak¬ ing the franchise away from the members of that race at present, and making its return a matter for the citizens of the future to deal with. The organization of these Negro clubs means to me that the Negroes themselves see this matter in the proper light, and are acting accord¬ ingly. The democratic candidates are al¬ so in favor of a separate coach law, and will no doubt give their sup¬ port to such a measure, if they shall be elected, which now seems assured for with the Negro votes taken away From it the republican party in Ka¬ nawha county will be absolutely helpless. Thus do all things work together for good to them that serve the Lord. And the democratic 'party has been faithful in the service. NOTICi; OK TItU.STIOlO'H HA MO. Under authority of Deed of Trust made by Alice Roberts and Thomas Roberts, her husband, to the under¬ signed Trustee dated January J 8, 1910 and recorded in the office of Clerk of the County Court of Kana- i wha County, West Virginia in Trust i Deed Book 35, Page 57 4, given to secure payment of a note therein described to Blddie Fogaxty; default having been made in the payment of &aid note, and being thereto request¬ ed by said Riddle Fogarty, I shall on Saturday, October 22d 1910 at 10 a. m., at the East Front Door of the Court House of Kanawha County, West Virginia, on Court Street in the City of Charleston, proceed to sell the property conveyed by said Deed of Trust, to the highest bidder, for cash, the said property consisting of a house and lot known as Dot 6 of ' T. \V. HAL.R 15. If. HANKIXSOV. H.&H. TAILORS CTiKANKRS, I'HlCSSKIiS AN'I) M.YKKKS OF MEN'S OIX>T>II\G. l'hoiic 138GX. Shop: <VM State Street. mm hmw. CROWN AND' 15111 1KIK WORK HOURS: 8:30 TO 1:30 P,M. A SPECIALTY lirOO TO ^:(H) P. M. Dr. James B. Brown Dental Surgeon Office: Room 1, li. of P. llltlg. Home Phono 420. gflygg HENRY T. M'DONALD, N. C. BRAOKETT, President Treasurer. STORER COLLEGE Harper's Ferry, W. Va . Founded in 1807 . More than 4 00 men and women have graduated here. The oldest school in the state for Colored students. Magnificent location. Elev;» tion high. Remarkably healthful. Ample buildings. THREE NKM BUILDINGS BEING ADDED TO OU R PLANT THIS YEAR. The re>n lnr faculty of sixteen highly educated, earnest teachers does not includt assistants. Our Library catalogued accord! ng to the Dewey System, is one of the largest In the state. FIR8T GRADE CERTIFICATE S ARE GRANTED TO THOSE MEM BERS OF THE GRADUATING CLA SSES WHO ARE RECOMMEND*. D TO THE STATE HOARD OF EDUCA TION. Storer is Interdenominational in its faculty and student body. Its whole influence is toward Christiai living. Literary Societies, Christian Organizations, Musical Club.-> Bands and Sane Athletics. COUF.SE3. Academic, State Normal, Industrial, Music. For illustrated catalogue and other printed matter writ© to The President THE CRYSTAL BATH HOVSf f. . , ' r * * 4 . . * ., ' Owned and Controlled by the Knights of Pythias of Norti America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia 1 .. 1..M. i ju« uuiy uctm uuuse 01 us Rika u> the United States for Colored People receiving its hot water direct from tb« United States Government. EquVppoi. with all the latest improvements Experienced attendants. Steam heat¬ ed throughout. PRICE OF BATHS: $4.00 per course of 21 baths. $2.00 per half courae of 10 baths. 2 5 cents per single bath. Knights of Pythias and memberi of the Court of Calanthe with cer¬ tificates of good standing in t . elr - respective lodges are entitled to thtt rat***. Attendants' Fees j|?-gO Per course of 21 Baths ($1.50 per course of 10 Baths Call on or Address - - - J. R. SMITH, Mgr. CRYSTAL BATH HOUSE - HOT SPRINGS, ARK

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Page 1: The advocate (Charleston, W. Va.). 1910-09-29 [p 3]. · 2018-02-12 · A. G. Scott was at Leewood Sun¬ day on business

Are You Working for Money?Or is Your Money Working for You?

II you are working and saving your money and putting it ic a bank where you get no interest, keeping It in a trunk or hiding it somewhere about your house.You Are Working For Money.If you are working and saving you:* rnonoy and investing it in a safe way, where it will be workingday and night whether you are working or not, and making you at least six per cent, interest.Your Monejis working For You.

The Pythian Mutual Investment Association was organized in order to give us an opportunity to putthe money we could save together and Uirn put it to work. The above is a picture of our building on theCapitol Square in Charleston. We have jusi purchased a splendid three story blick building on one of the

main business streets in the city of Huntington. The first floor is occupied by the Huntington Herald.the largest daily newspaper published in that section of the state, the second floor is used for office rooms.

while the htird floor is a large assembly and lodge hall. This buildi iug is sur® to pay us well. After theCharleston building had been occupied only eight months our stockholders were paid a dividend of bIx percent.

Stock is still on sale at $10.00 per share, either paid up or on the Installment plan. Ask youragent in your locality about it or write to this office.

Let Your Money Work For You*

rPythian MutualInvestment Association.' "



T. W. Hale, of Charleston, washere, Sunday.

Miss Encll Fortner, of Mammoth,and Miss Florence Williams, ofWard, were in town Sunday.

J. A. Shields, of Wevaco, attendedthe Emancipation Celebration here,last Thursday.

Miss Ophelia Kates, of Ward,passed through here, last Sunday, enroute to Storer College, HarpersFerry.

|Prof. E. W. Curry,, of the CurryL Normal and Industrial School, of Ur-

bana, O., was here on EmancipationDay. While here he was the guestof Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Martin.The Emancipation Celebration

here, on Sept. 2 2nd, was one of thegreatest attractions in the historyof this town.

Mrs. W. II. Lacy, Norman Lacyand W. IT. Lacy, Jr., of GlousTer, O.,witnessed the Emancipation Celebra¬tion here, Thursday. While herethey were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Martin.

Mr. Edward Phillips attended thereception of Miss Ophelia Kates, ofWard, Saturday night.

Newton Buster and wife, ofBoomer, wore guests of Mr. ar"! Mrs.

For SaleHouses and LotsWater, Shade Treeson residence lots.

For Terms Address

J. E. AdamsPrnceton, W. V

Box 81.


V|.Thomas Buster, Thursday. -

Fred Strudwick . visitecV- Miss IdaBrown in Charleston, Sunday.

D. E. V. Jordan, of Clarksburg,was here Sunday on business.

Rev. W. W. Scott, of East Bank,was iu town last week On business.

Mrs. Georgia Lewis, of Longacre,was hero last week.

1IOLDKX.Miss Cornelia Spears, accompanied

'by her mother, Mrs. Lq,cy Jackson, isin town, the guest of her sister, Mrs..Smith.

Robert Brown made a businesstrip to Charleston, Monday.A party of young people, with

Mrs. J. I). Johnson and FannieSmith as chaperons, went to Logan,Sunday.

Mrs. Fannie Smoot, of Madison, re¬turned home, Friday.

Henry Newel returned from Hun¬tington, Tuesday where he has beentaking a treatment, at the Hospital.

Owing to the failure to get thebenches, the school will not beginuntil Oct. 2.

Rev. Scott closed his revival here,Sunday night, and left for Ilonoake,Monday morning.

George Henderson made a busi¬ness trip to Logan, Saturday.

George Watkins and wife werevisiting relatives, at Coal Branch,Sunday.

Mis<s Alberta Johnson, Marian Bassand Clarence Wilson will leave forInstitute, Monday, where they areexpecting to enter school.

The friends of Mrs. KatherineJohnson will be surprised to knowthat she and Mr. Neal Fitch weremarried in Albany, N. Y., Smulay,Sept. 18. f


The publis school has opened withMiss Sessie Jordan as teacher.We are having revival services at

the First Baptist Church, Rev. J.\V. Williams officiating.Among the many who attended

the Emancipation Celebration at Ce¬dar Grove were Mrs. Mayme Woods,Miss Carolyn Buster, Mr. and Mrs.Newton Blister, B. B. Waynesboro,Miss Maud Robinson and FloydBuster.

Mrs, Mattie Parks was shopping in

! ."Montgomery, Saturday.Mr.;. Ros^i Reeves spent Sundayvisiting friends at Boomer.

/.Mrs. Coleman, of Powellton, wasvisiting Mrs. Gus Washington, last\\ eek.

Miss Georgie Keaton, of Longacre,was the guest of Miss Mattie Harris,Sunday.A Republican Club was organized

at this place, last week. Elias Hat¬field was elected president; C. C.Woods. Secretary..

Mrs. Ruby Saunders was shop¬ping in Montgomery Monday.M r. HOPE.

Rev. S. A. Lewis, of Ronceverte,W. Va., conducted the quarterlymeeting, at the Mt. Moriah Method¬ist Episcopal church, last. Fridayafternoon and evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Banks, of Red Star,were visiting in town, Sunday.

Mrs. Annie Taylor, of Turkey,was visiting Mrs, II. A. Johnson, Sun¬day.

Miss Carrie Jones left, last Mon¬day, to resume her studies, at theW. Va. Colored Institute.

.Mr. Chas. Williams, has returnedfrom Virginia, where he has heenvisiting. I

Miss Loraine Robinson has goneto the Red Sulphur Springs.A number of young men are con¬

templating a trip to Columbus, Oct.1st.

f,. \j. Taylor is visiting friends inVirginia.

Mt. Hope played the Winona team,last Saturday week, and was defeat¬ed by a score of 1 4 to 12.

FI8JITCRMAN BUITjT)ING.Addition ,costing $1 0,000, is dedi¬

cated with appropriate ceremoniesby leading officials.Baltimore, Sept. 27.The hand¬

some new $10,000 addition to theGalilean Fishermen's hall was dedi¬cated last night. Addressee weremade by Supreme Ruler ColumbusGorden, State Ruler, .T..T. Evans, andothers.

. . ? *

A WORD WITH OUR FKIENDH.We have Just opened a first-class

Ice cream parlor at the People's Gro¬cery store in the K. of P. Building,where you will receive the very bestof nervice. Our cream is the bestIn the land, guaranteed to please you,Hours for, Sunday: 4 p. m. to 11p. m. We will be open eveiy nightduring the week

W. II. Parker, Manager.


W. S. Howard, Qt Richmond, Va.,Dan Cyrus and Anthony Powell,celebrated Emancipation day titCedar Grove Thursday.Misses Kitty and Channie Ross, of

Crown Hill, and Miss Lee Logan, otlHansford were . Wednesday eveningguests, of Miss Jennie Foster at the,residence of Mrs. T. W. 'Holmes.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cyrus were vis¬iting in London Sunday.

T. W. Holmes made a businesstrip to London Sunday.

Fred Foreman, Oscar and Willie.Holmes, Miss Lillian Booker attend¬ed a su-pper at Han&ford Saturday,niglit.

Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hill were theweek end guests of Mr. and Mrs. P.W. Holmes.

Anthony Powell spent Sunday atHansford the guest of Mr. and Mrs.M. D. Powell.

Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Holmes enter¬tained Sunday their guests JohnMurry, of Hugheston, Thos. M. Holm¬es, o>f Hand ley, C. H. Rollins andMrs. Hiran BrookIns.

Mrs. C. R. Rollins and Mrs. DanCyrus were shopping in MontgomeryMonday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Green, ofHansford were seen on our streetsMonday.

Miss Jennie Foster has been in¬disposed for a few days but is abloto be out again:

Mrs. H. C. Washington, of Hughes-ton, was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo.Washington last "week.Hiran Brookings has returned homeafter a week's visit with his motherat Handlej.

Mrs. Sam Banks, of Burn well,spent Wednesday with Mrs. Hiram1.

W. S. Howard started for his homein Richmond, Va., Monday.

1 i


Mrs. Terrill, of Dobbin, is visit¬ing Mrs. Howard Clark, andMs hav¬ing her two grand children trans¬ferred to Davis school.

Mrs. Juanita Lane entertained sev¬eral of her lady friends from ThomasSunday.

Miss Jennie Wheeler entertainedat Sunday dinner Mr. E. B. Black,Mrs. L. D. Coleman and Mr. Cole¬man.The Church and Sabbath School

seem to be in good condition, yetthe people have been without a pas¬tor for several Sundays. It is hopedsome arrangements may be made bywhich this defect may soon be reme¬died.

The Emancipation Celebration wasa grand and most successful event.This was the first celebration 'everheld in this section. Davis andThomas united, Thomas coming toDavis, and meeting at the schoolhouse, from thence to BlackwaterFalls, a place of natural beauty. Ev¬erybody was served without cost. At2 p. m., Presideet Malone called toorder and a program was rendered asSong Battle Hymn of Republic.

Thirty Voices.Invocation L». HillSong.America ChoirReading of Emancipation Proclama¬

tion and Address.E. B. Black.Song ChoirLincoln's Gettysburg Speech.Willie

Burly.Reading.Lincoln's Second Inaugu¬

ral address.Mrs. Virgie Lee.Life of Lincoln . . . Bernard CampbellSong ChoirRecitation . Captain, Oh, Captain.

Miss Jennie Wheeler.Reading Mrs. Jennie LeeAddress.Forty Years of Freedom,

C. R. Black.Song . . ChoirSelection . . . .Davis Colored SchoolReading.Selection from Paul Law¬

rence Dunbar.Mrs. E. Jones.Song ChoirReading (Mrs. John BlofCSong.Flag of Uncle Sam.Mrs. L.

D. Coleman.Selection ...Thomas Colored SchoolDuette Mr. and Mrs. L. B.

Underwood.Noted Sayings of Lincoln.Twenty

Child re.i.Song Mrs. Austin HarrisAddress.Hon. W. J. Thompson, or¬

ator of the Lay.Song Choir


Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Scott are theproud parents of a son.

G. L. Allen and J. N. Miller wereat Marmet Saturday on business.

John Richardson, who has been111 for sometime, is able to be outagain.

Miss Mamie Hopkins, of Charles¬ton, opened school Monday.

Mrs. Spearman and Mrs. McBridewere in Montgomery last week onbusiness.

Rev. W. W. Scott preached a veryable sermon at the Baptist church jWednesday night.

Rev. Richard Hughes preached twoable sermons Sunday.W. H. Harris, of Montgomery, gave

a very interestng talk at the Liter¬ary Tuesday night.

Mrs. Carrie Alston, of Wevaco,



What It MeansA savings account stands for thrift, industry and independence; for freedom from th? cares of *the present and uncertainties of the future, it represents economy and self-denial and, moreover,that the possessor has taken advantage of an opportunity.We offer you this same opportunity now if you will deposit $1.00 or more with this bank. Wepay W/c interest, compounded semi-annuelly, 011 savings, and welcome small accounts as well aslarge.





President.Vice- 1'resident.

Cashier.Asst. Cashier

was caling on Mrs. A. G. Scott Thurs¬day. «

A. G. Scott was at Leewood Sun¬day on business. <.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scruggs leftfor their home in Salem, Va., a fewdays ago.

Mr. and Mrs. William Edinburghwere at Cedar Grove the 22nd to thecelebration.

Mrs. Joe Lenore, who has beenvisiting relatives in Ronceverte, re¬turned last week.

IT. M. C. Reed, of South Carbon,was at Berlin on business Satur¬day.

Block 2 7, West Charleston, which lotfronts 2 5 feet on 4th Avenue and.runs back 120 feet to an alley, andbeing the same Dot. No. G of Block2 7, which, was conveyed to Sarah J.Brewer by the West Charleston Com¬pany, a corporation, by Deed datedthe 14th day of July, 1905, and re¬corded in the County Clerk's olliceof Kanawha County, West Virginia,in Deed Book No. 9 8, Page 17 8, andbeing the same lot of land conveyedto said Alice Roberts by Sarah J.Brewer by Deed dated September 2 5,,1908, and recorded in the office of

Clerk of the County Court of Kana¬wha County, West Virginia, in DeedBook 114, Page IS 9.

L. E. McW IIOUTER,9-1 1 -4 1. Trustee.


Portland, Me., Sept. 21.. II is saidthat :j,00() colored voters, disgustclwith the Taft administration, vote!with the Democrats in the .*eeeutelection in which they turned a lie- .

publican majority into a Democrat'-majority of 8,000.


And disfranchisement will be the Ne¬gro's portion if tlie Democrats areelected.

In his paper, The Weekly Courier,George Byrne to whom above all thecredit should be given for the in¬sertion of the jim crow car and dis¬franchisement -planks in the plat¬form of the state Democratic conven¬tion assembled here two years ago,says:

I see there ar$ a number q£ I^egroclubs in this city, organized for' thepurpose of helping to elect the demo¬cratic county ticket. I am glad to seethis, for I believe the smccess of thatticket is vital to the interest1 of thecommunity. It shows thai the col¬ored people are alive to these inter¬ests, and willing to help forwardthem. It shows that they have cometo see the truth with respect to thematter of disfranchising those mem¬bers of their own race who are notfitted for the exercise of the fran¬chise, for they know, of course, thatthe democratic candidates for the leg¬islature will vote for a disfranchisingamendment, if elected. They arepledged to do this by the democraticpiatform, and impelled a3 well,doubt, by their personal predilec¬tions.

I believe the future good of the col¬ored race will be best served by tak¬ing the franchise away from themembers of that race at present, andmaking its return a matter for thecitizens of the future to deal with.The organization of these Negroclubs means to me that the Negroesthemselves see this matter in theproper light, and are acting accord¬ingly.The democratic candidates are al¬

so in favor of a separate coach law,and will no doubt give their sup¬port to such a measure, if they shallbe elected, which now seems assuredfor with the Negro votes taken awayFrom it the republican party in Ka¬nawha county will be absolutelyhelpless.Thus do all things work together

for good to them that serve the Lord.And the democratic 'party has beenfaithful in the service.

NOTICi; OK TItU.STIOlO'H HAMO.Under authority of Deed of Trust

made by Alice Roberts and ThomasRoberts, her husband, to the under¬signed Trustee dated January J 8,1910 and recorded in the office ofClerk of the County Court of Kana-

iwha County, West Virginia in Trust iDeed Book 35, Page 57 4, given tosecure payment of a note thereindescribed to Blddie Fogaxty; defaulthaving been made in the payment of&aid note, and being thereto request¬ed by said Riddle Fogarty, I shall onSaturday, October 22d 1910 at 10a. m., at the East Front Door of theCourt House of Kanawha County,West Virginia, on Court Street in theCity of Charleston, proceed to sellthe property conveyed by said Deedof Trust, to the highest bidder, forcash, the said property consisting ofa house and lot known as Dot 6 of '



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