the aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

NASA TM X-54,056 2 E &-' THE AERODYNAMIC HEATING OF ATMOSPHERE ENTRY VEHICLES - A REVIEW By H. Julian Allen NASA, Ames Research Center Moffett Field, California Paper for Symposium on Fundamental Phenomena in Hypersonic Flow, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Buffalo, New York, June 25-26, 1964 2018-02-10T03:33:14+00:00Z

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Page 1: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

NASA TM X-54,056

2 E



By H. Julian Allen

NASA, Ames Research Center Moffett Field, California

Paper for Symposium on Fundamental Phenomena in Hypersonic Flow, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory,

Buffalo, New York, June 25-26, 1964 2018-02-10T03:33:14+00:00Z

Page 2: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

The Aerodynamic Heating of Atmosphere Entry Vehicles -


A Review

By H. Julian Allen*

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ames Research Center Moffett Field, C a l i f .


It w a s only a l i t t l e more than a decade ago tha t aeronautical

engineers were faced with the challenge of designing the f i rs t long-

range b a l l i s t i c missiles. Since the chemical rocket requires t ha t

oxidizer as well as fue l be carried, the energy content per u n i t pro-

pel lant mass i s poor. I n addition, the mean propulsive efficiency i s

low so t h a t the r a t i o of launch weight t o empty weight i s very large

indeed. Hence every e f for t must be made t o keep the payload as large

a fract ion of the empty weight as possible.

therefore a prerequisite for the long-range rocket.

Light construction i s

The engine

designers were faced with the problem of designing rocket motors t ha t

would produce very high thrus t but with l i t t l e weight. The s t ruc tura l

engineers were required t o build the rocket she l l structure - mainly

tankage t o hold the large quantity of fue l needed - the mass of which

w a s but a few percent of the to t a l mass a t launch. The guidance and

control experts were called uponto provide systems which would give a

miss distance of about one m i l e a t a ta rge t f ive thousand miles away.

The aerodynamicist was asked t o provide an entry body for the warhead

t h a t could successfully withstand the intense convective heating

experienced upon reentry into the Earth's atmosphere. Each of these

* Assistant Director fo r Astronautics

Page 3: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

. 2

challenging problems - one or two orders of magnitude more d i f f i c u l t than

those which had been deal t with previously - w a s successfully mastered.

It i s the purpose of t h i s paper t o review h is tor ica l ly the aerodynamic

heating problems of the reentry vehicles s ta r t ing with long-range b a l l i s t i c

vehicles and finishing with what appear w i l l be the interplanetary space

vehicles of the future.

Aerodynamic Heating During Reentry of Ba l l i s t i c Missiles

A b a l l i s t i c vehicle required to a t t a i n a range of the order of one-

quarter the circumference of the Earth must be accelerated during the

boost phase into space t o a speed of about 7 km/sec.

has a kinet ic energy of aLout 25X106 m2/sec2 per u n i t mass which is

about eight times the amount of energy required t o convert a u n i t mass

The vehicle then

of ice into steam.

must be converted into heat, only a very small fraction of it can be

Clearly, i f a large fraction of t h i s kinet ic energy

allowed t o heat the vehicle if the vehicle is not t o be destroyed before

reaching the target . Therein l i e s the problem.

In order t o assess the fraction of the energy which enters the

vehicle, consider the following simplified analysis.

of the vehicle, VE, is high and the t ra jec tory reasonably steep, as i s

the case for the b a l l i s t i c missile, then the negative acceleration due

If the entry speed

t o drag is large compared t o Earth’s gravity acceleration during the

portion of the atmosphere entry when the heating is important.

simplify the equation of motion t o

We may


m entry body mass

V veloci ty

Page 4: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review



t time

p a i r density


CD drag coefficient

reference area (usually base area) f o r def ini t ion of coefficients

Now, the heating ra te f o r these vehicles i s very large compared t o

the ra te at vhich heat can be reradiated f rox %he s u f a c e , and the

driving temperature potent ia l promoting the convective t ransfer of heat

i s determined essent ia l ly by the a i r temperature ( i . e . , the wall tern-

perature can be ignored by comparison t o the air temperature). Under

these circumstances one may show that the r a t e of input of heat

expressed i n kinet ic energy units is

dq - I. C,~V~A a t 2

where CH i s the dimensionless heat-transfer coefficient.

Then equations (1) and (2) yield the important result tha t

dq = - - CH (7) mdv2 CD (3)

If we assume for the moment that the mass, the heat-transfer

coefficient,& the drag coefficient may be considered constant, then

the t o t a l heat input is

where Vo is the vehicle speed at sea leve l .

When the to t& heat input is l e a s t it can be shown tha t the f i n a l

speed, Vo, is small compared t o the entry speed so t h a t approximately

The fac tor CH

q = - CD

Page 5: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review



is the portion of the t o t a l kinetic energy which must appear a s heat t o

the vehicle and 1 - 7 the portion which i s given t o the a i r . Clearly,

we desire


en t i r e ly a convective one.

convective heat-transfer coefficient is d i r ec t ly expressible as

7, hereinafter called the energy fract ion, t o be as small as

A t b a l l i s t i c missile speeds the heating process i s essent ia l ly

Reynolds analogy ( r e f . 1) t e l l s us t h a t the

CF (7) 1 CH = 2

where CF is the f r ic t ion coefficient.

In order t o keep the heat shield mass, which is proportional t o the

t o t a l heat input, as small as possible, then, the extraneous mass (see

eq. ( 5 ) ) should be kept as small as possible, so t h a t the vehicle mass


indicate the optimum w i l l be attained when the r a t i o of f r i c t iona l force

t o t o t a l drag force is as small as possible (ref. 2 ) . A blunt body best

satisfies t h i s lat ter requirement. The energy fract ion, 7, can be made

par t icu lar ly low i f laminar flow can be maintained a t the usual Reynolds

numbers of i n t e re s t f o r then the f r ic t ion coefficient is much l e s s than

is no larger than necessary. In addition, equations ( 3 ) and (7)

it would be fo r turbulent flow.

than one-half of 1 percent were obtainable so t h a t even using a sol id

heat sinlc as a shield - a poor coolant a t best - a sat isfactory entry

vehicle could be designed.

Values of the energy fract ion of l e s s

The next important step was to incorporate ablative heat shields

i n the des-6 - that is, shields which would vaporize during the

heating so that advantage could be taken of the l a t e n t heat of vapori-

zation t o great ly increase the heat removed per uni t of heat shield mass.

The ablative shields have a second recognized advantage of great impor-

tance (see refs. 3 t o 6) which is that the issuing vapor from the

shields fends off the air so as t o reduce the shear at the vehicle

Page 6: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


surface and hence reduce the heat-transfer coefficient i t s e l f . This

reduction is approximately i n the r a t i o




the energy required t o vaporize a unit mass of the shield

a constant depending upon the molecular weight of the ablated vapor

and upon whether the boundary-layer flow is laminar or turbulent

Values of t h i s constant ( r e f . 6 ) are character is t ical ly about 0.3

f o r laminar flow and about 0.1 for turbulent flow. The important feature

t o note is tha t the reduction of heat-transfer coefficient with ablation

increases with increasing speed.

There i s a th i rd advantage of the ablative shield which is not

generally appreciated that w i l l become important a t higher entry speeds.

It is t ha t as ablation occurs, the coolant,after accepting all the heat

of which it i s capable, is automatically jett isoned. The ensuing heat

load is therefore lessened by the continuous reduction of unnecessary

mass. For the ablative heat shield the mass t ransfer equation is

With equation (1) then

so that for constant heat-transfer coefficient and drag coefficient, the

f i n a l mass is, for a l o w speed a t impact,

I -

Page 7: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review




since the f i n a l mass is, of course, the payload in an optimum design,

For the heat sink shield, on the other hand, even supposing the coolant

i s as ef f ic ien t as the ablator and tha t no allowance i s made for the

favorable effect of ablation on the heat-transfer coefficient, the

optimum r a t i o of payload t o t o t a l mass of payload plus coolant is

Figure 1 shows the optimum ra t io of payload t o entry mass as a

For the nonablative function of the energy parameter CHVE2/2C~(v.

shield the payload vanishes when t he energy parameter reaches 1.

the ablative shield some payload is available fo r indefini te ly large

values of the energy parameter although it may be uneconomically small.


Reentry Heating fo r Space Vehicles

The negative accelerations of b a l l i s t i c vehicles entering the

atmsphere on steep t ra jec tor ies are large compared t o the acceleration

of gravity, as noted ear l ie r , s o that the equation of motion can be

approximated by equation (1) and the t ra jec tory i s essent ia l ly a

s t ra ight l i ne . In planetary atmospheres the density variation with

altitude is essent ia l ly exponential i n form

-Ph P =


sea-level density Po h altitude

P inverse of the scale height

Under these circumstances it may readi ly be shown ( r e f . 2) tha t the

maximum acceleration, if it i s reached before impact, i s

Page 8: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review




e Naperian base

angle between the t ra jectory and the loca l horizontal

This is a ra ther curious result since it indicates t h i s accelera-

t i o n t o be independent of the vehicle shape or mass and only dependent

on entry speed, t ra jectory angle, and the scale height of the atmosphere.

For the typical b a l l i s t i c missile the maximum accelerations can reach

about -60 g but t h i s is of small significance since such vehicles can be

rather eas i ly made suf f ic ien t ly robust t o r e s i s t such loads.

For manned space vehicles, of course, maximum accelerations must

be l imited t o values of the order of 10 g during entry.

gives the clue tha t t h i s can be accomplished with a shallow trajectory.

This equation, however, cannot be used t o find the permissible t ra jec tory

angles because gravi ty e f fec ts were ignored i n i ts formulation.

( re fs . 7 and 8) has considered this problem with gravity effects included

as well as the e f fec ts of the use o f aerodynamic l i f t .

manned s a t e l l i t i e s , such as for Project Mercury, a sat isfactory reentry

may be made without the use of aerodynamic l i f t i f the entry t ra jec tory

is nei ther so s h a l l o w 88 t o overly extend the t ra jec tory due t o insuff i -

c ien t drag nor so steep as t o promte excessive accelerations. In fac t ,

by the use of a modest retrorocketwith properly directed thrus t a

landing at a preselected spot can easily be effected without the use of

aerodynamic lif't, as has been demonstrated with the Mercury spacecraft.

When the entry speed is increased to values corresponding t o Earth

parabolic speed o r greater, the attainment of a permissible approach

t ra jec tory becomes more d i f f i cu l t . A t Earth hyperbolic speeds, i n f ac t ,

i f the approach i s too shallow the drag may not be suff ic ient t o assure

t h a t the vehicle will be "captured" by the atmosphere.

Equation (14)


For near-Earth

Generally, the

Page 9: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


si.tuation w i l l be more res t r ic ted than has been indicated, fo r i f the

vehicle on the shallow t r a j ec to ry leaves the atmosphere, it may traverse

the Van Allen belts before i t s next approach t o Ea r th and so subject

t h e occupants t o a l e tha l radiation hazard.

assumed that a manned vehicle must be captured and kept i n the atmosphere

during the "first pass."

manned entry vehicle problem is the so-called en t ry corridor defined

herein as the range of a l t i t udes required as aiming points fo r the

approach t o assure tha t the vehicle nei ther experiences excessive

accelerations nor fa i l s t o be captured i n a s ingle pass.

the 10 g corridor as a function of l i f t -drag r a t i o for entry a t Earth

parabolic speed. The advantage of using aerodynamic l i f t i s apparent

and the subject has been t reated extensively i n the l i terature (e.g. ,

r e f s . 7 t o U) .

Accordingly, it usually i s

A concept convenient t o discussion of the


Figure 2 shows

This digression in to the discussion of t r a j ec to ry requirements is

per t inent t o the heating problem.

rather low mass, steep t ra jec tor ies are generally preferable f o r mini-

mizing ablat ive heat-shield weight, i f aerodynamic loading is not a

factor, since the heat pulse though intense i s but of very short

duration so t h a t l i t t l e heat is conducted in to the substructure.

addition, ablat ive shields which melt before being vaporized have a

t h i n melt so that the flow of the melt layer creates l i t t l e d i f f i cu l ty .

In contrast , for manned vehicles which must employ shallow-angled

t r a j ec to r i e s t o avoid excessive accelerations, the heating rate i s more

modest but lasts f o r a considerable period.

i s so severe that insulation is required t o prevent overheating of the


For small rugged en t ry vehicles of

I n

The conductivity problem

The choice of ablative materials i s r e s t r i c t ed since many

Page 10: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review



w i l l flow unduly because the l iquid f i l m layer is re la t ive ly thick.

On the other hand, there are some compensating factors favoring the

shallow trajector ies :

of heat t o be radiated fromthe vehicle surface, thus reducing the

required mass fo r the ablator.

f l i g h t Reynolds numbers are lower so tha t a laminar flow can often be

maintained where otherwise t.l~rbvlent. f low wnllll! C?CC??IT~ hence +,he

heating r a t e i s lessened.

the problem since the surface distribution of heating r a t e var ies with

the vehicle a t t i tude .

The long heating time permits a sizable amount

Also f o r large heavy vehicles the

The use of varying aerodynamic l i f t complicates

Up t o t h i s point the t a c i t assumption has been made tha t convective

heating const i tutes the to t a l .

f o r Earth, t h i s is essent ia l ly the case.

things being equal, only increases as about the square of the speed.

It is not immediately apparent that there i s a necessity t o consider

entry speeds above parabolic speed f o r Earth return from t rave l t o the

neighboring planets. For Hohmann t ransfer t ra jec tor ies from Mars or

Venus t o Earth, the atmosphere entry speeds a t Earth a re essent ia l ly

Earth parabolic speed.

required fo r the minimum energyt r ips are long, substant ia l f ract ions

of a year.

travel time.

promote some d i f f i c u l t psychological problems.

weight of l i f e support equipment increases with voyage t i m e .

obscurely, the vehicle weight, as determined f o r equal meteor impact

hazard, for example, gives advantage t o short t r i p duration. Thus, fo r

even modest sojourns into space there a re val id reasons fo r considering

For speeds up t o nearly parabolic speed

Thus the t o t a l heat input, other

However, as shown i n figure 3, the times

There are many good reasons f o r wanting t o shorten the

Bbr the occupants, long f l i gh t duration w i l l probably

Certainly, too, the


Page 11: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


atmosphere entry speeds in excess o f the parabolic speed.

d i s tan t journeys of the future the demands are even greater .

For more

A t these higher speeds one must contend w i t h an additional heating

contribution which a r i ses i n the following way:

shock layer i s dras t ica l ly slowed down re la t ive t o the body and i s

highly compressed.

L V L l v c I kcu w l ~ a k . r ~ l a C A L C : I ~ ~ I , I U L I a t tiie higher E i g h t speeds is

suff ic ient t o dissociate and ionize a large fract ion of the compressed

gas. These atomic and molecular species become important sources of

radiation which serve t o promote additional heating of the vehicle (see,

e.g., r e f s . 12 t o 16) .

The air entering the

The high kinetic energy is then almost en t i r e ly

---.---+*a +,. LA-& rm. - - - - - . L - I - . - . -

The phenomenon is a complicated one since a chain of processes is

required t o es tabl ish chemical and thermodynamic equilibrium.

radiat ion fromthe shock layer varies along the s t r eaml ines as air

i n i t i a l l y out of equilibrium subsides t o the equilibrium state. For the

purposes of t h i s discussion it i s sufficient t o note tha t one can regard

the shock-layer radiation as having two components, one from tha t

f ract ion of the gas which is in equilibrium and one from the nonequi-

l ibrium fract ion. When radiative heating becomes comparable t o or

exceeds the convective heating, it has been found t ha t the equilibrium

component far overshadows the nonequilibrium component.

we shaU concentrate our attention on the equilibrium radiation herein.

Figure 4 shows the equilibrium radiation rate per u n i t shock-layer

Thus the


gas volume as a function of U, the upstream velocity component normal

t o the shock f o r several values of f l i g h t a l t i tude . These are calculated

character is t ics (shown by the symboled points) and the l i nes composed of

s t r a igh t segments a re a rb i t ra ry fairings. A t a given velocity U, the

Page 12: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


variation of radiation with al t i tude corresponds t o a variation w i t h

air density t o the 1.8 power.

velocity, U, from about 8 km/sec t o 13.7 lun/sec, the in tens i ty is

increased four orders of magnitude, the in tens i ty varying with the

velocity t o the 15.45 power.

radiation continues t o increase but only as the veloci ty t o the 3.05 power.

It i s readily q g a r e n t that. althnijgh radiat,ive heatring consti tutes a

t r i v i a l contribution a t the lower speed, it becomes the dominating factor

a t higher speeds, par t icular ly i f these high speeds a re a t ta ined a t low

a l t i tudes .

A t any given a l t i t ude on increasing the

Above the speed of 13.7 km/sec, the

One concludes tha t when atmosphere entry speeds exceed about Earth

parabolic speed (11 km/sec) the blunt-body solution i s no longer the

optimum. Conical shapes for vehicles become a t t r ac t ive i n t h i s higher

speed range since the bow shock essent ia l ly is no longer normal t o the

direction o f motion.

nearly 14 km/sec, the principal radiative contribution varies as some-

thing more than the fif teenth power of the velocity component normal t o

the shock. Thus, for a given f l ight speed, the radiat ive rate varies

as the fifteenth power of the sine of the bow shock angle, and so the

radiative input is dras t ica l ly reduced fo r even very modest inclination

of the bow shock. The conical shape i s less favorable than the blunt

body from the convective heating aspect, but since the required cone

shape is not one of high fineness r a t io , the penalty is small. This

i s readi ly apparent i n the next three figures, taken from reference 17

which contains an extended analysis of the heating of conical entry

vehicles a t speeds in excess of Earth parabolic speed.

the fraction of the entry kinetic energy of the vehicle which must be

As we have seen fo r normal shock speeds up t o

Figure 3 shows

Page 13: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

contended w i t h as heat t o the vehicle as a function of entry speed for

a conical shaped body having a half-cone angle of 30' of arc .

ablator assumed here is Teflon, and the dimensionless b a l l i s t i c



CDPoA pm s in y

B =

has a value of 200 which, as estimated from our meager present knowledge,

is about as small as can be allowed i f the flow, as assumed fo r t h i s case,

i s t o be laminar. Note, here, that the radiative heating does not

contribute substantially un t i l speeds of the order of 20 kilometers a re

exceeded a f t e r which it dominates.


radiat ive contribution qe and the laminar convective portion, q 2.

The nonequilibrium radiat ive contri-

qn, as noted ea r l i e r , remains small compared t o the equilibrium

Figure 6 shows the total . energy fract ion as a function of entry

speed f o r a range of cone half-angles for the same value of the

b a l l i s t i c parameter. The optimum energy fractions fo r t h i s value of B

a re shown by the envelope (dotted curve). These values a re but a small

par t of 1 percent of the entry kinetic energy.

If one assumes tha t laminar flow can be maintained up t o a Reynolds

number of lo7 based on body length and loca l flow character is t ics , the

f ract ion of the entry mass which must be ablated as a function of entry

speed for two ablators (subliming Teflon and vaporizing quartz) i s shown

i n f igure 7.

a reasonably small f ract ion of the entry mass even t o f a i r l y high entry

speed - well in to the range of entry speeds of meteors.

flow occurs, the mass l o s s fraction is much greater since the energy

fract ion is increased about an order of magnitude. Considerable future

It is seen that the ablated mass can apparently be kept

If turbulent

Page 14: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


research on the age-old t ransi t ion problem is c lear ly needed a t

these high speeds. We must learn the factor favorable t o the

maintenance of laminar flow i n boundary layers composed of a i r and

ablation vapors.

There i s another problem w i t h conically shaped entry vehicles t o

touch on before we leave t h i s subject. The convective heat t ransfer

i s iiigiiesi a i ihe cone apex and diminishes toward tne cone base.

Thus %he cone ablates t o a round-nosed, near-cone shape with increased

cone half-angle as the atmosphere entry progresses.

speed is high, the rounded nose becomes f la t tened and extended in width

I f the entry

by the radiative heating contribution a t the lower a l t i tudes . Much of

the advantage of the or iginal conical shape may thus be l o s t . In

reference 17 t h i s problem i s treated in some d e t a i l and it appears t ha t

the p e n d t y can be kept small, provided excessive shape change is

avoided by extra f i l m cooling a t the apex.

complication attendant with t h i s cooling i s undesirable but it i s a

O f course, the mechanical.

price which perhaps m u s t be paid t o e f fec t a sat isfactory solution t o

the problem.

]For manned vehicles a t these higher speeds the problem of providing

As shown i n figure 8, for an adequate altitude corridor becomes severe.

an assumed fixed maximum deceleration of 10 g, a higher and higher l i f t -

drag r a t i o is required as entry speed increases unti l a speed is

reached for which the corridor vanishes. For t h i s deceleration the

l i m i t speed i s about 26 km/sec, th i s being the speed fo r which, with c

zero drag, the centrifugal force experienced is 10 g . f o r a f l i g h t

t ra jec tory having a curvature equal t o the radius of the Earth. The

required aerodynamic lift force is, of course, directed toward the

Page 15: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

14 Earth's center.

fo r manned vehicles, at l ea s t , w i l l have t o be l imited t o values l e s s

than perhaps 20 km/sec and tha t l i f t must be provided.

shaped l i k e half-cones, perhaps, may provide sat isfactory configurations

( r e f . 10) for high-speed entr ies .

From the foregoing it appears t ha t the entry speeds

Entry vehicles

Up t o t h i s point it has been t a c i t l y assuned tha t aerodynamic

braking of a vehicle is preferable t o rocket braking t o e f fec t a landing

on Earth.

well known (see r e f . 18) the specific impulse of a rocket i s defined a s

It i s well t o digress, here, t o make a comparison. A s is






specific impulse, sec

thrust, kg m/sec2

gravi ta t ional acceleration at Earth surface, m/sec2

time r a t e of mass flow of rocket propellants

For rocket braking t h i s thrust provides the negative acceleration

d V T dt m - = - -

Equations (16) and (17) can be combined t o give

Comparing t h i s equation with the corresponding one for the ablation

r a t e with aerodynamic braking (eq. (lo)), one sees that the equivalent

heat shield i s

Page 16: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review



where 7 is the energy f rac t ion

For the optimum conical vehicles of reference 17 w i t h laminar

boundary-layer flow, and assuming

= 2 . 2 f i ~ S / s e c 2 5, fo r subliming Teflon and

CV = 16x10~ m2/sec2

f o r vaporizing quartz, one can calculate the equivalent specif ic

impulse f o r aerodynamic braking. The var ia t ion of t h i s impulse w i t h

speed fo r these two assumed ablators is shown i n f igure 9.

equivalent impulses drop wi th increasing en t ry speed, they are always

well above what can be at ta ined with chemical rockets ( l e s s than 500 sec)

o r nuclear rockets (up t o about 1,000 sec) even fo r a rather inef f ic ien t

ablator such as Teflon. Hence as long as energy f rac t ions f o r vehicles

with ablat ive heat shields can be kept t o the order of 1 percent o r so,

rocket braking cannot be considered competitive.

Aerodynamic B r a k i n g i n the Atmospheres of Venus and Mars

Though these

The Earth's close neighbors, Venus and Mars, are objects of

par t icu lar i n t e re s t i n the space age. Although the atmospheres of

these planets have been the object of study f o r many years, the f ac t s

are few.

s t i t uen t .

t o t a l . Nitrogen, presumably, and perhaps Argon are the other pr incipal

consti tuents.

r e l a t ive ly small amounts.

these plzzets ve m u s t , fcr the p r e s e ~ t , sss'me tha t the r e l a t ive amunts

of the consti tuents are varied over a wide range.

Both atmospheres have carbon dioxide as an important con-

The estimates range from a f e w percent t o about half of the

Apparently oxygen and water vapor are present i n but

In any study of atmosphere en t ry heating fo r

The Venus atmosphere i s assuredly much more dense than i s the

Earth 's so t h a t atmospheric braking i s not d i f f i c u l t . On the other hand,

Page 17: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

I -

I -


the temperature near the surface o f the planet is high so t h a t even an

instrument package may not survive f o r long.


pressure indeed (25 k15 millibars) so tha t braking an en t ry vehicle t o

a low speed at surface impact maybe impossible without the use of a

retrorocket a t touchdown.

i s apparently even less t.ha-n for Enr th j so vehicle s l ; r x . r i y . r d a f te r lar,&-jng

does not appear t o present a problem.

The Mars atmosphere i s

Recent observations (ref. 19) indicate a very low surface

The atmospheric temperature near the surface

Convective heat t ransfer i n the Venus and Mars atmosphere appears

t o present no problem. Comparison of convective heat i n CO, and air

( r e f . 20) shows only a minor difference which is i n e s sen t i a l agreement

w i t h theory (ref. 21) .

t r ibu ted from the shock layer i s generally a more serious problem than

fo r air (ref. 22) because of the formation of cyanogen, a strong

radiator , from the nitrogen and carbon dioxide consti tuents. A t speeds

of 6 o r 7 km/sec the experimental evidence indicates t h a t the radiat ive

heating is about one order of magnitude grea te r than fo r air . However,

as speed i s increased, the mixtures approach more nearly air

values of radiat ive heating. My colleague, James Arnold, has recently

measured the e f f ec t s of' adding argon and has found, contrary t o

expectation, t h a t t h i s diluent does not appreciably influence the

basic COz - Rz results.

On the other hand, the radiat ive heating con-

CO, - N2

Because the actual composition of the Venus and Mars' atmospheres

i s doubtful, these estimates of the severi ty of the heating problem

may be i n considerable e r ror .

Page 18: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


Experimental Determination of Aerodynamic Heating a t Hypervelocities

The accuracy of the foregoing reentry heating analyses i s only as

good as the accuracy of our basic knowledge of the chemical and thermo-

dynamic processes involved. As i n the sc i en t i f i c delineation of a l l

natural philosophy, theory is v i t a l l y important t o our understanding of

t he heating phenomena i n high-enthalpy a i r flows.

case, constant input from experimental research i s needed not only t o

progress a t a fast pace but t o assure t h a t the theore t ica l results are,

i n f a c t , val id . In hypersonic heat-transfer phenomena t h i s i s particu-

l a r ly t rue because many of the basic physical concepts involved are not

too well understood.

speed i n our ground-based laborabory equipment is only a l i t t l e more

than 13 km/sec.

r e l y on extrapolation by theory. In t i m e we expect t he l i m i t of

a t ta inable speeds i n the laboratory w i l l increase but by unknown


extend our experimental knowledge t o the higher speeds, but such tests

are very expensive and so t i m e consuming that they cannot be counted

on t o produce the experimental data we need.

experimental sources f o r confirmation.

A s i s often the

Unfortunately, the present upper l i m i t on a i r

For present analyses a t higher a i r speeds, we must

It is possible t o perform f l i g h t t e s t s using rockets t o

One then looks f o r other

Observations of meteor f l i g h t a r e one such source worthy of con-

s iderat ion.

speeds ranging from parabolic speed (11 km/sec) up t o the highest speed

they can have and sti l l be members of the solar system (72 kq/sec) . The en t ry speed requirements f o r our purposes are, therefore, more than

m e t .

t o enjoy continuum flow are sufficiently infrequent t h a t only occasionally

Meteoroids are known to en ter the Earth 's atmosphere a t

On the other hand, t h e atmosphere entry of meteoroids la rge enough

Page 19: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review



can one be tracked a t any one location.

existed but a few meteor observatories so t h a t the number of continuum

flow meteors, f o r which accurate tracking data are available, i s very


under construction many new meteor observatories so tha t future pros-

pects as regards the ava i lab i l i ty o f nieteor data are good.

Until recently there have

A s w i l l be discussed mre f u l l y l a t e r , there a re presently

Astronomers, for a number of years now (see r e f . 23 f o r a review),

have successfully tracked meteors in the following way:

cameras, located at the two ends of a known base l i ne , a re provided with

rotat ing shutters which occult the meteor image on the photographic

p la tes a t even time intervals.

tr iangulation. The variation of velocity and, in turn, acceleration,

of the meteoric body along the trajectory is determined from the

interrupted photographic track.

meteor t rack with the background f ie ld of stars whose photographic

magnitudes are known provides the measurement of the variation of the

meteor luminosity along the trajectory.

assess the meteor composition, These data are suff ic ient , i n principle,

One or more

The meteor t ra jec tory is determined by

Comparison of re la t ive exposure of the

Spectra are orten measured t o

t o a l l o w the determination of the variation of s ize and heat-transfer

character is t ics of the meteoric body wi th a l t i t ude and speed.

methods of analysis generally employed are the "dynamical method" and


the ttphotometrical method."

paper. The lat ter i s discussed in reference 24. Suffice it t o say,

here, t ha t the methods are essentially redundant i f meteor density i s


complete solution.

We shall t r e a t only the former in t h i s

When the density is unknown, the two methods are needed f o ~ the

Page 20: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

In the dynamical method of analysis the veloci ty and acceleration

h is tor ies are all t h a t are needed to determine heat-transfer charac-

t e r i s t i c s , and, i f the density o f t h e meteoroid i s known, the s ize

variation with a l t i t ude can be found as well. However, it i s presumed

tha t air-density variation with alt i tude, h, and the body shape a re

known. It is usual t o employ a standard atmosphere (e.g., ref. 23) fo r

&Ii dellsity V&-ues* InL rile bodj- i s ~ s s - ~ i e d to reralr, essentially

spherical during the atmosphere entry since a sphere represents about

the best mean of possible shapes (see re f . 26).

motion (eq. (1)) the product of the meteor density and radius as a

From the equation of #

function of a l t i tude can be found from

pmr = - - 3cr0 (&) where 'j = p/po and f o r the assumed spherical shape, CD is approxi-

mately unity. If is known, then the s ize can be determined.

Equations (1) and ( 9 ) combine t o give the heat-transfer parameter

since dh

V s in y d t = -

Here we note a major d i f f icu l ty - tha t even presuming CD is known,

we cannot f ind CH

There is, however, an upper l i m i t t o the possible value of

the t o t a l energy required t o bring the surface material from the cold

state t o the ~ q o r st.ate so tha t a.n u?per l i m i t f o r can be found

i n any event. For stone meteoroids one expects, a p r io r i , t h a t vapor-

izat ion would be the usual ablation process since l i qu id stone is

unless the heat of ablation is known, which it is not.

( which is


Page 21: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


rather viscous - but if the entry speed is low o r the t ra jec tory is not

steep, then the mass ablated in the l i qu id s t a t e (as Chapman, refs. 27

and 28,has found fo r t ek t i t e s ) can be a rather large fract ion of the

t o t a l . On the other hand, for large meteoroids which enter the atmos-

phere on a steep t ra jec tory and at high speeds l i qu id run-off would be

small. However, an important fraction of the ablated mass may be i n

U L ~ D U A ~ ~ D W Z ~ C since stoiie i s ti. ye& r i t e r i d , aiid, b e c a s e the

thermal conductivity i s low, it may a lso spa l l as the result of

excessive t h e m stress. For iron meteoroids one does not expect

ablation t o be important i n the solid state except f o r bodies of great

s ize since t h i s material is strong and the thermal conductivity i s

re la t ive ly high.

ablation pr incipal ly as a l iqu id should be expected.

LL ..A1 2 2 -&-LA

However l iqu id iron has a very low viscosi ty so tha t

A serious weakness of the dynamical method is tha t i n passing from

velocity t o meteor s ize t o the heat-transfer factor each function

involves, in turn, differentiation of the last . Hence, unless the

veloci ty i s very accurately defined as a function of t i m e and altitude,

the f i n a l results may be subject t o large mean error .

(see ref. 29) of the record of the Canadian meteor "Meanook 132"

indicates that ve loc i t ies can, i n fac t , be determined w i t h about the

required accuracy.

f o r t h i s meteor.

the or ig ina l values given i n reference 29 and include a correction t o

one of the acceleration values (private communication from Dr . Millman).

These data are plot ted in figures 10 and 11 along with the curves

determined by a sixth-degree least squares fit t o all the veloci ty and

acceleration data.

The analysis

Table I gives the velocity and acceleration his tory

These r e su l t s (see ref. 24) are more complete than

The close agreement between the data and the curves

Page 22: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


indicates t ha t the velocity and acceleration data are self-consistent.

I n figure 12 the dotted curve shows the var ia t ion of the meteor density-

radius product as computed from the sixth-order least squares ser ies .

The "point-to-point" values are calculated from each of the individual

ve loc i t ies and accelerations. The sol id curve gives the photometrical

r e su l t s for a density of 850 kg/m3.

Figure 1 3 gives the corresponding variation of the heat-transfer

parameter w i t h a l t i tude . The dotted curve, again, i s obtained from the

sixth-degree l e a s t squares f i t while the circled points are from

neighboring point values of velocity and of acceleration t o evaluate

the mean value over each a l t i tude interval. These dynamical resu l t s

compare favorably with the photometrical resul ts , as the so l id l i n e

shows. The dash-dot curves give estimated values of the heat-transfer

parameter when i n one case only vapor ablation was assumed t o occur and

i n the other only fluid ablation. The implication, here, i s tha t con-

siderable ablation in the sol id s ta te must have occurred. This l o w -

density material (less than water density) must evidently be porous

and, accordingly, weak so that solid ablation would be expected. Hence,

the r e su l t s for t h i s meteor do not add t o OUT knowledge of the heating

of typ ica l man-made entry vehicles but they do show tha t the meteor data

derived from the photographic plates must be of high quali ty.

The data f o r the Sacramento Peak Meteor 19816 (ref. 30) analyzed

in reference 24 do yield results which are encouraging, fo r they indicate

t h a t extrapolation of our present knowledge of heat t ransfer up t o speeds

of about 20 W s e c may not be far from fac t .

t ions with the corresponding least squares e r rors (indicated by AV and

AdV/dt) are given in table I1 for t h i s meteor whose spectrum indicates

t h a t i t s composition is typica l of as teroidal stone (pm = 3400 a/&').

The veloci ty and accelera-

Page 23: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


"he resu l t s of the dynamical analyses (point-to-point and l e a s t squares

ser ies ) are shown i n figure 1 4 along w i t h the values estimated when

vapor and f lu id ablation are assumed. Even when only vapor ablation i s

assumed, the data indicate values o f the heat-transfer coefficient only

about twice as high as those estimated. As noted e a r l i e r some f l u i d

ablation probably occurred fo r th i s small stone ( the entry radius i s

about 1 cm).

so t ha t the data and a proper estimate would be in be t t e r agreement.

A proper estimate would be somewhat increased therefore

It is probable, in fac t , that a t these higher speeds our estimates

of heat-transfer coefficient a re l o w because one additional source of

heating has not been accounted for .

layer and i n the wake col l ide w i t h the ablated vapor molecules.

these col l is ions are suf f ic ien t ly energetic, as f o r the air-to-air

molecular col l is ions in the shock layer, they become a source of

radiation. The observed luminosity of meteors is, i n large par t ( o r

completely in f ree molecular flow), a r e su l t of t h i s radiation. The

photometrical method of analysis for meteors employs, in fact , t h i s

radiation fromthe ablated vapor coll isions as a means for determining

the mass loss rate of a meteoric body. The magnitude of the radiation

per unit ablated mass depends not only on the f l i g h t speed ( i . e . , col l i s ion energy) but also on the composition of the vapors.

ra ther low speeds the radiation can be important fo r cer ta in ablators.

Figure 15 is a photograph of a Lexan model in f l i g h t .

taken with an image-converter camera by my colleague Max Wilkins a t

Ames Research Center. The 1/2-inch-diameter model, which has a round

nosed cone for the forward face, i s i n f l i g h t i n a b a l l i s t i c range at

a speed of 7.2 km/sec. A l l of the wake radiation and a large par t of

The air molecules i n the boundary


Even a t

The photo w a s

Page 24: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


the radiation from the region of the forward face results from

ablat ion products radiation. " Some important features of t h i s 11

radiat ion are tha t , i n addition t o heating the forward face, it may

g rea t ly augment the afterbody heating of high-speed reentry bodies.

Also, as noted by Craig and Davy (ref. 31, see a l s o r e f . 24) t h i s

radiat ive heating tends t o become self-perpetuating a t su f f i c i en t ly high


careful ly choose ablators f o r heat shields which have low ablation-

product radiation.

Designers of future high-speed en t ry vehicles would do w e l l t o

To re turn t o the subject of meteors, it does appear t h a t meteor

tracking records can provide experimental heat-transfer charac te r i s t ics

a t very high en t ry speeds. In particular, we stand t o l ea rn a good deal

about ablation-products radiation and about the a b i l i t y of various

ab la t ive materials t o resist s t ruc tura l failure caused by thermal stress,

provided the meteor composition can be determined.

supported a proposal by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory t o

Recently the NASA

construct and operate a network of meteor observatories covering a la rge

area i n the midwest.

tracking data on bright fireballs with suf f ic ien t precision t o allow the

meteoritee t o be retrieved. Improved analysis of these tracking records

should result since, fo r the retrieved bodies, the f i n a l mass and shape

and the meteor density and composition w i l l be known.

earlier, many more tracking records f o r meteors i n continuum flow should

become available than have been available up t o the present.

This "Prairie Network" i s intended t o provide

Also, as noted

Page 25: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review











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12. Kivel, B., and Bailey, K.: Tables of Radiation From High Tempera-

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13. Meyerott, Roland E.: mdia t ion Heat Transfer t o Hy-personic Vehicles.

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Stephenson, Jack D.: Measurements of Thermal Radiation of A i r

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16. Canning, Thomas N.: Recent Developments i n the Chemistry and

Thermodynamics of Gases at Hypervelocities. V o l . 2 , Proc. NASA-

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17. Allen, H. Jul ian, Seiff , Alvin, and Winovich, Warren: Aerodynamic

Heating of Conical Entry Vehicles a t Speeds i n Excess of Earth

Parabolic Speed. NASA TR R-185, 1563.

18. Summerfield, Martin, and Se i fe r t , Howard S.: F l igh t Performance

of a Rocket i n Straight-Line Motion. SPACE TECHNOLOGY, Chap. 3,

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19. Kaplan, Lewis D . , Mkch, Guido, and Spinrod, Hyron: A n Analysis

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Momentum and Energy Transfer a t Hy-pervelocities. Gas Dynamics

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22. James, Carlton S.: Experimental Study of Radiative Transport

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Obtain-i Aerodynamic Heating Results From Analysis of Meteor

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27. Chapman, Dean R.: On the Unity and Origin of t he Australasian

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27 28. Chapman, Dean R. , and Larson, Howard K.: The Lunar Origin of

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NASA TN 0-1978, 1963.

Page 29: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review



t, s ec 0 .1 .2 -3 .4 -5 .6 -7 .8 *9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1-03 1.4 1.5 1.6 1*7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 -

67 59



58 57








38.21 37 46

. .

17.42 17 39 17.35 1.7 30 17 25 17.18 17.10 17.00 16.89 16.75 16.58 16-37 16.12 15.82 15 45 15.01 14.49 13.86 13.10 12.24 11.28 10.25 9.16 (8.00)

av/at , km/sec2 -0.31 -. 36 -.42 -. 50 -.a -*73 -.88 -1.06 -1.28 -1.55 -1.88 -2.28 -2.76 -3- 34

-4.77 -5.67 -6.97 -8.18 -9.08 -9.97

-io. 58 -11 21



1.135 I 74.02 I 20.57 I 5.02 1.860 64.16 19.87 k.05

dV/dt , AdV/dt , ---I- km/sec2 km/sec2


-2.02 -2.75 -5 92 -8.45

-. 416 9.009 f .018 2.05 +.lo k.ll k.18

-9.67 I 2.19 3-90 +. 29

Page 30: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


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Page 31: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

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Page 32: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

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Page 34: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

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Page 35: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

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Page 36: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

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Page 37: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

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Page 38: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


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Page 39: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


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Page 40: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review
Page 41: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

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Page 42: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review

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Page 43: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review


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Page 44: The aerodynamic heating of atmosphere entry vehicles-a review