the alleghenian.. (ebensburg, pa.) 1864-11-24 [p ].pol0' prick faroid' woif kakle, patrick...

J. Burke, William Rick, Joseph Sbsrpe, Dan- - iel Skelly, David Brookland, Wm. M'Gough, of James, T. Kuhlman, Philip J. M'Connell, Valentine Wassil, Becson Crum, Mathias IU - ougnnour, nenry Kxider, Adam Goughenour, Dennis Goughenour, Jonas F. Goughenour, John Steinlein, George A. Con- - fHir, David iIarrison, Geo 'e 1Ur&m Goughenour, Aneston Grove, Samuel Doubt, peter Nitch. Frorlrlr i?r. n ni.' THURSDAY: .NOVEMBER 24. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. List of Deafted Mex. A draft gapplemental to the dratt oi Din oeptem- - ! fill deficiei .1(.-,c- ;ftr U ber last, to Vv,.w..,s exemption, desertion, &C, came off at Provost Marshal headquarters, Hollidajs- - burg, on last xriuay, ioiu iusi. iuc lirtf,T names Were drawn for Cambria county : Plcabfield T. 0 in wheel: 32 to be drawn. Fat Risbau, James D. M'Mulhn, inonias Auras. ' James Swires. Patrick . Owens, ... Daniel Vertx, Thomas Noel, Frank M Urnmi, uaniri J. Fisher, Matthew Iwy, John ;sagie, jr., John Uroomoaugn. rrancis . m uuuclf Thomas Callahan, George DaUghcrty, Shanes XI'Gough, Joseph Dinsle, John J. Trexler, Luke Durbin, Joseph Watt, James H. Malony, John Koousraan, Patrick Dunnagan, William Rrn Barnard Gonnerlr. John weisei, (in .rvi-- e Thos. Durbin. Joseph Fogle, Levi Moore. George Swire, James LiUlnger, David Croop. Whits Tr- - 34 in wheel : 20 to be drawn Stewart Walters, John Fisher, Geo. Pierce, Chriitopher Noel. George Davis, Perry krtse. j(rry Troxell, Simon Felira, William Rickard, Sitnufl Loon, John lay lor, uavia Stephens, Cieorge Cray, Joseph Younkin, Isaiah Oates, William lleming, Perrr Trexler, John II Horner, Joseph Berdine, J. W. Scott, SrsarEUi'xxA Tr. 52 in wheel: 2G to drawn Orwia Mason, John G. Bearer, John M Peter Sieffj, Matthias Shorten kerchn-- r, Charles Weakland, Wm. M'Mullin, James Somervil!e, David Bracken, John r. C vT .? u t- - M Lw"??llDr iTi ra'ml?Shl- - ier.llm Good, W.lljara Bee Michael Gray Joseph Y X. 1 ox James Anderson, Zepbaniah U cakland, John Cunningham, George Lamer. Chest Tp. 24 in wheel; 24 to be drawn Smith Eastman, Anthony Anna, Nathaniel D. Eastman, John A. Nagle, George W. Krise, Joseph J Higgle, George liipst, Henry Able, James Diven, Sebastian Cruse, John Warner, Thomas rrarter, Kicharu Maculia, John D EUer, Jr0 John Noel. Silas Luther, Seth Eastman, Anthony Detrich, William D. Jones, Joseph liowman, John M. bwope, Bradley Sioiou, Francis Yager, Henry Delozier. Allegukxt Tp. 46 in wheel; C to be drawn. Jacob Mast, John Groves, James Wills, Ed ward Doyle, Mike KillJuff, Michael Huffman Gallitzix. 18 in wheel; C to be drawn. James A. M'Closkey, James Riley, Francis Brown, Henry Sauker, Richard Denny, Felix Henlon. Cakroll Tp. 97 in wheel; 54 to be drawn. George Luther, Mark Gillespie, Anthony iiouck, Philip Crook, Caspar binith, Daniel Delozier, Andrew Siebold, Andrew Strittmat-te- r, Peter Bertram, Levi Luther, Thos. Davi3, Anthony Kirkpatrick, Henry Knunemacker, Joseph Stonebiser, John Sharbaugh, John Trexler, George Mcrsel, John Barnacle, Jacob Kontzman, Josepn Elich, Jacob Koontz, Henry Luther, James Dick, Anthony Moler, Murtia A. Mullen, Martin SanJers, John Koonsnian, Cline Uupert, Michael Nagle, Raphael Hite, William Wasser, John Himmcl, Terrence De- lozier, Augustus Strittmatter, John Netzell, Charles Aaaa, Barnhart Fresh, John Saysong, Leaader Strong, Aug. Luther, John Houg, Silas Weakland, George Trinkle, John Book-omje- r, Patrick Kane, Vttias Pheister", John Rager, Dan it 1 Reisinger, Christ. Carlheim, Bernard M'Gee, John Kirsh, Thaddeus Horn, William Dishart, Simon Noel. Cose.vacgu Tp 45 in wheel ; 20 to be drawn. Uugh R. M'CIeester, Patrick Quinlon, Sam-c- el Gardner, Amos Ilorner, Jesse liofman. Christian Gouehenour. Peter Rubritz. Eli I Griffith, Michael Delania, Enuraim Wissinger. Aaron Goughenour, William Griffith, D. F. Hoover, Andrew Gig, Christian Gossard, II. Fradenick? John Fogal, Alexander Denner, Jeremiah Beam, William C. Decker Voder Tp. 33 in wheel; 1C to be drawn. Jacob Cover, William Custer, John Ilarsh-terge- r, John Yenger, Nehemiah Griffith, Jas. W. Decker, Samuel Potter, George B. Morris, EJwrd Irwin, Adam Goughenour, Michael Gilbert, Samuel Long, Charles Freall, Felix le, John Dub, Timothy L. Hunt Washington Tp. 42 in wheel; 36 to be drawn. Frederick Ager, John Docherty, David Sho-ralaug- h, John Brawley, David Ager, Thomas llaomth, Cyrus Pickens, Isadore Lilly, Otts Hoelle, Matthew Addlesberger, Daniel . Jones, Peter M'Gough, Kobert Hark, John Mark, David Mark, Patrick Bowland, Francis Donahue, William Bradley, John Conahan, Ceo. Bar'.ine, John Randolph, Albert George, 5- - ft. ililler, Augustus M'Intosh, Bernard ierney, Peter Short, Jacob Briudle, Henry Ward Julius Acer. Henrv Fick. William Car roll, Thomas Short, William M'Gough, Robert fcurfce, Benedict Hite, Richard Tobin Coxemacgh. 141 in wheel; 46 to be drawiu . . . . k J m i n i tt ' Aiiur.w nnrpiner .iniin ninno n. Lew s fehn, Conrad Wintrode, George Foltz, Hugh jlarray, Frederic Showhart, John Pffaller, Edward Connerr. Georce Eerhner, S. D. Can- - an, John Senval, George Frick, John Earle, il!?in Bowcra Wiltinm Savior. Viftor Voegtly, John Sharn, George Wier, John -- 'indie. David Smith. Henrv P. Freidhoof. James B. Clark. William II. Orris. Patrick Clarke, Wm. Gremmell, John Zugier, Thomas George Studena, John Bast, James Leonard, John Holfelter, Conrad Bershneider, Kudolph Hinger, John Arthur, Zephaniah -- eamy, Amos Clark, John Hindrer. Cephas Fairfax, Joseph Hesl on. Jr.. Charles Hmihor Jeffrey Oldham, Christian Kuckuck, John D. ii-raii- tt, Leonard Octar, Herman Mink. Mcxster Tp. 25 in wheel ; 12 to be drawn. Sebastian Wflrrfn 1 .Tnhn I") , Savior. Francis Eberlv. Anthonv fihar-n- jao. C. Brown, Philip Sanders, William Storm) uics Kain, James Unriste, John JJ Uaughey, lL niubrana. Ceotle Tp 56 in wheel; 20 to be drawn. .Michael Skelly, Michael Siboliske, Joseph &vid Rorabaueh. Elins Paul. Samui-- 1 Plum! Albert Wilson, Jacob Piingle, John M'-?ug- h, John Litzinger, Geo. S. Lamb, George emly, Joseph Dunmire, John Neff, J. A. J. liams, William Hiser, Tobias Ash. Ttno TO in TO V. l . , , " ou io oe arawn. James M'Pike. Bernard Kv,n a: ' " "VliU UHUC- - w, Michael Carmon, Dorsey Sowers, Leo PRak Broderick, Bonigartz Ilazley, r i , 'v",k nenry Wiseman, Patrick SrKIi I .'""Ji w aioran, iteuben Jarvio . xi'ir., u r e iu iiuKU, vuuraa mvnra rSel i Brihard, John Kelly, Joshua Foster' tfnjrfr Gunter. Pt-t.P- SaI.iV t-.- i. o . - r AOs ml unrmi Mimit I r James Milvil, Patrick Hamilton, Patrick Pol0' Prick FaroId' WoIf Kakle, Patrick arles M'Ulaffertj, John fiSf"ft MichMiCojt John KearnaJ KSS "Cioskey, Patrick Harkins, Adam MiLi.vii.ti. 125 In wheel: 58 to be drawn J. Albert M. Gregg, Thomas Seymore, Michael Mockler, Dennis Boyle, Daniel Sanders, Hugh Dougherty, Dayid Cronan, Henry Heed, Pat rice lien, uees Koberts, W. K. Williams, Martin Herbert, Henry Gibbons, James Dal ton, David L. Davis, John Lancy, Charles Asquith, William Ensics. Josiah M'CIow. John Carvil. uooert Morns, Thomas Jones, Jacob LIghtner, J,ichael Bowland, Isaac Jeffreys, Patrick i ti t:-1- , fy- - r- - r i- - n . i . 1 John M'Cabe, George Huber, August Gurstiu, iaob"a,rri3vJo3: Walkey, David Malnhart, Keelan, Lewis, Lawrence Bardtn, Michael Ryan, John Lewis, Martin Mulclily, Timothy Tansey, John D. Jones, Thomas adv. Valentine Linch. Thos Downs, John Gallaher, Luke Russell, Edward Burns, James M'Clor. Sen.. Michael BarrT. Timothy Hiram, John Barry, Jamee Kennedy, Edward Tafe, John Freeall, Morrison Morris, I lJ J I - .uwaru xrancis Scmmkehill TP.-3- 3 in wheel; 18tobe drawn. rranic luuwen, illiam W. Wolfe. William iiter, John M'Kee, James Rager, Barnard .MUiien, John Farren, John Wenderotb. Wiimoue.16 in wheel t 8 to be drawn Albert Butler, Charles F. Preall, Patrick M'Dunn, Samuel Mowry, E. Bedell, Peter Drown, mmam Skelly, Andrew Beck. Richland Tp. 108 in wheel; 18 to be drawn. Jacob Itarshbergcr, Samuel Strayer, Hiram Hayes, Isaac Orris, Christian Kelley, Clinton Allen, David Varner, Henry Hostetler, George W. Cattell, J oseph H. Moore, William Lehman, Henry Harshberger, Jacob Ripple, John S. Moore, Henry Wissinger, William Sidman, Samuel Sharp, David Rose. Taylor Tp. 58 in wheel ; 28 to be drawn. Francis Gallachtr. Patrick Kerns. I Goughnour, Charles M'Bride, Joseph Brooks. John M'David, August Rhinebolt, Fred Rib-let- t, G. W. Strayer, Samuel Stombaueh. Mi chael Rager, August Spitsbert, Dominic M'-Cu- e. Blacklick Tp. 20 in wheel ; 14 to be drawn. Antheny Snovell, Edward E. Davis, Nason M'Callister, Abrara A. Brown, Rodney Charles, Andrew Anderson, Joseph Conaway, Charles Farabaugh, Thom3 Kinner. William Adams. John Wolf, Joseph Hiner, Matthias HoQman. O 1 mi ' oauiuei Auomas. Jackson Tp. 47 in wheel : 2 to b drawn Abraham Biers, Henry Adams. One hundred per cent of the foregoiDg names constitutes an excess drawn to cov er exemptions, desertions, &c. Hassonia. They call Michael Hasson, editor of the Ebensburg Dcm. & Sentinel, Colonel. Do you wonder why ? It is be cause he is the acknowledged head and front of the Black-guar- d battalion of the 17th military district, Pennsylvania. "With due respect to the fitness of titles, what they ought to call Michael Hasson : Cur-ae- . In common conversation, these latter days, it is not infrequently the custom for persons to contract familiar proper names of two and more sjllibles to one. By this means, BobinBon takes the guise ot Rob, and Richardson becomes Rich. In case an unaspirating English cockney should attempt to give the cognomen Hasson the , . - benent 0 fl this free-and-ea- sy system of ab- - breviation, he would evidently render it Ass ! And in 80 doino. t WOuldn t be guilty of slandering anybody. Concerning the derivation of the word Michael: Miclde'm the Scottish dialect si"- - nifies much ; and Miche in the Saxoa means to sneak. One or the other of these must bo the root of Michael. Seeing that he is a perfect mountain of flesh and blood, Much Hasson might be thought legiti mate : but we incline to the belief that Sneaking Hasson, or Hasson the Sneak, ii what is intended to be conveyed as the true meaning of the word Michael. The initial letters of the name of the editor of the Dent, dc Sent, are M. II. These are also the initials of Mutton Head and Monster Heart. We view this in the light of a happy coincidence. Hasscn frequently boasts that he has "gone through the classics." A cursory perusal of the paper he edits is sufficient to convince tho most skeptical that a the classics have never gone through htm. Hasson is a lawyer. His talents in that line are not often called into requisi- tion, still (paradoxical as it may seem) it may be said of him that he practices con- siderably at the bar. Hasson is an agriculturist, but an in- different one. He sows nothing but wild oats. Hasson calls his paper the Sentinel.-I- n view of the particularly bad odor in which it is held by respectable men, wouldn't it bo a good idea to change the name to Scent-ine- l T They tell about a big gun the biggest in the world lately cast at ort Pitt of Foundry, Pittsburg. Its bore is twenty inches. How much larger is this. than Hasson's 1 If you were to cut np Hasson and fill him into tin boxes, what staple commodi- ty might yon sell him for 1 Concentrated Lie. Why is Hasson one of a deck ofaards ? Because he is a knave. a Whioh would you rather see a. bust of Hasson, or Hassoo on a buifc t moM OUR SOLDIERS. txTTiK r0M co. c, 209th f. v. th WKATHK& btajlixikq jtxws hkalth op compa- - -- v tlBTltl TBI HICTIOJT, Bermuda Hundred, Nov. 14, '64. Correspondence of The Alleghanian. The bright days of sunshiue are past, at least for the present. The North wind is upon us, cold and dreary, and as the sentinel paces his beat, or the vidette watches at hi wearr nnt li lnlffr. fn fire to warm his benumbed fingers or his almost frozen feet. If you would have news, the only news of importance that I can give is that everything is quiet here. There is the usual routine of business, so that before the dawn begins to break, the, drums beat reveille, the camp is awaked, and the for- tifications lined with troop?, to prevent even the possibility of a surprise. A lit tle smart walk, an occasional "rough and tumble," or a few embers, , serve to kern r one comfortable until daylight sends him to his quartern. It is a pleasure to still be able to state that the health of Co. C is good. We have not one seriously ill, and only four all told off duty on account of sickness. In a neighboring regiment, which came out about the same time as we, the deaths amount to twenty, there being as many as three in one com Dan v. .We are so unfortunate as to be cut up into a good many detachments. A cor poral and ten men have been on duty in redoubt Carpenter ever since we first reached this neck of earth. The names of these ten are, Corp. Wm. F. Baum, privates Gordon Sinclair, William Hum phreys, . Henry Houp, Richard Griffith, Wallace Stiles, William Montague, John i:t; ai x..,. , . ,. u'"u6aj iiiwuuucr jesue, ana .rcni- - bald bma. There is also a detail for fatigue duty, to build hospitals at Point of Bocks. They have been absent during the present month, and will probably be through the winter. Their names are, bergt. Alex. Jones, privates Bobert B. Jones, David J. James, Ed. W. Hum- phrey?, Peter Wagner, Uriah Wagner, H. W. Delozier, Adam Shinafelt, "William M. James, Evan S. Jones, and John Dar-- J by. There are also other details, but they are small ones. In the company, there are bat forty men present for duty. On Tuesday came the election, and on Wednesday evening it was announced that Abraham Lincoln was re-elect- ed "to the Presidency of the United States. I Upon that announcement, not one, nor three, nor nine cheers went up, but cheer unon cheer until thv nnitJ in j wU- - tinuous roar, mingled with the sound of drums and the notes of trumpets. If the hosts of Israel as they came out of the depths of the Bed Sea had raised their voices in one universal acclamation for their deliverance, it would have been a tit counterpart to the union of voices that! rose upon the air and swept over to the rebel lines when it was announced that copperheadism was forever laid low by tho of Abraham Lincoln. Your statement of the vote exit for President by our company is erroneous. There was an aggregate of sixty-si- x votes polled, every one of which teas for Father Abraham. Of this number,- - forty-nin- e were cast by Cambria county electors. Truly, Gamma. frZm JOIINSTOWX. CHAPTER OF ACCIDEJfTS CO. F, CAPT. JONES. 194th p. v. who WASTS BMPLOTMEST ? PERSONAL ITBMS. Johnstown, Nov. 20 1864. Coirespondence of The Alleghanian! One of those sad accidents which cause shudder when we hear of or read about occurred 1" ..... in a family named . Cooney, resi- - I aing a snort distance east of Galhtzin, this county, on last Monday. At the time of A A 1 A 1. Tir 1 m - fm iia occurrence, coin iur. ana Mrs. Kj. were absent- - from home, leaving behind them as sole occupant of the house their child, aged about three years. The child, find-in- g itself alone, commenced tampering with the fire; and the result was that the flames speedily communicated themselves to its clothing, and when the mother re- - turned, a short time after, it was to find nothing remaining of her little one but a blackened and shapeless crisp. Let this be a warning to parent to never permit children to remain alone in the vicinity fire. , A man named William Frew was caught between the bumping-bea- m of an engine and a car, near Lilly's station, this coun ty, one day last week, and squeezed to death. His remains were taken to Holli-daysbu- rg for interment. An engineer on the railroad named Frank Colie had one of his legs taken off, few days ago, by falling under his en- gine a short distance weak of this place. Not long since, I chronicled tho sudden ( death of a brother of this Colie in a rail road smash-u- p at Conemaugh. Qur "hundred day men " returned home week before last, under charge of Lieut. Heyer, their term of service having ex pired. Capt. W. It. Jones (commander of the company) enlisted a company of one hundred and fifty men out of the reg lment to serTC ft" one year, and is now uolD5 proToss amy in isainmore. Ane Capt." was home on brief furlough last week aod shoed me an elegant sword which had been presented him by the memb" of his company. He is worthy t0 wear " lor nere are iew better fficcra or men above ground than this same Capt. Jones. Lieut. Dan Jones, of the Signal Corps, and Lieut. A. K. Babcock, of the 54th P. V., returned home here last week. Both these officers served their country eredi- - tabl for three years and are nw hw' orablJ charged the service. Col. Linton, of the 54th- - P. V., left to rejoin his regiment last week. He baa almost wholly recovered from the effects of his late wound. Mr. William Fritz, superintendent of the new Government rolling-tui- ll at Chat- - tanooga, Tenn, was in town last week. He expects to bo able t eom-meoc- e the manufacture of railroad iron there about the 1st of January next. Persons in need of employment can get good situations', with transportation free, by applying, by letter to him, at Chattanooga. List or Causes. Following is the trial list for the December term of the Cambria County Courts, 1864; TIKST W1K. MoTgao vs. Holliday and others owTser,. vs. Gatesr ts. Collins, Emerson vs. Wood & Morrel, Gar., Griffith vs. Hughes, M'Gonigle vs. Rodgersr M'Closkey ts. Carland, Kohler, vs. Erwanger- - SECOND WEEK Stellsel k Porter' vs Whites, Eb. & C. RR. ts. Noon, Jackson vs. Job acton, Collins vs. Eb. & C. RE. Co.. Lloyd vs. Skelly, Cushon vs. Heslop, Brallier ts. Kiblery Kemp ts. Griffith, Malzi ts. Brown, Tiernan endorsee vs. Sawes, Henderson, et. al. vs. Hawes, Pedan, et, aL vs. Hawes, Kerrigan vs. Leff, Commonwealth vs. Linton, .' Same ts. Linton, Gates vs. Wolf & Welchorae Dougherty for use ts. Smyth, Lantze vs. Moore et. &L, B"ck ts. Moore et. aL, vs. Noel, Noefa vs. Matthews, Shrbaugh ts. Link, Closkey vs. Gooseregan, Frederick ts. Nagle. - Important to Drafted Men. Capt. Llojd, Provost Marshal of this district, sends us the following announcement, with a request to give it publicity through ur columns : ".Notice is hereby given that from this aJ forward tho 13th section of the En- - rollment Act will be rigidly enforced. -- person drafted and wishing to put in a substitute must do so 'on or before the day fixed for his appearance The priv- - ege of putting in a substitute expires with that day, and if on hearing bis elaim for exemption he is held to be liable, he cannot escape personal service. a M T.T.nvn "Capt. & Pro. Mar. 17th Dist, Pa. "Hollioatsbubo, Nov. 18, 18S4." PnoNoaRArnY.At the urgent solici tation of many of our citizens, Prof. 31a- - han, superintendent of the Ebensburg Un ion schools, has consented to receive a class in Phonography. He is a thorough master of the science himself, and profes ses his ability to impart a tolerably full knowledge thereof to pupils in so few as twelve lessons. Th fi rsc mAotmrr rvf i tin w w kUW class will be held at the Union School House on next Friday eve, 25th inst., commencing at 6 o'clock, when and where all desiring to enter it are invited to be present ' Almost a Disastrous Conflagration- .--On Monday morning llast, the hotel building of Mr. Isaac Crawford, in the West Ward, was discovered to be on Te between the ceiling and second flojr. happily, the flames had not then mado mich headway, so what must speedily have become a destructive conflagration waa easily overcome. The fire was com- - municated by a defective stovepipe If you want to buy a new suit of clo- thing; if you want to buy a nice hat or cap; if you want to buy a good pair of boots or shoes ; if you want to buy a pair of gloves go to Thompson's store, Post Of- fice building, Ebensburg! THE KEY TO WHICH THASKS0T7TKO MUSIC IS GENERALLY SET t ' HIGHLY IMPOBTANT TO BLACKSMITHS. Four-fifth- s of tim0 and hard labor tared ey using ISAAC C. 8INGER'S " NEW AND COMPLETE TIRE AND BAND BENDER. -- Patented March 10, 1863 j fti chief advanU- - , get are 1st. Caving strong gear wheels to obtain, ' power, one man can operate it to bend cold wagon tire, any size under 1 by 4 Inches. 2d. Having movable oollars,. to bold the- - .' bar square on tbe portable roll re,. it takes all twist out of tbe bar, while bending is a regtt lar circle. 3d. It can be shifted to bend to any desired circle, from one up to twelve feet, in on minute. 4th. Having a movable centre porst, which can be quickly taken off, tires and bands are easily taken out. . 5th. The upper ribbed, roller, will alway draw the bar through.. Cth. Being guaged and numbered, a card with directions accompanies it. The Machine tn good: (oil the journals) running order, bolted upon a. strong piece of timber, without legrcr crank, for $25, or with ! legs and crank for $30. 1 All cash orders promptly attended to. State and County Rights tor sale. ISAAC C- - SINGER. Ebensburg, April 14, 1864-t- f. " TAYLOR & CREMER, . JIDNTINGDON NURSERIES. Hcmtisgdos, Pa. Sell Fruit t Ornamental Tress, Vines ie. of better growth, larger size, and at lower prices ; than any of the Northern or Eastern Nurseries ' and warrant them true to name. Standard Apple trees at 18 cents each i $1C per 100. Peach trees, 15 to 20 ct each $15:50 to $15 per 10 j . , Standard Pear trees, 59. to 75 cts oach. Dwarf Pear trees, 50$to$leach 20 to $ "- - ' per 100 ' Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to 75 cts each . Standard Cherry trees 37J to 75 eta ' ' Dwarf Cherry trees 50 to 75 ct- - - Plum trees 50 cts. ' . t Apricot trees 40 to 50 cts. Nectarine trees 25 cts each. Grape Vines 25 cts to $1. Silver Maple trees 62$ to $1. European Ash, 75 to 1. ' . ' European Larch, 75 cts to 1.50' - . . !. Norway Spruce, 50 cts to $1. American Balsam Pine, 75 cts to $1.50 American A- - Chines Arhm. v: i. ' $1.50 ' ' Strawberry Plants, $1 per 100, 4c. . Huntington, Jan. 25, 1860.-tf- .i CJCIIOOL BOOKS! . STATTn'EBr WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. The subscriber inviioa th ofn: PUbllC. and Of Countrr Mnhana to his large assortment of . outluULi BOOKS, ' WRITING LETTER PAPERS. BLANK BOOKS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. SLATES, and ' - . STATIONERY of all kinds. A complete assortment of MUSIO BOOK can only be found in the cit " at the subscri- ber's. (. All goods sold at the lowest wholesale cask rates. JRa?- - Call and examine before buvine else- where. CHARLES C. MELLOR. 81 Wood St., Bet. Diamond Alley and 4th st , aog4,1864-3m- J PITTSBURG. w OOD MORRELL & CO., Tutmr .rr . r ""J. 1.11VUL.0J.L1D ajmj jftEtiAILt DEALERS - 15 ALL KIXDS OF MBCHASOIS, Keep constantly on hand the following arti- cles : DRY GOODS. HATS AND CAPS, : CARPETINGS, OIL-CLOTH- S, CLUTHING, BONNETS, NOTIONS, HARDWARM. QUEENSWARE, : PROVISIONS, BOOTS a SHOES. FISH, SALT, . GROCERIES. WUB, BACOX, rEKDOriLL IMICM rtnrTi.... ' Clothing and Boots and Shoei made to order on reasonableterms. Johnstown March I 1800-t- f. PATROJIIZE TOUR OKtS I The Protection Mutual Fire Insurance Co : OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. LOCATED AT EBENRBnnn. i rpHE above named Company, orranit.d April 6th, 1857. will effect insr.n property at safe rates. Being particularly careful in the risks taken, this Company pre- -' sents a reliable and che&n mrfinM i,..v which persons may secure themselves airaini Office on Centre Strf i Thompson's "Mountain House." JrUV WILLIAMS, Prest. ' D. J. Josxs, Sec'y. & Treas. A. A. BARKER, Agent. rpHIS WAY F6R LORKTTO. hitrst JL SPRINGS &. ST, ATTfirsTrvK i The subscriber. harinp-nirrSnH- l th stock of Horses, Hacks, Carriages, 4c, of tha late firm of Rvan &. Durhio h-- s inform his friends and the Public in general that he is now prepared to furnish tbem with every accommodation in bis line of business. His line of Hacks connects with all the train on tbe Pa. R. R. Rllowino- - mc... delay whatever. Calls alwara ernmnrw tended to. JOB F. DlTurtiv AUDITOR'S NOTICE. AuAitnr -- i - l . by the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria countr to report . distribution nfth. - - - of the real ettate of John M'GoogV, uruwccui soid bT :: " 7 wuul-- '' i9 suit or wm. 11. Oardner & Co.. anil nhr rr. j n poaas Nos. 9 and 22, June Term, 1864, here- - j interested in said fund that he will attend to th- - r i,:. aDDOintnaent at his nffif. : .v. , . vn?rxfFn WE.DSDAYf the 16th dar of next, at one o'clock, P. M. -- v'His a. SUANLAN, Auditor. Ebwisburr, Oct. 6, 1864-3- t. TNSURANCE AGENCY. X James Purse, agent for the Blair eountr JtUu..uS um x ire insurance Com- panies, Johnstown, Pa. S& Will attend promptly to making insu- rance in any part of Cambria county upoa application by letter or in person. March 12th, 1863-t- f. rilERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION T JL TO - "THE ALLEGHANIAN $1.50 QT ADTAJT0I. cvBSCRIBK VCTW 1 " 1 V

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Page 1: The Alleghenian.. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1864-11-24 [p ].Pol0' Prick FaroId' WoIf Kakle, Patrick fiSf"ftarles M'Ulaffertj, John MichMiCojtJohn KearnaJ KSS "Cioskey, Patrick Harkins, Adam

J. Burke, William Rick, Joseph Sbsrpe, Dan- -iel Skelly, David Brookland, Wm. M'Gough, ofJames, T. Kuhlman, Philip J. M'Connell,Valentine Wassil, Becson Crum, Mathias

IU - ougnnour, nenry Kxider, AdamGoughenour, Dennis Goughenour, Jonas F.Goughenour, John Steinlein, George A. Con- -fHir, David iIarrison, Geo 'e 1Ur&mGoughenour, Aneston Grove, Samuel Doubt,peter Nitch. Frorlrlr i?r. n ni.'



List of Deafted Mex. A draftgapplemental to the dratt oi Din oeptem--!

fill deficiei .1(.-,c- ;ftr Uber last, to Vv,.w..,sexemption, desertion, &C, came off atProvost Marshal headquarters, Hollidajs--

burg, on last xriuay, ioiu iusi. iuclirtf,T names Were drawn for Cambria

county :

Plcabfield T. 0 in wheel: 32 to be drawn.Fat Risbau, James D. M'Mulhn, inonias

Auras.' James Swires. Patrick. Owens,... DanielVertx, Thomas Noel, Frank M Urnmi, uaniriJ. Fisher, Matthew Iwy, John ;sagie, jr.,John Uroomoaugn. rrancis . m uuuclfThomas Callahan, George DaUghcrty, ShanesXI'Gough, Joseph Dinsle, John J. Trexler,Luke Durbin, Joseph Watt, James H. Malony,John Koousraan, Patrick Dunnagan, WilliamRrn Barnard Gonnerlr. John weisei, (in

.rvi-- e Thos. Durbin. Joseph Fogle, LeviMoore. George Swire, James LiUlnger,David Croop.

Whits Tr-- 34 in wheel : 20 to be drawnStewart Walters, John Fisher, Geo. Pierce,

Chriitopher Noel. George Davis, Perry krtse.j(rry Troxell, Simon Felira, William Rickard,Sitnufl Loon, John lay lor, uavia Stephens,Cieorge Cray, Joseph Younkin, Isaiah Oates,William lleming, Perrr Trexler, John IIHorner, Joseph Berdine, J. W. Scott,SrsarEUi'xxA Tr. 52 in wheel: 2G to drawn

Orwia Mason, John G. Bearer, John MPeter Sieffj, Matthias Shorten

kerchn-- r, Charles Weakland, Wm. M'Mullin,James Somervil!e, David Bracken, John

r. C vT.? u t--M Lw"??llDr iTi ra'ml?Shl--

ier.llmGood, W.lljara Bee Michael Gray JosephY X. 1 ox James Anderson,Zepbaniah U cakland, John Cunningham,George Lamer.

Chest Tp. 24 in wheel; 24 to be drawnSmith Eastman, Anthony Anna, Nathaniel

D. Eastman, John A. Nagle, George W. Krise,Joseph J Higgle, George liipst, Henry Able,James Diven, Sebastian Cruse, John Warner,Thomas rrarter, Kicharu Maculia, John DEUer, Jr0 John Noel. Silas Luther, SethEastman, Anthony Detrich, William D. Jones,Joseph liowman, John M. bwope, BradleySioiou, Francis Yager, Henry Delozier.Allegukxt Tp. 46 in wheel; C to be drawn.

Jacob Mast, John Groves, James Wills, Edward Doyle, Mike KillJuff, Michael Huffman

Gallitzix. 18 in wheel; C to be drawn.James A. M'Closkey, James Riley, Francis

Brown, Henry Sauker, Richard Denny, FelixHenlon.

Cakroll Tp. 97 in wheel; 54 to be drawn.George Luther, Mark Gillespie, Anthony

iiouck, Philip Crook, Caspar binith, DanielDelozier, Andrew Siebold, Andrew Strittmat-te- r,

Peter Bertram, Levi Luther, Thos. Davi3,Anthony Kirkpatrick, Henry Knunemacker,Joseph Stonebiser, John Sharbaugh, JohnTrexler, George Mcrsel, John Barnacle, JacobKontzman, Josepn Elich, Jacob Koontz, HenryLuther, James Dick, Anthony Moler, MurtiaA. Mullen, Martin SanJers, John Koonsnian,Cline Uupert, Michael Nagle, Raphael Hite,William Wasser, John Himmcl, Terrence De-lozier, Augustus Strittmatter, John Netzell,Charles Aaaa, Barnhart Fresh, John Saysong,Leaader Strong, Aug. Luther, John Houg,Silas Weakland, George Trinkle, John Book-omje- r,

Patrick Kane, Vttias Pheister", JohnRager, Dan it 1 Reisinger, Christ. Carlheim,Bernard M'Gee, John Kirsh, Thaddeus Horn,William Dishart, Simon Noel.Cose.vacgu Tp 45 in wheel ; 20 to be drawn.

Uugh R. M'CIeester, Patrick Quinlon, Sam-c- el

Gardner, Amos Ilorner, Jesse liofman.Christian Gouehenour. Peter Rubritz. Eli I

Griffith, Michael Delania, Enuraim Wissinger.Aaron Goughenour, William Griffith, D. F.Hoover, Andrew Gig, Christian Gossard,

II. Fradenick? John Fogal, AlexanderDenner, Jeremiah Beam, William C. DeckerVoder Tp. 33 in wheel; 1C to be drawn.Jacob Cover, William Custer, John Ilarsh-terge- r,

John Yenger, Nehemiah Griffith, Jas.W. Decker, Samuel Potter, George B. Morris,EJwrd Irwin, Adam Goughenour, MichaelGilbert, Samuel Long, Charles Freall, Felix

le, John Dub, Timothy L. HuntWashington Tp. 42 in wheel; 36 to be drawn.

Frederick Ager, John Docherty, David Sho-ralaug- h,

John Brawley, David Ager, Thomasllaomth, Cyrus Pickens, Isadore Lilly, OttsHoelle, Matthew Addlesberger, Daniel .Jones, Peter M'Gough, Kobert Hark, JohnMark, David Mark, Patrick Bowland, FrancisDonahue, William Bradley, John Conahan,Ceo. Bar'.ine, John Randolph, Albert George,5- - ft. ililler, Augustus M'Intosh, Bernardierney, Peter Short, Jacob Briudle, HenryWard Julius Acer. Henrv Fick. William Carroll, Thomas Short, William M'Gough, Robertfcurfce, Benedict Hite, Richard TobinCoxemacgh. 141 in wheel; 46 to be drawiu

. . . .k J m i n i tt 'Aiiur.w nnrpiner .iniin ninno n. Lew sfehn, Conrad Wintrode, George Foltz, Hugh

jlarray, Frederic Showhart, John Pffaller,Edward Connerr. Georce Eerhner, S. D. Can- -an, John Senval, George Frick, John Earle,

il!?in Bowcra Wiltinm Savior. ViftorVoegtly, John Sharn, George Wier, John-- 'indie. David Smith. Henrv P. Freidhoof.James B. Clark. William II. Orris. PatrickClarke, Wm. Gremmell, John Zugier, Thomas

George Studena, John Bast, JamesLeonard, John Holfelter, Conrad Bershneider,Kudolph Hinger, John Arthur, Zephaniah--eamy, Amos Clark, John Hindrer. CephasFairfax, Joseph Hesl on. Jr.. Charles HmihorJeffrey Oldham, Christian Kuckuck, John D.

ii-raii- tt, Leonard Octar, Herman Mink.Mcxster Tp. 25 in wheel ; 12 to be drawn.Sebastian Wflrrfn

1.Tnhn I") ,

Savior. Francis Eberlv. Anthonv fihar-n-

jao. C. Brown, Philip Sanders, William Storm)uics Kain, James Unriste, John JJ Uaughey,

lL niubrana.Ceotle Tp 56 in wheel; 20 to be drawn..Michael Skelly, Michael Siboliske, Joseph

&vid Rorabaueh. Elins Paul. Samui-- 1 Plum!Albert Wilson, Jacob Piingle, John M'-?ug- h,

John Litzinger, Geo. S. Lamb, Georgeemly, Joseph Dunmire, John Neff, J. A. J.liams, William Hiser, Tobias Ash.

Ttno TO in TO V. l . , ," ou io oe arawn.James M'Pike. Bernard Kv,n a:' " "VliU UHUC- -w, Michael Carmon, Dorsey Sowers, Leo

PRak Broderick, Bonigartz Ilazley,r i , 'v",k nenry Wiseman, PatrickSrKIi I .'""Ji w aioran, iteubenJarvio .xi'ir., u re iu iiuKU, vuuraa mvnrarSel i Brihard, John Kelly, Joshua Foster'tfnjrfr Gunter. Pt-t.P- SaI.iV t-.- i. o .- r AOs ml unrmi MimitI r James Milvil, Patrick Hamilton, PatrickPol0' Prick FaroId' WoIf Kakle, Patrick

arles M'Ulaffertj, JohnfiSf"ft MichMiCojt John KearnaJKSS "Cioskey, Patrick Harkins, Adam

MiLi.vii.ti. 125 In wheel: 58 to be drawn


Albert M. Gregg, Thomas Seymore, MichaelMockler, Dennis Boyle, Daniel Sanders, HughDougherty, Dayid Cronan, Henry Heed, Patrice lien, uees Koberts, W. K. Williams,Martin Herbert, Henry Gibbons, James Dal ton,David L. Davis, John Lancy, Charles Asquith,William Ensics. Josiah M'CIow. John Carvil.uooert Morns, Thomas Jones, Jacob LIghtner,J,ichael Bowland, Isaac Jeffreys, Patrick

i ti t:-1- , fy- - r- - r i- - n . i . 1

John M'Cabe, George Huber, August Gurstiu,iaob"a,rri3vJo3: Walkey, David Malnhart,

Keelan, Lewis, Lawrence Bardtn,Michael Ryan, John Lewis, Martin Mulclily,Timothy Tansey, John D. Jones, Thomas

adv. Valentine Linch. ThosDowns, John Gallaher, Luke Russell, EdwardBurns, James M'Clor. Sen.. Michael BarrT.Timothy Hiram, John Barry, Jamee Kennedy,Edward Tafe, John Freeall, Morrison Morris,

I lJ J I -.uwaru xrancis

Scmmkehill TP.-3- 3 in wheel; 18tobe drawn.rranic luuwen, illiam W. Wolfe. William

iiter, John M'Kee, James Rager, Barnard.MUiien, John Farren, John Wenderotb.

Wiimoue.16 in wheel t 8 to be drawnAlbert Butler, Charles F. Preall, Patrick

M'Dunn, Samuel Mowry, E. Bedell, PeterDrown, mmam Skelly, Andrew Beck.Richland Tp. 108 in wheel; 18 to be drawn.

Jacob Itarshbergcr, Samuel Strayer, HiramHayes, Isaac Orris, Christian Kelley, ClintonAllen, David Varner, Henry Hostetler, GeorgeW. Cattell, Joseph H. Moore, William Lehman,Henry Harshberger, Jacob Ripple, John S.Moore, Henry Wissinger, William Sidman,Samuel Sharp, David Rose.Taylor Tp. 58 in wheel ; 28 to be drawn.Francis Gallachtr. Patrick Kerns. I

Goughnour, Charles M'Bride, Joseph Brooks.

John M'David, August Rhinebolt, Fred Rib-let- t,G. W. Strayer, Samuel Stombaueh. Mi

chael Rager, August Spitsbert, Dominic M'-Cu- e.

Blacklick Tp. 20 in wheel ; 14 to be drawn.Antheny Snovell, Edward E. Davis, Nason

M'Callister, Abrara A. Brown, Rodney Charles,Andrew Anderson, Joseph Conaway, CharlesFarabaugh, Thom3 Kinner. William Adams.John Wolf, Joseph Hiner, Matthias HoQman.O 1 mi 'oauiuei Auomas.Jackson Tp. 47 in wheel : 2 to b drawnAbraham Biers, Henry Adams.One hundred per cent of the foregoiDg

names constitutes an excess drawn to cover exemptions, desertions, &c.

Hassonia. They call Michael Hasson,editor of the Ebensburg Dcm. & Sentinel,Colonel. Do you wonder why ? It is because he is the acknowledged head andfront of the Black-guar- d battalion of the17th military district, Pennsylvania.

"With due respect to the fitness of titles,what they ought to call Michael Hasson :

Cur-ae- .

In common conversation, these latterdays, it is not infrequently the custom forpersons to contract familiar proper namesof two and more sjllibles to one. By thismeans, BobinBon takes the guise ot Rob,and Richardson becomes Rich. In casean unaspirating English cockney shouldattempt to give the cognomen Hasson the, . -benent 0

fl this free-and-ea- sy system of ab--

breviation, he would evidently render itAss ! And in 80 doino. t WOuldn t be

guilty of slandering anybody.Concerning the derivation of the word

Michael: Miclde'm the Scottish dialect si"- -

nifies much ; and Miche in the Saxoa meansto sneak. One or the other of these mustbo the root of Michael. Seeing that heis a perfect mountain of flesh and blood,Much Hasson might be thought legitimate : but we incline to the belief thatSneaking Hasson, or Hasson the Sneak,ii what is intended to be conveyed as thetrue meaning of the word Michael.

The initial letters of the name of theeditor of the Dent, dc Sent, are M. II.These are also the initials of Mutton Headand Monster Heart. We view this in thelight of a happy coincidence.

Hasscn frequently boasts that he has"gone through the classics." A cursoryperusal of the paper he edits is sufficientto convince tho most skeptical that athe classics have never gone throughhtm.

Hasson is a lawyer. His talents inthat line are not often called into requisi-tion, still (paradoxical as it may seem) itmay be said of him that he practices con-

siderably at the bar.Hasson is an agriculturist, but an in-

different one. He sows nothing but wildoats.

Hasson calls his paper the Sentinel.-I- nview of the particularly bad odor in

which it is held by respectable men,wouldn't it bo a good idea to change thename to Scent-ine- l T

They tell about a big gun the biggestin the world lately cast at ort Pitt ofFoundry, Pittsburg. Its bore is twentyinches. How much larger is this. thanHasson's 1

If you were to cut np Hasson and fillhim into tin boxes, what staple commodi-

ty might yon sell him for 1 ConcentratedLie.

Why is Hasson one of a deck ofaards ?

Because he is a knave. aWhioh would you rather see a. bust of

Hasson, or Hassoo on a buifc t

moM OUR SOLDIERS.txTTiK r0M co. c, 209th f. v. th WKATHK&

btajlixikq jtxws hkalth op compa- ---v tlBTltl TBI HICTIOJT,

Bermuda Hundred, Nov. 14, '64.Correspondence of The Alleghanian.

The bright days of sunshiue are past,at least for the present. The North windis upon us, cold and dreary, and as thesentinel paces his beat, or the videttewatches at hi wearr nnt li lnlffr. fnfire to warm his benumbed fingers or hisalmost frozen feet.

If you would have news, the only newsof importance that I can give is thateverything is quiet here. There is theusual routine of business, so that beforethe dawn begins to break, the, drums beatreveille, the camp is awaked, and the for-tifications lined with troop?, to preventeven the possibility of a surprise. A little smart walk, an occasional "rough andtumble," or a few embers,, serve to kernrone comfortable until daylight sends himto his quartern.

It is a pleasure to still be able to statethat the health of Co. C is good. Wehave not one seriously ill, and only fourall told off duty on account of sickness.In a neighboring regiment, which cameout about the same time as we, the deathsamount to twenty, there being as many asthree in one com Dan v.

.We are so unfortunate as to be cut upinto a good many detachments. A corporal and ten men have been on duty inredoubt Carpenter ever since we firstreached this neck of earth. The namesof these ten are, Corp. Wm. F. Baum,privates Gordon Sinclair, William Humphreys, . Henry Houp, Richard Griffith,Wallace Stiles, William Montague, Johni:t; ai x..,. , . ,.

u'"u6aj iiiwuuucr jesue, ana .rcni- -bald bma. There is also a detail forfatigue duty, to build hospitals at Pointof Bocks. They have been absent duringthe present month, and will probably bethrough the winter. Their names are,bergt. Alex. Jones, privates Bobert B.Jones, David J. James, Ed. W. Hum-phrey?, Peter Wagner, Uriah Wagner, H.W. Delozier, Adam Shinafelt, "WilliamM. James, Evan S. Jones, and John Dar-- J

by. There are also other details, but theyare small ones. In the company, thereare bat forty men present for duty.

On Tuesday came the election, and onWednesday evening it was announcedthat Abraham Lincoln was re-elect- ed "tothe Presidency of the United States. I

Upon that announcement, not one, northree, nor nine cheers went up, but cheerunon cheer until thv nnitJ inj wU- -tinuous roar, mingled with the sound ofdrums and the notes of trumpets. If thehosts of Israel as they came out of thedepths of the Bed Sea had raised theirvoices in one universal acclamation fortheir deliverance, it would have been a titcounterpart to the union of voices that!rose upon the air and swept over to therebel lines when it was announced thatcopperheadism was forever laid low by tho

of Abraham Lincoln.Your statement of the vote exit for

President by our company is erroneous.There was an aggregate of sixty-si- x votespolled, every one of which teas for FatherAbraham. Of this number,- - forty-nin- e

were cast by Cambria county electors.Truly, Gamma.



Johnstown, Nov. 20 1864.Coirespondence of The Alleghanian!

One of those sad accidents which causeshudder when we hear of or read about

occurred1" a family named

.Cooney, resi- -


aing a snort distance east of Galhtzin, thiscounty, on last Monday. At the time of

A A 1 A 1. Tir 1 m - fmiia occurrence, coin iur. ana Mrs. Kj. wereabsent- - from home, leaving behind themas sole occupant of the house their child,aged about three years. The child, find-in- g

itself alone, commenced tamperingwith the fire; and the result was that theflames speedily communicated themselvesto its clothing, and when the mother re- -

turned, a short time after, it was to findnothing remaining of her little one but ablackened and shapeless crisp. Let thisbe a warning to parent to never permitchildren to remain alone in the vicinity

fire. ,

A man named William Frew was caughtbetween the bumping-bea- m of an engineand a car, near Lilly's station, this county, one day last week, and squeezed todeath. His remains were taken to Holli-daysbu- rg

for interment.An engineer on the railroad named

Frank Colie had one of his legs taken off,few days ago, by falling under his en-

gine a short distance weak of this place.Not long since, I chronicled tho sudden (

death of a brother of this Colie in a railroad smash-u- p at Conemaugh.

Qur "hundred day men" returned homeweek before last, under charge of Lieut.Heyer, their term of service having expired. Capt. W. It. Jones (commanderof the company) enlisted a company ofone hundred and fifty men out of the reglment to serTC ft" one year, and is now

uolD5 proToss amy in isainmore. AneCapt." was home on brief furlough lastweek aod shoed me an elegant swordwhich had been presented him by thememb" of his company. He is worthyt0 wear " lor nere are iew better fficcraor men above ground than this same Capt.Jones.

Lieut. Dan Jones, of the Signal Corps,and Lieut. A. K. Babcock, of the 54th P.V., returned home here last week. Boththese officers served their country eredi- -

tabl for three years and are nw hw'orablJ charged the service.

Col. Linton, of the 54th- - P. V., left torejoin his regiment last week. He baaalmost wholly recovered from the effectsof his late wound.

Mr. William Fritz, superintendent ofthe new Government rolling-tui- ll at Chat- -tanooga, Tenn, was in town last week.He expects to bo able t eom-meoc- e themanufacture of railroad iron there aboutthe 1st of January next. Persons in needof employment can get good situations',with transportation free, by applying, byletter to him, at Chattanooga.

List or Causes. Following is the triallist for the December term of the CambriaCounty Courts, 1864;

TIKST W1K.MoTgao vs. Holliday and others

owTser,. vs. Gatesrts. Collins,

Emerson vs. Wood & Morrel, Gar.,Griffith vs. Hughes,M'Gonigle vs. RodgersrM'Closkey ts. Carland,Kohler, vs. Erwanger- -

SECOND WEEKStellsel k Porter' vs Whites,Eb. & C. RR. ts. Noon,Jackson vs. Job acton,Collins vs. Eb. & C. RE. Co..Lloyd vs. Skelly,Cushon vs. Heslop,Brallier ts. KibleryKemp ts. Griffith,Malzi ts. Brown,Tiernan endorsee vs. Sawes,Henderson, et. al. vs. Hawes,Pedan, et, aL vs. Hawes,Kerrigan vs. Leff,Commonwealth vs. Linton, .'

Same ts. Linton,Gates vs. Wolf & WelchoraeDougherty for use ts. Smyth,Lantze vs. Moore et. &L,B"ck ts. Moore et. aL,

vs. Noel,Noefa vs. Matthews,Shrbaugh ts. Link,

Closkey vs. Gooseregan,Frederick ts. Nagle. -

Important to Drafted Men. Capt.Llojd, Provost Marshal of this district,sends us the following announcement,with a request to give it publicity throughur columns :

".Notice is hereby given that from thisaJ forward tho 13th section of the En- -

rollment Act will be rigidly enforced.-- person drafted and wishing to put ina substitute must do so 'on or before theday fixed for his appearance The priv- -

ege of putting in a substitute expireswith that day, and if on hearing bis elaimfor exemption he is held to be liable, hecannot escape personal service.

a M T.T.nvn"Capt. & Pro. Mar. 17th Dist, Pa.

"Hollioatsbubo, Nov. 18, 18S4."

PnoNoaRArnY.At the urgent solicitation of many of our citizens, Prof. 31a- -

han, superintendent of the EbensburgUn ion schools, has consented to receive aclass in Phonography. He is a thoroughmaster of the science himself, and professes his ability to impart a tolerably fullknowledge thereof to pupils in so few astwelve lessons. Th fi rsc mAotmrr rvf i tinw w kUW

class will be held at the Union SchoolHouse on next Friday eve, 25th inst.,commencing at 6 o'clock, when and whereall desiring to enter it are invited to bepresent

' Almost a Disastrous Conflagration-

.--On Monday morning llast, thehotel building of Mr. Isaac Crawford, inthe West Ward, was discovered to be on

Te between the ceiling and second flojr.happily, the flames had not then madomich headway, so what must speedilyhave become a destructive conflagrationwaa easily overcome. The fire was com- -municated by a defective stovepipe

If you want to buy a new suit of clo-

thing; if you want to buy a nice hat orcap; if you want to buy a good pair of bootsor shoes ; if you want to buy a pair ofgloves go to Thompson's store, Post Of-

fice building, Ebensburg!



Four-fifth- s of tim0 and hard labor tared eyusing



Patented March 10, 1863 j fti chief advanU- - ,

get are1st. Caving strong gear wheels to obtain, '

power, one man can operate it to bend coldwagon tire, any size under 1 by 4 Inches.

2d. Having movable oollars,. to bold the-- .'

bar square on tbe portable roll re,. it takes alltwist out of tbe bar, while bending is a regttlar circle.

3d. It can be shifted to bend to any desiredcircle, from one up to twelve feet, in onminute.

4th. Having a movable centre porst, whichcan be quickly taken off, tires and bands areeasily taken out. .

5th. The upper ribbed, roller, will alwaydraw the bar through..

Cth. Being guaged and numbered, a cardwith directions accompanies it.

The Machine tn good: (oil the journals)running order, bolted upon a. strong piece oftimber, without legrcr crank, for $25, or with !

legs and crank for $30. 1

All cash orders promptly attended to.State and County Rights tor sale.

ISAAC C- - SINGER.Ebensburg, April 14, 1864-t- f.




Sell Fruit t Ornamental Tress, Vines ie. ofbetter growth, larger size, and at lower prices ;than any of the Northern or Eastern Nurseries 'and warrant them true to name.

Standard Apple trees at 18 cents each i

$1C per 100.Peach trees, 15 to 20 ct each $15:50 to

$15 per 10 j . ,Standard Pear trees, 59. to 75 cts oach.Dwarf Pear trees, 50$to$leach 20 to $

"-- '

per 100 '

Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to 75 cts each .

Standard Cherry trees 37J to 75 eta ' 'Dwarf Cherry trees 50 to 75 ct- - -

Plum trees 50 cts. '. t

Apricot trees 40 to 50 cts.Nectarine trees 25 cts each.Grape Vines 25 cts to $1.Silver Maple trees 62$ to $1.European Ash, 75 to 1. ' . 'European Larch, 75 cts to 1.50' - . . !.Norway Spruce, 50 cts to $1.American Balsam Pine, 75 cts to $1.50American A-- Chines Arhm. v: i. '

$1.50 ' '

Strawberry Plants, $1 per 100, 4c. .Huntington, Jan. 25, 1860.-tf- .i


WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL.The subscriber inviioa th ofn:

PUbllC. and Of Countrr Mnhanato his large assortment of .



STATIONERY of all kinds.A complete assortment of MUSIO BOOKcan only be found in the cit" at the subscri-ber's. (.

All goods sold at the lowest wholesale caskrates.JRa?- - Call and examine before buvine else-where. CHARLES C. MELLOR.

81 Wood St.,Bet. Diamond Alley and 4th st ,

aog4,1864-3m- J PITTSBURG.

w OOD MORRELL & CO.,Tutmr .rr . r""J.1.11VUL.0J.L1D ajmj jftEtiAILt DEALERS -

15 ALL KIXDS OF MBCHASOIS,Keep constantly on hand the following arti-cles :DRY GOODS. HATS AND CAPS, :



QUEENSWARE, : PROVISIONS,BOOTS a SHOES. FISH, SALT,. GROCERIES. WUB, BACOX,rEKDOriLL IMICM rtnrTi....' Clothing and Boots and Shoei made toorder on reasonableterms.

Johnstown March I 1800-t- f.

PATROJIIZE TOUR OKtS IThe Protection Mutual Fire Insurance Co: OF CAMBRIA COUNTY.

LOCATED AT EBENRBnnn. irpHE above named Company, orranit.dApril 6th, 1857. will effect insr.nproperty at safe rates. Being particularlycareful in the risks taken, this Company pre- -'sents a reliable and che&n mrfinM i,..vwhich persons may secure themselves airaini

Office on Centre Strf iThompson's "Mountain House."

JrUV WILLIAMS, Prest. 'D. J. Josxs, Sec'y. & Treas.

A. A. BARKER, Agent.

rpHIS WAY F6R LORKTTO. hitrstJL SPRINGS &. ST, ATTfirsTrvK iThe subscriber. harinp-nirrSnH- l th

stock of Horses, Hacks, Carriages, 4c, of thalate firm of Rvan &. Durhio h-- s

inform his friends and the Public in generalthat he is now prepared to furnish tbem withevery accommodation in bis line of business.His line of Hacks connects with all the trainon tbe Pa. R. R. Rllowino- - mc...delay whatever. Calls alwara ernmnrwtended to. JOB F. DlTurtiv

AUDITOR'S NOTICE.AuAitnr -- i - l .

by the Court of Common Pleas of Cambriacountr to report. distribution nfth. -- -of the real ettate of John M'GoogV, uruwccui

soid bT:: " 7 wuul--'' i9 suit or wm.11. Oardner & Co.. anil nhr rr. j npoaas Nos. 9 and 22, June Term, 1864, here- -j interested in said fundthat he will attend to th- - r i,:.

aDDOintnaent at his nffif. : .v. , .

vn?rxfFn WE.DSDAYf the 16th darof next, at one o'clock, P. M.-- v'His a. SUANLAN, Auditor.Ebwisburr, Oct. 6, 1864-3- t.

TNSURANCE AGENCY.X James Purse, agent for the Blair eountr

JtUu..uS um x ire insurance Com-panies, Johnstown, Pa.

S& Will attend promptly to making insu-rance in any part of Cambria county upoaapplication by letter or in person.

March 12th, 1863-t- f.



