the american renaissance

By Lee Williams 491 English Literature Professor Julie Miller University of Phoenix January 14, 2013

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The American Renaissance. By Lee Williams 491 English Literature Professor Julie Miller University of Phoenix January 14, 2013. Transcendentalism. Continuity exists between man, nature, and God, or the divine . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The American Renaissance

ByLee Williams

491 English LiteratureProfessor Julie MillerUniversity of Phoenix

January 14, 2013

Page 2: The American Renaissance

Continuity exists between man, nature, and God, or the divine .

What is beyond nature is revealed through nature; nature is itself a symbol, or an indication of a deeper reality.

Matter and spirit are not opposed but reflect a critical unity of experience.

Plan always precedes action. In the individual can be discovered all truths, all experience.

Information: Retrieved from

Page 3: The American Renaissance

Literature, Poetry, Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, and Music

Boston & Concord, MA Writers Politics & Religious Corrupted the

Individual Self-reliant & Independent Community of Transcendentalists

Page 4: The American Renaissance

Self confidence of Nation Diversity of Religious Citizen more involved in politics. New ways of thinking Religious tone was hopeful and upheaval

Page 5: The American Renaissance

Focused on Themes like Romanticism and Transcendentalism

The Effects of Politics and Religions movements

Help Citizens create self-worth

Page 6: The American Renaissance

Louisa May Alcott Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau

Page 7: The American Renaissance

Transcendentalist and strict parents Intellectual Friends Little Women, published in 1868 Abolitionist & Feminist Women Suffrage The Protagonist In her Books Chronic Health Issues

Image: Louis May Alcott

Page 8: The American Renaissance

Father was a Minister American Essayist, Lecturer, & Poet Philosophical & Literary Movement Attended Harvard College Famous for Essay, Nature Anti-Slavery

Image: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Page 9: The American Renaissance

Author, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax reister, development critic, surveyor, historian, & leading transcendentalist

Born to a Pencil Maker Civil Disobedience Attended Concord Academy & Harvard College Best Known for his book Walden Refused to pay Poll Taxes

Image: Henry David Thoreau

Page 10: The American Renaissance

Louisa Alcott was able to be a successful writer in a male dominated society. She wrote books that represent her life.

Ralph Emerson was considered the father of transcendentalism and led the beliefs of a new way of thinking.

Henry Thoreau thought the government should have less power and treat people as neighbors of the state.

Religion, writers and artists played a major role during the Renaissance that help shaped the course of Western history and continues to influence modern American culture.

Page 11: The American Renaissance

Brittanica Encyclopedia (2008). American Renaissance. Retrieved from

Baym, N. (Ed.). (2008). The Norton anthology of America literature. (Shorter 7th ed. Vol.2). New York, NY: W.W Norton

Danzer, G., Klor de Alva, L., Krieger, L., Wilson, L., Woloch, N. (2003). The Americans. Evanston, IL: McDougal, Littell

Ralph Waldo Emerson. Retrieved from

Smith, N. (2011. The Influence of the renaissance on modern american society, culture and art. Retrieved from