the annihilation of the wicked scriptually considered by rev. w. mcdonald, 1872

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  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    T I I E

    ~ ~ N Z H I I J A T I O NF





    T h e


    th world with Christianity


    to its issu

    up011 th



    future rctrib11tion. Isaac TATLOR

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872



    Ente red accord ing to ct of C orgresi;, in t l l e yca1.3872



    in the O E c e o f

    t h e

    T,il,r;lrinn of Congrers


    \Vas lington.

    Y ~ _ N . _ h - _ ~ I V - Y _ - ~ ~ ~ V


    . ~ _I. - I

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    P R E F A C E .

    H S

    M N D U A L

    N TURE D u r i n g a

    long an d tho roug h discussion of th e foregoing

    question by an d in t he presence of a la rge

    body of Clergymen th e auth ors of this l i t t le

    volume presented th eir views upon th e subject

    of th e ann ihilation of th e wicked etc. t

    th e close of the disc~lss iol~hey were unani-

    rnously requested by vo te to pu blish tlie sarnc

    in some convenient form. W ith sucli c l~a l lges


    were deemed necessary to adapt them to

    po pu lar use the y are no w offered to th e public.

    Tlie authors do not claim to have furnis l~edan

    exhallstive treatise on t h e subject bu t a con-

    cise statenlent of the scriptural and philosoph-

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872



    ica l arguments by which this baneful error is

    o v e r t h r o ~ ~ n-a treatise wliich may be quickly

    read an d easily com prehended by all .

    N a y this l i t tle volume lead m any a s t he dis-

    cussion did a lea din g m iniste r of the


    t ion fai th t o renounce th e error an d emb race

    the t r u th as i t

    i s in the

    word of God.

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


      N N I R I L T I O N O F




    unders tand the pecul iar doctr ines of a

    reformer, we should unders tand the sent i -

    m en ts of th e people am on g mhorn fie labors.

    Je su s cam e, as h e liirnself declares, M att.



    to root up every plant mhicl-i liis heav-

    enly Fa the r had not p lanted. I n doing th is , h e

    cam e in direct conflict with the Je w s on m an y

    questions of faith and practice; exposing their

    false interpretations of Scripture, and showing

    tha t in many th ings they made vo id the word

    of God by the ir t radi tions . B ut upon the

    question of t h e existence of


    or spirits in

    distinction frorn ~li ate ria l rgan ization, th er e ap-

    pears t o be n o conflict of selltilnent except w ith

    th e Sadducees, who were t h e materialis ts of the

    t ime, T h e Jew s, among whom Christ labored,

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872





    believed in th e s ep ara te existence of spirits or

    souls, wit11 endless punishment for the ~viclied,

    an d liappiness of

    l ike

    du ration for th e r ighteous.

    e e annot unders tand tlie O ld T esta lllent rec-

    ord without admit t ing that the Hebrews held

    and taught the doc t r ine of tlie inlmortality ot'

    th e soul.


    The fac t tha t a


    or sp ~ tmight exist

    separate frorn the body crops out every-where

    through out the Old Testalnent, i r idicat i r~g he

    belief of tlie Hebrews.

    What other idea could the people receive

    fi-om Elijali7s prayer 0 Lord my God, le t

    this child's soul colr~ e nt o hi111 again and th e

    Lo rd heard th e voice of Eli jah nd th e soul

    of tlie cliild cam e in to him again, [or into th e

    n ~ i d s t f him again,] at id he revived."

    Wllwt oth er m ean ing could hav e been in-

    ferred ti orn he l anguage


    J o b


    u t his flesh

    upon him sllall have pain, and his soul within

    hit11 shall monrn."


    T h e J e ~ v i d i elief i n

    necrom ancy

    is proof

    of their belief in the separate existence of souls.

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872




    They believed that a aecromancer was one


    had power to summon n p an d consul t th e dead.

    The law concerning this pract ice is in Dent .

    xviii, 1 0 l l : There shal l no t be fo u~ ld

    r n o r i g

    you any one th at rnaketll


    son or hi;? da ug ht er

    to pass throu gh th e f ire, or th at useth divination,

    or an observer of t imes, or an enchanter , or a

    witch, or a charmer, or a consulter w ith familiar

    spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer'.

    Necromancers, says Ca m pbe ll, are those

    w ho consult th e dead. D r . Ja lln says Arecro-

    mccncer3spretended th at they were able by th ei r

    incantat ions to summon back depar ted spir i ts

    from th eir abodes. D r. Stackhouse says

    Necromancy is the art of raising up t l ie dead

    i n order to pry in to f ~ ~ t u r events. Josephas

    says D em on s ar e th e spirits of wicked rnen,

    wh o enter into l iving men and destroy then ] ,

    unless they $re so hap py as to meet with speedy

    relief. I t is adm it ted by onr best wri ters th at

    this was the belief of th e Jew s.




    practical illustration of this belief

    i n the case of Snnl , wllo col~ snltc d he witch

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872




    of Endor.

    Saul went to th is woman wi th the

    demand, B rin g m e liiin up whom

    I s l l d l n a m e

    unto thee. Sh e did not deny her pow er to do

    it , but plead that her l ife was in danger from

    Saul's proliibition. O n Sau l's assurin g he r

    that she should not be harmed, she inquired,

    Whorn shal l I bring up u n to t h e e ? I I e re-

    plied, B ring m e u p Samuel . Such a request

    would never have been m ad e had Sa ul been a

    ma terialis t. I I e believed she could call u p t h e

    spirits of the dead. A n d i n this h e but reflected

    th e belief of' the J ew ish nation .

    3 The Je w s held t lie same belief in t he t im e

    of Christ.

    Tl iere were at that t ime three sects among

    the Je w s, namely, th e P harisees , th e Sadduceee,

    an d th e Essenes . T h e Essenes are no t named in

    th e N ew Testam ent , for t lle reason, as i t is sup-

    posed, t h at th ey were a n order of t lie Pharisees,

    and hence included u nder t l ~ a t enera l name.

    Of th e Pharisees , Josep hus says The y be-

    lieved that souls have an imtnortal vigor in

    them, and that under the ear th there wil l be

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872




    rewards an d p uni~ hm er l t s ascording as they

    hav e lived virtuously or viciously in thi s life. -

    Ant. book xviii, c11. I see. 3 Th is refers to th e

    interm edia te state, or the sta te of t lie dead bc-

    tween death an d th e resurrection.

    T he y ( the Pharisees) ay th at al l souls

    a re indestructible, etc. lTrccr ii,


    Sp ea kin g of tlie Sadducees, Jose phu s says

    The doctr ine of the Sadducees is this : that

    souls die with t h e bodies. Again :


    T h e y

    take away thc bel ief


    immorta l i ty , and the

    pun ishm ents an d rew ards of Iladcs.

    Of tlle Esseries, Josep llus says T he y tea ch

    th e irnrriortality of souls. T h e y teach t h a t

    bodies are corruptible, but tha t t h e souls are

    im m or ta l arld continu e forever. -Ant. xviii, 5


    a s I

    I .

    Of th e soul, Jos eph us says

    T h e soul is ever imm ortal .

    I-lere is a clear statement of the belief of the

    Je w s in th e t ime of C hris t , for th e Yharisees em-

    braced tlle inass of th e people. Jo se ph us says,

    th e doctrine of t lie Sadduc ees s received b u t

    b y few, who, wh en the y beca nie'm agistrates,

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    add ict themselves to the notions of tI ie P h a ri -

    sees, because the nlultitudes would not other-

    wise bea r them. -Ant., xviii, 1 4.

    T h e testim ony of T'hilo, the Je w , is of value,

    as indicating the Jewish belief in imrnortali ty

    a t tha t t ime. Ph i lo was born in Alex andria,

    Eg yp t, a few years only before Christ. I I e

    s ays : J f an ~ t a n d s pon the bo rder l i ne of a

    m ortal an d imm ortal natu re, participant of each,

    as was needful, and th at h e was m ade a t the

    same t ime ~ n o r t a l nd immortal-mortal, as to

    his body ilnmortal , as to his mind. Death

    of th e nian is th e separa tion of the soul from

    tlie body but death of the soul is the destruc-

    tion q ui7'2ue and assumption


    vice. --Philo

    Juclceus: i, pp. 32


    I n the N ew Tes tament f requent allusions are

    made to th e fa i th


    t l ie Pharisees and Saddn-

    cecs, with a g eneral disap pro ral of the doctrines

    u f t h e latte r , and app roval of tl ie former.

    W h e n Pa ul stood before t he Council a t Je ru -

    palem, ancl perceived that the crowd was com-

    posed of Pharisees and Sadducees,


    cried o u t

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    in the Council ,


    en and brethren, I atrl a

    Pharisee. T h is annouricement produced a dis-

    sension between th e Ph arise es and Sadducees,

    a n d divided th e mu ltitude. T hi s division was

    purely doctrinal for th e Sadducees say th a t

    there is no resnrrection, n eithe r angels, nor sp ir-

    i ts bu t the Pha risees confess both. A ct s xxii, 8

    Paul takes sides here against t l le Sadducees,

    who held the doctrine of the non-existence of

    se pa rate souls. T h e belief of tlle Pliarisees is

    m ade plain also an d they errlbraced th e gr ea t

    mass of the Jew ish people. W e shal l have

    occasion to refer to this iliatter again.

    Christ's controversy w ith th e Sadducees, m en-

    tioned in M att . xxii, 2 3 ; & lar k xii ,


    L u k e

    xx, 27, ind icates t h at th ey mere t h e rriaterialists

    of his tirnes, a nsw ering t o t h e annihilati'oriists

    of tlie present day.

    The opinions enter tained of t l le Lord Je3us

    Chr is t by the Jews , s stated by the disciples,

    (M att. xvi, 14,) prove th at th ey believed t h at tlie



    dead lnerl were still living.

    W llo m do rnen say th at th e Son of irlan

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      2 A N N I H I I ~ A T I O K

    O F


    K I C K E D .

    a m

    The disciples replied that there was a

    variety of opiniorl expressed concerning him.

    Some said he was J o h n the Baptis t others , th a t

    he wa s E lias \vl1ile others clainied th a t h e was

    Jeremiah; and others s t i l l that l le was one of

    th e prophets. These men were al l dead an d

    had the Je w s believed th at dead men ceased to

    be-had no conscious existen ce, as illaterialists

    believe an d teach-they could no t have believed

    th at the spiri ts of these men were present in th e

    person of Je su s Christ . T his is a s tron g ar-

    gument in favor of the Jewish bel ief on this


    I f Christ did not believe i n th e separate, con-

    scious existence of souls after death

    f he be-

    lieved that nian ceased to be when he ceased

    t o bre ath e; tha t only dust remained-is i t no t

    strange , yea, inexplicable, th at , living an d teach-

    in g as he did, am ong a people th e gre at m ajori ty

    of whom believed in a state of conscions hap-

    p i i~essor misery af ter death, h e should no t

    only never oppose such an erroneons theory,

    but should have employed the Earne terms

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    which they employed to set forth their obnoxi-

    ous doctrin e; an d th at , too, ~v it t io ut ny qualifi-

    cation. D o the advocates of this old Sad du-

    cean error keep silent when an opportunity is

    afforded to defend their peculiar dogma in the

    presence of those who ho ld clifferent se nt im en ts ?

    I n speak ing of th e

    st te

    or pl ce of the de-

    par ted, the Je w s called i t a place of dark-

    ness. Chri st calls


    ou ter darl

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    O F



    ried by th e angels in to Abraha m 's bosom.

    L uk e xvi, 22.


    A n d these [ the wicked] s l~ a l l

    g o aw ay into ever las t ing punishment . Tl le

    Jews speak of a chaos deep and large, f ixed

    bctwecn th e good a n d bad, over which neith er

    th e just nor th e unjust can pass, if he w ere

    bold enou gh to at te m pt it. Chris t says, th a t

    between the righteous a n d the wicked the re is

    a gr ea t gulf' fixed, etc. L u ke xvi,


    K o w w here is th e conflict betwcen Christ , th e

    so-called An nihila tionis t , and th e gr ea t body

    of th e Jew ish pcople who bel ieved in the im-

    mo rtality of the soul, a n d i ts separate, conscio~is

    exis tence af ter d e at h ? W hen he encounters the

    Saddu cees lie ove rturn s their doctrirle

    bu t t he

    opposite sentiment, held


    the Pharisees an d

    Essenes, he approves; and in no instance does

    h e ut ter one word in con de ~n na t ion f i t.

    d d ~ r l i t t i n g ha t th is er ror , if i t be one, is as

    gigantic and repulsive as i ts opposers ~ v o u ld ave

    us belicve-that

    t represents our loving God

    as an inlplacable tyrant , as one says ha t i t is


    a horrible collection of revolting absu rdities

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872



    th a t i t is u tt e rl y opposed, as says anotlier ,

    o our r~ a tu ra l onceptions of God ; '. t s tag-

    ge rs the faith of tlie rnost devou t


    th at anotl ier

    calls i t a divine despotism; anoth er. h e

    s lander of the Alm ighty that i t out rages

    reasor1 an d con lmon sense



    mpeaclies G od's

    moral character ; is lie most terrific blas-

    phemy, the most audacious and unm it igated

    libel eve r ut ter ed agains t a Go d of love, ctc.,



    say, th a t th e doctrine is as hor-

    rible as is he re described, does i t riot appe ar

    stran ge th at Jesu s sl iould hav e passed i t by w i th

    so little notice, an d especially without disappro-

    bation that l ie should have employed terms

    which must have convinced the Pharisees that

    l ie agreed with them , or th at l ie was no t opposed

    to thei r no tions of the soul's irn:nortalitg, an d


    existerlce after d eath , with e t e r i~a l ew ards and

    punislimeats 2

    Suppose that some advocate of annihilation

    should enter a ci ty or vil lage where t he gre at

    mass of th e people were believers in

    h t


    opponents call im:nortal soulism, or t h e con-

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    scious existence of sepa ra te sonls after death,

    with unen ding punishment for the wicked. I I e

    is anxious to establish the new faith, and t h u s

    correc t t h e error s of tlie people-errors

    utterly opposed to our natural conceptions of

    God, th e most terrific blasphemy, as well

    as an imp each m ent of God's nioral character.

    The people are assembled, arid the preacher of

    the new fai th anno l~nceshis text- Matt. xxii,

    13: Bin d hiln liand and foot, an d ta k e hirn away,

    and cast l linl into outer d arkn ess; there s?lall be

    weeping an d gn ash ing of teeth. I n th e course

    of the sermon he repeats, without qualification,

    such Scriptures as, F ea r not them tha t ki ll th e

    body, and af te r th a t have no more tha t they



    But I will forewarn you whom ye shall

    fear F e a r him , which, after h e l lath killed,

    ]lath pow er to cast in to hell. Lu ke xii,


    I t

    is bet ter for thee to enter into l i fe hal t

    or maimed, ra ther t l ian having two hands or

    two feet to be he cast into everlasting fire,

    (Xatt . xvii i ,


    where the i r


    diet11 not,

    and tlle fire is not quenched. Mark


    43, 44

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    A N N I H I L A T IO N O F T H E W I CK E D .

    1 1

    I l e speaks of one ( the r ich man) as actually

    in l iel l , tormented in the f lames; and another

    in Ab raham s bosom, or paradise, enjoy ing

    tlie good things. I I e professes t o hold conver-

    sation with Moses, who h ad for ages slept

    ir? the dust of the earth, etc.


    wonld con-

    jecture that


    preaclier was doing more than

    simply enforcing a doctrine held in common by

    h im a n d t h e m ? W h o w ou ld i m ag in e t h a t h e

    differed in sent iment f rom t l iein?



    Clir is t preaching to


    people who believed


    th e se pa ra te existence of souls-in et er na l


    wa rds and punishments-in th e conscious st at e

    of the dead, and yet, instead of refuting t h e

    doctrine and exposing the error of tlie people,

    h employs terms which prove in tlie clearest

    riianner that 11e does not differ in


    f rom them upon this most imp ortant dogma.

    Tllese considerations lay a foundation for


    direct Scriptl lral argu m ent against the doctrine

    we here oppose. To this me call th e reader s

    special at trntio n.

    JVitll reg:ird


    the rnnterialisl ie



  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872



    O F


    the s leep of the dead, and the annihi lat ion of

    the wicked, there is , as is usual among error-

    ists, a s tra nge w ant of harmo ny. O n one point ,

    however, t liey al l agree, nam ely, th a t dec~th, he

    penal ty wi th which God has threatened s in ,


    ihe absolute eatinction


    the being o the sinner

    J u s t when tl iis ext inct ion takes place? wllcther a t

    death: or a t the judgm ent , or a t some subsequent

    period, th ey ar e not agreed.

    T hey a l l ag ree in a ss er ti ng t li at n ~ n o r tu l -


    by which they mea n e te rna l life, or

    simple being, is the gift of God by


    i n



    far th e gre ate r nurnbcr of thei r

    authorit ies hold that an extinction of conscio~xs

    being takes p lace a t death , to be revived a t the

    judgm ent . ma l l num ber only believe th at

    th e wicked become extinct a t death, a nd for

    the m remains no resurrection . Th ey hold th a t

    m an and beas t come a l ike f rom th e du s t ;

    both hav e th e same breath, an d both die


    They generally believe that t l ie existence of

    a so ul or sp i ri t, as an nt i f y separa te

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    from the body, is liomlicrc taught in tlio

    Su ril j t~lres, nd th a t no conscious soul or spirit

    survives tlle death


    tlie body. Up on these

    points, also, there are differences of opinion

    am on g tlleni.

    Mr. Zerias Carripbell says


    KO Scriptu1.e or

    philosophy has ever yet been sliown to prove

    the mind any th ing niore than an a t t r ibute of

    th e l iving, organized dust an d if so,



    cease with the life of the body. -Aye o


    Light . Th is being th e case, the whole being

    becomes extinct at death.

    Mr. Jaco b Blain says T h e Bible p la inly

    tells u s that men and beasts are made of t l lc

    sam e material-' dust,' an d t h a t botli ha ve



    same breath, ' a n d th at they b ot h die alike.

    A g a i n , T l ~ existence of a soul or spirit a5 an

    eutity witllin us is only inferred from a

    f w


    certain texts which can be explained another

    way, while numerous plain texts and the s tnee

    of the Bible are against it. -Death nut Lzye

    Pp. 39


    Mr. Tl~omaateed says N o c.onsciou+ sl)irit

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    o r so111 su rvivc s t h e dea th of man. -Bible


    T~ a d i t i o n

    . 121.


    George St orrs is bold, an d says



    gard the p lir ase mm ater ia l as one w l~ ic h

    properly belongs to the things which are not: a

    sound w i t l~ ou t ense o r inearling; a mere cloak

    to hi de t l ie nakedne ss of th e thecry of' an

    i tn-

    mortal soul in man. --Six


    p. 29.

    T h e question a t issue bein g a question of fact,

    our appeal must be to the word of God.

    f l e

    w ho m ad e us, an d app oints th e dest iny of al l

    souls, is supposed to be able to impar t the most

    s:ttisfactorj inforiliation on t h e snbjcct. A I I ~

    liere i t is bu t jus t t o say tha t our op po ne ~i t s

    seem to rely less on t h e word of Go d t h a n upori

    other sources of evidence.

    Nr . Hudson l ias produced the most able and



    yct wr i t ten in defense of t l~ is

    dogma-a voluirle of 470 pages-and j e t only

    sixty-seven pages of t h e worli are devoted to th e

    Sc riptnre argum ent, a nd even these arc a medley

    of Sc rip tu re and som cthin g else. Bn1)seqnently

    h e published a sm all volnmc of Scri1)tural argn-

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    m er ~ ts , t o meet, h e says, t21e conv er~ien cc

    of those wh o re ly for thei r v i e ~ w f fu ture life

    upon t l ieir reading and interpretat ion of


    Scriptures. Th en comes very re~ na rk: tble

    confession, w it h most l~uniiliatingr do ub t

    W e doubt if an exclus ively Sc r ip tura l argu -

    ment will prove satiscrtctory to very rriauy,

    21o~~reverlearly i t ln ay ap pe ar to be lnatle out.



    L e, p. 3

    ut our appeal is to the l aw and to the

    test i~n otiy , or if th ey speak no t accol.rling to

    these , i t is bec:~use the y have no l ight in


    Le t the reader keep in tn ind what we l i a re

    proved, namely, that the Jews, among \r11o11l

    Cllrist spent his life, believed in the doctr ine

    which our opponents reject, a small sect only

    dissent ing; and wi th these la t ter Chr is t was

    ever coming in conflict on th is pe cu liar dog111a.

    To have been true to his declared mihsion (ac-

    cordin g to ou r opponents) h e should have colric

    in conflicl vith the great mass of the people.


    he no t only does not op1)ose t l i c u ~ ll tlris ,

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    b u t e i r ~ p l o ~ sanguage well calculated to con-

    firm thcin in their belief.

    I .


    Scriptures m ke a clear distinctiou

    et lveer~6ocZy and q i ~ i t ,etwecn th i ma terial and

    i m v z a t ~ r i a l ,



    Nan, as a physical being, is distiriguislled

    from God, as a s pi r i t ; from holy angels, an d

    froill fallen angels, linown as evil, or



    clean spirits.

    God is said to


    th e G od of tllc spirits of

    all flesh. I f tlicrc be n o distinction betw een

    ' L ~ l ) i r i t a nd


    flesh, ther e can be no sense in


    a use



    Job x iv ,


    But h i s


    upon hirn shall

    hav e pain, and

    his soul

    with in liirri sliall mourn .

    I I e r e


    the lesh withoi~t ,or



    in pain, an d th e soul within mo urning,

    an d both cons ti tu t ing one man. N o language



    more explicit.

    Isa. xxxi, '' N ow th e Egypt ians are men,

    and not God


    an d th eir l~o rse s lesh, an d not

    61)irit. Tf the re be an y distinction b e t \ ~ ~ e c n

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    nen and




    in this verse, then there

    must be a distinction bctmeen flesh and

    " spirit.

    Cor. vi, 20: LLGlorifyGod in your body

    and in your spi,%it,which are God's. If there

    be no distinction betnreen 6ody and spirit,

    how is this duty to be performed

    2 Cor. iv, 1 6 : " Tllougl~ our outward man

    perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by

    day. The "outward man can mean only the

    body and while that is perishing or decaying,

    there is an nward inan


    whose vigor is not

    affected by this decay of the body. This in-

    ward man " is the soul, which


    not dependent

    upon the body for its vigor.

    Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resur-

    rection, (Luke xxiv, 36-40, and they were erri-

    fied and affrighted, and supposed that they had

    seen a spil~it. Seen a spirit No, never, if

    they had been Materialists. But Jesus disabused

    their minds: Behold my hands and my feet,





    myself: handle me, and see; for


    sp r t hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me

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    O F TITE


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    between fai th an d ~v ork s . 1 Ie slioms th at

    is riot saving unless it prodnces good works,

    an y nlore than t h a t a body can l ive \vit llont th e

    presence of the spirit.


    i l lustration would

    hav e been ut ter ly meaningless l iad th e people

    believed th at body an d spir it mere inclnded

    i n

    a single entity.



    ny reasoning w h ic h woulc2 deny t


    a n i ? ~ z ~ n o ~ ' t a Ir y7i~'ituaI nn tzc ~e ,uoz~ld l[yrive

    God of such


    nature, as the sume te~-rnsove

    a y p l i ~ d o botA,.

    1 Let

    u s

    consirler the term soul. IF .14.

    Yonr new rnoons and your appointed feasts

    m y soul ha teth. T h is is spolcen of God.

    Dent. vi ,

    5 :

    T ho u s ha lt love the L o rd thy

    G od , w ith a11 th y soul. Tliis


    spoken of mall.

    In G od the souZ is the snbject of ha t red ; in

    man i t i s the sub jec t of love. Does sou l

    mean spi r i t when appl ied to God, and ody

    ~ v h e n p plie d t o m a n

    sa. xlii, 1 Behold rrly servant, wlioln I



    rr,ine elect,


    rnl lo~n


    so?:l tlclig11C-

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872




    T h is is spoken of G od. Isa. lv,


    L e t

    your soul delight itself in fatness.

    In these

    texts t l ie same word is employed to denote the

    mind of rnan tl iat is employed to denote t l ~ e

    rrlind of God. Botl-i ar e rep rese nted as th e sub -

    jec t of a like passion, w liicli cou ld no t



    Materialism be true.

    J o b xxiii,


    W h a t his soul desireth, even

    th a t lie doeth. Th is is spok en of God. P ro v.

    xxi 1 0 T h e soul of the wicked d esireth evil.

    I I e r e th e soxi1 of God an d of m an ar e ma de sub-

    jects of a li k e elnotion.

    Of God i t is said, Sh al l not m y soul be

    avenged on such a nation as th is ? J e r , v 9.

    Of man, Com e un to me hear , an d your soul

    shall live. Isa . lv, 3 N o w any criticism by


    the word soul when appl ied to man is

    made to mean

    life fircntl~

    wind tc., nlakee

    with equal force against th e spiri tnal n atu re of

    God, and most effectually materializes

    h im.


  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    at2icism or pantlleism , we a re not suflicient y

    read in tlie system to underatand."


    Beview, January ,


    2. ct

    us cm~siderhe term sp i~ i t .

    Of Gocl it


    said, The Sj ir i t of God rrioved upon the

    face of tlie water."


    i, 2.


    m a n

    it is said,

    T h e


    of m a n is the candle of tlie Lord."

    Prov. xx, 27.

    Of God it is said, " B y his Spirit he hat11

    garnislied th e heavens." J o b xxvi, 13.




    is said, B u t there is a spirit in nlan



    the inspirat ion


    the Almighty g iveth them

    understanding." J o b xxxii, 8.

    Of God i t is said, W hit he r shall go frorn


    q i r i t Psa .

    CXXX~X 17. Of

    Lnan it is said,

    W11o knowetli the spirit of marl that goetl i


    Eccles. iii, 21.

    I t


    said, "God is a spirt;. J o h n iv,


    Of man i t i s said , A nd

    the q i r i t

    shal l return

    unto G od who gave it. Eccles.



    Steph en prayed, "Lo rd Jesns , receive m y



    God it is



    Tlle things of Go d

    lrrloweth no man, hut the

    ~ ~ i a i t

    f God."

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    N o c o r n ~ n e ~ l ts necessary on the forego~ng

    Scriptures, furt lier tha n to sag, th at an y


    wllich will m ake those S crip ture s \vhich ap ply

    to man Ilarmonize with th e idea th a t liis spir i t

    i s an at tri bu te of; or identical with, his Inaterial

    nature, must, to be consistent, involve us in the

    absurdi ty of n~aking od mater ia l .

    T he re are a class of Scripture s which so con-

    nect th e spir i t of man w ith th e Sp iri t




    to prov e rnost couclasive1~7 he im m ate rial-

    it y or man's na tur e, or t h e m ate riali ty of tllc

    Divine n ature .

    Roln. viii,

    1 6

    T h e Spiri t i tself beareth wit-

    ness w ith our spirit , th at we are the children of

    God. T h e sarne word


    employed in th e origi-

    na l to deno te y i r i t in both cases. l f ' b y


    sp i r i t i s meant our body, or mat ter , or a n y

    material substance, then

    h Spirit

    m a y

    mean a material God.

    Jo hn iv ,


    God is


    Spir i t, and they t ha t

    worship him must worship him in spir i t


    r ~

    truth. H e re th e word spiri t, being applied

    to both God ant1 in an, proves t11:it



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    like qua lities of na ture. If th e text proves t l iat

    God is spir i t , and not matter?

    [ wid



    does no t

    prove this, there is no Scripture which does

    prove it,] the conclusion must be adm it ted t l ~ u t

    n ~ a n also possesses a na ture w hich is not



    H av ing proved th a t man has a soul, or

    spirit , distinct from matter, we shall proceed to

    prove th a t th is s o d , o r s p i ~ i t , s ?lot dependent

    on $he bocly, o r m at ter, fo r





    a n d does exist separate from it .


    Paul believed it possible for the spirit of a


    to exist out of the body, or sepalnate from

    it . Cor. xii,


    I knew a lnan in Cllribt

    about fourteer~ ears ago, (whether in t l le body

    I cann ot tell or wh ether ou t of th e body I can-

    not te l l ; God knoweth


    such a one caught up

    to th e thir d Ileaven. O n th e supposition tliat

    P a u l was a Nater ialist , h a t h e believed tha t

    th e bodg is th e whole of rnan h at th e existence



    en tity , as a par t of m an , capab le of exist-


    sep arate frolu liis bodg, was an impossibility

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    -how is his langua ge to be interpreted H a d

    Pa ul been a Material is t h e mus t have know n

    whether h e was in the body or ou t of the


    I I e rnus t have known that to be out

    of th e bo dy was an impossibili ty.

    I i e mas



    in to Paradise , an d heard

    unspeakab le words, which i t is not law ful for


    rnan to utter . N o other interpretat ion can be

    given to this than th at i t teaches t h e possibili ty

    of a spirit no t only going ou t of th e body,

    but going to the third ] leaven, even to Para-

    dise ; rid while there, h ea rin g words no t law ful

    to be repeated here. I t proves th at P a u l be-

    lieved, if M ateria lists do no t, tllat he possessed

    a spirit capable of going out of his body, and

    existing sep arate from it .

    Th is has been the ugliest text in th e Bible for

    Na ter ial is ts to ma nage hence their ables t wri t-

    ers generally pass i t by in silence. I t has nev er

    been f i~ir lymet

    ; t never can be for i t proves

    in the most col ivincing ma nner th e separab i l i ty

    of th e spirit from th e body.


    2 Cor. v,

    1 8

    For we Itno\v that, if our

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    earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved,

    we have a build ing of God, a house not n ~ a d e

    with hands, eternal in the heavens. F o r in tlii;-;

    we groan, earnestly desiring to be clotlied upon

    wit11 cu r house wh ich


    from Ileaver~ if so he

    that being clotlied we shall not be found naked.

    F o r we th at are in this tabernacle do groan, be-

    in g burdened no t for th at we would be un-

    clothed, b u t clothed upo n, t h a t m orta lity rriiglit

    be swallo~ved p of l ife.


    TLercfore we are

    always confident, knowing that, whilst we are

    a t l lome in th e body, tve a re absent from t h e


    . .

    W e are confident,


    say, an d w illing

    rathe r to be absent f rom the body, and to be

    present with the Lord. O n

    the supposition

    t h a t


    and body are one, w hat does P a u l

    mean by a t hom e in th e body, and absent

    f rom the body ? W h a t is meant by pu t t ing


    th is tabernacle, a n d being clotlied w ith

    our house wh ich is from heaven T o be with

    Christ is to be absent froni th e body. B u t

    t o b e


    bsent from th e b o d y is an impossibil-

    i ty, according to Materialism hence, n o th ir ~ g

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872




    is ga ined by la?-ing off hi s


    I n

    fkct there is no such thin g as laying off '< th is

    tabernacle for th e I o r Ve who does


    is sim ply th e ab ern ac le laid off, according

    to Materialis ts . I t is th e house or tabernacle

    tak in g itself down.

    3 Phil . i,

    21 24:

    Fo r to m e to live is Christ,

    an d t o die is gain.

    E u t if l ive i n th e f lesh, thi s

    is th e fruit of


    l abor : ye t w l ~ s t sha ll choose

    wot not. F o r am in a s t rai t betwixt two,

    hav ing a desire to dep art , and to be with Ch rist ;

    which is far better. Nevertlleless to abide in

    th e flesh is more need ful for yon. W lio th at

    has not a favorite creed to support would ever

    conclude that this declaration could fall from

    th e l ips of a Ifateria lis t H ow dea th , o r non-

    being, could he gain to a Inan w ho was treas-

    ur ing up,


    his ig h t afflictions, a ar rnore

    exceeding a n d etern al weight of glory, wc ar e

    unable to determine. W he re


    the earnest

    Christ ian wh o would n ot prefer lab or for Christ

    to sleep, or non-b eing TIe is not mortliy of th e

    C h r i s t i : ~ ~larne wllo p~efel.;: he s111pg:ird's le ep

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872



    to earnest labor.



    tlle flesh nieaus

    living in th e body.

    T o de pa rt rneans si inply

    going out of the body and g oing out, or aw ay

    from tlic body, is to b e with Christ . H a d

    P a u l been a Materialist , o r an Ann illi lationist ,

    he must have known tha t to ab ide in the

    flesh for th e salvation of sinners an d th e good

    of t l le Church would not have delayed the

    period of his being wit11 Christ one hour; for,

    according to the doctrine of our opponents, h e

    is not with Christ even to this present t ime.

    H e could have cont inued his labors unt i l


    was as old as 14letl1nselah, an d the n be w it h



    as soon as though h e had died t ha t

    day. I Io w c o ~ lc l 1e have desired to depar t and

    be wit11 Christ, unless be ing with Cllrist \$-as to

    be the resul t of tha t de pa r tu re? Y et , if t h e

    doctrine we oppose be t rue, th a t result was not

    has t ened one r r ~o~nen ty liis dep arture. Tliis

    text has accordingly annoyed



    They confess that


    fair construction of this

    t ex t would be tha t P au l


    expected to be with

    Cllrist immediately on llis departure.


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    they think that there are Scriptures against

    i t


    hence the a i r construct ion of th e tex t must

    not be accepted.

    IV. Paul avows his belief not only i n


    ?*esur,rectiono the


    both of the

    ust nd

    u??just, but


    the existence o f a~ zye ls




    A cts xxiii, 6 B n t when P a u l perceived

    th at the one par t were Sadducees, and the other

    Pharisees, he cricd out

    i n

    t h e council, N e r ~

    and brethren,


    am a Pharisee, the son of



    T hi s profession of P a u l produc ed a dissension

    between t h c Sadducees and the Pharisees.

    The cause of this dissension is said to be this


    For th e Sadducees say th at the re is no res-

    urrect ion, nei ther angel nor spir i t :


    t he

    Pharisees confess both.


    th is announce-

    m ent, th e Scribes, who we re of tho Ph arisees ,

    arobe an d took Paul 's part , saying, W e


    no evil

    i n

    this man. T he y declare wh at seems


    be a clear confirmation of tlxir belief


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    W I C K E D .

    angels and spirits.

    B u t i f a spir i t or an angcl

    llatll spoken to hirn, let us not f ight aga inst God.

    W h at is mean t here by ange ls and spir

    i ts is not difficult to und erstand. M r. B arn es

    has t he fo llow i~ ig co~ n ln en ton the passage

    ATeit l~er

    ?z ge G Th at there a re no angels.

    T h e y

    deny th e exis tence of good an d bad angcls .

    i r pirit-Or soul

    Th ey lleld th at there was

    notl i ing bu t matter . T h e y were Nater ial ists ,

    and supposed that al l the operat ions wll ich we

    ascribe to min d could be trac ed t o sorne modifi-

    cation of matter.

    As we have before shown, the controver:-y

    between th e Phar isees &nd the Sadducees em-

    brace d tw o points-the esnrrection of th e

    dead, and th e existence of ang els an d spirits.

    P a u l here publ ic ly professes to be of those w l ~ o

    held th e ant i-mater ia l is t ic v iew of ~ o u l s rid

    spi r i t s ; turn ing a cold shou lder t o those who atl

    vocated a doc trine, to the spread of whicli h e lixd

    devo ted his l ife, provided h e w ere a Materialist .

    T h er e is no w ay to inte rpr et th e apostle 's aver-

    ments in this case with a sllado of consistency,

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    without adm it t ing t ha t he held th e doctr ine of

    th e s epa rate existence of spirits or souls

    V. Christ 's controversy with th e Sadducees


    xx, 37

    is a defense of the same doctrine.

    K om tha t th e dead are raised, even Noses

    sho~veclat tl ie bush, when he ca l le t l~ he Lord

    tlie God of Ab ra ha m , and t lie God of Iaaac, an d

    tlle God of Ja cob. F o r h e is not a God of th e

    dead , b ut of th e living for all live unto him.

    Matt .

    xxii, 31,


    W hel i God made thi s an -

    nouncen lent at H or eb wit11 regard to A brah am ,

    Isaac, arid Jacob, tlie last named had been dead


    200 years ; and yet God declares that he

    s the i r God. Chr is t adds H e is not a God

    of th e dead, bu t of t lle l iving. Th en, to m ake

    th e do ctrine of universal app lication, h e is care-

    ful to add, A ll l ive un to him




    as to

    s ay , Xo t o ~ l l y re Abrallam, I saac , and Ja co b

    l i v i ~ ~ g ,ut th e s tatem ent is t rue of

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872



    and of J a c o b ; therefore Ab raha m



    Jaco b must be liv ing. Le t i t be remembered

    tha t the Sadducees bclieved tha t th e whole r r~ an

    became ext inct a t death th a t nei ther soul nor

    body IF-ould ever be reproduced. W i t h thern

    th e im m ortali ty of t llc soul or spiri t an d the

    resurrection of th e dead stoocl or fcll


    T o prove th at th e soul exis ted af ter de ath was

    to s ilence their objections to th e resurrect i~m

    of the body. I t was necessary therefore in a

    discussion w ith the Sadducees to prove the sepa-

    ra te existence of spirits in order to prove tlle

    rcsurrection of tlie dead . A s thc re could be no

    resurrection unless th e sou l m ainta ined a con-

    scious exifitelice after de ath an d as th e Sad -

    ducees denied such coascions existence it mas

    necessary for Christ to prove i t in order to la y

    a p roper fo und ation for a belief in th e resurrec-

    tion of th e dead.

    T h e fact tha t C hris t al l throug h his ministry

    s ided with theP ha rise es against the Sadducees

    wh o mere tlie Materialists ofh is tirnes is an a rgu -

    tnent aga inst 3Iaterialism no t easily an swered.

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    O F



    Christ's lan gu ag e to tl ie dy ing thief,


    xxiii, 43, To-d ay shalt tho u be w ith rne i l l I'ara-

    disc, is one


    the strongest p ~ o o f s f the col2

    scious existence o f sozd af ter the d ea tl ~ f the body.

    W e will no t de ta in th e reader wi th any c r it i-


    o n

    Paradise, or


    th e a t t em pts of M a-

    terialists to cliange the sense of this text, by

    cliangirig t lie pointing . I t is only necessary to

    say tha t this las t m etho d is a rra nt nonsense.

    A s to the locat ion of' Paradise, w e need only

    say th at i t mu s t be in or near the h i rd

    heaven, wliere people do n ot s leep, as P a u l

    heard wo17cls

    t h e re rio t l a ~ t f u lo be uttered.

    B u t how, i t inay be asked, could the th ief b e

    i n

    Parad ise tha t day wi th Cli ri st when th ree days

    later l ie declares, I atn no t ye t ascended

    This quest ion may be sat ishctor i ly answered.

    1 A s a

    D i v i n e Being,

    Chr is t was in Parad ise

    tha t day .

    I I e says, t l ie Son of m an is in

    heaven. J o h n iii , 13.


    A s

    a disembodied spirit

    h e m i g h t h a v e

    been in Yaradise th a t day. Fo r , before his

    body was placed i r l Joseph's tomb, he



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    O F


    Fath er , in to th y hands o ~ n i n i tm y spirit aiid

    ha vin g said this , hc g av e np th e gllost.


    B ut as a ris n Sa vio ur lie ]lac? not ascended.

    H is ascension d id n ot tak e p lace unt i l m any

    day s afte r tlie crlxcifixion. S o as a D iv in c being,

    and as


    disenibodied spirit, C hrist could ha ve

    been wit11 th e thief th a t daj-

    i n

    Parad ise , and yet ,

    as a r isen, glorified Saviour, not have ascended

    unt i l some for ty days la ter . Th is in terpre ta t ion

    mak es the Scrip ture both plain an d sirnple.


    Take the case of the appearance of

    Moses on th e M oun t of T ransf iguration.

    Moses died in t l ic land of Noab, and was

    bur ied in a, valley over against Bethpeor, etc. ,

    (U eu t. xxxiv,


    6 : and yet , near ly f i f teen hun-

    dred years after he had becorne eztiact-had

    ceased to be, soul and body, acco rding to >la -

    ter ia li sts, h e appears on I I o u n t Tab or wi th h im

    who had gone to heaven in a cllariot of fire.



    not the s l ightest ev ider~ce ha t Noses

    was raised from th e dead for this special pur-

    pose. 3Ia terialis ts say, th a t if Moqes did really

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    appear-of 1vhic21


    have serious doubts--

    he was mined fkorn non-being for that special

    purpose, a n d aft er lle lied p erfor lr~ ed iis missi011

    was sent hack again to non-existence, to be

    known and to know

    n o

    n ~ o r c n ti l t h e g en era l



    this be so, 3Ioses must have

    possessed a spirit of snbmission begond most

    men , o r he ~vo nid ave p lead earnest ly to have

    b ee n q )a l-e d a r ~ o t l ~ e r\ ~ o r th re e thousand

    gears ' s lnm ber. T h en , l iow this ide a of Xoses's



    to be l larmonizcd with the fact

    t h a t Ch rist is l l ie irst-fruits of th e rcsurree-

    tion , AIaterialists hav e no t been kin d enoug ll

    to infonn


    l l c r e is the spirit of one wliose

    body had s l~ztnbered n a grave, in th e lan d of

    Noah, for f i f teen hundred years , s tanding on

    N ou n t Tab or , seen of th e favored three , an d

    coiiversing with Jesus concerning ll is


    proving beyond a l l cavi l th a t th e soul l ives

    af ter the body is dead.

    VIII. We urg e tlie folloming add itional


    ments against t l le doctr ine of Annil l i la t im.

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    I t makes no dis tinction between th e s tat e

    f a s inner before ar~dafter the resurrection,

    raising liim from a state of non-existence to

    consign l l i~ n o the same s ta te again.

    large majority of tliose wilo believe in the

    filial ar~ ni l~ i lat io nf the wicked, believe also in


    resurrection, bo tll of th e just a nd of tlie un-

    just. B u t wliy raise tlie wicked from a st at e

    of u.nconscious, if not absolute, ~zo7z-bci?zg,o con-

    sign then1


    t l ~ eaune sta te again &Iany A n -

    nihilationists, not

    l ~ c i l l g

    ble to see th e reason

    fu r

    this2 reject , con sisten tl j , we think, the doctrine

    of th e rcsurreution of tlle wicked altoge ther .

    2. The doctrine rnalies no disti~ictiori n re-

    ga rd to th e dcrgrecs of punish ~n ent-a doctrine

    clearly set forth in the word of God.

    Rev. Geo rge Sto rrs says,

    I h m l d

    o Life,)


    A s to deg rees of pn n i s l~ l l~e n tn


    fu ture s ta te

    we challenge th e evidence in t h e word of Gud

    of an y such thing. t is purely a hu m an spec-


    W e will l e t the word of

    God speak for itself.

    C l~ r is t a j s of the Scribes and Pl~ at~ise es ,yp-

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    W I CK E D .


    Qod who is not able to see degrees of punish-

    m ent for th e unsaved.

    T he re ar e no degrees in ann ihi lat io n conse-

    que ntly, i f t l ia t be th e pen alty for sin i t w ill

    fall on al l a l i ke ; bu t as punishme nt will no t


    on all alike, annihilation cannot be the perlalty

    for sin.

    3 Th is doct rine makes dea th the ex t reme

    pen alty of t he law,

    i n

    opposi t ion to the Script-

    ures, which speak of a m uc h sorer pun ish-

    m en t " t han dea th fo r t l~o s ewho do "debpite

    u n to tlie S pi rit of grace."

    I-Teb. x, 28, 29

    H e th a t despised IJoses 's

    law died ~v i t l iou t l ie rcy unde r tw o or t ll ree

    n-itnesses of how m uc h sorer pun ishm ent, sup-

    pose ye, sllall he be th o u g h t wo rthy: n-lio hat11

    tro dd en un de r foot t h e So n of Go d, arid l latl i

    counted th e blood of th e c ov ena nt, mliere\vitli

    h e was sanctif ied, a n un ho ly th in g , a nd hat11

    done despite un to th e Sp ir i t of g ra ce ?

    D eatli, mliich, ou r oppo ne nts say, is capita l

    puriistiment-and lience th e ex tre ~ rlcp c l ~ a l t y

    of th e law-was inflic ted w itho ut m ercy or

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    O F


    tho se wllo despised Noses's law. T he y re-

    ceived, say Annihilationists , by being blotted

    ou t of being, all th e pun ishrnent i t was podsible

    for tliern to receive. B u t

    w e

    are infornied by

    P a u l t ha t t he re is a sol cr or



    tllari even d ea th for tliose who reject C hrist, an d

    tram ple under foot the Son of God, an d coun t

    liia blood an u n l~ o ly hing.

    I l r . Stor rs nt ter l~pta to dispose of this argu -

    me nt in t ile fbl lowing manner . H e says, Th is

    objection is fou nded on one solitary text, arid

    th at misconstrued. T h e Syriac version, t rans-

    lated bv Prof . . llurdocB, former ly of the i ln do -



    Ins titu te, reads, Io w rnllcll

    more, think ye, will he receive capital punish-

    m ent, ' etc., inste ad of

    s o r e y ;

    rnakirig th e gre ate r

    c e ~ ta in ty f the death punishment . - IIe~aIcl


    Life March 10 1869

    Th is is a very rem arka ble authori ty .

    Ins tead

    of consult ing the or iginal , or some authorized

    translation, M r. Stor rs resorts to a translation

    of a ti.analation--Fl.of. M ~ir dock 's tra iislatior i

    of t lie S j r ia c trans la tion-and by th is a t t e n ~ p t s

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    c1i;;yrove the doctrine of the Authorized


    sion. But


    Storrs mus t k now tha t the word

    rendered sorer, lias n o such m eaning as

    T Y L Z I ~ nto?'~,


    more certain. X ~ ~ p o v

    t hciron,)

    according to Robinson, mea ns


    bpolxn of a


    o r



    punishlnint ,

    as luorse, ?7zore severe. I t


    from ~acoq-bad, i l l ,

    cvil-and ne ve r llas th e sense of

    more cer tai?~,


    77 uch 7izoix.

    I f we consult the N ew Testam eut use of the

    word we shall f ind that no suoh ~ n e a a in g s

    given to it as Mr. Sto rrs forces ou t of his secor~d-

    I-land transla tioil . TVit11 the exception of Heb.

    x 29,

    th e ~ ~ o r ds irivariably rcnde rcd


    Matt. ix,

    I :

    N o rrian puttetl i a piece


    new clot11 unto an old ga rm e n t; for t ha t which

    is put.

    r to fill


    up taketl l from tl ie garment,


    the rent is made (chc ir~on) ol-seg that is,


    to Nr Storrs,

    m u c l ~more certuiw

    t h a n before iriended.

    Mat t , xii,




    T h e last s tato of th at

    m a n


    (ch~i,rona) ol->se

    lian the first


    that is,

    muc l t

    Illore c,

    rtain. I Ie

    is more c er ta iu to ]lave an end

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    O F


    than a beginning. But how th e taking of ?even

    other spirits m ore wiclced th a n hi~zlself could

    malie such a result more certain we are not in-


    Matt. xxvii, 61 S o


    last error shall


    (cheiro n) woyse tllan the firs6


    that is , m u c h

    morp certccin.

    N a r k


    26 A nd had suffered many things

    of many physicians, and had spent all that sht ,

    had, and was not li ing bettered, but rather g re p

    (chciron) wo?~se,

    tha t is,

    m u c h m o r e c er ta in .

    3111cl1 more c ertain th an w ha t

    J o h n

    v 14:

    Behold, thou art made nrllole:

    sir1 n o more, lest a (chciro7z) worse thing come

    nn to

    thee ;

    t h a t

    is a

    m u c l ~ o re c er ta in thing.

    I Io w

    a much Inore cer ta in th ing col~ldcome

    upon hirn than the hir ty


    eight years '

    inf irmity, we are no t told. B u t how a worse

    thing could come upon him m e can easily


    2 Pet . i i ,

    8 :

    For i f after they have es-

    caped t h e pollutions of th e world throngh tho

    knowledge of t he L or d and Sariour J es us

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    Cliriat , they are again entxrlgled therein, and


    t l ie latter end is clteirona)worse t h a n

    th e beginniug, tha t is,

    V Z L L I L~ 2 o r e certuba.

    f I o w

    the last or latter end of a nlari car1 be

    ~uo13seh an t lic b e g i ~ l ~ l i r ~ gs not cl i f f ic~~lto 1111-

    ders tand


    but liom i t call be more certain will

    require tlie logic of' JIr. Storrs, or some otllcr

    Ann il ii la tionis t , to m ake plain.

    T i m .




    i f any provide not

    for his

    own, and especially for those of 11% own house,

    he 1l:lth denied tlie fa ith , a n d is

    cheiron) worse

    th an an infidel, th a t is , mu h more certain

    than an infidel.

    2 Tirn. iii,


    But evi l Inen and seducers

    shall w ax worse a n d worse, deceiving, an d being

    dcceived ; h a t is, doubly


    alnountirlg to

    a terrible certainty.

    Ordinary discernment, coupled with common

    honesty, will discover the u tt e r fallacy, not to

    say un pa rdo na ble wickednede, of all such at -

    ternpts to wrest the Scriptures for t l ie purpose


    sustaining a favorite dogma.



    doctrine of a nnihilation


    t h e

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872



    punis l in~entof t h e wicked to consist in

    S i i n



    in direct opposition to thoae

    Scriptures which represent i t as co zscious

    su f i r i ng .

    N r . S torr s s a p , T h e E ib lc affirnis t l ~ c



    sin is


    a ~ i d ior~11el.c e ~ r e s e ~ l t s

    t h e punisliinent of t h e ~ ~ i c k e dr~h e f i ~ t n r eife

    to be conscious suffering."--Zle?>/~I(lqf


    May 10 ,


    Let L ~nquire wliat the Sc r ipt-

    ures d o teach on this imp ortartt sribject.

    Matt .


    3 :

    "Ca s t ye the ur~prof i ta l ) le

    servant i n t o outer darkness t l iere sllall be

    weeping arid gnashing of teeth."

    L u k e xiii,


    Tliere shal l be werping and

    gnashing of tee th , yh e n ye shall see A b r a h a ~ n ,


    Isaac, and Jacob , and al l t h o propl~e t s ,

    n the

    kingdom of God , arid you yourselves thr os t out."

    L u k e


    23 A n d in


    he lifted up his

    eyes, being in torments."

    Rom. ii ,

    8 9

    ( ' Indignat ion and wrath, t r ib-

    ulation and anguish, upon every soul of nian

    tliat doeth evil




    J e w



    also of

    t ie Gentile."

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    IA~lkc xii,

    7 I

    A n d th a t ~ e r \ ~ a i ~ trliich

    knew his lord's


    and prepared not l i i ir~seli;

    neitI ier d id according t o l lis will, s llall be be aten

    wit11 Inany stripes.

    Luke xvi , 24: S e nd L aza rus, t ha t h e m a y

    dip the t ip of his f inger in water , and cool iny

    tongue; for


    an1 tormented in this


    M ark ix , 44 L h e re the ir \\-own tl ie tl ~ lot,

    and th e fire is no t cyuenchcd.

    These Scrip tures relate to t l ie pun ishm ent of

    the wicked.

    I f ~ve epir ig and gnasli ir lg of

    tee th


    if be ing in torme nts ; i f t ribulnt ioli

    and ang uish ; if being '' beaten wit11 illany

    stripe s; if be ing oririen ted in tliis flairle ; if

    th e i r w orm d ic th no t -if all tl1e.e d o n o t

    teach conscious suffering, they clo not teacli a n y

    th in g relatirig to suffcring, If tl le lm n:~ lty of

    the l aw


    anniliilation, conscious suffering is


    But conscious s~xfiering s not ex-

    cluded ; herefore, ann ihilatioil is not the pena l ty

    of th e lam.

    5. Tlie doctrine of annili i lation inakes the

    suffering., nf'tlle wicked terminate a t death, or,


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    O F TIIE W I C K E D .

    at moi t , a t the judgment , in oppos i t ion to t l ie

    S c~ i l ) t u r c s ,wliich repres en t tllcin as eterii:~1.

    M r. St orr s says, Nan-Itere is there

    I I ~


    i11 tlie B ib le tli at rep rese rits tlie conscious suRer-

    ing of the T\-ickccl o be eternal.

    L e t i t be ren le rnbcred tha t ~ l i~ n i l l i l a t io n is t s

    110ld that the pnnisliunent


    the wicked , wha t -

    e v e r i t rriay be, is etern al . D catl l l iolds

    thern, says


    Storrs , i n i ts eternal t lolnin-



    he y sliall llcver live again. I I e s a j s agwiu


    I t i s an nnbroken dea th s ta te tha t is the

    punishment. Tlie only qnestioll to l)e sett led


    I s t ha t s ta t e one of mere non-exibtence, or is

    i t a conscio~xs tate?

    A l l pun i s hn ~e n t n~zs t on& e i the r i n pctin





    As Annil l i lut ionis ts exclude

    th e idea o fp u in , tllc pel ia l ty uf ' tl ie l aw, in tlicir

    view, rllubt consibt sirnply and solely in 2o s~

    Elxt what is


    the loss o f ? not


    ])leasiire, fur


    th a t tl ie s inner has no ne w hile ou t of' Cllr i -t .

    I t m ust be tlie loss of sim ple existence. I l u t tile

    loss of birnple existence . uriclcr

    t h e

    c i r c tu l~~ ta i i ce s ,


    be an

    evil to a sinner-n p ~ ~ n i J l i i i ~ l i t -

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    but a gre at blessing.

    Pu nisliin en t: niust be tlie

    lob8 of what, to a sinner, is valuable, or it is no

    pun i s li~ncn t. B u t ex i st e i~ce o a s i r i~ ~ e r ,n.tcat1

    of' being valuable, is a posit ive a i l , and , corlse-

    qucntly, to be deprived of i t


    n o p ~ ~ n i s l ~ n i c l i t .

    T o cease to exist canliot be pun ishm ent of

    loss, orily


    f a r a s t h e e x i s t c ~ ~ c eaken a\v:Ly

    involves happ iness b u t th e existence of binners,

    wllo shall e sucli after the res lxrre ctio~ ~,ill iiot

    involve 21appiness, b u t misery and tllerefore t o

    cease to exibt


    not irlvolvc a loss of happi-

    ness, bnt an exemption from suffering, arid

    c a r i n o t b e a p e n a l t ~or pnnib1iiilent. -lec's

    T ll~o loy y, . 326.

    Tlie terl ii puuishincnt, according to t l ~ c

    best Eliglisll a u tl ~ o r it y , iiealla pain or


    in g inflicted on'a person for a erirne or oEensc.

    T o afflict wit11 pain , loss, or ca la~ rii tg , or

    criine or h ul t. T o cliastiso. T o rew ard

    wit pain or suffering, ctc.- Wc6s t~r .

    The Greek word

    ~ ~ o k n o ~ volasilz,

    f rom




    nle~zt orticrc,

    etc. T he E ~ ~ g l i J irid t h e Crlcek

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    terms , i n the ir significations, ar e 2s far reiliored

    froin the idea of annihilation as ligllt is from

    darkness. T o chastise,

    t o r n~en t

    ~f l i c t



    cannot be affirmed of those wlio liave ceased to

    be, 'out of tliose m21o possess coi~ scio us xis tence.

    As, then , th e punish rnent of th e miclted, wllat-



    may be, is confessed by Annih ilationiata

    to be eternal, the coilclusion is irresistible,


    it must be endless conscious suffering.


    Tlie doctrine of anniliilatiori stamps as a

    deceptiori all tlie horrors of the wicked, as well

    as tlic bliskful hopes of the righteons at dcatli.

    Hear t l ie dying Altslmont This body is

    all ~ve akn ess and pain bu t my soul, as if

    s t r nng up by to r~ n e n t o greater s t rength arld

    spirit , is full powerful to reason


    fu ll ~r l igh ty o

    suffer. A n d tha t which t r iump hs in the jaws of

    m ortali ty is doubtless in~ino rtal .

    Dids t thou

    feel half the mountain that


    on me, thou

    mouldat s truggle with t l ie martyr for his stake,

    and bless heaven for tlle flames th a t is not an

    everlnstiilg flame


    tha t i s not




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    Al l r 'KIHILITIOK

    O F TIIE

    \JTICKED. 5

    Sa id an E n g l i s l ~ 1oble111an


    his dcat11-bcd,

    I t is no t g iv ing u p my brea th , it i;; not being

    for ever insensible, a t w l~ ic li sllrinl<

    ; t

    is tlie

    terrible I~e/qeaftcr-the sometl iny beyond tllc

    g~avc-at which I recoil." Tlie la st ho ar s of

    I'aine, Voltaire , Ches terfield, an d otlierri, prove

    th a t before apostates an d enem ies of Clirist close

    their probation, Go d pernii ts them to sec the

    coming torm en ts which aw ait tllelu in th e woi-ld

    of woe.

    Stephe n, ~v l ien yin s , ins tead of looking into

    the g rave , wl iere, accord ing to ~ ln n i l l i l i ~ t i o n i s t~ ,

    h e in~ xs t em ain uncoliscious for ages, looks 11p

    steadfast ly into heaven, and sees Jesus at the

    r ight ha nd of God and, while gazing upon l l i s

    inefyable glory, his face b c c a n ~ e l~inirig ike t l iat

    of a n angel, and he cr ied, "L ord Jesus , receive

    my s pirit W l ~ e r e ? K o t w llcrc J e s n s w a s

    not, but where he was, namely,


    heaven, at

    t h e


    han d of God." A s died Step hen , so

    die good men.

    TITllen D r . Fis k was dy ing , as h e was being

    moved f r o~n l i a cha ir h e excl:~inied, Fro n

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    5 A N N I I II L I IT I O N O F T I IE


    th e cha ir to t lle thr on e " I llstead of th e

    throne, was i t to be the slecp of ages in t l le

    g rave

    Rev. W illi am Gri1llsI1&11-, a few ~ n o m c n t s

    before his death, being asked by a

    fr iend how

    he mas, said:


    am as happy as


    can be on

    earth, and as sure of glory as i f


    was in it.


    have no th ing to do bu t to step out of this bed

    into heaven.


    l ~ a v em y feet on t he threshold

    already." W e re thehe heav en-iuspired hopes to

    be rewarded

    wi th

    unc:or~scious ex isten ce

    i n

    t he

    g ra ve for a period to m orta ls u n k n o ~ x ~ ~ ?

    D r. l'n json said, ~ v ll e n about to die,


    I t

    scelns as


    m y

    soul had found a pair of new

    wings , and was so eager to t ry them that ,


    h e r f l u t t e r i n g , s h e \ ~ o u l drend th e f ine net-

    works of t l ~ e ody to pieces."

    V c r e t l ~ e a e oly

    inen deceived?


    God open heaven to their

    v ision only to c lose i t and send t l ~ e n i o th e

    sleep of ag es ? Inste ad of their feet res t ing


    th e tllre9llold of th e city of God, rea dy to ente r,

    were they only staridillg at tlie gra,ve's 1nont11,

    yihieli was t o be tllc llorne of their spirits for

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872




    5 5

    a g e s ?

    W e re tlieir irnmortal songs, sung so

    sweetly at the door of the cterrlal mansion, to

    be hushed in tlie slee p of ages G od never

    deceives llis cliildren thus.

    7. T h e d o c t r i ~ l ewe oppose is a prinie doc-

    tr in e of infidelity, a n d sE~ould be rejecled by

    every Cllristian.

    W e call b ut regre t t lla t men who c la im to

    lovc Go d a n d believe in Jc sn s sho111d be aid-

    ing , as v e believe


    are, th e P r ince


    darltness in forw arding his designs

    t o

    1.uir1 m cn,

    by lessening tlie force of tl ie D ivin e tl~ re at ei i-

    i i ~ g s gainst s in . I saac Tay lor llns rc ry jus tly

    said The quarrel of the world wit (:Ilris-

    t i a ~ i i ty comes to i t s i s sue upon th is doct rine

    of future retribution."-Eat.




    Speak ing of D en~ ocr i tn ,and E p icu rus , P lu t a r c h

    says, Tiley ta l~ g li t ha t th e soul is corr aptib le,

    and peris llcs w ith th e body." I t is know n th a t

    Ep icuru s ta ng ht th a t t lle soul cornea from


    niaterial source, exists in a material system, is

    ~~o l l r i s l i cdy m ate rial t 'ood, grows an d is ma-

    tnrccl with the lrixterial body, and decliries witla

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    A S K I I I I L A T I O N


    its decline, and heuce must die m11en it dies.-

    L a n d ~ s .

    1Ie was


    most determined foe of

    tlie doctrine of imm ortality. Bay le speak s of

    tlieir theory thus : Deatl i disuni tes the par ts

    of these bodies, but destrojs nothing of the i r

    substance. Tliose t h a t th e eilrtl i supplies are

    restored t o t lie earth , and those w l~ icl l escend

    fium th e rcgions of' ether, ascend thith er again.


    a work

    by llis

    and Reed, ( Bib le versus

    Trcldition, ) they say on Eccles. xii, 7 T h e


    [spirit] goes to Gocl who gav e it. N ow if

    God inteuds to restore this rucch to th e marl so

    t l ~ a t ie m ay live again , where does God br ing

    tl.iis rualz

    t iorn

    W e sllal l see that i t is not the

    same ~ u a l ~ ,n t ti ah of tlie same kind, though

    perliaps less d il ~ lt e d wit11 cctr~zo ~yl~ eric

    i~ .

    Tilu s we see


    i t is God's rziah-ouc un iver sal

    prii iciple pervading t lie atm o~ phe rc. I t is a

    l iving thing, tho~z gh th e cause of life, bnt

    which our honest translators have translated


    Zenas Campbell says, N o Sc ripture or phi-

    losophy ha s ever y et been sliown to prov e th e

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    O F




    m i i d any th ing inore than an a t t r ibute of t lie

    living organized du st an d if so, i t must cease

    w ith tlie life of th e body. -Age o osptl


    IIow do these view-s d i f k r from those

    of Epicurus

    Eusebius, who l ived i n th e third ce ntury,

    and wrote t lic f irst H is to ry of th e Prinl i t ive

    Church, after th e A cts of th e Apostles, i n

    spexlting of t lic heretics of his tirnes s a ~ s ,


    about this t ime, also, other men sprang


    in Arabia, as tlie propagators of false opin-

    io~is. These ahserted t h a t tllc Imnian solll, as

    lorig as tllc p resent sta te of th e world existed,

    perished a t dea th, an d died with tl ie body, b u t

    th a t it would bc raised again wit11 th e body a t

    tlie time of th e resurrection. Ant1 as a considor-

    a l ~ l e ouncil was held on acco unt of 'tliis, Origcli

    being agniri requested, liliewise here discussccl

    tlie po int in question with so rnncll force, th a t

    those who Lad before been led astray, complete-

    ly c l~ an ge d h ~ i r pinion. -P. 263.

    Voltaire says,

    (Z hil.

    Dic., vol. i,



    b l j

    b ei r~ g rewarded or punislied after de:~tl l

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    requires tha t something wliicll feels alid thiilks

    in lrle m u > t coiitinue to subsist after me. E o w

    as no par t in me

    has any tl lougllt or sense

    before my birth, why sliotild it after lriy death

    W h a t car1 this incom prehensible p a rt of myself

    b e ? W il l t lie 2lurnming of the bee corit il lue

    a ft er tlie e ~ i d f i ts e x i s t e r i ~ e ? T h u s t h e so ul

    itself, \vliicl~signifies ou r m em ory, ou r reuson,

    ourpassions, is orily a hare word.

    IIow can be retvarded or punished when

    shall cease to be my;;elf, svl~ennoth ing


    const i tuted

    ~ n y

    erson will



    Volney, in his Bililzs, says, T h e soul is

    b u t the vital principle whicli results from th e

    prop rti s o matter, and from t h e act ion of t l lc

    elem ents in these bodies, wllere they create a

    spontaneous movement . T o suppose tha t th is

    prodnet of th e p lay of the organs, born wit11

    them , m a tu red w i th t hem , arid ~ ~ r h i c hleep with

    t l l e ~ n ,can subsist w he n they cease, is th e ro-

    uiarlce of a wa nder ing imagination .

    TT11en Abner Krieeland, in


    was half

    way be t~v ec n G ni \ ersal ib~n an d Inf idel ity , le

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    A N ~ I I l I L A T I O ~F TIIE



    published a volurrlc of lectllrea, i a ~ v l ~ i c l ile says,

    Altllongll the consequence of dcath would

    ha ve been et er na l had it no t bee11 for et er na l

    life, ye t t h e consequence would not have been

    etern al misery, but an etern al ext inct ion uf

    being for deatli


    an extinction of life. ' '

    I t wi ll be perceived th at th e author does no t



    an interm edia te s ta te of conscious

    existence between deatli

    a n d

    the resurrect ion,

    and of course death to l i i ln is an extinction of

    being, an d all his ideas of a fu tu re sta te of exibt-

    ence are predicated on the glor ious doctr ine of

    t h e resurrection. -P.



    Ualfour says, N o sacred w rite r ir lentions

    a n iinillortal soul.

    T h e r e i s n o inamaterial

    immot tal

    so ul wllic11 lives


    a conscious state

    of happiness or r~iisergr

    i n

    a diseinhodied con-


    W e see by these references that hnnihi la-

    tiorlis ts have taken u p the dogma regarded as

    f i ~ ~ l d a u l e i i t a ly tliese old enemies of Clirib-


    ~ n t l

    i a ~ e dopted it as


    pl . i~nal octr ine

    of tlieir creed,

    a n d

    euliibit a zeal in its 1)rop:iga-

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872



    ti011 far exceeding t h at of it s hoary-headed an d

    corrupt anthors . W e regret tha t our oppo-

    nents are found

    i n

    such company, for

    w e

    believe them , i n this particil lar , to be far better

    th an their creed would indicate.

    W e notice, in closing o ur brief exarriination

    of this strange dogrna, two objections urged by

    it s advocates.

    Tlie first we denominate

    Tllis rnay be rcgarded as tlie nucleus of tlie


    T h e ter111

    inzmo~tc~l i t y ,

    t is claimed,

    lias th e sense of sim ple cxistc~zee,an d not a s tate



    of cxistcnce.

    T l ~ e rgument is s tated as follows:



    alone possesses immortality



    vi, 16,)

    rneaning eternal existence.


    Nan is requi red to seek immorta l i ty ,

    Itom. ii,


    meaning simple existence.


    I t is c la il ~ ie d ha t i111111ortality s th e gi ft

    of Cliris t as l t e d c e ~ n e r , nd depcnderlt on t lre


  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872



    Let us


    these statem ents. Tlle firbt

    fact stated


    that God only, or alone, hath in,-

    mortali ty and, if possessed by m an , it inu st be

    co~~Ser r edy th e gra ce of Christ. T lie in11nol.-

    talit y possessed by God only, a t tlie tinic tile

    apostle rnade this announcement, will, it deen~s,

    ultilnately b e possessed by all t h e saints, mid

    tl leii i t will no longer be said, G od only b a th

    im ~n ortali ty . B u t is i t true, according to tl ie

    views of Anniliilationists that God



    only being in th e universe a t that t ime who

    possessed immortali ty? f we are not mis-

    taken, a t the t in le Paul made th is annonnce-

    iilcnt, some, in t he ir senpe, w er e alrea dy pos-

    sessed of immortal ity . E n o c l ~and E l i j ah , s t

    least, were im m ortal in their sense so tha t


    a t tha t time was no t the only being in t ile uni-

    verse who possessed immortality.

    Tlle apostle's sta tem en t, Go d only hatli

    irrirnortality, will re rn ai i~ ru e to ail eternity.

    I t is general ly admit ted that the tor in, as hero

    ernploged, means an

    zbnc erived existence




    sense as no Inere creature can or will

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872




    ever pos:;ess it , liowever ea rnes tly h e seeks it.

    But w he n applied to man, it sigr~ifies h at lie is

    not l iable to corrupt ion or decay. W it h God i t



    wit11 ina n i t i s

    de~ i v ed .

    Tlle two

    iinmortnlities differ widely.

    Tlie term is errlplojed also to describe th e

    believer's crown- incorruptible. t is ap-

    plied to the resurrectioll body-'. raised n in -


    I t is emplo yed also t o describe tlie

    1)eliever7s inheritance-


    A n d

    get ,


    only liatll imm ortality.

    Tile second fact sta ted is, th a t Inan is re-

    quired to seek immortali ty, which would not

    be if all men possessed it.

    I n the sense of im m orta l inlleri tancc an d


    crown of life, im m orta lity


    conditional. But

    t l ~ i s s not simple existence, as Ariniliilationists


    but ineffable happiness, which all rneri

    inay accept or refuse. I t is not imn iortality

    abstractly, but a blessed imm ortality. T o i llus-

    tra te t l iere is a sense i n which we ar e re-

    quired to seek tlic re surrection of th e deatl,

    (Phil, iii,

    7-11,) and get me are assured that

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


    a l i men- th e ju st a n d th e un just l'--sliall be

    raised. N o oiie ~ v i l l la im tha t th e resurrection,

    in t l ~ e bs tract , i s to be soug llt, b a t s i rr~p ly

    lessed resurrection, o r a bette r resurrect ion,

    as the Scriptures describe it .

    I n

    l ike manfier

    tliere is a sense


    wliich irnrnortality is to be

    sought ; and yet t l ie re i s a sensc


    ~ v h i c h ll

    1:leii mill possess it. 11s mere exis tence, ~vith-

    out reference to th e cl iaracter of tha t e xis te~ lce,

    irnniortality is possessed by all bu t as a lcsscd

    existence it is possessed only by those who seek

    i t by faith in Christ .

    Tl le t l i i rd fact s tated


    tha t i lnmor ta l i ty i s

    thc gift of Christ as: Redeemer. .

    Tliat w owe our ent ire exis tence to Chris t




    not be denied b ut that we owe

    our existence to llinl as

    It?fcZeclne? ,



    p u r e

    assumption. I t would


    jus t as prope r to say

    that our nlater ial bodies came


    Clirist as

    Redeerncr, as to sa y th at ou r i i iimortal spirits

    carne by hirn. Christ, as Iied eem er, has but one

    wo rk, th a t of saving sinrlers from tlieir s ins, a n d

    prepar ing them for


    blissful immortality.

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    WICKEI) .

    The sccorid objection we denoniinate

    That God has the power to


    frorn being

    al l things an d beings created by him t l ~ e r e a n

    be no doubt


    bu t t ha t


    will do i t , there is


    evidence in th e word of inspir


    ' on.


    T h e terms $e an d de th are fre-

    quelltlp employed


    Annihilationists. Life,

    with them, signifies


    eaistence, and

    death, cessation or e x ti ~ ~ c ti o nf



    being. Death, being th e pen alty of th e


    i t s inflickion upon sinners is th e blo ttin g of th em

    out of bcing. Life, bein g th e gif t of God to

    believers i n Ch rist, i t s bestow m ent is sirriply th e

    gift of being.

    E o w we deny t ha t such


    th e exclusive mean-

    in g of tl lese terms. Ta ke the ter m

    death. I n

    fiornc instances you cannot force extinction, or

    even suspension of vitality or existence, ou t of it.

    Jcsus says: ( (E xc ep t a corn of w heat fall into

    t21c ground and


    i t abideth alone ; but i f i t

    dip it

    bringetll forth rnucll fruit. P a u l says

  • 8/20/2019 The Annihilation of the WIcked Scriptually Considered by Rev. W. McDonald, 1872


      That which thou sowest is not quickened ex-

    cept it die. Here the term death has its

    ordinary signification. But instead of the an-

    ~~ihilatiouf being, its vitality is not even sus-

    pended for through the whole process of de th

    the living germ retains its vital power un-

    harmed. The outer coat molders away, but

    the principle of life is still vital and active.


    the corn can stand the infliction of this death

    penalty without a suspension of its vitality, may

    not the spiritual nature of man endure it with-

    out annihilation

    Lazarus died, and, instead of ceasing to be, he

    was carried into Abraham's bosom.

    The rich

    man died, and, instead of being annihilated,


    i lifting u p his eyes n hell, being in torment.

    To say that the wages of sin is death, is not

    saying that the wages of sin is annihilation.

    Death is