the argumentative essay - · web viewbelow are a few suggested topics for you...

The Heritage School Revision Booklet Class VIII 2019-2020 English Language Question 1: The Essay. While planning a composition keep in mind the following: o Keep within the word limit. o Choose wisely- Choose a topic about which you have first-hand experience or about which you have read. o Choose a topic YOU find interesting! o Prepare a quick idea/word-web. o Use simple language. o Give your essay a title. o Avoid using non-English words. However, if you must use one, put it in single-inverted commas and give its English

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The Heritage School

Revision Booklet

Class VIII


English Language

Question 1: The Essay.

While planning a composition keep in mind the following:

· Keep within the word limit.

· Choose wisely- Choose a topic about which you have first-hand experience or about which you have read.

· Choose a topic YOU find interesting!

· Prepare a quick idea/word-web.

· Use simple language.

· Give your essay a title.

· Avoid using non-English words. However, if you must use one, put it in single-inverted commas and give its English equivalent within brackets. For example, ‘Paneer’ (Cottage Cheese)

Here are a few guidelines for the different kinds of essays you will get in your exam.

The Descriptive Essay: The descriptive essay asks you to describe something—an object, a person, a place, an experience, an emotion or a situation.

Basic Guidelines


This Revision-booklet consists of 15 printed pages.

1. Make use of many adjectives to describe whatever you are describing.

2Involve all your senses (Explain how the thing smelled, felt, sounded, tasted, or looked. Embellish the moment with senses.)

3.Make use of comparisons (The flower was as big as the moon.) and contrasts (The sun was shining brightly but the boy was still feeling very sad.)

Description of people: Use your powers of observation with regard to the following:

1.Physical features- height, the face, the smile, the teeth …

2.Clothing- How the person was dressed…

3.Family- What kind of a family did the person have…

4. Any other interesting fact about the person

Description of an Object: Use your powers of observation with regard to the following:

1.Name of the object and the purpose it serves

2.Describe its outward appearance- shape, color, size, material used in its construction.

3.Problems associated with its use.

Description of a Scene: Use your powers of observation with regard to the following:

1.Describe what you see

2.Give a general impression of what is before you and then add more details.

3.Others may or may not see what you see.

5.Be sure to express your feelings about what you see.

Here are some essay topics for the Descriptive Essay:

1. Your best friend.

2. A favorite place in my house

3. A pet I would love to have

4. A memorable trip

5. Your city

The Narrative Essay: This kind of an essay talks about an incident, an event or a happening.

Basic Guidelines

1. Narratives are generally written in the First Person that is, using “I”. However, Third Person (He, She, or It) can also be used.

2. Be concrete

3. Be chronological.

4. State what you are going to narrate in the first sentence. For example: “Today I am going to narrate an incident that happened during the winter holidays…”

5. Your words need to be vivid and colorful to help the reader feel the same feelings and think the same thoughts as you.

6. You may use flashbacks and flash forwards to help the narrative build to a climax.

7. Remember, a well-written narrative essay makes a point.

Here are some popular essay topic examples for your narrative essay type:

1.The Day you helped Someone

2.Your Favourite School Outing

3.The Day Kolkata was Flooded

4.The Most Interesting person you know

The Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay is meant to persuade people to think the same way the writer does i.e. convincing the reader to agree with the writer’s point of view.

While making an argument, what we are doing is aiming at expressing a point of view on a subject and supporting it with logical evidence. The goal of an argumentative essay is to ensure that the argument is specific, reasoned, detailed and supported by evidence.

Structure of an Argumentative Essay

1. The Introduction

The introductory paragraph sets the stage for the position you are arguing for in your essay. It’s made up of a hook, background information, and a thesis statement.

a) The Hook: A hook is a sentence that is meant to capture the reader’s attention.

b) Background information: The next part of your introduction is dedicated to offering some detailed background information about your topic. It gives the reader the necessary information he/she needs to understand your position- for example, what the issue is, whom it concerns and why it is important.

c) Your Statement: When making your statement, state your position on the topic very clearly and give a reason for taking that position.

2. Developing an argument

You now have to back up your argument with credible evidence. This is the heart of your essay. You could give two or three examples to support your point of view.

3. The conclusion

This is the section of the essay that will leave the most immediate impression on the mind of the reader. Emphasize why the issue is so important. Close the argumentative essay with a clear picture of the world as you would like to see it.

A good argumentative essay is persuasive and succeeds in winning the reader over to your side!

You need to argue for or against the topic. Below are a few suggested topics for you to make your Idea/Word Web and practise!!

1. Computer games are a waste of time and serve no constructive purpose.

2. Cities should preserve old buildings and not neglect or destroy them in order to build high-rise structures.

3. A fixed pocket-money every month is better than taking money from Parents as and when you need it.

4. A day-boarding school has more disadvantages than advantages.

5. Using your own car instead of public transport is adding to environmental problems.

6. Hobbies are essential to happiness.

The Short Story

A good Short Story has the following ingredients:

1.An Incident

2.A Plot (The plot is the sequence of events of which a story is composed. These events are inter-related as one thing happens because of another.

The Climax: It marks the highest point of interest and turning point of the story. It makes the readers want to read more and discover what happens next…

The End: The way you end your story is important. It must be a surprise for the reader- something unexpected! That would make your story interesting!

The Start: At the beginning of the story introduce the characters and the setting. A good start is essential.

3. A setting: This includes the following:

Time: (day, night, time of year)

Location: (the village, the city or a small town)

The background atmosphere (Is it quiet, noisy?)

The mood (Is it cheerful, gloomy?)

A good story has a realistic setting. It could include the weather: rainy, sunny or stormy. It could include the Geography of the place: mountains, a river, the sea). This makes it interesting for the reader.

1. Convincing Characters: One character is clearly central to the story, with all major events having some importance to this character. He/ She is called the protagonist. The story may also have the antagonist. Characters could be portrayed in the following ways:

2. A Theme: The theme is the central idea of the story. It can be your thought about a topic or your view of human nature. Some of the common themes are:








3. A Title: The story is generally given a title on a particular incident or theme of the story. The Title could also be named after a person or a place. It could also be from a memorable line of the story. The title should reflect the subject of the story without giving everything away.


1. Write a story beginning with: It was cold outside, I took a deep breath and opened the door…………

2. Write an original story entitled: Back to fairyland

Picture Composition

Pictures stimulate our thoughts and motivate us to express our views and ideas on what we see. You do not have to describe the picture. What you need to write about are the thoughts that come to your mind when you see the picture. Does the picture remind you of an incident or a person? Does it bring back happy/sad memories?




Question 2: The Letter

The Informal Letter format:

Flat 11 Tower 26H,

Genexx Valley,

Diamond Harbour Road,

Kolkata 700104.

1st January, 2018

Dear Mrittika/Father/Mother/ Grandfather/Grandmother/Uncle/Aunt,




Yours lovingly/affectionately,


Spacing your letter is important. Leave a line after writing the Sender’s Address and then write the date. Leave a line again and then write the Salutation. Begin your first paragraph from the next line. Indent the first line as shown above. Do not leave a line after each paragraph but indent the first line of a new paragraph. Leave a line and then write the Complimentary close.

Do not begin by asking a question such as: “How are you?” Begin right away with the first point given in the Question.


1. Write a letter to a cousin living abroad, telling him/her about a family function that he/she could not attend and how you enjoyed it.

2. Write a letter to your favourite Aunt/Uncle, telling him/her how spent your winter holidays.

3. Write a letter to your friend, inviting him/her to your birthday which falls during the term break.

The Formal letter format:

Flat 11 Tower 26H,

Genexx Valley,

Diamond Harbour Road,

Kolkata 700104.

1st January, 2018.

The Editor/Superintendent of Police,(Designation)

The Telegraph/Bowbazar Police Station,(Name of Organization)

6, Prafulla Sarkar Street,

Kolkata 700001.

Dear Sir/Madam,




Yours faithfully,

Amit Ganguly

NOTE: The tone should be polite and formal.

Spacing your letter is important. Leave a line after writing the Sender’s Address and then write the date. Leave a line again and then write the Receiver’s Address. Leave a line and write the Salutation. Begin your first paragraph from the next line. Indent the first line as shown above. Do not leave a line after each paragraph but indent the first line of a new paragraph. Leave a line and then write the Complimentary close.


1. Write a letter to the Principal of your school regarding the food served in the dining-hall. You are allergic to certain kinds of food and would like an alternative to be served to you. Give two suggestions about how the food served could be made tastier.

2. Write a letter to the school reporting the loss of your water bottle, which got left behind in the school bus the day before. Give a description of the water bottle and the bus route number. Give any other detail which would help locate your bottle.

Creating an Advertisement

Types of Advertisement:

1. Classified: A classified advertisement has the following features:

(a) It uses precise Language

(b) It has limited words

(c) The Information is not written in complete sentences

(d) A Heading needs to be given

The advertisement should contain a Contact Number and/or Address

(e) The advertisement should contain a Contact Number and/or Address

Precise language and limited words.


The advertisement should contain a Contact Number and/or Address

The Information is not necessarily written in complete sentences

2. Non-Classified Adverts do not necessarily have a heading. They could be big or small in size and have pictures as well as text. They are NOT printed in columns. They are found in the newspaper or the magazine in places which the reader is bound to see and not skip- for example on the first page of the newspaper. The charges for such adverts depend upon their size and use of colour. Adverts that use more colour are more expensive than the ones which use less. These adverts are creatively designed and it is hard to miss them! They use catchy words, phrases and sentences in order to make the product or service appear great!


The Picture and Writing are combined in a creative manner, giving rise to the advert.

Bright colours




1. You have a beautiful house with a garden and would like to give it out on rent. Design a classified advertisement in not more than 50 words to inform people about the same. Include the following details: location-area of the house- number of rooms and view from the terrace or balcony.

2. The renovation work at South City Mall is near completion and you have been asked to design an advertisement for a new bookshop which is shortly going to open there. It will also have a coffee-shop attached. Compose the advertisement using eye-catching text and picture.

Creating a Poster : There are two kinds of posters:

(a) Event posters: These are designed to inform people about an upcoming event or show. Example- the ‘Library Week’ or a “Music Concert’.

(b) Awareness posters: These are designed to make people aware of an issue or topic. Example, Child Rights or Safe Driving.



Features of a Poster:

1. Make the title bold

2. Make the text interesting and attractive

3. Have a pleasing layout and design

4. Give the necessary information


Design a Poster on ‘Healthy Living’.


Format of a NOTICE

A notice is an official mode of announcement. The function of a notice is to present information to a particular group of people. Notices are normally intended to be fixed on specific display boards whether in schools or in public places. They could also be handed over to individuals- in this case to all the students of The Heritage School. Notices published by the government appear in newspapers and other public means of communication.


A notice should be composed in the following format:

The Name of The Organisation Issuing the Notice/or the Logo

Heading: The heading should be relevant to the event, for example, Children’s Day Celebration

Date of Issue: 7th November, 2017

Time: For example,Arrival at normal time(7:15 am) followed by special lunch from 11:30 am onwards; dismissal at 2:30 pm

Venue: Classroom and then Dining Hall, The Heritage School

Name of event: for example, Children’s Day Celebrations

Receiver: All students of The Heritage School


Full Name


Points to remember:

1. Include all relevant details.

2. Be precise.

3. Be grammatically correct.

4. Use the Passive Voice as far as possible.

5. Draw a box with a pencil and

The Heritage School

write the notice inside the box.

7.           You are allowed to use standard abbreviations. For example, ml (millilitre)

8.           Your Notice must have the 5Ws. These are:  

  What is going to happen, ( the event/purpose and specific instructions, if any)

  Where it will take place (the venue)

  When it will take place ( the date, time and duration)

  Who can apply or is eligible for it (for whom is the notice)

  Whom to contact or apply to (the issuing authority/contact person)


1) Class VIII will be going on a school picnic in February. Draft a notice to be sent from the Principal to the parents. Include the following:

· Date

· Time/duration

· Venue/Place

· Relevant details about the picnic

· Instructions (Dress-code/eatables to be brought or NOT brought/mobile phones/cameras)

2a) You are the President of a children's club in your locality. You and your team are planning to organize a programme to celebrate National Youth Day. Write a notice to be put up in the local Supermarket, giving details of the programme to create an awareness of the event.

b) Write an e-mail to the General Manager of the Supermarket seeking permission to display the notice and requesting a sponsorship for the event.

Example: Notice and Email writing sample- 1

Question 3

(a) Your school is conducting an inter-class talent search. Write out a notice to be put up in your school informing students about the event and inviting them to participate.

[Sample 1]


Inter-class Talent Search

Date: Tuesday, 24 July, 2018

Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Venue: The Auditorium of St. Agnes’ School

Interested students from classes 8, 9 and 10 may register with the Vice Principal on or before 14 July.


(b) Write an e-mail to the Principal of a neighbouring school requesting him / her to send a team of teachers to judge the event.

To:[email protected]

Subject: Request to appoint judges for a talent search event.

Dear Madam,

I am Maya Gilani, the Cultural Secretary of the Student Council, St. Agnes’ School. We are conducting a talent search contest for the students of classes 8, 9 and 10.

This is to be held on the 24th of July, 2018, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Music, Art, Dance, Magic, Acrobatics and Stand-up Comedy.

We request you to send a team of three teachers from your school to judge the talent search, Everybody’s Got Talent.

Anticipating a positive response,

Yours faithfully,

Maya Gilani

Cultural Secretary, Student Council

St. Agnes’ School 6

Notice and Email writing sample

(a) You are the Games Captain at school. The school is organizing an inter-house basketball competition. Write out a notice to be put up in your school informing students about it.

[Sample 2]



Inter- House Basketball Competition

Date: Wednesday 4th July, 2018

Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Venue: The Main Basketball Court, Berkeley High Sports Complex

The Match schedule is as follows

· • Ruby vs Emerald

· • Sapphire vs Topaz

· • The Battle- Match for third place

· • The Grand Finale- The Final Match

All House Captains are requested to keep their respective House teams ready and submit the names to the Games Captain before 25th June,2018. 7

(b) Write an e-mail to a prominent basketball coach of your city who has agreed to be the referee at the event, giving all relevant details.


To:[email protected]

Subject: Invitation to Referee Dribble Stars – Inter House Basketball Competition.

Dear Sir,

I am Sam Sequeira of Berkeley High and I write with reference to my telephone call to you earlier. We are conducting an inter- house basketball competition on 4 July, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Main Basketball Court, Berkeley High Sports Complex. Thank you for having accepted our request to referee the event.

The schedule is as follows

· • Ruby vs Emerald Match 1

· • Sapphire vs Topaz Match 2

· • The Battle – For third place – Match 3

· • The Grand Finale – The Final Match

We will arrange to pick you up by 8.15 a.m. from your residence and you will be dropped back after the Basketball Competition. We look forward to seeing you at Berkeley High.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Sam Sequeira

Games Captain

Berkeley High 8

Notice and email writing Sample

(a) Your school is organizing a charity drive for the underprivileged children of the nearby locality. Write out a notice to be put up in your school informing students about the event and inviting them to participate in the charity drive.


(Charity Drive for the Underprivileged Children of our locality)

Date: Friday, 3rd August, 2018

Time: 8 a.m to 11 a.m

Venue: The Assembly Area, SMJ School

All the students from class 5 to 10 kindly contribute to make the charity drive a success. Used text books, unused notebooks, stationery, blazers, sweaters or shoes that are in good condition may be handed over to your class Prefect. Be as generous as possible. Give Till It Hurts!

(b) Write an e-mail to the Principal of a neighbouring school requesting him/her to allow the student of his / her school to participate in the event.


To:[email protected]

Subject: Invitation to participate in the charity drive- ‘Give Till It Hurts!’.

Dear Sir,

I am Prabha Mukund, Secretary of the Student Council, SJM School. We are hosting a Charity Drive called ‘Give Till It Hurts!’ on Friday, 3rd August, 2018, for the Underprivileged children of our locality. This will be conducted from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Assembly Area, in the Main Building of our school.

We request you to motivate the students of your school to donate their used text books, unused notebooks, stationery, blazers, sweaters or shoes that are in good condition.

Participation from your school will make a huge impact on our student community. Please help us make a difference!

Anticipating a positive response from you in accepting our invitation,

Yours faithfully,

Prabha Mukund

Secretary, Student Council

Question 4: The Comprehension


1. Read the passage carefully once to understand its subject.

2. During the first reading do not think of the questions to be answered.

3. During the second reading try to understand the meaning of the unknown words/phrases.

4. Now read the Questions, and try to find the answers from the passage.

5. Remember to answer the Questions in your own words. Do not copy the exact sentence from the passage. You will lose marks.

6. Read the Summary-Question and find out the points from the passage.

7. Make both rough and fair draft along with the grid. The rough draft must be written in pen.

Cancel the rough draft neatly with a pencil cutting a line across from left to right.

Rough draft



































































Fair draft



































































(50 words)

Question 5: Grammar

Practice exercises:

a) Fill in the blanks with one appropriate word.

1. Amy found a dog _________her house.

2. Mrs.Roy dispensed __________ the services of her servant.

3. Max took up Science ____ his family’s wishes.

4. The Jaiswals went to London ________ their winter vacation.

5. He was so funny that we laughed ________ him.

6. Everyone laughed ______ his jokes.

7. Tom pounced _________ Jerry.

8. The court found the man guilty _________ robbery.

9. We should provide the poor _________ food and clothing.

10. The poor should be provided food and clothing ______ us.

11. Aparna excels ______Western music.

12. What prevented him ____________ going to the book fair?

13. __________ speaking French, he also speaks in German and Russian.

14. We must protest __________ corruption.

15. The plane was about to take ______.

16. The plane was taxing ___________ the runway.

17. Switch ______the lights, it’s too dark.

18. Switch ________ the fan, it’s too cold.

19. He is so rude that no one can put _______ with him.

20. The waves washed _______ all signs of the wreck.

21. The fog was so dense that we could hardly see _________ the traffic lights.

22. The World War I broke _______ in 1914.

23. The young aspirant was able to put ________his ideas brilliantly to the board of directors.

24. The wheel was wedged _________two boulders.

25.  Try never to be negligent _______rules.

b) Join the sentences without using and, but or so:

1. Mita gave me a pen. I was unable to write with it.

2. Jack helped Sam. He will always be grateful.

3. Sudha lost her leg in an accident. She kept on dancing.

4. The earthquake was mild. There were cracks in the road.

5. I got a job. It was well-paid.

6. My grandfather is the eldest in the apartment. He is the most active person.

7. Neeta taught Chemistry. She had to conduct the experiments.

8. I was eating my chocolate. She kept on staring.

9. I reached the clock tower. My friend would wait for me there.

10. The snowfall was heavy. The cars moved slowly.

11. Meera went to meet Mr. Seth. He was her father’s friend.

12. I have gotten admission in a good college. I will have to work hard.

13. Rahul went to post his letters. The postman was collecting the letters from the postbox.

14. I do not mind if we go. I do not mind if we do not go.

15. Their parents died. Their aunt took care of them.

c) Transformation of Sentences according to the instruction given.

1. No other king was as wise as Solomon. (Change into comparative and superlative)

2. As soon as the bell rings the students go for assembly. (Begin: No sooner….)

3. He bought the blue shirt and the black trousers. (Begin: Not only…)

4. If you do not study hard, you will fail. (Replace If with Unless)

5. Shouldn’t the brave be honoured? (Change into Affirmative)

6. The full moon is very beautiful. (Change into an Exclamatory sentence)

7. Inspite of the rains, they went for a picnic. (Use despite instead of inspite of)

8. As soon as the bus stopped the boys got down. (Begin: Hardly…..)

9. Although he is rich, he is not at all proud. (Use But instead of although)

10. The thought of facing the Principal fills Roma with dread. (Use: terrifies)

11. Nobody will deny that he is a very good surgeon. (Begin: Everyone…)

12. Rita could not write her final examinations because of dengue. (End with:….going to the party)

13. Yash looked at me and started crying. (Begin: Looking…..)

14. Both Donald and Daisy cannot sing. (Begin: Neither….)

15. Animals are losing their natural habitat. (End with:… animals)

16. Jennifer is the girl with blue eyes. (Add a question tag)

17. Sam’s greatest interest was playing the piano. (Begin: Nothing…)

18. His trust in everyone makes him fall prey to cheats. (Use: Since)

19. The disease is so widespread that it cannot be curbed. (Use: too)

20. This computer is useless. (Use: no)

21. John will go. Jill will go. (Begin: Either…..)

22. She is studying Commerce but would have preferred to study Humanities. (Begin: She would rather…..)

23. He should have studied harder for his entrance examination. (Use: ought to have)

24. Oliver is honest. He never tells lies. (Join using ‘too’)

25. The king is a fool. He does not trust the people who are loyal to him. (Begin: It is…)

d) Fill in the blanks with a verb form that agrees with the subject.

1. Bread and butter ……………… served for breakfast. (was / were)

2. The horse and carriage ……………….. at the door. (is / are)

3. My brother ………………. to be an astronaut. (want / wants)

4. My parents ……………….. teachers. (is / are)

5. Politics ……………….. not something I am interested in. (is / are)

6. The cost of essential commodities ………………… gone up. (has / have)

7. Her clothes ……………….. made of expensive fabrics. (is / are)

8. Either Manu or I ……………….. to go. (has / have)

9. Neither Mala nor her parents …………….. at the party. (was / were)

10. Nobody ………………. what happened to her. (know / knows)

11. Ravi as well as his brother …………….. cricket well. (play / plays)

12. Everybody ……………. a man of integrity. (respect / respects)

e) State whether the following sentences are simple, compound or complex.

1. We were playing in the garden when the guests arrived.

2. She put on her coat and went out.

3. I can’t figure out what he wants.

4. You don’t look happy to see me.

5. The cat saw the puppies playing in the garden.

6. She leaned out of the window.

7. You shouldn’t have done this to me.

8. They tried very hard but they couldn’t win the match.

9. Who let the cat in?

10. Although it was raining, we went for a walk.

f) Identify the Subordinate clause from the Main clause in the following sentences.

1. Apollo was worshipped as long as the Roman Empire lasted.

2. When the war ended the soldiers returned.

3. He has a brother who is very famous.

4. All that glitters is not gold.

5. He gave me everything I asked for.

6. Strike the iron while it is hot.

7. The house where the accident occurred is nearby.

8. They never fail who die for a cause.

9. The fox saw the grapes which hung over the garden wall.

10. I met Mohan who gave me your message.

g) In the following passage, fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in the brackets.

There was a farmer who __1_____(sell) a pound of butter to the baker. One day the baker decided _____2_____(weigh) the butter to see if he ____3____(get) a pound and he ____4____(found) that he was not. This ____5____ ( angered) him and he took the farmer to court. The judge asked the farmer if he _____6____(use) any measure. The farmer replied,” Your Honour, I am primitive. I don’t have a proper measure but I do have a scale.” The judge asked, “ Then how do you weigh the butter?” The farmer replied,” Your Honour, long before the baker_____7___(start) buying butter from me, I _____8____(buy) a pound of loaf of bread from him. Everyday when the baker___9_____(bring) the bread, I put it on the scale and gave him the same weight in butter. If anyone is to be____10____(blame), it is the baker.” We get back in life what we give to others.

English Literature

New Gems English Reader

Read the extracts and answer the questions:


1. The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle

a. A tallish man carrying a fat goose was walking ahead of him on the road. As he reached the end of the street a little knot of rough men attacked the man with the goose.

i. Who is the tall man and where is he going?

ii. Why do the rough men attack him?

iii. What happens when the rough men attack the tall man with the goose?

iv. Who comes to the tall man’s help?

v. How do we get to know about the owner of the goose?

2. The Shoemaker

b. He showed no surprise at seeing another figure, but the unsteady fingers of one of his hands strayed to his lips as he looked at it (his lips and his nails were of the same pale lead colour), and then the hand dropped to his work.

i. Whom does ‘he’ refer to in the above lines?

ii. Who else is present there and where are they at present?

iii. What do the unsteady fingers tell us about the physical state of the person?

iv. What work was he engaged in?

3. Scout Shows the Way

c. When I glanced around, I discovered that these men were strangers. They were not the people I saw last night.

i. Who is ‘I’ in the above lines? Where does the scene take place?

ii. Why had the person concerned come there?

iii. Who were the strangers and why had they come there?

iv. What does ‘I’ feel on discovering that the people were strangers?

4. India’s Heroes:

d. Kabir knew that he didn’t have a flair for speeches. However, he had worked hard on his assignment and had written it from the depth of his heart. It was different from the different from the others.

i. How does Kabir feel when it was his turn to speak?

ii. How was his assignment different from the others?

iii. Why did Kabir say that Vishnu Zende was a ‘dutiful ’ man?

v. How were Kabir’s heroes different from the heroes described by the other


Give reasons.

a. The roughs ran away as Peterson approached.

b. He never looked at the figure before him, without first looking on either side of himself.

c. Hot embarrassment shot through me.

d. Kabir’s hands shook slightly and beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead.


5. The Lake Isle of Innisfree

e. I will arise and go now, for always night and day

I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;

While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,

I hear it in the deep heart’s core.

i. Where does the poet wish to go and why?

ii. How do we come to know where the poet is at present?

iii. What will the poet do on going there?

iv. Explain the line “I hear it in the deep heart’s core.”

6. Lines Written in Early Spring

f. To her fair works did Nature link

The human soul that through me ran;

And much it grieved my heart to think

What man has made of Man.

i. How according to the poet is man linked to nature?

ii. What are the fair works of nature?

iii. Why does the poet feel sad?

iv. Explain the line ‘What man has made of Man’.

7. If

g. If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two imposters just the same.

vi. What does the poet try to convey through the above lines.

vii. Name the figure of speech used in the above lines. Explain.

viii. How can a person treat triumph and disaster in the same way?

ix. What does the poet mean by saying—

“don’t make dreams you master and don’t make thoughts your aim.”

8. Milk for the Cat

h. The children eat and wriggle and laugh;

The two old ladies stroke their silk:

The children eat and wriggle and laugh;

But the cat is grown small and thin with.

i. Why do the children wriggle and laugh?

ii. How do the old ladies behave? What does it show?

iii. What does the poet mean by saying that “the cat is grown small and thin with


Learn the word –meanings given in the textbook and practice making sentences of your own with the words.

New Gems English Reader—8

Read the extracts and answer the questions:


9. The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle:

j. A tallish man carrying a fat goose was walking ahead of him on the road. As he reached the end of the street a little knot of rough men attacked the man with the goose.

vi. Who is the tall man and where is he going?

vii. Why do the rough men attack him?

viii. What happens when the rough men attack the tall man with the goose?

ix. Who comes to the tall man’s help?

x. How do we get to know about the owner of the goose?

10. The Shoemaker:

k. He showed no surprise at seeing another figure, but the unsteady fingers of one of his hands strayed to his lips as he looked at it (his lips and his nails were of the same pale lead colour), and then the hand dropped to his work.

v. Whom does ‘he’ refer to in the above lines?

vi. Who else is present there and where are they at present?

vii. What do the unsteady fingers tell us about the physical state of the person?

viii. What work was he engaged in?

11. Scout Shows the Way:

l. When I glanced around, I discovered that these men were strangers. They were not the people I saw last night.

x. Who is ‘I’ in the above lines? Where does the scene take place?

xi. Why had the person concerned come there?

xii. Who were the strangers and why had they come there?

xiii. What does ‘I’ feel on discovering that the people were strangers?

12. India’s Heroes:

m. Kabir knew that he didn’t have a flair for speeches. However, he had worked hard on his assignment and had written it from the depth of his heart. It was different from the different from the others.

i. How does Kabir feel when it was his turn to speak?

ii. How was his assignment different from the others?

iii. Why did Kabir say that Vishnu Zende was a ‘dutiful ’ man?

xiv. How were Kabir’s heroes different from the heroes described by the other


Give reasons—a. The roughs ran away as Peterson approached.

b. He never looked at the figure before him, without first looking on either side of himself.

c. Hot embarrassment shot through me.

d. Kabir’s hands shook slightly and beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead.


13. The Lake Isle of Innisfree:

n. I will arise and go now, for always night and day

I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;

While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,

I hear it in the deep heart’s core.

v. Where does the poet wish to go and why?

vi. How do we come to know where the poet is at present?

vii. What will the poet do on going there?

viii. Explain the line “I hear it in the deep heart’s core.”

14. Lines Written in Early Spring:

o. To her fair works did Nature link

The human soul that through me ran;

And much it grieved my heart to think

What man has made of Man.

v. How according to the poet is man linked to nature?

vi. What are the fair works of nature?

vii. Why does the poet feel sad?

viii. Explain the line ‘What man has made of Man’.

15. If:

p. If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two imposters just the same.

xv. What does the poet try to convey through the above lines.

xvi. Name the figure of speech used in the above lines. Explain.

xvii. How can a person treat triumph and disaster in the same way?

xviii. What does the poet mean by saying—

“don’t make dreams you master and don’t make thoughts your aim.”

16. Milk for the Cat:

q. The children eat and wriggle and laugh;

The two old ladies stroke their silk:

The children eat and wriggle and laugh;

But the cat is grown small and thin with.

r. Why do the children wriggle and laugh?

ii. How do the old ladies behave? What does it show?

iii. What does the poet mean by saying that “

the cat is grown small and thin with desire”.

Learn the word –meanings given in the text book and practise make sentences.

Second Language- Hindi




निबंध –

i) एक बार आपने किसी नाटक में भाग लिया। वह अनुभव आपके लिए कैसा रहा ? वह नाटक किस प्रकार का था और

उसे करते समय आपकी स्थिति कैसी हो गई ? अपने अनुभव का वर्णन करिए।

ii) संसार में सभी प्राणी किसी न किसी स्थान को पसंद करते हैं। आप को भारत में कौन-सा स्थान प्रिय है और क्यों

iii) आपके जीवन का लक्ष्य।

iv) आज प्रदूषण तेजी से बढ़ रहा है। इसका कारण बताते हुए यह भी बताएँ कि इसे कैसे कम किया जा सकता है?

v) आजकल प्राय: बच्चे बड़ों को उचित सम्मान नहीं देते हैं। क्या यह उचित है ? कारणों को स्पष्ट करते हुए यह भी

लिखिए कि माता-पिता के प्रति संतान के क्या कर्तव्य होते हैं ?

vi) यदि मनुष्य के पंख होते और वह उड़ सकता तो क्या - क्या होता ?

vii) अपने मित्र की उन आदतों का वर्णन कीजिए जो आपको पसंद नहीं तथा जिससे आपकी दोस्ती पर बुरा प्रभाव पड़ता

है। अपनी दोस्ती को बचाए रखने के लिए आप क्या करेंगे ?

viii) प्रायः ऐसा देखा जाता है कि मनुष्य आलस्य के कारण अपना काम समय पर नहीं करता| किसी न किसी बहाने से उसे

टालता रहता है और समय बीत जाने पर उस काम को जल्दी- जल्दी करता है किंतु ऐसा करने से उसका काम समय

पर पूरा नहीं हो पाता। कभी-कभी कार्य बिगड़ भी जाता है।

ix) फूल / सिक्का / कलम / किताब / पेड़ की आत्मकथा लिखिए ।

x) अपने मित्र की उन आदतों का वर्णन कीजिए जो आपको पसंद नहीं तथा जिससे आपकी दोस्ती पर बुरा प्रभाव पड़ता है। अपनी दोस्ती को बचाए रखने के लिए आप क्या करेंगे ?

xi) प्रायः ऐसा देखा जाता है कि मनुष्य आलस्य के कारण अपना काम समय पर नहीं करता| किसी न किसी बहाने से उसे टालता रहता है और समय बीत जाने पर उस काम को जल्दी- जल्दी करता है किंतु ऐसा करने से उसका काम समय पर पूरा नहीं हो पाता। कभी-कभी कार्य बिगड़ भी जाता है।

xii) आपका यादगार दिन ।

xiii) ‘चार दिन की चाँदनी फिर अँधेरी रात’ – इस वाक्य के आधार पर कोई घटना या मौलिक कहानी लिखिए।

xiv) ‘ अब पछताय होत क्या जब चिड़िया चुग गई खेत ’- लोकोक्ति के आधार पर कोई एक घटना या कहानी लिखिए।

चित्र वर्णन-


पत्र लेखन

i) आपके क्षेत्र की बिजली प्राय: चली जाती है । आपको अध्ययन में बड़ी असुविधा का सामना करना पड़ता है ।अपनी

असुविधा का वर्णन करते हुए समुचित व्यवस्था के लिए विद्युत विभाग के अधिकारी को पत्र लिखिए ii) अपने नगर निगम के स्वास्थ्य अधिकारी को पत्र लिखकर उनसे अपने मोहल्ले की सफाई कराने का अनुरोध कीजिए । अपने मित्र को पत्र लिखकर उस सुखद घटना का वर्णन कीजिए जो अभी हाल में आपके परिवार में घटित हुई है ।

iii) अपने शहर में बढ़ती दुर्घटनाओं की ओर संकेत करते हुए किसी समाचार पत्र के संपादक को पत्र लिखिए।

iv) कक्षा में अपशब्दों (Abusive Language) का प्रयोग करने पर माफ़ी माँगते हुए कक्षा अध्यापिका को पत्र लिखिए ।

v) पुलिस अधीक्षक (Commisioner) को एक पत्र लिखकर यह बताइए कि आपके नगर में गुण्डागर्दी बढ़ती जा रही

जिससे लोगों को समस्यायों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है।

vi) आपके इलाके की सड़क टूटी-फूटी है । बरसात में सड़क पर पानी भर जाने के कारण दुर्घटनाएँ बढ़ रही हैं । उसे ठीक कराने का अनुरोध करते हुए नगर-निगम के अधिकारी को पत्र लिखिए ।

vii) मच्छरों के प्रकोप से बचने के लिए कोलकाता नगर – निगम के मेयर को पत्र लिखिए।

viii) ट्रैफिक पुलिस की लापरवाही के कारण अपने क्षेत्र में होने वाली दुर्घटनाओं का उल्लेख करते हुए पुलिस अधीक्षक को एक पत्र लिखिए।

ix) अपने मित्र को पत्र लिखकर बताइए कि आपने अपनी ठंड की छुट्टियों का आनंद किस प्रकार उठाया।

x) आपका चचेरा भाई किसी कारणवश आपसे बहुत नाराज़ है । उससे अपनी गलती की माफ़ी मांगते हुए उसकी

नाराज़गी दूर करने के लिए पत्र लिखिए ।

xi) अपने दादा जी को पत्र लिखकर बताइए कि आपने वार्षिक परीक्षा की तैयारी किस प्रकार की ।

xii) अपने मित्र को कंप्यूटर का महत्व बताते हुए पत्र लिखिए ।

xiii) अपने विद्यालय में हुई वार्षिक खेल-कूद प्रतियोगिता के बारे में बताते हुए अपने पिताजी को पत्र लिखिए।

xiv) अपने मित्र को पत्र लिखकर बताइए कि आपने अपनी ठंड की छुट्टियों का आनंद किस प्रकार उठाया।


1) हफ़ीज़ अफ्रीका का एक किसान था । वह अपनी ज़िन्दगी से खुश और संतुष्ट था । हफ़ीज़ खुश इसलिए था कि संतुष्ट था । वह संतुष्ट इसलिए था कि क्योंकि खुश था ।एक दिन एक अक्लमंद आदमी उसके पास आया । हफ़ीज़ से कहा , “ अगर तुम्हारे पास अंगूठे जितना बड़ा हीरा हो तो तुम पूरा शहर खरीद सकते हो और अगर तुम्हारे पास मुट्ठी जितना बड़ा हीरा हो तो तुम अपने लिए शायद पूरा देश ही खरीद लो ।” वह अक्लमंद आदमी इतना कह कर चला गया । उस रात हफ़ीज़ सो नहीं सका । वह असंतुष्ट हो चुका था इसलिए उसकी खुशी भी खत्म हो चुकी थी । दूसरे दिन सुबह होते ही हफ़ीज़ ने अपने खेतों को बेचने और अपने परिवार की देखभाल का इंतज़ाम किया और हीरा

खोजने के लिए रवाना हो गया । वह हीरों की खोज में पूरे अफ्रीका में भटकता रहा पर उन्हें पा नहीं सका ।उसने उन्हें यूरोप में भी खोजा पर वे उसे वहाँ भी नहीं मिले । स्पेन पहुँचते – पहुँचते वह मानसिक , शारीरिक और आर्थिक स्तर पर पूरी तरह टूट चुका था । वह इतना मायूस हो चुका थाकि उसने नदी में कूद कर खुदखुशी कर ली ।

इधर जिस आदमी ने हफ़ीज़ के खेत खरीदे थे , वह एक दिन उन खेतों से होकर बहने वाले नाले में अपने ऊँटों को पानी पिला रहा था । तभी सुबह के वक्त उग रहे सूरज की किरणें नाले के दूसरी ओर पड़े एक पत्थर पर पड़ी और वह इंद्रधनुष की तरह जगमगा उठा । यह सोचकर कि वह पत्थर उसकी बैठक में अच्छा दिखेगा , उसने उसे उठा कर बैठक में सजा दिया । उसी दिन दोपहर में हफ़ीज़ को हीरों के बारे में बताने वाला आदमी खेतों के इस नए मालिक के पास आया । उसने उस जगमगाते हुए पत्थर को देख कर पूछा, “क्या हफ़ीज़ लौट आया ?” नए मालिक ने जवाब दिया , “ नहीं, लेकिन आपने यह सवाल क्यों पूछा ? ” अक्लमंद आदमी ने जवाब दिया, “ क्योंकि यह हीरा है । मैं उन्हें देखते ही पहचान जाता हूँ ।” नए मालिक ने कहा , “ नहीं यह तो महज एक पत्थर है । मैंने इसे नाले के पास से उठाया है । आइए, मैं आपको दिखाता हूँ । वहाँ पर ऐसे बहुत सारे पत्थर पड़े हुए हैं ।” उन्होंने वहाँ से नमूने के तौर पर बहुत सारे पत्थर उठाए और उन्हें जाँचने –परखने के लिए भेज दिया । वे पत्थर हीरे ही साबित हुए । उन्होंने पाया कि उस खेत में दूर-दूर तक हीरे दबे हुए थे ।

अत: जब हमारा नज़रिया सही होता है तो हमें महसूस होता है कि हम हीरों से भरी ज़मीन पर चल रहे हैं । मौके हमेशा हमारे पावों तले दबे हुए हैं । हमें उनकी तलाश में कहीं जाने की ज़रूरत नहीं है । हमें केवल उनको पहचान लेना है ।

क) हफ़ीज़ रात भर क्यों नहीं सो पाया ?

ख) हफ़ीज़ ने खुदखुशी क्यों की ?

ग) किसने अपने बैठक को पत्थर रखकर सजाया और क्यों ?

घ) पत्थर कहाँ पड़े हुए थे ? पत्थर की पहचान कैसे हुई ?

ङ) उपर्युक्त गद्यांश से क्या शिक्षा मिलती है ?

2) एक बार एक शिक्षक संपन्न परिवार से सम्बन्ध रखने वाले एक युवा शिष्य के साथ कहीं टहलने निकले । शिष्य बहुत स्वार्थी और मतलबी था । वह सिर्फ़ अपने आनंद और अपने स्वार्थ के बारे में सोचता था । अपने आनंद के लिए दूसरों को तकलीफ़ पहुँचाने में भी उसे कोई आपत्ति न थी । शिक्षक उस छात्र के इस स्वभाव को बदलने के लिए कुछ उपाय करना चाहते थे । यही वजह है कि शिक्षक कक्षा से दूर

उस छात्र के साथ टहलने निकले थे ताकि उसे समझा पाएँ । रास्ते में टहलते हुए उन दोनों ने देखा कि रास्ते में पुराने हो चुके एक जोड़ी जूते पड़े हैं , जो संभवतः पास के खेत में काम कर रहे गरीब मज़दूर के थे । वह अब अपना काम ख़त्म कर घर वापस जाने की तैयारी कर रहा था । शिष्य को मज़ाक सूझा उसने शिक्षक से कहा , “ गुरु जी , क्यों न हम ये जूते कहीं छिपा कर झाड़ियों के पीछे छिप जाएँ ; जब वह मज़दूर इन्हें यहाँ नहीं पाकर घबराएगा तो बड़ा मजा आएगा !”

शिक्षक गंभीरता से बोले , “ मज़ाक करने के लिए किसी को यूँ परेशान नहीं करना चाहिए । सिर्फ़ अपने मज़े के बारे में मत सोचो , उस मज़दूर के बारे में भी सोचो । किसी गरीब के साथ इस तरह का भद्दा मज़ाक करना ठीक नहीं है । क्यों न हम इन जूतों में कुछ सिक्के डाल दें और छिप कर देखें कि इसका मज़दूर पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है ? ” शिष्य ने ऐसा ही किया और दोनों पास की झाड़ियों में छुप गए । मज़दूर जल्द ही अपना काम ख़त्म कर जूतों की जगह पर आ गया । उसने जैसे ही एक पैर जूते में डाले उसे किसी कठोर चीज़ का आभास हुआ , उसने जल्दी  से जूते हाथ में लिए और देखा कि अन्दर कुछ सिक्के पड़े थे , उसे बड़ा आश्चर्य हुआ और वह सिक्के हाथ में लेकर बड़े गौर से उन्हें पलट -पलट कर देखने लगा । फिर वह इधर - उधर देखने लगा , दूर -दूर तक कोई नज़र नहीं आया तो उसने सिक्के अपनी जेब में डाल लिए । अब उसने दूसरा जूता उठाया , उसमें भी सिक्के पड़े थे । सिक्कों को देखकर मज़दूर भावविभोर हो गया , उसकी आँखों में आँसू आ गए , उसने हाथ जोड़ ऊपर देखते हुए कहा – “ हे भगवान , समय पर प्राप्त इस सहायता के लिए उस अनजान सहायक का लाख -लाख धन्यवाद । ” उसने सोचा इस सहायता और दयालुता के कारण आज उसकी बीमार पत्नी को दवा और भूखे बच्चों को रोटी मिल सकेगी ।

मज़दूर की बातें सुन शिष्य की आँखें भर आईं । शिक्षक ने शिष्य से कहा – “ क्या तुम्हारी मज़ाक वाली बात की अपेक्षा जूते में सिक्का डालने से तुम्हें कम खुशी मिली ? ” शिष्य बोला , “ आपने आज मुझे जो पाठ पढ़ाया है, उसे मैं जीवन भर नहीं भूलूँगा । आज मैं उन शब्दों का मतलब समझ गया हूँ जिन्हें मैं पहले कभी नहीं समझ पाया था कि लेने  की अपेक्षा देना कहीं अधिक आनंददायी है । देने का आनंद असीम

है । मैं अब तक सबसे कुछ पाने के बारे में सोचता था , पर आज किसी को कुछ देकर जितनी खुशी मिली उतनी खुशी किसी से कुछ लेकर नहीं मिली थी । ”

i) शिष्य का स्वभाव कैसा था ?

ii) रास्ते में शिक्षक और शिष्य ने किसे देखा ? शिष्य को क्या मज़ाक सूझा ?

iii) शिक्षक ने शिष्य को क्या समझाया और क्या करने को कहा ?

iv) मज़दूर क्यों भावविभोर हो गया ? उसने किसे धन्यवाद दिया और क्यों ?

v) इस गद्यांश से क्या शिक्षा मिलती है ?

3) सूखे के कारण माधवपुर गाँव के किसान बहुत परेशान थे । धरती से पानी गायब हो चुका था । खेती करने के लिए सभी बस भगवान की कृपा पर निर्भर थे । बहुत से पूजा-पाठ और यज्ञों के बावजूद बारिश होने का नाम नहीं ले रही थी । हर रोज़ किसान एक जगह इकट्ठा होते और बादलों को ताकते रहते कि कब बारिश हो और वे खेतों में लौट सकें । उस दिन भी सभी बारिश के इंतज़ार में बैठे हुए थे कि तभी किसी ने कहा, “ अरे ये हरिया कहाँ रह गया ? दो-तीन दिन से वो आ नहीं रहा । कहीं मेहनत-मज़दूरी करने शहर तो नहीं चला ? ” बात हँसी में टल गई पर जब अगले दो-तीन दिन हरिया दिखाई नहीं दिया तो सभी उसके घर पहुँचे ।

“बेटा, तेरे बाबूजी कहाँ हैं ?” हरिया के बेटे से किसी ने प्रश्न किया ।

“ वे खेत में काम करने गए हैं ।” बेटा यह कहते हुए अंदर की ओर भागा ।

“ खेत में काम करने ” सभी को बड़ा आश्चर्य हुआ कि हरिया ऐसा कैसे कर सकता है ?

लेकिन सबके अंदर कौतूहल था कि हरिया खेत में क्या कर रहा होगा और सभी उसे देखने के लिए चल पड़े ।

उन्होंने देखा कि हरिया खेत में गड्ढा खोद रहा था ।

“ अरे ! हरिया ये तू क्या कर रहा है ? ”

“ कुछ नहीं बस बारिश होने की तैयारी कर रहा हूँ ।”

“ जहाँ बड़े-बड़े यत्न करने से बारिश नहीं हुई , वहाँ तेरा ये गड्ढा खोदने का टोटका कहाँ काम आने वाला ? ”

“ नहीं-नहीं मैं टोटका नहीं कर रहा । एक गड्ढा खोद रहा हूँ , जिससे जलाशय बना सकूँ । मैं तो बस कोशिश कर रहा हूँ कि जब बारिश हो तो मैं हर तरफ का बहाव इस जलाशय की ओर कर इसमें ढेर सारा पानी इकट्ठा कर सकूँ ताकि अगली बार बारिश के बिना भी कुछ दिन काम चल जाए । ”

“ महीनों बीत गए और एक बूँद नहीं टपकी है । ये बेकार की मेहनत में समय बरबाद मत कर चल हमारे साथ वापस

चल । ” लेकिन हरिया ने उनकी बात अनसुनी कर दी और कुछ दिनों में अपना जलाशय तैयार कर लिया । ऐसे ही कई दिन और बीत गए पर बारिश नहीं हुई । फिर एक दिन अचानक ही रात में बिजली चमकने लगी और बारिश होने लगी ।

किसानों के चेहरे खिल गए , लेकिन ये क्या कुछ देर बरसने के बाद बारिश थम गई । अगली सुबह सब खेतों का जायज़ा लेने पहुँचे । मिट्टी बस ऊपर से गीली हो पाई थी, ऐसे में खेतों की जुताई शुरू तो हो सकती थी लेकिन सींचने के लिए और भी पानी की ज़रूरत पड़ती । किसान मायूस हो अपने घरों को लौट गए । दूसरी तरफ हरिया भी अपने खेत पहुँचा और लबालब भरे छोटे से जलाशय को देखकर खुश हो गया । समय गँवाए बिना उसने हल उठाया और खेत जोतना शुरू

कर दिया । कुछ ही महीनों में माधवपुर के सूखाग्रस्त इलाके में हरिया का खेत हरा-भरा दिखाई दे रहा था । जब हालात सही न हों तो ऐसे में अधिकतर लोग बस उसके सही होने का इंतज़ार करते रहते हैं और उसे लेकर परेशान रहते हैं, जबकि

करना ये चाहिए कि खुद को उस वक्त के लिए तैयार रखना चाहिए । जब परिस्थितियाँ बदलेंगी तब, सूखा खत्म होगा और बारिश आएगी । ये प्रकृति का नियम है । दिन के बाद रात तो रात के बाद दिन आता ही है । आपका बुरा वक्त हमेशा के लिए नहीं रहने वाला । चीज़ें बदलती हैं , चीज़ें बदलेंगी इसलिए उस बदलाव का फायदा उठाने के लिए खुद को तैयार करना चाहिए , इसलिए अगर असफल लोगों की भीड़ का हिस्सा नहीं बनना तो इस आज को अपना बनाना चाहिए ।

क) माधवपुर गाँव के लोगों को क्या परेशानी थी ?

ख) हरिया क्या कर था और क्यों ?

ग) किसान क्या देखकर मायूस हो गए ?

घ) इस कहानी से क्या शिक्षा मिलती है ?

4) किसी शहर में एक प्रसिद्ध चित्रकार रहता था । देश-विदेश में उसके चित्रों की प्रदर्शनी देखने हज़ारों लोग आते थे और उसके काम की प्रशंसा करते नहीं थकते थे । एक बार उसने सोचा कि कहीं ऐसा तो नहीं कि लोग सिर्फ उसके मुँह पर उसकी तारीफ़ करते हैं और पीठ पीछे उसके काम में कमी निकालते हैं । यही सोच कर उसने अपनी एक मशहूर चित्र सुबह-सुबह शहर के एक व्यस्त चौराहे पर लगा दी और नीचे लिख दिया , “ जिसे भी इस पेंटिंग में कहीं कोई कमी नज़र आए वह उस जगह एक निशान लगा दे ।” शाम को जब वह चित्र देखने चौराहे पर गया तो उसकी आँखें फटी रह गईं । उसके चित्र पर सैकड़ों निशान लगे हुए थे । वह बहुत निराश हो गया और चुपचाप चित्र उठा कर अपने घर चला गया ।

इस घटना का उस पर बहुत बुरा असर हुआ । वह बहुत निराश हुआ । उसने चित्रकारी करना छोड़ दिया और लोगों से मिलने-जुलने से भी कतराने लगा । एक दिन उसके किसी दोस्त ने उसकी निराशा का कारण पूछा तब उसने उदास मन से उस दिन की घटना सुना डाली । मित्र बोला, “ एक काम करते हैं हम एक बार और तुम्हारी बनाई कोई चित्र उस चौराहे पर रखते हैं ।” अगली सुबह उन्होंने चौराहे पर एक नया चित्र लगा दिया । चित्र लगाने के बाद चित्रकार उसके नीचे फिर से वही लाइन लिखने जा रहा था कि “ जिसे भी इस चित्र में कहीं कोई कमी नज़र आए , वह  उस जगह एक निशान लगा दे । ” तभी दोस्त ने उसे रोका और कहा , “ इस बार लिखो- जिस किसी को भी इस चित्र में कहीं भी कोई कमी दिखाई दे उसे ठीक कर दे । ” शाम को जब दोनों दोस्त उस चित्र को देखने गए तो उन्होंने  देखा कि चित्र जैसी सुबह थी , अभी भी बिलकुल वैसी की वैसी ही है ।

दोस्त चित्रकार को देखकर मुस्कुराया और बोला, “ कुछ समझे…. कोई भी गलतियाँ निकाल सकता है और ज़्यादातर निकालते ही हैं , लेकिन गलतियाँ सुधारने वाले बहुत कम ही लोग होते हैं । बेकार में ऐसे लोगों की राय लेने का कोई फायदा नहीं , जो सिर्फ दूसरों में कमी निकालना चाहते हैं , उन्हें नीचा दिखाना चाहते हैं लेकिन उनको सुधारने के लिए न उनके पास समय है और न ज्ञान । इसलिए गलती तुम्हारे चित्र में नहीं बल्कि गलती ऐसे लोगों से सलाह माँगने में है । ” चित्रकार अपने दोस्त की बात समझ चुका था और अब वह दुबारा अपना मनपसंद काम करने लगा । वह चित्र बनाने लगा । अत: हमें हर किसी से उसकी सलाह नहीं लेनी चाहिए । यदि हमें सलाह लेनी ही है तो उस विषय के विशेषज्ञ (Expert) से ही सलाह लेनी चाहिए । साथ ही हमें वह इंसान बनने से बचना चाहिए जो सिर्फ गलतियाँ निकालना जानता है । हमें वह इंसान बनना चाहिए जो औरों की गलती को सुधार कर उनके जीवन को सकारात्मक (Positive) बना सके ।

क) चित्रकार ने क्या सोचा और अपने चित्र के साथ क्या किया ?

ख( शाम को चित्रकार ने क्या देखा ?

ग) दोस्त ने चित्रकार को लोगों के बारे में क्या बताया ?

घ) प्रस्तुत कहानी से क्या शिक्षा मिलती है ?

5) एक बगीचे में एक छोटा - सा घास का फूल दीवार की ओट में ईंटों में दबा हुआ जीता था। तूफान आते थे, उसे चोट नहीं लगती थी । सूरज निकलता था, उस फूल को नहीं सता पाता था । वर्षा होती थी, वर्षा उसे गिरा नहीं पाती थी, क्योंकि उस पर ईंटों की आड़ थी । पास में ही उसके सुंदर गुलाब के फूल थे। एक रात उस घास के फूल ने परमात्मा से प्रार्थना की , “ मैं कब तक घास का फूल बना रहूँगा । अगर आपकी ज़रा भी मुझ पर कृपा हो तो मुझे गुलाब का फूल बना दें । ” परमात्मा ने उसे बहुत समझाया कि वह इस झंझट में न पड़े, गुलाब के फूल को बड़ी तकलीफें सहनी पड़ती हैं । जब तूफान आते हैं, तब गुलाब की जड़ें भी उखड़ी-उखड़ी हो जाती हैं और जब गुलाब में फूल खिलता है, तो खिल भी नहीं पाता और कोई तोड़ लेता है । जब वर्षा आ आती है तो गुलाब की पंखुड़ियाँ बिखरकर ज़मीन पर गिर जाती हैं । उस घास के फूल ने कहा , “ बहुत दिन सुरक्षा में रह लिया, आप तो मुझे बस गुलाब का फूल बना दें । सिर्फ एक दिन के लिए ही सही, चौबीस घंटे के लिए सही। ” पास-पड़ोस के घास के फूलों ने समझाया, “ इस पागलपन में मत पड़, हमने सुना है कि पहले भी हमारे कुछ पूर्वज ऐसा चाहते थे , फिर बड़ी मुसीबत आती है । हमारा अनुभव यह कहता है कि हम जहाँ हैं , बड़े मज़े में हैं । ” पर उसने कहा , “मैं कभी सूरज से बात नहीं कर पाता, मैं कभी तूफानों से नहीं लड़ पाता, मैं कभी वर्षा को झेल नहीं पाता।” उनके पास के फूलों ने कहा, “ पागल, ज़रूरत क्या है ? हम ईंट की आड़ में आराम से जीते हैं । न धूप हमें सताती है , न वर्षा हमें सताती है , न तूफान हमें छू सकता है ।” लेकिन वह नहीं माना और परमात्मा ने उसे वरदान दे दिया और वह सुबह गुलाब का फूल बन गया। सुबह से ही मुसीबतें शुरू हो गईं। ज़ोर की आंधियाँ चलीं, उसका रोआं-रोआं काँप गया, जड़े उखड़ने लगीं। दोपहर होते-होते सूरज तेज़ हुआ। फूल तो खिले थे, लेकिन मुरझाने लगे। वर्षा आई, पंखुड़ियाँ नीचे गिरने लगीं । फिर तो इतने ज़ोर की वर्षा आई कि शाम होते-होते जड़े उखड़ गईं और गुलाब के फूलों का पौधा ज़मीन पर गिर पड़ा ।

उस मरते हुए गुलाब के फूल ने कहा, “ जिंदगी भर ईंट की आड़ में छिपे हुए घास का फूल होने से चौबीस घंटे के लिए फूल हो जाना बहुत आनंदपूर्ण है । मैंने अपनी आत्मा पा ली, मैं तूफानों से लड़ लिया , मैं हवाओं से जूझ लिया, मैं ऐसे ही नहीं मर रहा हूँ, मैं जी कर मर रहा हूँ । ” निश्चित ही ज़िंदगी को अगर हमें ज़िंदा बनाना है तो बहुत-सी ज़िंदा समस्याएँ खड़ी हो जाएँगी। लेकिन होनी चाहिए और अगर हमें जिंदगी को मुर्दा बनाना है, तो हो सकता है हम सारी समस्याओं को खत्म कर दें, लेकिन तब आदमी मरा-मरा जीता है । जीवन का सुख आराम में नहीं , जीवन का आनंद संघर्ष में है ।  

क) किस पर ईंटों की आड़ थी ? वह कैसे जीता था ?

ख) परमात्मा ने किसे क्या समझाया ?

ग) गुलाब के फूल पर क्या – क्या मुसीबतें आईं ?

घ) इस गद्यांश से क्या शिक्षा मिलती है ?

Question – 4

i) निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को निर्देशानुसार बदल कर फिर से लिखिए –

क) माँ के ज़ोर से डाँटने पर निखिल रोने लगा । (संयुक्त वाक्य में बदलिए)

ख) मैने एक संत को देखा , जो बहुत महान थे । (सरल वाक्य में बदलिए)

ग) अरुण अपने घर गया । (निषेधवाचक वाक्य में बदलिए)

घ) कल छुट्टी है । (विस्मयवाचक वाक्य में बदलिए)

ङ) तुमने खाना खा लिया।(आज्ञावाचक वाक्य में बदलिए)

च) नेता जी के आते ही भीड़ इकट्ठी हो गई। (मिश्र वाक्य में बदलिए)

छ) अध्यापिका कक्षा में आएंगी। (भूतकाल)

ज) मामा जी रोहित के लिए खिलौना लाए। (वचन बदलिए)

झ) सुदामा डर गया होगा। (वर्तमानकाल)

ञ) मैंने आज आराम करना चाहता हूँ। (वाक्य शुद्ध कीजिए)

ट) रोहन घर आया और सो गया। (सरल वाक्य में बदलिए)

ठ) मैं सारी रात भर पढ़ता हूँ । (वाक्य शुद्ध कीजिए)

ड) जब दीपावली आएगी तब हम नए कपड़े पहनेंगे । (सरल वाक्य में बदलिए)

ढ) आज के कार्यक्रम में अभिनेता आएँगे। (लिंग बदलिए)

ण) यह लेखक मुझे पसंद हैं ।(लिंग बदलिए)

त) मंदिर में महिला नहीं जा सकती है । ( रेखांकित का वचन बदलिए)

थ) नेता जी जनता के लिए काम करेंगे ।(वचन बदलिए)

द) किसान खेतों से लौट रहे हैं । (भविष्यत काल)

ध) हमारा पुराना कार ठीक हो गया। (वाक्य शुद्ध कीजिए)

न) अध्यापक ने ज़ोर से डाँटा और अंश रोने लगा । (मिश्र वाक्य में बदलिए)

प) राजा ने अपराधी को फाँसी की सज़ा सुनाई। (भविष्यत काल)

फ) वह भय से डरा हुआ था। (वाक्य शुद्ध कीजिए)

ब) अनन्या फिल्म देख रही है और खुश हो रही है। (सरल वाक्य में बदलिए)

भ) रोहन की माँ आज आएँगी । (निषेधवाचक वाक्य)

म) आनंद