the aspect -

The Aspect Our Vision: To grow as a Christian Community Reflecting God’s Love. Remember Fathers Day June 21st But don’t forget our Heavenly Father Who is always with you. Dene Holm, Gravesend and Swanscombe Methodist Churches and Community Centres May June Edition This magazine is free - Please take a copy

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Page 1: The Aspect -

The Aspect Our Vision: To grow as a Christian Community

Reflecting God’s Love.

Remember Fathers Day June 21st

But don’t forget our Heavenly Father

Who is always with you.

Dene Holm, Gravesend and Swanscombe

Methodist Churches and Community Centres

May June Edition This magazine is free - Please take a copy

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Gravesend Methodist Church and Community Centre Registered Charity No 1132238

A very warm welcome to our Sunday Worship Services

Sunday Worship Services 11.00 Gravesend Milton Road.

Evening Communion Service 1st Sunday in Month.

Church: Milton Road Gravesend DA12 2RE (front) Tel :328249

Halls: Wilfred Street,Gravesend,DA12 2HA( Rear) Tel :328249

Minister: Rev Noreen Daley – Lee Tel :395637

e-mail: [email protected]

All correspondence to be addressed to the Church address.

Church Stewards

Mrs Sheila Allison,Senior Steward. Tel: 535881

Mrs Hazel Davis. Tel: 822570

Mr Titus Mak. Tel:07453594545

Mrs Mary Onisimo. Tel: 536779

Mrs Fran Spencer. Tel: 746628

Mr Emmanuel Eshun. Tel: 354277

Mr Steve Brereton. Tel: 325656

Miss Velma Williams. Tel: 364881

Church Treasurer: Mr Michael Butler. Tel: 362740

Church & Hall Bookings.Gravesend:Mr Robert Hawkins Tel:536702

e-mail:[email protected]

Care team.

Pauline Wood: Tel: 533722 Maitland Pearce: Tel: 322916

Alan Wood: Tel: 533722 Fred Hollick: Tel: 361434

Phebe Povey Tel: 359744 Linda Brereton: Tel: 325656

Miss Joyce Woodcraft: Tel:365771

Magazine Editor.Mr Robert Hawkins Tel: 536702

Gravesend Methodist Church Website.

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A Message from Noreen. We have moved from the wilderness to the celebration of the risen Christ.

And during those times of the wilderness, I’ve been meeting with some

lovely young people for confirmation: Aaron, Arzoo, Charlyn, Joshua,

Naomi, Psalms, Saran, Tanya and Tendai. Their faith, love and confidence

in Christ have blossomed and grown immensely over the past months.

Whilst we journeyed through the wilderness we learned so much about

each other – as we read the Scripture and tried to make sense of it in our

context, like those two disciples on the road to Emmaus. We also learnt

more about prayer. Each individual articulated their prayers with deep

devotion, commitment and passion for the Lord. For certain, this was an

activity that they were accustomed to doing at home, school, church and

other places.

I have seen their faith and confidence in Christ advancing to another level.

They volunteered quickly and willingly to participate and share their love

for their Lord, like Mary of Magdala. If there was one thing that has brought

me great joy over the past months, it has been my engagement with this

group that is full of potential and aspiration. I have every confidence that

they will be great men and women of faith in the Church and beyond – it is

evident that they love God. I give God all the glory and praise for their

parents who have encouraged and supported them on this journey and

who continue to do so.

on our way back. As the presbyter assigned, I felt extremely blessed to At

our Confirmation Class I had promised to take them to Wesley Chapel,

and we did so on 19 April 2015. It was an early start for them, but all were

present – including some of their parents, Rosemary, Ola and Beulah. This

experience was the icing on the cake for all of us. Our journey began with

prayer, and Aaron’s prayer was amazing as he gave God his thanks for

the opportunity and prayed for our safety. As we got on the train, the

young people commuted together. They were like a family – some kept

awake for the journey while others were catching up on sleep. I felt

sublime. The parents also gathered together like a family. It was the same

witness such comradery, fellowship, caring and sharing. Continued on page 4

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Continued from page 3

We gave thanks to Lafton, who made those lovely muffins which we all

enjoyed, and Emmanuel, who kept us highly entertained and who became

so attached to Mary – Mary’s name rang out more than the church bells.

Emmanuel felt the togetherness as well and for a moment he thought the

young people were “his children”. The love that was generated throughout

the train rides was beyond words. But this was just the beginning of what

was coming.

They were mesmerised when they entered the chapel. The ambience and

atmosphere will be one that remains in their hearts forever. They were

welcomed among the other visitors who were journeying from around the

globe, including five Ministers from West Pennsylvania. They were

reconnected with the original roots of Methodism as they admired

Reverend Lord Leslie Griffith preaching from a pulpit that has lasted so

many years and his intriguing sermon “Eating helps believing” (text: Luke

24:36b-48). The beauty, reverence, and immaculate stain glass widows

made them want to stay inside. Charyln said, before the service began,

“Rev. Noreen the young people and children are going to their classes,

can we stay inside?” It was a bonus! Arzoo shared this with Leslie after the

service, “the service was really lovely”. Others were amazed at the singing

as hundreds of voices praised God.

Our journey to Wesley Chapel was like the disciples on the road to

Emmaus. The risen Christ was with us as we prayed together, sang

together, ate together and fellowshipped together. It was an experience

they were going to cherish forever, and certainly they would never forget

the underground trains – where we have learnt to move a lot more swiftly

and remain alert at all times. I would always remember Aaron and Psalms

running up those stairs, the smiles, the love, the fellowship and

togetherness that could only be because the risen Christ had come into

our hearts and transformed us into his disciples – disciples on a journey

that began in the wilderness, and is continuing as we look for the signs of

him on our Emmaus journeys, especially as we remember and pray for our

young people who are preparing for their exams and who are getting ready

to take up a new job. To God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy

Spirit, be glory and praise now and forever. Amen. (Noreen)

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Prayer Concerns Please remember in your prayers those who are unwell or recovering

from illness:

Jean Wright,Anne Smith,Fred and Val Hollick,James cousin Emma,Keith

Bush,Morag Wigzell,Rev Thelma Campbell,Maggie (Oasis

Bookshop),Dolly (John McKinnons sister),Marjory Stevens.Kathleen

(Sheila’s Cousin).Pat Rowlands.

Dee Bennison, Joan Greenwell, Don and Pat Philpott, Hayley Power,

Susan Boucher, Barry Errington,Gladys Greenstreet,Lois Heaver,Joan

Hoadley,Margaret Homewood,John Thorne,Ian and Don Williams.

Those who need our prayers:

Maxine Fielder and family,Mary Onisimo and Family,Rosalind Freeman,

Mitchell Curtis,Lesley Smith –Charles and friends Briget and Terry,Trevor

Blake-Morris,Dennis Allen and Elizabeth,

Brian Greenhow,Alan and Pauline Wood,Joyce Woodcraft and Family,

Noreen Daley-Lee,Sue (a friend of Marians),The family and friends of Mark



The Street Pastors,Gravesham Foodbank and clothing for the homeless

and the Gravesend 21st Century Project improvements.

Our fellowship Groups

For the life of our Churches and their families.

For the two church priorities of Whole Life discipleship and work with

Children and Youth especially Junior Church.


Pray that as we have sought God’s forgiveness. He will enable us to share

it with others, that as we have asked for His mercy. He will help us to offer

it to others and as we have received his love, that he will help us to show

this same love to others.

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Women of the bible Gomer : She occupies the first three chapters of the book of the prophet

Hosea. She was the wife of the prophet Hosea - MAYBE ! Once again

we are into the realm of symbolical literature. Because Hosea has named

her that may indicate that she was indeed his wife, a wife that caused him

considerable strife. Gomer bears him three children, a son Jezreel (a place

where king Jehu was murdered!) and two daughters named Unloved and

Not-my-People. Strange names, but given to Hosea by God, and linked to

God’s relationship with Israel. Gomer is unfaithful to Hosea, just as Israel

is unfaithful to God. Hosea’s love leads him to forgive Gomer and take

her back, just as God’s love for his people leads him to forgive them and

take them back. Hosea’s writing switches between condemnation and

forgiveness/reconciliation, but ends on a positive note. Was Gomer a real


Who knows?

Next: We move on to the New Testament.

Action for Children Sunday 12th July Action for Children Sunday is a time for the Methodist

Church to celebrate the work we do together throughout

the year. It usually falls on the second Sunday in July, as

this is closest to the anniversary of their founding on 9


Our morning worship at 11am that day, will celebrate their work.

Coffee morning at church on Saturday 11th

July – looking for lots of

support – Please do come along. All proceeds that day to Action for Child


Robert Hardy - Treasurer - Gravesend Action for Children Support Group

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Christian Aid Week this year is from the 10th to 16th May

Your help in distributing envelopes through the doors of allocated streets

and then collecting them is an essential part of the work for Christian Aid.

Please can you help us, if so, please see Sheila Allison or Doreen Foxwell

for details.

This year during Christian Aid week, we have permission to collect at

Ebbsfleet Station, so if you would like to give up an hour during rush hour

to collect there, please let Sheila or Doreen know.

Thank you to all who supported the Bread and Cheese Lunch on Ash

Wednesday. It was well attended and raised £312.00, an increase on last

years amount, for Christian Aid funds. The Home-made stall proved very

popular, especially the cakes.

An event for your diary - A coffee & cake morning with plants and bring

and buy for Christian Aid is being held at Mavis Prater’s House (19 Hadley

Close, Meopham) on Saturday, 6th June at 10.00 till midday. We look forward to your support on all these events.

Many thanks

Sheila Allison

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Chocolate Toffee Pudding. I was invited to a weekend conference in Scotland. At dinner I

discovered that only two people at our table knew each other, me and the

lady sitting beside me. I knew what she did for a living and I was looking

forward to the reaction of others when they found out. We were well into

the dessert before we reached the point in the conversation that was


Dessert was chocolate toffee pudding, thick, gooey and running at

about 8000,000 calories a slice. The lady facing me was helping herself to

a second slice when she posed the big question to my friend “And what do

you do?” she asked. Her timing was spot on. Looking at the mountainous

second helping on her plate, my friend answered, “I’m a psychologist.”

Talk about startled. I could see panic written all over their faces. And I

knew what hey were thinking. “What have I been revealing about myself to

this woman for the past twenty minutes?”

The most startled of all was the poor soul who had ladled another million

calories of Chocolate toffee pudding onto her plate. But all credit to her,

she came straight out with it. “What does it mean” she said, “If you have a

second helping of chocolate toffee pudding?”To save her any further

embarrassment I jumped in quickly. “It means you have a sweet tooth”, I

said. They all laughed nervously at that, but I could see they were waiting

to hear from the psychologist.

“That’s exactly right” she said, “The first rule of psychology is: don’t

scrabble around looking for the obscure, when the obvious is staring you in

the face.” I thought this was pretty good and every now and then those

words come back to me,

Like the other evening, standing on the side of a hill with a full moon

glistening across the lough, I looked up into the night sky and asked

myself, “Where did this incredibly intricate, beautiful perfectly functioning

universe come from?” And then I remembered Ruth’s advice. Don’t

scrabble around looking for the obscure when the obvious is staring you in

the face,”

Somebody made it!

Pastor Ian Livingstone. Seen in the Higham Congregational Church Magazine

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GRAVESEND SISTERHOOD We again have had some very interesting speakers come to our Meetings

recently, and during Holy Week we had a visit from Vic who brought us

Communion for Easter.

We have just enjoyed a lovely cream tea afternoon, which gave us plenty

of time to have a good chat.

My thanks to Doreen and Barbara for assisting, making our Sisterhood a

friendly place to spend an hour or so at 2.30 on a Monday afternoon.

If any ladies would like to join us, you will be most welcome.

Sheila Allison


May 11th Open Meeting,

18th Deacon Vic Downs.

25th No Meeting-Bank Holiday.

June 1st Mr David Ware.

8th Mrs Jenny Force.

15th Mrs Helen Martin.

22nd Mrs Doreen Foxwell.

29th Open Meeting.

July 6th Mrs Sally Partington.

13th Sisterhood garden Party.

See you there.Melva Mann

A measure of Affection A small boy invaded the lingerie section of a big department store and

shyly presented his problem to the women assistant. “I want to buy my

mum a present of a slip.But I don’t know what size she is!” “Is she tall,or

short,fat or thin.”.Asked the assistant. “She’s just perfect.” Beamed the

small boy.So the assistant wrapped up a size 39 for him.

Two days later,mum came into the store herself and changed it for a size

52 Author unknown sent fro Australia

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This year’s Holiday Club at Dene Holm ran between 13th – 17

th April from

10am each morning until noon and finished with a delicious buffet on the

Friday. We had 24 children registered, although one little girl took a look at

us all and decided to go home with mum. The youngest child was just five

years old and the oldest 15 so we had a huge age range but they all joined

in each activity. Each team had a famous polar explorer for them to learn

about - Ernest Shackleton, Robert Falcon Scott, Edmund Hillary and

general knowledge about the Arctic and Antarctic. This tied in with the

exploration of different figures in the Bible - Peter, Philip, Stephen, Saul

and ending with Timothy whose ministry showed the children you are

never too young for God to call you. The crafts the children particularly

enjoyed were making a split pin penguin and weaving a compass,

although some of the leaders were tested on these! Also going on were

football, indoor games, card and bead making. There were some really

beautiful crafts made, great enthusiasm on the football pitch and with the

other games it was good to see the older children being so caring with the

younger ones. Of course we had a drama, The Ice Adventure, which was

courageously acted out by the team leaders, with the parts changing as

the actors were available. As their agent it is sad to say they have not

been offered any further bookings but there’s always hope! Each day the

children and leaders put their loose change in a bucket and amongst us all

we managed to collect £27 which is enough for three children in a

disadvantaged country to have exercise and reading books plus something

towards their uniform for a whole year. This was done through Christian

Aid. Many thanks to the club leaders, who came from GMC, URC, Holy

Family Church and of course Dene Holm, for all their hard work and of

course the wonderful children without whom it wouldn’t have been the

same! Melva Mann. ..............................................................................................................................................

O thou who hast given us so much,

Mercifully grant us one thing more-

A grateful heart. Prayer of thanksgiving by George Herebert (1592 -1633)

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Building for the fu ure

Here is the latest news about our 21st Century Project fundraising.

The current total raised towards the project is, at the time of writing,

£35,589.72 – this is a brilliant achievement, so, well done and thanks to

you all for your help in achieving that splendid figure now that building

works have started the need to continue our fundraising increases.

So please support all of our fundraising events:

We counted our Blessings for Lent – I still await some more forms and

donations back from you.

On Saturday 21st February we enjoyed a concert by ‘Fiddle & Faff’, a great

evening and they are booked again to do a Christmas Show in the church

on Friday 11th December – more details nearer the time but please book

the date now.

On Saturday 16th

May we will be holding a Spring Market in the church and

on the front steps – please make a note of this date and also pass the

word around about this event – see you there !

Do you play Golf ? If so, see Dave Young who is organising a Charity Golf

Day on Thursday 11th June.

A fund raising Cream Tea/Garden Party will be held on Saturday 18th July

– details nearer the time.

Also continuing are our little round Home Collecting Boxes – so do please

keep collecting your coins (or notes) and let me have them back for

emptying as soon as you can.

Maybe you have not got one – if you haven’t, please see me and I will

let you have one straight away!!

Thank you all for your continuing support.

Robert Hardy

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Thank you All of Agnes’s family would like to thank the many friends who sent us

cards and also made donations for the multiple Sclerosis Society in her


We are unable to inform you of the total, raised at present, as the funeral

directors have not closed the account.

We would like to express our thanks to all who came to her funeral service

and for the love and support that we felt that day

Thank you.

What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God

(for the book of Micah, Chapter 6 v8

Woman to Baffled Male! “I just bought four pairs of white gloves with the £19 I saved by not buying

the hat I couldn’t afford.


Understanding women! The only way to understand any women is to love her-then it isn’t

necessary to understand her. Sydney Harris.

Thank God No matter how bad things seem to be in your life, there is usually

something good you can thank God for.


Grudges Holding a grudge is like letting someone live rent free in your head.

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In The Right Place The middle-aged woman loved her garden and she had been working

hard in it. She was mainly putting in bedding plants...arranging them in

tubs and borders.

The actual planting didn’t take long. It was the thinking about which

plants were suitable for where...which would look best in certain parts of

the borders because of height and the need for sun or for protection from

the wind...which would be best near the house because of fragrance and

effect...It all took a lot of thought. It was important. It made such a

difference to the final effect and to the colourful beauty of the garden

during the summer months. It was important that the plants were in the

right place so that they could give the best impression and be most


It’s the same with us. How important it is that we are in the right place...

filling the right space so that our God-given gifts can be used to the best that we can be used and seen at our best for God.

It’s no use trying to force someone to undertake tasks for which they are

unsuitable or ill-equipped. Yes, if a task is right for someone. God provides

the wherewithal to see it through, but in such cases, God causes the

person to feel that it is right. He prods and nudges until whoever it is

becomes aware that they should be fulfilling a particular requirement. That

is very different from someone being placed in a position that simply isn’t

right. It is not good for someone who is reserved and slow to speak to new

people, to take on the task of welcoming people to the services or of

serving refreshments at Church functions. People doing that job need to

be relaxed with themselves, so that others relax on arrival and feel

comfortable with where they are. It is a gift, which not everyone has and it

is a mistake for the wrong people to try to do the job, for it greatly affects

people’s impressions. What a vital task... and the wrong people doing it

are preventing others from using their very special ministry.

It’s the same with everything. Whatever our ministry, we are called to

use to the glory of God and for the furtherance of his Kingdom.

There is a place for everyone. We are all abundantly blessed by

God... continued on page

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Continued from page

...not only because He loves us but also because He needs us to do His

work here on earth. He wants us to show his love to the world and to bring

others into a close relationship with Him. We are equipped differently in

order to undertake the various aspects of His work. No one is left out.It is

up to us, with God’s guidance, to discover our strengths and weaknesses,

to find our ‘right’ place and so to use our full potential for Him...We need to

pray for and advise one another. Others can often see more clearly where

someone else’s ministry lies. We need to be open and honest with each

other, both in question and response about the appropriateness of a

particular task for us.

Although we think of the ‘right place’ for us in God’s order of things,

that does not mean we find our ministry and then that ‘is it’. We are not

static for life. Our gifts develop and grow. Our ministries change over the

years, because of our human circumstances...which God ordains...we are

called to do different works for Him. That is why it is so essential that we

remain open to Him...that we listen to his voice. We need constantly to be

listening to God’s instructions and weighing what we hear with the

guidance, which God is giving within, our fellowship.

Our ministries change with older age. In our later years, we may

become less physically active and not take on some of the tasks involved

in the Church. We may not be able to maintain the Church, but we can

make a cup of tea for those who are able. We may not be able to walk

round the Parish on a prayer walk, but we can sit at home and pray for

those who are. The precious ministry of prayer must never be

underestimated. It is the foundation on which our Church Grows.

So we are never out of a job. Every gift, every ministry, is of equal

value. No more important than the other. The vital thing is that we all find

our right ministry for that particular time.

We know we are ‘in the right place’. We feel God’s peace...Others

see Him in us...and God’s Kingdom grows. Excerpt from ‘Hidden Beauty’ by Joan Foster. With the kind permission of Moorley’s Printers and


............................................................................................................................. ................................

Stand still and whisper God’s name, and listen.

He is nearer than you think.

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News from Swanscombe A Message from Lois Heaver.

I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my Church

Family in Swanscombe and neighbouring Churches for your kind thoughts

and prayers in recent weeks-so supportive and comforting.

To be diagnosed with cancer twice in ten years was, I admit, very daunting

but with the skill of my surgeon’s hands and the hands of the Lord to

steady and comfort me, I’ve made it!


Crafty people to be stallholders at a craft fair at Swanscombe

Methodist Church 10th October 2015.Table hire £10, all profits go to


Please contact Lois Heaver on 01843491519 for more details.

News from Swanscombe Church

Lent Course.

Several of our members, along with folk from other local churches,

attended a Lent Course at our Church. Usually Rev.Mark Hurley, Vicar of

Swanscombe leads a series of Bible studies but this year it was different.

The Vicar of Walderslade gave us a course about how to attract

newcomers to Church. Each week he showed us a series of short videos

and then gave us questionnaires which we discussed, it was a thought

provoking exercise and showed up various areas for improvement in our



We had an envelope collection for Methodist world Mission and raised £75

after watching a video about Methodist Projects in Sri Lanka.


We now have a very pretty garden by the kitchen door thanks to Janet and

Barry Errington.

Barry is also installing a new side gate to stop vandals accessing the back

of the Church. Continued on page20

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Continued form page.19

We are looking forward to the summer. Our Church Anniversary will be on

the 28th June when Jill Gray will take the service and there will a meal in

the Church afterwards.


Please remember in your prayers:

Susan Boucher, Barry Errington,Gladys Green Street,Lois Heaver, Jean

Hoadley,Margaret Homewood, John THome,Iris and Don Williams.


A Wedding.

Our dear friends Ernie Norman and Jean Orford are getting married on

13th May and will come to the Church to have their marriage blessed on

Sunday May17th,when they wish to celebrate after the service with all their

Church friends.

We rejoice with them and their families that they have found happiness

together in later life, and we wish them every blessing on their wedding



Step by step the Lord has brought you

To this very point of time,

Through each bright and darkened pathway,

Through all hills and rocky climb,

Faithful he has been towards you,

Guarded every step you’ve trod

Shielded you from all that’s harmful-

Your faithful, loving, caring God.

Extract from ‘Seasons of comfort and Joy’ by Anne Stand field

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Agnes May Hunt (nee Bird)

17th August 1913-22nd February 2015 Agnes lived all her life in the Gravesend area.

She was the middle of three daughters, although when she was 4 her

older sister, who was 6, died of meningitis.Her father returned from WW1

service with ill health caused by exposure to mustard gas poisoning whilst

in the trenches. He died at the age of 36 when Agnes was 12.She had

suffered many periods of ill health as a child and spent some time in a

convalescent home.

Soon after her father died, she found employment as a children’s

nanny, which was a job she enjoyed. Unfortunately the family who

employed her had to move away and Agnes had to find other work locally

to help support her mother and younger sister. The work she obtained in a

paper mill was not to her choice but she made the best of it and made

many friends. In particular Mary became a lifelong friend and Linda one of

her daughters attends Milton road and took on the task of providing

refreshments at Agnes’s funeral.

When she was about 20, Agnes met Maurice Hunt and fell in love

and they married in 1935.They purchased a brand new house in Valley

drive in 1937 which Agnes owned until she died. Colin her eldest child was

born in 1938.But their happy life changed in 1940 when Maurice was

called up to serve in the second World Warlike so many other women

Agnes had to cope with the hardship that war brought. She cared for Colin

on her own often taking him to the air raid shelter in the garden to protect

him from the bombing raids. Her hopes and dreams were dashed in1944

when a few days before Maxine were born. Maurice was released from the

forces having being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. He was never able

to live a normal life thereafter as his condition affected his hands, legs,

eyes and tmperment.The latter due to the frustration of the limitations

caused by his illness.Maurice was unable to return to his former

employment and could only manage menial work,so finances were


Agnes became the mainstay of the family, caring for Maurice, Colin

Maxine and Neil.Life was hard but she drew on her inner reserves to

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ensure she did all she could for the family including spreading a great deal

of love.Maurice died after suffering for 23 years with MS and Agnes took a

long time to overcome her loss but was helped by her faith and her many

friends at Milton Road.She had been introduced to the Church in 1952 by

the mother of Terry Owen and the Church family became central to her

life.She was a stalwart member,known and loved by so many and she held

numerous roles and engaged in many Church activities which included

being one of the mothers of the of Boys Brigade mothers helping to

organise the renowned BB parties which were a big event in the 1960’s

She was also a member of the Gravesend Crusade Choir for 26 years and

a member of Chalk WI for many years.

Although not obvious from her outward manner.Agnes had a strong

determined personality which kept her going through the difficult years and

right up to her passing at the age of 101 and half( as she told the doctors

when taken into hospital shortly before her death.

At her funeral service,it became known that her life had been far from

easy but she was grateful for the many blessings in her life.She loved

spending time with her wider family which included her own children,their

spouses and as the years went by,7 grandchildren and 10 great

grandchildren.She enjoyed numerous holidays in the UK,abroad and some

cruises and stubbornly joined in as many activities as she could,even

insisting on climbing over a stile at the age of 90 as she was not prepared

to be beaten.

In latter years, she needed help and assistance which was provided

by Maxine and Alan, who opened their home to her and provided so much

care without complaint, even though this severely restricted their own

retirement plans.Colin, Neil and all the family expressed their deepest

thanks to Maxine and Alan for the dedication they showed to Agnes as

part of her tribute at her funeral.

Agnes was an amazing mother and during her life played a

meaningful part in the lives of so many,It is fair to say,Agnes herself,never

knew just how much she touched the lives of the many people who knew

her or how much she enriched their lives.

She will sorely be missed but her memory on this earth will surely live

on, although she is peace with her maker.

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Church Anniversary and Gift day

Sunday 7th June May 2015

To all who gather regularly to worship.Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus,

Invitation Reverend Michael Fanstone of Emmanuel Baptist Church, will lead the Sunday morning service at 11.00 before he steps down as their Minister. The evening Service will be a Communion Service at 6.30pm led by our Superintendent Clifford Newman, his last at Gravesend before his retirement. You are especially invited to give your support to hear their words of encouragement as we each continue our discipleship journey.


Our annual Church Anniversary and Gift Day will be on Sunday 7th June. It is an

opportunity for each of us to make a special one off gift as a means of expressing

our gratitude to God for His faithfulness. It also recognises the many blessings He

has given to us, and return a portion to Him as a personal thanksgiving.

Our target for Gift Day is £9,000. Gift Day is in fact vital in assisting the church to meet its financial commitments in what are very challenging times, both economically and spiritually. It is the responsibility of each one of us to ensure good stewardship of our resource to further the witness of God’s love and grace as we step out in the community and beyond.

Your response

If you can repeat giving the same amount as last year there is every likelihood that we will achieve the target. Please contact me if you are unsure of the amount you gave. If you belong to the weekly envelope scheme please make use of the Gift Day envelope in your box of envelopes for your special contribution. A Gift Day envelope is enclosed for your use if you are not a member of the envelope scheme. An envelope will also be placed in the pew on the day.

Thanks I am grateful for the generosity shown over the years to this annual appeal and for your ongoing regular donations that enable our church to meet its day-to-day financial commitments. Should you be unable to attend on the day, please hand your Gift Day envelope to a

steward or post it to me - Mike Butler, 35 The Warren, Gravesend DA12 4DA.

(Kindly make cheques payable to Gravesend Methodist Church).

Yours in Christ,

Mike Butler Treasurer

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Jesus puts the fun into funerals! Over the past few months, I have been involved in more funerals than expected. As a result I have met some very interesting people, and heard and told some wonderful stories. I have found out things about people which I hadn’t heard of before, even though I had known or known of them for some years past. The common link in all of them was that the family wanted a Christian service, and in most, if not in all, there was a deep rooted faith in God through Jesus. All of these services were bright and cheerful; some, indeed, were very happy occasions. Last September, Anne lost one of her cousins. He was 92 and died suddenly just as we had arrived in Crete. His funeral service happened while we were away. It was conducted by a ‘humanist minister’, and I had opportunity to read the whole script of the service later. It wasn’t a bad representation of his life, but it was introduced by the sentence, ‘There will be something in the service for all people, of faith and of none’. As I read, there was just one place where people of faith were acknowledged, and that was in a silence which gave people time to reflect or pray. This disturbed me, for in a time of bereavement, people need to be prayed for, as they often haven’t the capacity to pray for themselves. I also reflect on the service I led for a three year old girl who had died just a few months after her mother. As I was preparing at the crematorium, a ‘humanist minster’ asked which service I was involved with. On hearing which one, she said that she couldn’t do it as she wouldn’t have anything to say! As it happened, I didn’t have to say anything. The child’s grandfather did all that and delivered a wonderful address cum sermon which affirmed his faith and the faith of many of those who’d gathered. He was the same man who had spoken in similar style for his daughter those months before, and then played the organ for her! As Christians, we have a responsibility to keep the flag of faith flying. Easter gave us that opportunity. It’s a chance to bathe in the wonder and love of a God who is all powerful and can give life to the dead, both in eternity and in the changing of peoples’ lives. The Cross is clear in its message and the empty tomb even clearer. Jesus asks us to believe in the unbelievable and trust Him in life and in death. That’s how we can be joyous in a situation of a funeral. Yes we are sad. We hurt for our loss: but as we celebrate a life on this earth, we also celebrate the life,

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death and resurrection of Jesus, and recognise that in the cross there is forgiveness, and in the empty tomb, there is our eternal life of peace, joy, and above all, the presence of Jesus, our friend and brother. Just to close, a quote from the leader of a weekend run by the Lay Witness Movement’ at one of my old churches. Her running theme was, ‘Jesus puts the fun into funerals’! Deacon Vic and Anne

Cafe Church at Costa Coffee Bluewater. These meetings take place in relaxed and informal surroundings on the

second Sunday evening of each month from 6-7pm.

The Costa staff are there to serve you with drinks and snacks.

The topics for the next three meetings are as follows:

Sunday10th May I get by with a little help from my friends.

Understanding Dementia.

Sunday 14th June Happy! Is it possible to be truly happy?

Sunday 12th July We’re all going on a summer holiday.

Summer fun at Costa del Bluewater

There will be no meeting in August.

God Bless Jenny

They are a stealing and a silent refreshment that we perhaps do not think

about but which goes on all the time.

Beauty is the smile on the Earth’s surface,open to all,and needs but the

eyes to see and the mood to understand. John Galsworthy

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Fathers Day June 21st.

Don’t forget dear old dad Here are some excerpts from books given to the Editor by his ever loving

daughters, together with advice!!

A father is:

An ordinary man doing his best to stand in for superman.

A source of good but expendable advice.

A very nearly expert.

A man who knows- but would like to look it up just to be on the safe side. A

man who goes down fighting.

Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into adventurers, story tellers,

and singers of songs.

Dads can do anything, the youth of dads was packed with excitement and

their minds are packed with anecdotes.

They have sound views on politics, dogs, sport and saving the


They have drawers and boxes and sheds full of valuable gadgets and


They can tell unforgettable stories.

There is a touch of magic in a dad.

They are no longer ordinary men, they are special.

Dads don’t just give their children love, they give them the ability to love.

Fathers know their place-last in line for the shower and first in the line to

pay for everything.

The way to a dad’s pocket is through his heart.

They say about dads: How embarrassing he can’t even understand his


The world has an infinite need of loving fathers, who with mothers are the

hub of the home.

So Please don’t forget dear old dad.

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Church Flowers Please remember your special occasions by donating

flowers to decorate the Church.

They brighten up the day and makes God’s house feel

lived in. Fresh flowers are an inexpensive way of saying

welcome and proclaim “Love lives here.”

Pauline and Mike Butler will be glad to receive your

donations. We thank Val Hollick and Pauline Butler for

their wonderful displays

Pollyanna I have watched that film many a time.Pollyanna went around playing the

“Glad” game. For instance the Housemaid disliked Mondays. So Pollyanna

said aren’t you glad there is a whole week before the next Monday.

So to brighten a dull day think of something you can be glad about and

have quiet smile. Or do something out of the ordinary and be glad that no

one is around to see you do it.

How to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity.

Sit in a parked car wearing sunglasses and point a hairdryer at passing

cars...then watch them slow down!

Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.

Sing along at the opera.

When the money comes out of the cash machine, scream “I won! I won!”

Skip down the street rather than walk and see how many looks you get.

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Dene Holm Methodist Church

A very warm welcome to our Sunday Worship Services.

11.00 am and 4.30pm.Parade and Family service 3rd Sunday in the


Senior Church Steward Mr Ian Angel Tel:358505

Steward Mr Martin Prater Tel: 812330

Church Council Secretary Mrs Melva Mann Tel: 334155

Church Treasurer Mrs Sylvia Angel Tel: 358505

Church Bookings Mrs Sylvia Angel Tel: 358505


Swanscombe Methodist Church

Milton Road Swanscombe DA10 OLS

Senior Steward ;Janet Errington Tel 01322 387096

Sunday Worship Service

10.45 am:All our services are ‘All age Worship’

Coffee Morning held on the second Saturday of each month at 9.30pm.


Ebbsfleet Rainbow Centre

Rose Street Northfleet DA11 9EQ Tel:321221

Centre open Tuesday – Thursday 10.00am – 2.00pm


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Reporting of dates and Events: People have expressed their concerns in the fact that their events are not mentioned in our “Dates for the Diary” nor mentioned in ‘The Aspect’ The Editor and the booking secretary try to glean information from various sources but unfortunately we are not mind readers. Therefore as with any other news media, unless you tell us we don’t know. A simple fact of life. If you want your organisation or event to be published please contact the Editor. The same thing goes for the heating at Gravesend. If you do not tell the Bookings secretary when you are meeting, muchas froid (very cold) similarly if you are not meeting on your usual day the heating will be wasted. The heating clock is set on Fridays, so all the events for the following week must be noted by Friday, similarly cancellations. Please remember to turn out all the lights before you leave. Energy is an expensive item.

Please Note: Items in this magazine are printed in good faith and are sometimes reproduced with permission from others. If you wish to copy an article, please contact the Editor, who will advise you accordingly. Thank you for your courtesy. Copyright @ Dene Holm, Gravesend and Swanscombe Methodist Churches and Community Centres. May -June 2015