the assessment of non-inferiority in a gold standard ... · in active controlled non-inferiority...

The assessment of non-inferiority in a gold standard design with censored, exponentially distributed endpoints M. Mielke Department of Mathematical Stochastics, University G¨ottingen e-mail: [email protected] A. Munk Department of Mathematical Stochastics, University G¨ottingen e-mail: [email protected] A. Schacht Lilly Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburg e-mail: schacht [email protected] Abstract: The objective of this paper is to develop statistical methodology for non- inferiority hypotheses to censored, exponentially distributed time to event endpoints. Motivated by a recent clinical trial in depression, we consider a gold standard design where a test group is compared to an active reference and to a placebo group. The test problem is formulated in terms of a retention of effect hypothesis. Thus, the proposed Wald-type test procedure assures that the effect of the test group is better than a pre-specified proportion Δ of the treatment effect of the reference group compared to the placebo group. A sample size allocation rule to achieve optimal power is presented, which only depends on the pre-specified Δ and the probabilities for the occurrence of censoring. In addition, a pretest is presented for either the reference or the test group to ensure assay sensitivity in the complete test procedure. The actual type I error and the sample size formula of the proposed tests is explored asymptotically and by means of a simulation study showing good small sample characteristics. To illustrate the procedure a randomized, double blind clinical trial in depression is evaluated. An R-package for implementation of the proposed tests and for sample size determination accompanies this paper on the author’s web page. Keywords and phrases: censored data, exponential data, gold standard design, non- inferiority, optimal allocation, retention of effect. 1. INTRODUCTION Recently, non-inferiority trials have gained in importance supported by the declaration of Helsinki [1] and a vigorous discussion on designing and evaluating such trials is ongoing. For a selective list of fundamental references see Jones et al. [2], R¨ohmel [3], D’Agostino et al. [4] and Senn [5]. In active controlled non-inferiority trials without a placebo arm the assay sensitivity, i.e. the ability of a study to distinguish between effective, less effective, and ineffective therapies (ICH 2000 [6]), is based on results from historical trials. In this manner the constancy condition is presumed, i.e. the active control effects in the active control trial patient population and the historical trial patient population are assumed to be equal. This assumption is not directly verifiable and its violation could result in statistical uncontrolled errors. Actually, for the treatment of depression there exists evidence that the placebo response is substantial (Dworkin [7]) and that it is increasing over time (Walsh [8]). The mentioned problems of active controlled trials are discussed by Rothmann et al. [9] and by Temple & Ellenberg [10] with regard to the declaration of Helsinki. They recommend the inclusion of a concurrent placebo group due to the problems of assay sensitivity if the * Preprint submitted to Statistics in Medicine (5 September 2007), Accepted 28 April 2008. 1 imsart-generic ver. 2007/04/13 file: mielke2008_preprint.tex date: April 29, 2008

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Page 1: The assessment of non-inferiority in a gold standard ... · In active controlled non-inferiority trials without a placebo arm the ... survival curves for the endpoint ”time

The assessment of non-inferiority in a gold

standard design with censored, exponentially

distributed endpoints

M. Mielke

Department of Mathematical Stochastics, University Gottingene-mail: [email protected]

A. Munk

Department of Mathematical Stochastics, University Gottingene-mail: [email protected]

A. Schacht

Lilly Deutschland GmbH, Bad Homburge-mail: schacht [email protected]

Abstract: The objective of this paper is to develop statistical methodology for non-inferiority hypotheses to censored, exponentially distributed time to event endpoints.Motivated by a recent clinical trial in depression, we consider a gold standard designwhere a test group is compared to an active reference and to a placebo group. The testproblem is formulated in terms of a retention of effect hypothesis. Thus, the proposedWald-type test procedure assures that the effect of the test group is better than apre-specified proportion ∆ of the treatment effect of the reference group compared tothe placebo group. A sample size allocation rule to achieve optimal power is presented,which only depends on the pre-specified ∆ and the probabilities for the occurrence ofcensoring. In addition, a pretest is presented for either the reference or the test groupto ensure assay sensitivity in the complete test procedure. The actual type I errorand the sample size formula of the proposed tests is explored asymptotically and bymeans of a simulation study showing good small sample characteristics. To illustratethe procedure a randomized, double blind clinical trial in depression is evaluated. AnR-package for implementation of the proposed tests and for sample size determinationaccompanies this paper on the author’s web page.

Keywords and phrases: censored data, exponential data, gold standard design, non-inferiority, optimal allocation, retention of effect.


Recently, non-inferiority trials have gained in importance supported by the declaration ofHelsinki [1] and a vigorous discussion on designing and evaluating such trials is ongoing.For a selective list of fundamental references see Jones et al. [2], Rohmel [3], D’Agostinoet al. [4] and Senn [5]. In active controlled non-inferiority trials without a placebo arm theassay sensitivity, i.e. the ability of a study to distinguish between effective, less effective,and ineffective therapies (ICH 2000 [6]), is based on results from historical trials. In thismanner the constancy condition is presumed, i.e. the active control effects in the activecontrol trial patient population and the historical trial patient population are assumed to beequal. This assumption is not directly verifiable and its violation could result in statisticaluncontrolled errors. Actually, for the treatment of depression there exists evidence that theplacebo response is substantial (Dworkin [7]) and that it is increasing over time (Walsh [8]).The mentioned problems of active controlled trials are discussed by Rothmann et al. [9] andby Temple & Ellenberg [10] with regard to the declaration of Helsinki. They recommendthe inclusion of a concurrent placebo group due to the problems of assay sensitivity if the

∗Preprint submitted to Statistics in Medicine (5 September 2007), Accepted 28 April 2008.


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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70







Time to first remission in days

Fig 1. Three-arm study for treatment of depression: Kaplan-Meier curves with marks for censoring timesand fitted exponential survival curves for the endpoint ”time to first response”, test treatment (red), referencetreatment (blue), and placebo (green).

patients are not harmed by deferral of therapy and are fully informed about alternatives.Such a study design with reference, test treatment, and placebo group, which is called a goldstandard design (Koch and Rohmel [11]), can be used to demonstrate superiority of eitherthe reference or the test treatment to placebo as well as non-inferiority of the test treatmentcompared to the reference.

Pigeot et al. [12] as well as Koch & Rohmel [11] consider the gold standard design withnormal endpoints and homogeneity of the variances. In both papers the non-inferiority testproblem is based on the differences in means. In the case of binary endpoints we refer toTang & Tang [13] and Kieser & Friede [14].

As emphasized above, the gold standard design is recommended in clinical studies whichinvestigate the treatment of depression. In the therapy of depression, achieving remissionis the clinically desired goal (Nierenberg & Wright [15]) whereas remission is defined asmaintaining the Hamilton Rating Scale of Depression (HAM-D) total score at ≤ 7. Kieser &Friede [14] provide the statistical methodology to examine remission as binary endpoint orto be more precisely, the question whether the patient does achieve remission after treatmentof acute symptoms or not. However, Yadid et al. [16] point out that in addition to remissionthe fast onset of action and the prevention of relapse are important and thus are the majorgoals of the present research. The primary endpoint time to first remission incorporates thisissue. The occurrence of remission can be investigated over the complete time interval ofthe study. In the present, we analyze a randomized, double blind clinical trial on majordepression where a new antidepressant is compared to a standard antidepressant, knownfor having a fast onset of action, and to placebo. The data representing the time to firstremission are displayed in Figure 1. The time points are discretized due to weekly visitintervals, which are sufficient to monitor the occurrence of remission over the entire studyperiod. In this paper, we assume that the time points to first remission are i.i.d. rightcensored, exponentially distributed in each group. The PP-plots in Figure 2 indicate a quitegood fit of this model. We mention, however, that our method could also be generalized todifferent models such as Weibull or Gamma distributed endpoints.

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







Treatment group

Empirical prob.



cal p


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







Reference group

Empirical prob.



cal p


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







Placebo group

Empirical prob.



cal p


Fig 2. PP-Plots for fitted exponential model vs. Kaplan-Meier.

As statistical methods for showing non-inferiority have been mainly developed for binaryor normal endpoints, the problem of assessing non-inferiority, where the primary variableis a survival time, has been far less investigated. Freitag [17] presents a review of existingapproaches for the two-sample case. In contrast, the objective of this paper is to developthe statistical methodology for planning and assessing non-inferiority in a gold standarddesign, which the CPMP [18] recommends for clinical investigation of medicinal productsfor the treatment of depression. The endpoints are assumed to be censored, exponentiallydistributed. The presented analysis to show non-inferiority is based on a retention of effecthypothesis and on the resulting Wald-type test, which relies on the asymptotic normalityof the maximum likelihood estimator. Throughout the paper, the resulting test is denotedas RET (Retention of Effect Test). The hypothesis and the RET are presented in Section2. In Section 3, a sample size formula to determine the required sample sizes to obtain adesired power is derived. This can be used to find the optimal allocation of the samplesin terms of maximizing the power and minimizing the total sample size for given type IIerror, respectively. As a special case, we investigate the case of homogeneous censoringprobabilities in all groups, where it turns out that the optimal allocation and the estimationof the asymptotic variance become particularly simple and only depend on ∆, the non-inferiority margin. In Section 4, we incorporate the retention of effect test in a complete twostep test procedure which ensures assay sensitivity via a pretest for superiority of either thereference or the test treatment to placebo. Moreover, the matter of sample size adjustmentfor the complete test procedure is discussed. A major finding is that for the commonly usedalternative of equal effects for the new and the reference treatment no correction of samplesize is necessary to obtain a power of 1−β for the complete test procedure when the samplesize is determined via the formula of the RET presented in Section 3. In particular, thisresult is valid independent of the considered active control effect. In Section 5, the results of asimulation study to investigate the finite sample behavior of the test decisions are presented.In Section 6, we revisit the clinical trial in major depression, introduced above, and applyour procedures. The new treatment turns out to be non-inferior to the reference. Finally,we comment on our software for analysis and planning of the introduced test procedures inSection 7 and conclude with a discussion in Section 8. All proof are deferred to a technicalreport [19] in order to keep the paper short and concise.

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2.1. Model and Hypothesis

Let Tki for i = 1, . . . , nk be independent, exponentially distributed survival times withexpectation E[Tki] = λk, k = R, T, P , where R, T , and P abbreviates reference, treatment,and placebo group, respectively, in a three-arm clinical trial. Further, let the correspondingcensoring times Uki be independent distributed according to Gk where Uki is independentof Tki for i = 1, . . . , nk and k = R, T, P . The observations consist of pairs (Xki, δki), whereXki = min{Tki, Uki} are the observed survival times and δki = 1{Tki≤Uki}, i = 1, . . . , nk,k = R, T, P , are the corresponding censoring indicators. Hence, δki = 1 stands for anuncensored observation. Moreover, none of the groups should asymptotically vanish, i.e. fork = R, T, P and n = nR + nT + np


n−→ wk

holds for nR, nT , np → ∞ and some wk ∈ (0, 1). Further, we assume that the probabilitiesfor an uncensored observation should be positive, i.e.

pk := P (δki = 1) > 0

for k = R, T, P . We emphasize that no assumptions on the censoring distribution Gk aremade and that we only have to incorporate the probabilities pk in the following modelingprocess.

Furthermore, we assume that small values for the observations Xki are associated withhigher efficacy of the treatment, e.g. we observe the time which elapses until healing, orin general until a positive impact occurs. Therefore, small values of λT are desirable. Thehazard ratio, which is in the case of exponentially distributed endpoints just the ratio ofthe λ’s, is the usual way of comparing time to event endpoints. Therefore, we consider theretention of a control effect on the log relative risk scale, which yields the following testproblem


0 : log λT − log λP ≥ ∆(log λR − log λP )KN

0 : log λT − log λP < ∆(log λR − log λP ) ,(1)

with ∆ ∈ [0,∞). The alternative KN0 means that the test treatment T achieves more than

∆× 100% of the active control effect, where both are compared to placebo and the effect ismeasured via the log relative risk (cf. Rothmann et al. [9]). Note that the hypothesis can beequivalently formulated as

HN0 :








Testing for efficacy of the test treatment over placebo corresponds to a choice of ∆ = 0.Setting ∆ = 1 or even ∆ > 1 implies testing for superiority of the test over the referencetreatment and substantial superiority, respectively. The main focus in this paper is on thecase ∆ ∈ (0, 1), which corresponds to showing non-inferiority of the test treatment to thereference and superiority of the test treatment to placebo. To this end, a non-inferioritymargin ∆ has to be determined in advance which represents a clinically irrelevant relativedeviation between treatment and active control. This choice of ∆ highly depends on theapplication and a general recommendation is difficult. We do not want to pursue this topicin detail, however, we refer to Lange & Freitag [20], who give a systematic review of 332published clinical non-inferiority studies, especially addressing the methods applied to choosethe equivalence margin. They point out that it is mostly recommended to set the margin ∆at least to 0.5, yielding an effect of the test treatment that is more closely located to thestandard than to placebo. We have evaluated our data example in Section 6 according tothis recommendation. Finally, note that our results are formulated such that they cover alsothe assessment of superiority, i.e. where ∆ ≥ 1.

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2.2. Wald-type test

In order to test problem (1), it is convenient to rewrite the hypothesis as

HN0 : log λT − ∆log λR + (∆ − 1) log λP ≥ 0,

which allows to consider the contrast η = log λT −∆log λR +(∆− 1) log λP . The maximumlikelihood (ML) estimator for η is given by

η = log λT − ∆log λR + (∆ − 1) log λP , (2)

with the MLE for λk

λk =Xk


, (3)

for k = R, T, P with Xk =∑nk

i=1 Xki and δk =∑nk

i=1 δki. Note that the distributionof (Xk, δk) can be represented as a full exponential family and hence the ML-estimator√

n (η − η) is asymptotically normal with variance (confer Theorem A.1, Mielke et al. [19])

σ2 =1

wT pT


wR pR

+(∆ − 1)2

wP pP

. (4)

With pk = δk/nk and wk = nk/n we obtain a surprisingly simple estimator for σ2 as

σ2 = n






+(∆ − 1)2



. (5)

Note that only the total number of uncensored observations δk, the total sample size n, andthe non-inferiority margin ∆ are required for computation of σ2. In particular, this estimatoris independent of the observed survival times.

Hence, we obtain as the test-statistic

T =√


log λT − ∆log λR + (∆ − 1) log λP√


+ ∆2

δR+ (∆−1)2


, (6)

which is asymptotically standard normally distributed for η = 0, i.e. if log λT − log λP =∆(log λR − log λP ) in (1). Thus, for a given level of significance α the hypothesis HN

0 willbe rejected and non-inferiority can be claimed if

T < zα , (7)

where zα denotes the α-quantile of the standard normal distribution. In the following, wewill call the test in (7) RET (Retention of Effect Test).

Remark. Alternatively, the retention of effect hypothesis from (1) could be defined in theratio of differences in means, i.e. through HN∗

0 : (λP − λT ) ≤ ∆∗(λP − λR), (Hung etal. [21]). Our methods can be easily extended to a Wald-type test for HN∗

0 . However, astraight forward calculation shows that in this case the asymptotic variance will dependon the parameters λk, k = R, T, P . In contrast for the RET in (7) for the hypothesis (1),the asymptotic variance σ2 in (4) is independent of the parameters λk, k = R, T, P . Thathas the advantage that the variance can be estimated unrestricted, see (5), in contrast tomost situations where retention of effect hypothesis are tested by a Wald-type test (Kieser& Friede [14]).

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0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5





Fig 3. Comparison of asymptotic variances for optimal allocation (solid line), balanced allocation (dashedline), and 2:2:1 allocation (dotted line), p = 0.5.


The ML-estimator η in (2) is asymptotically normally distributed for general η = log λT −∆log λR+(∆−1) log λP (see Theorem A.1, Mielke et al. [19]). Thus, the asymptotic power ofthe Wald-type test can be approximately calculated for specified λk, pk, and nk, k = R, T, P ,given ∆, and significance level α (see Section 2.2) as

1 − β = P (T ≤ zα) = P


T −√

n η

σ≤ zα −

√n η



≈ Φ


zα −√

n η



, (8)

where Φ denotes the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution,wk = nk/n in the asymptotic variance σ2 from (4).

In planning a clinical trial, it is a crucial step to determine the required sample size toachieve a given power 1−β for a specified parameter constellation η in the alternative K0. By(8) the requirement of achieving at least a given power of 1−β is asymptotically equivalentto

z1−β ≤ zα −√

n η


This is equivalent to

n ≥ σ2

η2(zα − z1−β)


for η ∈ K0, i.e. η < 0. Note that each term on the right hand side other than σ2 is fixed inplanning a clinical trial. The variance σ2 depends through wk, k = R, T, P , on the allocation,which is under control of the investigator [12]. Therefore, it could be chosen optimal in termsof minimizing σ2 and therewith the required sample size in order to achieve a given power1 − β.

Substituting wT = 1 − wR − wP yields

σ2 =1

(1 − wR − wP ) pT


wR pR

+(1 − ∆)2

wP pP

. (10)

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0








Fig 4. Optimal allocation for given ∆ under the assumption of homogeneous censoring probabilities.

Minimizing σ2 as a function of wR and wP w.r.t. the constraint wR + wP ≤ 1 gives (see fordetails Theorem A.2, Mielke et al. [19])

w∗R =

∆ p−1R

p−1T + ∆ p−1

R + |1 − ∆| p−1P

and w∗P =

|1 − ∆| p−1P

p−1T + ∆ p−1

R + |1 − ∆| p−1P


Thus, the optimal allocation of the samples is given by

n∗T : n∗

R : n∗P = 1 : ∆

pT /pR : |1 − ∆|√

pT /pP , (11)

which yields a minimal total required sample size of

n∗ =




+|1 − ∆|√


)2 (

zα − z1−β



. (12)

From (12) we see that the total required sample size is a monotone decreasing function ineach pk, k = T,R, P , and it is minimal in the case of uncensored observations, i.e. pT = pR =pP = 1. Further, the monotonicity provides a worst case scenario for sample size planning bymeans of presuming homogeneous censoring probabilities in the three groups, k = T,R, P ,and setting the common censoring probability to the smallest value, i.e. p = min{pT , pR, pP }.In planning a clinical trial, one would expect pT , pR > pP and hence pP = min{pT , pR, pP }because the reference and the test treatment are expected to be efficient, i.e. λT , λR < λP ,which implies under identically censoring variables Uk in the groups that reference and testtreatment are less affected by censoring than placebo. Hence, a conservative recommendationfor planning the trial is to assume that all censoring probabilities equal pP . This simplifiesthe optimal allocation rule significantly, as we will see below. In particular, it accentuatesthat the optimal allocation coincides with the case of normal endpoints by Pigeot et al. [12]and Schwartz & Denne [22].

The assumption of homogeneous censoring probabilities and ∆ ∈ [0, 1) simplifies theoptimal allocation (11) to

n∗T : n∗

R : n∗P = 1 : ∆ : (1 − ∆).

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0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5









n in


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5









n in


∆ ∆

Fig 5. Reduction in total sample size when optimal allocation is used instead of balanced allocation (leftfigure), and instead of 2:2:1 allocation (right figure).

This yields with a minimal asymptotic variance of σ2opt = 4/p the required sample sizes in

groups T,R, and P as

(n∗T , n∗

R, n∗P ) = n∗ (w∗

T , w∗R, w∗

P ) =2



zα − z1−β



(1 , ∆ , 1 − ∆) . (13)

Hence, in the case of homogeneous censoring probabilities and ∆ ∈ [0, 1) the first halfof the total samples should always be assigned to the test group, the other half allocatedin a ratio nR : nP = 1 : (1 − ∆)/∆ (see Figure 4) to the reference, and the placebogroup independent of the censoring probability p. Hence, it is also valid for the non-censoredcase. The comparison in Figure 3 of the optimal asymptotic variance with the asymptoticvariance, when a balanced and 2 : 2 : 1 allocation, respectively, is used, points out thecapability of reduction of the asymptotic variance by reallocating. The condition (9) yieldsthat the reduction in the asymptotic variance from (10) is equivalent to the reduction inrequired total sample size. This is illustrated in Figure 5, where the reduction for using theoptimal allocation instead of a balanced and 2 : 2 : 1 allocation, respectively, is presented.For the balanced design a reduction of at least 10% is always possible and even more than30% for ∆ close to zero or one. The allocation 2 : 2 : 1 is more appropriate for ∆ ∈[0.5, 1), but a reduction up to 20% is still possible by reallocating to the optimal allocation.Figure 6 presents the total required sample size for p = 0.5, and different values of ∆ =0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.85 in dependence of the active control effect λP /λR for the alternative λT =λR, significance level α = 0.05, and a desired power of 1 − β = 0.8.

In the case of homogeneous censoring probabilities and assessing superiority, ∆ ≥ 1, theoptimal allocation from (11) becomes n∗

T : n∗R : n∗

P = 1 : ∆ : (∆−1). Hence, in contrast tothe case of assessing non-inferiority, ∆ < 1, the first half of the total samples should alwaysbe assigned to the reference and not to the test treatment group, the other half allocated ina ratio nT : nP = 1 : (∆ − 1) to the test treatment and the placebo group.


The test problem considered so far is to show non-inferiority of the test treatment to thereference. The inclusion of a placebo group makes it possible to directly demonstrate theeffectiveness of a therapy and therewith ensures assay sensitivity of the test procedure.Pigeot et al. [12] carry out a pretest for superiority of the reference treatment to placebo,which provides internal evidence of assay sensitivity. Though, Koch [23] points out that this

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2 3 4 5 6








al r






λP /λR

∆ = 0.85

∆ = 0.8

∆ = 0.7

∆ = 0.5

Fig 6. Total required sample size for p = 0.5 and ∆ = 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.85 in dependence of the active controleffect λP /λR for the alternative λT = λR, significance level α = 0.05, and a desired power of 1 − β = 0.8.

procedure would blame a test treatment that has shown to be superior to placebo and non-inferior to the reference for the fact that reference could not beat placebo. Therefore, Koch& Rohmel [11] perform a pretest for superiority of the test treatment to placebo instead. Itis not the objective of this paper to take up this discussion. But we state that in any casea two-step test procedure must be conducted to establish non-inferiority and effectivenessof the test treatment, where in a first step a pretest for superiority of either the referenceor the test treatment to placebo is performed, and in a second step the non-inferiority isinvestigated. The pretest for superiority of a treatment to placebo coincides with rejectingthe null hypothesis HS

0,j : λj ≥ λP either for the reference treatment (j = R) or for the testtreatment (j = T ). Thus, the overall hypothesis is given by

H0 : HN0 ∪ HS

0,j = {log λT − log λP ≥ ∆(log λR − log λP )} ∪ {λj ≥ λP } ,

where H0 is rejected if the sub-tests for HN0 and HS

0,j can be rejected. In order to avoid a

misunderstanding, note that H0 either includes HS0,R or HS

0,T and not both at once. Due tothe principles of intersection-union-tests, this test decision for H0 does not exceed a level αif HN

0 and HS0,j are tested the level α, respectively. Therefore, the power for rejecting H0 is

reduced compared to simple testing HN0 . However, in section 4.2 it will turn out that this

reduction is negligible for the commonly used alternative λT = λR < λP . Similar results wereobtained by Pigeot et al. [12] and Kieser & Friede [14] for normal and binomial endpoints,respectively.

4.1. Two-sample Wald-type test for superiority

The ML-estimators ϑj for ϑj := log λj − log λP are obtained as in Section 2.2 by pluggingin the ML-estimators given in (3) for λk, k = R, T, P . Moreover, these estimators can beshown to be asymptotically normal in the same way as η,

nj + nP (ϑj − ϑj)D−→ N (0, σ2

j )

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λT :λR:λP 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9

0.8:1:1.1 15.24 15.04 13.76 11.26 77.11 68.87 59.59 42.32

0.8:1:1.2 26.60 27.85 25.56 19.82 83.50 79.40 72.48 55.41

0.8:1:1.5 51.16 59.88 59.08 49.09 91.18 92.43 90.68 81.13

0.8:1:2 68.94 82.80 85.32 80.38 94.74 97.42 97.68 95.32

0.8:1:3 80.39 94.04 96.74 96.68 96.63 99.17 99.59 99.48

0.8:1:5 86.61 97.88 99.39 99.72 97.59 99.69 99.93 99.97

0.9:1:1.1 29.13 30.91 28.52 22.07 84.56 81.21 74.87 58.20

0.9:1:1.2 49.45 57.56 56.49 46.47 90.78 91.79 89.74 79.48

0.9:1:1.5 74.83 89.13 92.13 90.09 95.74 98.45 98.89 98.06

0.9:1:2 85.35 97.26 99.06 99.45 97.39 99.61 99.89 99.93

0.9:1:3 90.42 99.24 99.91 99.99 98.16 99.88 99.99 100.00

0.9:1:5 92.85 99.71 99.99 100.00 98.54 99.95 100.00 100.00

1.1:1:1.5 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

λT = λR 96.94 99.99 100.00 100.00 99.21 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table 1

Approximated power of the pretests for HS0,R

and HS0,T

in percent for α = 0.05, and a desired power of

1 − β = 0.8 for the RET under optimal allocation. Values less than 95% are bold.


σ2j = (wj + wP )



wj pj


wP pP


, j = R, T.

Therefore, one rejects HS0,j at level α, i.e. one concludes superiority of the reference or the

test treatment to placebo, respectively, if√

nj + nP ϑj/σj ≤ zα holds with

σ2j = (nj + nP )(1/δj + 1/δP ),

and zα the α-quantile of the standard normal distribution.

4.2. Sample size adjustment for the complete test procedure

In Section 3, we derived for the three-sample non-inferiority RET, the optimal sample sizeallocation in terms of minimizing the total required sample sizes, and corresponding formulasfor sample size determination. Based on these results, we will now derive the approximatedpower 1 − βj of the pretests HS

0,T and HS0,R, respectively, when the sample sizes are de-

termined with (13) to obtain a power of 1 − β for the RET. It will turn out that for thecommonly used alternative λT = λR no correction of the sample size is necessary to obtaina power of 1−β for the complete test procedure because the power of the pretests is alwayslarger than 1−β for ∆ ≥ 1/3, which covers the range of practical interest for non-inferioritytests, cf. Lange & Freitag [20].

We restrict our considerations to homogeneous censoring probabilities, i.e. p = pT = pR =pP , and ∆ ∈ [0, 1). The power 1 − βj of the test decisions for superiority of j ∈ {R, T} toplacebo introduced in the previous Section 4.1 can be approximated by

1 − βj ≈ Φ


zα −√

nj + nP





with Φ the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution. Substitut-ing the approximately required optimal sample sizes (n∗

T , n∗R, n∗

P ) from (13) for the RET to

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obtain a power of 1 − β, which presumes the allocation n∗T : n∗

R : n∗P = 1 : ∆ : (1 − ∆), in

(14) yields by straightforward calculations

1 − βj ≈ Φ


zα +(∆ − 1) ϑj

|η| bj(∆)




bT (∆) = (z1−β − zα)


(1 − ∆)(2 − ∆)(16)


bR(∆) = (z1−β − zα)

2 ∆

1 − ∆. (17)

As a first result, one observes that the power of the pretests is independent of the censoringprobability p. For the commonly used alternative η < 0 with λT = λR > λP

|η| = ∆ log λR − log λT − (∆ − 1) log λP = (∆ − 1)ϑj

holds for j = T,R, which simplifies (15) to

1 − βj ≈ Φ(zα + bj(∆)) .

The case λT = λR. Therefore, under the alternative λT = λR the power of the pretestsis in addition independent of the effect size λP /λR and only depends on ∆ besides α andβ. This allows to estimate the power of the pretests from the power 1− β of the RET as atleast 1 − β, again, for a range of ∆, s.t. 1/3 ≤ ∆ < 1. To this end, observe that bT (∆) andbR(∆) in (16) and (17),respectively, are always ≥ (z1−β − zα).

In fact, numerical investigations show that the power of the pretest is often even better.This is illustrated in table 1, which shows for different effect constellations λT : λR : λP

the approximated power of the pretests for HS0,R and HS

0,T given in (15). The values arecalculated for a significance level of α = 0.05 and a desired power for the RET of 0.8. UnderλT = λR even for a small ∆ of 0.5 the power of both pretests is with 96.94% and 99.21%,respectively, nearly 1 and increases for increasing ∆. Hence, the power of the complete testis almost equal to the power 1 − β of the RET, and no adjustment is required to obtain anoverall power of 1 − β.

The case of different effect sizes. The power of the pretests is increasing in the test-reference effect λT /λR for a fixed reference-placebo effect λP /λR. It can decrease drasticallywhen the complete trial is planned via the RET and under an alternative λT < λR < λP ,e.g. for HS

0,R, λT : λR : λP = 0.8 : 1 : 1.1, and ∆ = 0.5 one ends up with a power ofonly 15.24%. Therefore, one has to be aware of a possibly significant reduction in powerwhen planning under an alternative λT < λR < λP . Due to the parameter constellationsλT < λR, this loss in power is a more serious problem for HS

0,R than for HS0,T , confer Table

1. Moreover, the test for superiority to placebo is more powerful for the test treatment thanfor the reference in general and especially also for λT = λR due to the sample allocationn∗

T : n∗R : n∗

P = 1 : ∆ : (1 − ∆) used. Hence, in the considered complete test procedurefrom a statistical point of view the pretest for HS

0,T is preferred to those for HS0,R. But we

emphasize again that both pretests have a power of almost 1 and no adjustment of samplesize is required under the commonly used alternative λT = λR.


In the following, we present the main results of extensive simulations studies for the actualtype I error of the RET, confer Section 2.2, for the RET sample size formula (13) and for the

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λP /λR

n nT : nR : nP 10 8 5 3 2 1.5 1.2

30 1:1:1 5.69 5.89 5.71 5.71 6.02 5.94 6.17

2:2:1 5.35 5.10 5.31 5.26 4.91 5.02 5.20

2:1:1 4.68 4.44 4.55 4.78 4.64 4.78 4.63

60 1:1:1 5.90 5.67 5.62 5.29 5.21 5.59 5.35

2:2:1 5.23 5.25 4.91 4.56 5.22 5.19 5.26

2:1:1 4.92 4.23 4.79 4.87 4.84 4.32 5.02

120 1:1:1 5.80 5.29 5.47 5.35 5.60 5.42 5.47

2:2:1 4.83 5.00 5.28 4.80 4.88 5.35 4.66

2:1:1 4.76 4.46 4.30 4.94 4.91 4.56 4.73

240 1:1:1 4.97 5.31 5.43 5.22 4.96 5.09 5.30

2:2:1 5.05 5.20 5.03 5.06 4.87 5.11 4.87

2:1:1 5.02 4.77 4.54 5.05 4.79 5.06 4.61

480 1:1:1 5.01 5.68 5.11 5.03 5.01 5.10 5.15

2:2:1 5.13 5.41 5.06 4.86 5.19 5.32 5.07

2:1:1 4.90 4.75 5.15 5.13 4.55 4.94 5.00

960 1:1:1 5.35 5.13 4.98 5.42 5.02 5.22 5.09

2:2:1 4.89 4.77 4.74 5.14 4.87 4.83 4.97

2:1:1 4.61 4.89 4.74 4.63 4.98 5.09 4.64

1440 1:1:1 4.94 5.23 5.08 5.37 4.98 5.25 5.31

2:2:1 4.84 4.95 5.25 5.08 4.83 4.83 4.75

2:1:1 5.03 5.10 5.23 5.27 4.60 4.89 4.63

Table 2

Simulated actual type I error in % for a nominal significance level of α = 0.05, pT = pR = pP = 0.8,∆ = 0.5, and 10 000 replications. Values larger than 5.5% are bold.

derived power of the pretests presented in Section 4.1. Moreover, the power of the completetest procedures introduced in the previous section is simulated when the trial is conductedvia the optimally allocated sample size for the RET. It turns out that the large sampleframework presented in this paper yields even for small total sample sizes quite satisfactoryresults and that a finite sample adjustment is not necessary, in general.

The following investigations are based on a nominal significance level of α = 0.05. How-ever, similar results are obtained for a nominal significance level of α = 0.025 (not displayed).

5.1. Type I error

To investigate the finite sample behavior of the RET we simulated the actual type I error fora nominal significance level α = 0.05, the optimal allocation ratio, allocation ratios of 1:1:1and 2:2:1, active control effects of λP /λR = 10, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1.5, 1.2, retention of effects ∆ =0.5, 0.7, and total sample sizes n = 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 960, 1440. The probabilities for anuncensored observation in the three groups T,R, and P are assumed to be homogeneous withpT = pR = pP = 0.8. All parameter constellations were simulated with 10 000 replications.The results for ∆ = 0.5 are presented in Table 2. The results for ∆ = 0.7 are similar andomitted due to the marginal gain of insight.

For small total sample sizes (n < 120) the Wald-type test tends to be somewhat anti-conservative for the balanced design and somewhat conservative for the optimal design (2:1:1for ∆ = 0.5), whereas the unbalanced 2:2:1 attains the nominal significance level α = 0.05.However, the magnitudes of these discrepancies are negligible and for total sample sizesround about 120 and more the nominal significance level of α = 0.05 is attained almostexactly for all three designs. It is worth to note that these observations for the actual type Ierror can be made independently of the underlying active control effect and the choice of ∆.

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Pretest RET Complete test procedure

∆ λT :λR:λP HS0,R HS

0,T HN0 HN

0 ∪ HS0,R HN

0 ∪ HS0,T

0.5 0.8:1:1.1 14.75 77.53 79.92 11.39 71.60

0.8:1:1.2 26.99 84.03 80.48 21.62 75.95

0.8:1:1.5 52.43 92.55 80.55 41.75 79.53

0.8:1:2 69.65 95.45 80.13 55.26 79.82

0.8:1:3 79.67 96.80 79.06 62.37 78.94

0.9:1:1.1 28.87 84.99 80.45 23.02 76.37

0.9:1:1.2 49.66 91.05 79.92 39.38 78.54

0.9:1:1.5 74.55 96.01 79.64 58.86 79.33

0.9:1:2 85.73 97.65 79.91 68.11 79.81

0.9:1:3 89.56 98.27 78.85 70.25 78.81

1:1:1.1 96.95 99.24 79.41 76.93 79.39

1:1:1.2 97.01 99.32 80.26 77.86 80.24

1:1:1.5 96.99 99.17 79.86 77.60 79.84

1:1:2 96.56 99.31 80.19 77.43 80.19

1:1:3 96.24 99.17 79.78 76.62 79.77

0.7 0.8:1:1.1 14.40 68.80 79.49 11.59 63.15

0.8:1:1.2 27.04 80.48 80.44 21.31 71.84

0.8:1:1.5 60.33 93.24 80.03 47.73 78.42

0.8:1:2 83.64 97.97 79.50 66.19 79.26

0.8:1:3 94.57 99.44 79.76 75.16 79.73

0.9:1:1.1 30.29 81.82 80.34 24.41 72.66

0.9:1:1.2 57.10 91.80 79.67 45.39 77.29

0.9:1:1.5 89.57 98.67 79.64 71.16 79.48

0.9:1:2 97.70 99.78 79.78 77.91 79.75

0.9:1:3 99.45 99.94 80.19 79.74 80.18

1:1:1.1 99.98 100.00 80.05 80.03 80.05

1:1:1.2 100.00 100.00 80.99 80.99 80.99

1:1:1.5 100.00 100.00 79.85 79.85 79.85

1:1:2 99.98 100.00 79.06 79.04 79.06

1:1:3 99.99 100.00 79.96 79.95 79.96

Table 3

Simulated power in %. Desired power of 0.8 for the RET under optimal allocation, significance levelα = 0.05, pT = pR = pP = 0.8, and 10 000 replications. For the complete test procedures values less than

75% are bold.

We summarize that the asymptotic RET yields a test for finite samples, which keeps ratheraccurately the nominal significance level α = 0.05 even for small total sample sizes about120 and all simulated parameter constellations.

5.2. Power

Table 3 presents the simulated power of the pretest for HS0,R and HS

0,T , respectively, ofthe RET and the power of complete test procedure, whereas either a test of superiority ofthe reference treatment to placebo or of the test treatment to placebo is performed in thefirst step and in the second step the RET. The RET is performed for different parameterconstellations λT : λR : λP in the alternative, and for ∆ = 0.5, 0.7. Beside the commonlyused alternative λT = λR, we considered alternatives with λT < λR, since, as pointed out inthe previous section, these are the critical parameter constellations in planning the completetest procedure. We considered homogeneous censoring probabilities pT = pR = pP = 0.8as before and a significance level of α = 0.05. In each case the used sample sizes weredetermined according to the optimal allocation (13) to obtain a power of 80% in the RET.The results are based on 10 000 replications.

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Hypothesis p-value in %

HN0 , ∆ = 0.5 1.83

HN0 , ∆ = 0.8 2.51

HN0 , ∆ = 1 4.42

HS0,R 33.34

HS0,T 3.88

Table 4

P-values for the RET and the pretests.

At first, one observes that for all parameter constellations the power of the RET attainsexactly 80%. The simulated power for the pretest coincides with the theoretically computedone in Table 1. Moreover, the simulations approve the assumption that no sample sizeadjustment for the complete test procedure is necessary under the commonly used alternativeλT = λR. In contrast, under alternatives λT < λR the complete test procedure with a pretestfor superiority of the reference to placebo sustains a drastically loss in power, whereas thecomplete test procedure with a pretest for superiority of the test treatment to placebo keepsa power of at least 70% in all cases.


In this section, we revisit the example in treatment of major depression of the introduc-tion. In this randomized, double blind study a new antidepressant (T) is compared to astandard antidepressant (R), known for having a fast onset of action, and to placebo (P).The comparison is based on the analysis of the time to first remission whereas remissionis defined as maintaining the Hamilton Rating Scale of Depression (HAM-D) total scoreat ≤ 7 as aforementioned. The data set consists of nT = 262, nR = 267, and nP = 135pairs of observations, the time to first remission in days, and the censoring indicator with afraction of 0.51, 0.46, and 0.41 uncensored observations, respectively. For the ML-estimatorswe obtain λT = 67.75, λR = 83.84, and λP = 89.87. Thus, one would guess that the newantidepressant has the fastest onset of action followed by the reference and by placebo. ThePP-plots in Figure 2 in the introduction indicate a quite good fit of the exponential model.Note that due to the heavy censoring at the right tail the quality of fit is decreased, ofcourse.

The resulting p-values for the RET and the pretests are presented in Table 4. If wepresume the commonly used significance level of 5%, the hypothesis of the RET could beeven rejected for ∆ = 1 and hence not only non-inferiority but also superiority of the newtreatment to the standard treatment could be claimed. The pretest with the new treatment(HS

0,T ) would reject in favor of superiority of new treatment to placebo. In contrast, the

pretest with the reference treatment (HS0,R) would fail, i.e. it does not reject. This fact

supports the view of Koch & Rohmel [11] to perform the pretest for HS0,T instead of HS

0,R.The present sample size allocation is approximately nT : nR : nP ≈ 2 : 2 : 1. Hence, if

we consider ∆ = 0.5, a sample size reduction of roughly 10% would have been possible byreallocating to the optimal allocation 2 : 1 : 1 (see Figure 5).


The R source code of the functions for planning and analyzing the test procedures presentedin this paper are available in a package at the author’s web page

This package includes the functions ret and pretest to compute the p-values for the RETand the pretest, respectively. Moreover, a function ret samplesize is provided to determine

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the required sample sizes to obtain a desired power for the RET. The package also includesa brief instruction manual for applying these functions.


In this paper, we have presented a full analysis and planning of three-arm non-inferioritytrials including an active control and a placebo group (gold standard design), where theobservations are randomly right censored as we have assumed it for the depression study.As a byproduct we obtain also a two-arm study, which in this context also never has beenconsidered so far. To this end we assumed exponentially distributed endpoints (time to firstremission). Our analysis is based on a Wald-type test (RET) for a retention of control effectη = log λT /λP −∆log λR/λP , which shows quite good small sample characteristics. Due tothe choice of scale the asymptotic variance σ2 of the ML-estimator η only depends on thenon-inferiority margin ∆, the probabilities of an uncensored observation pk, k = T,R, P , thesample allocation, and not on the parameters λk, k = T,R, P , again. This makes estimationof σ2 particularly simple. The probabilities pk, k = T,R, P , completely characterize thecensoring scheme and no further specifications of the censoring variables Uk are necessary.

There are two major findings. First, the optimal allocation of samples for the RET be-comes particularly simple when the trial is planned under a worst case scenario, i.e. un-der homogeneous censoring probabilities in all groups with p = min{pT , pR, pP }, and doesnot depend on the parameters λT , λR, λP , and on the censoring distribution, again, viz.n∗

T : n∗R : n∗

P = 1 : ∆ : (1 − ∆), exactly as for the Wald-type test in a trial with nor-mal endpoints (cf. Pigeot et al. [12]). Second, independent of the censoring distribution, thepower 1−β of the two-sample pretest for superiority of the test and the reference treatment,respectively, to placebo is automatically guaranteed, when the three-sample trial is plannedunder the commonly used alternative λT = λR < λP with a sample size to keep the power1−β for RET, provided the non-inferiority margin 1/3 ≤ ∆ < 1. In particular, the power ofthe pretest is independent of the considered active control effect λR/λP . Moreover, numeri-cal investigations show that the power of the pretest is often even better and no sample sizeadjustment is necessary to obtain a power of 1−β for the complete test procedure. In addi-tion, it turns out that from a statistical point of view the pretest for superiority of the testtreatment to placebo is preferred to those of the reference to placebo due to a larger power.This may be also adorable from a clinical perspective because it allows to reveal the testtreatments efficacy in direct comparison with placebo instead via the indirect assessment byan additional standard.

The presented approach is based on the asymptotic normality of η, and to our knowledgethis is the first paper which shows this for censored observations. This suggests that ourmethod can be extended to other parametric models such as Weibull or Gamma distributedendpoints, and as well as to other censoring schemes such as interval censored observations,as they may occur, e.g. in cancer studies. Certainly, the case of uncensored, exponentiallydistributed endpoints is covered by the case homogeneous censoring probabilities with p = 1.


The authors would like to thank the editor and two referees for their constructive commentswhich served to improve the manuscript. Matthias Mielke acknowledges financial supportfrom the Georg Lichtenberg program ”Applied Statistics & Empirical Methods”.


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