the aware life teleseminar burt goldman 04/05/13 · but more often than not, lahiri mahasaya comes...

THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR BURT GOLDMAN 04/05/13 Lisa: Hello there, welcome to The Aware Show Teleseminar Series. This is Lisa Garr and if you’re joining us for the first time or if you’re a regular listener and you’re joining us every single week, this call today is… I promise you, in the next 60 minutes you’re going to discover a concept that is so incredibly useful and something you can use right away after the call where you can dive in deep and learn all the nuances and specifics of the techniques. It’s a key concept called Quantum Jumping, and it’s the act of using your mind to jump into alternate universes. I’m a big fan of creating in parallel universes. Well, this is how to meet alternate versions of yourself and then draw from those versions of yourself, skills and wisdom and inspiration and new knowledge and new ideas and possibilities to really achieve what you want. This is one of the most powerful visualization techniques that I have ever dived into, which I have enjoyed so much, and the creator of this process and one of the direct disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda is Burt Goldman, and he is joining us today. Thank you so much for being with, Burt. Thank you! Burt: Well, thank you for having me. It’s truly a pleasure. Lisa: Well, I get to explore this along with my listeners today, of learning about what Quantum Jumping is, twin cells, all this great stuff. So, tell me, first of all, about being a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. How was that in your life? My goodness. What an experience. Burt: Yeah… *laughter* it truly was. You know, I’ve met a lot of people in my life. I’ve met royalty, I’ve met a sultan, princesses, Cesar Chavez was an acquaintance, Jose Silva… but I’d never actually felt that I was in the presence of somebody who is beyond human more than when I was in the presence of Paramahansa Yogananda. Lisa: Wow. Burt: He was… it’s just the energy that came out of himis the only way I can describe it. It was overwhelming, and…

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Page 1: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR BURT GOLDMAN 04/05/13 · but more often than not, Lahiri Mahasaya comes in. Lisa: Huh! So, it’s ever-present in your life, because when you mention that




Lisa: Hello there, welcome to The Aware Show Teleseminar Series. This is Lisa Garr and if you’re joining us for the first time or if you’re a regular listener and you’re joining us every single week, this call today is… I promise you, in the next 60 minutes you’re going to discover a concept that is so incredibly useful and something you can use right away after the call where you can dive in deep and learn all the nuances and specifics of the techniques. It’s a key concept called Quantum Jumping, and it’s the act of using your mind to jump into alternate universes. I’m a big fan of creating in parallel universes. Well, this is how to meet alternate versions of yourself and then draw from those versions of yourself, skills and wisdom and inspiration and new knowledge and new ideas and possibilities to really achieve what you want. This is one of the most powerful visualization techniques that I have ever dived into, which I have enjoyed so much, and the creator of this process and one of the direct disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda is Burt Goldman, and he is joining us today. Thank you so much for being with, Burt. Thank you!

Burt: Well, thank you for having me. It’s truly a pleasure.

Lisa: Well, I get to explore this along with my listeners today, of learning about what Quantum Jumping is, twin cells, all this great stuff. So, tell me, first of all, about being a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. How was that in your life? My goodness. What an experience.

Burt: Yeah… *laughter* it truly was. You know, I’ve met a lot of people in my life. I’ve met royalty, I’ve met a sultan, princesses, Cesar Chavez was an acquaintance, Jose Silva… but I’d never actually felt that I was in the presence of somebody who is beyond human more than when I was in the presence of Paramahansa Yogananda.

Lisa: Wow.

Burt: He was… it’s just the energy that came out of him… is the only way I can describe it. It was overwhelming, and…

Page 2: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR BURT GOLDMAN 04/05/13 · but more often than not, Lahiri Mahasaya comes in. Lisa: Huh! So, it’s ever-present in your life, because when you mention that

Lisa: …to be with someone who has spent that many years in a state of bliss and meditation. When you say “beyond human”, what do you mean?

Burt: I mean I felt that I was in the presence of a spiritual person, a spirit, actually. I was in with a group of other people, I wasn’t with him alone. There were about 100 of us…

Lisa: Mm-hmm?

Burt: …and he was initiating all of us and he baptized me with a… touching me with a piece of sandalwood paste on the forehead in the chakra area. He spoke, and we spoke, for some time, and then I corresponded with him for a bit. I wrote him and I was shocked to receive a letter back.

Lisa: Wow! Wow, and…

Burt: Not only was I his disciple but I was also a great fan, and unfortunately he left this world very, very young, as you probably are aware; and that was a miracle in itself, the way he did pass on, because he was in perfect health. Not, well, in perfect health, how do you die if you’re in perfect health?

Lisa: Right! Right, I mean there’s a lot of controversy around that… but he just ascended, and…

Burt: …and his body, there was no desiccation to his body.

Lisa: Right.

Burt: You know, it was kind of miracle. Even TIME magazine reported it.

Lisa: Right.

Burt: His body had to lay in state for 21 days at the time, for the disciples to come in from India, because we didn’t have the transportation then (that was in the 1950-51 era) that we have today. The body lay for 21 days and certain things happen to a body…

Lisa: What? He…

Burt: …that did not happen to his. He was kind of like telling everybody…

Lisa: Oh my, right, in the end.

Burt: “I really am beyond what you think I am.” Of course, if you read his book, he’s written a number of books, but The Autobiography of a Yogi…

Lisa: Mm-hmm…

Page 3: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR BURT GOLDMAN 04/05/13 · but more often than not, Lahiri Mahasaya comes in. Lisa: Huh! So, it’s ever-present in your life, because when you mention that

Burt: …seems like science fiction when you’re reading it. When you’re in his presence, you realize, no – it’s all true…

Lisa: …it’s all real.

Burt: …and it started for me.

Lisa: Do you still stay in communication with him?

Burt: *laughter*

Lisa: *laughter*

Burt: Strangely enough… I’ll tell you this for the first time. It just popped into my mind, I may as well.

Lisa: Mm-hmm?

Burt: Paramahansa Yogananda’s guru was Sri Yukteswar, and Yukeswar’s guru was Lahiri Mahasaya. My first two children, through… by no design… my first daughter’s name is Laura, Laurie, Laura…

Lisa: Mm-hmm…

Burt: …my second one was Marsha. 10 years after they were born I started thinking one day, while I was meditating, because the face of Lahiri Mahasaya – there was only one photograph of him taken – and suddenly the face of Lahiri Mahasaya popped into my mind; and suddenly I realized… Lahiri Mahasaya… Laura… Marsha…

Lisa: Oh! *laughter*

Burt: Who knew? *laughter* Yes.

Lisa: Wow, so…

Burt: It’s usually when I’m meditating, Paramahansa Yogananda occasionally comes in, but more often than not, Lahiri Mahasaya comes in.

Lisa: Huh! So, it’s ever-present in your life, because when you mention that the body is just the vehicle, it’s really the consciousness that supersedes the body in many, many ways.

Page 4: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR BURT GOLDMAN 04/05/13 · but more often than not, Lahiri Mahasaya comes in. Lisa: Huh! So, it’s ever-present in your life, because when you mention that

Burt: Yes.

Lisa: It’s kind of, essentially, an intro into what we’re talking about here because what Quantum Jumping is, if you really look at… levels of consciousness can exist beyond what we see, beyond what we hear, beyond what we feel, beyond our bodies. They are real, and it’s just a matter of connecting to ourselves. They’re not out there as much as they are inside of us, and I’d love your opinion on that. Is Quantum Jumping something where you go somewhere else, or do you really access that inside of yourself?

Burt: Good question. Let’s see how I can answer it in its simplest form.

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Burt: A concept of the quantum physicists… now, I don’t know the first thing about quantum physics, although I lecture before many quantum physicists, Edgar Mitchell being one of them (Edgar Mitchell, for those who don’t know, was the 6th man on the moon, a quantum physicist, who heads the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)…

Lisa: Mm-hmm?

Burt: …in Petaluma, in Northern California); at any rate, I discovered in reading (I’m a voracious reader) and I was reading about quantum physics, not the mathematical part. I know how to add, subtract, divide and multiply. Anything beyond that, doesn’t do me any good, so I’m not involved with it; and of course, quantum physics is basically pure mathematics. But one of the concepts that they have is that there’s an infinite number of what they call bubble universes. Now, what’s a bubble universe?

Lisa: Hmm…

Burt: We live in one universe. Our universe has something like 200 billion galaxies. In each galaxy there are approximately 200 billion stars.

Lisa: Wow… hmm…

Burt: Approximately. Some say 50 billion, some 300 billion. Incidentally, I have no idea who or how these things are counted! *laughter* Apparently, they have them in…

Lisa: *laughter* Good question, yeah! *laughter*

Burt: …but when you multiply 200 billion, which is the galactic number, by 200 billion, which is the star number in each galaxy; you get a number that is so vast that if you were to take every grain of sand on the Sahara Desert, the Gobi Desert, and every beach in the world, you would not come to 200 billion by 200 billion. Which, if you need a number, those of you who are mathematically inclined, the number is a septillion.

Page 5: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR BURT GOLDMAN 04/05/13 · but more often than not, Lahiri Mahasaya comes in. Lisa: Huh! So, it’s ever-present in your life, because when you mention that

Lisa: Oh!

Burt: It’s a thousand quintillion, which is a thousand quadrillion, which is a thousand trillion, which is a thousand billion… *laughter*

Lisa: Oh, my gosh! Wow!

Burt: OK. That’s our universe. Now, that’s astronomy and that’s reality, because astronomers will agree with everything that I’ve said so far. Now, that’s one universe. Now, the quantum physicists say that there is an infinite number of bubble universes. Not a quadrillion… more than that, it’s infinite. So far, we’re in quantum physics. Now, each universe is in a bubble, meaning you can’t get out of your universe; or we can’t even get to our nearest star due to the restrictions of physics, and the speed of light, which I won’t get into. Most people know what I’m referring to. So, we can’t even reach our nearest star, much less the outskirts of the universe. But that’s one universe. Now, imagine, universes beyond count. Beyond each grain of sand, as I spoke before. Infinite. Alright, that’s the starting point. Now, we’re going to leave quantum physics.

Lisa: I get it, I get what you’re saying. It’s a great frame to context around what we’re talking about today. I’m glad you said that.

Burt: Now, if it’s infinite, that means that in one of those infinity of universes, whatever you can imagine, is. So, in one of those universes, I’m interviewing you. In another one, you are the Queen of England. In another one, you’re homeless. Whatever you can imagine, you are, in another universe. In a quantum, infinite, universe.

Lisa: What do you mean by that, whatever I can imagine, so within my reality? In my imagination I’m the Queen of England, somewhere?

Burt: Not in your imagination, you really are, in another universe.

Lisa: Based on the fact that there’s…

Burt: Infinity.

Lisa: Infinity amount of universes, OK.

Burt: Yes, infinite, meaning it’s never ending. You can’t imagine infinity.

Lisa: Right.

Page 6: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR BURT GOLDMAN 04/05/13 · but more often than not, Lahiri Mahasaya comes in. Lisa: Huh! So, it’s ever-present in your life, because when you mention that

Burt: It’s impossible. It’s beyond the imagination. The closest I’ve come to a definition of infinity is one more. One more what?

Lisa: Right.

Burt: One more anything. You could say there’s a hundred trillion universes, I say one more. One more hundred trillion, or…? Yes. Always one more. Never ending. So, now here’s another concept that very few people have thought of. There is no now. I just said there is no now, it’s already in the past, isn’t it?

Lisa: Uh-huh.

Burt: There is no now. Everything that’s happening, is in the past, and lives only in your memory. Everything. Because it’s a flow. The future is one side of us and the past is on the other side, we can’t remember the future – it hasn’t happened yet – but we can remember the past. Everything I have said, is in the past. So, there is no now.

Lisa: So, the power of now doesn’t exist? Being in the moment doesn’t exist?

Burt: Except, in a quantum universe, everything is now. Let me explain that. We live, let’s say in a motion picture world, where as a quantum world is a series of still photos. So, you are in another world and in another time, you are prehistoric, you are futuristic, whatever time you pick. When you imagine yourself, let’s say as a queen, you see one picture: the now. If you create a past picture, it’s still now. It’s a series of still pictures. So, everything in the quantum universe, is now. Alright so, with all that information, whether you think it’s a bunch of poppycock or you think, “Well, maybe there’s something to this.” How do you get to that other you and of what use is this information.

Lisa: Right.

Burt: Is it useful? Yes, it’s life-changing; if you understand what I’m saying. Now, what do I mean by that? Life-changing? Well, let’s say that you want to develop a particular talent. Let’s say you want to play the piano. Now, you don’t know how to read music. Now, you’re not going to get the dexterity of a pianist by going visiting a piano-playing you. However, there is a you, who does play the piano, in another universe; and you can visit that you. How? Intent. Intention will take you anywhere you want to go. Now, these universes exist in infinity. Therefore, whatever you can think of, is true, in an infinite world. So, let’s say you want to play the piano and you know that there is a piano playing Lisa in one of those universes.

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Page 7: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR BURT GOLDMAN 04/05/13 · but more often than not, Lahiri Mahasaya comes in. Lisa: Huh! So, it’s ever-present in your life, because when you mention that

Burt: How do you visit them? Well, first of all, you have to reach the meditation state, because the meditation state is a jumping-off place. The meditation state eliminates that normal minutiae that’s going through your mind constantly. So, you concentrate and you just will yourself to go to visit the Lisa who is a piano player. And suddenly, it’s like a daydream, and suddenly you see yourself, with yourself. Your twin self. You doppelganger, as we call it. So, are you really there? I don’t care if you’re really there or not, it doesn’t matter. You believe you’re there, you think you’re there. So, you’re watching your twin self play the piano, and she’s terrific; because you went to a terrific pianist. Now, you do two things. Number one, you observe yourself – you’re watching yourself – and then you merge with that self. Merger is important. The observing is still a daydream. When you merge, you’re getting something very important. You’re getting the only thing that you can bring back. Because you’re not really there, it’s a metaphor. It’s all a dream, but it’s in your mind; but then again, everything is in your mind. Your reality is all mental. Everything is mental. Because you believe it is, it is. Your belief is not necessarily my belief. So, you merge with that piano player you, and you’re playing the piano, in your daydream, and now you come back here. Now, does that mean that you’re going to be able to play the piano? No. You don’t have the dexterity, how can you play the piano? But what you have brought back, is the rhythm of the piano playing you; and that’s what makes Quantum Jumping work. You’re bringing back the rhythm. Now, what am I talking about? What’s rhythm? Rhythm is an energy. We all have a certain rhythm. Every now and again you’ll meet somebody, on the street or over the phone or wherever, and you’ll feel like kicking them in the behind.

Lisa: *laughter*

Burt: Another time you’ll meet somebody, and you don’t know them at all, and you want to hug and kiss them. You’re like, mad about them, and you don’t know why. Your rhythms are matching. Your energies match. Now, there are total degrees. If we had, like, zero degrees, where there is no match, to 100, where’s there’s a super match, you’d be somewhere in between there with everyone that you meet. Some people you meet, it’s instant rapport; other people, you can’t get away from them fast enough. A city has a rhythm. A country has a rhythm. If you were to be blindfolded and taken to a police station, you’d know that something is wrong. You’d feel it; and then suddenly you were zapped into a temple, or a church, or a synagogue, you’d have a very peaceful type of a rhythm. All places have rhythms. Cities have rhythms, religions all have rhythms, everybody has a particular rhythm. Now, that’s what you’re bringing back with you, the rhythm. A successful person has a different rhythm than a failure. If you can get the rhythm of the success, you’re on your way to success. Is it immediate? It’s not immediate.

Page 8: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR BURT GOLDMAN 04/05/13 · but more often than not, Lahiri Mahasaya comes in. Lisa: Huh! So, it’s ever-present in your life, because when you mention that

But what it does, that piano player Lisa, to get back to that, you now have the rhythm and suddenly your motivated to take lessons. You’re motivated to play.

Lisa: It could happen faster that way, when you’re in that environment… that space, that mindset, that rhythm, as you call it. Now, how did you first discover this? I mean, you give the story of the piano from personal experience, right?

Burt: *laughter* As a matter of fact, I don’t know how to play the piano. I mean, when I say, I don’t know how to play the piano, I put my fingers on it and I just whack away and you know, I enjoy what I’m doing; but I don’t know one note from another. I mean, I know where C is and D, but I can’t read music at all. Music to me is just a bunch of notes. I don’t know how to do it. So, I decided… I wonder, if this really works, it’s got to work for me. And so, I visited a piano-playing me and I didn’t buy a piano, I bought one of those things you get at Costco for like $90.00 that records… it’s a keyboard, electronic keyboard; and I went to a piano playing me. Now, you can talk to your twin self, because it’s infinite. Your twin self knows your coming. So I’m talking to myself, I said, “Can you teach me how to play the piano?” And he said, “Well jump into my body, and I’ll play.”

Lisa: Huh!

Burt: And every time I do this, in the beginning, I start thinking, “Am I going nuts? Am I having a breakdown, or what?” *laughter*

Lisa: Right, right.

Burt: Well, I’m playing the piano, and so anyway, I come out of it; and then I bought the piano… and then I went back to my twin self and I said, “What do I do now?” He said, “Ah, just bang away…” I said, “What do I do with my left hand? Because I don’t know one chord from another.” He said, “Just let your left hand fall where it may, you’re not playing a concert. You’re just doing it for yourself.” I set this up because I recorded that first song. I’m going to play you 10 seconds. That’s all.

Lisa: Oh, cool! Cool.

Burt: You’re not going to believe I don’t know how to play the piano. Now, when I listen to this, and every now and again I listen to it, I did this about a year ago and to this day I can’t believe that’s me playing… and I can’t duplicate it… but this is me, after I visited that twin self, playing the piano.

Lisa: OK.

Burt: And, like I say, I’ve already set it up so I’m just clicking on it now.

Page 9: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR BURT GOLDMAN 04/05/13 · but more often than not, Lahiri Mahasaya comes in. Lisa: Huh! So, it’s ever-present in your life, because when you mention that

Lisa: Yeah.

Burt: Here it is. (Audio recording plays…)

Lisa: Oh, my God! *laughter* Oh, wow! *laughter* Wow. This is the first time you played after you got out of the Quantum Jumping experience?

Burt: OK, that’s enough! *laughter*

Lisa: That’s crazy! That is amazing. So, that’s the first time you’ve played after you got out of the Quantum Jumping experience?

Burt: Yeah, and it’s… I can’t duplicate it to save my life. If you’d have said, “You’ve got to do this again, or you’re gone.” To save your life, I couldn’t do it. I can’t duplicate it.

Lisa: Huh! Alright, so, there’s a few things, and this is what I want people to experience on the call, is we’re going to go through this process of what it means to jump into a quantum reality; and exactly how that works. It’s really one of the most powerful visualization techniques because you bring it back into this reality with you, the essence of it. So, what do you need to do, before you take your first jump? What is it that you need to do? Can you explain a little bit about that? Can you explain how you get into this meditative state that you’re talking about, and why is it so important; and what’s the difference between that, just full meditation, and what you’re doing with this active visualization?

Burt: OK. Meditation, the way I originally learned it, and my background of course originally is Yoga; meditation is not to accomplish anything. Meditation is just to be one with God. Meditation is just to relax and you drive all other thoughts away usually by reciting a mantra. The universal mantra, and the one that I always use, of course, is “OM”. So, when I meditate, I always just mentally hum, “OM...” and now you could fire a cannon off next to me, I won’t even hear it; because I’ll be so involved with the peaceful state of meditation. That’s a state of meditation, but that’s not the one that we use, because the one that we use is simply a relaxed state. It’s still meditating, because it’s still eliminating all the minutiae that normally goes though your mind, but we’re meditating with a purpose this time. In effect, deep prayer is also meditation because you’re mantra there is a prayer itself. So, what we’re doing here is more or less relaxing. I call it meditation and I direct people to meditate, and then I imagine… I tell them to imagine a door in front of them. Everybody has a door somewhere. You can see your own front door. Everybody can visualize their own front door, and on the other side of the door, is the place where you want to go; is your twin self, in another universe. Now, you

Page 10: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR BURT GOLDMAN 04/05/13 · but more often than not, Lahiri Mahasaya comes in. Lisa: Huh! So, it’s ever-present in your life, because when you mention that

don’t have to be considering, is it another universe… every now and again somebody says to me, “Well, what if I get stuck in the other universe?” How can you get stuck? You’re not there. You’re sitting where you’re sitting. It’s a daydream. “Well, if it’s a daydream, how can I be in another universe?” Because everything is mental. All things are mental. We are mental creations. Everything is mental. Now, that’s another subject. That’s one of the seven great absolute principles, the principle of mentalism. So, just don’t consider it. All that we want to know, is does it work? That’s all.

Lisa: Right.

Burt: I don’t care about anything else.

Lisa: What’s the outcome? Mm-hmm.

Burt: The book is a metaphor.

Lisa: Most of this is; and from what I’ve read and understand from people, and there’s a lot of people who are your students, as well, on this call… is what they’ve been able to create from using this type of technique is incredible… where one woman who was purchasing a home, and then she went into the meditative state, and into her twin self, who had already purchased the home, was cooking in the kitchen. Her twin self gave her the apron that she was cooking in, and she took the apron and she put it on, and then she came out of the meditation. It wasn’t very long after that, the home was hers, at the price that she wanted, and she closed the sale, and everything exactly the way she wanted it. That’s kind of an example. So, I’d love you to give me an example of how this would work. I invite the listeners, as well, to go to the website, which is, and you’re going to see on there, the long sales page of what it means to do Quantum Jumping. You will see how this works, through various different definitions. But for right now, we have Burt on the call, and I want you, if you can, to walk us through a little bit of what the experience is like. The examples that you’re giving are great. It’s a relatively simple technique. Whatever you’re trying to accomplish or experience, you go into the full experience. People have said they spent 40 years trying to accomplish something, and then tried this Quantum Jumping program, jumped into the experience, and then created it, within a couple of days. It’s literally opening the door to possibilities, it’s phenomenal. So, Burt, if you could, take us through a couple more examples of what Quantum Jumping is.

Burt: Although, that was a good example that you mentioned, with the woman who put the apron on. She brought the rhythm, the energy of that self here. All things are energy forms, and when you send out… it’s kind of like the law of attraction, you might say. What people don’t realize with respect to the law of attraction, though, is that everybody is attracting things all the time. It’s just that some people attract the negatives, and some

Page 11: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR BURT GOLDMAN 04/05/13 · but more often than not, Lahiri Mahasaya comes in. Lisa: Huh! So, it’s ever-present in your life, because when you mention that

people attract the positives, to varying degrees. What we’re doing here is setting up that same law, and what she was doing was setting up a house – or whatever – it could have been a car or it could have been a business, it could have been a person, it could have been a relationship, it could have been anything. Once you go into that twin self and get the rhythm and bring the rhythm back with you, you’re exporting that energy and it’s a positive energy, for you, because you want it; and it is more or less attracting that which will… You’re setting up the cause with the energy, and what you’re attracting is the effect; because all things are involved with cause and effect, which is another one of our great principles. Now, another story that I’ve told 100 times was about a woman who was a housekeeper.

Lisa: OK.

Burt: Her dream was to become a decorator, that’s what she wanted. She was a good decorator, but she didn’t know how to go about it. And so she went into a self of hers who was a decorator, and saw the self decorating, etc., etc.; and then she merged with that person and came back and suddenly she had that particular energy. Now, she was already a decorator, so this is a little bit different than the one that you’re speaking of with respect to the home. She was already a decorator but she didn’t know what to do with her talent. As soon as she came out of the meditation, she suddenly had an idea. She went to real estate people, this was in Cleveland, Ohio, she went to different real estate people and she said, “Do you have any houses that aren’t selling?” This was when houses were selling. They said, “Yes.” …and she said, “Well, I will decorate the house. You won’t have to buy anything, I’ll just redo the house. I’ll change the fixtures, I’ll clean it.” In other words, she was going to do what she always does anyway, except she’s no longer a housecleaner, now she’s a decorator. Her price went from $50.00 to $500.00. Suddenly, she had more work than she knew what to do with; but her husband had to quit his job to help her!

Lisa: It’s a great story, though, because as I’m reading through the people who have questions about this, someone is asking how they can heal an illness that they’ve had. Someone else is in the situation of being in the middle of a divorce but doesn’t want the divorce. Could she essentially go into this state, jump into a healthy relationship, with she and her husband and come back out and create the possibilities for that to happen because she’s looking at it from another space? This is a perfect example of anyone who has ever had cancer and comes out of it on the other side to say it’s the greatest gift; but they could never have said that when they sat in the waiting room with the diagnosis. It’s about perspective, it’s about looking at things from a different frame of mind. You can look at one situation in so many different ways, but those mental ways that we’re looking

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at it, is what shaped our experience of it. So, this is basically going into the fibers and into a quantum reality of the experience that you want; and what you do in that experience. Each meditation is 30 minutes, and there are 20 or 30 different meditations on here that you can go into, and the distinctions are so incredibly clear. You can find the entire package at I got off into a tangent there, what were we talking about? *laughter*

Burt: *laughter* You started to talk about… can we go to another universe to heal…

Lisa: Yes, thank you.

Burt: …so as to resolve a relationship, a woman is going through a divorce. First of all, let me define a relationship in a manner that most people do not understand or are not aware of. When you say, “How can we help our relationship?” It’s too abstract. Let’s first of all define what a relationship is. A relationship, very simply, is a filling of needs. If you have a very strong need and another person is filling that need, you’ve got a good relationship. If they’re not filling that need you’ve got a lousy relationship. So, what you want to do is, first of all, discover what the other person needs and fill those needs. Now, with respect to Quantum Jumping, you go to a you and the person that you want to develop the relationship with, and discover what needs the other person has. Most people, they don’t even think about their needs. They’re there… Now, we have needs that are, on a scale of 1-10, that are 10’s; and if they’re not filled – goodbye – there’s no relationship. We also have needs that are 1’s and 2’s on that scale, it doesn’t really matter if they’re filled or not.

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Burt: So, you want to make sure that you understand that. Now, this is coming from somebody… I was married for 57 years, so I know a little bit about relationships. *laughter*

Lisa: Oh, my goodness!

Burt: I hear people talk about relationships, and I go, “Yeah, I know all about relationships – I should, I’ve been married 5 times! – that’s not a person who knows a lot about relationships! *laughter* Find out what the other person needs, and fill those needs. OK. Now, with respect to health; let me get to health because everyone is interested in that. In one of those universes you are the world’s greatest healer, are you not? Of course, you are! If it’s infinite, you are the world’s greatest healer; or if you want to heal yourself, you visit a universe where there is the world’s greatest healer; and allow yourself to lay on a table and let the world’s greatest healer work on you. It’s as simple

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as that, and you’re bringing back that rhythm with you. Very often, we’ve had people who have reported instant healings, through using this particular technique.

Lisa: So, if I’m trying to heal myself of, say, an autoimmune disease, and they say they’re incurable; and I envision myself and I go into the deep trance. You do a 3 and 2 and a 1 and we get there and we see the door, and on the other side of the door, is my perfect health – is myself in the perfect energetic state – without the autoimmune disease.

Burt: That’s one way to do it. Another way to do it is to visit yourself, as you are now, still sick, if you are sick, and in that particular universe you’re visiting the world’s greatest healer. The healer of lepers, the healer of whatever. The bringer-back of dead. The world’s greatest healer, and the world’s greatest healer goes over to you, in that particular universe, and heals you, and then you see yourself walking around smiling. You’re healed. It’s very difficult to heal those people who are closest to us, because we are too emotional about it. Emotions get in the way of healing. I discovered that a long, long time ago. The best way to heal is to be emotion-free. In other words, you don’t care if you heal or not. It’s a very difficult place to be, but when you quantum jump, you’re automatically there. You don’t care because, you know, you don’t really believe this. Nobody really believes this. “It’s too weird, it’s too wild… but I’ll do it anyway.”

Lisa: Oh, well… what could it hurt? I mean, look at all the incredible things that people have manifested from this. Now, I’d love to give people an experience, on this call, because I said at the beginning of the call, by the end of this call, you’re going to know exactly what Quantum Jumping is. How could we give people that experience? There’s a technique that you mentioned, that we could do, The Invisible Counselor technique, is that something we could do, or do you want to take people through a quantum jump?

Burt: Well, sure, we can. We can go through a quantum jump.

Lisa: Yes!

Burt: The first thing is, a quick meditation. Now, those who are listening, don’t be concerned… “Am I really meditating?” Don’t ask yourself that question. Don’t look at it as a meditation, look at it more as a relaxed state of mind – and just go along with what I’m saying – that’s all.

Lisa: Great.

Burt: It may not help, but it’s not going to hurt.

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Lisa: *laughter* Exactly! I’m looking forward to it! OK, thank you.

Burt: Just tell me when to start.

Lisa: This is a great time. Take it away!

Burt: OK, this is your first quantum jump; or for those of you who are quantum jumping, here’s a fresh one for you. OK, now just relax. Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down, it doesn’t matter. Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, take a deep breath… and as you exhale, just relax, and say the word, relax… and just kind of ride the state down. Now I’m going to count from 3 to 1. With each descending number, feel yourself getting more and more relaxed. 3… now take a deep breath… and as you exhale, ride the number 2 out with your breath. 2… just like that. And then we’ll do the number 1. 1… and just relax. And now, we’ll use some colors. Colors have a vibration, and these are the colors of your chakras. Don’t be concerned if you don’t know what a chakra is. It’s just energy points of your body. Think now of the color blue. Now think of the color green… you’ve seen green things… grass is green… Now, see an orange. Think of the color orange. And now yellow… you’ve seen bananas, they’re yellow… And now red… strawberries are red… just relax. Now, imagine that you’re in a small hallway. In front of you is a door. It may look like the front door of your home. It may look like one of your closet doors. It doesn’t matter. It’s a door… on the other side of that door, is a universe, where you are what you would like to be. On the other side of that door, is a you who is successful in some area where you would like to be successful. Perhaps, that other you that, that twin self of yours, has a talent that you would like. Whatever it is that you would like, is another universe, on the other side of that door. I’m going to count from 1 to 3. At the count of 3, the door will open. Just imagine yourself stepping through the door and you will be with a twin self of yours. The twin self will be you, but that twin self will have had different programming. Perhaps, different teachers; maybe, even different parents… certainly, different peers. Different religions, perhaps, or maybe, the same religion… but that self of yours made different choices, and is very successful in the talent or the area that you would like to be. Now, I’m going to count. 1-2-3… the door is opening… now imagine yourself stepping over the threshold of the door… through the door… and now, imagine that you see yourself – of course you look different – you’re super-successful, you’re smiling at you, and now that twin self of yours is doing the thing that you want to do, in this reality. Observe that self doing the thing that you want to do. Your twin self is successful at it. Now that you observe your twin self, now walk closer to that twin self… closer… and just merge. Kind of… put your body right through and into that twin self; and now you’re not observing your twin self doing, you are doing it… because you and your twin self are now one. And do the thing that you want to do. In your daydream now, in the quantum world, you can do it; and what you’re doing is giving the rhythm of that successful venture, that talent. And now, just pull out from your twin

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self – kind of, like, pop out – smile at your twin self, your twin self is smiling back. You can even shake hands with your twin self. You now have that rhythm. Now I’m going to count from 1 to 3 and you’ll be back on this side of the quantum door, back in the little hallway. 1… 2… 3…You’re now back in the hallway. Relax. Now, I’m going to count from 1 to 3 again, at the count of 3, your eyes will open, you’ll be wide awake, fully aware; but you won’t be the same you because you will now have that rhythm, that rhythm of success, that you brought back with you. 1… 2… 3… Eyes open! Wide awake! Feeling wonderfully refreshed… feeling better than before.

Lisa: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, and as I go throughout my day today, can I be thinking about that other self, or just continue on with my actions as… knowing that that essence is within me?

Burt: Both.

Lisa: Both, ok.

Burt: Oh… you will be thinking about that self.

Lisa: Mm-hmm?

Burt: Mainly, you’ll be thinking about the action. Chances are, you won’t think about the self at all. Now, I’ve done this with so very many things. I think I mentioned to you… I started painting when I was 78. I don’t know the first thing about painting. I’ve sold… I don’t know how many paintings. My paintings sell for thousands of dollars! *laughter* I still don’t feel like I’m an artist!

Lisa: I love it. You know, I haven’t even mentioned the fact that Burt is 85, and his energy level is absolutely phenomenal! The fact you have incredible energy, I mean, I know 85 year olds that don’t sound like you. They’re not looking at life as an exciting adventure, as you are; and are not creating online business and doing all that you’re doing. It’s phenomenal, what you are accomplishing. Have you ever gone in and met your younger twin self, and do you do this intentionally, this type of energy you have?

Burt: Well, I’m always busy. I’m always active. I’m always looking forward. Like in 2011, everybody thought the world was going to end in 2012. I had to steer them away from that. I created a few new things. I’m always looking to the future. As an example, I’m working now on a new… Quantum Jumping is a super successful program.

Lisa: Oh, yeah, by the way, 3 million people have tried it. 3 million! It’s a phenomenon at this point! It’s incredible!

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Burt: It truly is. And so, what do I now? Just sit still? NO! I’m working on a new one, called A Transcendent Being and I want to launch that in September. My birthday is September, I’ll be 86.

Lisa: Wow.

Burt: I’m looking forward to the time that I’m… I’m going to do something when I’m 90! I don’t know what...

Lisa: Oh, my God, you’re incredible!

Burt: I’m always looking to the future… “What am I going to do next year?”

Lisa: This is amazing, to be able to get this. So go to the website, which is and check out the incredible evidence and stories and experiences. It’s an incredible course. Someone is asking, based on their experience that they just had, “Can you bring people with you, when you jump, like grandchildren, to have the experience that you want?”

Burt: Children take to this so naturally.

Lisa: Oh, I’m sure.

Burt: Yes, you can. The answer is yes.

Lisa: Mmm…

Burt: Children take to it so naturally that if you would start training your children to do this, you will discover a genius, hidden, that you will be releasing.

Lisa: Oooh! That’s interesting!

Burt: Because children daydream naturally and that’s what this is… a controlled daydream…

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Burt: …or, in essence… but generally, what parents and teachers… the first thing they do is tell their kids, “Stop that daydreaming!” This is understanding that a daydream, once you understand that you’re getting the rhythm of the event, the person that you want, and alongside of the rhythm is the motivation and the desire, and that’s what you want. A genius has a great desire to be successful in whatever it is that they’re a genius at. They’re motivated. Their desire is so strong that motivation never comes into it, because if you want something enough, you’ll just do it. You’ll get it. So, children are

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quite natural at this. Yes, if you could teach your children what you’re doing, and bring them along with you, you’ll liable to see that you’re bumping into each other, mentally! *laughter*

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Burt: You’ll be in the same place together.

Lisa: Oh, my gosh. It’s interesting you say that because I had my daughter listen to it. Last night she was just jumpy – she’s 10, and she could not go to sleep – and I was listening to this, and I said, “Here, just take a listen.” She was out in a couple of seconds. I mean, she just went to level 3. Well, it put her to sleep right away, which is beautiful, because it got her into a relaxed state, instantly. It was incredible. So then, this morning, when she woke up again, I said, “I want you to listen to some of this… what I was listening to.” So, she has these signs all over the house right now *laughter* that say… “I am Kayla Davis, I am riding a beautiful horse.” She put all of these signs all over the place because she loves horseback riding so much. So, she put herself into the future, but in her imaginative way, manifested into signs all over the house, in these beautiful colors. I just want to share with you some of the response from our listeners here. Angela from St. Albert saying, “This helps explain the all is possible phrase to a whole ‘nother level.” I completely got that, too, Angela, thank you for saying that. Christine from Rimrock, AZ is saying, “Lisa, Lisa! This guy is awesome! I love this, it’s very cool, and we need to keep having him on your show.” …which is very cool – I love that. Me, too! Rose from Ventura, this is really beautiful, she said, “I feel hope that I felt that I had lost.” Beautiful! I mean, she got that out of those 3 minutes. She feels a renewed sense of life. I’ve been there, Rose. I know what it feels like to lose hope; and you feel like you’re never going to find it again. I am so glad, that even in just these 60 minutes we’ve had, an opportunity to give just you, Rose, back that renewed sense of life, and a “happy me…” that she says… that is golden. Thank you. I love it when I hear back from people about what they’re getting because I get the instant response here and I know that it’s landing and that we’ve done an incredible job communicating this very deep topic. Simple, yet you can take it to so many levels. So, this is a beautiful community that we’ve got on this call and their responsiveness is amazing. OK, so, this is the experience of how to create, on any level that you want, and you have been doing this particular technique for how long, Burt?

Burt: Gosh, I think I started doing it about 15, maybe 20… no, 1988. A little over 25 years ago. The first one that I jumped into was a photographer. My photography, incidentally, which I didn’t know anything about, wound up in a museum.

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Lisa: Oh, my gosh! *laughter*

Burt: *laughter*

Lisa: Wow! *laughter*

Burt: Now, you know, I don’t want to give people the impression that it’s 100%, it works all the time, because about a year ago I tried to use it to learn how to tap dance. *laughter*

Lisa: OK, well that’s great, that’s a reality check. *laughter*

Burt: In other words, it’s not a magic wand! *laughter* Let me put it that way.

Lisa: Right. Yeah, well… I’m glad you said that because that’s real… and if it was, then everybody would have everything they want and it would… So the idea is, what happens when you run into that doubter, or that negative side that says, “Oh, this didn’t happen.” How do you get back on the train?

Burt: Well, no… OK. The tap dancing didn’t work, but 10 other things did!

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Burt: So, I’m still ahead of the game.

Lisa: OK… and can this be used for… well, we just did… goal setting, essentially?

Burt: Oh, yeah! I had been teaching and training people for over 50 years in the whole variety of everything from Silva Mind Control to SuperMind. I’ve written eleven books. This is the best thing that I’ve ever come across for goal setting.

Lisa: Mmm… So you can set different goals, and then, how do you achieve the goal setting? You go into the twin self?

Burt: You go into the twin self, who has already achieved it, and the date. Remember, you’re going into a different time zone also. When you visit your twin self, it’s not necessarily April the 5th, 2013. It could be June 12th, 2015. There’s no time element. You go whatever time that you feel that you will have this thing by.

Lisa: Oh!

Burt: It’s just there.

Lisa: So, you create it, and then you find the twin self, there, after it’s been created, as if it’s already been created.

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Burt: After it’s been created. Let’s say, you won a car, whatever… you know the car, the color, the make. You visit your twin self a year from now or 6 months or whatever, and you see your twin self in the car. You’re observing your twin self driving the car, and then suddenly you merge with your twin self, and now you’re driving the car.

Lisa: Ah! A-ha!

Burt: Yeah, and now you got to visit them, and you come back. It’s really… you keep it simple. Do not complicate it. All things are simple. All things are simple. Most people complicate it, they write a book about it, and whatever… let’s take a diet. A diet… usually, you buy a diet book and the whole diet is on a half a page. The beginning of the book is filled with justification for the diet, and the end of the book is filled with recipes; but the diet is on a half a page.

Lisa: Right! *laughter*

Burt: You can’t sell a half a page for $25.00! *laughter* You’ve got to build up the book with a lot of minutiae…

Lisa: That’s funny.

Burt: …that doesn’t mean anything. Well, what I teach is just the “half pages.” I like to keep it simple.

Lisa: Well, I like that; and also, in keeping it simple, all then you need to do is just practice, and practicing is what works with this type of thing. Just do it, just use the concept, just do it.

Burt: Don’t question it. Just do it.

Lisa: Just do it, wherever you are, however often you can, and the course is wonderful, because it basically starts you on being able to do that. It teaches you the meditation points and how to get to that powerful place of visualization and it’s all processes. It’s all techniques. The first one is on abundance. Is that because it’s something that you hear people asking you the most about?

Burt: The two biggies, of course, are abundance and health. Of course, if you don’t have health, nothing else matters.

Lisa: Right.

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Burt: The health is #1, truly; but most people ask about abundance. “How do I get abundance?”

Lisa: Someone is asking, “How can they step into a slimmer body and bring that essence back?” Is that possible?

Burt: Absolutely. With respect to weight control, diets don’t really work. The only thing that I have always recommended to people, and I used to teach a weight control class, is calorie counting. Learn the caloric value of things and go to a self, go to a twin self, who is totally knowledgeable about calories and see how they eat.

Lisa: Hmm… interesting! *laughter*

Burt: Nothing could be simpler. You do have to have some willpower, but you do have to learn… “How many calories in an ounce of meat… an ounce of fish…” …and you don’t have to be exact; and there are free charts on the Internet that the government puts out. An example is, about 100 calories per ounce, of meat. So, if you eat 4 ounces, which I guess is, a normal hamburger, you’ve eaten 400 calories. You’ve got a bun… well, that’s another 150. That’s 550. You slather it with a lot of stuff… 600, 700… you could be 800, 900 depending on the thickness of the hamburger. When you know that, you may eat half the hamburger… nothing wrong with eating half the hamburger and throwing the rest out. “Well, I don’t want to throw it out, because it’s good, and it’s not garbage. Why should throw it in the garbage can, I’d rather put it in my stomach.” So, what you’re doing is making your stomach a garbage can.

Lisa: Hmm… So, you could go into that twin self and you can basically find the self that knows everything there is to know about nutrition and clean eating. It’s not necessarily going to the twin self that’s already thin and healthy; it’s going to the twin self that has the information on how to get thin and healthy.

Burt: Uh-huh! There you go.

Lisa: Ah! OK.

Burt: Start calorie counting and you’ll watch your calories. You’ll lose weight. It’s simple.

Lisa: That’s why you gave the example of the relationships. OK, I understand now. So, it’s going into the twin self that would know how to heal and mend that relationship, right? The couple that gave the example of the divorce, that said that they came from a blended family and the war within the family, basically, was causing a divorce between the couple. They both did this Quantum Jumping technique and they have a family now that everybody wants to hang out with, on both sides. That is a very cool story. It saved

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their relationship, their families and they didn’t know how to do it, but they went into the quantum self that explained, or knew, the tools of how to do it.

Burt: Mm-hmm.

Lisa: Very important distinction, I’m getting, from all of this; and you could probably, of course, tell me more. The distinction is not just going to the happy relationship, it’s going to the self that knows the tools of how to get to the happy relationship. Is that right?

Burt: Yeah, I always tell… over the years I’ve done so many seminars, hundreds – perhaps thousands – and every now and again I have a couple who are ready to release their relationship, get a divorce. I always tell them, I’ll get them aside and I’ll say to them (I’m not a marriage counselor, by the way, but this is part of many of my courses), I’ll say, “I want each one of you to write down ten things you appreciate about the other person.” Period. That’s it. And everybody that’s every done that, has gotten together.

Lisa: Hmmm…

Burt: I had one lawyer call me once, he said, “What’d you tell my client?” I said, “Why?” He said, I just lost a client because of you.” They were getting a divorce, and now they got together again… *laughter* and all they did was write ten things that they appreciated about the other. Suddenly, they realized, “Hey, that relationship wasn’t all that bad.” And then they started investigating each other’s needs. “What need of yours have I not been filling?” Obviously, there were some needs that needed to be filled, that weren’t being filled or they wouldn’t have had the problem in the relationship in the first place.

Lisa: Well, this is a technique for me that is very, very practical. I’ve done this in a certain way in my life, but I’ve never known what I was doing. Now, when you explain it on this level, I’m learning different ways where I can perfect that. Anyone listening has had a daydream or had a imaginative experience where they can feel something happening and really get into it. But what about those things that you don’t know anything about? Making a career change. Not knowing the ends and outs of a new situation you’re going into. A new relationship. Not coming from a family that knows what marriage is about. Going into a marriage. I mean, there’s so many different things where you can go in, not knowing how to do it; but when you just go to that place of possibilities and unlimited trust, you can develop those skills and bring them back in with you. They are really amazing techniques. So, I invite the listeners, go and explore, and jump in – jump to another universe, jump to that true self – that you can discover what it is that you want to do and bring the tools and the techniques back with you. It’s been done by three

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million people. It is a phenomenon, and it works. I’ve just learned about it, and I think this is so cool! So, go to the website, which is, and you can find out where your true self is. That’s just a great experience within itself. The whole idea of playing that piece on the piano, I can’t believe you played that after going through the Quantum Jumping experience, that’s incredible.

Burt: I find it difficult to believe also. *laughter*

Lisa: You do too, still, that’s…

Burt: Every time I paint something, I’m amazed. “See? Somebody wants to buy this. I’m doing better than Van Gogh!” *laughter*

Lisa: *laughter* Yep, that’s incredible. You’ve had some really amazing stories. Well, thank you! I mean, I just have a new tool and I’m really excited about using this. A lot of people are, as well. Just a few more questions coming in from the audience here: “Does it help to write down the experience, after you’ve come back through the door?” Nancy, from Knoxville.

Burt: Yes, I do recommend… I’ll give you two things. First of all, people don’t realize that there always choices. Successful people make choices. Failures make choices also, but they don’t realize they’re making choices. They don’t realize there are always two ways to do something. There are always choices. Consider, before you do your next thing, even if it’s a minor thing. When you go to a restaurant, you’re always making choices that seem simple, but you’re always making choices. “What will I eat? Shall I have meat, shall I have vegetable?” That’s on a simple area, but on major things, there are always choices. Think before you do something. “I’m making a choice now. What other choices do I have?” That’s one thing that’ll help. Another thing to answer the question better… At night, when you’re lying in bed, think about your day. What did you do that you should have done better, or different? What did you do today that was stupid? You know you’re going to find a lot of things. “Well, I should have done it this way.” Then it was stupid that you did it the first way. Why’d you do it that way? “Well, I don’t know. Maybe I was influenced by something.” But if you do that every night, the first time you do it you’ll discover that you did 3 or 4 stupid things during the day. Even if it’s something that you said to a parent, or to a sibling, or to a child. You’ll have 3 or 4 things that you’ll think about that are just stupid. And you do that every night for a week or so, and all of the sudden you’ll realize, “Well, I only one stupid thing today.” …or you’ll think about it and you’ll say, “Gee, I didn’t do anything stupid today!” You’re there.

Lisa: Well, I would definitely change it to something that I could do better or a learning experience that helps me get into a new space, and then envision and imagine that as

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I go to bed. It’s a great thing that you guys are doing, so thank you for sharing the love and allowing us to share it with the people that we love, and your time! Thank you so much for being with me today, Burt. You have opened my world, my universe, to something that is new and exciting and yet, it’s been used by so many people for so long. I love that I didn’t know about it, and now I do! *laughter*

Burt: *laughter* Great!

Lisa: It’s exciting for me, thank you!

Burt: My great pleasure.

Lisa: I love learning new things – for me – it’s great. It’s great for everyone…. and especially a mind technique, where we can grow and build the neurons and all the neural activity in our brains, and get them to fire and create new things. It’s a way to stay young. *laughter* So, thank you.

Burt: Thank you for having me, Lisa.

Lisa: It’s been wonderful. Thank you very much. Nice to meet you on this call. I appreciate it. Please dive into this offer now at and you will learn everything you need to know, right there. Thank you all so much for listening and for being with me today, and until next time, I invite you to STAY AWARE.

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