the aware life teleseminar joe vitale 03/18/13 · the aware life teleseminar joe vitale 03/18/13...

THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR JOE VITALE 03/18/13 Lisa: Hello everyone and welcome to The Aware Show Teleseminar Series. This is Lisa Garr and I am very, very excited about today’s call. You know what? I’ve listened to some of the past shows and I say that *laughter* all the time, but you know the funny thing is that I truly, truly, truly mean how excited I am and enormously grateful I am. I’m a listener on many of these calls *laughter* even though I host the call. I love, need, absorb, use this information probably more than any one of guys because I really do, I really do this because I need it the most and as a result of that other people come on the calls and they get an enormous amount out of them as well, because I’m in the learning position here, and in the gratitude position as well; and it’s kind of the same thing. It’s kind of the same energy – learning and gratitude when you think about it. We’re going to learn about that on today’s call. So, I want to ask you a question. What do you want out of this call, listening right now, wherever you are in the world. We have a huge international audience today. What do you want? What do you want out of the end of this hour? What do you want to create in an hour? Because it is possible to create something in an hour, because we’re working with our minds today. We’re working with our thoughts. We’re working with two very, very powerful laws in the universe. The law of attraction and the law of creation and what we can create in an hour, on the phone call, is mind-blowing; and that is exactly what we’re doing today. We are talking about… and we’re going to physically create… today, on this call… whatever it is that you want to create. Is it financial abundance? Is it more time? Is it peace? *laughter* Is it more love? What is it that you want to explore? And, joining me to do this is one of the true mentors of creating and attracting things in life energies in life and he is one of the visionary teachers in The Secret and he has brought us over 53 titles on marketing and abundance. He’s a certified hypnotherapist, but really just has the heart of gold, and his next phase of work is really what we’re talking about today… moving from the law of attraction to the law of creation. Welcome, Joe Vitale! Thank you for being with me today. Thank you so much for being with all of us! Joe: Of course! I’ve been excited about this! Waiting for this moment! This is it! Thank you for having me back.

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Page 1: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR JOE VITALE 03/18/13 · THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR JOE VITALE 03/18/13 Lisa: Hello everyone and welcome to The Aware Show Teleseminar Series. This is Lisa




Lisa: Hello everyone and welcome to The Aware Show Teleseminar Series. This is Lisa Garr and I am very, very excited about today’s call. You know what? I’ve listened to some of the past shows and I say that *laughter* all the time, but you know the funny thing is that I truly, truly, truly mean how excited I am and enormously grateful I am. I’m a listener on many of these calls *laughter* even though I host the call. I love, need, absorb, use this information probably more than any one of guys because I really do, I really do this because I need it the most and as a result of that other people come on the calls and they get an enormous amount out of them as well, because I’m in the learning position here, and in the gratitude position as well; and it’s kind of the same thing. It’s kind of the same energy – learning and gratitude – when you think about it. We’re going to learn about that on today’s call. So, I want to ask you a question. What do you want out of this call, listening right now, wherever you are in the world. We have a huge international audience today. What do you want? What do you want out of the end of this hour? What do you want to create in an hour? Because it is possible to create something in an hour, because we’re working with our minds today. We’re working with our thoughts. We’re working with two very, very powerful laws in the universe. The law of attraction and the law of creation and what we can create in an hour, on the phone call, is mind-blowing; and that is exactly what we’re doing today. We are talking about… and we’re going to physically create… today, on this call… whatever it is that you want to create. Is it financial abundance? Is it more time? Is it peace? *laughter* Is it more love? What is it that you want to explore? And, joining me to do this is one of the true mentors of creating and attracting things in life – energies in life – and he is one of the visionary teachers in The Secret and he has brought us over 53 titles on marketing and abundance. He’s a certified hypnotherapist, but really just has the heart of gold, and his next phase of work is really what we’re talking about today… moving from the law of attraction to the law of creation. Welcome, Joe Vitale! Thank you for being with me today. Thank you so much for being with all of us!

Joe: Of course! I’ve been excited about this! Waiting for this moment! This is it! Thank you for having me back.

Page 2: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR JOE VITALE 03/18/13 · THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR JOE VITALE 03/18/13 Lisa: Hello everyone and welcome to The Aware Show Teleseminar Series. This is Lisa

Lisa: Me too! You are one of my mentors and I listen to your stuff all the time and I love it and it works and it applies no matter where I am. I have to tell you one of the comments that came in here. By the way, for the listeners, go the website, which is and you can enter comments in there and take a look at what we’re doing today but one of the comments that came in was from a David in Ontario, Canada and he said that “…you are a true inspiration to the world. Thank you for everything you are, Joe. I’ve overcome so many struggles and I’m now on the path I had envisioned for myself many years ago. I must say that your work with Dr. Hew Len and Ho'o Pono Pono and sharing of it is the single most important and transformative messages I have ever heard in my life. I’d like to say thank you. You change lives, and I am living proof.” What a cool email that just came in, just like a few minutes before the call.

Joe: Oh, thank you for sharing and my eyes just watered up.

Lisa: Right? *laughter*

Joe: You know, as an author, you never know where your works go and who you touch, and how things change. So, to hear something like that… I’m almost speechless.

Lisa: *laughter*

Joe: Thank you for telling me and thank you to that person for writing in. Oh, wow!

Lisa: And that’s just one of many! That’s just one of many!

Joe: Wow.

Lisa: I mean, you cannot make this up. This is really, really cool, and I love it. There are also these great questions coming in, and there are a couple like this. Susan is saying, “The law of attraction...why doesn’t it work all the time, but yet, sometimes it appears instantly.” That’s where we’re going to start our conversation today… is talking about… “Why do we not attract money?” (or) “Why do only attract enough money to survive with what we need; and then in many cases, if we attract more, we lose it?”

Joe: Yeah.

Lisa: What is that? *laughter* What is that?

Joe: Well, that person who said (about the law of attraction not working) and your further comment there… the first thing I want to say is, the law of attraction is always working. You’re getting what you unconsciously believe and expect; and that’s the thing most people understand. The superficial understanding of the law of attraction is… if you

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think it, it’ll come about, in some way, shape or form; but it’s not that simple, because you have a consciousness mind and you have an unconscious mind. Most of the time, we’re thinking consciously about, “Oh, I want to attract more money.” …or a house, or a relationship, or a job, or a car… whatever it happens to be. That’s fine and dandy if you don’t have any counter-intentions or beliefs in your unconscious mind. If you have something in your unconscious mind that says, “Money is bad for you.” (or) “Money is evil.” (or) “You don’t’ deserve it.” (or) “You’ll misuse it.” (or) “It won’t ever happen to you.” (or) “You’ll never find the perfect relationship.” (or) “There aren’t enough jobs out there.” (or) “The economy is bad.” … or anything that’s in the way of a counter-thought that’s in the unconscious; the unconscious is far more powerful. So, the times when it looks like you’ve thought about something and then it showed up and you said, “Oh, the law of attraction works.” And then another time you thought about something and it didn’t show up and you said the law of attraction didn’t work, in that secondary situation, most likely there was something in your unconscious that made get exactly what you expected, which was it not working. So, this is deeper than what most people understand. I love the movie The Secret, that was what introduced people to the law of attraction; but it didn’t go deeper. It didn’t go into what we’re talking about now. Thank goodness that you’re doing these shows so that people can get a deeper understanding of all these subjects and finally clear up their counter-intentions, their counter-beliefs, so that when they do say they want to achieve something, attracting something, have something, attain something… it will then happen.

Lisa: Yes.

Joe: The law of attraction is working. It’s our own unconscious interference.

Lisa: Interesting, that is interesting. And we don’t know, of course, that we have this unconscious interference because it is unconscious, unless it shows up as losing money, sabotage, not being able to get contracts, losing something right before the finish line on many different things.

Joe: *laughter* And that’s the golden opportunity to awaken, and we don’t usually know that either. But that moment when we go, “OK. I did the affirmations. I did self-trance. I did scripting.” …or, what, visualizations? …any number of different things that always do work. But you did it, and this one day you didn’t get the money, or you didn’t get the phone call, or you didn’t get the job, or you didn’t get whatever it is that you were visualizing. In that moment, where you think it’s a failure, you want to ask yourself, what might you be believing that would cause this effect?

Page 4: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR JOE VITALE 03/18/13 · THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR JOE VITALE 03/18/13 Lisa: Hello everyone and welcome to The Aware Show Teleseminar Series. This is Lisa

Lisa: You know, there’s a really cool person in my life who I have watched and, it’s actually my brother; and he’s such a brilliant, creative guy and has a huge heart. But he grew up in the same family I grew up with, learning and watching sabotage happen. A lot of mystery around money. A lot of values placed on other things outside of ourselves. My brother is turning 50, and he has not any money. He has huge debt, and he has two children, and one is very young (11 and 4). We went to a memorial of a friend of ours, a dear friend of our family’s last week, and my brother and I got to spend some really, really good quality time together; and I have committed to taking him on as my very first coaching client. Now, I’m not a coach, but I have been hosting this show for 13 years, and I am committed to helping him get through the sabotage. He just changed careers. He’s an inventor, and he’s brilliant. Genius-level dude, and he’s so talented and so creative; and so good at sabotaging himself. I’m not going to let him do it this time. So, you’re going to teach me how to teach my brother while we’re teaching everybody else on this call. *laughter*

Joe: *laughter* I see!

Lisa: OK?

Joe: You’ve got a master plan at work!

Lisa: I do!

Joe: You got to watch you!

Lisa: I do, Joe.

Joe: *laughter*

Lisa: I do, and it’s out of love. So, let’s learn.

Joe: Yeah, well let me jump in right there. You know, I wrote one of my most popular books, which is called The Attractor Factor. It was originally written for my sister. So, I totally understand where you’re coming from with wanting to help your brother, because that’s what I was doing with wanting to help my sister. I helped her get off welfare. I helped her get into a car. I helped her do a lot of things, then get her on her feet. And I’m not taking any credit for this outside of saying that I came up with a methodology and some insights that were able to help her and then by extension, I created a Miracles Coaching Program, and a lot of other things… that are proving all of this works.

Lisa: Oh, yeah.

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Joe: And so, I’m laying the foundation to say that first. The first thing I tell people to do is… tell me what you want. What is your goal? What’s your intention? Much like you would ask at the beginning of your show here, what do people want out of the show? Great, million dollar question… because your answer guides the formation of what you’re going to receive. There are so many different possibilities of what you can get out of anything, at any moment, out of this call, for example. But when you declare that, “I want to become financially free.” …or “I want to learn how to use the law of attraction to attract my perfect relationship.” Whatever it happens to be. You’ve now told your mind to look for the answers within what you and I share during this call. So the very first thing I want people to do is decide What do you want? And for those few that are off in the corner going, “I don’t know what I want.” *laughter*

Lisa: *laughter*

Joe: I put my boxing gloves on and say… “Look, I’ve got to get a tough love personality going with you and say… look, we always know what we want but we are afraid to admit it.” We’re afraid to admit it because right then and there we have to take responsibility for what we’re doing to get it or not get it. So, I invite people to be ruthlessly honest with themselves about what they want. It all begins there. That sets up the radar. That sets up the directing pattern. That sets up your order with the universe. That’s the first step.

Lisa: We’re working here on this call. So, go the website, which is (he made it easy) and we can get some physical manifestations of what you want. I’m going to read a couple sentences of what you want. Is there a specific way you want them to state it in, Joe?

Joe: I intend to attract ___________ (fill in the blank).

Lisa: OK, cool.

Joe: And it is good for people to write that in because now they’re making it concrete for themselves and for others; and also there is the mystical as well as biblical principle that when two or more people hold that intention, it’s going to come about.

Lisa: Yes!

Joe: So, by going ahead and typing that in, and you get to read it and see it, there are more people involved in giving you energy for that outcome than just you. And that is almost supernatural in its’ power to complete what you want. So, I’m seconding the

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motion. Go on over the computer to and people type in what is the thing you want to attract or your goal or what you want to attain.

Lisa: I intend to attract __________ (blank).

Joe: Yes.

Lisa: As people are writing them, I’ll read them. Alright, keep going, you said there were two things. I interrupted you, sorry.

Joe: No, that’s alright. That was the first thing I want people to do because that sets the stage for everything else. The first one is to declare their intention there. And the second thing is… now notice what comes up internally when you think about that intention; because you may be saying… I intend to attract, you know, I don’t know… $5,000 in unexpected income by the end of the week… and I’m just making up stuff. Whatever people have there is more important. At that point, pay attention to what’s going on in your head because there is probably going to be that “gremlin in the mind” that says something like, “Oh, that’s not possible.’ …or “How in the world will that happen?” …or “That’s never happened before, it’s never going to happen now.” …or “This works for everybody else, it doesn’t work for me.” …or “If I have that much money, my family and friends would come and just take it from me.” …or, who knows? There’s going to be something that shows up. I want to pause long enough here, while people are thinking about this to give a tiny little story. A couple years ago, when I decided that I wanted to be a musician, and I wanted to sing, write my own songs, create my own music, record it, the whole bit. When I decided that, I’m doing what we’re talking about, I stated my intention. I want to be a musician. I want to be a singer/songwriter. I want to play the guitar. Write my own songs, sing them. So, I state that as a clear intention. That’s great. The next thing that happens is the “Nazis in my mind” came forth, and boy, they were saying, “Who are you at the age of 60 to learn how to play the guitar or write a song?!” And… “You probably can’t hold a tune, and you probably have no clue how to entertain an audience.” And… “You don’t know anything about guitar playing, you probably have never even sang in the shower!” These are the things that you want to be grateful for because is the database of negative beliefs in your unconscious mind that is now bubbling to the surface. That’s a good thing.

Lisa: OK, alright. So, that’s what… So I’m going to read some of these intentions, because this is speaking for many, many people. More than several people have said “I intend to attract financial freedom.”

Joe: Yes.

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Lisa: Another one says, from Bethlehem: “I intend to attract a great job by the end of the month.” From Boulder: “I want it all! Financial freedom, perfect relationship, and able to give my gift.” Littleton: “I intend to attract three times more money coming than going out every month.” Good. A lot of great stuff. Tacoma: “I intend to find the man I met a year ago.” *laughter* Maybe he’s listening.

Joe: *laughter*

Lisa: So, this is a way to get the juices going. So… let’s start with that.

Joe: Yeah, and those are all great; and this is exactly what we’re wanting to do. This is really a coaching call. This is live, happening right now. This is a million dollar experience, probably literally; for the people who take this on and actually do it.

Lisa: Cool!

Joe: So, the very first step, again, is declaring what you want. A lot of you are already doing that. The second one, is to notice the negativity that surfaces as a result of saying what you want. This is revealing what’s been in the unconscious mind. You had mentioned earlier… we don’t know what’s in the unconscious mind because obviously it’s unconscious. So, this is a way to tease it out of you. The first wonderful thing to be grateful for is… very often, when it comes to the surface and you see it, you look at it and go, “Well. that’s just not true.” And it’s gone. Right then and there. Just because of the awareness of it. So, there’s a great gift in being aware of some of the negativity that surfaces. The next thing that happens is that you get to question it. When a negativity comes up, and it could be like the example I gave, somebody wants to attract money; and they think “Well, my family and friends are going to come and take it from me.” Is that true? …is the question you would ask. More often than not, you’re going to say, “No, it isn’t true.” And it will again evaporate because of the gift of awareness. But if you did say, “Yeah, it’s true. My family and friends are going to show up and take it.” You can ask yourself, “Why do I believe that?” And what you’re doing, is digging a little deeper to find out your own evidence for your limiting beliefs.

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Joe: The goal is to sweep these away. Again, and with music, and I’m using it because I have six albums being produced, the sixth this week – and in two years. This is phenomenal, it’s miraculous. The musicians I ended up meeting that have been in the business 40-50 years, there in the hall of fame and they’re legends. They look at me and go, “This is not usual.” *laughter*

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Lisa: *laughter* This does not happen.

Joe: This is not how it happens in the music world.

Lisa: Right, yeah.

Joe: OK. What’s different? When I stated my goal, the negativity came up. As the negativity came up, I looked at it. I questioned it. I released it. I cleared it. I cleaned it… because I have learned and I’ve learned this in all the other things that I’ve done in my life and what I’ve done with other people and seen other people do. When you are clear of your unconscious negative beliefs, the things you ask for show up almost instantaneously.

Lisa: Wow! Oooh… interesting!

Joe: And I’m going to repeat that. You’ve got it, but I’m going to repeat it just to make sure everybody really heard this. When you are clear of those unconscious limiting beliefs, negativity, that data… that’s been in the unconscious mind… when you are clear of that, the things that you dream about, visualize, use the law of attraction for and ask for, tend to come about almost instantaneously.

Lisa: OK, so here’s where this ties together for me… because my wonderful brother has been in several different industries and the industries have changed, when he is in them. Like, the housing industry changed… and the toy industry changed… and this is factual evidence, true, but why does it keep happening to him? Now that he’s going towards a completely different sector of business, how do I get him to not have that excuse come in again? How do we clear it?

Joe: Well, I don’t know specifically what he’s thinking or feeling in there, but I want to make sure everybody hears this, including your brother, eventually… is that the outer circumstances have nothing to do with your outcomes. What you want to be sure of is that you’re in alignment inside yourself with what it is that you want to attract. When you’re in alignment inside yourself, meaning your consciousness mind, your unconscious mind, are all congruent. They’re all working together. You don’t have any interference, any negative beliefs. That’s when the outer circumstances seem to rearrange themselves and you find yourself in the right place at the right time. What I’m hearing in this case, with your brother, is that he enters a particular field and then he fails at it for some reason and looks around and blames it on the industry; and that’s not reality.

Lisa: Easy to do… I mean, easy to do, because there are circumstances that say, “Well, just… you know…”

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Joe: Yeah, but that’s not reality as you and I know it. This is why the whole thing is called “Aware”, because we want to be aware. I think all of life is about awakening. When people end up in a situation and then say, “How in the world did I get there?” They’ve got to look in the mirror and ask themselves (here’s that opportunity again)… ask themselves, “What might I be believing that would cause this situation to happen?” Most people are afraid of success and most people are afraid of failure. Most people don’t talk about the fear of success, they do talk about the fear of failure, but the fear of success is also very real. So, somebody who says, “Well, I want to be a success in this industry.” They go into the industry and it appears that the industry changed. They didn’t change at all. There are probably people in the same industry who are successful! It’s the person not wanting to actually experience success because of their fear of success. Then they find themselves in a corner of that industry or in a particular situation in that industry that they personally and unconsciously self co-created. It doesn’t work out, and they back off, and they say, “Well, it wasn’t me, it was the industry. It changed.”

Lisa: Yes, yes… and in what I was listening to with Zero Limits, is that every single thing we do, we are 100% responsible for.

Joe: Absolutely yes, and that is the hardest thing for most people to take.

Lisa: Mmm.

Joe: You know, Zero Limits is this… well, it’s worth mentioning… Zero Limits is this incredible story of a therapist who helped heal an entire ward of mentally ill criminals in Hawaii. Now, stop and think. These were mentally ill criminals. These were criminals. These were patients who had to be sedated or shackled every day, because they were unpredictably violent. Doctors and nurses working at this mental hospital in Hawaii, they would quit because they hated the situation.

Lisa: The environment… mmm…

Joe: It was a form of hell.

Lisa: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Joe: Now, listen to all of this, and think about your brother and the industry and everything else, and everybody else listening think about circumstances and how we always give our power away to what appears to be other people, and what appears to be the industry or the circumstances we’re in. So, this therapist, his name is Dr. Hew Len, they give him a job there because they desperately need to have a medical doctor on

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staff. They need it for legal reasons and probably for funding and this, that and the other. And Dr. Hew Len said, “I will work there, but I want to do my own particular therapy.” So, the agreement is, “You need a doctor on staff? I’ll be there, but let me do my own thing with the patients.” Well, they’re backed into a corner, they agree to allow that to happen. Dr. Hew Len doesn’t work with the patients. He sits in his office and he looks at their charts. He looks at their files. As he looks at their files, he pays attention to what he feels in himself. Very often, he feels rage… shame… anger… embarrassment… frustration… disillusionment… because he’s reading these files of people who are murderers and rapists and violent criminals. So, what does he do? He does a Hawaiian healing technique on himself. As he does this technique on himself, those patients, same ones who had to be sedated and shackled, same one in the situation that everybody thought was hell and a throwaway, those patients started to get better.

Lisa: Wow, yeah.

Joe: Within a few months, some of them were not sedated, they were not shackled. Some of them were being released as being healed, or normal. Whatever the phrase is, I don’t know what they use. And he kept that up for years, to the point where other doctors, staff members, would say, “We don’t know what you’re doing but keep doing it and in fact, will you do it for us, too?”

Lisa: Mmm, mmm…

Joe: So, what was he doing? He was taking complete responsibility, the very thing that you queued up this whole story with. He was taking complete responsibility for what he experienced. He did not blame the hospital. He did not blame society. He did not blame Hawaii. He did not blame the criminal justice system. He did not blame the patients, or the nurses, or the staff, or anybody else. He took full responsibility, looked inside of himself and said, “I need to clean this mess up.”

Lisa: It is an absolutely phenomenal story that… Zero Limits is on this special offer here that you can find at It’s one of the most transformational workshops I have ever heard. It is Dr. Hew Len speaking.

Joe: It is, it was he and I.

Lisa: Yeah, with you… and it’s so organic in the way he comes in and his teaching. I had to rewind a couple of times to really get…

Joe: *laughter*

Lisa: ...because it’s groundbreaking. When you did the book, Zero Limits, with him, it created a lot of resistance.

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Joe: Oh, yes.

Lisa: Tell me why. Tell me why?

Joe: Oh, that has been the most popular book, and the most controversial book. It’s been the most popular because it has freed people who have actually read it… used the methodology that’s in there and that’s described in the audio program when he and I did our first seminar together… and they’ve had transformations. They’ve had awakenings. They’ve had breakthroughs. They’re on the other side. They have a tool they can use every day.

Lisa: Like the guy that emailed earlier in the show. Yeah, exactly.

Joe: Yeah, so like that person.

Lisa: There are many more just like that that came through after I read that.

Joe: Oh, well I’ve heard from thousands, I mean…

Lisa: I’m sure.

Joe: It’s amazing! Yet, at the very same time, isn’t this life? There’s that wonderful insight that it’s all about total responsibility, which thrills people and those are the ones that love the book and that audio series… yet, it’s that very same insight about total responsibility that other people don’t want to hear. They resist it. They fight it. They hate it. I even had people accuse me of making Dr. Hew Len up, even though his and I, our photos, are all over the Internet and they’re on the book; and he and I are in the workshop. You can hear the audio with Dr. Hew Len, himself, teaching this.

Lisa: *laughter* Right!

Joe: I mean, this is how far the human mind will go…

Lisa: Oh!

Joe: …to deny something.

Lisa: Now, that didn’t cross my mind at all. It’s very obvious that he’s a different person. But, it’s also… when you really go into the psychology of these laws that he talks about… I mean, he says some very controversial things that… it twists your mind, but you have to undo all the social conditioning that you have heard and learned. Someone else, unsolicited, just said, “I want to thank you, Joe, for your work with Ho'o Pono Pono

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and Dr. Len. I use it every day. I’ve shared it with so many people who have actually realized great benefits. I totally believe in it. It works, works, works!” And I’m not saying… I don’t ever like testimonials, but I’m just reading this because it’s really cool. She said, “I’m just saying it feels powerful. I’ve used it to heal all kinds of things, including hives, a toothache, my husband’s episode with hiccups spasms…

Joe: *laughter*

Lisa: …but so much more. Love you, Joe and Lisa, for bringing this kind of work and spiritual support to us and making this knowledge and truth accessible.” It’s interesting. It is interesting.

Joe: Well, you made the comment about… there are some mind-stretching comments that he gives in that audio program?

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Joe: And I still think back to when I first met him and he talked about total responsibility and he looked at me and he says, “Well, have you ever heard the phrase, ‘You create your own reality?’” And I said, “Well, yeah, of course. I’m one of the people who stand on soapboxes and say that.” You know, I write about that. Yeah, you create your own reality, and he went on to take me to a quantum leap. And he said, “Well, if you create your own reality, and something shows up in your reality…” …in his case, a mentally ill criminal… “…didn’t you create that, too?” And that’s when, oh my brain was just… it was a meltdown. Because then I realized… I can’t blame anything! I can’t blame the president or terrorists or economy or weather or climate changes or… there’s nothing… nothing… to blame. If you create your own reality and reality all that is, then I am the source. And if there’s something that I see when I look out the window of my own mind through my lenses that I call my eyes, and I see something I like or I don’t like, I have to look within, to praise it or change it. That’s the big quantum leap. And this ties into everything we’re talking about, because when I ask people to state their goal, that was to stir up the unconscious mind. Then the second part was to pay attention to what’s coming up in the unconscious mind. Those beliefs have been the drivers creating our experiences. And then when you get to use, which is the third step, any number of cleaning or clearing or releasing tools, one of which is Ho'o Pono Pono, the one that Dr. Hew Len and I described at length in that very first seminar he and I did together, that’s part of this offer that you’re making today.

Lisa: And now, what is Ho'o Pono Pono, and this phrase itself, every time we’ve said it, is a clearing. It is a clearing, a clearing, a clearing. And I know that you probably are doing constant clearing as we’re talking. Right?

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Joe: *laughter* Well, you know me personally, so you know that I am doing that. Ho'o Pono Pono is a Hawaiian healing technique. It’s very, very simple. You’re saying four phrases, in your mind, silently, to yourself. And you’re saying them to your connection to all that is. For some people, that’s God. For other people they’ll call it Divinity or the Divine, or you’ll call it Nature. You’ll call it Gaia, you’ll call it Mother Earth. But we’re all part of this global, universal energy vortex, and we’re saying these four phrases to the mothership, so to speak. *laughter*

Lisa: Mmm…

Joe: The four phrases are: “I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you… and I love you...” “I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you… I love you...” “I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you… I love you...” They’re that simple. People say them in whatever order they want. I have been doing this for seven years now, I think, and at first, it’s like anything else. You’re getting on the bicycle and you’re learning how to hold your balance. Well, I start saying the phrases and I have to remind myself to say the phrases. “I love you… I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you…” and consciously I’d urge myself: “OK.” “I love you… I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you…” Today, it’s the background tape in my mind.

Lisa: Mm-hmm…

Joe: Now I don’t think about it.

Lisa: I was consciously thinking about it this morning… of the different order that was coming up in my mind in the different situations that I was in… where I would start off saying “I love you” first and there was other situations where I would be in… or negative thoughts that would come up… and I would start off with “I’m sorry” first.

Joe: Mm-hmm.

Lisa: So, it’s the front of my mind right now. I’d love to get it to a place that it is reoccurring tape in the back of my mind.

Joe: Yeah, and it wasn’t anything I forced. I just kept doing and one day I noticed that it was going on all by itself. I’d wake up, and there it was. Going to sleep, there it was. I’d be on calls or in front an audience, and there it was.

Lisa: So, how does it clear? How does it clear these memories, these negative experiences, this mind-chatter? How does it do it?

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Joe: Yeah, well there’s a certain magic to it. The way that I explain it is that when you… it’s kind of like a shorthand mantra, when you say, “I love you… I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you…” and in whatever order you do it; but my longer explanation is... when I say “I’m sorry”, I’m saying it because I noticed I had a negative belief that I didn’t know was there.

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Joe: And I’m saying, God, Universe, Divine… whatever the appropriate phrase is for the people listening… for me, I like Divine; and I might say, “Divinity or Divine… Please forgive me. I didn’t know that negative program was in me. I’m sorry that I had that limiting belief in me.” Then I’ll go on to something like, “Thank you” …and thank you is a shorthand version of saying, “Thank you for erasing this, correcting this, releasing this, and allowing me to be at peace; allowing me to be free.” Because that’s the whole goal is awakening to be free of the data, to be free of the programs and limiting beliefs. I like to end with “I love you” because “I love you” is my merging with all that is. If there’s any one word that describes Divinity or God or all that is, it’s love. It’s that unconditional acceptance; and when I say “I love you”, I’m merging with that feeling of unconditional acceptance.

Lisa: Mmm…

Joe: And I’ve got to pause here, because I’ve heard over the years from so many people who have objected to one thing or another, so I know where some of the hands go up, and they have a question; and one of the things people have problems with is saying “I’m sorry.” Because they think, “Well, I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Lisa: Uh-huh, ok.

Joe: And so, what I tell people is, “Well first of all, I think I would say: “I love you… I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you…” on that very thought.

Lisa: Mmm, yes…

Joe: *laughter* because…

Lisa: …or I say, “I’m sorry” to myself for having that horrible thought.

Joe: Yes. Well, the visual I give people is a little bit like… you’re in the grocery store and you’re walking around and you’ve got your little basket. You turn around and you bump into somebody. What do you say?

Lisa: Sorry.

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Joe: You say, “I’m sorry.”

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Joe: It doesn’t mean any guilt on your part, which is what people do with the “I am sorry” phrase. They start to whip themselves with it, thinking, “Oh, I’m bad” or “I’m guilty” or “I’m irresponsible” or “I sinned in some way.” No! You weren’t awake! That’s it!

Lisa: Mmm…

Joe: You weren’t awake. You were unconscious. You bumped into somebody.

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Joe: Well, that’s the equivalent, when you say, “I love you… I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you…” …that “I’m sorry” or “Please forgive me”, in that phrase there, that kind of a psalm or song, that you say to the universe, is simply saying, “I bumped into a negative belief. I didn’t even know it was there. Please forgive me. Don’t even know how it got into my life.” And we don’t know. It could have come from family, friends, upbringing; and the new science of epigenetics says it could have come from great, great grandmothers.

Lisa: Ah-hah.

Joe: You know? We just kind of got it into our system as we were born.

Lisa: Interesting.

Joe: It doesn’t matter where it came from. What matters is that we release it when we notice it. So, Zero Limits, for me and working Dr. Hew Len, what a magical character… and that audio program, that first series we did together? It is a riot, because of him.

He’s just an unusual character walking the earth.

Lisa: But he talks truth!

Joe: Oh!

Lisa: …and it is a journey and it sucks you in, too; and when you listen to Zero Limits… that’s why I love this offer that we’ve put together. It’s really, really, beautiful because… Zero Limits is a journey into the depths of your unconscious mind, clearing throughout the entire seminar. Clearing, clearing, clearing, clearing – all the stuff that you don’t even know is there – that creates this resistance in your life. All of the self-reflective thoughts

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of what you’re attracting. What you love, fear, or hate, will show up in your life. So, why not dive into it? Why not get what that is? …and clear it! And that’s why the second part of the offer here, which is The Secret to Attracting Money is so cool to have in the same offer, because once you go through the journey of Zero Limits and once you really get through how fully 100% responsible you are for your actions, and I am for my actions, it makes the attracting money… the tools, techniques fall into place so fast? It just happens. It’s really cool – the way that the offer is put together here – it’s a beautiful balance of journey into the deepest depths of the unconscious mind and then just right into attracting. I love that, because it puts it into action so fast. By the way, that website is, and it is a beautiful offer here, designed to create real results in your life in an authentic, divine way, that is in balance in the universe; and you go on, and you help other people with that. And so, I invite you to go do that and take that on. But I also promised on this call, we were going to do that. So, can we do a little bit of clearing on this call? And people have already been typing in as we’ve been talking… what it is you want to create. And so, how do those to work together… clearing and creating?

Joe: Well, the clearer you are, the easier it is to create. It goes back to one of my earlier statements about, you know, the more we clear up that unconscious mind of the data in it, the faster everything happens. One of the reasons that I’m clearing all the time, right now, and again, I invite people to do this, right now, in their minds… just start saying, “I love you… I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you…” and Dr. Hew Len, I think even in that first seminar that you’re offering here, the audio program, said, “You don’t have to even believe it. You don’t have to even feel it. But you do need to say it.” You say it inside yourself, “I love you… I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you…” Now, when I first started doing it, I did it when problems would arise. So, in other words there’d be a snag in health, relationship, who knows what. I don’t even remember at this point. But I would say it with that particular snag, that problem or challenge, in mine. Why was I doing it that way? Because I wanted to clear whatever the programming was in my unconscious mind. The faster I did it, the easier it was, and the quicker it all went away. I also learned that if I kept saying, “I love you… I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you…” in my mind, that my road through life got easier. It’s almost as if saying those phrases cleared my path, so I didn’t have any snags show up. And this is really profound because most of us, we get backed into a corner, and we have a bill that has to be paid. Then we go, “OK, I’ve got to start doing that cleaning now.” Well, yeah, you do have to start doing that cleaning now. But as soon as keep doing that cleaning, you resolve that problem, and keep doing it; those problems that might have come up down the road, they don’t. It’s almost like street sweepers who come out at three in the morning, and they go down the road and they clean it all up so that when you leave at eight in the

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morning, you go, “I don’t know who’s cleaning the roads but it’s nice that I’ve got a clear path down the road to wherever I’m going.”

Lisa: Mmm… yes.

Joe: That’s what happens with this clearing. You state your goal. You notice the unconscious beliefs. You do the clearing to release them, but then you keep doing it because life gets easier and easier and easier. I don’t even know how to tell people this, but I keep trying to explain, “Look, I was homeless at one point. I was in poverty for ten years. Now I live the lifestyle of the rich and famous and I just go through my bucket list.” Like, what’s next? OK, musician…

Lisa: *laughter*

Joe: …let’s do that one. Things become so much more unimaginably wondrous, compared to what it was.

Lisa: It’s so cool. Dr. Hew Len also said, on the seminar, “If you clear within yourself, then you clear everyone else around you.”

Joe: Oh, yeah. That’s a great reminder. I’m glad you remembered that.

Lisa: Yeah! With what you went through, and your experience with homelessness, and if people don’t know about that, it’s incredible what you went through but now you’ve created foundations to end homelessness. I mean, to really, truly end it. Just tell us a little bit about that experience and how, when you clear within yourself, you clear everyone else around you, applies to that.

Joe: Well, we’re all one, and when we look within ourselves, and realize that we are actually the projector, and we project out into the world everything that we see. The other people that we see, the experiences that we encounter, all of that is actually a projection from within us. So, we take everything inside, and when we look inside and start cleaning up the negative beliefs, like, “Oh, there is homelessness out there. Let me see how that is living within me.” What are the beliefs in me that contribute to it staying out there in what I see? When I go in and I start cleaning up those beliefs, I start cleaning them up in everybody’s database, because we’re sharing the same database.

Lisa: Wow!

Joe: It’s all coming from the same source, the same power system. Very often, like, I’m speaking at an event this weekend and I’ve asked for a whiteboard to be put on the

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stage. And they said, “Well, there are going to be thousands of people there. They’re not going to see what you write on it.” And I said, “Perfect!” *laughter*

Lisa: *laughter*

Joe: I want them to see nothing on the whiteboard, because that’s where we want to be, inside of ourselves, that blank slate, where we don’t have things about homelessness or money or limitations or negativity. We want to erase all of that. The more I erase it in me, the more it gets erased in you and all the other people listening, because we’re sharing the same film. We’re sharing the same projector. Dr. Hew Len goes on at length talking about this in those audios. He is well worth listening to.

Lisa: Oh, God… he’s phenomenal. So, the phrases, again… people are asking what the phrases are, if you could repeat them.

Joe: Yeah. “I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you… I love you…” And again, they can be in any order, people often ask about that. And again, you don’t say them to another person, you don’t even need to say them out loud. This is something you’re doing silently within yourself. If anything, addressing it to your understanding of a higher power.

Lisa: Let’s do, if we can, a little exercise. If we can, as a group, on the call, since we have people from all over the world on this call (which is amazing), a global clearing. Just because we can, Joe. *laughter*

Joe: *laughter* Yeah, I’m all for it!

Lisa: Let’s turn it up. Let’s do this. Let’s get to a place… because it creates such an enormous healing in all of us.

Joe: Well, let me say something about this, because I love where you’re going and I’m sure you know this but not everybody on the call does. There’s at least 23 scientific studies that have shown when people all meditate together, they lower the crime rate in their area, but also (and this has all been measured) they raise the abundance in that same area. So, when we do all of this, for the well being of ourselves, for everybody on the call, we’re helping each other and our family and friends but we’re also doing it for our communities and our planet; there are actual measurable scientific studies – over two dozen of them, maybe more by now – that prove this will make a difference.

Lisa: Ah, awesome! We’re going to do this right now and it of course lasts for anyone listening to the replays as well. Let’s keep it going and just keep it in a perpetual motion. Would you lead us through it?

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Joe: Well, again, because it’s done silently, I don’t have to say much more than… than invite you, right now… let’s do it this way…

Lisa: Mm-hmm?

Joe: Think about that thing that you said you wanted in the beginning; and I don’t mean you, Lisa.

Lisa: Perfect, yeah.

Joe: I mean everybody that typed in and everybody that’s listening. You all came up with something… and if you’re not really clear about what you want you can say, “I want clarity about my desire.” “I want clarity about my inspiration.” That can be your intention. So that everybody truly has an intention here. And then, no doubt, something will surface. There’s probably some sort of limiting belief and it just could be, “I don’t know that this really works for me.” It could be, you know, a somewhat weak limiting belief, but there’s a limiting belief. Let’s use the cleaning phrases on whatever came up for you and everybody else. Meaning, at this point, as you’re sitting with your intention, and you’re sitting with whatever the interference is that came up, be okay with that. Love all of that, and then silently, in yourself… and you can do this as I say it, “I love you… I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you…” “I love you (that connects you back to source)… I’m sorry (you didn’t know what the negative beliefs were)… Please forgive me (you weren’t aware – no problem, no blame, no guilt)... Thank you… (thank you for removing these)”. “I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you… I love you…” “I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you… I love you…”

Lisa: “I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you… I love you…” So many things… so many things come up as a result. Let’s just do this a few more times because it’s unraveling a lot for me. “I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you… I love you…”

Joe: “I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you… I love you…”

Lisa: Mmm… wonderful. That is so powerful.

Joe: I’ve often said, “Imagine if we all walked around, and inside our heads, we were saying ‘I love you.’”

Lisa: Hmmm... *laughter*

Joe: Just whatever came out of our mouths, or how we looked, or what we did… would have a different energy to it and a different vibe to it.

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Lisa: Wow.

Joe: And we’d all be merging to that sweet energy of the universe that will accelerate our receiving the great gifts that are trying to come to us all the time.

Lisa: Yes, it ends the struggle inside.

Joe: There you go. It does, it does.

Lisa: Yes, and the struggle is usually with ourselves.

Joe: *laughter*

Lisa: And Dr. Hew Len said that, “Our only opponent, is our memories.”

Joe: That’s it.

Lisa: And that’s what it means to get to zero. I listened. *laughter*

Joe: You did! Yes!

Lisa: *laughter* I get it. I mean, I love his work and your work together and bringing him out to all of us; and how that ties in with the true law of creation. Actually, if we could touch on that for a second. I want to invite, one more time, the listeners to go to the website. It’s, and I’m wanting to get into your mind, your cells, your bodies… the value of what’s being talked about. This is cell-changing transformative work. It’s digging to the core. It’s reaching out beyond what is greater than us, and then making it practical. Did you get that? *laughter*

Joe: *laughter*

Lisa: Alright. So, the difference between the law of attraction and the law of creation. What are the steps?

Joe: Yeah, the law of attraction is dealing with the mindset and the energy and the vibration of the universe here. Most of understand that we’re going to tend to attract into our lives the things we focus on. The deeper aspect is I’ve been teaching and explaining, on this particular call, is that you don’t get typically what you consciously think, you get what you unconsciously think. So it’s the unconscious that is where you need to take care of things. So, the law of attraction is dealing on that mental vibration… it is psychological or it is metaphysical. But, there’s the law of creation, and that’s where you get things done. I am known as a massive “take action” guy. I think you mentioned, I have 53 books out. I think I mentioned, I have my sixth music album being done.

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I have so many DVDs and CDs and courses and programs and everything else. People are dazzled by what I’ve produced, and when they look at me and they say, “Well, how do you do that? Do you ever sleep?” And the reality is, I sleep plenty. I even took a nap before this call. I mean, I get plenty of… *laughter*

Lisa: Wow! *laughter*

Joe: *laughter* I get plenty of sleep! The point is, is that I don’t have interference in my unconscious mind that stops me from taking action. So, when I get an idea, whether it’s for another song or another book, more often than not, I tend to go and start working on it. Most people don’t. Most people will say, “Not me, not now. Don’t have enough money, don’t’ have enough education, don’t have enough experience, don’t have enough connections.” They’re loaded with excuses, not realizing those excuses are the negative database, what Dr. Hew Len would call memories, that need to be released. This is why I’ve come out with so many other programs. The Secret to Attracting Money, the other one you mentioned here?

Lisa: Mm-hmm?

Joe: …is my definitive course on becoming financially free. It’s not about real estate or investing. I’m not in that world. I’m in the world of you take care of your mind, you take care of your actions, and then inspiration and divinity will take care of you. So, for me, that law of creation is all about taking action. It becomes easier to take action when you don’t talk yourself out of it. That’s why Zero Limits, Dr. Hew Len, and all the other processes… I just stuffed The Secret to Attracting Money with processes in there… and insights in there, so when people get through it, they break free and they no longer have that interference. Now, when they say they want to attract something, they can attract something. Now, when they say they want to create something, they can create something. The big difference is them. Not the economy, not the outer circumstances. Them.

Lisa: Ahh… yes, yep! That’s true. That’s what we were saying at the very, very beginning of this call is whatever you love, fear or hate will show up in your life.

Joe: Yes.

Lisa: It’s true. I mean, look at your life, right now. When you were talking about how fast and how easy you create things, Joe, I was wondering. Does anything ever knock you off your path? I mean, do you get negative experiences, like, someone on the call is saying,

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“What happens when I get that lump in my throat… or heart feeling? …when I feel…” You know, I guess she has a heart condition. I mean, does it…

Joe: Yeah… oh, thank you for that question. I’m going to go into a very intimate area… but two years ago I flew to Ohio because my mother was dying, and my mother was in intensive intensive care, even beyond the intensive care. There were just 5 people in this one particular area, and 4 of them died while I was there…

Lisa: Wow.

Joe: …and my mother is there – and that threw me off – I mean, I’m standing there, looking at my mother dying…

Lisa: Wow.

Joe: …and I’m processing inside of myself, and yes, I’ve been around the block and I’ve written about different things, but it’s really another experience to be standing there facing the death of your parent…

Lisa: Yeah.

Joe: …and I’m processing everything… so what do I resort on? Everything I know! Everything from... OK… my intention is to find a way to either heal her… or to help her leave in peace. You know? I don’t know what her ultimate calling is, so I have to be at peace with whatever it is, but if there’s anything I can do to help, please show me the way! State the intention. All the garbage comes up. Like, how are you going to save her? She’s dying right in front of your eyes! My whole family is brought in. They’re all in this… surrounding the emergency room. They’re all in this area. And I’m doing the Ho'o Pono Pono. “I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you… I love you…” I’m doing everything right down to what you invited us to do with the group consciousness. I sent a note to my mailing list and said, “Look, I’m in this situation, I’m doing everything I can think of. Can you send love to my mother?”

Lisa: Wow!

Joe: Here’s the punchline: That was two years ago. She’s still here.

Lisa: OH, my God! *laughter* Wow.

Joe: Not only is she still here, she’s gotten better! She comes out for birthdays, and she is not in any way, shape, or form “healed” and going to run a marathon. This woman is ill. She’s in her 80’s, and she will not last forever – but – she got two more years so far!

Lisa: And you got two more years with her, and…

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Joe: Yes!

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Joe: And so, your question was, “Do things still throw me off?” Absolutely! That was one, and yet, at the same time… and this is what I invite people to do… there is always… I don’t know if there always will be… but if there is a bump in the road… catch your breath… then go back to what you learned from this call, from anything else you’ve learned, from the Zero Limits audios, from The Secret to Attracting Money, anything else you can pull up – but certainly remember: “I love you… I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you…”

Lisa: Someone here is asking, “Where do I start when I have so much to clear?” I will direct you towards the Zero Limits course for that, because Dr. Hew Len gets to the level of that.

Joe: Yeah.

Lisa: You can really go through that, and I would suggest listening to it a couple of times, so that you can deal with the limiting beliefs that come up around what you hear and then start to clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear…

Joe: Yeah… right.

Lisa: …and then it starts to make a lot more sense. So that’s where that is really, really powerful. It takes… you know… I’m not going to say it takes a while, but I listened to it a couple of times. I actually did. I rewound a couple of times, because I hit against some level of belief that didn’t let what he was saying make sense to me.

Joe: Mm-hmm?

Lisa: And then, when I went back to listen to it, I realized I didn’t hear certain parts of what he said.

Joe: Wow!

Lisa: My unconscious totally deleted it for me. *laughter*

Joe: Isn’t is amazing?

Lisa: Very effective, yeah. Yeah, so it’s… once again the page is and it is a beautiful combination of real, practical tools for

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breaking though the limiting unconscious beliefs that you don’t even know are there but they’re showing up all over your life; and then how to layer in the tools of abundance and prosperity so they just work. Because if you look at The Secret and you go, “Oh, I can envision a red car and it will show up in my driveway.” The work isn’t done there. It’s a great introduction to what can be created, but there’s a whole other level of doing the clearing to get yourself to the place where Joe and Dr. Hew Len and many, many people who are even emailing on here… that one lady who said that she was thanking you about, you know, where she cleared the hives, and the two things?

Joe: Yes.

Lisa: She said her technique is she actually talks to her cells with the clearing statement and clears, on a cellular level, and she has a conversation with her cells… with this clearing statement, which is super cool. Thank you so much for sharing your technique of doing it. You know, how it works for her and so forth. It’s very interesting, the way that this does work. So, I asked you about when you have limiting things up in your life and how to clear that for other people… Oh, yes. So, the lady who has the lump in her heart. Should she say the clearing when she gets that feeling of her heart gripping?

Joe: Well, absolutely… but I would say it around those times when it’s not gripping, either. So, in other words, again, most people want to do it when there’s a problem – and you know – you can’t blame them for that. The problem is getting their attention. That’s part of the reason for the problem. It’s trying to tell you something. But I have learned to do it all the time because then it disappears the problem before it ever appears in your reality. It shows up much like those street cleaners. They’re street cleaners in your life, and as you’re going about your path, they clean your road ahead of you getting there by doing the “I love you… I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you…” and everything else that’s in The Secret to Attracting Money and the other stuff that’s in the audios from Zero Limits. You keep doing that – not just when things are hurting – but even when they’re fun and everything seems beautiful.

Lisa: Mmm… Mm-hmm. Alright, I’m going to read a few of them…

“I intend to be the best musician on earth. Thank you… I love you… Please forgive me... I’m sorry…”

“I intend to attract the perfect relationship. Thank you… I love you… Please forgive me... I’m sorry…”

Is that what you’re saying to do… is to go into whatever it is that you’re wanting to create and then to put the statement at the end?

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Joe: Yep.

Lisa: Or just constantly, right?

Joe: Well, I would prefer that everybody just learn how to say the four phrases, unconsciously, all the time. You begin that by saying it consciously, all the time… but attaching it to your declaration of what you want to have, you know, your objective? There’s nothing wrong with that. I think that’s great!

Lisa: OK, wonderful.

Joe: Mm-hmm.

Lisa: And Dr. Hew Len, I love that you’ve really captured his teachings, because he seems like the type of person, because he is so at “zero”, which I’m going to have you explain in a second, that he wouldn’t do that on his own.

Joe: No, and he hadn’t… for the longest time. He’s known, and other people have mentioned to him, that there needed to be a book, there needed to be seminars for the public, he needed to get out there and share this in a bigger way. When I first met him and I said, “Well, I would like to be the one to do it.” He said, “No.” But, I cleaned on it… he cleaned on it… meaning we said the four phrases over and over… and a few months later, he sent me an email saying, “Divinity says now is the time.” …and then we started working together.

Lisa: Mmm… Wow… and so now, his teachings have come through you and you’ve given it the platform to make it work. What does it mean to get to “zero”?

Joe: “Zero” is that state of source. That’s where there is no data, programs, memories. That’s where you and life itself are one and what you feel and act on is from inspiration, at that point. So, in other words, for most people, what we do is… we act on what our mind says; and our mind has so much programming, that we don’t know what’s really clear inspiration, or what’s just coming from our ego. We can’t really tell at this point. We keep cleaning and clearing and “I love you… I’m sorry… Please forgive me... Thank you…” to help us have more clarity about inspiration. But when you’re at “zero”, that‘s source. There are no memories or data anything there; and if source says, “Joe, create another music CD.” I just go do it. There’s no interference either, because it’s coming from source directly through me. So, it’s one with all that is.

Lisa: OK. It’s one with all that is. And so, there’s also, for people that have questions about Zero Limits, go to

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There is a Zero Limits Answers Special Report. So, there are answers on there. Is it to answer people’s most commonly asked questions about it?

Joe: Absolutely, and these were the questions I heard over and over again. They were very common questions, and sometimes very hard questions. I went to Dr. Hew Len and got some insight before putting together the report. I wrote the report based on my experience, my own answers; and also what he told me. This is almost like Volume 2 to the Zero Limits audios. So, it’s a terrific companion. If people still had any questions, they’re probably in that report.

Lisa: OK, great… and, by the way, the offer that we are offering here at is truly great because Joe and his team have been wonderful enough to bundle all these tools together, so please go there now and take advantage of that. I and Joe and my team, we want you guys to get it. So, I just thank you so much. There is so much that you have offered our listeners and the world and you’re such a gift to us. I really appreciate it, and I know that many, many people on the line are listening as well that have used your materials that are here to say they wanted to hear you live, because they know that it’s worked in their life.

Joe: *laughter* Well, thank you. You’re doing amazing work here. I am so flattered by the people who have called in from apparently all over the globe at all kinds of odd hours. So, I’m flattered. I’m honored. It’s so wonderful to see all of this, and Godspeed to everybody! May your dreams come true!

Lisa: Well, yes, absolutely! Alright, thank you again, Joe. You are wonderful and I will see you very soon. I’m really looking forward to giving you a big hug.

Joe: Alright. Go have a great day. You and everybody. Thank you!

Lisa: Thank you… I love you… I’m sorry… and… please forgive me. *laughter*

Joe: *laughter* Bye-bye.

Lisa: Alright, bye-bye now… and thank you all so much for listening and for being with us this afternoon and I hope that you did get what you wanted out of this call; and as you continue with the clearing statements throughout your day, into your subconscious, throughout your night. Then, these types of things will manifest into your life, and I thank you so much. I’ve heard incredible… I mean, I didn’t even expect the amount of people that I have heard from throughout the call… saying how this has worked in their lives! So, it’s really a wonderful validation to know that this is working, and that it’s also working for people that are hearing newly here. Someone even said, “Each time I repeat the phrases I feel my body relaxing… shoulders going down.” I love that.

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A lot of people saying “Thank you”; that “This is awesome.” So, continue with the phrases, with the process and also, go to the special offer page and take it to a deeper level and really get this into your life. It is so incredibly important to clear. Clear. Get to that place of zero limits and zero resistance and just pure creations. So, thank you so much for being here, for participating in these calls. Your energy is what makes the call happen. Without you, these calls wouldn’t have this type of feedback. So, I really, really love you and appreciate you and have deep gratitude for you, and my absolutely incredible team that does all things in the back end of The Aware Show. I thank you all so much, Bo and Cliff and Frank and Gina and Joyce and everyone else who is on these calls that make it happen and seamless. You guys handle an enormous amount behind the scenes here to make sure that everybody has the experience that they deserve. So, thank you guys so much; and until next time I invite you all to STAY AWARE.

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