the banning of same sex marriage in some states

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The banning of same sex marriage in some states.

By: Franki Walsh

Same sex marriage.

Same-sex marriage is a huge controversial topic. Reason being, a good percentage of the people who are against same-sex marriage are highly religious. I'm religious myself, yet I see no problem with same-sex marriage. I think everyone deserves to be happy in life, and if being legally wed makes them happier, then that option should be there for them should they make that decision.

Where is same sex marriage banned?

Well, if I were to stand here and tell you every state that same sex marriage is banned in, we would be here for about 5 minutes more than we should. Same sex marriage is only legal in nine yes, NINE states. (1). Those states are; Massachusetts (May 17th, 2004), Connecticut (November 12th, 2008), Iowa (April 24th, 2009), Vermont (September 1st, 2009), New Hampshire (January 1st, 2010), New York (June 24th, 2011), Maryland, Maine and Washington all legalized same sex marriage November 6th, 2012. (2).Although not banned, 31 states have constitutional amendments banning same sex marriage. Six states still have laws against same sex marriage.

Why is same sex marriage banned in some states?

Religion. That is why same sex marriage is banned in some states. They believe that two men or two women should not be together so they protest against them. Each state defines their own laws rather than the federal government. The state defines it's laws by what they believe in, some people take it way too seriously and it's basically a chain reaction, they're doing what they're state is telling them to do.

How is it effecting society?

The effects this is having on that states society is extreme. I strongly believe that people have the right to their own opinion, but I also think that they are taking things way too far. There have been numerous protests in the states of people parading around proudly with their signs that say God hates fags. They just look so happy while they are expressing their hate and discrimination to other human beings. There is a family in the USA and they are The Most Hated Family in America.

This video is emotionally disturbing and you may feel embarrassed for the family.

This is a video recorded 4 years later:

What can we do?

There's really nothing we can do to get states to change their laws and regulations considering we're in Canada. The world is such a crazy place and maybe one day, the insane law of no same sex marriage will reach Canada. I think, that this is even having an effect on Canada right now. We can start by letting people know that you can't choose who you like, it's not their fault and they can't change who they are attracted to. Some people who are attracted to the same sex, believe it's their fault that they are the way they are. Some of them give in to society and what they think, that could end up in suicide, depression, etc...

Question: What are your thoughts on same sex marriage being banned in some states?

Answers: I think it is senseless and illogical. The bulk of arguments against same-sex marriage are based on religious sentiments. Seeing as a) the United States is not ran according to religion, b) not everyone follows the same religion or even follows one at all, and c) it's their own life, let them do what they want - I think it should be legal everywhere. -Jamie Wicks

I think its stupid. They are forcing people to not be themselves. They are being narrow minded and they are forcing narrow socialization on people. You can't chose who you are or who you like. -Melinda Audette

I think it's absolutely dreadful! It's absolutely unfair that people figure it socially unacceptable to be in love with someone with the same genitalia as you. It's horrific. And their reasoning is said to have come from a "book" written 3500 years ago. -Jacob Hemphill

I think it should be legal, because everyone deserves to be happy and live a life properly. What was the point of the Civil Rights Act and police protection against gay bashing if two guys or two girls fall in love? -Ethan Paquet

Answers: (cont) I think that it is the right of the leaders of those states to uphold the traditional definition of marriage being between one man and one woman. The voters placed their trust in the state leaders to make decisions for the state. And the state leaders most likely made a decision to ban same sex marriage in the state they govern for more than one reason based on reasons we may not have know of or understand. -John Stevenson

At a certain point I've just concluded that for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married - Barack Obama

There is a song called Same Love and it's by Macklemore. It's basically saying that you can't help who you like and you can't change yourself, even if you wanted to.


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