the barefoot odyssey

The Barefoot Odyssey How walking in someone else’s shoes meant not wearing any…

Upload: clifton-wahlberg

Post on 28-Nov-2014




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A brief introduction in the global charity work of TOMS Shoes.


The Barefoot OdysseyHow walking in someone else’s shoes meant not wearing any…

The Importance of ShoesIn many third world countries, millions of children live without the benefit of shoes or protective footwear. Without shoes children are at risk of many debilitating diseases such as…


A debilitating skin disease caused by a fungus found in volcanic soil

Eventually destroys the lymphatic system, causing the foot to swell, and can lead to a painful death

Over 1 Billion people are susceptible to this and other soil-related diseases

Skin Infections

Infection is one of the leading causes of death in poverty stricken areas.

Small cuts and sores can easily become infected without proper shoes or access to antibiotics

Extremely painful

TOMS ShoesThis company was founded to provide impoverished children access to shoes. With their ONE for ONE exchange program, for every shoe sold, one pair is given to a child in need. This is a typical TOMS shoe.

A Day Without Shoes

This past April, TOMS organized a

day without shoes to raise awareness of the plight of these

impoverished children. Over

250,000 participated at over

1600 separate locations.

My Mission

I wanted to see if I could go an entire week without shoes. I only wore shoes when it was absolutely necessary, and tried to put myself in the position of these children.

I began my attempt on April 17, 2010.

The Results

I only made it 5 days without shoes before new sores and cuts became too painful to walk on without protection.

At the end of the 5 days, my feet had been cut by thorns, discarded aluminum and broken glass, all of this on a college campus.

I realized that even on a well-maintained college campus, shoes are essential to maintiaing personal health.

My Wish for You…Please look into this global epidemic…a simple donation or purchase could change a child’s life forever. How can you put a price on that?